PICKElig.-THE GEM OF THE FOOTHILLS -PPRO IKN A NI CONSCIENCE E2ICKENS, S. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1922GEM _______ tk e u~O_,__$1.__ __ AYE 1 A AL a ahmnm . 1 Locals alPorsoils Mrs. H. A. Neely is visiting in An derson this week. Mr. W. T. Jeans is quite ill at this time. . Mr. John Foster of the Peter's Creek section is visiting friends in Georgia. Dr. Moore, the druggist in the Keowee Pharmacy, visited his par ents at Greenwood last Sunday. Roy. Keith from Augusta is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Keith. Mr. Arthur Craig and Miss' Lula Smith were married at Central on the 7th inst. Miss Emily Thornley of Converse spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thornley. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morgan and son Stanley of the Praters section spent several days last week with Mrs J. S. Stanly near Greenv~lle. Mr. PAiker and Miss Golden Graft of Greenville were marrie~d last Saturday at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. F. T. Cox. Besies the different contributions the women of the Baptist church have made for missions and all other ob jects, they sent a box to the Russians valued at $52, and $15 to help fur nish a dormitory at Six Mile. This week's Sentinel is carrying the largest number of land sale no tices ever published in a single- issue of a Pickens county newspaper. These 1 notices will prove ot unusual interest to our readers. Mrs. G. A. Martin of Mt. Holly, wh;; was a daughter of Mr. R. W. N PiJskns and sister of Mrs. M. C. t Smith, (lied last Saturday and was buried Sunday following at Pickens I char.al. IWv. D. W. Hiott conducting 1 the funeral services. t A plan is on fect to try to get all *the mcthers who are interested in the school to join the School Im prvement Society. This society ivill mcet : the school auditorium on next Friday at 4 o'clock. The League of Woman voters will meet in the same room half an hour earlier., Rev. F. T. Cox is anxious that all the people be in earnest prayer for the success of the meeting which is to he held 'n the Baptist church. beginning next Sunday. Dr. R. C. Granherry of Gafiney will be the preacher, and he is said to be one of the very be.=t in Scuth Carolina. The Pickens colored school will cpLn Monday October 23, with Prof. Fred C. Hunter of Iardeville, S. C., as principal and Mrs. Dora D. Ferguson and Mrs. Aminda B. Rose mond, local talcnt, as assistants. All the patrons are cordially invited to be present at the opening. The regular monthly meeting of the WV. C. T. U. was held on Thurs-] day of last wveek at the home ofi Mrs. Vcsta McFall. The regular or der of business wvas carried out. Son~e new busincss is under consid et ation. Mrs. McF'all wvas elected1 dlelegate to the state convention which convenes at Newvberry in Nov ember., News wvas receivcd here last Mon day of the death of Dr. R. A. Lan castcr of Columbia. The news reach ing here wvas that he was found dead1 in bed early Monday morqining by h's wife. who wvas Miss Ola Hlollings -. worth formerly of this place. He was loved by all who knewv him, andI many hearts go- out in sympathy to his family. It was a great pleasure to the Pickens people to have Dr. D). M. Ramsey, wvho for eight, years wals th,. beloved pastor of' the Baptist church here, to preach on last Sun (lay night. Altho it was not general ly known that he would be here, a large congregation iniard him. He spent. Saturday and Sunday nights with friends in town, goig lo the Association at Oolenoy on Sunday. - Mrs. R. A. Forest of Toccoa, Gai., was here last Thursday in thE in terest of an organization~ of young girls into a Bible study class. She met with sixteen girls at the I~ome of Mrs. Ernest Folger, who, ith Mis. Clarenec King of Easley are tihe local leaders. These girls'will meet ' ery saturday afternoon with Mrs. Ernest Folger ad commonce I. with an analysis of the Old Testa mont. Mr's. Forest wvIll'come over once. a month to meet with and in struct them. U. D. C. MEETING Mesdaines J. P. Carey, Jr., and G. R. Hendricks entertained the Pick ens chapter 0. D. C..-Un last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carey. Beautiful pot plants Ahd been placed thruout the rooms in tasteAt pro fusion and added much to the plea sure of the occasion. The president being absent, the meeting was pre sided over by the vice president. I Mrs. Frank McFall. One of the im portant objects of this meeting was to -elect officers for the next year, which resultcd in the re-election of all the old officers. Some other matte:s of importance were disposed of, one of them being the election of delegates to the general U. D. C. convention which meets in Birming ham in November. After this several of the best pap ers that have been read during the year were had. Mrs. Hortense Les ?sne read one on "The Southern born soldiers cf tlc wcrld war," which vas great. Mrs. Carey read the