|{.ECT10K at Pea school May & aa jtf dlUohfcr''ifae?t?i fca^.oToaW and one 1 haU tnl)' cn al! of $0 taxable; proper ^?jr?Bfcai ^dwfMt Vi> he aaod fOr gen . J, Blwore is hereby onnounced ag; - oandidat/0 for mayor, subject ,to the ruW?f tee city owtnocratlc pri ma? y ?action. prna_.-? ?*VtS3^> ClUIn? eco?4 Fteor.. Phote 269 * * a a * ? * a * * nfHnflHHHaHajajM??fsyns S. C ? * . ? a * * * ?, * * * is a # m a * ? a * * a * ? * * UB,^ ILWOOUB SPECIOUS* se> io 6 p, cn. * - i= s v s. * a I POUHTY GEN. M. L. BONHAM AGAIN ? COWVeWTiON AND S. DEAN MAN : DELEGATES ?O T The county democratic convention mcrt Monday and wad enttrery harmon ious. 'AH o? the delegates wage pr?s* ent. something like 450 being enrolled, Gen. Ai. L. Bon ham called the meeting to order and made a ringing speech tor harmony, stating that the presi dent ot the United States-is a Booth em man. the national administration is southern and democratic ?od the State of South Carolina shouVs be in close touch with the. national party, Upoa the roll of clubs being called, the roll waa perfected. Two new dubs were received, one at White PUkjs and one at CeappoelVs store. Gen. Booham was MmJnnted for president- of the eeaventlon. K. F. Smith nominated Or W. A. Trlpp of Brushy Creek. *v*ry member's ??me waa nailed and he voted; The reeqlt waawaa Bontwua 284. Trlpp $0. The result was received with applause. Capt H. H. Watklns nominated Dr. Trlpp fur vice president of the con vention. TM* was received with en thusiaam and Br. Trlpp waa elected unammouKly. Denn Pearman was elected e?cre tary without opposition.1 The roll or the county eaeeu?Jve committee waa then formed, and 8. Dean' Pearman wan elected chairman. Gen. Boaba*; bad already announced that he could not serve. Hon. I. W. Akhley was put in nomination hut withdrew his name as member of the -state ewcutlve com mittee and US I1?4h*aUrtns ??ns elec ted to tine pesilkm without opppfWot i - noru nounaaiea: ^*?*5fJlyae Green. U. ff. Seybt, D. A. Taylor, 4. O. Str'.bliug, W. A. Trlpp. a. O. Jackson, 8. D. Pearman, A. ?. Fant, e. ?. Harper, L. L. Rice, W. MMwill., H ' J. Pearaaan, 4. R. Hum. 4. -MV Broyles, Samuel McCretw** -W P. Bell. Gi M. Ried, W. M. Sherarti, i. B. Southft. H. F. Fely. The ?jec tion was written ballot. While this was taking place, Sx renator J. K. Hood offered resolutions endorsing Wpodrow Wilson ^tmt Snatructtaa the delegates to the state convention to support a r?solution ur to stand up it* the ^ felnptpg-tolls SiaKh- o?saed a* inaie ijastruo *hls was voted down Vy Th?;?^aveatton took; n-r*ce*t whil* the ballets were HhsSugi eontttod ano It was decided that ?n? fjwHhejr tunl* nans wotrid he attempted an \ matey members had to eateb trains. The matter of primary regulations did not come up at all. .. The delegates elected to the state convention ore as follows: ventlon it was reported that the Sol lowing had bcerr elected to 'the state M. I* Bonham, ?