THE PEOPJ^B- - _ - -- r : _j — tAKNWKLL, 1 CL, OUT. IS, 1877. lOAN W. BOLVK*) ^ i \£l. M. RYaN, A«ocM|i Miinr. .T « I *9* IT'' 1 - 1 - <**=£■ - . i yWpoMlble for tb« Ti«ws •r® not n»poo»ib ■ eorfHipondpou. At BtoetlM *T C|pe«lt J«4fW. 6--.S. la Ma aft well aa tfl Hatton*! at* fairs the republlcaa party baa ncflfl I fraiWad. tii. j|| aupretnacy baa aacred duty they owe tbe Su e. beel- i to vtokte tbe plain eat protMoos of the conetitmlon. It la ao loetaaee has this Degllgenoe of eooeUtatlooal law been more dearly exhibited than lo the election of dr- eult Jndfee on black Thandap* £■ eiabeaate and eahaoetire article oa thiaaabjaot taoor iaat toaue, taken front the ooituna* of tbe Hewe and Oowiiec, baa, la oar opinion, eetabliab- od tbia ooadueion withaUtbe oer* taialp of a amlhwnetleal deoaonstra* doa. It in, therefore, tbe paramonnt doty of oar demoevaegr, wbteh haa planted itself equarely upon tbe eon* ntkotioa# ta iMlik and deansd that eaeb departaaeatof oar goTenuneat eboald be, la every partleaiar, adaln* with eon* In each a aad in ao other wi4 waflad Time, the treat father, baa, , from loag aad bitter eaperieoeee, evol^* ed eertaia pziadplea and formnim of hli Caadldaey far tbe Beaeh la OMeef • Vaeasey, and Hie Emiaeat fltaee* fbriu- • r pr ’ (Tro* ttu< Aikm Tbe anticipated vacandee 1ft the sa* preme aad drealt couru of oar State bare given rtae to a great deal of (He- cueeion aa to aboard fill them. Almost every section of the State baa pot forward Its candidate, and da dr* .ray of talent-mad virtue wilt bepre* seated to tbe Lagislatare ; occaelon arrives, which ahouW them, tg the cohidogihtal driHf . . tate long and deliberate carefaHy be fore making a selection. It need hard- ha* camped ouuld# of that Inatrameat ly be said by ns, for every patriotic ao recklessly and so frequently tbatltii partisans have oeased to regard the supreme la* of otr State as binding, dtber Upon tbdr conduct or tbdr con- vatic* of law, order and liberty. It ha* fen w|dih thn.Ju la oai ■4-r- oflloe of circuit Judge It eoa- ia the Afth If tbe de the In their ■everal dreoitt let them bt deoted. If aoWlet tbematep down gad out nad property to the humblest dtise*. As aominatlooe and new measures seem to be equally tbe order of tbe day, we earnestly recommend the lea ^ n Bureau of Im* appolotmeot of Ool hM cone table of the \1 ^ Dot Bctucb hat effort lo that'iff- a costs. Oa a re- visit to tbe Korth be mat Vnaa Ck lHhUB, our fugitive ex-Treaeurer, and informed him that ha wet wanted In Columbia. Paeus was ao taken with OoL Butus’s winning ways and requisiUon, that ha Involuntarily nhandooid hit temperance sodety and eraaberry patch, manfully went aboard Charleston steamer, braved the i of the briny deep and the in- quidtlve reportar of the Charleston Hews and Courier, came to tbe land of the pine and tbe palmetto, interviewed the Attorney-General, and, as the guest of the State, took op hie quarters with thnitoriff of Blehlaod county. There, la *' familiar apartment, our quasi prodigal apaodt hie sleeping and his hour*—it may be in medita* upon hie changed and fallen for* tonea, or perhaps be le preparing new tampefanet lectures, or, peradventure, be is listening to the music of the ham mers that are breaking stones in tbe enltentiary. * Ha may ha happy, but we fear that ha laloady that the sight watches pass wearily and the days go by oa hedea wtage. Ptuum la acetal la kla dtspoeltion, and aa memories of the yean that have stolen away ooms over him, helongo and yearae for tba aom* playad aa tha banka of Waahoold treat * tailea tea geoer- Wo aboald furnish Mm surh •a be needs and wtahes. The Cbuncxum, the cherubic , tha saintly WnimtoKa aad mm aad comfort He le not ooo* and only oat )NAL AND ttee bold NEWS. elections this Fourteen States W- . . Twenty-four Btates have democratic q^venmr* \ Our Adrknaeraceiireg^ai adve^ tLsemenU of sbeiifTs salsa, - t Governor Hampton was at the North Carolina State Fait last week.