ra T* i ?"g?^\ DLL 1AJ ******** ***** * INTERESTING BUD AND NOTEIS FR * __ * CLAUDE ?. GRAV ****** * * # * * * * Relton .April Kt.-John T. Hanke, p well-to-do and host ling farmer of th* Shirley Store section, was among thog* who had business,, ttl Belton today, -i x.. V. Oh H p men, progressive fanner and marchan! of Toriey Cr?ele section was ii . ^Biness visitor to Belton 0*y:v-:v..^,;.-.,,;;.;,.f /> . ? ? Mr. and Mr.s. R. E. Chapman, of ti Totiey Creek section, were in Belt today. Mr. Chapman is a hustlin farmer and merchant. Mrs/H. M. Geer, of Belton wll leave today for Land rum. where she will spend ten days, the guest ot he daughter, Mrs. Roy Whitlock. II. p. Willingham, waa'a visitor Anderson this afternoon. .:- O. K, Livingston Jr.. wah . arno tliOBc who went to Anderson today. * ; ?? "?>.*."? ^< -. J. Newton ('ox, of Bolton route 4, waa ajbuslnens visitor to Relton toda" ? : .'? ' T. ll. Hunks, G. .W, .McCoy and J O. Smith, leading'farmers'of Hodges, ii::, wero ,among Uioae, to' Belton-yW '*^^??Lj?l?^^WB/^l^ -ii.-_?LL o o po o o o o o o o o o o o 5?K AND TWEr?TV o 00000000009000 Wlliiamston, April ?f>.-The weather of the past week his been such as to 'give Som.-? of our farmers a severo ?.neo /vf iii.. Kl ii/ia rV h a v tx WA cot t i ri D' anxious to plant cotton seed and corn. , Wlth'^a few^more days of delay we will bo"-folly as late with the planting as Wo Wer J last, year: R. F. Whittaker missed one pf his f.'ow? ficveJ^otfea^ago arid.he'.thought abe hhtl beoh. stolen, but ? few days ago sne was fmind-tn a gully on his placejwhnre she had fallen and killed ; herself. Revi chorlo* Kay - of Oeonee was vlsithtg relAtlv?* fir this section sev eral days 1ant week, j ' ". ) The?friends ofno gilt edge notev run? liing from *.V) to tl06 each, that . . V- -, . will be nhl? dnrlhg- ike months iii ?i.jf A-lt-ati ui,n \intinitu' 1 B Ii Cashier.' it^i irv A. iTt V* 1 'FX TAUL ?GET OF NE^/S * OM BUSY BJELTON * _ . fl.? : ' . ? tH * * * * * ? * ? * ? ? ? ? I W. A. Hud gens, pf Anderson, waa A business visitor to Belton today.; ?I Mr. Hudgens ls a candidate for State] ' Senate in,th? prima? tbts summer. ? -??~ ? fl Letter Pr? m H. Brooks Marsha iL j Tb? following letter was received by Hr. E. 0. Frlerson of Belton and we feel tht^?mgaU?a^a of Belton will read lt ^WP?SWWlff. The letter fel-1 lows: Greenwood, April ll, 1914. '"Dear Sir: "in Benair of the Booster party of the Chamber- of Commerce I. desire to extend our thanks to you and through' you to the citizens of Belton for the cordial, reception given us on yester-: ??y W*^i!i, ippreciatc re?y much* your meeohg us, ybur kindness to us while In your town, etc- We hope thai we may be able to return some of your good-treatment when yoy, come : down to .the Hortys Showed .Chautau qua. . ^faesh nrey|rtng tb be^t?(great events and wn hfp? th?t a>1arge>num ber of your people will avail them selves of, this opportunity to Bee good horses, hear and see fine attractions and' spend a few days ht the livest etty' or thc state. * . ? . "Ver* truly, . v.ji. /'Bi Brooks Marshall" IncSdsy night tu a Mrs. Oates ot Piek I en s. coula ty. j G. B. ??d Beaverdam. A. Z. BryBon was greatly missed nt Sunday School Sunday afternoon. He and his wife were visiting relatives near Belton Saturday' and Sunday. Boozer k?y or Walker-McElrnoyle. wua vlaitinv in thia rinmmully nn Bun dey afternoon. aVL M. Bmith was a business visitor to -, Ahderpon y es te rd & y. Miss Martha Elrod. a beautiful young lady ot Plercetown attndod Sunday school here* last Sunday. - . Messrs Lewis of Beaveraam - and Smith of Slabtown are expected to 'he at Six abd Twenty next Sunday af ternoon to assist tn the son*-, service ?-Everybody turn out at 2 :?oTo^clMi???v Andrew IKulllken, who has beenMW# sick with pneumonia Is again able to be out. ; ?. ,'; ?'; ' < t M. H. Moore or Zlon-M^TalKir. Tornied us at Anderson a row any.--j ago, that his section.was no-longer J "Wild. Hog." but "Hog Heaven." We] plty-the poor bog. . - '1 . \??%n Allgood of "Liberty, R l;.nH tn tuts i wtniuiSo^naMncBs last'MrUl Cul j, i mti J??jrtt; lias imi?hcu h i S I ahwihg --here and moved'h IR saw milli home. This waa hts last sawing for J th*,season. [ J?armos %nd Mourne Smith S.??