w PlaKENS--THE GEM, OF TI E FOOTHILLS PPRO IK l A NESPAPE WITHA CCOUNTNC VOUM 52-NUMBE 28 p'CES S. C., THRDY NOEME 9, 1922. ,;.q ~I LIVE LIBERTY LOCALS LI:berty.-Friday evening of the 27th inst a Hallowe'en party was giv. er. at the school house -by the high school boys, sponsored by a number ,f the teachers. Mr. J. R. Martin, head of the agricultural school, aided the boys in changing his department into a veritable "At home to their friends," of all the Hallowe'en char acters. Hallowe'en stunts were the order of the evening, jack-o'lanterns lending a mellow glow upon the en chanted scene. Hallowe'en eats were served and a joyous good time for l present. The 'enior B. Y. P. U. of the second church, enjoyed a delightful party at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McKittrick on Hallowe'en even ing. The decorations were in keep ing with the season, all. lending to the weirdness of the occasion. The usual games were much enjoyed. also the lure of the fortune teller was on, t.dding much merriment for all. Later in the evening sandwiches and cocoa were served. - Miss Rubie Jones nas entered upon her duties as teacher at Keowee. Miss Zola Hutchins, teacher at Travelers Rest, cnjoyed the pleasures over last week end at her father's house, Mr. C. T. Hutchins. Misr Addie L. Davis resumed her school duties last week near William ston. Miss Ida Lou Hunter of Belton, spent the week-end with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Huff and Mas ters Darrell and Roscoe spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt. Miss Silye Chanblin resumed her school work last week iear Walhalla. Liberty circus goers enjoyed a double portion last week in that fol lowing the attendance of the big cir cus in Greenville on Monday, Cole Eres. show attractions held forth 1-ere on Saturday night. LIBERTY U. D. C. MEETING Liberty.-The October meeting of the Kecwee chapter, U. D. C., met with Mrs. J. M. Abbot at her home which was 'quite attractive in its ar ray of beautiful flowers. The program was in charge of the historian under the subject, "The Bend .Between the Negro Slaves and ihc-ir Masters in the South," roll call being. answered by a quotation on this slavery. Shc t reminiscent ac counts cf the fr.inily slave were giv en ty severrl of the members. Beau tiful "ncidents grew out of the mu tual syml:athy and affection between the slaves and their owners, furnish ing themes for song and story. "Black Mammy" is a historical character, and she belongs to traditions and Inemcries dear to tiie outhern heart. This bond between iiiisters and slave ia living monument to the age in which it existed. It was a tie' that the Yankees were unable to under rtand and neither wvere tliey alle to dlestrCy it, altho the intervention of the Noi th brocuglit on a condition harmful to hoth master and slave. "Affection lives only in an atmos p!'ere of kindness and responsive ac 2 tion." The program closed with a reading by Mrs. .'N. Blum entitled t "Ebo,'' which' was highly enjoyed. The business session scon wvent into the election of officers for the ensu ing year. President, Mfrs. A. L. Johnson; first vice presidlent, Mrs. S. T. McKittrick; secondl vieL-president, Mrs. WV. C. O'Dell; recording secre tihry, Mrs. J. C. Hunter; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. L. N. Foy; treas 7urer, Mrs. B. C. Smith, re-elected; historian, Mrs. Jay Boggs; registrar. Mrs. J. P.'Glenn. The retiring presi dent, Mrs. J. P. Glenn, has served faithfully and well for a consecutive rumber of terms, but declined re election. -Delegates were elected as follows: General conventi on-Mrs. Geo. L. Templeton, alternate, Mrs. W' A. Sheldon, and for the State convention Mrs. B.- G. Smith, alter )ate Mrs. D. H. Iennemur-. During the socia' hour the hostess assisted by Mrs. Annie Hamilton served a dlelightful salad course witl coffee and mints. The November meeting will be ai 4the home of Mrs. Jay Boggs wvitl Miss Fannie Lyde assistant hostess FOR SALE-Pigs and milk cows. R C. B~aker. ALONG PICKENS STAR .ROUTE We are having some fine weather now, and farmers are using it to a good advantage, soiing grain, gath ering corn, cotton, etc. Quite- a crowd attended 'preaching at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lusk's Sunday 'afternoon. Mr. I.usk leaves in ~iiWfew 'days for Seneca where they will make the:"r future home. We regret very much to loose this good family from this vicinity. Misses Maggie anF~Lois -Gilstrap were the guests of Misses Inez and Lois Winchester Suinday. Mr. S. C. Collins is on the sick list now. 