Classified Want Advert? #enty-flve words or less, One Tl BU Time? $100. All advertisement over twenty-five word. Bates on 1,000 words to 1 ?on. No advertisement taken for less t tt your uame appears in the tele, your want ad to 321 and a bill willi prompt payment. FOR SALE FOB SALE-'New Ivers and Pond plano, for $300-cost $425 00. Ap ply to P W. Major, treasurer Ham mond School- Anderson, R- I. 10-9-lmop FOB SALE-We have a small tract of land formerly part of the Quince Kamond place, which can be bought cheap if you act quick. Frank & De Camps Realty Company. 9-30-tf FOB SALE-Meals at Midway Cafo for ladlee and gentlemen, served at all hours and In up-to-date style. Special attention to parties. Meal tickets at bargain prices.-11-5-lwk FOB SALK-Onion sets. Prepare now for sowing English Peas and planting Irish Potatoes in lots, November or early December. Furman Smith, Soedsman. FOB SALE-Dried and green sage. Mrs. W. P. Stevenson, North Ander son.-11-8-lt. ~~ WANTS WARTED-The publie to know thal we have Just received a large ship mer ot box files, and ean supply your irani* tn this line. Anderson intelligencer, Job Department. ti ---,-: WANTED-Bright, energetic boy for carrier. Good salary and commis sion. Apply to The Intelligencer of fice, tf WASTED-Ton to .read .oar .two weeks' bargain sale on page five of this issue. Southern PubUe Util ities Co. dtf NOTICE-We are now prepared to do your grinding of all .kinds of feed stuff-cotton stalks, corn stalks, shucks, straw, grain, etc Price 20c p?r ewL Strictly cash. Anderson Mattress and Spring Bed Co. SEE W. A. Todd, the Monument Man? for any th in- la tte monumental line. Tombstones ot all kinds. W. _* TC?'J. j"09 S?"M% TLSToln utront Anderson, 8. C.-H-5-lmo. The paulo ls over and Jake Thomas and J. C. Thomas are in the Cleaning, Pressing and Dying and' Repairing business. Prices cheap. Qlve us a trial. We are at tho Columbia Tail oring Co., 122 West Whitner Street Clothes called for and delivered. HOUSES from $8 to $30 in all parts ut ?.?(.jr. uiiucinun ncui caui te and Investment Ca-4i:7-3L WE HAYE a limited ajunhar cf Cole's Radiant Hot Blast Hesters tor hard coal that we will close out at cost Also si number of Cole's Hot Blast Heaters st greatly reduced prices. First come, first served. Tate Herdware Co.-11-8-61 FOR RENT FOB BENT-Two rooms partly furn ished. All modera conveniences 320 W, Market-ll-7-3t LOST LOST. STRAYED ? OB STOLEN-A pate, White bull pup about six months old. Finder will receive reward. Thos. F. artwright--11-3-31 HMLEY KIDNEY PHIS SOS Sig6 CAC HE KIUH?V5 AMD 8U.006H PROFESSIONAL CARDS ooaeeeoooooooooooooo ? o o TBE STUDIO O BAND o o PHOTOGRAPHY * o IN ALL ITS BRANCHES a a OVEB BEEBE JEWELRY STORE ? . . ?ea oooooooooooeeoooo -: d B?L FOR^T D. 8UGUS Columns sing Rates me 25 couts, Three Times 50 cents, i words prorata tor each additional tie used in a mon'*i made on appli han 25 cents, cash in advance. mon? directory yon can telephone JO malled after its insertion for HAS A GRIME WAVE REACHED ANDERSON? HOUSE BURGLARIZED ON FRIDAY NIGHT A BOLD HOLD UP Home of Mrs. Orr on Market St., Was Entered and S. D. White Waa Robbed of Valuables. About one more night like Friday night and Anderson poopio would conclude ths a crime wave in ear nest had struck Anderson. 8hortly after 7 o'clock, as S. D White, who Is employed bv O. F. Tolly and Son. was cn route to his home a few miles out of tho city, he was hold up and was robbed of $3. Mr. White was riding horseback and when he reached the old Keys place, nbout two miles from town, two men carno out of the thickets on either ride of the road and when he got par allel with them they presented two plrtols and ordered him to tiirow np his bands. This he did ?md they searched, relieving him of $3 and then ordered him to hurry on homo. Mr. White did go home but later re turned to tho city and reported the mattor to the police. As yet the po lice have been able to make no ar rests but they have very meagre de scriptions o' the two highwaymen About all they know is that both men were white and one was tall while the other was short. The most daring robbery pulled off th time in Anderson took place either Thursday night or Friday bight, when the home of Mrs. S. M, Orr on Market street was entered and the whole house ransacked. So far as can, he discovered the thieves took nothing but two diamond rings but lt ls