*W?|M ed:servhes ot While Plains'last Sun-j ?day morning. j ? urce number" ot pur people at- j tended nt." einging at-Guthrie Grove ! i ropor'ed a pleasent j I After the writing of this, we posl tlvel ywlll not have more to "say oh liquor -question unless circumstances ? make lt absolutely necessary, and wo do nor. think thoy will. Personally, we do not care If there ls never aU> other drop of Intoxicating liquor aold louth Carolina, bu1 '* marty others, thc two evlis, prnhibtUos .that does ?'*tio? prohibit or 'dlspenl.?ry, Sire choose t!>e lesser, and that is the dispensary, know that vannie creal moralists ^french of surrounding the boya und young meT with temptation and all that. Great Gfd, what. ls any-worse thanjlo-'dive , ft; so that the boy can ay. negro he wanta IL _ Ttie ''roas j?oads cor respondent *hade * slight, though un intentional mlfitake. The writer from that nla?e'Sftld thnt'T?'*!' r',n .noef?oes. whre, Relline liquor and. no one got PART ONE VOL. 1. NO. 1. Weekljr, K?t?WUhe4 1860;Doily, Jan. 18, 1914. ANDERSON, S. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JAN. 13, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. $5.00 PEF ANNUM. what waa meant by thia statement, #rt there is a tremendous nrotV fofthe sefterv They boy their uupnlle* from laen who ?ell and fillip if, pim.-: at 12.00 &1t4bfo:?it?nkbQ* thru a#U lt at 75c td #1.00 a ptnt. That ig profi? of from 14 to |6 a-gal'c?i. Does tn'at Jotik I?e pT5t, ?nd la lt any Wonder lmat lt ls^lmp&fcSbl-! Inr i farmer to hire a negro'to do a week'? lor a month H work for him in the busy [crop time, Especially the- town? ne gro; hadn't tb?y rather violate the I town law > bj" kelling i liquor and pay ing a ?niall fine Imposed by the courts than to go out ii the country and work ior an amounr per month that j he could make in a few days ailing ? liquor. And the negroes are not nil j who, sell liquor either. There ls about n;.j much sold by the wintc*people sa "hy the negroes, and by Borne, periiara, who "would not be suspected We re cently heard of a man ' stopping at a hotel in- a town In this-state ask* lng a negro who was working about [thn place If he couldn't get him rome be ose. Thc negro told "hinj ih.tt he HpouM not, but Mir. -<-, the not???1! heeler, would let-him, have what, he' .wonted. ? Ai>y one will tell you ??at whiskey Ila gj>lhg to be sold in - some form or other as long aa the world stand?. Ev ,en those whipare opposed to the sale in any way ^shy this. This beln;j ad mitted, what ls the remedy? Wo rug? gestfthc following: Tl-? dispensary with the proper safe guant thrown around It! A ch?lh gang sentence for all who are cot. vJctdd of selling fin violation of tho law,' A national law that'll! not mftjet with,' th? . Int?ntate com nokfbft,the' shipping of ?f?jior to any one who-is 'ne> eni Author!'.ad seller. ' Any . farmer - who worka hired labor tun tell Whether or rttit tim SarfficHf?ii inate Beliing and drinking rf'liquor rjcmbralltes labor. ' _ , VeifiCiklT ATTENTION la called tel ?*bjtwHs?m that, ap pears: on th*r -page; Their offerings1 ihculd rcppeal to tho economical buy or. :?.''n??t? .i-. . ? . a o O o o o o o o Ooo i? o o o o o o K^-*'0, o b o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O Barates, April -1?.- Mra. John Mc Allister of Mulberry. Flur***-wa?? here.! le?ehily on h?l? W?y lo;'Shsley,whare*' she ?&/?^*W??.fa? wnil? -vim re?a-:. . Mts. E. H. Bond and Mfes Bessie .f?a'r?'??e. were,.lp. Auderson recehtJy ^hoppln?:. If^ijsWt^esst?' Herron ?ponr tbe week end frith pavent? at Andereon, R. F. D. .< A little Child ot 5tV? w?d Mr*. W?*>r man? Hall of,: Iva was burled here Sat?-' ur day ofter servioes conducted by T>av. J. Lu Singleton, assisted by Kev. C. M. Saunders. L>LoA JJ*, ?r.r11 IMi Mr". S- ii. C?"-t\~ topher after an Illness of about Bve weeks. Mrs. Christopher wa? him ?|UHi 1?, 1?20 hear Old r*el?-:\vsh

