T •‘#2- ! ">*■ *i-. PAGE FOUR. The Barnwell P< I M?C ? # • = aySbrar.-fety. -U^. w : THE EARNWfeLL PEOPLE-SENTINEL, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA Thursday, july s®th, ms. at thf'pott offfeaat BknwaU^ B. CL, aa wond-daM mattar. K * SJ' OMN W. MOLMHA B. P. DAVIES, Editor and Proprietor. Wr; ■ -~-4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year --L- — $1.50 Six Months .00 Three. Months ........ .60 . ' ^ - I THURSDAY, JULY 30TH, 1925. Kw.. K ^ ! A / W' h w • "dZr A dastardly attempt was made laet week to wreck the Orangeburg Nat* ioal Bank by n cowardly sneak who sent anonymous. letters through tho mails to depositors of the institution, telling them that the bank was broke and the president and his “fayorites” were protecting themselves and quietly planning to close. It is a serious thing to circuinte rumors questioning the solvency 6f a bank, but it is doubly serious to nee the United States mails for that purpose. A reward of $1,000 has been offered for the apprehension of the anony mous writer and if is sincerely hoped that he will be brought to speedy justice. Even if he is not, he will live in daily dreid of arrest and he wiH spend the jest of his life under the shadow of that dre^l. sihiMty for it. And Society rather backs Che girls. Therefore, in many cases the man bears a double burden. Poor man! ^ The, missionary spirit is- abroad in the land, and its influence has spread beyond religious borders, embracing many pther activities. Conspicuous among-them art our school*. While the churches leave our own door yards in deplorable religious condi tion to go far afield to tidy up the front yards of the heathen, our schools .pack the children's minds with^ sullies relating to things, far away and often of no earthly us$, while the- rising generation w taught prac tically nothing of the history not only of their own State but of im mediate local surroundings. And yet, this old State “of ours bristles with' most creditable historic episodes, and even our county is full of interesting Events thatjpught to be common and readily accessible knowledge among our higher-grade school children. , TO MARRY RALPH INCE AMIABLE ANIMADERSIONS By U. Jay. Our old Roman friend, Seneca, was a wise guy and knew how to get the juke out of the orange without mess ing himself up. He used to write x about the pleasures of poverty on tables of gold. It seems impossible to separate human vanity from human action. , This egoism thing is often a thrifty plant, growing in many instances to , such proportions as to crowd out prac tically all the btherr plants in the mental garden. I have seen conspic uous cases of the kind where a man imagines himself to be a dominating figure in his coirummity, club or as sembly, when he is nothing' but a domineering bully. A large number of girls, if not meet of them, want to enjoy the pleasures of sin, but without respon- i’M mm llif t 7 Cotton Advances on Government Report New Orleans, July 26.—The pre dominating feature in the, cot ton mar ket the last wefek was the government rtport issued Thursday morning giv ing the condition of the crop on July 16 as 70.4 of normal and the indicat ed^ yield as 13,588,000 bale* of 500 pounds. A ain Relieves Drought. A copious rain fell Fnday afternoon, several in thu section relieving the days’ duration drought of which was beginning to threaten the crops. The rain was very welcome and will be of great assistance in maturing the e: cellent crops of com and cotton with which this section is blessed.- Coins May Bring Premium. Coin .'ollectrtvs have noted with interest that of the Stone Mountain \ - -— % Confederate Memorial coihs now be ing dist'iliiUM in South. Carolina. ICO of them !i r. e ’ S. C." engrave 1 upon them ; and tha^ these coins are numbered from 1 tc 100. They are of the opinion that these coirs will be of considerr-de more than the ; r in trinsic value within a few years and recall that th^ Columbian half dol lar, minted ir honor of the World’s Exposition in* Chicago^, brings a con siderable premium. In addition Jo these specially num bered coins for South Carolina, other coins bear the initials of Soutn Caro lina cities. These specially numbered coins are being offered as prizes for the best window displays, most initia tive shown in the distribution work, etc., the judges being the county chair men in t.tft“ various counties and his assistants. Lucilla Mendez, dancing beauty and screen actress, who Is soon to marry Ralph Ince, screen director. Ince was recently divorced from Lucille Lee Stewart and, when the decree becomes final; will wed Mlsa Mendez, who Is a daughter of the late President Clprl- ano Castro of Venezuela. Hercules' News. ■ V-S-, Messrs: J. H. Still, Greene StHl and M. L. Morris went fishing Thurs day. They caught 52‘fish. Mr. and Mrs. M. L., Morris and daughter enjoyed a fish fry at Mrj J. H. Still’s Thursday night. Master Samuel Crteeh has return ed from visiting relatives at Vance. Mr. and C. I. Hughes and niece, Dorothy; Miss Annie Lee Smith and Mr. Eddie ^snith of Vance were the tyeek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Creech. > | \ • ’ -Messrs. C. S. Creech, L. ^5. Creech, Floyd Creech, J A. Creech and Willie Sanders went below Ehrhardt on a fishing trip last Thursday and report a good catch. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiers, of Metter, Ga., are visiting relatives andjCriends in this section. Mr. and Mtrs. J. M. Templeton have reurned from a visit to friends and relatives at Union Point, Ga. We are glad to know that Friend ship District has decided to consoli- date. We< feel that the consolidation will mean better educational advan- ages for the children of both d'stricts. — ♦ — Advertise in The People-Sentinel. 'Tf r ' • ' •* These totals were so, widely variance with the / exceptions traders and so much lower than the average - of the private bureaus that had issued reports in advance of the government that they created a profound sensation and for a time no little skepticism. The effect was immediate r.nd dras tic. October selling at 23.00 jumped to 24.00 immediately after trading Was resumed, then to 24.50 and final ly to 24.65, 5 gain in a few miutes of 155‘ point* or a little more than $7 a bale. \ While there was a recession of about 40 points from the highest reached before the termination of trading on Thursday due to profit taking the market advanced to a new high level at 24.64 on Friday and advanced, again on Saturday to 24.80, closing at prectically the high-, est level reached since the publica tion of the report. The contimratioh of the drought ir. the West has served to confirm the government’s figures and unless'copious Vahts soon fall in Texas and Oklahoma and other por tions of the belt, prices are likely to advance further. 'Good rains in the near future would probably cause a sharp reaction from recent levels. The Honor Roll of Souih Carolina contains, the names of approximately 3,000 Veterans, and 5,Q00 Widows. Of thi^ number there are about 1,000 Veterans who are members of Organ ized Camps, who pay dues to the Division and Headquarters at New Orleans, La. At least there are 2,000 Veterans who do not contribute to the Divi sion, at the same time they enjoy all the benefits made possible by the efforts of those whq do contribute through the- Camps. Two-thirds of the Veterans in the State are doing nothjng towards keep ing the order alive, while the remain ing one-third are doing all the work When you leave a repair job with us, you can count on it being done with an ex actness that will prove most satisfying. Every operation in the completion of the work is measured with the utmost care. Vickery Bros. Barnwell, t s. c. and paying all expenses. ' The Divisie^ needs your assistance, and the following suggestion is offer ed to relieve the situation: Let the Commander of ea-h Camp get from the Judge of Probate of the County in which the local Camp is situated a Roll of the Veterans in’the County, check this roll with your Camp list, and make it a point to -see every Veteran who is not a member of a Carrip and urge him to enroll his name. The expense will not exceed FIFTY CENTS per member, per year. T R Y _T HIS PLAN, and it will work out satis- ’faetorily, Increase your Camp mem bership, and build it up to a stronger organization.. . * The Committee appointed by the ^pivision will continue to appeal to the Legislature from time to time, and a$k for additional appropriations for the Honor Roll. The Adjutant General will render any assistance possible, and the Judge of Probate will also assist you in carrying, out the plan’ suggested.— Contributed. 1 , ' Big Negro Revival* The colored people of the New Horn Baptist Church, in Red Oak towns! have been conducting a big izeeti -during the past week, the revi coming to a close Sunday with many visitors from Barnwell, Williston, A!- - lendale,* Blackville and Augusta, There were 11 candidates for baptism. The enthusiasm , shown by the mem bers and friends of the church was very encouraging to all who took part in this meeting, which is believed to have been the best in the history of the church. The pastor is the Rev. W. D. Morman, who resides in Au gusta. He was ably assisted by the Revs.'Moody, Walter Tate and Jen nings and Deacons Mansy Williams Charlie Payton, John Hammond and-' Luther Spelling. Dinner was served 'on the grounds*each day.—Contributed ^ x 7 ■ ' > ’ - / - • / We want every citizen of the Barnwell County towns served by us to pull lor manu- facturing industries for this section. They will soon be connected with the Super-Power : " . - ^ X '. \ ■ system of the Southeast and an unlimited amount of Electric Power will be available. Climatic Conditions Excellent § Modern Homes, Schools and Churches . ' • • „ - -V—.: - • . . . ’ - « • , t ■ . t t ^ ' ...... . Active Building and Loan Associations ♦> For Further Information Write The Edisto Public Service mpany • . .. s , i • i .• * •. . m r ■« Edisto-Savannah River Development Bureau, 70 State St., Boston, Mass. Ifc.r MV ■ 7 ■ a m. M 'il&WW ' r »\ p MW' < • - •. •,*« ... ■\ '' ' r • 1 • - i .. 7 rSftrrWSL.'X'J ’ • V ■ - ’id £, ;.... * •. ■