*. The mosquito la now said,tp .be a physician—beoaos* of tb*-' bis MIL BA&NWELL COUNTY. I, £• Bamberg again t Rhoda R, and Martin L- Scaee- gy VIRTUE AND IN PURSU ANCE of a judgment of foreclosure, la be above.stated case, in tbe Qourt of. Common Pteaf fur Bam Well ooabty,;!; will sell, atJJeroweH Court House, S. h of Califorbts produce f this I man will feel H in Ms own heart, that fitness for tbe position should be the only test of tbe candidates, sod that politics and political eervtoee to the State should not'bo taken into ooneld- eratloo, or, if at all, only when aeverai oaudldatce come up to the samw in tellectual and moral standard. The reputation of South Carolina le too much at stake, and her Interest Is too deep iq. tbe constitution of the State Judiciary, for those who have that duty imposed upon them to look be yond Ike personal qualifications of the candidste*. Itlsagreat reepoostblii- t|.mating on the Legislature, and tbe people who have placed this glgh power I* Jheir bauds will carefully watch their use of it. , The friends of ei-Jndge Haber, w Barnwell, in their eon fide do* an to the iavaitdfty of the eteedon of the prea- Cnt circuit Judges, have procured hi* eoaaeat t* a UhpiMacy for the Judge ship of the mound circuit, and big name will be preecated to ths LcgUla lure, with tbe aeauranoe A tbnt hia su perior lltnem for the pobition win be at oaoe recognised. But we go further than Is permitted by his express sane* tioo, aad wa urge him, as tha eholoe of aM tha as mm manMaaed, far the aeao* Mata Judgeship. Without authority from blsaeeif, ho baa already bees freely s«>okan of for tba supreme beach; for It ba* been generally re cognised that be possesses, In an uo- usually large degree, all the qualities that wpuld make him an ornament to that court. We feel a delicacy In dls- criminating In his favor where so many gentleman of high distinction In tbe Ifgal profession are mentioned; but ho aeenm to us to combine more of the amentia hi than any of the others. To the bar of this circuit he la of course beet known, but his reputation, even in his short Incumbency of four yean, has extended over tbe whole State. At thnamimaloollflisiiowof hi* friends, nod wUh great reluctance,he consented lo 1678 to allow bln name to ba plaoed before the Legislature for the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Platt, aad for the good of hie State be gave up an extensive, lucrative practice, left hie privacy, and even incurred po litical misconstruction by hie accept ance of the position. Being a demo crat, be bad a strong objection to bis name being submitted to a radical Leglalatar% but ha yielded all Me personal fesilogs, on the condition that ba should not be required to visit tbe capital, and that no pledge or dec laration of any kind should be asued of him. This was a noble service to the State that cannot he too highly esteemed— an act of generous self* sacrifice, at a time when it required more than ordinary moral courage for any man to taka an office. Hie ability 1* so well known that it Is hardly no oessary to quote a few member of tbe Barnwell bar, and one of his Intimate friends. He says: *Tt is not to much to say that bis adminhtration of justice duriog‘tbe term of four years, while be was on e bench, baa plaoed bim r Jn the eetl- ation of the bar of the aeeood clr- It, as worthy to rank with Harper, boston and Ward law, sod other Judicial worthies of the State. The writer, during an experience of more than thirty-five yean at tha bar, has never seen hie superior for rapidity of perception, accurate analysis, dear- of statement, and ready applica tion of extensive legal knowledge to the facts of cases. Throughout hit whole career be has been distinguished by invincible Integrity and irreproach able character. That he was not bet ter known throughout the State, be fore his etaetion tooths bench, Is doe to bis (rent modesty bad the absence trtir by the ladies of Columbia to attend our State Fair. The Chester Reporter faVotw the Re establishment of tbeTwhlpplng post for petty crimes. 