..W- ■: -TSSSti. -i: ~T wm " & 11; , v *! , - T ' r v. ’ ' i ■ \r ••• v n ^ ■Ml tt-t* ••eea THE HOtrSEWIEE. *•««*• •««* such fiJi to » u»- -. -P-' 1 7 I ran, oeatorloM, vulgar mind, i fcv Tkoofkta ISk tie LMIee—Tioee j “But the crowning feature of oar - -Wfce ■•Tele Look After their Owi j for which I hare ' BeMititle Afhira—Datlea ia4 I wntteo thq* far, lathe outrageonain ■•^•■MiCirii of I roada we make in our pipen on private life. Things in which no way whatever }t ie mare then probable tliat Uie wor-1 belong to the public are brought before tj and anxiety are even more dcetruct- I it. and loan all proportiona of truth by ive than the actual libor expended ; and I misstatement and exaggeration; while that this may be piam, let k be rememh- this fbreed publicity inflicts wounds ered that the mind baa a vast influence without the poceibility of redrew on the over the bodily functions, making labor I parties involved. __ - . 7 easy and pleasant, or difficult and ex “A public man may belong in bis Wh^sccording to ||m attending dr- »h>Ahe commuity, but uot neees- eumstances; thus labors of love are per- j .Wk entire life. The criminal, twined with oompaiutive ease, while even I ^7 ▼htue of hk crime, may koe a por- the thought of labor of a different dassl^ 0 ^** cUim to P™7- Yet for bdepceasiog, slight efforts becoma dia l OTr ° wn “ k « tbCT * *• why we gutting toils. Ordinarily thoir cares are • hou,d not d “ h *P cri,M with our best too many, their hoars of labor are more as if H were our choiee meal, than their conadtution will bear, while “ tb « •««" of many per- their vexatious tolls am too many to be | lfr> ^and in wither of these rek- enumented. Boom of these labors re- * ion » 10 th « P«Wio an liable, on the suit ftom ftJse ideas, notions and whims I uncertain and malicious informs- of society, to rim above which bat lew *»* to bespread out «t length in bad- are found, many of them are connected lugjoomab, as if thare wore no such with having company. In far too many right known among us as that of prhrhey. localities this implies feasting, aad la-1 Sowe journal, do Ameriosn society an bon so exhausting as to render these so-1 incalculable Injury m this particular of ebl gatherings extremely fejuriow. It vulgarity, serving up dafly, asm sort of b by so means necessary to cook so | pablb soup, tbs good name aad good dishes, rich and daiity, to sicken I chareolsr of private persona aad famtita- fbo guort or to bdferte kind foeSngg Tho very fort foot tbs or to ooovlaoa tlmm tb*tfmwrfh^*hoadcquato remedy, that you do appreciate their eafl. Wo need I th« buffet owe. ib power to harm U> s not makady^aptbo of thorn to show that pobBekyflrom whtoh there b no bagar we are eordisl. By far too raaay of ow l My aacnpe, marks the deprared oharae- Mi l b muHrirf nirhi They iba early iu the morning 11* fueling, it appeal* to. For our or- by sleep eflen I dinary aad ioooorat life wo certainly before they have looured the amonnt oc-j ■•7 rhim privacy as a moat sacred tually domaadod by the jaded powers, I right, 10 an absolutely isosutbl protoo- simpty bees ate they foul that they must I tiw to eur bust ssasibilities; aad we may dosa, though that must may bo ouly a| «hdm the ammo thiag even for eur errars desire They rush aad hurry around, I and fkulta, if they ibemselvea have art straiu every nerve, hasten from one duty I broken the peece. to another, glkb u P stairs aad dowa,] “Americaii life pre-eminently needs trip aftor coal, wood or water, too much privacy. It moot love privacy aad re in hast to put on an extni garment when «P<*t privacy as it has not dow hitherto they go into the 00W, oven though their I * it would escape ia a terribly telling bare anas may have been in the warm I fbrm the charge of essential and in- water for hours reeking with perspire- I oressing vulgarity, thm, the sudden change shocking the “Privacy is the shade of our lives in nervous system and preparing it for an which spring up all sweet seustbilties as attaek of beuralgb aad neraous bead-1 tender flowers; pubHoity is the glaring ache. Rush 00, keep movtfg, is their sowbia# which ^egrt* barrenness and watchword. A long drawn sigh indi- I dust to soorch the foot and blind the sates to* eertofoly the injury snsufned by | «7« «f waytrau.’