dh-'-' rM.-- Me VOLUME XLVIIL Juftt Like a Membef Labor That Calls for Much Physical Effort A well-known writer once said that oyster dredging on the American coast was the hardest work in the world. The two dredges were wound In by hand, and that everlasting wind ing. balanced on a swaying deck, was wicked work. The moment one dredge was aboard the oyster* had to be ^cuTied,” and the whole eight men of the crew were working against time from dawn till dark. . v The dock laborer’s Job Is another which entails tremendous physical ef fort. A -steamer's time ia money, and \vh,en cargo is being discharged not one moment must be wasted by any of those engaged. • The amount of work that can he done in one day Is almost Incredible. An inquest on s dock laborer who died suddenly on a wharf .was held some time ago at which it was stated that on the day of" hla death be had Unloaded no fewer than 36,000 wood paving blocks. Compositions of OH Olive oil Is practically 100 per cent fat and has energy value of about 4,000 calories per pound. The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists in cludes among edible vegetables oils and fats of sufficient Importance to »warrant standardizing the oils of cot- tonseed, peanut, sesame seed, poppy seed, coconut, .rape need, sunflower and maize. Of these peanut ell bears the closest resemblance to olive oil la its chemical and physical properties. Advertise in The People-Sentinel uaaopi Sight of Cats and Owls The belief that cats and owls caa *ee In the dark la a popular fallacy. The Iris of a cat’s eye la Capable of great variation, so at to admit more or less light, thus enabling the cat to see mucb bolter in the dusk than can humans, but la absolute darkness all animals sre as helpless as any human being. The feature which adapts cer tain eyes for use with only a poor light la the constitution of' the retina which la composed of two sets of struc tures, the so-called rods and cones. The rods are apparently affected by radiation slightly before the cones, and hence sqme creatures. Including owls, whose eye# bosses* a large pro- portion of cones, are better suited for •eelng In a faint light. Storm Cloud* Visibility The weather bureau aays that the distance at which Mono clouds ant visible to the naked eye wsrlaa great ly with one’s position and the kind at clouds. If a person la li an open flat country and the clouds are of th« broad stratna or layer type, he may not see them more than 90 or 40 saltan away, and even not half so far If ton air tends to be misty or hazy. On thn other hand, when the air la quite clear a well - developed cumulo-nimbus, or thunderstorm, cloud may. In favombUl circumstances, be seen when mem than 100 miles away. ■VS Australians Knaw,Sm*~ ^ Snow fails in southeastern AustraHt during the winter months, and occn> sionally ilea on the ground as far nortl) as Melhthifne and Sydney. On tha mountains and In northeastern f Vio torU and southern New South Walsat the snowfall is very heavy. Foretta •re practically buried in snow and OS the plateaus of northeastern Victoria the ground is sometimes covered to thi depth of several feet from May to Sap> tember. This also occurs on the high* lands of Tasmania, although' there an no mountains hearing perpetual sneer- caps In either Australis or Another Good Way “That’s a fine car. How did get it?" "Out of a prise competition.* “Did yorWTTt" “No, 1 organized it.”—1 .ondon f log Show.—p, — m T Uncomplimentary The county inspector was paying hla monthly visit to the village school. He examined the children In reeding and general knowledge, as was hla custom, and was very pleased with the an swers he received. After the last question he rods to hta feet and, look ing slowly around on the fneea, remarked genially: “f wiah l waa a Jlttle-boy at school again/’ He Fortified ‘ One Sunday morning a southern pastor noticed a new attendant nt thn services. * ' v When the meeting was over thn preacher made iritis business to speak to the newcomer. "Rastas," he said, “this la tha firat time I have seen yon at chsreb for a long time. I’m mighty glad to see yes here." T had to come,” replied Rastoa, “I needs strengthenin’. Tse got a Job whitewash in’ a ch icken coop and build- in’ n fence around a patch.” Tht Only Wmy *T was only acting tha part aaaker” > Magistrate—Bm yea man senseless I Prisoner—I did. Tbei* jy&m AdvertiM it m