IIS- / ' ' .*...'' , ' JP'. . * . VOLUME H. NO. 68. Weekly, Kstabl.sncu *8cu; i>,ny jan, ^ M4. ANDERSON, S. CTHURSDAV MORNING? APRIL1, 1915. pRICE F|VE C?NTS STATE MILI TO BE REi SEVERAL COMPANIES AND. AI BAND ORDERED W.USTER . ED OUT OF SERVICE NEW PLAN CALLS FOR 2 REGIMENTS! General Reorganization Orders ] * Issued by Order of Governor. Gen. Wylie Jone* on Re tired List - ty ?.via I IO Tlic Iiitt-lligeurcr. - COLCSiBIA. March 31.- General orders for a reorganization of the Na? tional Guard of South Carolina wert . issued today by W. W. Moore, Ad - jut antGeneral, nftcr several com panies and one banu bad been mus tered out of service on account of general Inefficiency. There are two K giraouts comprising 21 companies ' left.. "Having completed the inspec tionu," said Gea. Moore, "of the Na tlon'il .Guurd of this State, by the ad jutant 'genetal. and the assistant ad ? jul ant general in behalf ?f the State, I havji! been very much gratified lo find a general improvement among the greater portion of the organtzeu militia as to care of property general preparation of proport/ for the in spections a? welt as marked Jmprovc mcnt in the condition of tlic small nuns. There aro also noticeable .oii sideruble iniprovom mts in the effi ciency as to drill j of t'?;e greater number of ?he organizations in the State. There bas also been a con siderable, increase in the personnel , of enlisted strength of ouch organi , ?ution as a wiiole. Severul of the or f . ganizations have tho minimum num ber required/ut present by the war department, that is, r> men. ^|j3?? The plan of reorganization nas been: - YccoiiilttninN-irtir^ yeais. From my personal observation . I have been thoroughly convinced taat lt was tho only plan whereby the standard of efllctcncy desired by the war department and the State au thorities could be reached. Exper-, ience lias taught me that the Je or ganisations .which were really keep ing up with the standards of oUi ciency were very much handicapped by organizations that were luke warm in efficiency. Two Regiment Formation. Ender the present plan of a two regiment formation there will be a EtHl greater Incentive to thV* com panies to keep up their efficiency to that Blaudard required, because with the larger application? on file in thia ' office from various . parts of the State, desiring to organise military companies, they will feel the neces sity of keeptr.g up ihe work* required of them, as it Mill be my intention to see that the highest state of effi ciency Ls reached by all of the com panies remaining Lu thc organized militia. Falling to do BO, I shs.ll re commend that they be mustered out of ielice." Mustered Out. The following general order wes issued by Co>"crnor Manning, Com mander in Chief: "Udder the . pro vlslous of Section 9, Military Code of. South Carolina, the following'' or ganizations of-the National Guard uf South' Carolina are hereby , ordered to be disbanded: Co. F. 1st Infantry, . Woodruff; Co. L. Iatj Infant-}.. Ynrk ville; Co. E, 2nd Infantry, Bennetta villcr; Co. F, 2nd Infantry. Edgeflold; Co. il, 2nd Infantry, 0,"nge.Ltii-f; J Co. K, 2nd Infantry. Darlington; Band. Ind l.-.fantry. Anderson; Co. F, ard- Infantry, Georgetown. * "Tho adjutant general is directed'to . issue thc necessary orders, to muster out tho above or gani;', at loins." KeonranJsatJon. General reorganization orders were issued today from the office of Ad jutant GenerAl Moore-. Under the new order there are two regiments Sn thc National Guard. The First In fantry will'be made up 83 follows: First Battalion ; Co. -A Greenville; ^Co. B, of Anderson; Co. C, of Peiner; 'Co. G. ot Laurens, Second Battalion: Co. E. of Union: Co. A of Spartan burg; Co.,H, of Rock Hill; Co. G. of Fort Mill. Third Battalion: Co. I, M Camden; Co. K, of Winnsboro; Co.jL. of Hartsvlllo; Co. M. of Che raw. ?-/.'