1 ' ' 3W - r ' B n ~ * Mr. C. S: McCall, of Marlboro coun ty, will make three hundred bales of cotton on three hundred scree. Four mdlloD bogs, valued at twenty mlllfODSof dollars, have died In tbe United States In the iaat twel ve months Joseph, tbe Nee Peres chief, rendered to Gen. Miles, after masterly retreat of - nearly fifteen handfethMUe* The Georgia State Fair was a grand success. The Western and Atlantic Railroad was enable to furnish Iran* oortation for the immense nlimbec of visitors. i " . .» ,r ! The first message of Preeident Haye* Cm to (he highest biddqr, fox casu, ou MONDAY, the 5th dty ot November JSules Day, the follow iuc p-onerty, to wit: All tation or Tracf of Land titu*. ste, lying^fTOi Tr mrgoTO Barn well, coptainlngtwo hmidred fifty acres, more or less, and bounded o* the north by Jands rfRsther C. Neass, ott the east by lands of Isaac Yard,, on tbe sooth by land* ef J. G. Copeland, tad on the west by lands of the heirs of John Scaso. ' P ui chaser* tp pay fot p*- sur* prlattone for various purposes, bttt prinApafiyfbrfhe support'of the Iff* my and navy. It further advises that tbe oosetderstleb of the question s( increase of the army be postponed an*' til s 'later day. In the Senate Mule baa bees done. Geo. H. <1 Butler's credentials were not pmeqied last week. The Housefof Ikpresentatlvra org*nir, n d by the election of Samuel RandsII as Speyer. Messrs: 1 Ertne. Aiken, Rainey and Chin were sworn In as members from this State. Ool*. Blebsrdsoa, ODoaor and Tillman are contesting tbeseata of Rainey, Cola and Smalls. During tbe psfl month President Hayes has visited-six tea* Btates. mber next, it being following described real property;, AU that Tract, PlauU- tioo, -or Paved ofXaud lying, being and ' in RarnWell county,founded pti Kercc, On Hitter, on ‘ Cf J. M. BftiMd, Sfidoti the #eel by lands of the ^jstate of Ji M. Breland and] lands of Jsitiss fivsbhsm, 8r., and containing fifty acres, more or ksa. Purchasers to psy.fibr paper*. • 7 . .Sberifl’s Office, Rarnwcll, S. C. y Oc tober 12, 187T. JL W. LANCASTER, S. B. C. , NA’IP JZ> VtigtiSEMENTS. THE I large i ted to be i FAIR. number of strangers are in attendance on the AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA. Queen Fir* Im. Co. $10,Q00,00( iown mat it is narojy na- IF. & M. In. Oo. - 650,000 aoutn by Mulberry street, on tue east by d*elL4*do4tihMk«ifcwML JBjtmjBmQW-ihs r words from ah eminent 'J'annvitte TnS. Co. 250 000 w e*t by 'auds of I rank S. Owens and • aa a a ^ 1a— .1 m T T HAf fit I a a a aaA. S — Total captl repentd $J 6,90^,000 All ]N8Uiubm£_ property taken the prime of Ufe and of robust‘health, rendering him equal to tha labors ofl the Jadtcial office, and may reasonably^ look forward to many years of useful ness and distinction. 1 * While, aa we said above, we under* stand tb* friends of Jtdgs Haber to bo antboflaad to for the siroult bench, we think that bis eminent quallflcatioos for the. highest court of our State should commend him to the Legislature when they aosse jo-their choice. Wtf feel will be submitted hy titata who isre ambitious of seeing the supreme court adorned by hto talents, and, aa demonstrated by his self •sacrificing action iq 1878, If caiied to that service, ha wffi Willisto%8.G.R.B. WILL titsAd calls tiiroagksut Barnwell and adjacent ooustles* ^ yi3Mm HO FOR A*, b expected OOUMTY VAJR. Eirfwtils pvqrviw uwir*ii^ tv wfi>ui l ouiririvnaoie board end lodging at the aaivenellv popular pATnuuiow ftottoic would do well to cctnmunlcate with the proprietor at owcK, lo order to svoit the confusion usual in cases where par ties fail to engage board and lodging be fore the opening of the festivities, word to the wise is sufficient. oct25-tf Barnwell, C» FLUE INSUKANCE Hutson & Co., reasonable rates. Keep tour Ijt- oubaxce in toitE own Statk. Prompt attention paid to inquiries by mail. Cal on or apply by letter to HUTSON A CO., oct25-2m Aiken, S. C- pers. , Sheriff's Office, Barnwell S* C. Oeto- W, 1*. 