.^riJl l |Vl!-^l!*^ l !tfi || *i^ 11 ! 11 ' 11 ''' '♦‘^Wj 1 **' 1 “W* 1 -*«»-^» 5 «-«-w*f^.^imvx jsm- -%-.>. *.vtes.-. '.*w«ut.'. <• *d +**>+* - '■k*JU*X" ■3S! J ^TJB OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COl/ftTf.^ffif If you want mon t y, w t - havt* it — It >ou ha\e mone>, we want it.’ hump: bank of barnwell. The Barnwell People-Sentinel 3= ^ Established in 1877. ‘Ju&t Like- a Member of the Family” Larfrest County Circulation. & VOU ME XI.VIM. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. THIKSDAV. JUNE 4TH. l»2r.. The Barnwell Sentinel Is Bought by and BARNWELL BOUNTY’S BEST & MOST POPULAR NEWSPAPER. ALL HOME PRINT. NUMBER 40 Consolidated With The Barnwell People SESSIONS COURT HAS ADJOURNED RED S\ KM IM. (OW 1(111) OK M \ N SI \l (MI I’KR. 1ST CONSIGNMENT OF COINS ARRIVE PERSONAL NEWS HUDSON MAKES OF BLACKVILLE NEW BROUGHAM 1 < >< \ I. I \ N K s HANK M KM OR I M. I()U\ WELL RKPRKSKM KI) AT H AM DOM. \RS KLKO I’I( \ I( Omte a Number u| Other ( ases Have Been Disposed of Since Last \N eeh’s Issue. ( iriidi 'i! a lie a |S .s,.,i ' p 1 1 a 1 # ’III sHH' ve ,i a r^r •d ,.f l.l't Wl m the f.'i tIn inti r ii»■ i-ral lloui's itislautrht e i • i a a I \v:» ilamn the I lit lie • n1 M t ( o a > neiaal Se u 11 i; ic Kniiay afternoon, ays' term, tint mu' which nutnher of eases was \ - tills tMjiei went Lo •a. the Court '■■us en- tnal of I'fed Stiellilt^. alleged murder of Doe |Ui \ . after delilreuatinK , leturned ;i verdict ot ac a l list Fred Snellinp, his mothei Kli/.aheth twu iuotheis. C R ami who Wen named SnellinK was senten- tban five \ears tmr eai s at hard ’ahot on ' cany < r m the S‘ate pen- Nntiee of intention to ap yi\eii h\ his attorneys. .!, nnmys w;is found tru'dty harye of vndatiny the pro- lau and sentenced to sjx ,• ha-a! lahor on the ehain- ,ti .he State penitent in r\-. (eeeeh and (ieorye Crulihs, wth assault and battery ... oil mu lit to kill, upon the person • Paul Owens, were found not ymlty. G |.oe Knotts, eharyed With vio • . ir the protiihit nn law. was found •"nit', with i eeommendation t., mercy uni s, ntcnced to Id months at hard la .or on the rham yany or in the pen- •eitiary. upo i service •!>. the halanee ot sentence - n - pended durmy yood hehavan [> 1, But pleaded yuilty to 'i : ,iof violat my t he pr >hibit ion 1 was sentenced to pay a fine Minted l>\ Government as "a I rihute to the \alor of the Siddier of the South.'' M ai k ' aryed The tir>* consityoment of Confedcr- iite Memorial Half Dollars, minted by the l nited States Government as a "tribute to tile valor of the Soldier of the South." which are to he simul taneously released throiiyhout the nation on duly •‘Ird, has been received by the Bank of Western Carolina and the Home Bank of Barnwell, aeeord- iny to an announcement made by Messrs, Kerry A Price and John B. McN«h. cashier- td the above insti- tut ions. "Gitr/.ens of l.arnvvadl now 'nave the opportunity of makiny sure of ob tain iny some of these coveted Mem nrial coins ne tlieir national mstrihu- tion July 1 rd." said these yentlemen, by immediatelv purchasiny coin eer- 11 lit a t e -. redeemable for the actual half dollars on July bni "\s less than two million Memo-ial coins are available entire South at this time, tin ern Bankers Committee, a'ranyitiy detabs of their distribute': h;i' al located only a limited number to each eitv and county in the various South D \ K. Medals Won bv Misses Mil dred Still and Kstelle Biume. I ishiny Trip Enjoyed. LATEST M \( Ml N K WILL SOON BE DISK!, WEI) HERE vv ho attendt d the of the Williston I represented at Elko last Satur- i vv ( at piamouneei .f t he to the Sotith- l)nee these i furthei UUot COll a i e are nb- if four mon- , be 1 hi i a in! . .t‘ iCMi an ' bt"• i ; uno .1 , .1 ! . W » o V e - 'lie V ea !' n.r.ment of the .el'tenye to ’he - i c'iav nu . b:i eyed m n 'a- I a’ hard t lie. the us pended ern State evbausted tainalde. ' The issuance of these eommemor ative coins by the National Govern ment is an event of the yreatest siy- nilieance to the South. It