Ihe Pickens Sentine PICKENS, S. C. S1EPTEMnER 23, 1915. :ntere i at 1 tekes i'ostollIee its seconit (;I e MAltil Muttler. i PER YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANG (anyt .Hu.r'T, Manager. )itiltry lis tice atini Irtrau1tes of resitel't 1) 1 ivero e hudiiired worui will Ie priniteri free f.hargea. .\N 41%t-r thin iutubler ini(tst he pi at t lle mitte li o Ine <-ent 'I worid. t't h to e.-Cail toil ml i a i-fji. t urids of thanlk. iiuh iari test-oalt' iti IT et It %orti. Next stop: Thanksgiving. Goodhye. Mdlr. [a rleycorn; howdy, lr. ro~thibition'. And it rained that ver nLt' Didn't ,:.it till next day. And just think. th: i; It' hotter :n this in in ta .a b Ii .* t t lwi t }- th i, t ti m(W\' her the :i ti t is p'en ti .1 o er wh-lich we. shuould he tn-Imi!:fl. Th- .Allis say the nii will put a ip to the Gernmn adrance. but it is t \ike' to stop the lIussian t' irtat. ''We have been call ing~ for years." iS an vtvttiseiment in the 'phone irectoiry. So have we, I u 't the dli ng U tedi '".'e ti ng' le "iu mi osV 110t of ie time. Vignawent dry -buIt not 1ihod :ci e:it. Soutth Carolina went dr i but 'h reto n vil l it cef cuit wils ot be tdr. Past. thi in yuir hat for "t?e rvfebnc. I yo au wanti to hear the itior chirpn :ith c'heer, pay up your sub~scription or another year. Or if you just want o see him glow with glee, say "Imere's dollar, send your paper to me." Columbia State wants this country, i ase of war, to mobilize the baseball layers, especially the pitchers, and iake bomb-thotwers of them. We uggest that the umpiresof the several agues be used by the homrub-throwers o practice on be ore they go into active erviee. A maiden fair with sun-kissedl hair aime trippglg (own the street, with ace serene (her age sixteen); gee whiz, umt she was sweet! On a banana peel lick she came down quick. 'twas a jolt hat shook her curls; but the words she ised must be excused, for she's one of or nicest girls. A long wi th the many "bum01per'' crops he South has piroduced this year is that an enormous snake crop. This is said o be u ge to the fact that mansy of the outhern states have a "'fence law," -nd the snake's natural enemy, the hog, as been conftie in lpens, with the con equent increase of reptiles. Tlurn the azorbacks loose! Colonel Ilryanr adlvised while he was in har'ge of the state departmnent that imericans quit traveling on the liners, nd at once a howl went up that it was 'a surr'endIer of American rights and rivileges."' Mr'. Lansing has just ad ised that all Americans leave Mexico tonce; but no scream is heard about a surrendler of' American rights andI rivileges."' It all depends on who ires the advice, it seems, for in either istance it was goodl. Great Britain's ex penditures since the utbreak of the war is over six billion ollars. The daily war expenditure is oW tnearly sixteen million dlollars. As oun as the conflict is endedl all loyal inglishmen will have to dig dIown and ay this immense bill, and most of it ,ill come out of the toil of the laboring ien who are at the front, if they should *e so fortunate as to get back home 'ith their lives. A dver tisement: Make money writing 'ootry! Many poets now making fron 7 to 35 cents a week! Learn to do . tt home without cost and during spar< ime! The greatest discovery of th, ige (much better than Dr. King's) i'ull particulars sent aboolutely free o: -eceipt of regular price, Just to see ;ou have any talent in this line, filli * he following blank lines, We hay tiready supplied the last words of eac tine,, .which rhyme beautifully, andi * ihould be no trouble for you to finis :he pdem: ----------------. remember, -------------. * rohi, ----------------September, -----------------dry. Fill out, clip out and mail to Dept. Box E, Pickens, S. C. OUR WEEKLY RIDDLE. -Why is t letter W like scandal? Because it makes ill will, How's This? We offer One HuMi!red Dollars R ward for any case of Catarrh thi - cannot be cured by Hall's Catarr Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Wo, tiro undersigne(l, have known '. Choney for the last 15 years, and belies s him perfectly honorable in ill busines transactions and financially able to carr