1877- ^ ’ 1 „ L W. LANCASTER, S. B. C. L. 1). MoWfy et (it. against C. F. Brab ham. ’ » AND IN PU^'r- ment , j)f fore- above state*! case, Common Pleas' for I will sell, at Bara- 8. C., to the highest or MONDAY, the BY VIRTUE ANCR lot- closure, in id the Co Bam weir well Court bidder, vox Allendale Town Council against 8. P. ■ Scarson. -»r —-—- BY VIRft E AND IN PURSU ANCE of s judgment of foreclosure, in the above staled esse, in the Court of C'ommoc Piemfi* Barnwell county, I wiD sell, aS Bxrewefl Court House, 8. C., to the highest bidder, box cash, oa MON DAY, the 5th day of November next, at tptingfr'alos Day, the follow! described real property :• Bah those Two Lots or Parcels of Lands, with the Buildings thereon situate, lying and bes ing within the corporate linti** of tlm town of Allendale, containing and mess uriog eaou oaS handred and five feet on Bay street, and running back From same one hundred met, being the seme mess ujpemeDt, in on or lest, raid lot* togtber hsing beaded on tira uotoh «*tl west hy^ said fiqy street and lot of said 8.' P. Searsoo, and south and east by lot of Mrs. J. B. Searsoo and brad* of James McFeek-y. Purchaser to pay fbr papers. SherHPs Office, Barmrcn, S. C., Oc tober^, 1877. - J. W. LiVNCASTER, 8. B. C. 5th day of November next, between the j usual hours of sale* at pubUp auction, the highest bidd^, the fijllov* n if de- scribed property, te wit: All that^Fracl | or Parcel oi Lssid, situate in AwsWell county, bounded on the nerth ofEleanof Hartzog and H. Zeigler, .00 the south by tamis df W. B. Matbeny, the east by lands of Joha Zeigler, and I on the west bj lands now or.f lately bf toid D. J. Thomas,’ and con- uiimng One Hundred aud .Seventy- eight Acres, more or less. i also, * The Tobin or Reed .OH Mill, being j on WJOdy Biil Old Crjeek, iuoluding the | ’ P»md.juijLjtlLtbyr twoeo the .Saw MiU Ret end of the Dam, and such Land be necessary for the repair of Said Dam from thmf to tinic, together with all the Land lying on the east of said Mill, be-J tween the two roads' that lead to said [ IMill. Terms of sakH—Cash enough to pay the costs- and Expenses of the pro- ceedings in tha above cause, including counsel fees,and on s credit of ode and two , year* in equal instalments for balance, to be secafcd by bond of purchaser aud mortgage of premises sold, bes ring in terest at twelve pCr centum per annum froni day of sale." Purchaser to pay for papers. Tracts will be sold separately or together to suit purchasers. ""' SherRTs Office; //urnwell county, Oo I tober 12, 1877. J. W. LANCASTER, S. B. O. STATE OF EOUTH CAROLINA, BARNWELL UOUNTY. * In the Court o^Coitfmon Pleas—A. W. Atkinson,Trustee, Plaintiff, against Angus PfcttetrtonyV Administrator, e# al.f Defendants. By virtue of the judgment in the foregoing curt, I wili sell, at //amwell C. H., on Sales Day, in November next, within the legal hours of sale, the Tract, of Land described in the complaint in r id Cause, which Tract has been divhlod to three several parcels, which wHl be sold separately, and by the plat of tne same now on file in my office, And will be exhibited on the day of sate. The Bhwingiaa description of the Land: net No. 1 contains Three Hundred aad Beventy-ninw and oae half Aoras* more or has, and is bounded on tbe north by tbe Kdisto river, anath by the Chalrlestoa and Augusts Road, which Separates'it from Mrs. Julia Mays land, east by Tract No. 2 of the same General Tract, and west by lands of Mrs. Han- imh Patterson. Tract No. 2 contains Four Hundred and Seventy-nine Acres, more or leas, and i* bounded on the north by the