is a yes- ture of friend 1 itie-s on the part ot the nation to which the Smith will spontaneously respond. "Not only do these coins have a hiyh sentimental value thrnuyh this national reeiyintion of our Southern la [ < *rs. dit lima mm at :ii the i id. ; r' k \ *nt but they aDo possess an ad- woith 'iuee the modest prem- wliieh tlie coins aie so 1 d y''i's , om plot ton of the y eat motin ' i he ('onfediu ai v bein.i carved e Mountain. Ga." B! i■ kv 11 le, June J. Mrs William Baisilen went lo Columbiii la-t Wed nesday to visit Mr Baisdeti. v-ho is m a hospital there. Mr. Mutrav Turner was amony those from h a tdosiny exercise- Hiyh '■ehool Blaekville was the school pienii dav, and it was pronounecd bv all to lie "a yreat day Misses Hula Lee and Lily Mae Mar tin, who have Leen teachiny at Fur man, are at home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs (Tifton Sandifer and family visited Mr. Sandifers’ father, Mr Preston Sandifer. in the Oranye- Imry Hospital l-ridav, where he has just underyone a serious operation. His many friends '.tope for his speedy reci ive ry Rev . 1.. II Miller is assist my in a revival meetiny at Dtmbaiton thi' week. M i s ( ha lot t Buist. of < 'harli is the y ties t ,,t' Mr ;md M's. Buist. M Four Dour Model.—( Onut met ion \lumimim — l ittinys Saint- Standard as Sedan. \I1 PAPER TO BE KNOWN AS “THE BARNWELL PEOPLE-SENTINEL” COMBINATION MAKES FOR BETTER SER VICE. ( \ m M llvll : t ■ i , w. Mrs. Dicks Hostess at Enjoyable Party S. Buist, Miss Addie Alt man and Mrs. Nolle Williams were amony thorn from here who enjoyed the school tdosiny exercises at Spriny- tield Thursday niyht. Mr. Bill Molnny, who attends the Southern Atlanta Dental Colleye. is at home foi the summer. Miss Edna Belle Kicklmy, of G. W. ('.. i< tit home for the summer holi days. The Rev Mi. Cowherd, of Braiirh- ville. e\i litmyed pulpit- with the Rev. !.. 11. Miller last Sunday mommy, and lus sermon was yreatlv enjoyed. Me--1 - (i. 1' Stul. Henry Bu t ami i Pa- ehall went or a t'tshmy trip be | low UnlteCi'- > liis* week and a.- a of the ‘‘finny rum ml: 1 r bo) las' ponuia t ion "i: - ale f ablv A new foili ptisseryer brouybam a -trikmyly bendsi-me ear is an r on need bv the Hudson Moto- t'ar ('o. One of the nevv ear will soon be on di-iplay ;tt the sales room of the \S’. I*. Harley Mo' u Co., of Barnwell, lo cal dealers The new ear is a four don, close eoutiled tvpe. with lent he i rear quar- teis. The yt-neral l^nes are typicttl of Hudson construction and dcsiyn. 'I'hi- whole etfeet is one of Mnkmy smart ness ;ind style. "These cars are custom-built by one of the oldest and best known body manufacturers in the country,” said Mi Harley. ‘‘The construction is till aluminum, and the details of trimminys and fittinys are of the same standard as the Hudson sedans m the seven-pitssenyer si/.c. This car will ho rrcoynized n' once ji- one of the handsome-t on the streets. "The outstandiny feature, however, is that they are yiven a quantity price HudsomEssex is now the litry- ,any est Mx-ryl inder m;tnuf;icturer in the world, and ;ill its costs and manufac tunny expenses are distributed over ;i very laryi- v dumc of business. 'This f;u t h;is made possilde the trnusujil prices which Hudson has established on this car. With its custom-built body and the advantayes of the fa mous Super-Six chassis this Inouyham will be one of the finest cars any where. It ready must be se-n to be appreciated in its fineness of details and its yeneral impression of luxury and smart beauty. "The irenera! volume of Hudson- K>sex hitsinc'S i- at an unprecedonted rate This month will be the laryest we ever l.ave known, ;ind it v.ould be * rnuMi laryei if we had as many ears as the public J'-k- U for. We an* mafine every nos-ible effort to de- ii'- pioni|>tiy THIS \ FAN SPA PER NOW H VS A ( IR(T LATfON SKVKR A I. TIMRS AS l-ARGK VS THAT OF ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER PUBLISH ED IN BARNWELL ( <)I NTY. -toll. t)’ t I e he Ua ' ; s jebles : i dil.V a I M; I V .a 1 ' I i'. i ■ i \b Mai Mi f. 1: 11 y th lb ih. win eai 'll a t'ee eras .1! ' thi •n h but •r; a mm c trunk badly 1V("I S.atur 11uLu ed ) of o'iu■- 1 1a 1 tun: of ear. Tt tl live but tin- demand is u u a I 1 nc -k is .almost '•'he plant, yood will, subscription list, etc., of The Barnwell Sentinel were sold Saturday to B. P Davies, editor and owner of The Barnwell People, jiml henceforth this newspaper wall be known as "THFI BARNWELL 1 EOPI.E-SEN I ENEL. Mr. Davies haviny consolidated the tvro papers. \\ bile this annodnci merit will probal'lv come as a surprise to many read ers of the two pajK-rs, it has been realized for some time by those on the "inside" that the field here is too small to support them lx>th as they should be supported. Heme, the decision on the part of the parties interested to effect a consolidation whereby the best interest of all concerned cottld be best conserved. As The St ate remarked in commentiny on the recent sale of The Edge- field ( hronii le, " I h»- passing of any newspaper ffom a ccxnmunity in which il h;is had its heiny for ;i yeneration or more is a pathetic incident. But such incidents, pathetic as they are, nevertheless are occasionally inevita ble. Economic necessity governs and imposes its mandate. There is proa- j erity where two heads of grain grow where one grew before, but where two newspapers attempt to live in a community where there’s legitimate support for hut one, there is hut one inevitable end sooner or lat*4£^ And not alone are the owners of the papers affected by such enditions. The’community suffers, since neither paper can expand so as to give its besT to its town; no multiplicity Of hampered, restricted newspapers can give the value in service to a town which it is possible for one journal, unhampered and running to as Oil capacity as support will warrant, to render.” The sub-enpt ion list of The Sentinel will he combbined with that of The People and all unexpired subscription will be filled by The Barnwell People-Sentinel. Until the mailing list has beben revised, there will probably he some duplications where persons have been taking both papers. Likewise, in the future those who are indebted to The Sentinel for that paper will make payment at this office. The editor extends a cordial welcome to every sub scriber of The Sentinel and hopes to give them the best weekly newspaper in South Carolina and to this end he solicits their cordial cooperation and • up port. The consolidation of The People and The Sentinel gives the new’ paper i circulation several times as large as that of any other newspaper published Barnwell County and one of the largest of any weekly newspaper in lower in South Carolina. In addition, the combined plants make up one of the best equipiM-d newspa|H-r and job offices in this section of the State. Several new Th. th . c T I'Mh blr ’ 1: C ! t ! ' tfol - f' 111"! t (HI ! I , i ■ i \\ a- 11 '(■ ! arc ' i" a ""kill! i i a r i i■ "'fern an t h Spi i m immediate ami lit (lefllil ml utility a ad vv hen a liudseii- t be i e and up-to-date type faces are also being added and buyers of advertising am! job printing are offered a service second to none in the State. And now just a word as fo the future editorial policy of The Barnwell People-Sentinel: Briefly, it is a square deal to everybody. The paper will he controlled by nu clique, elan nor faction and its columns will be open at all times to the Dee and impartial discussion of timely topics. Factionalism will he taboo and the editor invites his readers to lend their assistance in promoting the best interest xtf the town and county. Later he may have something more to -my along this line. In the meantime, it is hoped that ft lends of both papers will lend their material support to the end that Barn well County mav boast of a newspajx-r in which every reader may take a pai doiiithle pride and the splendid traditions of The People and The Sentinel be upheld. a e 4 M \\ 11 • t ! < M i : 11 i e(-( ;v ,uc i me i veq aft •>! ai g Callie Still Badly Cut Saturday Night