possible that they secured many other articles, since Mrs. Orr ls out ut ine city ano her son. narry A. Orr, ls unable to determine Just what articles are missing from the bouse. The burglars entered the vacant house by using R timmy ou lb? door. They went through the library, pull ing drawers out of desks and making a complete search, on Into the din ing room where they ransacked every thing In ths place, throwing the sil ver around the room and Investlgat > J ; every part of the premises. They went on up-stairs and into the bed rooms where they gave the trunks, closets, etc., the same treatment as that accorded the lowor portion of the place. So far as Mr. Orr oould discover yesterday two ringa, belonging to Miss Lydia Orr, constituted the arti cles stolen. When a servant went to the houso yesterday she found the door * open and at once saw that a burglar had been .In the* house. Sho hurriedly re ported the matter to Mr. Orr and he In turn placed lt In the hands of the local police. The fact that tho burglary waa committed at night was proven by the fact that burned matches ley around In air parts of the house. Rape Case Reported Affair in Thia County Seems to Be a Mystery and Nobody Knows Details. Reports were heard on Ute streets of Anderson last night to the effect that a negro had committed a crimi nal assault upon a well known young white woman living about five miles from Anderson. TLe police heard Ute report but it was from unofficial eourooa and they could not secure the de'-alls and the . sheriff's office also heard the same report but none of the deputies could verify tho story or ascertain whether or not lt really hap pened. The Intelligencer office got into comtnunicaUon with the section io which lt was said that the affair took place but at midnight laat night none of the people living In that section could tell anything about such a hap pening. They said that if tho affair had taken place, they knew nothing ot Many believe that Ute deed really waa perpetrated but that a mob must have gotten hold, of the negro and made away with him before bia crime became generally known. * Others say that such a thing la not possfblo and that utera waa ho crimt nal assault Ried of Smallpox. WASH1NOTQN, Nov. 7.-United SUtea Consul Theodore Coalling Hamm died today from smallpox at his poap Ut Durango. Mexico. Wb oknH Imagine just what a holy war would look like. * ELECTRIC CIT1 * _ * Items of Interest and Persona * Wireless on the St * * H> # * * * * * * # * * *^ InmeoNC ( ubbugc Rcuciic* Anderson? John Tate ot' the Tute Hanl ware company yesterday received one of the biggest heads of cabbages ever seen J In Anderson. Last August when Mr. rate was spending a month at Cash ier's Valley ho chanced to notlca G. Vi. Cole, a farmer, setting out soma subbage plants. Mr. Tate expressed lt as being his opinion that the plants would never live, whereupon the Vorth Carolina farmer promised to lond bira one of the heads when they natured and the mammoth specimen reaching this city yesterday wan thc result of this promise. The cabbage weighed lu 1-2 pounds and wa? ship ped to Anderton by parcel post. tJuarUrly Conference Held ut Townrille. The fourth quarterly conference for he Townvlllo Methodist church will ue held next Saturday at ll o'clock. Services will be eonducted hy Rev. T. .\ O'Dull, presiding elder. The pre siding elder will also conduct ser vices Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Rev. W. S. Myers ls pastor of this .burch and ia much encouraged over bo splendid work being done umong Us congregation. '.fr-. Myers Has Buffered Illness. FrlcndB in Anderson of Mrs. W. S. 'Cy- iv. wife of tho Metodi8t minister it Townville, learned yesterday with .egret that Mrs. Myers has been lil at 1er home for several days, suffering 'rom a very severo attack of tonsl ltls. Information is to the effect that ibo is now somewhnt Improved. Vnderson Farmer ? Raising Potatoes. About thc finest specimen of Porto I Rico yam ovor seen In Anderson waB| irought to tho city yesterday by G. 5. McClellan, who lives on route 2, j Lbout five miles, north of Anderson. The potato weighed ll 1-2 pounds and | ixclted great Interest all over the j :Ity. o ?hose "Good Town" For Ills New Home. Among the interesting visitors to Anderson yesterday was William Ri rimmons, formerly assistant secrc ary of the Greenville chamber of iomraerce. Mr. Tiramons