THE ftHDEBSOfi WTELLlBEtiSEB Founded August ll, IMO . Ill North Mala Btes* 4 _ jjrpiBggif. fl. c. VSLLXAJS LAN'Ko - - ?otter W. W BM OAK - Bualnsss Manager e.ii ? ? ?"? "i .i ...i i. i ? Matered According to Act of Oom igras ss BecoLl Claas Mail Matter at CM Po. -office at Anderson, fl. C. , H i fH f ?_TM- , ?sesftl Ssfld-Weeklf Edition on Tatala? and Friday Mornings Jill ?ii .i.. ? ? .... i..m .eeai-WeeVly E3dit?oa-?l.50 per Year. r ;y Edl?on-96.00 per annam; Itky IBi Months; m SS for fores | ' Of ADVAKCfl 9*1 >?? , .H.. ~ of the tl ase ns tad Pr ASS ?a? fiaceiving Complete Dally Tctegk-aafatel A targe clroalatlon than any other gwspaper ta tate Congreestensl Bte TELS PHONE St ' Saasas ??ce - - SI ?cb Printing - - - - m L JUocal Hews ....... gff at?ete? Hews .... - Tn? teteUtgenesr te delivered by gwrtew te tba ?tty. It yon faa to Sift yW.SSbS? TtS?lmtiW r?mm notify tte. Opposite your name on label of your paper ia printed date to which r ia paid. Al) cheeks and sid be drawn to The Ander itaJUgeneer, The Weather. ? Waahlttgtoh, May 15.-Forecast: South'. u>rolina-Fair ' .Saturday and Sunday. T?ie Spring, the spring, the beautiful] eprlug. . : How our heart so gently sighs, Tor.tho picnics and fried chicken and! olh?r thing? Ami mn? nwauinn ino if ie?. A girl with a crash ault ls not sj toad dresser. Cangrene wishes to hnstinsa. As Meas is bcisg made the goat he j Stad better change bis narpa tb Baa? -o Some thieves are not cheap skates, I ndt When' they steal : paintings worth j r a milli! sJvitW'?^wa^wtth Masted'may i fought out over' the dinner table j Waabing?on. I?I upi Sort o' feels along about noon these j days sa tf some body h?^teft ^e^j equator door oyen. The most graceful tangolftt cannot! pick vp ,\ hauderkerchlei off the floor | ;iy don't Uoae two coln .pore shoot crap* to see willoh has j the larger circularon, fe wish to deny tiny rtspe^rit-?ti?y j for the weather forecasts. They do | .not ?ult us a little hit. Remember, the part that the Confed erate soldiers took In the great war j and open your homes to them. The d?ibg's 4 man keeps as well ,aa j the company ho.keeps 1B the yardstick by vrhich St Sga^aged ' tsesgdj^ p?cxioa, aa ya Lillian Russell. Treat j it carefully. Put lt on the top -he*?, j Anderson's greatest !iaetoreJ beginning her greatest march ot pro gress is paved streets ovei *vhlch to '?H**'-. - -, . ? - ?>; ...Q . ? Col. Roosevelt, returns disappointed. Kot ? mn nf ry in ?OUth American pressed a presidential nomination upon '.,?*. . Joe Cannon, Willie Hearst sn S-??L Hebson ell are disappointed t they wera not appointed to mediate for peace. We thought the strength? of \th^| ending army, wa? only 97,000. bul it aeema $"fe that, many bstve peen sent i?lredd>' :Uee' o* hornea tor vet ie poo ?t? o of Anderson no? til tue' last day to signify veterana they w?l. take. Amo.|g tho advocates pt primary] ypformiis Uti AL..' 8. Bailey, Jr., thc- j ?tate historian. We believes in mak ae preserving the ?ame. LAM) REFORMS Thc cause of the war in Mexico may be stated in one word- i eonafcei There are individuals in that country who owned landed estates that pom pare in size and extent with whole states In the American union. On the other hand there are in Mexico hun dreds of thousands of persons who are so poor that the entire amount that one receive* in the course ola year would not pay tor a decent suit "Ot clothes. . y?