tfyhh Cf??tch Women rrr+rr*':' -\ mi $ pr?sent end had a splendid program on Cabs, Good bible reeding, led W. Kathleen Burris*, participate io by about a dosen girls. . The principal business was plan ning for Vav Thanksgiving party next* Wednesday afternoon. The members will meet at chairman's and bring sj rd of something good. They willi hslf and take the other, half to I some shut In or needy one to make j .P*?artUmafylrtmt /j? *". o hanny "SS. :' Each "girl "had'bcen asked, to bring a' flower and ""astir all hsd brought Sern ftp and' laid them on the table, ? leader took a chrysanthemum and talked ta the girls of God's love of beauty and fragrance. Alco the fact that the flowers are not part-, m giving: out their beauty and frag rance Just to a few, but''are sweet] to all. So should Christiana be sweet | and lovely to alb ' MT -The society decided tb send the flowers to tho patient*'in the ward at the hospital, so they were taken after the masting. The girls will soon begin the stud* ' Of the mtaalon study -beou J"?ocdb,lrd, Ute Indian." Altogether thia was one of the best meetings the V:lub has held this yeer, and all were enthus iastic and attentive. The girls J?Id fgir to be splendid, capable women in a few more years, but they are not waiting for womanhood before being j useful, but ara .doing, many aweet j helpful things nov. Church Han's Club. Choir of Grace Episcopal church will serve a supper for the Church man's Club, on Monday evening at 8. o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. building. MIssloa Study Class. On Tuesday afternoon the Mission Study Class met st the church study ing "The King's Business." Mrs. ? F.. Vines, the leader, being kb it, MiSy^-ri Smothers, the vice 1er,*took* crwrge. * Tbore wss al roost interesting discussion by those | present, the subject being work of tho educational department of an Ideal missionary society. The Claas decid ed to recommend several plans' to be tried by the tocal society. Missionary Society. The Woman'svMisslonary Society of the First Baptist church met Novem ber ld, at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Mrs. 3. W. Quattlebaum, first vice president, presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. J. F. Vines, who is out of town. The society heartily en dorsed the action of .the Civic Asso ciation in their recent resolutions In rf gard to objectionable moving pic tures, vaudeville and anything else liable to lower the moral standard of the spectators. Several interesting talks were made by members on this subject. It was decided to have an utility shower at the meeting UL . ?he various divisions or me society the first Monday In De cember. The things to be sent as CuT?rituiac present to the children at CoWrftT Maxwell Orphanage, at Green . wood, r The 'secretary of the society, Mrs. Will Klug, was instructed to write . and find soat'the ages and names of children in two cottages and the gilts will tie sent to them. Mrs. Raymond Mattisop, was appointed to write an open letter to the Baptist Courier suggesting that 'other societies carry out the aam? plan, so ?that none of : the t???rsi ^neglected. Splendid; persons! service reports were given, >. Prog?am gave way to'the report of the delegates, s^f\o had attended the recent convent*.*.; ip dewberry, Mrs. lfW. Id?sters'ano^Mkai Bessie Major. ! Missioner? Society. The Missionary Society of St John's Methodist church, will meet oh ?nday afternoon at 4 o'clock with . Mts. Florence 1 Thompson 'on i South {WDuffle street.' A full^ti?ndauce ls :!.?i?lredi . \ . Bpwsrt* J^aew? Tho following is the program of Led oy M*W Louise Blghy. 'Mrs. 3. W. Speake, plano 1st. 'Opnmtt aang.-No.--?. . - ? - Flayer-Mr.^8uJllv&. , '?: j ^ 'fkiHptnro ' readings, . responsively, Cgad chapter Isaiah. " Circle ?raver beginning with Mr. ' OSrens and endlns arith Mr. Speaks. . Talk fey Mr, Suliivan. S?ng?Ho, m. ^jlecs: nm*f i*to;1t& Era bj) ?(mg'No. 29.' Leaggs **ne4JetlQn: So teach us. to .<: '?SsW issttor All for Christ . Ai? Christ Said, "it ts easier for a '???ael tt> go vhrough eye of a mt*na??; 'Watt rot a rt?h man to enter Into the Gangdom of God." ., ,, ^ Mjh"eIonary_ Society._ _ ; cw w??nrr Bad Junior nianVBCTfj] '0M*H*S' of the First Presbyterian | ?J?ttr?h will meet tomorrow aftar ?Man at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J. B. tafcrnsahd on North McDuflls street This masting was postponed from last , "weak ott account of the W(liJ iiifiWlJ^ ? : convention. LEGAL fcOTICES - ' - g^WtaWW ?ss^^aa ?etJea. All #nlasr4amt r?