was elected! secretary of tho Rock Hill chamber if commerce at a'recent meeting of he d'roctors of that body. He has tecldcd ability tn the trades building Ines and will make a very acceptable nan for bis new position. He came o Anderson to secure some pointers rom Porter A. Whaley. secretary of he Anderson chamber of commerce. -0 Spartans Saw Anderson Work. Following the conclusion .of the k>uth Carolina State fair al Columbia, hose in charge of the Andersen coun y exhibit determined that the handi work of Anderson county farmers ihould have still more publicity than lad been accorded lt and the exhibit vas sent on to Spartanburg, where f han been admired this week by lundrods ot visitors to the county air. Tho exhibit was really very .redltablo and it excited considerable nterest among the planters of Spar anburg county. -o iel hitor Back Frota Walkalla. Kurtz P. Smith, solicitor for this udlchrl circuit, returned to Anderson yesterday from Walhalla, where he las been holding court for the hut 'ortnigbt. Immediately upon his re urn to Anderson Mr. Smith went to vork on tho Indictments for the coni ng tenn of tho. court cf general ses-j dons, which will convene In Ander ton on November. 16. ?? - o f?r. Gunter Will Arrive Tuesday Information was received in An lerson yesterday from Columbia to he effect that Lueco Gunter, State .ural inspector of high schools, will irrlve in Anderson next .Tuesday at 1000 for his stay of a fortnight In bis county. Mr. Gunter's itinerary or this county has already been ar anged and many ot the more pro gressive of the rural schools Will bc ri si ted. The' teachers and pupils ot he various sch nols are all looking br ward tcT his visit and Andorson ichools will do their best to make n avorable Impression. -P )pen Bridge Next Friday. City Engineer Sanders told a re-1 toiler for The Intelligencer yester-j lay that the work of paving the ap proaches to the bridge over Main treet, was progressing ss nicely as ould be and that the street would irobably be ready for travel not lat r than next Thursday or Friday, t'hts will be a great relief to the Irlvera ot vehicles In Anderson. in denton Kan Ia Lealslsaus A. P. Spence yesterday received ? Btter from hts partner W. W? Pow 11. in which Mr. rowell advised that 10 hod reached Raton Rouge, Le., and ? having "the time of his life." Ho aye that he found, the . trip from An erson in a "Jew packard" R very leaaanf. experience and that he sut er ed but few discomforts along the ray. Mr. Powell wfj go on to Boau lont, Texas, and will pursue the ame route in returning aa he did on ho trip going down. FROM NOVEMBER 1ST TO NOV-1 EMBER 30TH. WALLACE WU 11 VE REDUCED RATES ON PHO-1 'OORAPHS TO AVOID CHRISTMAS HUSH. STUDIO 2 DOORS BELOW UMS HIVE. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^? ?Y? *Y* ^f* ^* ^ ^ V SPARKLETS * _ * J Mention Caught Over tho * reeta of Anderson * t- * * %- H> H- H- * * H- * H- * Voiintaln Crock People Puruded. Tho "out of the ordinary" affair predicted for Saturday afternoon ma terialized yesterday when a number of automobiles, many buggies and wa gons, all recruited from tho Moun tain Creek section of the county and occupied by people from that school district, paraded through thc princi pal business streets of Anderson. Ml of the vehicles were decorated with hunting and boro a number nf signs calling attention to the close ap proach of the Mountain Creek com munity fair, which is lo be held next Friday. A number of people will go out from the city to be present for this event. Ansi mihi n Ballot Proved Satisfactory. J. A. Metts, one of rlie best known railroad mail .officials in South Caro lina, while in Anderson yesterday told a reporter for The Intelligencer that the Australian ballot system, upon a modified scale, had proved to be the best thing, ever introduced into Char leston politics. Mr. Metts said that the recent primary election in his city was more free from fraud than any other election ho cculd remember in 'harleston. The system there pro vides for a private booth for every voter, si -eened by a curtain, where the voter can prepare his ballot with out any one seeing it. -o Citizens Slow In Paying Taxes. Employes in the office of tho An derson county treasurer, said yester day that Just about one-half as many people had paid their taxcB for this year to date, as compared. with last year. Up to Ulla