ery thrilling experience of Clarence orter written by himself. Mrs. Iendricks read an account of Ernest ones' war tecord which filled all vith sorrow because he was klled n battle, and last Mrs. ic.F'all read in article written by herself telling >f what terrible things Slierman Kvatt endured during those awful lays. Bountfully helped plates of good hi.ken safad; black coffee and raisin cake constitutcd the refreshments vhich the hostess served to the arge crowd which assembled at this neLtting. We were glad indeed to hear last vc k that 'the ra lrcads are willin: md ready to carr'y all Confederate soldiers to the Fair at Columbia ree of charge and that they will s admitted to the fair grounds by heir Crosses of Honor. This is a ioble net on the part of tho-se who ionor the old soldiers. We realize hat as the sunset of life approaches lc thinks and talks of "The War" I nore than anything else, and it be icoves us who are younger to listen. rust a very few more years will be eft them and let us try to make hose years comfortable and happy m(d thew our appreciation and fealty .o those who fought for us and who n the dark days of reconstruction, vhen the Southerner was shut out rem all participation in natiL ife, when he was regarded as' a heelp to be sheared for the profit rf the masters of the fold, and when ie was treated for a long time as in alien. These men are the last f those whose brain, faith in truth, n God and in themselves, at last >rought victory complete All honor o the Confederate Veterans! May .hey enjoy this trip to Columbia. Revival services will begin at the 3ickens Baptist church Sunday im rn ng at 11 o'clock, wvhen the pastor wvill preach on the subjeect, "The ssentials to Victory.'' The afternoon vill be dlevotedl to prayer andl to his end all who are interested in a a real God-sei revival are invitedl o attend this call to prayer. Preach ng again at 7 p. mn. by the pastor, ad from Mlonday night on Dr. R. 3. Granberry, pastor of the First Baptist church -of Gaffney will do the ',reaching twice daily. Everybody I is invitedl tio attendl andl pray for these services. Miss Eunice Mil of Spartanburg was the charming visitor who spent last wveek-end with Miss Eva Holder. D AD~SSION I NOTES ON COUNTY SINGING CONVENTION.; Prof. R. M. Bolding is one of th< best singers in the state, but he i as timid as a sixteen year old gir iwhen her beau comas into the par Tor for the first time. if you want your soul stirred, jus have Bro. King or Nalley or Clarl lead a lesson. They sing you right up to the gate. The climax of the convention w reached when Prof. Weams sai g on( of the old time gospel songs i. thc church book. "Hark the Song," will never weai sut. Rev. Liner and Mr. Phillips, of Spartanburg county, spent some time with Prof. Cassell in Easley son clays ago, and while here they visited the county singing convention and expressed themselves as delighted with the visit. Prof. Cassell and Mr. Phillips sang a song composed by Mr. Phillips which he said we suggested by a sermon he heard Rev. Billy Sunday preach. "Let the world see Christ in you," was the thought. Prof. Cassell was frequently call d on to play at the convention. He s an expert musician. Can't MeD. Weams sing? Prof. Grkham, his wife and little aughter made a hit with everybody. Prof. Geo. W. Sebern understands iusic. John F. Lesley is all the bass you iced. Prof. Crane is a wonderful organ zer. Bagwell, Chapman, Riggins and Stokes will slay in the background f you don't pull them out. Duncan and IHughey are fine so oists. Thomason the soldier is a sweet spirit. Vaughn, of the Vaughn quartett s bubbling over with joy. liss Stevens can sing like a night migale. GAP HILL NEWS Miss Gertie Finley spent the week cnd with home folks. Mr. Grerham Rorer spent Satur day night at the home of his friend Mr. Ralph Childress. Mr. Wreman Mauldin and 'family spcit Sunday afternom at the home cf his sister, Mrs. Charlie Steele. Mis Loyc F inley spent Sunday afternocn with Miss Nannie Craig. Say, Boys, what's so attractive at Nine Times and Pickens. Master Claude Roper spent Sun day with his friend little Jim Fhley. Mr. and Mrs. Denney Garrett and family of Six Mile have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. Mack Fin ley. Mr, Ray Childress of Anderson spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Bob Childress. FORD PRICES D)ROP TO NEW PRICE L4EVE~L. H. P. Sitton, Jr., receivedl a tele grain from the Ford Motor company 'at Detroit yesterday announcing a reduction in Ford cars and trucks. Tenew prices, wvhic~h are fifty dol. lars lowver on each model, becomes effective at once. This new pricc lEst is the lowvest f. o. h. Detroit price. level in the history of the company and Mr. Sitton expects to do t "land office" business during the next few we'eks. All WVoodmen in good standing in Pickens county andl surround ing~ country are invited to Central to W 0. W. meeting