* / ZZsTJZZJZZr&i**- a uerviUo ebsk, every moremeat indi- v prtadple^Preoo. eating kot haste and exoitement, fear-1 [LoairrOh coorfwJwirwt.i folly axaustingthe vital eoerg|let. Audi Louievtu,*, September 28, 1877. why ? What b the occasion for oil thb I OxjrrLxnxH: I regret that my en hot haste to often attended by fretting I gagemento will not permit me to attend and seeding ? Ibhnf^k more tho re- [ the Gouventba of Indiana editors to nih of the state of the nriad than imfiee. Jwhfok yon mvite me. Conscious of my Why? BecOuae they WiA to get fboi bek of pqsmr to spook adequately of the work all doae at a particular time. Such I journalistic calling, whose short-oomings jaded housekeepers are often bid upon have for a long liase cbbfly interested beds of sickness as a legitimate result of I «•, I •boald neverthelms be gbd to urge such unnatural and unnecessary haste sod its numerous and gross abuses upon such toB. And here it may be remarked that f of my comrades as might care JaJfctfn ■nefasxettemeut and hnl AjigMt, tmjy I to mm itg^pottrt nod reckless personal- squander the vital energies but oosoai-1 of •Perilous wit; yllb even Isso than consistent effort at] its geqaral want of tmthfalnanf end re* making haste slowly. Taking time to sponsibility. It b so sasy to bandy flpi- protect their person from sudden cold by I thets, to sqib nod fib; so hard to investi« additional wrappings, which can lie very 1 gate patiently, aad eoadease ia five lines easily thrown off upon their, return. I of pith five hours of labor. I do not They should always remem bur Art if] pretend that jounmhat# are -worse than their visitors are ladies or gentlemen ofj other men, but. being more conspicuous, sonoe and judgment, they woull prefer they should be more circumspect, more that their friend upon whom they called I thoughtful, more dutifld. Thu habit of to visit, would not put themselves to so I disjointed thinking is producing a crop much anneonomrj trouble and anxiety I of irresponsible writing which lowers the upon theit account. For very often the I tuefolasss of the press; is that the cur- extra btmr and fatigue will prevent her ] root newspaper seems to me to be eqnal- frout enjoying the company of bar guest. I )j narrow and fragmentary, wanting not If your visitors are worthy of your ea-1 a certain vigor indeed, but elevated and srous prompting. TV journalism .ni finis, Tin HTia t THAT MT 1000 WILL U OPENED for the collection of the loci Inetallment of toe Tax of 1876 at toe following pUeeo aad _ ,1877. 7 Willi 1, Fedneedey, Sd October, 1877. Thursday, 4lh October, 1877, ’eMtlt, Khrhardt e Mill, Wedneodey, Buford's Bridge, Tbntoday. Uto Oct. 1877. Prieeter’e Store, Fridey, 12to Oetober, 1877. Allendale, Heturday, 10th Oetober, 1877. Srwlbtoa. Monday, 16to Oetober, 1877. Be Idee, Tooeday, 16th Oetober, 1877. Furse's Store, Wednesday, 13to pet. 1877. Aad at Dorn well 0. B. until toe 1st ef November, 187T.-V •»—- ‘ Aava or Taxatiox. . J I • Ftate Tax, 7 Mills; CooatyTex. 8MlttS. Taxm are payable ia gold aad silver eoia. United States eavreaey nail National Beak Boies. Tea per seat, a soot pis reoelveble as eeeb. ^ ALFBBD ALDRICH, scp27 Trseeurer Bara well Coaaty. 9. a. AOBNT8 IFOR CELEBRAtSD PLOWS. f-ir- 1 j/ ' ‘ - zJ. Devoted to the advancement of the Social, Political and Ma terial intereafli of Banmeil County. White any Mpanftibte pereoa in the County will be obeerfuUy oxpreaa their view* on any and change for Country Produce. a*»p6~tf X J. FREDERICK, M. D., ' -a;.- . A* xl J. N. W Al.JvKU’H, NEAR GRAHAM'S, 8.0. R R . fopfl'ly-;— ^: r VUlatw Which mirpore* BUnAmlte b a Gonntiy Market will compare THE SUN. *v larger maiia, and the undersigned, who ha« for so many yean supplied the traate of the people of Bamwefi Countv, now * DBCLASBS WA1 r» t* 4 Or no war in the East, hie friends will find hit Fall Stock earn- and marked ao tew down that if you vel from Maine, .X- 1 ■Wi’nt AfflT, The different edition^ of Tn Btm during the next year will be the same B - iring the year that baa Juat pass- Tho daily edition will on week bo a abort of four pagan, uud on ^^jiolumru* 2»J^Ui t e J WeS ! ry r e«-]eaH for. Give me a trial below purchasing elsewhere7 tion will be a sheet of etflbt psgee of Liberal advances made on Cotton shi the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our Woods. 3ux will con tin you trouble and frtigue as possible upon their account. Many years axparieaos km led ms to believe the truth of these lines, aad they are written widt the hope (bat selfrrespeot, and until it gslne its lout aeord tiature- -rt tbs optpenas perhaps of Hs vivneity-!