inn inovefi ii ) thia ce-and r.vdte.l her-j has been oi.e-Of great service, ?be be: ins . a Woaian of except iorally floe] cnafaCTnr ?ii? ?ne. wno han-apent her j time in no?nf?.goou non hiiu?mering to those who needed her. ? - -Fo* n number? of years Mrs. Christo pher bas hot been away from home but her influence for good "has beev felt., and. th bl qftlct, g?ut.t.\ bu* ever ready friend'will be lnlsr.'id by nil who have: known heh -Truly '.. liurWes -W* r.ns' talned a.great lot?3 in the death of thia nobie Woman. Tha deepest sytrlpathy of the entire comiuunUy goes out? to the bereaved' husband and sister and other relative* funeral, se:**:?:?^"-weie held on ?y afternoon, conducted by Her: Stone, in the presence of a largo . tisi ana -friends. Or.-en ville,. iere Monday to attend thc '^un it his aunt, Mrs. Christopher, s. Ellen Mcl.ee? who was with Christopher durleh her illness, Monday night with Missen H*r her ho oonoo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o '.Vi* ? . ': 4> ooooooooocoo o o o irkrre, PLAINS April 14. 19l*!.--We. s that the health of very good at this , . |^i?-' W. A. Martin fell and Woke ??W,\btgH a few,'dnya ago, but we wish >ier ? speedy'recovery. auSie farmers are getting behind with 'Fite Afraid -Jo? Frlotiiis ?3e||?^*|*ieitt AMD?R*OWs SV C. JL j Book m4J^M%m Bank and Cotton S???) 1? Coima?raal ^ A? of UgaiWork LOOSE LEAF LEDGER WORK, and ALL OTHER RULED FORMS ? - (iii.Ti,''! ..'.<, ele ns this would impossible. thought xii? urnA;ni-ios.ry shop," another OT Charle? Dickens' famous stories, ia to we put out toiilptufesr, by the American Film' MaWacturing-'company. Lori ?r?^fcet on th She Priory tO.t* reef irr, nrodui 111 also di-1 wee Toe : lived limut tfqe eouiu -nave longer had nut ikon. 1 t?re and Mita Addt?e and Maille j ^-iirfvi^'t?'i the iiarfe at Pe1?pr on j Mr. Coward Jobnaon"t?afle bia reg ular i-.1 ...v af ie moo?, ?ail. ou Miss Kui? Davi. ! 7 ,-' ? Miss Mattie Davis visitad Miss Mee ToTllson Sunday. Mr. U T. Harbin of Seneca, is mak . ~;t.; .-TI" -~--.. Mr.. M. A'. Attawajr. Mr. Luther Martin. Miss Janie Ben nett and !VV~s Gra^e Osrrisra were otu driving ?Sundav and worshipped at .ni Baptist church or P?tzer at . Mr. J. T. HOgera oi^wl??ia?wwfi ?? building a, nttie' residence JR thin sec tion and ts coming back to this roun dest wishes-to all. * A asr* ' Leroy CUtrnpbcll Has Seen M$4e| C?a^n^ jrtf ^ 1 ^?nnday wttl tay friends J Rpbel?: pll. Coat BILLIE RH0D?3. Mi?* ??iiu fctawfe*, one Of tb* KnwJ Staff. npr**rs io VA Race With the' Llii: . Pian^?i \>,t .V reVy. There is but one N Our stock King Baggot i? produxtag ?>fl ptcy Hg the title ic!.? In a play,Witten by ?rgtoti. The playls Sa ???W?eia ind ?viii he rt>U>ased nf! an ?Mp. : Nolan Cune, wi?y ? tarred on the dag? at. thlri^,.-?s >f jhs ^?i?f??i Richelieu's \V?rd**' as Frau" Allan Dwlin. direVt?r of Gold'Seal IrtimeS at Hie Vnivi -;:;! V.a Ula coant HjoMb, ' tina "jut! Vftlahed the produc ta? ^fee -Great tlnlveraal-.Myateiy-'' tr-1-'-~~ w1^''ff?gemau, stoat abd LelSuro In 1 titevt?O-JRiie relay at the ? Drake gatnt? V next Saturday. The .team practiced 5;0S. 1^5 yesterday at Stagg fleld.^ Movable tahlee and chair? insto ni of On. rv.'?vent Ional fixed desks aro used j 'Vkidlington Irving High School < ... ?,__?- _l. -. 1? U.x.-> Kaan fr,.. tVia't the pinn makes for cleaner school room? and more efficient ?chool work: conditions permit, every . .;et his corn and cotton . e best planter with which 1 i which h?^an' absolutely li Uch?ne of Wis kind that t .v..-lw.V.|nrlw ? ??o UL '.MC piuu:viinfn IILKUIL Tomorrow they wi!? appear bsfuT? the sub committee c: *he senate Judiciary committee in ohargo of the prohib?. < ! lion resolutions. Led by Representative Hobson, the prohibitionists argue? that they simply were appealing for ah opportunity io present to the people bf the country, through the State legislator*, *..?*? Mly?f?tendum *he liquor que*-1 tlon. They declared '*K?*S v 1 trence to the merits -.vf the''question 4. j the problem had grow? tn ??tr.h i>,n.' portion* that lt jiistl Tub Pie of fhe country'llvj territory, they aaaertU., ?me for the submission of the que*- , l favorable report that woul the measure before the hons*, sot propose," he said, "to/ar KeriU of this question. Our ?r. iiizi -'h^*r hk1#^' and Our boys wm have au oppor p. grow up sober." >er cent of the people . Rates > now are living h