Starting fi^^ for Baby CMd$umc m anu onave ai Lester demonstrated to you. It| will then be e?sy. to 4e tidex what kind of a Pi-! ano to buy. WILLIS S SPEARMAN -R?US?CHOUSE Aitderioh, $. C. . -A. ' 7;:..V . \... D O N * T Pr^^Sf -?. . / -? Take advantage of our offer and be a home owner! ANDERSON HEAL ESTAJE INVESTMENT GO. B. R. Horton, L. 8. Horton, President ' V. President W. V. Marsnsii, Sec Own a. Hoisge m College Headaches : A Coaunen Sympt?ife of Eye Trouble I More than ' Mventy-tlve per c.-nt of *he headaches are thc re* ?tffi 4eTf9ti^ vision ' caused by excessive ey? strain apbn the muscles r nd nerves of the eye tryitig tc overcome the defect by the; function of accomodation! sch, Hr Stre See '?i?^^^ct ?smp?atru off' -- -ir against the { Ponnsylvanl; railroad, eoacemlast the I rstss frorn MartJAytlie, lil., to Wtoli?nj, | * * * * 4M*- ****** FROM AN OLD ************* A (iearjUeaseleBce. fl 1 can't ?leap good at night. I have H gotten so I cant keep my eyes shot fl after 4 o'clock strike* in the morning. I When the clock ?trikes four they fly fl onen and there ls no more sleep for H me, and this morning I decided that I I was going crazy. Yes crazy. I nev- H er enter dreamland until about ll fl o'clock and waking at 4 gives me only H Ave i hours sleep and really tt is sel- H dora I slb'ep five hours fer 1 have a fl wake spell during the five hours, fl therefore I must be crazy-sure I something ls wrong. I have' seen I the time I could sleep twelve boura at fl .%? Um?, nlec-p like a ?pg the .whoie fl bigbt long, and that wasn't long fl enough, I wsa pulled out of bed about fl sunrise, and told that I had., slept j fl about twelve or fourteen boura .and fl lt wag time I was at work at thia oom- fl mand. -J. began a day's work, .but fl t hrd rather dozed a . while longer and fl rested more, not .that I was tired. I fl waa never tired then, .even if I did I want eo much sleep and rest, but now fl how different Now I am tired and fl I don't' ehre to rest. Now I need fl aleep gbd I can't reason with myself fl understand. I can't see why I can't fl aleep and Hcan't reason with myself fl why I should bo glad for daylight to fl come Ibat I can get up and begin fl work. I'm eure this feeling does not fl come because 1 am more able to work fl or that I have greater physical pow- fl er. It is certainly not this/ for two fl hours' aard labor brings a very tired fl feeling now, while forty-years ago I 1 could put in .twelve hours and feel fl I good over lt. So good that at the fl erase of the day I was ready for both -fl reatragnd lamep. But not so now. fl I While Tam tirad in a way, lt's nytt the fl I way which:calla for, rest and ale?p and fl II am all puKput ..about lt. ?Don't; fl ? know what to"do'and .still lees'what, \ to say-only* 1 sob going crazy. j In some of Bears old mualc I find fl a piece of rag time *Ttn Going Crazy, fl Doht You Want to Coln o Along." Well fl I am sure there is'none who want to fl come alon? with' ?BA m thlfli horrible fl condition oct do von know 0wa ?r? . fl hundreds and thousands who are right fl along With' me-yea, a whole world ( full of old- fathers and mothers who fl feel aa I do-can neither sleep nor < rest a longing all the time-dislike fl the day because ita labora are too fl heavy and and night horrible because < it fails to bring rest and we can do fl nothing, bot cry out, O, the horrible- fl ness of it all. What ls the matter! fl What ls wrong! Why can't we sleep 1' < Why cagftwe rest! Then.we leave off fl all thought of the body-our bodies fl ar? all right. Our bones are whole t and our flesh is;sound, and we ask ( again and agaiVwhat can the matter fl be? Noy/lt is not the body and llmbB, t th pt rebel to tho rem?di?s we apply, fl but it's tho brain-the great mass of fl nervous matter that bas been strained fl and exerted, till its actions are so vio- U lent, we can't control1 them and then fl we ara very nearly crazy.. , I have thought..sometime that wo \ have a spite at our brain. Wie wit! . not ?Ive, lt rest -G#r bodies care for < th?ui?elves, but the brain has no way k of helping Itself- But right here I j mean to qulW i'm getting too deep j I can't .understand deep things, but , thia morning while 1 lay awake and ail ; the others tn the house were aleep- - !ftgr soundly I dsr.'ds.i ? ?^3 -2g*~t , going cromer my conscience was ba. . ';T?