HOW MUCH Do You Care For Your Family's Pleasure? YOU have been promising your wife and children a Piano, Player Piano or other musi cal instrument for a long time. Why do you put them off when they express a desire that you pro* ^ide tho psano, now? ?o y OM teil them yew don't feel ajfele? Th?n why do you ?pend as much or more to get something YOU want? h As tar as that is concerned we arrange terms that leave you with out an honest excuse to provide a piano or player for. your family'a pleasure and education. Pianos - $m?i> Players - tm Phonographs $25 C. A. Reed Piano Organ Co, it ANDERSON, S. C. Mil mr WRITES ? OF THE PRIMARY RULES ? Warru* the People to Get Their Najaes Enrolled Properly and Go To Polk Editor^The Intelligencer: . I wun/. to ask the people as ? whole through youi paper to be wide awake and take notice to all thc conditions now existing that concerns them, their rights and their privileges, as citizen arid voltri And.of course thc first step is to td roll and usc caution and sec that they are enrolled correctly, which means that we sign our name in full, and not to walt too late. We have only lill the l?ft Tuesday in this month to pi epai?_ ourselves, for thc, fight that. ft Few Coron EXTRACTS FROM PRESS NOTICES. ? , Victor B.: Cheshire's card will bo ! found," on another page of this paper. He la asking the voters of Anderson county to' give him tho office of Pro- | bate Jjudg?. Mr. Cheshire is well known ? throughout Anderson county, having" i edited, u llvo newspaper for a num- ] bor of years. He is . on Governor i Ul ease's staff and is considered a i leader In polities in Anderson county. He la, a Very popular young man and possesses* ability. He ' needs no in- ] t reduction to the voters, of his county, and l)'t? friends will be very active in his race --Belton Journal. Col. V. B. Cheshire of Anderson is announced this week as a candidate for. piobato Judge. Ho is running solely^ or?'his filnens for the, pQsitiOP and has no other platform. He states that hp" was not put in thc race hy his friends, but ls running because he wants Ute office and. knows hq ca? MX, the to tho satisfaction of the peoplp lb, tito city, and county. Cql. Cheshire wa?, editor of. tho;, infolli gencqr. 'fqr many years and has a strong following in this county. Honc'a Path Chronicle. * *. * '.-.Cheshire 1? a born fighter, known as, euch bx. eyery reader.ol; bia papeij.". He is one of ?he most nona lar and, well known men of tho Third Congressional District, rm ll recently. Col. Cheshire Was editor and! proprie tor of Tup Anderson Intcligencer, on-, der his management probably, thc most'Intlucnifar paper in upper South Carolipp.-Seneca Farm and Factory. i?; *i"f * Col. Cheshire, as editor and owner of, the Anderson Intelligencer in years,past, attracted a great deal ' of admiration, and becamb weil known throughout tho. congressional dtB trict. QccHuse of lib; decided and firm standfi op qtlhy.tlqna thptf wer?' tpfc?r, estln? thp pnhllr. . Uti has . always, takenfa.g?eat deal of Interest In things political, city, county and state, and his faenda nr^-^-'ilm^^coir'? nui, congress eftveral, mpRthi,. Se rocel?^ Rj^loes or i.nnpo? * rom; mean* for much to us and nothing but lionosty^and fairness1 to all. As for me I think -that thc new rules are one of the biggest set of radical so-called democratic measures that have ever been forced on our people. And in my opinion it means only one thing, namely to deprive the poor working man of his right and vote as a citizen. And why do they want to do this? Is It merely because there is a set of men or class -of people, such ar. adopted and consented to adopt this set of radical rot that we have on our hands, ie trying and clamoring to get control bi our govcxnuie?t? rThey do not wish to be governed by the ma jority of our people, and do you"~know why? Now any set ol people that are making thc effort that this class is and in the way they arc, certainly have not thc good of their country and their people at heart. And, my people, we must not let them get in power. We have been obliged to make a hard fight for our existence against this class and yet our life has called for thc vigor and effort without which thc manlier and hardier virtues wither away, and un rants on Victor (Advertisement.) ?vor, the district, and no doubt would tiavo boen well up, in. tho. running this summer.-Anderson Daily Mull, * * * * . Mr. Cheshire haB many friends and admirors, and even those who. do, opt agree with. him. respect fits positive character, as he expresses Himself on all itugstipnp-. in, ?. mannflT not to bo doubted>-Abbeville M*?Ah am. ' * * . * -Mr. Cheshire, ia. opp. pf? the liardcst fighter* andi rnoa.t un; Wring, workers In the district? and will loubilcss make hirps?lf, felt., in. no. small degree In^TjpjJjPpal "qlrcjea.. -T-hp "burier and the paper from which he lias withdrawn have for many years taken opposite sides in matters... off state politics, and., wbllo wo seldom; igrccd with his pbsiUpn, w,e hav.c ?Jfcn, tor.ced. to admire the, fairness and; [rankness which cbnracterispd the war which hp waged for what be felt (vas for the best. We. are sure that' lie felt as hp fought tSpwghMM?_bjL nj), neans agreed with, the measures. foFr ivhjQh: he lough tr nor, fftypred- tho men whose causes no espoused. YJiowovvetv we may differ from nnothqr; ip, opJpr IQRS,, hpiiesty. of tfip. hor.t admirable tr/vite. and. QRp WO ape il ways glad to reqpgniT'.o, t During Mr. Cheahirb's years, of: aor irlce in qonqectWn with Thc Intel)!? fencer he made an env'labip record! as. i newspaper, marr; as the circulation ?nd. paUouf body*. Now is a good time to build up a fund for thc future, to We prepared for its opportunities and emergen cies_possibly for its actual necessities. . Having a savings bank account is one of the best pos sible incentives to saving. If you have not opened one, come into this bank at your earliest convenience and lind out' about it. Interest paid on deposits. Bring us your small notes running from ?25 to S loo-that you will pay in Oc tober and li rsl half or November. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK ??? FARMERS LOAN & TRUST CO. v 5. ANDERSON. S. C. if the aggregate of their capital no urllles outstanding Jene 30. J?113. fhat ls. the cash actually expanded >y there railways during the lust ix years upon their properties used ? transportation amounts to mote han one-fifth of their total capital i.-.a lon at the close of the last ftecal year-. This is at the rate ot $668.397,?Gl per year. There figures arc obtained through a compilation made by tho Bureau of Railway Economic? from the reports of the railways to thc Interstate com merce commission.'and have not here tofore been collated,