PALME TC Tonight-The Big Favorisas-f "THE NEW I Thursday, October 1st, will bc i body will get a prisa. Maybe tl "THE DEBT" (Drama in two pa ?RIBBONS AND BOXING GU "Tiffi GYPSY GAMBLE" fDn {j THE BEST lill ?Ul Ul Ililli? ll I H Electric Ch < . i Ballroad* Not Very Mach Burs.. W. Ri' Taber, ot Greenville, ase of thc officiate of the Southern Railway? C?T??p?uiy. wp? in Anderson yesterday andi while hare tal kid very interest-' Icely to a reporter for The Intelli gencer about .business conditions sol far as the railroad,.la concerned, Mr. Tnber^nye.that his road has of course, felt the,result of business d?pression io th? South t^jotse client but that, the' road has hot four.? times to bo as hard as soma claim. He says that' bis road is oilll doing a good freight busi ness Into Southern states, > almost as good as before any talk waa heard of a foreign war, and be does not see. anything indicative that this business wilr fall off aay time n the near fu ture. He takes a very optmiBtlc view 'un ti on and Ander&vn people thought that lt was vary refreshing to talk to kim. Raisin? Coffee In Tal? State. Numbers of Anderson people and ?ther people in this section, in describ ing tan things that South Carolina can produce within tho borders of the atajGajand the th inge that cannot bo grown herc, invariably include coffee tn the Hst of articles not to be found In inls state. That ls a mistake, since at Gaffney! in Cherokee county, there ia a flourishing coffee field yielding results and a Gaffney man; and no** m?rous o? his neighbors are' drinking coffee whlcbgrew. there,.,?. Ri'Suter.' one of Ctufnoy'B well ,khown mer chants, trio'i the Idea oat on his lerida I*?M? he uo^r bas a flourishing coffee field froa? which he obtains enough coffee fov bia own ?se and ali tango iirlng; near him ?( ???ght be a, p? ?ur Annersen. -O-t 5ftaw Up Well la uatlfcraw. Patrons of ute Anderson Street Hall way hardly knew what had happened i when they boarded the cars yesterday j morning and found tho motormen and conductors cn all the cara la the etty attired la handsome uniforma. Here tofore the Southern Public ht?ities Company has required that the <*m ?.p*?y?s w?ar ? cap aa a uniform but j same tim? ago the local officials j Slated an order with the T. L. Cely Company, et thia city, for uniforma for every conductor and every motor taaa running on the city lises. The chang* has certainly mado'AftlNSO pr?vam?ht.aa'? people 6t Hie o?iy have ? been cembllnidnUiig the 'bc4y on the handsome npp?arance they os' ' , * ""O' " ?? .*%?s^re;Be:..-< :r:oir. ; The Septeto ber (somber ot tho ''Coitnen*' WIR ?Kne -??.^m th? pressas today and will contad many, items of interes^vv V?ople tn the mill villages of-An?8fc*JVftri? ip fact to Us public a* large.' The veommg edition ts an un usually good .one..and :\ M^Jgarnett, secretary tn the r. M.;C. A. and ed itor of the magasine, says that he feels lust a little blt proud of it and thinks that hs han a right to feel thia way. Th? manner in which the mill people ?eils JIM every new copy of the publi cation indicates that they are very ap preciative of what Mr. Barnett has? and ls still doing for them. i'h!ck*Jf Thieves Have Been Caught. $or acme tune people Uving In and around the city haves been complain ing.rJ?tfe. thlerea have entered their h.Q>^e and made awsy with! nun^re?-: >r^it?tg*versi t chickie owner ii and "had-Tseea-ow?eiti^?^ elsi? anet as a result two at?anl^ra of the force were assigned tc the work of running dowe? tie miserean ta. T?e- j t?rdey two young whit? boya wer^ a*. S0?0?4)f th? -Pa" s*d *W K ; ? '... Baily Worried, ? AU of Aft?ar*oa l? be^i&ni?c lo hw1 j the coy "Pa and Ma, kia I go to the! until Octobael TTO TH ?DA Y'S PROGRJ fat "Chick" Haine, Ameritan Beaut) I; " '* . '-7 ''I ' . ' i WAN"-A Laugh-A Sere :??ntry Store Night. Everybody ?v ie Storekeeper bas ooo for you. Coi IN MOVIES *ta). >VES"?