M I P, I 1. th- i I V ' VV I : 1 ' II let' U -1 ’ m ! T ••Ugh: be I e \\ ,in Kilt ' w el a S' ,11. Bruce Sai i j' ■ fp, Vincent a," -. all w lute, a {fair, which is the public vv i ai tided man u; ,i, int " 11 U'ala v nigh, f . i med u ;d worn out m,i:i. w 11" Lai M W e 11 , •k am! of 11- was atti ntion. for Ihuis -. Billv Cr.'D ■ VVjuIc Still ami Wi'lie San- iii i■ i)nnei t ion with the -aid to have oecuried Im/h vv;t> while the v,a> returning home. 1. umlcrsto >d that Hoi's Still is charged with (Utting Callie Still, al though it is said that he domes the Gunge He and his companions were at rested Sunday morning and lodged the county jail, being released that , I 111 ii" "Ul.- oiitaiumg gh -' mi 11 utna 1. Mi l In A lb ■ell O' : he mmt naze was of Kiiisbavv and cut b\ Mis. l luls and the puzes <■ i earn ga tries. The W E Jill Steve -oljiiion v islcv ’I'ilese "1 to tile guests of hol.ui' W"re embroidered; linen. \n i<‘e course w;i' .'erved after tile I,., v ll le I , I m . eaip" I • m g ! a J11 a 1 b "d lie . a’ . M . g . a.ilia' -(I L !. H M lauimr.te m nm High S. hihi, Ij j vi i v M. IVV ’ if Co: \\ i ’('k u m Brown Will Deliver Commencennent Talk Negro Was Fatally Injured by Train W lee 1 ! k , Mil Mi a id. 11 ' tu Mis-e Blum i Jlge 11 Stevens, of Whisnant, of ..Ut-of-toWn guests Weil Eieken. "f Charleston. Kershaw, Airs Augusta, Mi-s • Mrs. Mrs. Tom ( adle. of Detroit, Midi.. Mrs. Charles Brook- er. of Bamberg, and Mr lack, of Denmark. A R \\ Jil in dft«'i'th»(»n <>n bond In the Mayor's Court. t In Pnidy Taylor. ;i negro emp Construction (''■ new highway ) yed by w ho Asheigh News. t h. § in fo! reddc Sjiturday days night Alford are building Barnwell, wa- f'ned ^ lu or - the Mayor'- Court Monday S x .Living Sonic time night or early Sunday punning, favlo, lost control of t'i> lashed headlong into one of glass windws at the Best Mr. Alford agreed to pay f,, v the damage that was done. Luther Hogg was fined $10 or 20 being drunk and disorderly. car and < the plate Pharmacy Ashleigh, May 20 1 here was ;i fjimily reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs M Mon is yesterday, the members being called to the bedside nUn of Mrs. Morris, who is quite ill. Mr. Jhmeli Morri'. Mrs. R. B. Griffin and Mi E, D. Mortis came from West P;dm Beach. Fla . Mrs. O A. Seohie from Savjinnah and Mrs. S. \\. Jen kins from Manassas, Ga. Mrs. Mor ris' ejtrly recovery is hoped for. Be I't h;t Delk ha - t et 11' juit vr-it in Ch.-uleston D A IL medal were wm: b\ Mild ed Still and E--telle for receiving the highest aver- their si h"nl wotk during- the past term. Mis- Still in the high school department, and Mis- Biume in the inlet mediate depju t ment. Other pupil- ejime near getting them and received honorable mention. Miss Kibler, j former Blaekville teacher, was th- recent guest "t Miss Rosa Rich. Mr. and Mr- Julius S;in lerst and little daughter. Blanche, of Lakeland, Fla.. (time up lest week to be present at the graduation of their ’oldest son, Judson, who ha- Jilway- been a “star pupil" m the Blaekville e< hool. Mr- l.yndwood Davis and little son, Lynwood. -I i . were vi-itm - in Collim- hi;i hi t Thutsday Mrs, Delia S ojoUl net , of I tenniill k. attended the ('losing exercises of th (Li • |. * , ,t: Ma" .in Tli I rt y !i \ e t i ; i.: i .■ i 1 >. - ■ - i I' " 111 . l.s n ph.ar- !M," , .rvi IT i; u I - i n e u • m- an d :L ‘I 1- AL d a a i ('"J 1 gc to : ii'1 : i '(.M n ■-M elrti rift. •' X • 1 1 cs will b,- L i J Tb’.i i - lay wit ti ('o! K dgar A IbmA I f li 11 r a cl 1. ,i Dii annua’ -pi'iikt *!\ A nn ing tin- -.-1 aduntcs in |iharm;tey t h i - y •;tr arc . •alum KaveriJi! i- j'rri-on. Jr . ;tl O (it 1 > c "Well, and S;tni Rush B U 1 -1. of Bla. k\ lllc. Buist Rush. r-dc-day night. :it the ('h;> i b •-ton M cd'eal College. Dr and Mr- . (Jc-'i-ge Hair. A Bam- be rg. came un la-t Thursde y night t() 1M‘ present a’ the graduation of their m-jihcw. Judson Sander s. Mr- ('level /• zr daugh- tel -. Misses. Margaret and Harriet. who h avr been in Athens, Ga. (where Mr. Ri-her h a- a position) for the [ui.