'Rev, and Mrs. H. F. Wright have returned from an extended visit to the latter's sister, Mrs. Walter Fow ler, of Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Winchester visited their parents 'Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Garrett, at Norris reccinjEy.. Mr., and Mrs. N. N. Mecce of Seneca were visitors in this section Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Winchester and (laughter made a business trip to Greenville FrIday. Mr. Walter Mecce and family of Newport News, Va.. have returned to Meeceville where they will make their home. Mr .and Mrs. Paul Keasler spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryson. Messrs Clifton Childress, Dealus Madden, Claude Parrott and Walter Winchester were seen in this scotio 1 Sunday afternoon. Business un l.nown. Rev. G. E. Crenshaw and family Miss Frenh and Mr. Brumley of Central visited at the home of Mr. J. E. Kessler Sunday afternoon. The population of Easta'toe retion i' still increasing. Among the new arrivals is a son to Mr. and Mrs. Arnhur Madden and i daughter te Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Wood. Mr. G. W. Keasler is erecting a nice bungalow on his farm. Mr. Rufus Galloway a.n I family are on a visit to relatives at Pvd Imont. -- Shady Grove school will begin Monday with Mrs. Olive Adams as pr.cipal, Mr. James Finley of Oconce as assistant. Several on this route attended the show at Greenville Monday. Prof. Willie linrphree. principal o!' the Salem high school was motoring in this -section Sunday. BALDHEAD) PHILOSOPHY By IIawkshaw King Tino was too tino for the job. Rip Van Wrinkle got drunk and t'ept twventy years. New people get drunk and sonme of them seep forev'er. Some are si'ghts and some are par asites. Trotzky chuckles at th'e Anarchist viewvs of his young son, and the devil chuckles at both. When a woman discards her pow decr and rouge you can safely say that she is taking an interest in heri hiome. The wvindl in swindle is evidlently hot air. A Ford with a forty dollar horn reminds us of a pooJIe clog wvith a lien's 'roar. Great men of the past lived hun dreds of years ahead of 'their time. while great men of today live th'ty days ahead of their time. Pennsylvania's di'outh is becoming serious. Don't wvorry, they are speaking of the weather. Geometry is the mcst popular studly of today. Think of the peo ple that are trying to work the (ternal triangle., Probably1 the reason a suicide kills huis mother-in-law 'first is that he wvants company in the Tiereafter. The B'ble says that if thine enemy i'mite thee on the cheek turn the oth cr, so Greece is mobilizing a newv a~rmy to inlvad(e Turkey. A motor knocks for the wvant or oil and a man kunocks for the want ef sense. The Kolorecd K.K.K. looks dark. Tonm Ihool ishness is a bad asso c into. No, Per'e, collar 'lands do-n't play. You ne:ver' heat' et indlustr'ial trou 1.lc s in an- egg vlid.n COTTON AND THE C0--OPERA.. TIVE MOVEMENT Greenvillie Daily News. Was the sensational rise in cotton to 25 cents a pound yesterday due in any way to the influence of co-opera tive marketing? Has the uniformly good price at which cotton has been selling this fall been the result of co-operative selling? In the current issue of The Na tion's Business, publication of the United States Chamber of Commerce U. M. Kilo, says: The mere . announcement in the fall of 1921 that the co-operatives had arranged to borrow $22,000,000 from the War Finance Corporation caused' an immediate and permanent rise of 3 to 4 cents in cotton prices. This loan meant that a large quantity of cotton that would ordinarily be dumped on the market and bought up by speculators was no longer avail able. Orderly marketing gives sup ply and demand a chance to fix the right price, and this is very likely to be several cents higher than the forced price. - With the growth of the co-onera Live associations during the last year it is not at all unreasonable to at tribute the risc :n prices primarily to their influence. To read Mr. Kile' article is to believe very firmly tant. the cooperative moveien l!as boo!t ed the prices of cotton. In his woit the miovement "has arriv .Ad; t has arrived apparently with both feed aril on a solid businesslike ba-i" thiat ii rures its permanence.