( Comedy). ) ... .. ... .. SHOW IN A fy Sparklets .n , " . . ' 111 - ? ? Anderson Folks To Dunce At The II*?. People in end around Anderson' dre, OTtnclng considerable interest ls-tic approaching "State Ball" which will bo danced to Columbi* on the evening ' of Thursday. Qctober 2?, which la "Bis; Thursday" ot Fair week. The executive committee ts" busy working oat the details of South Caro-; lina's great annual function and al ready plans are well under' way. The bell wi? again bo danced in the ball room of the Jefferson hotel which last year lent such a brilliant sotting for lt. In spite of the cotton situation, it la expected that the attendance will bc largo and that the ball will be given all the handsome details which makes for Its. BOC ia! and art ii tic a ucees s. Send Ia Fer Cotton Meiers. A unique idea has been adopted by several Anderson county farmers since lt grew so difficult to secure negroes on tho farm, to do the cotton picking. Severa} large fa- mers have adopted the schema of sending wagons into thc. city every morning and picking up every "vagrant" negro oat;th? streets. Tho wagons carry the.negroes to the farm, where they pick cotton nil day, and at ntsht-fall the Nub'ans come bank into Anderson. While the syst?* t^ little: expensive in view of the fact tnfct tho negroes will not do much work after they reach the farms and have to bl baulad both ways? stUl it is ??W.'toybje better, than, letting the cot ton ?tay in thc fields. He?i"Boo*ttaa^ \ - Jftart Consrty Fair. Leon Morrir, editor of ibo Hartwell 8s~; it,; Cu?cv?t V/ciguv, a .2*a??e irate and several other Hartwell, Ga,., men, spent yesterday in Anderson *!fcooat \Mf$. the Hart County Fair whteh ts to be held this year on November 3, 4, 5, ? and 7. This ls annually one ot the principal fair* held tn upper Georgi* I,wig?sople are present for tho week trina all parts of the state. There ate a number of Anderson people la at i?ndanse ai the fair every year. The visitors to the city yesterday made a very pleasant Impression uoon the lara* number o? people with who&J. they came in contact while hero and did some really recd work for -Vsmt f?r. SpfeaeJd Address' ricard Testerda j. Mrs. Alex Long, of Rock Hill, state pr?sident of the Ladies' Auxiliary of! th? Episcopal church, delivered a 1 splendid address at Grace eht?^'j&i-1 ierday afternoon. Tb? * speaker s??d' {. that ?he appreciated her very warm j ;W)cc'ptlon and cestaialy was well nloaSr I ?ed with her visit to Anderson. Sal? j hast been th? guest of Mrs. Kiehard laughlin ?bile in Anderson and will L Jeave ?hie. afternoon tor Clemson coS-} jlego,' vrhere ski? wftf deliver * second I', address i ? j Wr.Viwa? Ha*. 1 done To College. ? Ellis E*an?. who has been connect- j cd with the Owl Drug Stora at the cor ner of Karie and Main streets for w long lime, has resignad ihal position *nd left yesterday afternoon for . CtSriastoni Mr. Evans ecee -Chsrte??^u in in??i tn? School oft Pharmacy ot the South Carolina Med-1 leal School. He ls a young rann of de- j elded ability in the drug business andi friend? ot hts say that hs wlit make a ap /tidid ph*rmac'.c*. J It^fe"SeluMtfed ' .. ? j: v/^ftlss -MsiifofiO.-. V:'"-iV ;.' I; Mr." and Mrs. J. grater, who j .,*c^ p?sa keeping hons? on McDnffie ' ?tr?e? for tho sooatier mos,?. In Mr. M/H" Ir^ift Braw?Je*'8 res idence, hat?I>eti?sWlctothe Ch?qno?a notai and wilt board there dtring the win?cr months. Mrs. Wayptck and itt- ( *le *on. Who1n?ir? bfe?,,*p?tldtttVg the? bf young aa Utar.>. On marice EAT RE ll iM Show in Thal Sansnming Faroe un-A Riot? . iii , fffU" . ( ;?' W?