—its tendency must be dMUNMi l ha| ftpr pardon for speak will be induced to prac- iug ao bluntly; but obsarv—t aasmbere tire nud profit by there suggestions, ah titoqgb yrey imperfectly exphioed. If by peaatag these lines the writer can re lieve the jaded housekeeper of any of the xaeav vexatious tods aod naxiatim dent to houroke^wg snd enufsny r hs wfl! be amply esmpensrtsd, as It is bii dssire w to aid in making that hard len a fight a, c., October 6th, 1877. ---I-J rn i . s^b rrivaar is of the profemfea to wtucKT sll oTiTaf* bound for life esu hardly foil to ehste with me s sense of shame ia the eonfte- won, along with the spirit of hops that Tutors may hero hotter things is Hinrt Wattxrsok. J9* J.Baocoto has ob article is U*n*rti/j which meets ixiu of parodiug hsfors rtattom tear belong e#V\ # gprbrto Hfo, aad wjtfdi have a vitiating effort whoa 4pv*a publicity. We take Tux Sox strenuous advocate trenchment, and of statesmanship, SIMON BROWN. - • . . affairs. It* ernnsent of the people by the people and In the oounUng of vote*, enforced by military vlolenoe. ft win endeavor to supply iu readers-a body now not far from a million ao oka—with the moat careful, complete and trust worthy Recounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected staffof reporters aad co Washington cerate aod f Ices ooctiaue to doaerve and enjoy tbc hatred of those who thrive by plun dering the Treasury or by usurping what the law does not give them, whie It will endeavor to merit theooafldoooe of the subtle by defeadio# tbe rights of the people agaiort tho eacroaeh- rneuts of uDjustifled POFer. The price of the dally 8tW-w« ho to oentea month or 86.80 a year. flo£ paid, or with feho Sunday edition 87.70 The SnxnAi.edition alone, eight pa- S road columns, will be furnished du ng 1877 at the rato of 81 a year, poet paid. s from the prevloua rate iotTh* ix can be enjoyed by individual auh- •cribers without the neoeaslty of mak ing up doba. Atthoaaaae tkne, if aay of our friends choose to aid in oxtend- sUon, we shall bo grate- Z\?£UT$JSS£ rom one place will b* entitled to ooe eopy of the paprt jw bl^melf wilbout og the sise of Urn abort, aed the t y of Ito oooteota, w* are oonfl- t the people will consider Tax Wkxxlt Soi the chesport aawspsper published lo tho world, and wo trust aloooMoftho vofp boot. Addwao, TU BOB, Saw loch ay.«. X. , Assgood dtof df dfceooflio* on this subject has occurred in the Agneukmnl Qwttr of hts, I bog te sOtte a paint of breeding which * came under my noties the other wook, «L a see of our sms)) flock-masters was delivering some four shear wethers from the Moor fleek. pwtiee Fte **,,19* greatly, aad of eovres questioned as to kow be got such A»- toumfiRg riieep, snd the answer was that tliey were never pampered or indulged, but when they bed s good ram for get ting, they did not part with him ass deal of people do. changing every two yean os on. tSfcajhrtria, which they ware urine noWnhav had iu service fornix at very lowest prices.. Wines, Ales, Liquors and Segars almost given away. Ib fact, I keep everything and anything you may Liberal advances made on Cotton shipments, and .highest prices paid for Cotton. Grain, Poultry, Eggs, Ac. & SON r- III 1.1.1,,.ni.W- • . . • • ■ _ ^ , ; A $,000 STOiK WOOODS UROST GIVEN At ATI I IHlS popular _ ^ *.. generally that they are now opening and exposing for sale at veloualy low prices, a full and complete assortment of Gci leave to announce’to their friends sad tho public Tor Sale ni msr - neral Merchaa- ena, Cambrics, ke. Hsrdwara and Cutlery, Motions and Fa LadiesFine and Ordinary Hats, Trimmed to suit the moot Fastu Tobacco and Segars a Specialty. ffi^The hifheat Cash pries* paid for Cotton, Com and all kinds of Conn- try Produce. Chickens, Eggs and Butter bought or take* ia exchange far Maackan disaetQuriiprjpaa. _ w, „ / *pl8-8ut mS0^==B»=9*artaeaaMaammMsammmmBaaBe9amnsBmppmma From all part* of the County is invited, Corrcspondenta x. ■ ■ .■ *. • v . in wand ttiat we are Mteihiapumibla for auy views that may be ex ' If ' X^ A . * . ' 'x pw—cd by them. Ir ✓ NOW opening, consistyigyi jart^o^Drj Good* Hat* ardware, Clothing, aifG a choice lot ot Fancy Candies, Crackers, etc. Ti yofi Want Bargains don't i chasing elsewhere. Do hot foryt d i- - - xr - rr •• „• BLACKVILLff, 8. & wjimiF^pa l*® •ilTSSresr-** *••-•• •••• Mantoue & Co., nsiiainT raAm • ..82 00 • oaoooo'sbeooo* \ 1