PICKENS--THE GEM lT 1 OFFICIA (1 flTEOFCA ANWPPRVTIACOSINE 1;21VOLUME 02-NUMBER 15 E nif e _ _ __.,R~"_.. OF THE FOOTHILLS SPAPER OF PICKENS 1.-PICKENS. S. C., THUlRSDAY, AUGUST 3 1922 r SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR .E 'rLU'Im G SOUTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS. Pendleton, S. C., July 2.-Possibly very few know that some of the brightest gem: in the coronet of sap phire mountains are within the bor dCrs of South Carolina itself, and al 'will be interested these warn, rosy days of summer to know that the) need ntot go to the North Pole nos yet to the rich man's resoi't'of Nor'l Carclina to find picturesque scenery streams to fish and bathe in, colt enough to sometimes daunt the hard lest; cool mountain 2ephers 't'o fal the tired bodies into sweet slumber .and healing for sek :babies and worn 'cut mothers. If one takes Anderson as a poin of beginning he ecn 'have 'his choicl of these routes. Anderson to Pickens, 28 miles. Pickens toward I3revarej, 11 miles (This is the finished part of a mag nificent road from Pickens to Bre vard-27 miles-- which will shorter the distance to the mountains, oper some of the grandest scenery, and penetrate into fastce.sses never be fore entered.) For instance, there are tents and shanties within sight of this new load -bove Pi c'kens which look as cool and inviting as any in the aris tocratic Adirondeks-, There is a na tural r:-k-worn basin to the right of this road, just hidden by some wild craoi, where the water dashes down ft om its wilk sources, forming a na turral swimming place about ~chin deep of clear, limyid -water. One can take the shower or the plunge as he likes-according to his endurance! Enquiry of Mr. Earle Seaborn, at the Sentinel office, or of any other well posted citizen of Pickens will steer you to these places. There is on the read side a stream as pretty as any French 'Broad, tumbling down from the "Sapphire Country", and no doubt full of fish. The new road has paused in the very heart of these mountains, and will follow thisitream up in -its wmnding course. Eight more riles will put it to the North. Caro lina 1Tne, and connect it with high waS.. Tiis eight miles is 'to be built by contract which will be let August ''5th. That part already fin'shed 's the fin st that can be built, and was c'o:plcted by convict labor. One and a half hours from Anderson will put ynu in this area where there are scarcely any hcusces as yet, and am pI(e site for ~eamping. This new route will bring Bre v'ard. ('a( m 's Ilead, and highways scadn to .Ashevile in one direction and to li'i'lands in the other within b5 mi-ls Of Anderson. Highlands is al 'out -ev cnv -live mlles from And'r. This , u? route will also bring Knoxylle, Tenn., the Blue Grass of K(omuk:y, and all western highways r- ayd places 162 miles nearer than they have. b n. With a little more work between Ilot Spr'ings and the Tennes see line one can go from Anderson to Knoxville via Asheville in a Jlay-a dilstane of' 2:10t.8 miles. The former I oute has been by Atlanta and Chat tanooga, throIugh the rough Cuniber land mountains, and would require two days-a d'.stance of 392-9' m'iles. If One should go this short route to Knoxville he may knowv that to Marshall, N. C., he will have a turn rilke. About seven mniles from Mar s-hall to Hot Springs is as plictures pue as any Rocky Mountain trail. It is seven hundredl fteet high, encircling a mnountain as high as there is in the state, and the only mistake about this is that it was built a one-wa" roadl. The mistake wvill be remedlied I-ot Springs is as efficacious as any water in Arkansas or anywhere else. and cures for rheumatism, gout and other curable diseases are piled up to its credit, though it is as yet a mod est resort. From Hot Springs to the Tennessee line-8.1 miles-the most 'V careful andl experienced drivin~g is recessary until this short hn1k lin he .hain of highways is built on mod crn lines, but is wild and grand be ytond diescription. -.Cataracts and cas cades abound along the way, adlf~ 'rhododendron forest seem almost im re(netrahle. The crowdl alwvays follows tihe beat en track, hut if one ha.; a fancy for getting out of it, and time andl a turr for' invt .