the 21st of Oct. ai 7:30 m. m. J. M. Martin, Clerk. Im'r - V INCOMPA BALDHEAD PHILOSOPHY .... .... By Hawkshaw .. .... Wonder why they still have the anti-saloon league ? Lady gets seven dollars as verdic.c in court after sitting on chteving gum in seat at miovie. Bet she felt stuck up. The mnajor'ty of Turks have the name Bey but none have the much needed ilclix 0. A fund is being raised in Greenville as a reward for sufficient information to convict (log poisoners. We would raise a fund as a reward for grati tude if he would visit some (logs we know. You can't hear the 1r~sh harp for the gobble cf 'Turkey. Near Ea .t issues cortinue grave. but it- i4 a ce:tainty they will never 1 each the grave. As far as the Gr( (' are eonccrncd the Bosphorous dors not seem to be So !)horous. Pride does not ne'essarily go be fore a down fall. You may step;Eon a banana peeling. No cases of broken bone fever here but there are plenty cases of broken pocket fever. It is not an income when you pay out all the time, yet the government calls 't income tax. Turkey ash-Two swords and a christian. Some people worry about every thing they know and others warry about everything they don't know. There are some guys that think they are so slick they could slide on barb wire. Said the Flapper to the Tea Hound, I have kisled every; boy iln town. Said the Tei H1o'mnd to the Flapper, You had better not tell yonr Papper. The Grecian throne :s Hellenic all right. Times do change. Some years agvo wontn had babie. cf six that used a three shoe. Now women have a baby six that usCs :34x4 shoes. ;ile iolk5 retire after a blow out and the next morning have a doctor bill instead of a garage bill. President Wils-cn fixed Ka.scr Bill and President HImlding fixed Bonus Bill. Father says that (laughter knows more- abcut needing dough than she does about kneeding dough. Volstkad has fixed it so a man can't get too full to play fullback. BIRTHDAY CELEIBRATUION On last Thursday, Oct. 12ti a large number of relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Evette gathered at his home to celebrate eleven b'rth days. In fact it was a consolidated birthday celebration, there being pre rent about 70 people. Each one seem ed to enjoy their self in a social way until about 1 o'clock whe, the good ladies spreadl one of the best dam11er.s we ever enjcyedl. The afternoon wvas spent in singing, talking and picture taking. Sure we all enjoyed the occasion very much and hope to at tend many more such annual gather ings at this house. The people of this section enjoyn'l a singing at the home 6f Mr. A. K. Evette's Thursday night. Also an other wvas given at the home of Mr. C. B. Grant last Saturday night. EacIa one reported a fine time. The little (laughter of Mr. andI Mrs. Dean Stancell is quite ill at The people of this section art proud of the work that Mr. Gu~s Nealy has been doing~ on the roads, Fall Turnip. /40Th LIV S C SM-C ERB POUL PY )15PLIM RA~BLE A6RIC T Rdt EIBI1 AUO-ARc QNNN GOOD TIME AT LIBERTY Picnic, Basketball Game and "A Perfect Day. The picnic at Liberty Ilgh School on last Friday, given by the Parent Teacher association, was 'more than a mere acquaintance occasion, as was evidenced by till present. The good friends and parents of this institution showed their love and devotion in a material way when it came to unloading baskets for dinner; and to the host of little hearts, this was the hour of the (lay. The chil dren were served first upon this oc casion too. 0 The basement of the building has recently been fitted up for the do mestic s:ence dejit., and she an' her the agricultur department. M is; Lillian Deck is again the much loved and efficient instructor for the do moestic s:- enle dept., and she has her class kindly lent to the success of the day. A new Col)per-clad range has just been placed for the benefit 01 this department andl was much ad mired by all present. 'This range comes by way of the P. T. associa tion, half the expense of which is their first aid for the new sch, 01 year, the other half being borne by the Stave. When diinnr was over, a short busine s s essign of the association Was held in the auditorium. Miss E'tnel Cromer") very 'kindly responded for t reading whiich was highly en .*myed, aid ;l'.s Anna Wile \atklins, traeiciusly pleastii the auitence by inging that ever new (old song "The' End of a Perfect Day." At. voice of s- R. E. Howen this assemblage vwas dismismised by a rising vote of thanks to the president, Mt s. W. C. O'l)ell, for her untir:nlg efforts inl be ha.lf of our schools. Presently these mother:, together with the rest of the crowd. were wit nesting t iiin::keh ll game betwo"n the Easley and Liberty high school boys. It was a hot contested game Paliey- winning out by a score of 1540a, 11. Mr. Z. L. Foy, Principal Easley high schcol and brother of cur Supt., L. N. Fry, refereed for the )oys. After this game thest boys were all invited into the com miunity room where a festive board, awaited them. Tirese gutsts express e. ithmselves as highty pleased and a joiy good time prevailed. 