~ It was the wish or Francisco Madero to establish a constitutional form pf government which would require, the owners rt immense tracts of land to partition them off and to sell portions to the peona to be paid for in Install ments, either by the month or by the yeas. Madero waa honest and sincere In his intentions, although he waa the richest Individual In Mexico, perhaps, but when he, got Into office be found so II uch to be done that be did not get to carry Into execution the pian? for a constitutional government, which} ia in effect a democracy, much like our own. That ls the reason why Jealous fellow-rebels against Dins rose against him. That la how he hap pened to fall a prey to tho wily acharnes of. Huerta. Mexico In the crucible, of time, aud in the course .of years may be ground down into a .wonderful country..; "Tl cannot came in ? day. We Have re - cently learned' at an experiment tbaf was tried, with success In old rm* gland, byramfch owners of laTo es tates permitted their tenants to ac quire tbaffipf^crahlp' Of their homes. lt haa transformed that section. We believe that in.this phin'he* the rec lamation pf rural South ^f^rollna. Have a communty center spd sax j rounding ii the homes of a thrifty hap-' py people, no longer dependent upon negro labor to produce cotton. . Anderson county cannot realise the need of thia kind of thing for there OJ*A ut faur favmaira in tl? I o muiil? have not now a good start in life. But in some sections of the state there is ?a need tor.a system of rural credits that will permit a cottager to buy bia own home. Fifteen years trial of a ?trange system OT land rerorm In the Utttle village of Wtnterslow? near Lon?, don ha* proven the success of .gt least one plan, . In 1899 ivor, Pocre, father of the Duchess p.' amil ton, Secured posaea sipn of the ojd village and Bomo of its erivironu, re-establlsblnK a local gov ernment, practically identical to that of the Saxons-there a thousand years ago. At the 'beginning of - the ex pc d ment the major chose for the person nel of the scheme person* noted moy* for industry than for wealth. A Saxon village hundred was chosen and thia primitive legislature allr?ed laud to beads of families tin uer, contracta whereby the paymentr. for the land could be extended ever a period of .ann. Hiiy *c cse h???red ? years, TbeSe plot* surro?ind a bar gb common which belong* ?o the village and the grasirf; right of which' is held in per petuity by the villagers. The village ia now. a self-sifitalnlng community and what waa sorted a* more or less of a charity, has proven successful commercially. All ot the villagers are free men in the old Sa#> on sense the term and the social and political life of'the placa is based on this assumption of equality. The pro meters have been chary ot publicity lei, fear that the plan might not. bava pr?,ved a Bucees?, but since this baa bega assured they nave invited the Jeepers of tae gojterjrmeat^?re|bn| achWes to 'inspect the commnaltjv?^ i??'KN ?VVB ravines ? ! :*#ex feel aure that the people of An: dersOn will open their homes with the Iwjt?l courtesy and generosity to the survivors of the Lost causo. - There ?taf been many a night When they lp nu cover but the canopy of heav HpB^t and nothing to eat but a hand ful of parched corn, but these are days of plenty, and, we are told, of peace. Let us open( our homes to these geed, gray men. Let us open our hearts to theta. Let us make.their last few years-perhaps days- just aa happy a* they can be made. The committee ia having a moderate response to *he c?ll for homes. A .^teedtd suggestion was made yester day bv Mrs. Patrick. She point* matij that tho Anderson Hotel, now tb? property of the C. ft W. C. ls vacant j j I . LAi'UiSSltOa* . ! I-il IT ir . I"' I *rHU at ? m matas '. m.w^m IN THC WAR j Don't forget brother that ??nora S even If it were frc*. I ? ? '. ? ' ?5> I Ballst for Life. PM? ?aa Wert i j * '^'?aso Into the meetieg. He does not have to. He U besieged by seores ot ardent invitations. When Scranton, Pa. wanted him to come there one of the Presbyterian churches i'fi?tt a Presbyterian) would not join lu the Invitation. The commit tee weat to Pittsburg to see Billy. He looked over the list of churches and then said "Where is that Second Pres byterian church on this thing?