* . ill get a chance ?nd nes?riy evefy I ..1.2 Bk?g???rh . .Kalora > NDERSON idling for only 7 8*4 cents. In tao words of one Anderson farmer, "that is eractly one-quarter of a cent above acthing" and moat ot the fanners seemed to think that this was true, dace tiers was practically no cotton offered en the market yesterday. How-, mr, a number of. bales ware disposed, af to private individuals ?.; lo cents'! ney pound. ? SCfes Russell Ha? ^caef?i**w Tors;. Viss Eunice .Russell, wno has beea assistant postmaster at the Anderson; , offfca for a number .of .years, left yes terday .morning for New 7'orh city, Where she will as?ur*-? duties In \he post of ?co at that'?Mint. Miss Russell has been a very faithful and efficient official at the Anderson postoffice and patrons of tbat place will miss her. She han a number of relatives lu New York and Bays that she expects to like living tha.-e. tght Changes Ia Prise List. A few minor changes Were made yesterday afternoon In the prise list for the stock exhibit,which.ta to be u~ld here today,'but these changes aro small Importance, and tho Hat re mains practically the ?ame, sa before. The complete and corrected list ap> ' s In thia issue of The Intelligencer as wi Uv be .seen, -contains, a^num-? ber of very valuable - articles, weil' worth..t?yi?gfc*- ,.,-.;?-. ? iooed Man '. Passe?! ?fv*y, 3. N. Shaw, who, realdad near Dor r Cb,urcb, died ia, Columbia, oa the 27th ,inst;, age 67,. years?, ? The burial took, place at r Dorchester church on Tuesday. He. ia survived by |wwtdp\>,,four sons and three> daugh ters, puring, tho civil-war,bo waa a taembor of Company,P. Second Bat acd| . aroitna Reset soldier. tette Count*? Store-October STANDIHG OF. COS'fESTASTS BUea and Electra* Te**tr*s> Pop. alar Yoting Contest, gee^l?^ Mrs. J,;0. Mawh&??.iii* Helen Heed _.r .1118 Lois G arri so ti. 1115 Mrs. J. K. Manoa.1115 Wilie Mae Simpson .1110^ C4??ri'!8rfc57n Mrs. J. C. I^omax_. lt IQ Annie Cunningham .i i lu Miss Nicholson ...iifj? Mrs, Witt Tolly.1165 Mona 8 ur riso .',.-...1100 Mrai . J; J. Massy.llOe Lois F. Walis ....U?0 Lola Holcomb.1160 Mrs. Harleston Bacton. ? bron . .JO?O{ Ghee.,.1080 j Mrs. .'Shuford.i.lim Cecelia O'Donnell . , , : ."v. . ,->.. .1096' Ujf?6;tUm?'. ?dcCei?y ? -i....... 'viM06? Mb?r?'Sa??? ..vs.wlO?O $Bfak awyum . ;.lose londia McCully.1080 Florida Harria. . . .1080 Ruth Watkins.107B ?Bale Hamlin .107& I^>?R Glider.1076 Bailie 4. Stev Elisabeth Frotwell Wk? Frank ...... JrtsaNorryce .... Gladys Reece.... Kyra Johnson . fKn. Ann*'M*vfl4 Mr*. \? B. asctt. sara W?T?taney ..... Refer FUhcUer. |Upc4t?f*4?a? ht wa this thi CM tr?test Sanairer at H&m Then \BacktotheBai Richardson Says That F&rj For 12 Cents-O? Settc?. Kdltor The Intelligencer: j ? White I wait on leave several days ?wo eeversi of wy friend* asked me ?riiat th? farmers were to do in the : ?nroseht crisis. ? ? have thought over this mai'or ?eriously and stopped over tn Wa h ?ngton to see what was being don?. I The amt Mm on f. providing for the ?stension ot the emergency eurrency ?rac read to me before it war.prem nt ?M to the houie. I informed them that ?he right rate lhtorest and the short ?ime loen reader such a measure usa ?*.? to moet the present situation IS ?armers took advantage of. aaid btu ?o borrow ninney to hold their coi 'on ?he government would own the crop, ?armers and all In a snort tune. I I am glad to soe that the senators ?Prom the cotton states are ftghtinsj ?ht "m^rdmont. although I am of the ?plnlcu that if it goes through th? ?farmers ^ould not TAKE ADV AN? ?TAGE of them. I ?.very one should know that that ?lill was passed origin lally to assist tho bankers and speculators snd other big tntere3te when thc financial mar Beets were threatened. . ? I bave given ?.great deal of thought ?for several year? to th? man who pro-] ?daces from the soil; Whether he grows cotton, tobacco, grain or other| oroducts apd as far aa ?SHtoK VWLW ?jg ' bynn?piz system was launched 'thai ?armero J'itcrc 'ap-j peered to bo no bank law enacted! which looked to (he aced? ol the far.i Thia condition ot affair*-' eaunot] long endure; but In tho .meantime! what is the farmer to do? ' I wov.ld suggest titi? watch-word* Twelve cents or Back io the Barn with the cotton. To be able to do this we must have the hearty co-operation of all hands. Th* ?armer, the merchant, thc professional main, the banker and th? cotton mills. The prosperity ot all depends on the farm producta. This means sacrifices on tho part of all far tho Suture prosperity and ?progress of all. Tho mill's, a/; ?. PJ!