.. The second Infantry will be ma*do v*ap a* fellows: First Battalion ; Cc. A., of Charleston. Co. B, or Charles ton. Co. C. of Charleston, Co,' D, of Charleston. Second B*r,:*illon: <'o. E. of Columbio. Co. *', of Colum bia. Co. G, of Columbia, Co. H. ot Brookland. Third Battalion: Co. M of Ornngeburg, Co. K. of Ellorea; Co. E., ht Sunter; Co. 1. ot Tim K?e'/?lens Soon, An olcciion for a colonel iind lieutenant colonel of -each regiment and for o mAJor of each battalion will bo h?5d April 17. The following order waa isiued by the adjittaui ?eneral: "The Firai, thc l^s^^^^^li'ill TM IS ORGANIZED ftiBifilGEO" WITH CAUSING FIRE PASSENGER ON LATOURAINE PLACED UNDER ARREST IN PARIS EXPLOSION ON SHIP MARCH Prominent New York People As sert Th?; a Grnv* Error Has Been rVU-de . ' - . ir PARIS, March 31.f3?tfymond Swo boda. ono of thc passengers aboard the French fine steamship La Tour alnc. which was imperilled by Are willie at sea; on Mardi 6 baa bsenSr reeted op, dt charge of setting hrh to the veisW, according to tito Matin." The papcr.'assertB that Swododa i t suspected of i having "close relations with the enemy" and correspondence was found in his room la said to in dicate that he. had been charged willi the task of 'ulowiu-; lip' the La Tcur aitie. He has'been taken to Havre. The investigation-by the experts who were appointed by Admiral Charlie*', who if? conducting the inquiry imo the steamship fire, ure said to haw established that the flames aboard La To?raino must have been caused by the explosion of some detonating tie vice, r ' The stat ementa made by the pas sengers and members' of La Touraino crew support this theory. . The ex plosion was sufficiently violent . lo wrench loose tile doors of the calnus* nearby,. Thc authorities believe that the explosive had been placid with; **liu4ttaL lawnton ,wn?c.*rtonid-,;.-.v>Jsr< .... . --?-y>^a. " ^?w^tfTffirfirifJTfiiSvT> ?A Y < ..i&'itffc The F-4Went -down to the bottom I Thc F-4 was Iftvinched January G, length of time "^J?^ wlt,1?Ut *#?rrerMH.L-i;. II,:,:!<. u.-r,- ,, War, h.;.., tien ?nd Di v Doe;: Couinany. 1'' ' u^}leif .^\'t,^ hLm ?he there, She held a crew-"I at least * ^^?h^fwa^ ? la???2^ eighteen men under command of Lieu- at tr ?^35* ?nd la fitted with four tenant Ede. _builuere' trial ami could remain that torrado tube;'. ALL IS QUIET ACROSS BORDER Carranza Officials Are Charged With Removing Government Bon?'? From Capital WASHINGTON. March 31.-Major Genera! Fnnston, commanding the American "forcea at Brownsville, ro ported io the war department today that all waa quiet across the border at Matamoros, where the Villa torco is preparing to renew the attack up on the Carranza garrison. An offi cial statement issued by thc villi Zapata convention at Mexico City lia.? reached the state department, charg ing that Carranza, officials, during their occupancy of the capitol. r?i moved from the national treasury government bonds and other securi ties valued at sixteen minion pesos. Many of these securities were deposit ed as guarantees by coucesutonarje and contractor and owned by for eigners. Airmen -iusy in Belgium'and France LONDON. March 31 .--French air men itaife dropped bombs '"a German positions in Belgium and variouo sections of France. Maritime station's have been bombarded. Am3ter.dam i 'YeportB considerable loss of life among German soldiers near Tliour cUt, as the result of these op rations. I'ostaVre Huies Cut. ; WASHINGTON, March 31.-Two cents Instead of five will be postage rate ou letters, beginning April 1 be tween tba United States and the Brit - ish colonies of Barbados an ', the I ee ward Islands, in the West Indies, the post office department announced yes terday. Y : 7 Salvage rfopanese \. ru I MT. SAN FRANCISCO. March 31.--The state deportment has been asked to rule as to whether the equipping of ian expedition at-San Francisco to ?alvage the wrecked Japanese cruiser Asnina off Turtle Bny. Mex., ie an .mu eut ral act. lams* ru'.ieHi* inrreasc. 'SPRINGFIELD. UL. Match 31.-. Tho Harrison, federal drug act baa Inc reased Ihe iuimber of insa?o -pa tients in Illinois hospitals hy three hundred lil the past few w?eks, mem bers pf tbp board of adrnlnietrutlo legSMatlve ?iiearlng ye? RECOMMENDS ABOLITION OF MINIMUM PRIGtS Financial Markets No Longer Fear European Liquidation of American Securities NEW YOK.?A. Maxcu '.il.-.--That. do-1 mastic financial m&rkets no ?longer fear Europea? (liquidation of Ameri can securit y was shown today--when the go\trniug committee of thc Nea? York 3took exchange recommended abolition of minimum unces estab lished K?S t\ safeguard pn December fifteenth. Vhls action 'restores - ex change trudi^ io absolutely u nor mal bat-is. The'committee of three, which -:ah t;>a'ji>:tcd the exchange af fairs 'duce ro-openlng on December twelfth, . has been discharged. Th? governing committee is again itt con trol. The transaction* embraced one hundred and ninety-nine lesees with a total of seven hundred und forty five thousand sharer. The governing committee's conclusions Was bated on the ground that ia most cases tho ruling prices were above minimum evel. That financial, affaira through out thc country and the foreign trade situation huj ao improved as to re move all danger which existed a' thc exchr.? go reopening. Orders Railroads to Discontinue Use Water WASHINGTON, Ma. h ?11.