*0;-B- D. Pearman, S? ; S. O, Jaekecn. 25k: A. S. Fant. 25o ; 0. IS. Harpw? 248 ; Jf. Clyde Green, 240: J. A. Hudgens. 232; U. E. Sebyt, n?\ W. Mj Skpn&A, 217, 4. B. Hum? bcH, w2;.:H. ?< Ssgjr, *J?; i?.i*.-.Si?C~e, S*? ; 8. J. Pearwan. S47; M. BrO^sn. 184. Alternates. 4. B. Do?thit lift Si McCrear^.m; 1. C SttibUng. 17?; W. A. Tripp, 185; G. J?. Reld, 114; ?. A. Taylor, . ' P. Bell. 10*.. The following delegates responded to the roll call and composed the con vention, i . : . ' 3* -. ?ftdnggsn Ward J. K. Is. Borfh????,'"Tf' f\ Watt*??*, K. P^ABmtth, j. Mi P*yae, M> Mat* tlsoo, -M. hi SheraW, -Win. Laush?M?. J.K. Hood. TV. P1: Dickson, J. O. ??r dtHi.l*.S. Burrisa, W,. H>.'Sh??rer, C. Andersen Ward 3. F. E. Wsihifas, Wm. Banks, 8. D. Ii??w?lee, J, T. ?ellr Julian-Marti?, it.. &. Fant. -c-.vv. *;-: j.. ' An4?r?en Wa** S. C. W. Bant?. ?, r^rtaoa. T. ?\ Noe. ris, R. M. 9*>t*. B. W. Brown, A. Erock. Ii. M, < Cecil, A. ?> BulHviW?. Ci a. Esrlo. Asdtsrsen Ward 4 G. 9. 8U4INWU J i Tt^w^rl4?e, 8. L. Prince, Joe- Ashley, L. M.< flgjer. 4. R. Fermer, .C. F. Bons, ?. O. ?rownlee. O.-P. Browne, C. W. Webb. 4. H. Godfrey, 3. 9: 8yt*?*J4. ""s C. A. 7n^jgtflRW?ito. R. E. I.lgon, !.. L?. Rico, H. H. Breedwell, *. 8^ ktcCoP?Sll, K. J. Clarke, Jb. A.. raft. c. G- Irftanhard Cental ?fis* W. Lknnnhw ?. H. 18. D. Peawia?. 4. m.-km ! T- Waken*ld. g. ."" 1 hm m\ VAS HARMONEOUS U5CT?D PRESIDENT OF THE 6. N. Pearmaa. j; I,. Mcfarley. C. F. Martin. W. a. Campbeli, J. A. Strickland. Ilrasby Cr??* B. Trlpp, ?:*'?>F jjvun^ . ; Fa>k 2?X? repr?sentation. . r r eptficajp W. S. FlenUa?, Jf 'P. QsmbreU. 4 L. Cooley. W F. Townes, J. B Ba-1 Glaek Mills, C. J. Ayers, C. D. Johnson, Eugene "T" ~ Gr?*e Wb?^iu C. H. Balley, S. O. Jackson. W. P. Bell, J. L. Jacksop. F. S. Prince, w- x. Gable, 4^^jBroek. W. tV. Harris, J. !.. Duckworth, Jne. h. Kay. t. M- Van diver. P. W. SultWfaj?. J. W? Glsniept. G. I^Cjjgk faites, J. M. ?iicheii, B. P. Gasaaway. W. ?t. Johnson, Vf. Brock. I,. L. Wright; fct A. Norrie, 3. .1. McAhee. a/ Pi Hammond. H. k. Lee, A* C. Ejrod, Wll ?4: Hcinbree. Haart?"* ?prisga. S. N". Biowale*, A. M. tfembre.\ W. C. Gil mer, W. h. Burrfss, J. B. Wat son. >lu A. Glean, J. ?, JBskear. Hase* Path, Ca^aal? mois V, 41? ??Uwm, J. A: Bowie; P. R. Gllmer. J. c. Thompson, W. B. Gibbes. Its, f?}Uk v - ' 1 Rock Mills?No representation hy. 4 D. McBSIroy, ?, * jiamiaond, i>. TayK.r C^??oeg."w5B. ?lMMis?iae, a.. k! HAAtseS-rB A Uamm. ?Shssii s?# I?WWti,' J? W.Smith, H.^^lftn^rt?ijff. A. . fl^ory Fire Jf>|-|}l Feature of fur employ?e;? of big iportant features of .safe picture la a typical scene of et file, escapes In ?' few minutes' Tobacco cbthbauy's plant-1n-New York . _ .? . - - - - ? by " Mayor MtWehel and other city officia ' WMlat?*ton 2 W<. I. MahafXey. W. H. Shererd, J. W. Hoi 1 (day. W. H. Klrby. "W. a.. Catttpb?l?, J." F.i. Man ley, I). P. A1-. ams. R. L. Lindsay. > Csmftfeej?