Bluejackets on Michigan With Guns^Trairiedi on Vera Cru? O ??.OOO ? o 9 9 O if? . 0 e ?O 0 ? ?? ' . 8E? A5D TWE?VT? O :> . j ? o, o, o>o o d ? o:? o;? o o o ooo Pendleton, May 4.-Tho majority ot ourr'fjtfmers have completed planting their crops. . I \%?8bod shower of min would help our ?repa and especially the gar dens. V Ifvour peaches are npt destroyed .hy hail we are - going to ihhve en' abun dant crop. I wi?- present the Hitor in a few days: ahmest-, of English peas. ;-Mftf,-. P B. Stefa? Wt the Mt. Pis gah^ section spent a ?ew hours last Sunday' withfeer parents, Mr. and Mw. ~ MISB".Martha E}rod,]one of Pierce^ town's channing young tadlet, attend.. Sunday. Mrs. Sam Shbrman of the Mountain Siwl^ ^ttoa cpsrt? >^/Sun??5 wi?i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Tints;. vye are certainly glad to nn?|j?M? what a pedestrian ls. , Mr.-Boote* Kay of Watker-Mc-El moyle attended ser vico? at this place last Sunday. ^ \ ^ _ of pler?etown'e Dromineot young worshipped at this place last ?undfiy. Mrs. Sallie Moore bf Mt. Springs, was visiting in our eymoauhltv i??t Our fn. the . sfteriiofto ti haseball games. Our Sunday achoo in a dourfchiug con* n??tv Si? miay* parent the childi*?. B. F.. Whittaker bas the fln*et| wheat Ju our section. j Our pastor, . Rev. Mr. 0*Kelly,] $'g*fe*d- ? good sermon here Issi. Sdt?a?y it, &. large coagrega^ion. ] /phn ?*oore spent last Satur-j V*if, w^b'h<^, ateter, Mrs. Walter Ow N. ?rensbaw and j. ; W.^Ho?iema?. M. A. Torre!! waa elected first; lieu tenant aod V. F, .Marti?, secc?d^Heu ?.enant, succeeding jS':.P.-? ??t?OmSA j R. Y. "H.-X^rry. both of yhom iieve. j died , since io* last meeting. Accord-: lui to a motioal Introduced at the "last meeting. Augl Tsaf :ea?)*- year; wi? be I o B.uBlAifivS PR?M?BAM ' v a ?1?L* ^? ^?^??? ? ?'. ' "'. -'Vo 0 0 0 ? 0 * V--*'* I AJUAMVI?, May 6.-r?1te ol?c?al pto1-7 j graui of the trig Shrine gathering of ! ?ggpgft?': OP?? hero ott' mozfOKyihe??n> announced, anti tho h?ura'u??Biiry appear on the program. Ilka "from 8 p. m., to ll p. in." This program has the significant substitute 'Sunset to Sunrise," J 'Chante Sooth* V ??rn Terato? M An Eeariy Date tie newe glvea\?il hy toe railroad official* floafchent.iralas.-Noa. 41 aM 42 ?Ul econ e*tend\?eir service to We?tftitost?r s tai*wdN.o?*Jitemn? Se* ^r^k^^m^y^^M^t tue legislature from the edunty aarf\*ec-. rotary of the Westminster Bo?rdNP? ^frade? was one Of tie loading work ers la having tao trains run to Wcst toltiirter. As the" directing head ot tho board of trade he has been Work ing , faith/ully tor .s?k?'dts, dad recently carried hla\j>l?u9 before toa alala railroad cojntranipn. .'The Southern rstfflntlr*. told the Westminster board mreo* tust tMffc j land tor certain side tracks wo*?* t* jgHen them by .the town je. astvipe I would ; bc extendrd -fl> s j tmlrustctrv j lt is understood that the lind was fur. juished by public spirited ctdjseHof j the town at a . cost of shout $tf,0otr>. {tile board wilt now make an cirort to get the vB?ti? ?tr?itt.?.Tun' ..nlhi Jaet^ssB' Atlanta abd To^coj; Ito >< fe hive traine Nod. 41 ^r#m front- Westminster to-h?ha?totte ? be, a great convenience to th* people Of Westtoinatcr. .with" the additional service they will be able to como to Btaepa in tho early morning and there cato^^trato ^^^to^\( At Washington 0; New York 4. (7 j innings team catch train.) At Cleveland 1; St.^ouie 7.. ife^ifMtedelphta f; Boston 8. At Chicago 3; Detrot^4. N?T?ONM. . At Boston-Philadelphia'Wt a3*n?aaf At York Brooklya 6. Ait Pittsburgh 1; ChicSgo 0. ? r*Tgj?fy; yt)^lSffejq^raja,^IfjlTa^^fiataiJJ "-J-l, J SOUTH ImANiic At .Columbus 1; Charleston 3. AV-aa*aoo 9: Savannah 7. At Albes y 3; Columbia 4. At Jacksonville-.1; 'Auguste 8. Im ,c?miayniin 1, new VJ MS ?J At Montgomery Si Mobile .6," ^AjJt?itmi??L Cfcaltaaong* 4. (U in, j |. n.fpks' cal led account durkveas North . Ce^oiista Leag?e At Winston. Salem IO ; Raleigh 8. (10 innings.) At Durham-3? ?ftarib^t?g^^^?lJ nings). At Asheville 4; Orea^r.u vro 3 . ' --O. AI inuiajaano?ls-Brooklyn w e t j At fteddaa city, j ; . pittsburgh iii At St immte 7; Beltimore S,' At .Norfolk 9: Portsmouth 5.{ First m BK or send ta this qf?^f i^ which "will pay ?o| a three mouths' st ^give or mail you the above beautiful dolls absolutely/relof cqst, This offer ?pt0r