f VOLUME 1, NUMBER 212 Weaklr, ErtaUIikei 1M0| DmDy, Jaa.lt, Itu, ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS 85.00 PER ANNUM ALL NATIONS STRUGGLE So Far as is Known Then On Either Side-Th? Of German Reinf ore To the Great Masses Force Their Way to 1 (liy Associated Press.) All the aatlonB engaged In tho mighty struggle in Belgium and thc north of France are silent?83 to'ac tual happenings in that battle-scar red zone. So far as known there has been little progress on either side, but from accounts filtering through from various sources, this stern en gagement, which has been going on incessantly for several'days, may be characterised as the fiercest of the whole war. Thousands upon thousands of Ger man reinforcements have been added to the great masses of troops endeav oring to force their way to the north ern ports of France. It is said this ceaseless pushing forward of vast bodies of German sol diers ls by direct order of the em peror, whose eye is fixed on England, against which an early campaign is considered among th? possibilities, provided a suitabel base can be found from which to direct the forces. Similarly the Allier, have been strongly reinforced and among the new troops at the front nre the Brit ish Indians, who, according to all accounts, have been bearing them selves well. A new rebellion In the Union of South Africa has given cause for anx iety both to the British and the South African, governments. ? Generals de Wet and Beyers, both notable figures, in- the South African war. have plac vu uiniam ? oe. ni nrc> ilcou ui a njrvu In the Orange Free State and western Transvaal. The extent of this rising is not known nor can Its importance be foretold but already the South Afri can government has Issued a procla mation to tho people calling for their assistance and bas taken measures to quell tho rebellion. The British admiralty issues a warning to vessels whose course may carry them to the waters to the north of Ireland, as In those waters German mines have been laid with' the result that one British steamer, the Manchester Commerce, has been blown up. Additional channel- in the H??r Trasse ::" v" been declared closed to navigation by the admiralty to frustrate attempts by hostile ships to reach Lydon._._'. us?ian general staff reports thc commencement of lighting along the front In eastern Prussia and claims victories over the Germans at various points in Russian Poland. A newspaper despatch from Rotter dam says that General von Beseler. who commanded thc German forcee when Antwerp was taken', has com mited suicide at Bruges. John Jacob Astor, of thc British army, son of William Waldorf Astor,! has been wounded in the fighting in France. LONDON. Oct. 27 (9:46 p. m.)- The | German raid on the channel ports, as it ls called here, seems to have been I checked for the time being, or at any rate, the Germans havs made little, if j any progress since they crossed the i Yeer Canal last Saturday. They, how ever, are still pushing with all the' forces at their command and are from French", British and Belgian troops. Losses on both sides continue pro portionate to the fierceness of the bat t?t:-, which meana that they are great er than those in any hattie since the war started. Along the coast, where the Allies are assisted by French and British warships they apparently have more than held their own and, after in flicting heavy losses on the Germans, have compelled them to try for an opening farther inland. Up until yes terday the Allies had been forced to give way at some points, but today, according to the French official com munication, they have held their po ' S'tio?B at every point train the mouth lot the Yser to the Lens district, and . again have advanced between Ypres 1 ^_(Continued on Page 8.) ade to sinate Villa JTED ATTER MAKING CON STATEMENT GEN. CAR AT GEN. PABLO GON H SUPPORTER, HAD T TO KILL VILLA The unrest of -Margie yesterday was not preceded by any actual attempt to kill Villa, according to the . official version ot the affair. According to his confession made before Ca rothers, the prisoner declared be had been com missioned by Cosio Robelb, chief of police of Mexico City, but had receiv ed funds to carry out his commission "from the hands of General Gonsalea." Although they threw doubt on the report, no definite denial waa made tc lay by Carran xs officials here. BAN ANTONIO; Texas, Oct 27. Denying the report that- Francisco I. Murgia, who was reported to have been executed for an attempt on the life of General Villa, had been hired by General Pablo Gonsalesi, General