out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL DANK O? COMMERCE, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cifro Is taken internall acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system. Testimonial senti'free. Prico 75 cents per bottle. Sol by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Interest in the Fant-Durhan meeting seems to increase each day. Mr. Fan is preaching with great power and til singing is good. The meeting will clos Sunday night. According to a news story in the Char lotte Observer, two men entered tht office of the l' ree Press at Forest City, N. C.. Saturday night and relieve( Editor Croker. who was setting type, of 2i23. This not only shows the danger of tn editor having S23. but also shows the (1tget tL' Setting type at night. A Sad Death b11 itb-: fh lou: i ng shi t :I nine'Il' itlr I re . Then-r : hi-t :n . I 14.1111 i b iM : I a t h 1. u Ie :Ilbtni hv jt he - ha.l-d.anohi. muh .h.st -1, t l be s to visit mendrinn lit' ate anl-! I wil ''i 1 illi ""tt yo-u ril meatly 1 il She 'inae, nute. nu sven bltr ineo plin an e:dan (eie Pries riht and ult h .I fi-li:" i0011 Iiit I e Wli i '('to i by the' :tv. Ill/it .\l -.er I'i( t.1i b. Ihe Iv. li fht Neb-on tl tn S nd y, I'eptnber 111. at G O O D i lt"hltI nor'elI't1. I have just overhauled and iil m1ust be sure to visit me during to date and I will treat you r meal in a few minutes. My line of plain and fancy( Prices right and full weight. Make My Place Your Heat J. C. ALEXANDE . Just n this tin 1 sitting uI)ler the sha d . tuings that Ilee1 attelti wol regthaing -1'caiui it mean4,I s)I now, fir nevr, . W'ae have onriiu hand a tops (ubbr, Econo~(I~ S1m . ingiea ily~(1L trapst< *,* ~ ~u th Do't WloUI line1~s, i loes tih o waCor trnkn eeup. Tone Nup yOua hrs workZitN t e offur Haoneshi fror the sack caofe potint Fuoni.rt odnsof L.inn U hse OnrugraL aeow-ucld hh LUZINNETeYLffe ," iobe":: law is to enforce law. ). W H. G. W. Cox Hurt :1; , ;:.! . i -i ;. I,. 7 . i- lit- ilil 1"u ;": - l h.:, fr o . ." - , 1:.1 :i t h x 111lt. S 1 t- a tle tp tale 11 :CjiteeC lth wheel it feli iui onel l": thel I:ut ' :1, " n 'o ! 1.hCy starteel1, kol'ki . I t\ 1b.1I.n. Ihe :at- i heel ranu1 1it r' I i14. Hi :Ikilt i e iaI ;i ''v(' the eye In W il(-I l 1: tills ,(illhI'," 1 tt 't (+ ttl, 11101 titI here w ei 'revernl tever e l ' bru ise ::- i hel.y I it. I '. 11 .,I V.1 - t ''i U I II a t.' s eI I p e l l:h ' N 11(111'I4 ('1tf-isileritg h!f ~ lio t ig ."t;1 et! .: t ' . i'11x .:et1'tinul o n g1 ueti ugs to EA 7 nproved my restaurant and you r Court Week. Everything up ght. Can fix ; ou up a good ERIES roceries is fresh and complete. Iquarters When in Pickens R, Pickens, S. C. year most of pis feel like and letting some of the on go Iiundone, but )retty + way to ourm feelings we een'I so~ "lazy." There- is e's that need'( saving and . iot or cold, i-ainm or shine.+ good supp1ly of frulit jars, n, jars, White Cr-own jar i y jari tops4, pr~eserv-ing gar anld white w~ine pick--. > (atchb thte ties; krauit or *, wers for buitter, moilk, ete; j rk All the Time I your chairs need'( aI new *, >St any size. ( f you thinkjj will prLobably needl trot ks, etc. Maybe' a cheap We0 hmave them. 3j SchooI baskets for. the i Medicated Salt Iricks. dryw har-ness. Buggy and (1 painit, pain t brushes, etc.. - .CO., Pickensi ND THEIR WAY. O R L E AN S uine Cofree Re, th,,fle one TIhat .t&ee Pla ce of the WVorld. VE USE IN BLENDING that human hands never green, until it reaches the nm't take our wvord for the .ve may be prejudiced. Try Got your money back if il Grocers Have It. .. .. as of Ordinary Barrel Coffee )R CO., New Orleans, La. If Every Farmer and Work ingman in Pickens County Wol oc ea arat Oealn ( streeee coul everK sel i aote 0 0 Would once hear a Carhartt Overall, no 4,storekeeper could ever sell him another >p{ brand. There is more cloth in' it; the cloth 4 4,is woven in the Carhartt Mills in South " Carolina; the dyes used are right; the fit 4 and feel of the Overall is a rood deal better; 4 it will outwear two pairs of the ordinary O kind. Cost a little more, but goes a lot 4, p, further. If you stood every man in overalls Ile O in this country up in a long row, likely 0 every third or fourth man would have on a + pair of Carhartt's or be sorry he didn't. 4 "Nuff Sed!" ONLY $1.00! 