'flim5. camle the end sof seemingly a "Perfect Day" for all iat Liberty IHigh schooU1!. " SINGING CONVENTION The C''ntral 'I'ownship S'nging (on ventich1 will meet with the second Baptist church the fourth Sunday in Oeteber at Central. Everybody come and lets ha:ve a good time., ALL DAY SINGING The Pickens Township Singng Convention wvill meet wvith Mountain Grove church next Sunday ali (lay. We have the promise of some goodh singers let cveryhrdy come and d~n't forget your bask-ets. SINGING ANDI MOTHIER'S DAY AT RICE'S CREEK( There will be a Mother's Day at Rices Creek the fifth Sunday in Oc tober (Oct. 29.). A Mother's Day ptrogram will be carriedl out in the morning anid a singinag ni the after noon. Everybody is invited to come. Don't forget your we'll-filled dlinner baskets andl song books. S. S. TIeacher. SdO -S 2928 E 'LONG BRANCH BOYS' CLUB Doing Goed Work In Community . Says Prominent Man The Long Branch Community Club in PicJens County staged another one of its successful meetings in August. This time the club was honored by having as its guest Dr. C. B. Smith, of Washington, D. C., Chief of the Office of Extension Work. Dr. Smith did not hesitate to compliment the bo5ii for the suc cessful work which they are doing. The regular monthly program was carried off in fine style, each mem ber contributing his full support in making it such. One by one the boys told the condition of the corn and pigs being grown under their m'lanacmcnt. It was unanimous that the ecr1 club corn in the community was better than other corn growl side by side. A strilking feature of this clib 1t1eei w \C:,:; the presence of fifteen of the chlb boyF' pruents six or eight of whom spoke very enthusia tially :n tavor to the goci wor!k being dn' by the club, saying that it was nXt. to the church and the school in the de "elopmtent of the comn munity. The falther~ (f Ahe pres=ident stated that the club work had been of great value to himself, as well as to His boys, two of whom are members. 14 is encouraItig to obtser.ve the lrogress an11d growth wh:el the Long Branch Club has, made i) two years time . It. i1s d(oubicl iin membership. The att e.dance at the meeting is 100 per cent. better than last year. T he oIicers. ha.e beo;tme more pro ficient. The m emib'ei.rs are keeping," thi i rc (or(1 booksi, : i' -t o -date, and 4 m1lany ouiLer thi-1'2s at:tni ( ut as ev \1c':1e (:1(f f . 'i ('5 . (couity Agenit T. A. I.wen was full (,f Smiles as he e;bservted the pIrocdire of thiS meet ing. Tel( Club is the produt t of hi. handiwork. At the cr m-lus ion of the progran, the Osifdnt f t c chb cnlled on )r. Smith for a'.n a dl-e. Some of the .things wh:ch the distinguished visitrr brought. out here fellow: "I am d'.dghted ti mtcc with you Ste th (arolina club boys. Is is -m iospirationi to be he and to observe )o n1ny of the parents. here. I .oti inl South (arol'na to become bet'.'r atcquaited with your ag;ricuilture. IL isa pleasure to me1c to l'atrn that you boys grow corn better than the other folks around you. It is my impression that you should grow more legumes.. This land around here vTcppars to need humus. "One of the things which I would like to emphasiz is the need- of edicltion. I am glad to see this nice schoolhouse here. The study of books is the short route to educa tion. E';xperience s t dear school, for it requires too much time to eanin it. What we need, not only in our farming, but in everything else, is more system. That is why the Ford automobile plant can turn outt So many cars. They have a well.. dleveloped system. Trwo men within my acquaintance started out in life with about the same opportinities. One purseud en education, fthe other did not. At tiie pro'ent ti'me the educaeted man has attainedl success. The other mian is a failure. This is the di fference betwveen being educat e'd and not being educated. Of course it take~s effort, but I beClieve you boys are willing to putt forth the effort." IIONOlt RWbI, OF NORRIS SCHIOOL First Grade.-Velma Durham, Louise Gantt. Second Grade.-John Kennedy, Thelma Garrett, Martha Boroughs. Third Grade.-Mattie Jo. McWhmor.. ter, James Whiten, Virginia Gantt, Roy Entrek in. Fourth Grade.-Clemson Billings Iey, Furman billingsley, Frank Clar.. dly, George Clardy, Thomas Boroughs Roblert .Johnson, Ireno Gilstrap. Sixth Gradc .-Austin Clayton. Seve'nth GradI(( Helen M'cWhor.. Icr, L~amee McWhorter, Whlie Grace Mullinax. IEighth G rade.-Jay Clayton, Mary a Cock, J1. C. Bolding, LI.zzie Blackerby, TIeby Couok, Pauline Gaineo, Hughes Clayton. Trhe jdir' of 'the Pickens High shoo' Lhave organ.iaed a Basketball team for the~ winter. T[he officers are: Miss liuoby Berrymnin, coach; M isi Kather it." Cur'tep. atptin; Miss EhteI Porter, manager, and( Mie-s Luisa Diggs, secretary and treasurer.