** /The committee said, "They refuse to gp la? i? it; "Well," said Billy. "y,m go on back uni tell that church to go on to hell whore they are booked for. _TU not come to Scranton." The o?'i?tp't;gp"' Ho turned utvd.v^fr?,l> IU? ^jS^Jj horses num bed. ? I licked a lounge^* when ll w?u?d"Wart, mid bc mild it would probably uot Kel off for an hour, I determined to nu mi that cot' struck ont on the road in the dir. the nt UKO would pursue, Intending to do it 'few milrae tfauo walt tili lt cdi$?y along, trusting to II live dollar till! for the driver to tahe me on, i carried^ out thia resolution, nod when the coach reached me nuked the driver to poll up. Passengers within put their lidH|.0?t of tlie windows, us though tb^-^fnougbt the stop was a holdup. I driver to take OOfoo. To niywrprise be said I might get on If I liked, but be would advise not to since lt was very probable the conch would be attached hy road II nen ts. . 1 wits somewhat wt hack by thia In formation, but I ?ns bound to be 'lu D. the next marulan and hud no other way of yetting liiere. Pulling Open, the door. I ri!nibed into the coach, tbe passengers timing "nt >?e na If i>tiwju thought 1 wait golii? through them tot their valuables. There were- twc&aHB and two women, dna ol* t lu; Mien WfSt?j] loy the white cravat bf n'cj?rgynJt???!; the other being n ?inlet, nfeejk look&gg little chap. withes iflgh keyed rapffg with the wOffl who wert1 the ?pieerejd looking pei ^Mr'?i:i\v, both of (tusa haying rough enough for Ile driver of ai ternit. "Air y* armed. auaugcr?" asked .ono, of the women. "No." I replied, "I am not." ' "I've got two guns. Y' kin have one on 'em If y' like." ' _t..( _ "No. no!" said the clergymano>AlttpH give bim a gun! If we have a ngbtl| he'd start in before we're ready." " I .i don't wanta goa." {J|t^;?$rrj lived In these puris (Ire years and nev er have been in'a holdup yet. .1 doa/t ? belier e there's gol nj; to be any to op. When road ngptj( com^ d?X a coneb iney ?oriVteti peopj?- Deto.t? band." "I.Ike enough/-'grunted one of the women. .'I. M ; 1 had beeb traveling nights and Waa tired ont; ?o, reathig my bead agnlnat j fha ensbion. 1 fell ?Bleep. 1 wnfcawak- 1 j cued by the stopping of the cdacb arid the. dingi nt. open vf both doora. A man stood itt each door with a anafre rifle, and one of thtiii told us to stay j Where we waj&i,jaatjjjpkc any fuss aud no one would; bokurt. The*- didn't want our valuables, bul they did want rhu tre?sure^'t?bx? ^r??rwtt?sfandl?g this tiKsiirtrire Ibip'pasWtgbri'Weetiie.l ay rruMTi ' n 'I I i i i . BUSINESS BOTL?HS6 (Continued from Yeaterday.) Thia ?1UC of ?eve?op???ttv ?fc?i? O? tur saleBman and the sale.Tfee noxt lm- i portant factor ia th?? reading of human nature. You cannot handle th? Jook- . er as you do the thinker: you cannot handle the man in whom intellect pre dominates Just as you -can the man In J whom emotion predominates. You will have to aixe up your prospects and decide to which division each belongs, and then conduct your celling cam- j jl^gt?'accordingly."**Zsg ' J|T**"^' ll You %ill also leaf? ?lat there ?re I many sub-divisions to each;, dlvlsibri. The Wojtenir of 'bumair'naiure lo'Such a trcme.ndniw utility; *nA- t fa?! !?y?at* such a novice that I will leave that matter th each Individual. j The next business li?S!. " " y I 1 ?J ??vf?5l t?r'c I ?-L.ttn.W' "?' :': ' '. ' " '''i .'? - ' ? v : .. J. . , ? - -I ' {.U'll . .-. VfiflJIil 4 ,M ?!???.- '<< .. * . ..... ' a. Stimulates ^^^^^ ^S^Q^-A MTTLIKG CO. j act an unmixed joy to And the family next county and Icicles the pail ovt cow in the ahne it hf the evening. Ont and starts t?? pom the uprising. If ?r> l? the open she loomed ap as coti-; a co secreto, herself ?lng4 H's not on record. ?be waa moat wanted ?would have C&wa . abould hs ; treated right. ' i noon ? gasend'lo ? b?nevotr co rrtagl?BsMavevidga^ tor U SSCCSt -S? ?iua? ?b^'^^????sH'Wfi^R.!1 iiwimt "'^?T*1'*' 'I' j ? ? fl jj I TBTTXJ tag? itally: discovers*! a^.v ^??odfewv Tjy 'w ^M>?* i??' btsi possible first: aid ? few. well alatiCd <3ecai&ai aa* toot up. H tb?. administering of. fond carl?*?? ?najesUc amble toward that sainting *as" a1 v?fy present belp 5a th* tin ?hen. ot Bsed.