01 000 ans Yemuunn Keeps thi Mrs. Ca Dassel, Mi you fory remedydi well and vi nob for Pe to make th olne with I Praise to P oft an uuus[A. As an en - I. N. .m BOX 410 Pe-ru-na h Oust, Miwnewea rABLETS OR A SOLD 50 YEARS- A I It at-old by sour drou~t wiIW k TOO LATE th only a mjitter of short time, i't wait until pains and aches >me incurable diseases. Avoid iful consequences by taking LATHROP'S HAARLEOM 0IL world's standard remedy for kidney, bladder and uric acid troubles-the onal Remedy of Holland since 1696. ranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. for the name Cold Medal on every box and accept no imitation 13reak olds, safely 4 small dosage brings quick relief to scratchy, Irritated throats. Cough eases, phlegm clears away, inflamed tissues are soothed. -Now- be fore a slight cough becomes a serious ailment-break it up with )R.CINGSD OVERY -a syrup for coughs&colds IDS 2000 MILES POE 3EAR'S EMULSION ohin D. Bear, 'learbroock, Va. Sir: Enicl osed find Post Of11et y order for wht (lh jlease sendl mi otte oc(f Ban-'s Emulsion. I ha v one bot tie and I thlink it work: ne delIvered to ituy post office? like to have them sent b~y Express, Ive forty miles from the railroa d Your' truly, 3. S. Stauff~er, Kendrick, Colo e above letter shows what a won. I reputation Bear's Emulsion hias g the thlouasand~s who have 'used or coughs, colds, bronchItis, lung les and general run-dlown condi. there is nothing muore benefIcial s Emulslon is for sale at leaingl .4ts. iwlee .91.25 a bottle. REEN MOUNTAIN bST HMA COMPOUND quickly relieves the dlistreas lng paroxyama. Used for 65 years and result of lonrg Cer euece in treatment of cthroat and lung diseasee li nOX, Trreattae on Asthaa Its eaus;' treatmenut, oe., sent igglat.. J.E.fl ILD Co., Iuj rir, VT. Matter of Finance. . gulp Gabrilowitch%.once r-elated it * r about at well-known planttist's Iauht, who was said to have always m on cO'rpositions In rapid style for' her- study numbers. "4adain," said the atrtist one day In r~wiperation, 'why do you not try a indante? would disclose your' ~rsing to ,muc'h better Ad~vainge. S "said the protege, "it's because a aesons are so expensive. I enn't a t lay slowy, muslic." ,6 SPE-NA DI'.E TER$ Aso s Medicine with Her for Safety ri Linder, B. F. D. No. 2, Box 44, inesota, writes: "I want to thank ur kindness and the good your d me years ago. I am perfectly siting In Spokane Wash. Were t ru-na I would not have boon able Is trip. I always take your medi no for safety should I take cold. D-ru-na." ergency remedy for everyday ills, is been in use fifty years. LIQUID SOLD EVERYWERE .LTom1c. rINE GENERAL TONIC tersmithUhemlcslC.LouIivfle.j, Put Prohibition on Cotton. In 1700 the importation of cotton goods into Great Britalt1 was prohib Ited and in 1721 the manufacture of cotton inI England was absolutely for bidden by net of parliament, ia pen alty of $100 heilg inflicted for selling it and one of $25 upon any person con victed of wearing it. A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is imaintained in every bot tle of Snamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a 'stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kiler's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.-Advertisement. Must Go Far Out to Sea. l'eruse the concussion of the big naval guns sheltered window pines, anti in soce instances frightened to death hic'kens 111141 iHvo stock in anM ar~ound Long Ieach1 .9nd4 Sa1 P'edro, dradtiughts of the 'aille lert arcs not permitted 11) lire tulrret. runs umi11i - Ihey ire .' milt-s stf the sonthern Cal Mother Says Babies Never GtReal Sick mxtveadstonmeh~l corrlect ive, i t he grealtest medV(icine4 on eatrth for keeping little clhidren well an rd ha~ippy all thme time is 'ontlust$ively provenm by t ho stattemmenit of Mr's. it. B. Untgart, of SO Lindsey street, Atlitab, (hi., who says: "I have thtee boys, the oldest five, the next will soon he' fotur and4 the baby3 i la iteetn moths old. I have givetn them all 'Teel hina whenever they showed the slightest sign of feel InIag bad, andi not only have the results beent wonderful, bult none1 of them Ihave ever beeni really sick ini their lives. I be(lieve their goodi health 1.s dulie ent irely to Teethina.'" T.ieethina is so)ld by alldruggIsts, or you ean send~ 30e to the Motfett lImb - oratories, Columbus, Gla., and receIve it a re'ular t Size packa~ge and1( also a copy of' the valuab~le Baby booklet.-Adver tisemnent, .No Moddler'. "'Mr. Watdleigh Is a iman of affa~ir's."' "'le says. he4 wvoiuldn't give Ien Cenits to the uipl ift."--Birminghatn. Age-lier-. aid. Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. Onl rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutk-ura Ointment. Wash off Olinment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It is wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dlandr~uf, Itching and red rough hands.--Advertisemnent. Jury Duty. "1 11d Wo0tllbat maike an itelligent Jut ror?" "le mnust have. Botht sides Senmed Cout'rr-JTournatl, the rea Vrmltugo, Dr. Pry De So. One dose does the wo'rk, Advertisemnent. Most womten are as modelst as thE. styles wll permit. Look to Your Eyes Beuflea Bd slifne ndedbhe E ....a NOVELIST AND WIFE AROUND WORLD .I f-4 4"4A '1'he photograph shows Itieltirl Jlifrt who are now in England, on one of the s in an liutomobile. lIs wife's professiona Coltibus, Ot, last .ltne anl so far have tot and G((erumany. They leave England next l'ersia, Indht, China, Japan, and the'nc'e h1 Mr. ,'l'reys at work in a Scottish fariny They sleep in the autonobilc. WINTER ISTIMEL TO VARNISH CA1 Much Pleasure Given to Owner if His Automobile Has Good 0 Outward Appearance. 0 MINOR DEFECTS NB3T V!SLE Necessary That All Parts to Be Paint- 0 ed Should Be Thoroughly Washed 0 and Sandpapered--Keep in : Fairly Warm Room. I half the enjoyment of owning i car 1 Farn'es froa the falet that it has at god'd appearance. It may rin well and ride very cnltfortably, but. it is an eye.-ore .id i s'art-break if it looks dirty, pnint is eraeked or va rnish is dall and C lusterless. 1low dliferen t the car which shines in the spllenior of a1 perfect coat of 'a:int and varnish, evet if there are Imiinoir ill'fect's, known only to the own er or the 'expI'rt. I It tlik' iln' to ri) at good Joh of re ni ri 1,:11111i iii 1 and vaiirislh on aill to linlile, ui d the n('%%w cEat shouhl h1a te Illnty of tim to idry and harden. lPor this trnson a goad tilte to do thils work is in winterI, espe11ci:Itly in tho'-( cases it wltere' ',11 n1' p1I11 in ti. giiinge .i,.41 hbli 11i1 for ilia' witer '. 'hil' owner will Ohen h' r:ieady tI divt'e oat inl gLoud , Sty ':n ih 1i'irsit nice slpring ilhty. m 1i' the mynerli is tnot so part i'culir I , 01f amit in, hne enn ei' lennte car thlor-