time last year $5,000 in taxes had been paid but since Oc tober 15, this year, tho total reaches enly about $2,500. However, n de cided improvement has been noted within the last few days and lt is be lieved that the tax affaira will be In good shape within another montb. -o Notice Issued To Poultry. People. Notice was issued yesterday by the secretary of tho Anderson County Paultrg association to the effect that a meeting of all those interested In tho poultry show will bo held In this city ?next Tuesday morning at ll o'clock. It ls urged that the chic Ven fanciers of the county heed this re quest and come out in numbers. -o Another Company . ls Buying.Caftoa.' ... Douglas A.. Bese, president ot thc Maryland Life-insurance company of Baltimore, has i Joined the "Buy-a Bale" movement - lu n ? A nderson and personally bought a bale* of cotton in Anderson yesterday at 10 cents per nound. While the coUon wa? for Mr. Bose and not for bis company, the deal was put through by D, P. Sloan and Son, Inc., general agents pf thc company hero., Mr. Rose ls In thor ough sympathy with any movement to aid the farmers... ns his company is the only one operating exclusively in thc South. -o-1 Appointed Delegates To the Road Cenare??. Following a request that be name delegates to represent the olty of An derson at ttte American Good Roads Congress, which la to meet in Chicago from December 14 to 18, Mayor God frey bas named C. J. DeCamps, W. A. Sanders and A. t S. Farmer. This reads congress la one ot the most im portant meetings cf ito kind held in the United States and lt is possible that at least one of tho three Ander son men will make the trip. Slight Advance la Cotton Market. Yesterday brought a slight advance lu the cotton market and Instead of 7 1-8 Anderson buyers were offering 7 1-4. As a result of this rise In price, more cotton waa brought to Ander son and placed oh yester day than for several days gone by. Anders n farmer? ere living m hopes that there may 'bo an additional rise at ho distant date. Detectives Hare Left Anderson. Following the conclusion'of their work in Anderson i? co?u?tct?? with working up licuor cases, Detective Alva T. Wiggins and Detective Jones of the Thiel Agency left last night for Atlanta These young men did good work here and? the city officiais say that they are 'well pleased tn every respect with what waa accomplished. "."P. ? Policemen Got Quantity of Booie. Police Captain Bell and Patrolman Whit en ot tue Anderson police force Journeyed dowton Peoples Row yes terday to take a look around and while they were down there they de cided to see what sort of place Mamie Thompson ls maintaining. Then en tered the house and had hardly be gun to look around before they stumb led upon about four galiana of whis key, wblcb waa brought to the etty hall and placed with the other num erous packages of tho same much de sired article. Randall Elected. (Rv AmnUU? Pl??) LOS ANGELEIS, Nov. 7.-Progres sive headquarters tonight conceded the election of Charlea H. Randall, Democratic-ProhlblUonlst, to dbngresa from Ute ninth district, by a plurali ty of 550 over Charles W. Bell, Pro gressive. SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO HOLD ll CONVENTION MET HERE WITH ST. JOHN'S CHURCH IS ONE WEEK OFF .Workers From Every Community Will Gather to Participate tn Interesting Deliberations. The Anderson county Sunday Behool Convention is just ono week off. It begins its sessions next Sunday af ternoon. November 15th, !n,St. John's! Methodist Church, and continues | throughout Monday, the 16th. An urgent lettor has been sent out | to every. Sunday School In the coun ty to have itself represented, and many responses have already been re ceived, promising to send delegates. Each school has tho privilege of send ing two delegates, plus an additional one for very fifty scholars above one ' hundred. As there ar? nearly a 'nun I dred schools in thc county, there should bo at least two hundred or j moro delogatcs. All of the preliminary preparations have been made except the provision for thc entertainment of the delegates. These homes will be secured within tho next few days through the follow ing committee. Mrs. Raymond Beaty, chairman; Mrs. C. S. Sullivan, Mrs. B. O Evans and Mrs. E. E. Elmore. All of thc pastors of the city will an nounce this matter from their pul pits on Sunday, and those who are willing to