MILLINERY I il TpHIS has been the mo3t successful Department I jii oft? store this season, it seems that every . f- ?tfatome* hts told another that BAILES ia i#(t beautiful New Style SUITS and: MILLI? NBKV at about 25 to 60 uer cent, less for the Same quality than any Other store in this section. Even the manufacturers tell us we sell them too cheap, but the volume has given us results. FRETTY NEW MODELS I >^i}jt? im '-p? . ll, j 3pring Coat puits i j One Suit of a kind; made in ali the New Materials I ? i'???S?^&S ^i^?>r,VTC1 xtonrma T??AW _ i?..^ti kii? B I V**???r?'-n?n:?^t?e''??5 Suits- at :|18'-Sii?t..' j' Nothing: but the newest, prettiest models in Goat i Suits shown in this Department. Our Millinery f ?^artment is full to ike running over with pret ty new shapes for Ladies, Miases and Children, ? nw Ribbons, new Trimmings. New Ch?dren's, j Ladies' or pisses' Ready>to4Vear and our prices I as in all otht?r lines are i 2&to 50% ?^ss : ^ BEMEMB?R, our buyer has visited the gre^t ? Eastern Markets twice this season and we keep a ; continuai stream of ^ew Goods pouring in ail the i jj yil^gg^ IY p jj'; 1 J^A^is^ESfc AntomeaU* for Sal?--5 passenger i I ^iO^ -TT^Tri? ?rasi?n* car-alma* aa aa , r,u ?minil mt iitiiri.t.iiii^v^ii jnn.^.r.iMi.... new. ta for quida sala na easy i --- terms Address. "Auto'' cara of Tho , NOTICE. Intelligencer, ;\-Z?4? i y . '. . -rr*-:-:-.-?-?- , Notice ls hereby giren that tho next For Sale-Wh lt? Indian Runner D*o* house Ia Anderson. Ml teachers Garden ' "?*"wpn j >?h03* certifl?jyrAes .espire this year , oak Qr?ve Farm, "-it *J?. ^A.^0?? ,t?aehetpf teaching here Portman Road 1 ctJrtlflcs^a from oMtcr counties 3"31.t Anderson ac tfo mim^ ?< Aadaraoo, s. C. < 'WSESTO J&ctT?arfly F0? ?ALE-We offer for sale eighty- < Ji?AO TAX ?OfICE t ham. WtUkln? ,? Al^en, 4-3-2t j The tlmV for paying commutation ^L^K??JiSl W?'S road tax haa haon extended hy tho * **** eb*ir?i?^L;te;iAt\^t* < Board until Stay lat; after which tune "AM I..,U PRINCE,. , ( tao hooka wftl-ho iuru?d over U> the -..-?^^-^ t.. -.'i- , ; e^^^ra and. tho usual penalty wUl Vy^ANXS Veins. County: Supervisor. -' ! L?BUC BOAB NOTICE x uv (TUDIIU i"? Yr*,ubi. vu? utuic tW?|lM?fit flinns up the drains of fe. rodda with, itta^safraa sprouts hrie^s. Ah?' agalast plowing id?. I arc spending tlie ;..>;?'. do yo* per sjafc in ever.dotas In thia raWt?aa o. Thea thcrsis law practice.. Pie**? ?top. og," County Supervisor. *in sr? not nnjilWiinile for : any :ftr *cw>u*^" contracted toy tdp?rto froin the 'Northwest stats >t the groan* ?a la sash etcepttose! idl?on tor the crops that s targe r ?Ods trad* u Anticipated. VTAXT?5B-The ladlee to know that I hara,, the .host curling fluid that can be bought. On sale at Martin's Drug Store or Car vis Barber Shop. WANl'iiB--Typ?wfUir parcbassr*. Wa vhave ^yer m now CT?am aad f^ond hahd ty^-r?iers ^jy^SaaSE fata, cheap. ; AU makes. ' Prion Aaaet ohjrpGoest.. J. IC Crayton & .Co., C^hatte, N. C> ' . XION KV t? lend on city or - property tn amounts from ;t t?0Q>. T. p. DicVsba, Attora T. Gi &Wrnt of New tatt* 431 **a?? ?ut St?,- itOc SE, Bleekley Bldg Ww Illili stH?r?Jt,"0-: Cf>romUt.? . .,n.J thtf lommitiee elect4 the aU.e ehatrmsu, ind it ls baliy/ed ihat uc woutt make in acceptah?? chairman to ali action A The Dcnic-r*. ii* party, i" h .? not .cen sceoaded on the proposition, hut ?le- friends want the party to aecure ?la services. 0While some minor amendments to ihe jrold* governing regulation* ot tho primary may be advocated bet?re the -onvbhtion, lt ls not b?lievod that any } radical reatrlctiops witt be adopted. ; K Pta? io prevewi ^uroiVuicnt af a- ' voter on but one club and providing .olia Rome ten or1 fifteen days with . >?: k of eourt'.ln every county.bev ?wn? the first primary, wit! likely be ?'.cd on the convention, There ta i goally' .aa likelihood of any such i> p as tho' restriction ot the primary . . registered voters being adopted.1 "Oil6 ?ig fifhA 'BS>?Of? ?MV v??V?vitnn : will, poaslblv he t$* wo*? to.abolish he connty-tb-cotinty caa.vs*p..?..-e**r }?date*. Tho suggestion to Hbbll?h i>*ib >fsn ts * ViK warmly ?c*o?'jted. ?aatal tour ls workrag mor \%/m than goftV.-ead metter for everybody to have lt diseon iuued. If the plan to abolish th count* to county plan la pushed, lt will stand .good chance ot being suc cessful. The ideas to let each candi date ru? bis own campaign end speak whenever, an "wdch rover he oleases I and not to..?peak it all if he doesn't! want to, ia avowing throughout the] atnie. . nn.ril3IJl.