Kdisto river, ou 'the South by the Charleston and Augusta Road, on the east by Tmet No 3 of the same General Tract, and on the west by Tract j No. 1, above described. This is the Homestead Tract, aad a field oi eleven ] seres on the south of the mod is attach-, ed to this truut. Tract No. 3 com is ins 100 Times more Clrand :. ^ j- * '• - * • ( . + / ‘ Than Air Show Evef raff • •*' - ... Vr Old Time Prices- ’ rtt . >r »// - v A-diiiissioiL SO cents* cliildTeti 25 cents AkT Positively Only One PerlbmiRnco, at >'*• ^ - 00MIN6 ON 3 SPECIAL TSASMS, r^r J. h. Williams against L'., D. McCul lough and C- J. McCullough. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSU ANCE of a judgment of foreclosure, in tyvyvgrorvyWTMrCiurwtSg on. as Commsna was for Bsrnwcll county, 4 will sell, at Barnwell Court House, S C-, lo the highest bidder, for Cash, on MONDAY,the fiuh day of November next, it being Sales Day, the following described real property j All of those Three Lots in the toWn of Allendale Oonnty of Barowell, ksowii at lots *703, 107 and 1087eaoh containing one-fourth of one acre, more OF leas, And bounder on tbe north by Pleasant street, bn the south by Mulberry street, on the east by PIFTIFT0UK OF THE CONTINENT BY RAILROAD. W . i . A Congress pf bewildering AtTraotions ! 10,000 Separate and Distinct Novelties. ’ ' The Earth, the Sea, the Sky are afl represented in a Vast Wilderness of Exhibition Tents- .TO ON *2 ’The: Most Famous b Of Fastily " Sf- SeGIJK&J A Panoply OF ra r* i> tt. n 0 o xe. Hew and Greatest Show on Uartli* w * Zoological and Equestrian rV” A Mammolii Mu-eui 1 A Sitpeskus Meflagerle ! A Famous Cfreis t W. W. COLE :/.. ..'.....BOLE PBOPRlKTOB, ... */' m Four Hundred and Twelve and ote- quarter Aceps,. piore or low, and is bounded .on the/north by the Kdisto river, on the soylh-Ly the Charleston and Augusta Road, on the east by lands of A rig’ll PaCeram, and bn the west by' Tra:t No. 2, above tlescribed. Tertos of Mils—Cash cnovgh to pny the ro t and excises of the >uit, ihu! raU^and the PluiutifTs Attorney's ice, and also all Hens which may be on the land, all of which will be divided projmrtiouate among the three inictJPf aceordiug t<> amount each brings at the sale. T- two, ihrec andfour yori, in^fqunl annual instal ments. lutorestfrom d^fe of sale. l*ur- chaser to give his bond and a mortgage of the premises to 1 secure the Vredk pr*- tion, with power bf resale in mortgage " any amount of the purchase money H sol paid. Purchaser to pay for papers. Z Sheriff - s Office, Rtorawcll county, Oc tober 15, 1877. J. W, LANCASTER, S. B. C The Proprietor of this vsst »n.T unparsTlelled eomSmmk-vnrnmrnmfU^Wlf^m * —' 4a “ m -^rwtigh a life-long esperienee stal a Isftsti hetlBy sf _ r jmWtc the flk isonrr krroav or His J^ra. hv procuring aUllu- MtainaBI* uoTeliics of the Brute freatfaNI from all ^isrtersoC lji« noi'hi, sn.l iu connection therewith will be* nmsl consptcnon* Klder*. Gymaasts, dm- lesque* awfi ierSballe; Hair and Female Artists «o he frmml in <»f fits w’mM.* ThU gnutd j»n,' 1877. ;/?>. A V^finCAfTER,,:r= : . ■ • Sheriff It.niwell Go. Notice The Most Goigeoas Stoet Pggkot Evtr Seea. ivea to sU wbosa i |l ussy oon- oers that the undersigned has been ap pointed tbe General Agent of J. A. Peacock during bis absence from the Stats- E. J,.PE ACOCK. oct25-3m _ xroncEf More wild bsasts, rob«*, liemld*, kings, guards, eltd in artnor of oadkowes, rnsre wrisaitisa. inagnific«9*vtinow *t cneap rates w an. aammsion ai IAj persons holding ugainsT ssam, At|aari«M. Amphitheaireand Twined Ar _ Jhe estate of, Daniel Gueaa wHl M »«d 7 P.M. 1,200cu*hionedwp^ra present the same, and all parties indebted |kl“KFMKMBEB! Only one ticket reqaire present the same, trad ail parties indebted to said estate will make inunediste pny- j meat to ' JOSIAfc J. BRABHAM* x Ur LV C. aud Adininfetrater: r > e>r > tTL. ak r>m tlmlMMtmx ."OCr-nt-i, Ch , 2