-Be cause of the prevalence of typhoid fever. Surgeon Ocr.oral Hlue of tho public health r.ervlce,- today ordered several railroads to discontinue tak Inf. water from two Alabama cities where Gove rnment experts found the supply gru s!, polluted. The names of the cities and railroads uri. not divulged on the ground that the traveling public be protected by'offi cial orders without injury to either city. Experts tn both .the towna aro directing tho work'of purifying the water and controlling epidemic Tariff Hates in Ka**!* Kai?*aY WASHINGTON. March 31.-Tariff rates on moat articles imported into Russia have been raised lp per cent j while raten on certain cotton fabrics j and Cotton yarns have .been increased from ?30 tu :.o per cent. American Consul Wrrsh Winship al Petrograd {telegraph- : lerday that eorirefl tfohal t. 'cs roi II ri i i i specified l" tho RM . m comrdewiai ti .-alita with KING GEORGE WILL GIVE UP ALCOHOL Blames Drink for England's In? ability to Obtain Necessary War Materials LONDON. March 31.-Drink ia binn ed to a large extent by King George for England's inability to obtain nec essary war materials tor the army, jin a letter sent by the king's private I secretary to'Ohancellor of Exchequer I Lloyd George. "The king feels noth ! lng but the most vigorous measures i will successfully cope with the grave j situation now existing in our armor ed factories," the letter say?, and "ll j it ia deemed advisable he will bc pre j pared to set the example by. gi vim; i up ali alcoholic liquor himself anil i by issuing orders against its con sumption In royal household." . LON HON. linTt? SJ -The quent lon of drink, ita effect tm work and what is considered necessary for the sue tefstul proarrutlon of tb? ?ar. over shadows everything ?-lue In public in terest. The prc?? mr.? psblfc- favor drastic uieaauaes. Most ut w?pap*m e: csa the beL'cl Hist total prohibition i' n?r??4ery. j Thc government ba? rea rfoed so dc ! elston. If Lloyd '.eorgc. aad l.or-1 Kitchener have their ?my. ft ts be lieved that there will be total pronl .bltlon. An art of parlisment ls necea* |sary to bring thia ?bout. ( * . ' i Expert Denies Ordered To Go to Honolulu HONOLULU, March .31.-As rosall of the navy departments nuthorlza 'lou of twenty thousand dollars for the work of raising the submarine 7 i, believed to be- waterlogged*in thc ocean bed outside thu harbor en trance, navy officials her*, have made plani for salvage operations on a bia ; icalc. It was annoUncod tonight, that expert' divers from the Brooklyn navy, yard had been ordered here to assist tn raising the submarine. Coi eminent to Mflke Good Las?. . LONDON. March 31.- lt. is an nounced that .-lumbermen in HruUli Columbia hatdn been a?kcd to hld on a contract for r.OQ.OOO.OOO feet ol lumbla, to be used in constructing 10O.00H two-room houses in Northern Frunce. The'houses are to be built ai government expense for thoie whoa? property was dejtrvvyed in war. - SH!NCTON *S^xPSfcmre tary Bryon announced tonight thal lt had been arranged to publish lin Ameiiiun reply to Grout Britaln'i IjUakttdo ordT in mommy papira it OTBMkU^dStat CITY BOND? PREMWJ SUBMARINES SINK TWO BRITISH STEAMERS FRENCH DESTROYER RAMS AND SINKS A GERMAN SUBMARINE THERE WAS NO . LOSS OF LIFE Official Reports Contain But Lit tie News of the Actual Fight ing on Land LONDON. March 31.- Two Qcrmau submarinos, U-28 and another whoso ?amo was not ascertained, which h a .,. . man submarin?- had reached the ! United 3tates government today offt . cia I? viewed th situation as fraught with grave ,? msibtlities. Secretary , Bryan said ne expected Ambassador go, at I jud.m. to submit a full n I port if t elvire* there confirmed tile j reporu of Thrasher's death. .Steamer Badly Unwaged. , NEW ORLEANS. Maf?h 31.-The I British steamer Columbia. In baif-un ; from Avonmouth, England, for New ; Orleans, lost her rudder, part ot her stem post and otherwise was . dam : aged late yesterday off the month of , th? Mississippi when, she, si ruck a submerged object. i\\fC Decrease in Trade. PARIS. March 81.--?Completo fig : ursa of the foreign commerce ot . France for 1914 show ihat thc d. - . crease wr ; Rrtii.'i.in-.o.imp, -is compared i with 191'.; Tho hm* wsj about equal ly divided Pei ive??, And r?e will supply your city wtth necessary blank bonds free of