*W tax collector* gf? pr^vWM with aa official receipt m - rr_y.- ... rar Wear, Millinery, Ch?ldre Sweaters, Underwear. SALE BEGINS MONDAY November 23 ENDS DEC. 5 Converting the very best of Ladies Conti, Coat Suits, Dresses? Skirt*, Corsets, Kimonas, Baili and Lounging Robes, Underwear. Sweaters, Hosiery Millinery, and Children's Dresses, Coats, and Sweaters, into We cannot adver tise everything but everything will be on sale On account of the late Fall Season, together with the depression of the Cotton Market, we find ourselves with considerably more Fall merchandise than we care to have in stock at this time, hence this Quick Clean Up Sale ~ We are going to sell our usual high grade merchandise at tremendous sacrifices, believing that the buying public will appreciate our efforts to aid them at this time ?of stress. REMEMBER THAT MONDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK this Quick Clean UpS ale starts promptly, ^ .- _ and that we are going to unload this stock at Slaughter Prices, and it will pay you to borrow the money if necessary, to take advantage of these great bon?*fide bargains in the very best of seasonable merchandise. j , ||t- 1&jf*11? "PETERTHOMPSON" DRESSES ?KC&?y^tO1" W ?8UT lVllIIlIl?iry 8 "Peter. Tfaonrj>son" Blue serge Dresses, for- J j QR . ?Tfck ~- A* fe' a- r-T^I?j-W A W_.?''QV3I=? mer price $8.00, and we? worth it, too, at.-., 9*aW ^> ; AU ,20 PattiTat"". . *i*^W^ Lot Nc. i : AU $30, $35 and $37.50 Suitsig% "ja" Ag ^? V*^, 55 Pair ot Sma?l Hands to fit 55 Pair of "Cen . tt >. ...l,.,u>.*.::.-.;>r;..:t >,: . . .. ?.., 9oC Ut No. 2; AH ?25 Suits at .....*...^*..$\fi&??v All jg 12 Pattern Hats at,. $g,QQ mk m -'< " Am . V ? L1tN!: .?.A* AU$10 Pattern Hats at ....... M0I?day'S Sp?c?alS ' Lot No. 4: AU Out Size Suits, selling for *25,&1?| ?O AU $9 Pattern Hats at .... ;? ?*-..,-...;... ?i J? SO Silk Lounging Robe*, vaiuesup to?i5.oo. AO $30 and$35at.. .... ?.>-;. v. ..,. JLa7?a?p .P4*?a#V Monflay ,<:^ . ^ .. .->..:>, . tt^/tA 4 ' *w\Y ' r"T'' " " 1* * t' Lot No. 1: AU $30 and $35 Coats at ......fcf Q AA .PaJ.UU , .4.'Lot Lingerie Waists,.slightly?musseoV values ffif-,? ?*\\f.VO- An ?5 pattern Hatsat - ,.:>-<>.a 4,0 fifi yp *lSp' Monday w:^^,^ **f V Lot No. 2: AU $48 and $20 Coats at..,. ...jj il o 4g aP?.aW VLot ?adies^ Sweated values tp'to^oo.' 4>f~>ft Lot No. 3: AH $12.50 and $15 Coats at . . tf??? 1 Lot of Soi^Kats at ONLY . . .. .... ..... .1 (jg^gj Spe?^for Monday . ..;>T m w 9}*** ^ ?Pl7?i/0 CHILDREN'S COATS 1 Lot of Children's Dresses, made of Gingham; Lot No. 4: AU $6.00, $7 and $8 Coats at ?Vf QO " ; ' ' Percal and Madras, values up to $1.50. ?CK?'. ^.TO i Lot of Children's Coats, regular $5 Values f{| Ag '(slightly mussed), Special for Monday.-:...., "Lot No, 5: AU Out Size Coats,-selfing- for *i5 V?:ftpjrifo '. at ...*.............-*:,..>. >. *P . . A*,,iw r^mt ui*hM i^v M? A ^!'^?w ?"'w*. . ..t.. . $9,9a r^^Hc^i^t^ 98c- -4?t?. .?j.. . " ?.??-.?I : 1 1 ; sizes4f 5 ando, at . ^w^ ~ ? EV?NING DRESSES . ; < CHU-DREM'S RAIN CAPES 1 Ut f ^.O-My^rt" Col.a, and O.ff. Mg? LotN?.2:A!!?1,.5oand.??3DreSsesat..,1,.3,?? ?l ^*3-00 ^ ?? $1.73 . Lot of'.Mcnnei's Ta.cum Ponder. Special s jj??rg - - ? - ? ?_^r^?^0_ Children's Rftin Cape?. tAgyiar $4=00 values at ?JQ 4? FPR MONDAY "'." *: * * ' *' **: * ' * *: P^-1 * * * ^ SILK DRESSES " ' * aP??-*p j 10 DoJ?fen ?hiMTen>9 Outing PetticoVts, Tegular > Lot No.; 1: AU $?2.5o, '$15 and $16.Sot??fl O" Oft ^ Fvff*A ^nA^lSilft ' **** *" ^ S ' DresscJ.;?P 1 ??.i7 P M?il Cl? MpWViUlo 25 Ladies'Linen Tailored Waists, regular $3.50 d? Ut No.-a: WM an* *2o Presses a* .. %4 .C*iM^;? -QfN?MMJP ***** Mea. and $4^00 f^, ^L,^^ ^t|^? --_!_ jP%y.3?0 i Lc* Silk Dresses, values up td $15.00. Choice" A? 50 "Electric" Brand Housepresses, fast colors, SKIRTS - ?p's.?yO well made and made to fit, regular price the i Lot Short Catsuits, values up to $<2.50. A J AA world, over $i^a Sfatial^ Tlx^ -LotNo. i: AU Ladies ?Rt Well-Sk^ad*?:: ^':f]M?^ >M:<3boiCe '^^wt-V^^.^ 94.95 Choice ??^ up to $6.2? at ,. .^^ ^?r.v,.>M,,^ Vtt lO y - a^w^ Lot,No. -2? Ladies' Blue Serge Skirts, selling . r*a^i A 25 FlaoeHette Kimonas, $t.50 values. Special v up tb $5.00 at _JpAi.TrO tut of REDFERN Corsets (Discontinued for^^v ?. ^ .;>... y Lot No. 3^ Ladles' Black and White Stripe" ^1 ?fi^ " Styles) V?HCh-Wld for $4 and $5.00, at Very jgl^g 23 Children's Knit Sweater ?^.^?^ , -setti^t> 1400-at .A-,.'* ?jfc 1 fPO, vJPfi^- . ,..^:>. .. $1;?5 values. Spedal for - ?Many Real Bar gains in Small Lob. Too SmaS to Advertise ^ ^rlgtito? R?od?i-io-Wear Store