-tigat ion and roughing it h< er i: ird all he~ wishig to engage hhll ~ \ in any cf the s(etorS deser'bae, hui cf course no ene sh~old undertaki tI'cwe wilder r( uies who expects eit; L-. .nmn'.c.ke, f::r there are non' TABLE ROCK COVE One of the most romatic and pic turesque places in the Blue Ridge Mountains is Table Rock Cove. This 's tight where Mr. Wade Chastain and Mr. J. P. Carey, Jr., are to begin the crection of a large hotel in the near future and expect to have it completed and ocupied by text sum mer. The cove lies just to the north of Table Rock, and is accessable by a road which leads from Pumpkintown and is only six miles distant from this pace. It is the end of the road lead. ing west, and there $s one called the slicken road which leads north and goes into North Carolina. It goes right u the slicken creek, and no grander scenery than is offered by this route is in any of our moun'ta'ins. At the foot of the mountain a large beautiful pool if formed by nature and Mr. Chastain has had the under growth cleared away and hath houses and seats bu:lt. Bathing suits are Klpt by Mr. Abner Gilstrap who has charge of the grounds and a (it) into this clear, pure watr is worth a doctor's bill. Thin the delightful climb up to the falls, only cne and a half miles, is worth a great deal more. The scenry is grand beyond dIescrip ticn. The ascent is miade near '.he banks of the str am which goes h-ap ing and pilungng down the hill wich its clear water sparklim like dia m1 onds. The falls are grand, and are a fit ting climax to the climb. Visitors to this. place will find an old l(,g cabin in which they may camp near by the site of the proposed ho tel. Going up the Saluda river a mile and a half by path-way one sees the "Big" tree. It is a poplar seven feet and four inches in diameter. To the south, about half a mile, looms up grand old Table Rock. At night the lonely owl's voice is heard all around. Tle wild-cats are very shy but plentifuh Some other animals are in evidence, but are not very soci able 'n their nature. All together this is destined to be one of the grandest summer resorts in our mountains and we insist on all lovers of nature to visit it. A Mountain Lover. SINGING The annual singing convention of Oconee countrwill mett at New Hope (four miles north of Sneca) the ("th and 7th of Auguist. All singer.: and lovers of nu sic a r invited. WV. 31. Lenunons, Pres. :. ?VlCr.S AT PICKl'NS BAPTIST CHURCH. 'T'here will he services at the Pick ers Baptist church next Sunday as fol lows: Sunday sebool at 10 a. m. Prieach'ng by the pastor oin the sub ject: "My Heavenly Record,, at 11 a. mn. Talk by J. P. Carey, Jr., andl ethers at 8:15 p. mn. Prof. J. H. Rubuck, of Dayton, Virginia will worship wvith us and will have charge of the music at bo0th services. At both services the dloors of the church will be opened to receive any newv members into The church by ex pericnce letter or promise of a letter. Everybody invited to all serv'ees. T H URISDA'Y AFT'ERNOON IBRIDEE The menmbers of thq Thursday afternoon Bridge club wvere the guests of Mrs. A. J. Boggs, Jr., at a (delight ful meeting this week. Bright colored zininies were artistically arranged in lovcly vases in the living room. Punch was served throughout the games and an ice ice course at the close. The ekab had as its guests Mrs. Orrison, Mrs. Hagood andl Mrs. Hen The highest score was made by Mrs. F. E. Armstrong. alvl in some of the section's allud "' te. O)ne is on his own resources as~ were tra'lppers and ex'plorers in t he early days, withI t he advantage of a trail which'the stetes hav'e provid!-d through the wilds, andl chickens so plentiful andl so cheap that one won ders how he might bring home a few mo'nths supply!-Anderson Daily Mail. RICE'S CREEK ITEMS Rcv. J. T. Mann, the blind evange !:.St, r eachod a very impressiv'e ser me'.n here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Nolson atten ded the birthday dinner of Mr. Bub Wilson in Anderson county on the 10th. Mir Tind Mrs. Sam Burgess visited thir daughter, Mrs. Marcus Rogers, last week. Mrs. Frances Rogers is on an ex tended visit to --elatives in Easley.' 