* ??re. t'arnpbcll'8 Storp, a new-club was admitted with the following ropresen ta?o*: W. L. Anderson, W. C. Campbell,,R,.: B. Campbell. WWle Plain. White Plains, a new club .waa repre-| sented by ,f. B. Spearman and W. J. Johnnon. . ;-J4-,-_-_ ; Health a Farter hi Sacecss. man's *dcc?a? 'S^d^^en^^health^ ' ?t'fcns t^B^otmeirtfea that ? man is! seldom aie* when his .bowels are reg ula**?he Is .never .welt when they are constipated. When you are consti pated; you will- find nothing quite so good ?r Chambarlain's Tablets. They net only move the bowels, but 1m rpve the appetite and strengthen the] digestion,, They are sold by:Bvan?'| Pharmacy; : 'JHMWWawtell ANDERSON MEN Uite the Ideas Advanced By thej Comraissioae? AgritadUire On Ro?r Bieachinjr Anderson merchants have had. a number of experiences with the flour mills) of the country sanding out a grade of bleached flour without say log on the eaefc that the flou r is of agriculture, hjas been on the trail | of aeverr* ef these miiia and ho haai bad notice sewed on them several I times - concerning * the practice. ^MMoaftcr all floor Reached will be ao marked, according to. the instruc-j mfyk'tfwt issued ; from the commia ?rOOer'? offic : "Not?co ia hereby ?iven-to all man ufacturers, agos^; Jobbers, merchants, &nd other peraopB offering com od i tgWjeYfVale : ate of South Ca rolina, that ^ :ta*^ State board of ou?turo. comerr^Taaid Industries "by authority vested" in tho.ro. under sec tions n.ud 4M, inclusive,, or the criminal code, of 4M*, and the act of toi2, outhorijnng.,the exeeuttyo con: ...xlong are - -*?. s Important Industrial Safety factories npw constitute one of. the ty lu Industrial life in America. This nptbyees leaving 4 big factory, by 'fus time. It; was tnken at the' American city on the an^v?asarr of thlj"'di*aiR nneir lives. The drill was witnessed ila. * . " -. "Tifla i> AV Ttirl tTl A Governor Amstm of Colorado Not To Be irap^crjed, Say '" Solona ?t Peover (By Associated Press.) Denver,1 ifcy -?.?The Colorado leg islature. w? provide ?vwaapa1*mepi tnjsuhe, state military indebtedness of approximately ?l.OMfimbvXot$fj?0fc recess or final adjournment fs fbfiwS' 'Th?'waJi-the concensus of-onhtlon ex pressed by house and *n the governor's call were discussed. It wa* said that the only -vote taken was on a propos?t to pay the ildlitU?; have a committee in vesttgate the strike ?.one and take a recess tor ibtny or '. u?ari;n(f?s\vote' land executive session was adjourned i without formulating a d?finit/? plan. [ pressed relation ovar the developments ; of the first dor or the session and pre-. di?te? there -cuK be .?.v. Jtt^mpt made to Impeach "jov->fnor Animons of CoJora^i throdgh the house, ' DiacnsWiOQ in ilia n r r rilVyo flftgsfrws, it was said,- almost- unanimously far speedy action in providing p*ytoenta of bills- Incurred during \h? oecupatton of the Btrike districts by the militia. This, it was said, would likely be the first task undertaken. On the other question In tbe cal), sentiment did not Seem to he so well CTTStaBiied: :T-hie included a law sub mitting-to tho people at the n?i e'ec tirn a eonat?tut??hsH an?', d?tetn, eia* powering the lot; . ! . r , ? naot. o ic?ns^gaory arbitrat^r lav.