-' It ha. en .bled the farmer to market his staple instead of merely "dumping" it. as he has done ;n the past. The associations are managed by experts who know the cotton game. They have eliminated under-grading in the cotton sold, doing their own grading a.nd saving their members thousands of dollars in this way. They have gained the advantage ; irompt ware housing and have abolTihecd petty plucking-running $5 to $10 per bale. They have put the farmer very near ly on a cash basis, advancing im 50 to 60 per cent of the probable value of his crop when he delivers it. They collect from 1 to 3 cents per pound piemiun from the m'lls for the con venienec of being able to get large quantities of particular grades at vny time it is desired. Finally, they obtain profit through the ceanomy of bulk merchandising. Mr. Kilo says in conclusion. But what does this systeni, as saming its continued growth and I.rosl:erity, mean to the community. to business men and to tlie,nation? A good place to go to get the an swer to that question is Fresno, Calif. A fewv short year~s ago Fresno was 'almost the dleadest towvn on the mnap. The rsin growvers were seh';nj their crops5 year~ after year at less than the cost of production. Vinc yards were being torn up and1 the growVers were moving awvay. To'day Fresio claims to be the wealthie't city of its size in the Unitedl States. Its per~ capita baE< deposits wre saidI to be larger than fer~ any other city in thie country. Co-oeperation has changed the rasin indlustry from a gamble to'a stable business, and ;nstead1 of a variable, poorly graded and poorly packed s<- mi-luxury the consumer now know5 the rasin as a standard, staple Tood product. In cominon with. other rrices rasins have ry up somewhat to the consumer. but through 'busi nless like methods and economy of operation it has been possible to raise prices to the producer 5 cents for every 1 cent the consumer has had to pay over former price levels. NICE SMALL, FARM FOR SALE. EASY TERMS. We off'er the R. M. Baker tract of land near Six Mile church, 30 acres more or less, all tine land lying beau. tifully, on easy terms; four of fiv'e l:undred dollars cash, balance in equal installments for several y'ears. B. F. Martin: E. M. Blythe. 2t Greenville, S. C. LOST-Five year old boy's hlue erge cont betwepn J1. W. Hendricks store nsnd W. E. Stephes store by way of l'pot. Reward offered. D. A. Bra zeale, Phone No. 4. SENATOR CRAIG TO THE ~VET ERANS. The fbllowing speech w'as' deliv ered'by Senator John E. Craig when he entertained the Confederate vet erans of Pickens county at a sump tuous dinner on the first lay of the fair: Veterans of the Co'nTederacy: It is well to pause and drop i teat, and place a flower on the bier ere the body has been 'lowered into its rose colored chamber. Yet it is far better to strew your pathway with sweet scented blossoms and fragrant flowers while you live. Under bright October skies, with woodlands all golden and glorious with the livery of autumn, with the feathered songsters piping their tuneful lays, and with the honey-be-. still seeking his flavcriedI flower. It is fitting amidst such surroun(lings for us to gather around the festive hoard and eat, drink and be merry. 'Iherefore, it s- a rare priivilege and a jcy for mc to have you as my guests this glad day; and as a mark o app:reciation for your valiant serv ices and heroie deeds as scIdiers and as citizens, this dlinnler has been pre pared. and I trust that each and every cue of you have cmne v.1 hel ty and well whetted appetites. And for our ciiy, let me :ay that its gzrtc's stand ajariiid that all that lies within its walls arc yours. To the ladies, whose untiring <.e. forts have made this ocaas-on what it is, and to the hand fcr their de ligh.tful and inspiring music, I wish to extend my sinec( e thanks. Wish:,g to be brief in these few 1.ar'tilg w'ords, I can but fcebly ex y.ress my a(miiration and resp et fir you who wore the gray; but I pled'.. YOU that our love shall be as ever Irting as the starse- and as long a; the wind's Acolian harps pour forth their sweet strains of'niusie, just so long wh .you live in the hearts of a grateful people. MRS. JANIE BRIGGS HAMILTON DEAD. Mrs. Janie Briggs Hamilton, widow of