*"^ ? r. te'jrs over K my'past'life, it seemed to me l t' could read tho 365 f. every day ? eines ? bed pa^eq^my twelfth blr*h- , day-*-the few* |jjtjj|g|ggpd. deeds I had j \ done were lying around in " the cor? , bera, while alt tho ev4?.-plled high as a , tbountain In the ?ewer and the moro ? Klttaed at it th?-higher it climbed, , ttl Pvt ful t I go crazy be- r L-auae^achad done so few things right r nbrd to do rlghfl ;\fln't know that 3 X' have ever dfl? gaything exactly ; rhtht, but love my children. I have 8 ?done that part of my life to perfaction 5 Hinaybo overdone it-done too much y ?for them and, too Utile for myself- j ?made them iddebetffteat. at my ex- , peV^o. But I don't want anyone to t think I over did too much for my chll- j ?tren. Of course* gAthera never do , anything like this, ina then you know t Hphiidrea nevar have a. groat deal done fi for them till they marry and learn S hYhfce. I .wlBh you could read a let- t ter I have Just gotten from Bess. I j, Hbava&'tasaid much about my litt!? girl a flW^agfj?^ I--don't sea her often and I c have chit entirely working for her. t Well, moyho I never did d-j much for x her-not anything compared to what j ?almmliirfpit^ doos now. She writes c ?hon)? fcs ls the best foflow in tbs s world an4 how0 tucky abe ta to get ( him. Savs abe knows he is the very * best man laTdl ?HR? big world. Then t goes on/to tell how good' bs is. How 1 thoughtful ho ft of her. He never ?eaves her alone and abe only works ss she wants to, and he takes ber to < Sunday, school and preaching every - Sunday and she ia going to town soon attt? get a hew hatband dress and alig ner*. She only means io get one of oachV Says Jimmie works hard and she. dont me?% to throw away his money .i- Says $?. ?le studying econo my frftVs ?v^rv^a&ttdpObi*-; and nd- . Sod to .this shs la learning to work. Can aotfilrn^ th* ALMM.J ?^tbci soon. 'fr^k ip lean/ how-to starch j iwegp* ine yarras, ?weeps tb0m with \ s brush broom, becaia*^ -he don't htaui to bay .another. Says abe" mends - Jimmie's clothes and has put away all ber good Blockings and baa darned the. old odes til! you cant tell the orl gUMTeotor. Says sh? Ntrea^r^ hi? for the is not going to buy many for ItSg'Hexf tifcjfretgrs. That it ts ail o *? r? tfroMM OF ?T, - \ 21- 5 OOOOOOO ?feO o o o j o o o ? o ? Cf r * * * .* ******** ?OUi^YLADY * t************ and we don't need helf we think wi do, end saye she has quit feeding bei sweet tooth-cakes and candy are al right for rich rolW?; hut poor foiki hare no business bu vina ex penal v< eatables. Well. I can't tell you th? belt-can't tell you how good Jimmi? and how bard he works, and ho vi ?thoughtful he is of her welfare, ano" ho end up the letter by saying Jimj ta is just the dearest darling In th tell him you wanted everytbir, ust like you' were rich and it he ould work day and night he could ve you all you wanted? and ther ess after he ' bad done all this, he anted to do more, he wanted yent lent cultivated and be doubled hil .ber hours, *nd made greater sacri 'JB and put In years-of hard work ant t last you were a skilled pianist ant n all this time he was a poor man, sc r yet his poverty was kept a Be ret from you-his love was so gr6?u??, worked day and night for ou worked msny times ?len he was edy to fall in his tracks, then Bess u should think he was wonderful, id then yon might say he loved ery nearly hslf as good as your other loves you. But Bass, I'm not d, I'm glad as I can be that Jlm e ia ail the world to you. Fr: glad [on are learning-how to work, and I un thankful you are beginning to ee that you cant have much unless pu learn to be saving and Bess while [ou - are ' learning all of these things, earn bumble, while there is no tecesslty for' you to feed this way now .ut child you may live to need an hum* ?lo spirit and lt la biet to have this veil in hand should you ever become lependent. There is nothing I re ;ret 'so much as that I . never taught by'children to be humble tor in all bf world there'has been nothing BO ard "or me to do as feel lt myself, but s sure ss day follows, night, tho nu r woman who lives hy the sweat i e bmw must be dependent and de cadence calls for humiliation. Yea, we who fill the little places in Hie uld but say "Thy will be done," y it .because we had a clear con-l lenee and felt that we had done tho t wo could ?nd all we could then e comforter would come, and labor ag regard and night urJKB rest. ?HUE GHURGM OF CHRIST IDENTIFIED" is the Svbjcct of th* Sermon At the Christian Orarch ror ?iu?mvK -.