<, I believe, are working in but' one shift and cannot get Ute nW?Hl?!??tl& ito.*'* day and night salft. It would appear tbs Tnt to han to seilt i fb^licct tnt , ;Tp.e soi? ''..>)! |! i's for ?very nar-J ptcr mat sah hoT^o'fhjold jeveh at) a| wheat oat?, com, poa*, bogs, cowa. etc.. If. t%;? done we will fcfet get na mu?h tor ihJp year's crop as we will g?t for thia and th> next crop and have Ali of our grain and meat to -Those w$o: have to seilt "Twelve csnta or back to the barn." The? who eas -'borrow the mossy ?ell at no? p-.-ico until Ute fall ot i?16. Evcr^ vim eon "JBny-a-Bale"I Of. cotton a?ri h^id asti! ?S 15. j Tho great body of tho very rich and j ? vwerful fact" that mom aot'.all. That their bapplnssa a* wall ui the. p?iir.* anti prosj?erity of "Ute! nation depends upon the equitable dis-1 tr?b lon's Wealth. The? ton auy system or como In compet? an .fors like this. inking sys ?ystatn criais aa the farmers WS J^JSdovement iS Lers JSkonAi Hol* Their Cotton SOAPING A GEYSER. . ? ".,. -., cod That Rpu??d the Fury of tho Sluing Wejres. I, Some,of tho, Iff ger geyser? (a New Zealand will not play unless they are ?oaped--o proceaa paly occasionally al lowed, as too ?auch soaping wen ken? ?tba..geyser. "h? Gooding tn "Pic toreaaoa New ?fcanland': describe* the antag Of a geyser named Wairoa, be g$ig present St the ceremony. The util? states tnat the officiating priest Bees wss a Maori known as Kathleen, ?ts was clothed ?n n fla* mat com pletely covered with rake, frlwl and pigeon teethes; 'Tba caretaker approached Kathleen with.a big white bag In band, It waa half full of yellow soap-cut into small cubes. " "Af? yon ready. KathleenT be asked. "'Yea,' she promptly nuswered. 'Taking out two or three handfuls of soap, the caretaker.threw tbcm Into Walrus's deep throat arni then banded tho bag to Kathleen. Grasping the string handle ut the. bottom of the jj hag. ?ho opened thc mouth, and ont poured a sn pounce un stream. , "Tea mtauies, pawtcd. hilt there wit.. onl? ?.. ?Hjjhf^'li?'r?-jisj? tn ?ho vc?-^rr.?? of it?uta at Wainm's mWl'i. and there were no,subterranean signs of'.>.. uptl o Fifteen, tu-, ?it*^ passed with very little "When thirty, minute* ferd fctw there was a nimbty^rtpeu n splash of writer. The people near the geyser ttai-sed away. Two. <>r . thre follcwed. *>:?d ea? ; predecessor; thou r?inv a hoarse ar. ? rush of s?t?aw. nod up past a ?. sulphur dyed slater wall' dashed column of water carrying >M> clouds of. steam. Soup, just common wash ing soap, bad conquered Wslroa and forced lt from its luir. Dp it continued to go-6fty. slit/, eighty. 120 feet ...Wairoa would hara gone blither if lt hadn't been for ?he wind.* the care ' er told me. 'It bas been known to Bl feet' "While Walroo played it played gnificfcntly. In its shaft lt rumbled. 9niig Ita bot breath upon the vea- I taresomc, ?ad.for more than 100 feet j around it shook fie ground,until the earth trembled. For. ten ml Mun rose and foll. The? dorm if like a thermometer on a frosty nlgfet. I until it was s mere splBRi><-r.' FOUR 8REAT HEROES, j their Fait From the Giddy H ????to? ef l AOibftw? S??d P)?y??ri 'C? j. F'story records J" CU. t wfc< Macedonians at nlxteeii while hlsi< under, with Ula triples bouud lu cha ISC' dipped te the blood of coontie nations, looked down noan ? concert,, id a sid wept thut there wan