entertain gueBts for these two days may give In their names, either to their pastors or to some member of this committee. A splendid program has been ar-1 ranged, with Rev. John C. Carman, State Superintendent of the South | Carolina Sunday School AHS'gMation ; Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, of Spartan burg; Rev. James S. Moffatt, Presi dent of Erskine College, and Rev. J. B. Creen, of Greenwood, as the prln I cipal speakers. It wiri be- remember ( ed what a strong Impression Mr. Carmen made here last February at i the State Sunday School Association. The other speakers are all well known here-as men of ability and leader ship. In' addition to the more popular! features of public addresses, the pro ? gram also shows a number of other J interesting features. These will in volve open discussion B on Sunday i School problems, conferences on rural] Echool works and Illustrations of Im proved methods of Sunday School work. Mrs. S. N. Surta, of Spartan burg, State Superintendent ot the Elementary Department, will hold an ASnACffttlv ti?1r?fn? rnnforon^n with Elementary teachers on Sunday after noon. The full program of the con vention ls appended. MINING1;T?CK CHANGES HANDS1 Coal Mino Stock Valued ? 750,OOQ Transfered te Chi? cago Operator. CR y Associated PrMS.) CINCINNATI. Nov. 7.-Stock .In Ohio and West Virginia coal mines valued a( '$3.750,000 passed into the bands of John S. Jones, a Chicago coal opera-, tor, today as a result of. an entry made by three federal judges here in a suit brought by the government, against the New York Central and the CbcBpeake & Ohio. Railway com ponies, their Subsidiaries and various coal companies they control. The cash Was brought under the' Sherman law and federal officials de clared lt was the .most sweeping vic tory ever accomplished under the act.] The case has been known as the "East Ohio and West Virginia bltuml- \ I nous coal ease.'* Attorneys or both tho railroads and the government appeared before the] court today with an agreement that the properttles of the railroads be disintegrated and ownership dissolv ed. The entry waa .made, the price fixed at 93,760,000 and a short time later Jodee appeared tn court and ?took over the stock. DETECTIVE'S CARD. To the People of Anderson: I am aware of the fact that my stay lhere has made trouble for some, but as lt was my duty 1 can only'say that they have my sympathy and I sincere ly trust, that they as well as every other person ld Anderson, will feel as friendly toward me as I do toward { them. I did not accomplish as much as X\ wanted to, but em very grateful for vbat we did. I wish to extend my sincerest r thanks to the people for their kindness and co-operation while here, and only hope that every place t go I may be fortunate enough to find people that will be even half os nice and kind as the people in "My Tdw?." I hopo I may be able to spend more time in Anderson again. I have en Jo jr rd lt very much. Very 'respectfully. ALVA T. WIGGINS, Thiel Detective Service Co., Chica go- nt: * Highiy PraaaMe. "Are there men on Mars?" . , "I doubt it Otherwise they'd bf taking sides in this war." Our factorisa cannot pot too ouch overwork filling war orders for those who've only been working part time. Quick Business Tho Ladies of Anderson and vicinity were quick to re spond to our advertising last week; and when they came, they found the values just aa represented-and they bought. There are lots of good bargains here in READY-TO-WEAR, Ono lot of Coat Suits in Serges, Gabardines, Broadcloths, Wool Poplins, in all colors; all made in the very latest .$ 15.00 styles, worth $20.00 Ono lot of Coat Suits in Whip Cords, Wool Reps, Gabar dines, etc, in ail this season's wanted ^ f /** r* f\ colors, worth $15.00 at.? J. jZaDiJ One lot of Coat Suits in Serges, and Fancy Worsted, in all this seasons most stylish colors, and d; Q C%Q mado with the long coats, worth $12.50 at $?7 ??TV/ Ladies Long Coats in this seasons wanted colors and made in the very latest fashion; Specially prie- J, 1 /?* f* /"? ed from $3.98 to.$ 1 2*m\j\J Lad-os Skirts in all tho latest materials . ^ Vt/t at $4 and . . .