-, t^^jWpaY the governor authority tu ?ieseumi.atiu and to regulate ??ld prohibit-tbe' a*le. te address Motion. Mcmed prahnV* tonight that tue the possibility that pih'ar . ?eaa'-ire* mentkoied in the call mtgfat alao he offered. Most Prompt and KS?M*nt ?srp 1er ! When you have a bad cold you wsat, la remedy thatr^ll ?ta only give^re* I lier, hut effect o prompt aies pernas I '^eat euro,- a reme&^y.:tfeat 4a. j>laaaaat . .Oar straws are all of the usual " smooth and rough braids* in every i fan^^#mf^- ' Tubable SiSk Shirt* in dainty dei my. i^afp^^?^? Palm Beadb sufcs just unpacked. Ladies' Phc 75c to GOOD TEETH A3 t)?. IL R. ELI . Orer Farnters ? ^erefcaats* Aac ifltk B^sf SaJ ff ?a rw1*., ?m*> ^urfT^ **n* '^a? ?SB rt^^r M At Cleveland 7; Detroit 9. M Fblloa>IPh?a 1 ; Boston 9. Jfc^>^bIhgton '?: New tbrk ?. At SK Louto ?; .Chicago 1. PWStONAL At New Tort 4; Brooklyn 3. At Boston, t?; Philadelphia 7. ^tJ?hiclnnatl-PIttsburgk postponed, : At Chicago 1; St Louis 6. At Jacksonville 3; Augusta 4. At Macpn i :-"',vjuinah ::. At Albany Columbia 11. At Columbus 1; Charleston l.Icall ed end thlrtecutlv?a^e^s.j; v North Carolina League j W/instoa-S-i-rr. 4; f?^igh ?. At Durham 2: Charlotte !?. /in in. nh;;.::?. i At AahvHle 2: erccrrtcrr, s At Chicago 4; Buffalo 0. At Indianapolis-Brooklyn rat At Ksae*B Ctty ff; fitttsburgh At SL 'Lonis 0; Baltimore $. ISOUTHi^^IXAGi Ai New Orl?ans V* Blrmicghai At Montgomery 0; Mobile 1; At ?fe*hvi*'!s-Atlanta wot grounds. ) VIRGHSJSA ?4A?UE Cely" qtaaHty, ?ade of the finest imart new style at $1.50 to $4 ign*. Yoo'dTwy $5 if you dWb't '^rlave yaw next au* ?W* ?y ' Choose yours toiwwvc #1|}F Co* >enix Hose stop SIE AT at aU times and to nil places. They lend beauty not only to th?J mouth, but to the whole face. In fact. , the absence of Teeth Is the first disposi tioni'"toward"poaiuVe plainness. We are adepts ta'the care of teeth for yoasg cr old ~ cither ses. We are skilled In all branch?e of Dentistry, and would be glad'to be favored with your werkL '-' We are particularly suc cessful ta the extraction df teeth pala usaty: :<- *:^ ' - " ' LS riXPA?uW. :**\ Lasj Altaada** FI?T?NG ??i'?8#ES 'SS NOT EAST. If the work be properly done. To fit t*$ eye? wH? eoFMjct tapse* ?. is oec ??owrjr tsf ?wauiiarettcw ?je sepanery aa not one la * million- has two eyes Just alike. Remembering this It will be evident to yoa 4b*t-over the counter glasses ^cannot posatbly 8u^ j%th your ??|fc^f>a?> here wb^o^bey>w?;*? sulted. Prices1 reasonable ?; Aft -.i .t>~?-:t^ -^,.^C^. and- paru 10 ?cents -and upward. of tb< S??g?* in the oa^gjjjatfr ' pow atde?t ja ?M lUPft rfA liai ni I* ml