\|j ,"?JC rt? Keri val V^a#^aded with Immersion ot The revival at tl?? Christan church closed last night wjttb a large ano ap preciative MJii?i?ience present. . The evangelist, ?page on. '"me Church.-and Her Teachers Mrs,, Ware sang a far vorlte solo*. 'When Wo Cot to the Eml of the Way/tand at the close of the s?rvujea,4ka?pvwa? toptism. ..u/ Byangs^^aM;and family tkiB morning'tqr,- .their home at Greenville. S. C" and t&eyMFeradeeply gratified at the deep.Jptfirefl^^mahlfested lu the meeting by .Upai?oniinunlty in general apd for. the courtesies accorded the meeting,by thp^A^y papen:. W. ri. M??RE WAS *>H i -..' y -s- .; ? [Discussed With Anderson People The Grand Council Meeting .'V . Of p. T. C. W. H. Moore of Greenville, one of ?Hie best known traveling men in the State,, aud chairman of the. spacial railroad committee of tr. C. T- council Nd. itt of Creon.vIHe, was in Anderson y?storday. 'While, here Mr. Moore dis cussed with Anderson traveling men tho. approaching Grand XJounci* Meet ing which is tcv take place in ^.een v111 r. in j?>se. -Sfccre has secured special railroad rates from ull points to Greenville for tats occasion, the rate granted being n round trip ticket r three, couts* Per mlle, with 25 cents additional, Mr.. Moore said yesterday that renville wan raising ?>,b?(-. for the entertainment o? the hundreds o? vis itors coming for. the event.and that lt would ho the biggest thing ever staged in South ( aroUna for thc traveling men. , . ,.t j^BHBWBBHHHWB VT ene nero no assured members of the Anderson ll. C. T. that every one of them would he expected font the council and thal special arrangements would be made to look out for the cnmfnrf nt ih** A*?1**?"^!? v!?itfirs. MAY OFF?? FQR AU?lf?R^S JOB| Report Says 1>t? UL W. Speares Of Towrivi?? "WrH Be In, the Comtng Race lt was sftd *? Anderdon, yesterday that H. W^Speares, a well known Tawnvl?le maa, Will be In the race for co ira tv suajtor this a um mor. - Mr. mjjfo -ititx noA h| t**> city. yesterday and lt was tmp^wsib:;. tc verify Ute re port but friends ot his say that he la seriously ' contemplating entering pol Hies and they .believe be has. ?hoot mad* UP his mind to maxe the ta?e. Mr. Speares ls one nf the .best o|?n men tn the count y end he has many political friends. Ho is ?iso t#01 known lu Anderson, having been tarda? in tl making rif (Qr* the! certainly know n election, ac- j acares manoa: ?\?\ o'hr'i uhr D? h ti ?inL? ur RB?Ln??? MANY SCHOLARSHIPS WILL B? GIVEN' THROUGH U. D< C. Any Descendants of Confederate Veterans, Unable to Defray Tuition Have Chance It there it$ any hoy or girl tn An derson county, desiring an ?ducation aa?jjav?vlthout tunda to secure it, a rnle.idld .'banco is offered through the I' Ufilt*^ ^augUter?-of tho Confederacy. . South Carolinian^ who: gre descend ants of Confederate veterans and un aahle to afford a college course, lut ve several opportunities of obtaining scholarships tMs year thr*?s;?k the United Daughters of the Confiulomey Thp. general division. United Daugh ters of tho Confederacy, offers the fol lowing for usp September 1, 1914: .Vjjtsaar eoUesur rwHthKeopsie, N. v., valued at $500 per ami um; Bristol school. Washington. D. C., valued at ll?,. Rv/.,'.':aa? upen ?or nab," wepiehiber l, '? 1914, the following scholarships: Winthrop college. Rock Hill, valued ut $154 per annum'; University of Hoe th Carolina, Columbia, "valued at fil? per annum. Thc committee cn education v?f tho South Carollfta division will, glvb any iulormaiion deslrod and receive np- j j In at Jons. 1 ?Hs cornial Uee consists of Mut?? Arm In da Miisea, c?nirman,: Sum ter;,'Mrs. J. Is*?c Copeland, Clinton: Mm.' Muri* ?J_ Tnirnnn, VA ?lutte A feature. - . J The special, fsatur?. jhnvn nt tho Palmetto"- theater yesterday, Waa. one Of the best yet shown tn Anderson. The large attendance, during tho af- ' ternoon and. dight surely were well ' pleased with tho picture. ? Thl* nanular theater if? drawing, large,' crowds to each performance* t and ?ssurtHily dc^ervoa thc patronage lt-receives. An.tho pictures exhibited Mp. to the pr?sent lime sro among th? best made. REPORT OK THE INSPECTOR ! me Kira **? Ha Wf 47 I/vt. slot k condemn II usa immature. UM sjoe? tBspeeteji and food cn oast mortem .-.eal Poul