the late Whitten Hamilton, (led at her home in Easley Tueslay night about 10:30. Mrs. Hamilton had been a sufferer for seveial years and had been confinyd to her bcd about a year. She never complained and was always cheerful and greeted her friends with a smile. Truly. a good woman has gone to her reward. Mrs. Hlamilton was about 75 'years of age and was the oldest (laughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Briggs. Her husband preceded her to the grave by six years. She leaves four chldren as fol-. lows: Henry W., and Norman L. Hamilton, Miss Bessie Hamilton and Mrs. J. J. Sims-, also onie sistei, Mrs. T. .J. Bowven, all of Easley. ~Besides a large family connection she leaves a host of friends. Funeral servieccs will be held Wed nesday in WVest Viewv ceeery. Easley Progress. ALONG l'lCK ENS ROUTE 41 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stansell v'isi tedl their sister Mrs. . n Edens Sun day. J. L. Brown has been repairing andl painting his house. The Rock school will open N- v. the thirteenth with Miss Mollie Wof ford principal ani Miss Jessie Hlouser as assistanit. Miss Mao Keith has been very sick. Mr. Lawrence Edens is wearing a .-mile. It's a fine ne* girl at his house. George Edens and wife and one of tile Clemson College professors have been visiting Mr. Lige Edens. The two-year old son of Sam Brown is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meee, Walter andl Laura Meece visit ed the home of Sam1 Brown the past ;zunday. Mounitaineer'. MARRIIAGESF Maried by Judge Chri'.tophe'r in his office, November 'I, Miss Etlith C;rw to Mr. Gary Hlolden. Marri' d by .Judge Christopher. at his residenc-e, November .5, Miss MeTzry I.lrer to Mr. Jnhn Anderso. $1.50 A YEAR BIRTHDAY CELEB1RATION On last Thursday, Oct. 19, 1922, the relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baker to celebrate his 70th birthday. A suprise was planned onl Mr. Baker which was carried out nicely until Thursday morning whaThe was go ing c'ff, and his wife, and son per wiaded him to wait unE;i after dinner Ihen he began to think there was something going to take place. There being over 0O present plea mant conveisation was the past time or the morning hour. About the icon hour a long table was put in Ie back yard where tie ladies spread ne of the best dinners we have ever , itnessed and enjoyed. When dinn r vas ready Rev. F. T. Cox stated what I pleasure it was to h-m to be present it the occasion, and then Rev. J. C. iggs i eturned thanks, then e\ erv e. b. an to partake of the food .11( siome ee said they could eat dl they wanted without any fear o, \cute Incligestion for there was a liitor present. After dinner was >ver all assembled'in the front yard vl e a group was takcn, beside dme family groups 'and other pic ures being taken. Dir. Baker i; the olle:st child of dr. and Mrs. Jacob Bakt r. When at he age of nine his father left for he war and he had to do the plow ng to mlake the support for his oth( r an( six other chiilren. - Me. haker has been at (eacoin of the Bap ist church about -17 years. Mr. an(1 Mrs. Baker both roeived everal nice present. iiuring the dlay. 'he afternoon was spent .n singing evcral selec''tions iein' used in the bristain Hiarmony. TIhe dis- missal rayer wis offered by Rev. J. L. ilktspit'. We ho( 11e to attn('1:1 many lore such occasions at this home. A' er many good wishe's and farewells 1ll dispersed to their homes. l1lI'l'lll)AY (11.E1RAfTAON A hirtinlay rei bration was held Tctober "I it tie hiom'e of Mrs. 'R. Anderson in 0o:nor of her 71st siithlay aid attended by 93 friends mad 'rives. The morning was 'peiit, ill social conversation, a fine linner was enjoyed at 12 o'clock and the afternoon Rev. A. M. Simmons rcahicled a sermon from John 6:24. Urs. Andlersonll was greiatly Cheered :y manyi fl(.viil tributes fromt the voing people and other presents From the older ones. We wish this ;oOd mther many more happy birth lays. HIl Illl)AY CEI1EIRA'I'ION A hout if (ty friends and relatives iC Mlrs. J1. 1". Masters gathered at he home 1,f F. M. Masters in An ersen countyA on October 15 and lebriatedi her 70th birthday, and verlybod~y steemed to enjoy them 'elves. The good ladies spread one .f the lest inneiirs we ever sawv. Thrue echibdiren were present: Mr. W. K. Aasters of Easley, F. M. Masters .f Ande~lrsonl county and Mr's. A. J. I.ieste'r of Greenville county. Twenty grtandebihldren and theeo groat-grand. rhlildren wvere also present. It was ri great time and~ we hope to spend ;t least twenty-five more such happy :>eens';ons at this hospi~table home. hONOR ROLL1 NORRIS GRAD)ED SCHOOL. First Grade.