coming ?Waat fivery day the lefoift ihjnnMiiit wiiiipjf a car. of ?*? O LU MBU S? .! s * ? F }*: ; . Cow in ami let m ?how them. u , - They are 1914 3. FOWLER ^STERN Mining Engineer, with ?^;,%j^?/o?:;a valuable mine was aJ&but to close t?e deal, wh r^^Seete at' Kg? fooied almost any?e? ?gnibehig the uan#. fcWagsap*- pairs ' Wsf Iw. 4*1 *Bk*i ?ato?*y! pays v hjsr hu.., so ase thought for ,* wjpcpaot *po*t -tho checks being eroeke*. < ?^c'Ameuot of the checks, each of them, were* Us Raping with the amor H he shorts bave drawn for hjs week's work, fcsjj he beam peed off by Bat oa j^urdAy night Mr, Livingston paid iMajfrt'-:^ Chief of Pottee Martin and the Iwrce got htisy-pm son* as they teamed of the forgery and II wired, ?evoral towns and cities and U "is hoped that ha wilt be Cs^nSf few days and brought back- 4s' BeHon and placed en the town or county. ' frMfrwtoto of im? .?F>Wfr':P:p O O OO O (?OjO o o o o o o Sm/^BfU* ?Ate?glpnrw - * e o00000000000000o Shermaa Prepares for Campaiga. Fifty years ago cd*, wuihtm T. Sherman, commanding : the Federal di vision, of the Mississippi, with head quarter* ;at Chattahoo**. was'jH-epe*. Ing his armies for the gigantic con flict to open in Georgia with Atlant* Its chief.prise. Th* first movement of the Atlanta campaign was to be made in a week? a cHSspeig? that would conclude only with the fall of 4**: -, metrOPOlie' Of northwest Georgia and be coninued in This wasalso1 ^ be ^ho'first of a remarkable aeries of aperntlons which wcn?^ gain Gen. fmerman the tiUo .'The Great Flanker,, end;e^abUab for h!m ,an undUputsd ^Ihce among the great military g?nies, 6* th? world. His rival. Gen. Joseph K- J?bneton,, practi ca?? was to conclude h\* military ca reer m this mlf^y:^ajcceaMc*v ^t movements. ThongsttSSU&d to fair, ;hjB sfat?.,heTe: to fin* evetfaatiag * a*a?, W^SSftiliant ls&*m&xia , Georgia h?ds later vas to- bring him the ra cogaitlon he dW not then'receive. Ai a result . of hi* oiterattoas against Sherman,";backed .'fcHtf*-- r?cprd, else where, military author??aa* -Morth-'aad ?8euth, today declare jobneto? on? of "the 'Gonfedsrate. Generals second only> to iiee, if n6t hlav?4ual. - Comamada TMoVxgpR < ' General-Sherman. wird on March IK ^ of, th*'...... T?e?i* confronted %rith the" handling oittm^ armies to the field. hi ^cL" *nionms^and HHMHMfc : :. .O^rgt:c715?8C inad-beeh brought naat from Viekshurg ul and was/restioa near ItJ?atawi?U ?? I j . vortoern. Alabama? the ' ' aefandv: was * { coaeent?(4ed rnekr Cnattahbogs, - and the tMrd was. at Kiwwtlie in Gast IS a'Hraugh the Greleaa and unceasing ;'la!^B?? wliattor- the rear, freer 8*ew>a*oh* Ala. ".Th? organi^atton ^n'? strsssth oi tho Federal army ad?Pour th {Corps (three divisions). fcfai. >. Howard; *0.5$?men; fc/?riee*0i [/Corps (three divlsiesisj, Gen. Julias fi^PrtmftrjSS.?^; |T t??re^ divtsiocsji ?en. ioe^ Reiter, so. ^i; Cavalry Corps (three divisions); (fan. W?. I* Billot), .StSS?;. total; ?SJJitg msg. -~ . .. ' .' , Corps (four divisions) Gen. John A. was approxluia?i 264 guns, I? ms Qfte ,|4;25 wb^wjU pay for f 4oH3 absolutely free ?f cosf. This of s to Tbe Rajly Intelligencer only. Fill ^ *$$f a?|4 $e doU^iU ^ sent you in\m ft??$ and you ? just act promptly. the blank frelow ar