Thanhouser's Newest, Million Dollar Motion Picture Production ' fur i nb By Hamid M^sGarsatfa IT\S?j|pre~-the event the entire country has . been waiting for-the most costly, most remarkable motion picture production ever bought out-The Million Dollar Mystery, nine miles of film involving love, romance and adventure. Today marks the start of this thrilling photo-story by Harold MacGrath, famous author of "Rathlyn." Each episode will be filled with thrills-new thrills, Each scene will reveal sensations never before attempted. As the story progresses, week by week, a startling mystery will be unraveled. And $10,000.00 in cash will be paid for the best 100 word solution of this mystery. Think of it! $ 10,000 for 100 words! Simply see this remarkable series of motion pictures -read the story by Harold MacGrath in the Intelligencer - and write your solution of the mystery. A clew to the mystery will be given in ev ery episode. Anybody is eligible to compete for the $10,000.00. It is on ly necessary to see the pictures and to read the story in order to write your solution. Complete information will be furnished by the theatre ex hibiting the Million Dollar Mystery. Go-see the first episode of this stupendous, mystic production-and get full information about the $10, 000.00-for-a-l00-word offer. * The Million Dollar Mystery will bring to light the mysterious ceremonies of the Black Hundred, a band of Russian millionaires, bound by secret oaths to carry out their fiendish designs. It win reveal the innermost secrets of this internationally knowno society. You will see m these amazing films bow th? dexterous hand of Harold MacGrath. has woven love and hatred into every scene.?$#.^ *M^? You will witness the experiences of Florence Gray, the millionaire heiress, whose fortune the plot ters are attempting to o bt?iii. You will be thrilled by startling surprises-the fnll jof a balloon In mid-ocean, the death defying portrayal of a railroad wreck, the breath-taking escapes of the hero ine from the clutches of the villains. In these wonderful motion pictures you will see, for the first lime, scenes of the ocean bottom's mysterious life and vegetation-pictures taken under water at tre mendous expense. In the million Dollar Mystery you will find all the him favorites-an all-star Thanhouser cast including Florence LaBadic, Marguerite Snow, Lila Chester, James Cruze, Sidney Bracv, Alfred Norton and Frank Farrington. The enacting of this entire story, has been supervised by Lloyd Lonergan, famous director of the Thanhouser Film Corporation. The Million Dollar Mystery is, by far, the most elaboarte film production ever staged. 'No expense has been spa red t^ma^^e this series of motion pitcures the most entertaining and instructive^^ produced. See the First Great Episode of the Million Dollar Mystery at the Bijou Thursday, July 16th Read This Wonderful Story hy Harold MacGrath Starting in Today*s ipi . fe