--Joyce Johnson, Res sic Mae Johnson, Clara Mao Alexan der, Paul'ne Bolding, Pettie Maddox, Don McWhorter, Isaac CantrellI, Hugh Kennedy, Grace Adcox, Sybil Gilstrap), Grover' Hood(. Second Gradc.-Joyhn Kennedy, Thelma Garrett. Third Grade.-Roy Enltro0kin1, Ralph Hood. Harold Jaines, Mattie Jo McWhorter, Martbha Boroughs, Clyde Owen, Francis Bolding, ,James Whiten, Flora Glover. Fourth Grade.--Clemsoun Billingsly, F.ur'man Bi Ilngsly, George Clardy. Sixth Grade.-Austin Clayton, Carlysle Clayton. Seventh Grade.--Will ie Grace Muli linax, Helen McWhorter, Lauece Mc Whorter. Eighth Grade.-Hugh'es Claytonl, Jay Clayton. Pauline Gaines, J1. C. Bolding, Lizzie Blackerby. Joe M. Robertso~n, Pr.'n CAMPAIGN FOR CLUB BOYs T. A. Bowen wishes t. annourne to all the prospective club members for 1923 that are expecting to corn pete for the very valuable prizes of fered by the Senator elect, Hon. J. E. Craig, of Easley, that they will be given a chance to join the clubs soon through their schools. Those who expect to join the corn and cotton clubs are expected to put mn cover crops this fall of some kind, clover, vetch or rye if it is possible to get them in. Where any boy or girl is not attending school they mav Join by sending their names to the Supt. of Education or the county agent. We are going to visit the schools C , soon tas we can aind are asking the teachers to cO-operate with us. \l RS. L. O. P'ORTlElt )EAI). Gr enville News. irs. Lizzie Ophelia Porter, age l ', died at the lhotme of her father, Rufus 11 upkins. 23 Fourth avenue, yesterday at G o'clock after a linl J-:ering iiiess. Ars. I'orer was in Greenville lundr the care of a phy sitcian, her home be ing in Easley, at Glenwood mill, wlt e she was well kwu.wn and leaves many friends who %:ii Icarn with sorrow of her passing. She is survived by h.r husband 1r. S. C. Porter, fiierc and mother. t Alr. and 31r s. Rufus liopkins; one hl ugh ter, H1iss EulIa Icrter; four sist rs, a'rs. C. D. I3agwell. 1 rf Easley. Mirs. V. E. Mar'tiin .f E'a sley; "Mrs. Queen lIinton an: Siis Louvinia l lopkins, ("f this ty; liree brothers, T. A. Ilopkins, of EFasLy. and L. W. Ilopk ins and 11R. I. [opkins. of this eity. SCI(GOL NEWS ( _ 11 The high school pupils have organ. i/ed two liter ar'y se('ieties. tite Keu We andl the A theniian. The Keoweev is Cemposedo of 8th 11(1 10th grades. the Atheniani of 9th and 11th grad:. The girls have organized thtir asket ball team and cx1;cct to bet:.n practice at once. Mr. Dean E':dens spent the week nd 1 'with homefol ks in the Oolenoy -eetion. A iniong the Pichens high school ipils who stood the teacher's ex 11m ination last Friday and Saturday vere: Beiilah Gravely, Ethel Porter. Ina Cannon, Kathlecn Adams. -)ora 'hapmn 1). Mdtude lEcw, Paul Gravely m(1 Austin Dtul ham. SINGING The H1ur'ricane ''ownshi p S.nginog 'Cnventien will meet with the Norris Baptist church the thlirdh Sunday af. 1rnoc) in November at 2 o'clock. Phie Central Towvnship singing con 'ention has a special invitation to reet with us. I VANGEIST'I MANN'S AP'POINT-' M ENTrS. Ev'angelist .J. TI. Mann, of' Ander son, will lprech at the followving luircs ini Pickens county on the seccondl Sunday in this month: Griffin Fit 11 (o'clock, Secona at :30:1, and1( P:eckens M'dill church that night at the usual hour. You are' cordliallv iivitedl to attendI these services. COLORED SCIIOOl, NOTICE The comtpu sory school attendance hew is in effect in the Pickens colored sochool, effective immediately. By order of the trustees. COLORED) MARRIAGE~ Married by Judge Chris'topher in his office, November 4. Lizzie Green. and Isaiah Bens-on, coloreod. Mr. Platt Wooldrige, of Sneads, F'la., ;s visiting his friend, Mr. Robert M. Welboi'n, near Pickens. Welborn aol Wooldhrige went to France in the hi my together, were together over there, anod e 1e back together. This i5 Mr. Wook rige's firstvisit to this stoetion of the good old U. S. A. and he likes it so well he :s almost per' suadeod to lcante here, Ie admit; a has got Florida heat. Several more accounts ofI rejins i.nid birthday celebrations to he puh lishedo net w we i