Carranza, in a signed statement re ceived tonight by Constitutionalist Consul Beltran, declared that he had ho part in the plot to kill Villa. General Carranca admits the exist ence of a well organized plot to do away with the fighting general and mentions the name of Manuel Chao General Rosall o Hernandez, Macjovio Herrara and Lois'Herrera. Carranxa says the plot has been in existence for some time, but declares he rebuked his generals and denoan ced their plana. Ca?rania soys that he sav ed Villa's lit? at tho time of1 their break when Chao and Maclovto Her rera were anxious to have him dis patched. Carranca says the report that pa pers were found on Murgia connect ing hun with the ConsUintlocallst cause in tala?. MIGHTY HAPPENINGS GIS WHICH WERE SILENT FIRING KM Britnh Slops Havo Resumed' Boinbsjrdment ol German Trenches at Ostend. (Dy Associated Pre&3.) AMSTERDAM. Via London, mid night, Oct. 27.-A Telegraaf dispatch from Sluis says: "The guns which were silent yes terday were Urine again today. The British ships have resumed bombard ment of the German trenches at Os tend. "Tho Germans again and again have crossed thc Tser canal but each time have been driven by artillery and machino gun fire and tho bayo net Thc battle rages Indecisively on the Yser and between Dlxmude and Ypres. "In severity and In losses the fight ing exceeds that which occurred on tlie Nethe and the Meuse. Shells from tlie warships play havoc lu the German trenches. The Germans have brought up more aittllery. some of which has been posted on the sea-et Heyst and other places. "The number of wounded continual ly brought Into Bruges. ls great All public buildings and monasteries havo been transformed Into hospitah." Mexican Policy Criticized. WORCESTER, Mass., Oct j 37,- The I administration's Mexican policy was sharply criticised bv United Sutes Senator Lodge in a speech ac a recep tion rally here tonight Cf A VC nu a. wxira a KJ VS VSfSXVXJ'y MAKES ESCAPE I Wm Hoghes, ?ervmg Life Sen* fence, KOIs Guard Robert ? Stephens With Pick. fBy Associated Press.) SPARTAN BU RG, Oct 27.-Will Hughes, the white convict who killed Guard Robert Stephens yesterday af ternoon -with a pick, is still at large. . Three posses are In pursuit of the fu gitive in the vicinity of Greer and Duncan. It is believed that Hughes escaped in the direction of Greenville. Hughes, wbo was serving- a Ute term for murder, cc ugh t young Ste phens off his guard yesterday after noon and struck him in the head with hia pick, inflicting an awful wound from which Stephens died last night After the murder Hughes robbed Stephens of two pistols and $40. . It is predicted that Hughes will never surrender. Testas Bankers Pledge To Aid the Farmers' (By Associated Pres?-) I DALLAS, Texas. Oct 27.-Twenty-? Ave Texas bankers at a conference hcr?j i??a> pledged themselves to aid the tanners of the State to hold their cot'.on for at least eight cents a pound. Tee loan plan, proposed at a recent conference of bankers In St Louis, was endorsed and resolutions adopt ed demanding that plantera reduce their cotton acreage -50 per cent next yeer, ? _ Killing Frosts in Southern States I ItSy Associated Press.) \V/.SHlNGTON, Oct f7.-Venter's ] first warning touch in the country east of the great central valleys waa. felt today and promised killing frosts tn the middle Atlantic States and In the South probably aa far as the Gulf States and northern Flo.1, da. A tropical disturbance several hundred miles east ot Florida was accompan ied by low pressure northward to thc] Gulf of St Law reece. Tunnel Pierced After Three Years Work] -. j (By. Associated Press.) BERNE. Switserland, Oct 27.-(Via?, Paru, 4:26 p. m.)-A ftvo mlle tcn-(l nel through the Jura mountains from j, Mon tiers, France, to Grenchea, Switz-;, orland, was pierced today after three!, years ot uninterrupted work. The tun-', nel will shorten railway communica tion between Paris, an?? Berne and.. Paris and Milan. It cost $5,000,000. J 1 ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE MEN BEYOND HOPE OF RESCUE 30 TO 40 ARE DEAD Twenty-Eight Bodies Recovered. Deadly Fumes Prevent, Res e?e of Men. (By Associated Press.) ROLALTON. III., Oct. 27.-One hun died and five men, trapped on the lower level of a burning mine near here today.- are believed to be beyond hope of rescue. Thirty to forty oth ers of the 308 who entered the mino this morning wero known to be dead. Twenty-eight bodies have been recov ered. The mino, belongs to the Franklin Coal and Coke company. The flre.