1 ll.1. J.. patmiBiuumi I'Hlwiipi'i L?A??' n ? . its - ri : ' J J !JE i - '.! ?ii! I . fe . ii iii:'/ .. *6 ....ti^i iv-.." Come Atong, Everybody! . ffe?|-0 KIDDIES AND,GROWN UPS AND JOIN THE I^PS^R ?RlJsi? TO tpYLAND OPENIWG BRIGHT AND ? fl8 EAi^Y S?*?WAY MORNING? i?^?i?^'' So the Teddy Bear, and the white, wooly lamb* H|^^^^^^ ^ '^8* ? ****** h-on train* are in $he railroad r|^^;'"^ra?? i The swift gaping motor boat? and steam launches . J are in dry dock? and the rocking horses stand in patient row? \ * Squads, , companies, brigades-whole contin Br^? gents off soldiers with dashing cavalry and pon l- ^jp} dero^ ai^Ueiy, occupy tSe highways and byways. j jB* v| ? As3ffor;the?^ make is Legion-fas-. I a As for the make is Legion--fas Parisian clothes. r?J little ?irl.?^ boys/instead of like marv?ibus}y beautiful people such as you never see; unbrealcable dolls whose heads can be knocked together without . any thought of their getting smashed, and chubby cellu Ibid dolls which a baby can take along with him in to his bath. . WHAT ? SCRAMBLE! TRAIN CARS, SOLDIERS, SAILORS, BABY LADY DOUS--ALL RUSHING INTO O-AND FOR THE GREAT OPENING SAT UP^AY. ; ^^l?^fp^?i^i And such Furrsitmf as has bees ps^rA?^? for the use of these ladies and kiddies pf dolidom--brass beadsteads, white enameled bureaus, dressing tables, to say nothing of the chairs, china closets? the pianos and sewing machines? They are all here, and what a jolly sight they make! Boys and girls, aunts and uncles, bi? sis ters aod brothers, mamas and papas-NO^ ^ur chance to see Toyland in the heyday of its delight fulness, before the crowds begin and the things get chosen. You should come Saturday if possible; and then again, and again, whenever you feel so disposed-. We will be glad indeed to see you EACH TIME, whether you care to buy or not; B-U-T, we INSIST on your bringing the Children,- ? - sttT A. N J : * mm