-t -( ho d t ■em. have retu. •ned to their -urnnier home here. Mi- - Euniei Turner, who t. itigh* at I .Jingl (’>', i<' a home for the summer. Th. J unioi- Aid Society of the %th< idi-t ('h ireh met with Miss 1-a- h,-l !(• M urphy J'dcsday afterm on. with M i n- Hcttic M ai hi- ji- leadei i -d.inn- IDzz.ie M. Cavt and B. 1 W S ■Mon, *i f B;irnwell, wet e recent A neiriu m m, .'aid to be Albert Owen-, an esvjipcii convict from Al- lemljile County, - uffeted injuries t)ere i at |\ Etnlay moining from which it i' und-f-tood he died a few days later dumbia on th* .ul ;it ", ( l v mg ■Uaih r ijul way . his -kull ft act um d vv;i- th;it he vva-- steps of the early i t o - -( Both, fi e -pita!. lie was f*)und rack- of the A. C. E. he point wln-fi- that bv the Southern Rail- h j i * i been cut off and Tlie presumption winging on the morning north bound passenger train, from which he was knocked by the railing of the. bridge, falling '<> the tracks below. A eompanoin, said to have been Bob Hayes, another escaped (\mvict from Alb-ndale County, wa- apprehended up the same train at Cayce hut was later released j-fL-r being examined bv tin- railroad authorities. BARNWELL HIGH ENDS SESSION CLASS EXERCISES WERE HELD THURSDAY NIGHT. Hon. Herte I). Carter, of Bamberg, Delivered Splendid Address to (Graduating Class. Mrs. W H Duncan Entertains. dj(V- for Advertise tn The People-Sentinel. Mi-- PaulmeHidnian gave an infor mal dance Friday evening at her home on Main Street in honor of Miss Marie l/ouise (Virnell and her house guest. Miss Evelyn ('adle. of Detroit, Mich. school here hid week. Friends of Mastei Audrey Still wil, i\j > jt n r.- at the hom< regret to learn of the eritira! dines- | J Lang Buist. of his fine Collie pup which wa-given' to him not long ago. Miss Then Sandifer visited rela tives it Denmark last week. An event of much importance to hosts of Blaekville friends, is the graduation in pharmacy of Mr. Scm if Mr. and Mrs. Engineer Hughes, of Columbia, was the recent guest of Mr. W. B. Johnson. Mi-se- Valirea and Minnie Black and Mary Duffy, of August a. and Mrs IxAitia Walker, of Warrenville. were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Black last Sunday. Mrs, W H. Duncan entertained with 2 tables of bridge Friday morn ing in honor of Miss Marie Louise Cornell, bride-elect, and her house guest, -Miss Evelyn Cadlc, of Detroit, Mich. Mis- Jem Riley won the high score prize. After the games delight ful refre.-hmems were served. Mrsy Davies Entertains Club. Mrs. B. P. Davies entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club last week. Mrs. R. S. Dicks won the high score prize and Mrs. R. H. Wil cox cut the consolation. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. John Stevens, of Kershaw. Mrs. Whisnant, of Augusta, and Mrs. Ficken, of Charleston, each of whom wa- presented with bou quet of flowers. After the games a lelightful salad course was served. The Barnwell High School closed another successful session under the su|>ervision of Supt. J. D. Robison with commencement exercises at the Vamp Theatre Thursday evening. The theatre was filled to capacity and standing room was at a premium. The in vex ation was offered by the Rev. R. WL Humphries, after which the following program was rendered; Salutatory—Miss Willie Bush Dea- son. Vocal Solo—Aubrey Harley. Valedictory—Miss Frances Simms. Address—Hon. Berte D. Carter, of Burnberg. To the Pupils and Teachers—Col. H. D. Calhoun. Delivery of Diplomas—Mr. J. D, Robison, Supt. Benediction—Rev. Howard Cady. Mr. Carter made one of the best speeches heard here in some time and for the benefit of those who did not attend the exercises Thursday even ing, his remarks are reproduced on page two of this issue. His address was very timely and is well worth preseving. Col. Calhoun also delighted his au dience with his remarks, as he usual ly does. The exercises were presided over by Thos. M. Boulware, Esq. mm mU . r i. ■■ Prof. J. D. Chitty, of Fairfax* wax visitor here Tuesday