( followed a gas explosion. Deadly fumes prevented rescurers from roaching the men on the lov?r level. Of the hundred and Hf ty taken from the mine, more than 80 had benni, overcome by. the gas. Two died later. A minc rescue car from Benton, ?, 111., arrived nearly four boura after} the explosion with a supply of oxygen ? helmets. The work of rescue thep was pushed with vigor, but only dead bodies were found. Experts Bald tonight it would bc, impossible to subdue the Are ip the I lower level until the burning sec-J, tiona were .sealed. ROYALTON, lil., Oct. 27.-A total Of 61 dead is shown on the casualty ' list issued late tonight, by officials of the Franklin Coal Comnanv at whruw I mine nea" here three hundred men were entombed at the going to work hour this morning. Rescuers late today found fifteen dazed and injured miners ic e pocket in the burning shaft and led them, to I safety. The decrease in the number of dead from earlier .estimates was ac counted for by the registration tonight of scores of miners who escaped dur ing the day but who were to busy assisting in rescue work to answer to the roll "all of rescued. Twenty minutes before the explos- i ion 346 men went into the mine, only tho last cage full of the day force re maining on the surface. Tonight 24 bodies had been recovered and .?? men were mlesing. Mine officials con- | ceded that the 37 still were entombed and never would be brought out alive. P.escue *. nm- from Benton and Spiingfield, 111., aM from Evansvillo. Ind., were rushed ic the scene and their crews, together wi ii. the popu lation of Royston (about 1.C0?) "pent the day and the greater part of the'! night, rescuing the living, attempting to extinguish the fire that followed the explosion and caring for the injured and for the hysterical relatives of the dead and entombed. CHICAGO, Oct, 27.-Many miners made unconscious by th* explosion in the Franklin mine near Royalton wore rescued by Charles A. Sine, Superintendent of safety, according to C. A. Bickctt, president of the mine's selling organization, here to night. Bickett said Sine carried min ers to tho shaft until he waa made unconscious by the fames and in turn was rescued by another worker. Sine j will recover, it was said. Fear That Farmers Will Be Too Eager I; (By Associated Press.) DALLAS, Texas, Oct. 27.-Plans to avoid demoralization of cotton busi- ] ness when the federal- reserve banks open November 16. were .discussed j here today by a committee represent ing the Texas Bankers' association. Cotton seen have told the bankers \ they fear-larmers will be, too eager to get rid of their cotton when the re serve system opens. J. A. Kemper of Wichita Falls, pres-j ident vt the committee, has -taken the position that the first aid to the cotton crop should come from the!, South itself. h c o QfflMXMPt ooooooooooooi] . al' e let's Hope irs Sa, o J o' - o (By Associated Press.) o GALVESTON. Texas, Oct. 27.-lt o J t> waa announce?' here today that the o 1 o new German steamer Rhlnefeite o J o bi en rote to Galveston to tras po rt o ? o 10.060 bales of cotton io Bremen, o ? ? o oeeoeeoooooeooeoooo RESERVE BOA DETAILS Ol FAILURE IO UTILIZE OPPORTUNE MOMENT Tums Tide of German Invasion of Russian Poland, Accord ing to Advices. (By Associated Prcas.) PETROGF.iAD. Oct. 27.-Failure by the Germans to utilize an opportune moment for an attack on Warsaw, af ter they had approached within eight miles without being discovered, turn ad the tide of tho German Invasion of Russen Poland, according to reliable advices received from the frc*.t to iluy. , Russian general.* are absolutely at a IOBS to explain the German strategy In delaying a night attack, until the opportunity was lost. They express admiration of Gen von Morgen's light ning advance of five German army corps' over the dlffic.t swampy re gion approaching Warsaw from the southwest Almost within sight of the city, however, the enemy sudden ly decide to delay the attack, and that allowed tho Siberian and other Russian reinforcements to. give ade quate protection. The Russian generals aleo have ex pressed admiration of the German's jxtricutlon when they found them selves outflanked, their retreat being so complete and precipitate that the Russians were unable to overtake and engage the res? guard in action for several miles. Inhabitants of Warsaw say the dropping of German bombs, which never were damaging, har; ceased. ' SHIPPING WILL o? SAFEGUARDED American Shippers Can Send Cot ton to Germany and Austria Without Interference. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-After dip lomatic negotiations with Great Bril lia, whose cruisers, hold virtual con trol of trsos-Atlfistic commerce the itate department today announced that shipping would be safeguarded along diese lines: American shippers can send cotton o Germany and Austria without in terference by Great Britain. Arrangements are being made be tween neutral countries In Europe to provide against re-exportation of con ditional contraband to' belligerent countries. Commerce between neutral coun tries will be not hindered. In the least by Great Britain as long as cargoes ire specifically consigned. American shippers will be support ed In their claims against belliger ents If American cargoes are lott when carried In belligerent bottoms. Warmer Weather b Government's Forecast (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Oct 27.-Assur ance that today's touch of winter will >e followed immediately by generally ronner weather throughout the coun try was given tonight by Government forecasters. Maine was the only State where temp?ratures were below freeling to light. Unofficial reports from Herrison )urg. Va., tonight said loe a quarter >f an lach thick bad formed In some places there. '. > General Carranza Offers to Resign (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY. Oct. 27.-Venuatis >o Carranza bas submitted his resig nation to the Aguas Callentes Con vention. His offer to relinquish bis yost as soprani* chief of the nation, lowever, la conditional on the retire nent te private Hf? of General Pran :Isco Villa. Ia offering to resign. General Car -ansa said he waa actuated only by he highest motives of patriotism and hat acceptance- or rejection of bis of er must depend on whether or not ils elimination would contribute to-j /ard peace and the furtherance of true democratic ideas. Board's Outline of the P Loan Fund Sent to Ck Throughout the Cour ful That the Plan Wi Banking Support to M (By A s roc i;i ted PrcBB.) I WA8H INQTQN, Oct. 27.-Pull. :le-! i all H ci tho plan for a $135,000.000 loan fund to take care of tho surplus; cotton crop were mado public to-, night by thc federal reserve board, i The board'B outline of the plan was' sent to clearing house associations, throughout the country. responses are expected before the end of the week and officials were hopeful to night that thc plan would meet with sufficient banking support to make its adoption certain. The outline differs only in detail from the previous announcements of the board. The fund, lt shows, is to be administered under direction of a committee to bo known as the central committee, to be composed of the individual reserve hoard members. Actual administration of the fund will be under, a "cotton loan commit tee," consisting of these members: W. P. G. Haming, member of the board, chairman; Paul M. Warburg, of the board; Col. E. M. House, Aus tin, Tex.; A. H. Wiggin, New York; James S. Alexander, New York; James B. Forgan, Chicago; Festus J. Wade. St. Louis; Levi L. Rue. Phila delphia, and William A. Gaston, Bos ton. ' Two Cte???? of Subscriptions. . There are to be two classes , of subscriptions. The first will ??* known as class "A," will aggregate 8100.OC0.O00 and will Kn r? SC?-' cotton producing States. Class "B" subscriptions are to be made by banks or bankers in cotton produc ing States. Applications fer >o?ns must be submitted to State and local com mittees, which are required to ap prove them, and made through banks or bankers. Applicationa must be ac companied by subscriptions to class "B" amounting to 25 per cent of the loan requested, so that non-cotton producing States participating will loan 7" per cent, und cotton States 25. Ever y subscriber will receive cer tificates of participation, which ahall be transferable on the committee's books and bear 6 per cent. Intervi? I Loans on Notes. Loans will be made on notes at 6 Committee a Sut PROVIDES FOR THE SUBMISSI TION WHETHER $24,000, FLOATED TO MAKE LOI A VIEW OF RETIF OF 1914 Special to The Intelligencer. COLUMBIA, Oct. 27.-The special j committee on bond issue reported a ' substitute bill to the house this morn- 1 lng which provides for the submission 1 to the people at the next election of ' the quesUon whether $24,000,000 in' 5 ' per cent Stato bonds will be flatted ' io make loans on' cotton on the basis 1 o? 9 cents a pour* with a view to re- 1 tiring one-third of the 1*14 crop from the -market Tho new bond issue bill 1 provides for the creation of the South 1 Carolina colton bonds commission J whose members shall consist of the ' sinking fond commission and three mem* to be elected by the general as- ' sembly. ' No action was taken by th? house sn the bond issue proposition today. j The bouse today overrode the veto of the governor on the act abolishing the office of dispensary constables in Pichland and Orangeburg counties. The Wyche resolution proposing to amehd the constitution to permit the floating of honda by the general as- ! sembly. to enable the State to loan j money to men to buy lands, failed to . rec*!