$ DeUU These Aro Special Prices. Ladies Waists; tailored and lingerie, in QQ a splendid assortment, $1.25 at. . . . l/OC? Childrens Drosses, in Percala, Caleteas, and Madras; Spec ially priced af 50c, 75c - ~ ~ ?nd. ... $1,00 Childrens* coats in an endless assortment of stylish and Serviceable materials; Specially . ^ r\f\ priced at 98c to. _ $D*l>0 THE LESSER CO. o o o o p t o o o o o . oooooooooo o SENECA o * ol oooooooooo SENECA, S. C., NOT. 7. (Special) - Mr. S. W. Cox, who resided several miles below Seneca, on the Raven?L place, died last Thursday, after a lin gering illness of several months. Mr. Cox waa well known all over the up per part of this county, by reason ot the fact that for many years he was toll keeper at the Ravenal's bridge. He was a Mason and took great inter est in the organization. survived by his wife and four daughters: Mrs, Lee Dll'm.?, sSl?v?? Addia,- oaiue ana Agnes Cos. _r?"The removal of Dr. J. A. Scherm ehord, oculist, to Anderson, ls a dio ?f'xi loss co Sfeutss.. Dr. Schcrinca?ra had been here just about one year and ta that time he ?ad.proven him self a useful and desirable citizen and an efficient optician, and had built up ? lucrative ? practice. Mr. and Mrs. John Myoia have re turned from a.trip to Athens. Ga, They made the trip in their automo bile, and report the roads in fine ghape. .Kelley Bros. Ginnery hag been clos ed down for th? season on account of an unsatisfactory gasoline engine tut they were depending upon to &rn>8h the motive power. { Seneca merchants do ddt seem to bi suffering very appreciably from the re* ported "hard times." Good crowds come to town every Saturday at usu al and they seem to have plenty, of money io spend. SparkB Bros. circus was in town Jgonday, and also one of the biggest crowds, some say* that waa ever sc?n Rv Seneca,'and they alt seemed to have money enough to go to the show, and some ot them some besides. Neel and Adams' Garage, apparent ly do not take much stock th7 the re ports that the country ls bankrupt, f?ey received a carload ot Ford auto mobiles this week. f Rev. I. E. Wallace and family and Mri. J. W. Lunney visited Westminis ter last Monday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. J. Ed. Wallace have returned ?o'- Wcstmldlste^ aftft vtslt 1 i ?Lower PHC?? Buyers to Sh Effective August isl, Ie, and guaranteed against < h?.?4&9. -V.! cars ful I* troit. Runnjboui H Touring Car. 494 AU retail buyers of new fiji 1st, 1914 to August 1st gi profits of the company $60 per car, on each c ED; we sell and deli* fl cars during that period I TODD AU inf? his1"brother, Rev. L E. Wallace, a day or two this week. Dr. J. s. Stribling bas returned from Columbia, where he went to bring Mrs. Stribling back from tho hospital. Mrs. Stribling. underwent a surgical operation several weeks ago, but ia rapidly, recovering. Mr. 3. W. Strlbiing. of Anderson, and I. H. Harrison, of Walhalla, made a surrey of the town last week with a view of settling the disputes about the location of several streets. The old Hiles Were agreed ' upon by them and it is thought this will cottle the matter. ; Mr. C. L. Mauldin bas returned : frc!" Atlun??, ?u?i? ?o WBU?- ?or - a .surgical operation. He is improving mod gradually gaining his strength., i Mr. T. S. Stribling who bas accept iod .a potd??'on In Picker?! visited hin family here last Sunday. The people of Oconee county and. of this section generally will pe glad to know that Rae Dendy, a former Oco nee boy, has been appointed post master of White River. South Dakota. Tho appointment was secured through the efforts cf. Congressman wyatt Aiken. Quite a destructive fire occurred in this county last Monday, when the Texas Oil ' Co. warehouse In West Union wea burned, The origin of the fire ls unknown, but lt ls thought that perhaps it caught from a spark from a Bice. liidge train. The employes of the company had lust placed a car load of kerosene in tho warehouse. Fortunately there was no other building near tl j v.-arc uouso and the dre did not spread any further. 4 Mrs. J. W. Hunter has returned from a visit to Greenville. Gala Attire. I Rc dB and yellows through the Look gay, we confess, I Nature in a sportiva mood Puts on fancy dress. wood Winter Reading. .The landlord wants to know if you are going to sign that lease he sent you the first of October." "Tell him I nave been reading it diligent^ hut haven't Halalled it yet" PP ?14 to August 1st, 1915 reductions during Hy equipped IV o. b. De -. .^440' DiownCar. 690 Ford, cars from August , f witt share in the to the extent of ?40 to ar they buy, PRQVID tr 300,000 new Ford ?aritetiare.) -, ITQSHOP