HOME OF YOUR . . < - JO jj&yS OWN 's A HOME IN OC.rp.^X^k*^ \(:y ' North Andi ison con t?^i. tinues to hold it? "ffj'sg?1 building record- |JJ| # I (?Fp RJ IO MED , Sj PL _ _ , - .? ??j ;" .- " ?.? A1 \/\ "' . . > J? Three houses are now under con struction-two others, Mr. Eu gene Tribble's ?ind Mr. Cookey's will he started in a few days-and it is very probable that we can announce two more durim: this ^ week. Pete*Painter S&yS TheSim.sn& judge of ari. . Jfoe cracks up all m?s of paint excepting Patton's ? S&tfm?fSwt Patton's Sun-Proof Paints ?Ivo double tho servlco Of nll-whlto-lead or any ordinary paints. They aro marte ot the most pert not oomblaation of point mate rials io stand '.bo severest trial tue sun and weathtt can alvo them. Get a beautiful color card and lull inform* tlon Rom C. M. GUEST PAINT CO. Phone 48. W. Earle St. Look for the yellow front. ITJ&?ft JO USE GOOD - PAINT f t^* You know if it comes from us its the best. ? Anderson Paint and ., Color Co. \ Bleckley Bldg. Phone 647 B IJOU ...THEATRE] tl ri 0. H. Heard Phone 27. ij ?. B. Dlecklej H Phone 671 BLECKLEY 8 HEARD Undertakers iii IS . 117 E. Whittier Ht. Answers oil calls dar or night Phone mk v3 : "S. - ". MS ?i !fi tfi Sfi !!. Si ?Ui W tfi tfi S !fi Danger of Too Much Talk. .? j Don't talk too much. Just after you have talked a man into buying. If you S . keep on talking you will talk him out - of buying-Atcaison Globe. TODAY'S PROGRAM. THE LAW UNTO HIMSELF Rex. It Is hard to tell In this two' part picture whether the title applies1 to the man who steals he pretty wife of the Italian pcusnnt or to the Ameri can who finds and kills him. Fea turing Hob Leonard and Hazel Ruck ham. DILLY'S RIOT Sterling. A dandy Juvenile comedy. PILGRIM'S MESSAGE OF LOVE Powers. Drama featuring KU win August. Coming tomorrow "With the Greeks on the Firing Line" Special war fea ture that ls real war. with all its hnr mm and bloody battles. Don't misti | ' lt. Coming Monday ."The Day of Ray?" 4 reel Famous Players feature willi Ceri! Scott. < WA t Craytons ream Is Good Cream :: Ice Cream :: Eat More Of lt. Llgnt from the Earth. The darkest part of the sky ls al ways aglow. The earth Itself gives off a lot of light. Scientists of the Franklin Institute have measured this, earth light and have found that it U of the order of one-t?nth part of the intensity of a star of the first order of magnitude. It ts attributed, at least partially, to a permanent aurora boro sits which ls revealed by the charac teristic green ray observed on ob scura nights In the whole heavens. y. y. ?{? .y- -Y- H' * ****** * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Item? of Interest and Person * Wireless on the S Or. Giicrry Herr fur mi Operation. K K Chapman, a wi ll known biisl in*H Minn ni UK- city, connected with Hil- Soul tu rn ?:Publi<- Utilities Com pany, underwent an oporation al ihn Anderson county hospital yeslerday. I lr. Guerry of Coliinihiu raino to An - dcrniu io perform lin- operation ami arrived in the eily at noon. Thq op? rai Inti weill through immediately alter ?md last night it was said that it hud been entirely successful nmi thal the I pat len) was doing nicely. This will he good news io Mr. Chapman's many friends. Sec I'ii tun s in j Til? Open Air. Itrh tow Al- McCullough, proprietors j ol (iii- rii-w air doun- in North Ander son, have announced thal they are practically ready to open Hie new I plan- of amusement ami an- now en gaged in making preparations for the li rsl night performance, which it to talo- place either tonight or tomorrow night. They say thal they have suc ceeded in bookin*; some unusually tine pictures and expect tho attendance for Hie opening night to he large. -o Kuin Hayed UN l in orites. While thc rain fell in s-heois down in Hie business section of Anderson Monday night, it did not rain at all in Noli h Anderson and it is said that it ?ti pped short only u few miles out of (he eily, lu tome parts of the city it hailed while the storm was ?O?IIR on and in ot beni not a bit of hail wau neon or heard. No further reports were received yesterday as to thc dam age done by the storm in this section, but it ir ta ld that Augusta, (ia., suf fered severe losses from si tremendous liall storm which visited Unit city shortly before it broke on Anderson. -o-? Mr. Felton IK Asklnir" - For His He-Flection. In tills Issue of Thc Intelligencer uppuare tho announcement of the can didacy of J. H. Felton for re-election to thc omeo of county HU;., rintendent of education. Mr. Foll?n has made one of the best coulny olhelals that Anderson has ev?r known. Under his able guidance, the schools of thc ?unty have progressed in a splendid manner and there can bo no denying the fact that Mr. Felton has been faithful to the duties of his office. There has been un announcement of any ono ciao for this office thus far, and at present, it would seem that Mr. Felton will get the office for an