16'. Roy McCall, wife and sister Aleen, of Pendleton, and Mr. Roy Few and wife visited at 'Mr. P. T. Nelson's last week. Mrs. Dee Gillespie has returned from the hospital much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Collins visited thcir father Sunday. The children of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roper gave him a birthday dinner on July 11. Mr. Roper is 72 years old and has ten living children, all ca whcm are married. To visit his home is a pleasure to -anyone. PICKENS CO3I1NG BACK Creenville News. The News vi glad to :'ee th a: nuncuicemenit oflni I)2'O"'('ill( mipv n on. !a hlp Rock, looking to tile dcvelopment (.t a real pleasure resort and amuse ment spot in the Great State of Pick ens. :Many years ago Pickens coun ty and that entire corner of South Carolina was very popular with South Carolina folks as a place to go for recreation and rest (luring the hot summer months, and there is no rea son why it should not "come back" ncw with greater popularity than evet:. Pickens county has been doing much good work during the past few years in improvement of its roads, and fur ther work along this line is planned. These roads will make its attractive recrea t onal spots more accessible than they ever were. and with the in creasing number of automobiles in use, there is no reason why the many pleasure spots of Pickens county should not be visited by numbers of peonle from all over South Carolina. The Table Rock dev( lopmcnt, we trust, is only a starter. It is to be hoped that the development will be cenlarged from seasen to season and that ether spots of interest -l that secticn of South Carolina will also he made available to visitors by in Ii.. lablishinhnent cf the neces nry eil EASL.EY ROUTE TWO halth in this section is very good at present. The stork visite(d the home of Mr. Mr's. R. L. Perry Sunday and left a ten iouind girl. Mr. and Mr's. B. T. Smith and chil dren splent Sunday in Greenville with Misses Sadie and Roy Fisher and Mr. Henry Holcombe of Andlerson visited Miss Rose Holcombe Sunday. Mr. and1 Mr's. WV. R. Ander'so and~ rlaughter Louise splent the (lay Sun (lay with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Griffin and family. Mrs. Maron Mahoney who has been in the hospital in Greenv'ille has re tinrnedl to her parecnts home, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Perry. We hope) that she wvill soon regain her strength. Everybody invited to attend prayer meeting at Georges Creek hurch every Wednesday night at 8:30 o' elock. Miss Earle Holeombe has returned home after' visiting hers sister 'n Greenville, Mrs. R. E. Hlolcombe. Mr. Lawrence Lenhardt visited his parents a little while Saturday after noon, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Lenhardt. Miss Victoria Morehead left Sunday on No 12 to begin teaching in Union, S. C. We wvsh her much success in her newv work. "Somoebodys D~arling." CARD) OF- THANKS I wish to thank the goodl friends and( neighbors also Dr. Valley for manny kindness shown me (luring the sickness and d uath of my dlear' wife. 'rhe perisonail help wvas greatly helpful and appre..iatedl as well as the beau tiful flovral offer'ings. May the great God in Heaven bless you all. L. I4. Gravely, Children nna Mother. HOW SHALL WE APPLY CAL CIUM ABSENA'IE? The Progressive Farmer. How shall the farmer apply cal cium arsenate for boll weevils, by dusting or molasses mixture? We have taken pains to get the best thought and experience of sections where they have had the weevil far years and where both methods of con trol have been tr:ed. Thcse results, in our opinion, show that the molass es may secm to (10 all right early in the season and, consequently, seems t( have misled some most excellent men, but will not be effective in the wind-up. Entomologist Franklin Shearman of the North Carolina Ex periment Station afttr reviewing all the ev'dence sums up the situation as fellows: "Governmnent and state officia , who have no financial interest in any mater als or im plenents whatever of ugny kind, and whotsie re'putation Inl standing vre dep ldent upon the 5(oundlne.*s of their alvice, lo not rec ommend the molasses calcium :rse nat(. Aceording to gover nment tests. its pc;: .ille use Ilness is (oninied ti 1a i y a<,n ani very dry we.ather. As the season a( t'diIlvances iad weev.: be:ne ahuncianit. it he -ones useI less. We are ('concen(ratingi' ollr interest anid attt tion on the known and I roved h(cst method which is, dustine the plants with lure s.ve seldom bcen known to harm a 'iumian in these beautiful, glorious YOU AND)1. If mien wVou1ld cease to1 worry, And women eanse to sigh, Andl all he glad to, bury Whatever hag to dit'; If neighbor spa~uke to neighbor, As love dlemarnd' t:f all, The rust wIu~ o s .at thc sabrI", The s1(1 r atl V