4,-- -4,p FOLGER, THORNLEY & 00. Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods a Specialty + Sole A :getnts for Walk Over Shoes, Hawes Hats, Carhart Overalls, New Home Sewing " Machines, Iron King Stoves, Chase City and Babcock Buggies, Mitchell Wagons and + Mitchell Automobiles. W. M. U. Program I-'hIlow t is t'he or.ognan for the ant nual W. ,I. 1'. :1eet!.ng of 'welve Msie Iliver assta tilho . " 1 Kin:s r,rove chnrr I. Natuishtv. sepeiste ,r 5, I Devo a 1. \\eleotne"-\l r-. it. l: TIay:o'-. Irectii::s -I eetng~ it ie v -iito r- -___-__ N1'e age fromt :lr-. .. lI. (:,aj,tn.t:i. (toll 00.11l andl relaarts" tra>m sonrti:1 ..' StitItIfl, endetti, address. F01O twenty-three years w..have done business to l 'tort of a so-iat c 'tperintettIetits of Y. W. gether, I have tried to give you good service A. aandn,.' Value for Your I have enjoyed a ood Alesmage andt rep~ort of state sta pertntitetl ofg mis.ioni. sludly. patronage from you and appreciate it, and ask a con 4tiet.htuAr with the l ailIc**Mr. . ati. tinuance of same. My stock is full and complete with I-.letetlotn of no01nina0ting" olutnittee, cogninittee ott time and place. rntoittee on resolution'. all seasonable Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery and Report of northern tlivisioti--Mrs. .. Shoes, Blankets. etc., at as low rics aa- dpn ae. Thie dtivisitat instiuute. its purpos~e. lilai,. etc. g o scn b od e D :I tT l V r. E rp -MNr. .1. L,. Willis. wiltkcaeoitwa.W'waagnsHghPis - rseacting remtneula tn- Mrs. lis'sle Gatr- adtyt ievle n ~rie owtsadn Thie tietessIty ol' W. .. i'. ot- its the l*e.'- prcso h s ha e dv n dw sil sll tOd (41.t~iel of c'ittr(*he.P i O r In .mui-j k e N ildt t sessht--Se r monm by~ lev. Ii. W . Ill iotI tvr ..g o sas a - lDiamaer will bie served ounithe gronnits at the yoAl v rtsui.p .~ trooni hotr. .\ll cone.cahorygodswhnteeaebgisonh ' HonorRollGlassyMountainSchool I-'Irst G.rade-l-ryant A iauhony, V-ranik A nthloniy,______- - - --- I -:n':t l~esl Ie. 1lian linves, Isrvlin lietidricks. 50/0ond G rade-.I . 11. II ughles, llamlnji Ihty.A Imat Ilialves. ~ Thbird G~made--liva .\,,lthony. l'ark'er llen- ~13 )T 7 i dIrIcks. lorenice Illenmdrick', .\gnes I.eslie, liva A x t u x v s n lIaker. LancIlle A.\riony. Ifth, Grade-a'anin l t igh~es.Tlirzahl IIlighs, LoIs Ilendricks, NI1argaret llenudricks, I vy llen-GENILSOUHCRLN dlricks. .1Inm l1t Ilend rIcks, (leo A,tt,.uy. Cflaris~ l'ace. Ilettle Laeslle, Riva linker. OlIver cauntrell . )', SIxtil Gride - l'orest I lodgenms. I,izle Ai n-. - ,~J thbony. .Ienttie l'ace. -- - S-veth Gra le Idim esie ri. lrne Itlighe. Verona ainme A\rtthoniy. !k'rltranm An Central Route 4 al r. a d NI is... i. Manrtin vi cuted ir. andii NIrs. L.. I). hiarper snunday.ca i l&S rp u $6 , 0 Mlessrs. llrruce andI GeneuraI Slewart we re IA guiests at t1whe one ol' .1. It. lartlin EI5aturdayO l ue os uniht. 'l'he babuly boy of Mir. .\louixm Willunonm wats l cI. IRLE ,FLtANI A1 & blttenm b~y au snake September l0,but Is lmnprovinmg. ie dc tlIi.~ Lr The singling schiool wIll (lose Sepmteniiher :24.Ca ir .\ll frlienels ar al aingers are Invilted t0 o ,e tn and -- -- - _. FriendsCKENickeS. Count ether, I5hav trid gieyu oo evc Muscular StrainnW soiit yourebfor YouruMoness Iadvel enjoyou a egeod Of he yestha rb te curtsandg fomniy o nsistpete it sond akia pin vigr o th ret f t. tmipes.Fie per caet interstoc pid onl Savngopltswt body ieasuraprofessionods, Undrwer, osits.an Glas inenedforJSh.Ce Y, B Pan etsiet. atJsO pCes CaREY deenahie more tan th aidig ofods__ can__ be__ sold.__ We-__D____l__ot'__Tak__War..__Europe_ wvlitaeonre.tStsoar.Weoar ganstHigmPsce diicstresses ave ddisedewestil seavaeOl Priest.-rO r UoeweaoadsB an etswi-suee youwar.s..had dodcatadvotied. ...ndp y cttthiher'co-cIashN BRANygo d soweIhr r agiso h globe OpticalciB s. s. c. , S ~LDLQaloboIntaerwit Pa71onDeost OMcD. -RUsE, FRcANKe wMcFudALL o MaoicTmpe ~ uPkre don Cashier (;htl-;EPIC KE NSs.S.'C. Relievingttioewh woIdIkot ko .n Muscular Seraind rs.m vigor ofs. e Jresatoofttlanta Trepaseotiesatths otiehae.iaidihrngslan hre