** the two-thirds vote necessary for its passage, bot 62 members of , the house voted for lt while 42 voted ( against lt Friand* of th? proposition | are pleased rn account ot the fact ( that lt received a majority vote. Besides passing tba proposed con- , ititntional amendment, submitting to the people as a precautionary meas- j u ra to do away with the necessity tor i another legislature to ratify the cot- < ion bond issue if the people vote it < '. Jwj^^HDBsSIHis^aB^SSBE&'MbCrv Raw IBLiC FULL UOAN PLAN lan for a $135,000,000 caring House Associations itry-Officials Are Hope ill Meet With Sufficient alee Its Adoption Cert&in. per cont, with warehouse receipts for cotton ss collateral, on the basis ot G cents per pound for middling*. All expenses for warehouse and Insur ance charges must be borne by the .Sorrower. A guarantee fund is to be created by deductions of 3 per cent, from the face value of all loans, whieli will be used also to provide funds for the payment of expenses of administration, estimated not to ex ceed i-? of 1 per cent, of the fund. Mature In OM Year. AU applications for loans must be made before February 1, 1916. The loans will have a maturity of one year with a promise ot renewal tor six months on approval of the centrai committee. In the repayment of subscribers to the fund, the. class A certificates will be takne care of tn a proportionately larger degree until the outstanding amounts of each class become equal. Board's Statement. The board's statement follows: "lt is proposed to cree's in the manner hereinafter provided a fahd ot approximately $130,000,000 to be kpown as the 'cotton loan fund' sad to be u^ed for the purposes herein stated. Subscribers to this fund shall be divided Into two classes to be des ignated respectively as class. 'A' sad class 'B' subscribers. Class 'A' sub scribers shall .consist of banks and other corporations, firms or indivi duate l/VAhrtri rtl? rou 1/1 tn ur In ^?K than the cotton producing States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia. Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro lina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tex as and Ts ants sc s. "All class 'A' subscriptions shall be contingent upon the receipt of subscriptions ot that class ag gregating $100,000,000. Class 'B' subscriptions shall bei made by banks or bankers located or residing In the cotton producing States above men tioned, and as hereinafter more par ticularly explained; no class 'B' sub scriptions shall be required except as a condition of a loan or loans to be made out of tho fund to be creat ed, and in such, event subscription-, shall not be required to exceed 25 per (Cor.uuoed on Page 5.) Reports >stiti :ze Bill ON TO THE PEOPLE Q?ES 000 IN BONDS WILL BE VNS ON COTTON WITH UNG ONE-THIRD CROP and killing the Shirley-Warren bUI to establish a State bureau of market ing, with an agent In each count?-, the senate marked tune today walting on the bouse. Emergency legislation ass been cleared from the senate cal indar, and. beyond. waiting! oa free conference committee reports there ls nothing to do until tba house gets through on the bond measure. The house sent back tbs warehouse bill as amended and '?he bill, with all amendments, will be printed lc the tournai and Anal action taken by tba senate In the morning. Senator* Vernor ma^e a strong speech for tho marketing MU, urging that It would help the people and as sis t in tbe sprsad of the grain props? jenda and assisting the farmers to get supplies cheaper. But on tba rround that it waa not emergency leg? ?Biatlon the senate killed the bill. . Passed ta Third Roadla?. ' COLUMBIA, 8. C., Oct. 17.-Th? South Carolina house of repr?sentai ives tonight passed to .its third read ng the till providing submission to he people in the election Novemhnr ? rt tue question of issuing $24.000.000 n 6 per cent State bends to bs loan Mi os notes secured by cotton were* muse recepits on the basis of nina .ants a pound. The Senate has already >aaaed th? MU la a somewhat differ? tat form. The* House today sent to thc Senate lor concurrence the hilt tor a State warehouse system. The House adopt? si several amendments to the meas? we. ._?. W^rsi