other term without opposition. Ladies Are Sei? Attending Games. Quito a number of ladles witnessed tho game of baseball yost ord ay aftor nnon between Anderron and Gaffney. The ladies are now being admitted free to all games and they seem to ap preciate tho courtesy thus shown them. It is snid that a number of partier will be orpanlzcd for the game thia afternoon and it ls expected that more ladies will witness the exhibit ion than have yet benn seen ut Buena Vista park since the present season op ened. Two A cc ld ci, S With Automobiles. Two automobile accidents marked Monday night in Anderson. A car driven hy Mrs. .1 \s. N. Pearman and one driven by R. I). Henderson col lided at tho corner of West* Market and Peoples streets. Fortunately neither of the ears suffered much damage and the occupants escaped without Injury. A car driven by a Mr. Pruitt and one dviven by Mr. Wat soli ran together on North Main nt reel last night ami Mr. Pruitt's car suffered considerable damage, the Kprlngs being torn off and the fender razed. Mr. .Manning ls In the County. Richard I. Menning of Sumter, a randldate for governor of South Car olina, has been spending the last few ilayp In the elly In thc Interest of hlB candidacy. Mr. Manning is very pop ular willi the At'derson county voterai ind lt ls concede'! that he will make I il good race and will poll a uplendid i-ote in this county. Ile says that ho ls well pleusod with things as hu linds them in Anderson. Ready Tn Tillie Over the Other. I>r. W. A. Tripp, who is to become reasuror of Anderson county when J. W. McGee completos his final itatnments of the office, has already irrlved in the city to assume his now Iiities. Associated willi Dr. Tripp In ho office will be R. A. Gentry, who has leen ih the city for some weeks be coming familiar with the duties of tho . Hice. Mr. Gentry will remain in the ?mee for two months and then Dr. Tripp will assume entire chnrge. Furman Smith . ' Seedsman Striving to Merit Your Confidence, Y SPARKLETS * _ * al Mention Caught Over the * treett of Anderson * County Board IK Kurili g Hard Tnsk The Anderson county educational hoard I? facing a hard task lu naming I the now school trustees for Anderson I county. The hoard convened for i lil s purpose yesterday morning and shute lhat time has been at work on nam ing 175 uehool trustees for this coun ty. In a number of linMaiicos Ute old trustees wore reappointed Inn in sev eral cases it was necessary to choose new ones. Commissioners Helli Very Short Meeting The Anderson county commission ers were In session here yesterday, meeting in the oflice of Hie supervisor al thu court house. There was little business liasiftcil, limi t tin- entire loren.-ii: lieiog d .vote.I t-> Hie auditing of bills. With Illili exception, the mooting alli tided tn no oilier atlairs. Those melli hers ol' thc coilllilisHio" presen) witrc J. M. Dunlap. T. M. VaiiV diver ami J. Mack Klug. -o - - Mr. Sunder* Moved To Calhoun si rice. W. A. Sanders has moved from the house he lins been occupying oil Man ning btrcet to u nice, new hume on Calhoun ft reel. Ile has completed his moving ami is now installed in his new residence. -o Cni?ine Hearing In Hie Courts. A uni<|iie hearing arose in Magis trale Broadweil's court yesterday when Will Foster was arraigned on the charge of carrying concealed wea pons. Tho question of whether or not tile pistol in question waa in a box and a mau was guilty of this charge when thc man sitting on thc box. The de fendant's attorney demanded a jury, and this was furnished. following which thc Jury returned a verdict of acquittal. -o Piercetnwn Man Has Moved Here. II. C. Owens, a well known young man of thc Picrcetown section, has accepted a position with the rtreet railway company In this eily and en ' tcred upon his new duties yesterday. I Mr. Owens la highly esteemed In hi? I section and will doubtless do weil with his new employers. The ?Mme Havings Hank again calls your attention to the advertisement nu page two. (adv.) PROMINENT MAN PASSES AWAY Injury of Several Daya Ago Provea Fatal--End Came Yesterday Special to The Intelligencer. Walhalla, July 7.-J. H. Kell, a whirly known farmer of this section died nt his home two miles south of Walhalla early thin morning from in ? junes received last Friday uficrnoon. It is believed that Mr. Kell mounted his mal* to ride home after a .lays' work, that the nmlo bocamo frightened from borne causo and threw the rider who became entangled in the harness and was dragged considerable- dis tance. Ile was never conscious ex cept for a few moments at intervals. Mr. Kell leaves a widow and several grown children and wide connection of n 1?