L Witness: i Thc wreck of a big auto mobile by a last running freight train. 2 The trip over the Halls in a barrel which contains the heroine. 3 The plunge of the villian headforemost iii the falls and his death in the whirlpool below. "Over Niagara Falls" IN FOUR PARTS PALMETTO T HEATRE - - TODAY ONLY If it were possible for words to portray, even in part, the vivid and thrilling scenes of this won derful picture, there would not be standing room in the Palmetto Theatre this afternoon and to night. The great gorge and Falls of Niagara are brought right before your eyes with a living hu man being hurtling and spinning through the mighty cataract in a barrel while through the many scenes is woven a Casein ating story of love and intrigue. lOc Four Big Reels Every Day "The Man That Put The 'Move' in Movies." - lOc Coming Friday "THE PERILS OF PAULINE" You all know what that means. Saturday Another big feature day at the Palmetto full of thrills and excitement. Y? ?fi rjf* ?jf. < ri hav ing a grund timi?. Anderson ix My Town all right. .We arrived from Co lumbia Wednesday morning at <> o'clock and mir special train ol' five I'llllman couches was parked in a plea ituiil spot by orders of I lint noble Klk, Capt. Joint lt. Anderson. After refreshing ?xirselves, and feed ing Mill, the gout, we not the druin corps in line and inarched up into town. Meiieve me. Anderson is putting on some gruv.'iir.; riot her those day? Well, we look ;i turn around thu publie sq uar u and Iben visited the new hume of Hie Iks of Anderson. Here it ls: ?martelle singing llioae perfectly nr.ind tunes, we bad lu build il to Ibo baby lodge, that il is a lusty infant. We found Anderson decorated mighty fine and the girls all weuring Kilts badges and the colors au the jaunty bats like (lils: Tom Graham lind a whole hunch of fun trying to prove what a gout he is und announced that he would give a bunjo concert from the town hall rtcps Thursday at 4 o'clock and would pluy his famous ditly entitled: "Whoa Mule, Lemme Git De Saddle On." -MBMBBMBMSjsasaMMffi We ull went down to the smoker last night and had a bully good time, with the following menu: Well, 1 had to take a good laugh when that Greenville crowd cunio In willi its old gout for a mascot. Sar gent, our moving picture expert with the Columbia lodge, took u few fil lnuts and here she ia: When we told Mill, the goal, that we wen- just visiting Anderson und would have to bo back in Columbia by Fri day morning, he raised an awful rum pus fur he claims' he never tasted I any lieder tin than there is In thc' cans around Anderson. Hello Bill. OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO o o o PROGRAM o o % o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ll Ono ol our love sick Mills sneaked over td MK- telephone booth In that new building Thursday, .lune ls. 1011. 10:30 A. M.-Parade-Assemble nt Now Home. Official photographer - John M. Sar Kent. 11:30 A. M.-Buena Vista Park. Mus lner.3 Sesr.lon. Invocation by Chaplain Itev. K. G. Finlay. Report of Committee on Credentials. Mending Minutes of last session. Report, of Secretary-Treasurer. Report ol' Executive committee. Mending coininitUfcailons. Cnlinished business. New Business. . Election of o in ce rs. Good of Hie Association. Selection of next meeting place. Induction of ofilcers. Adjournment. 2:00 P. M.-Harueouo and Picnic ul Hiu na Vista Parki with Orr Mill band in attendance. Hr. Mitchell Accepts. Richmond, Vu., juno 17.- Dr. C. S. Mitchell, president of the Medical Colene of Vii ninia, announced today that he had accepted Hie presidency of Delaware College, at Newark. Dela uwure. to which tho houri! of trus tees elected bim yesterday. He will take charge about June 20. and I ramo up on him nnd found he was talking to his turtle dove. 'Well, when that Spartanburg bunch ,swung down the street with that fine 3 in the pre liminary handicap today.