-tl ves and friends. His remailla were hurled this aftornoon at thc Lu theran cemetery after approplat;) fu neral services by his pastor tin Rev j J. li. Umbergcr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McFall. on their honeymoon trip, are apending a few days in the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mnlcotm McFall. T. B. Jones, a well known oil mill man of Townvllle, was In tho city yesterday on business. J. H. Spencer of Greenville was in the city yesterday, a' guest at the Chl quola hotel. J. P. Elliott of Columbia was among tho visitors to spend yesterday In the city. I. T. Holland of Honea Path, a can didate for probate Judge, was in the city yesterday. R, A. Abrams, who is making the race for thc office of county auditor, was in the city yesterday. J. A. Busby of Greenville was in tho city yesterday for a few hours on business. D. F. West, a progressive citizen of the Roberts section, W^J in the city yesterday on business. Miss Loretta Cochran of Charleston has arrived in the city for a two weeks visit to her brother, R. G. Coch ran. J. H. Opp of Willlamston was among tho well known visitors to spend yes terday In the city. Mrs. Charles Poora of Charlotte ls in the city, the guest of her mother, Mrs. c. C. Cummings on Sharpe street. H. S Tr escott and M. M. Hunter For Your Vacation You Want New Clothes Did you ever notice how critically every one judges your appearance on your vacation trip? It may mean a lot to you if some one says: "He and Iiis family are well dressed, guess they must be doing well." , ^ ^ , Our complete stock makes it easy to . buy here. Summer Suits, Shirts, Hats, Underwear, Hos iery, Suspenders, Collars, Neckwear, Suit Cases. PARKER & BOLT The One Price Clothiers - m a PALMETTO THEATRE i TODAY'S PROGRAM STRENGTH OF FAMILY TIES.Lubin. Two reel special fea ture. SKELLY'S BIRTHDAY.Biograph. Melodrama. FAST FREIGHT No. 3205.Kaiem Thrilling rail-road story. THE COOLEST PLACE IN ANDERSON wore among tho well known Pendle ton people to spend yesterday U\ tito city. Misses Virginia and Francos Mar shall have returned from Jacksonville, Fla., where they have been the guoBts of friends. F. S. Williams has returned to hlB home at Orccnwood after a short visit to Anderson. i M. H Query of Charlotte was among the vlsitprs to spend yesterday tn the city. P. C. Smith of Greenville is spend* lng a few days In the city, visiting his daughter, Mrs. T. L. Ceiy. T. H. Fox, formerly of Anderson, but now a resident ot Atlanta, ls s pending a few days in the city: M. E. Cox of Piedmont was among the visitors to spend yesterday tn tho city. W. F. Dunlap of Pelznr was in-tho city yesterday for a few hours on busi ness. ' Dr. C. L. Guyton of Pi creetown waa among the well known visitors to spend yesterday in the city. MiSB Desassure of Charleston is the Utnrctive guest of Mrs. Wade Watson lt her country home in this county." R. N Hammond of Willlamston ipent part of yesterday in tho'city on justness. ? MONT WANT TO DO IT Snid Adele, but you will agree with me that any man who'll I glvo you a Diamond full of, flaws BB an engagement ring can't be much of a lover. So I wrote him a letter, enclosing the "old thing" ' and bracking our engagement. RIUHT - Ol replie.: Violet. Judge a man by his QUALITIES. Diamonds Nothing more appropriate, nothing more to ho desired and noth ing which rejects character more than a bright, sparkling and perfect Diamond. ' It is tho Gift de Luxe, giving credit to the wearer and assuring ap preciation by the recipient. Buy DIAMONDS from "The man with the REP." Get one from us and make someone happy. OUR PRICE IS MOST REASONABLE. WALTER H. KEESE & COMPANY. Don't Forget Our Casserole Sale, Mo nday 76c Each. vince the natives that be safe than sorry." 'it is belier to C. W. Frtckhoeffer left last night for Birmingham. During his stay in Anderson this charming gontleman has mado many friends and they every one regret,?o see him leave. Dan Shadburn ot Buford, Ga., ls spending a few days In tho city, a guest at the Chiquola hotel. Wilie! P. Sloan left yesterday, for i visit to the lower part of the state. While there he will endeavor to coo B. L. McKasklll of Greenville wes among the visitors to speod yesterday In the city. Miss Dorsey of Jackson, Miss., who has been the guest ot Mr? Perry Wright baa returned to her home. Miss Nellie Melllchamp of Colum bia IF spending a few days tn the city with friends. Mrs. M. C. Dickson, Jr., and bej? mother, Mrs, Cl uer ry, have gone to Charleston where they will visit friends and relatives. Joseph Lindsay ot Chester Is spend ing a few days in the city on business. J. B. Wilkins of Tryon, N. C., waa la the city yesterday on business. . R. A. Mulligan of Plercetown spent a few hours in the city yesterday oa business. F. M. Carey of Seneca was in the ch y yesterday for a few hours. Philip Anderson of Antun was among the well known visitors to spend yesterday in the city. . Miss-Edna Welborn and Miss Holen Smith of the Lebanon section were shopping In the city yesterday. ' Miss Lizzie Farr of Lebanon spent part of yesterday in the city. .? ? *r??j?- ? . - '.-.;'.> , ."?,...,-........^ ,?>v^?. ," - ;-?.^ti+.?: .c.?, i