-, The sermon theme In Ure Christian ef/ral last night was "Water, Blood md Spirit, ?int. Ware sang with her isual effectiveness: "So Near to My ^Tonight the sahject lt? "The Church >f Christ ?dentlfed." Everybody ki tted, and lt js especially, desired tans sr one hanns nact dinienity tn t^en Ifying the trae church of Christ hourn come. Mrs. War? will' o?i>| mother ?eaui?iu? s??u. The Dock Island railroad has ceased D fight, against the two-ceat passen er rate In Ar kansai. Attorneys for Ito rosa etate that ? compromise has ese resclK&d -whereby the Bock island rill refund not more than 9?e,ufi*> in ssae^g^r rate overcharges ?nd not ibre than fiuo/ooo tn freight oter bargss. OOOOOOOOOOOOl o PERSONALS. ! o I OOOOOOOOOOOOl Mre. Quinta of Thoroaavlile, Os.,, in the city the gue?! ut Lyr daughtc Mrs. L. S. Horton. Will Moore, a well known buiiuec man of Greenville, waa io the ell yesterday. p. W. Cochrane, a Greenville Insu ance tuan, anent -yesterday in Ande son on business. FL EL Perish . sf Columbi* wi among the guests^ registered at tl Chlqaola boieV yesterday. J,> M. A tender of Charlotte waa business visitor to the city yeste day. V. A. Hooper of Columbia was the city yesterday for a short stsy. B. J. Pearman of Starr was a bu? ness visitor to the city yesterday . Mr. and Mrs. Feaster I. Jones < Starr wer o shopping in the city ye terday. > " ' . i?V XwSfaf '- - ? A. S. Fant, i a progressive buslnei man of eBlton was in thc city yet day. J.*T. Milford of the Long Branc section was among the visitors to tl city yesterday. Charlea F. Cox; of-Belton., was 1 the city yesterday for a few boura a business. E. N. Richardson of the Lobauo section spent part of yesterday in Ai derson. Dee Elrod of the ?&t Rock nelgl borbood was In Anderson yeste rds on business. SPORTS NEW BASEBALL RULEti Baseball Comarfssioa Issued .Kotta to NafJosai ?gres?eBt Ciaba. Cincinnati, Mfareh t?.-The Natlona Baseball commission today isBueu i notice to all national 'agreement club as follows: "Section 18 of the agreement wltl the the Baseball Players Fraternity reads as follows: "Before a major t?ggu? player sbal be released outright, or under1 kn op Monal agreement, to class A br a low er classification,' :tt^\gerylces Bhal flrsV to'be ??nuerett tp alt class Ai clubs at a price not to exceed $1,000 and then to all Class A clubs at no to exceed $750.. If he, be a drafts* player tba club from which hs 1 drafted shall have prior-claim to al I other clubs m its cla>?jnc?tion." "There '?tc?ntt .io be', 'h" mieubd?r standing as to the exact meaning o this parte ul ar clause. When a major l^guo club makei aappllcatlon for interleague waivers it should at the same timo notify ?hi j president or tao league cf which I I ls a member, whether the player wll or under an optional agreement, 1 w?h^ J^^[^ed- _ :ontrlgh rc.cus? io vimini '"^>:ifi?iwftbfc*h? p>?y er's transfer from One club to an other, either With or without a constd oration aud without the retention o the'right to recall Him. th such eas? the player must first be tended to clasi AA and A clubs at a price not to ex ceed those stipulated In section 18. "ir it ls the intention of the majoi league club to release the player un der an optional agreement, then Un amount of tho .option price shall no be lesa than $300 as stipulated in rub 13 of the commission- and bot mon than tho respective amount prescriber in section 18 of tho fraternity agree ment. ?SMBg . "If tile major league club and th< claiming minor league ?tub canno agree on the opttonarprice, the presl dents or the leagues of the respective clubs shall determine the eonslderatlot jprovtd?d however, H shall not exceet the amounts?xed in section lg, ebov< Quoted, . i ? tMbtfon 18 does not change the ays tem> of returning drafted flayers ai prescribed In section 8, article VI o the National agreement, and regelet ed by rule 32 of the commission,- lt any respect. "A drafted player who bas not beet claimed before February I, followra? hla selection, becomes et?Ject to sec t!os 18 *'hea released ty c majo; league to a minor league club. (Signedi <*'..', "August Herrman, . "Ban B. Johnson? "John K. T?S|? "National Commistrton.'' ME&t TONIGHl nmvmm la tat? HBH : Orders Mggtiwg t Eaecertfas Itatirnitida of the Chamber of Conagggsree A call waa Issued yesterday hy Jas D. Hammett for a meeting: pi tho ex eeuuve committee of the caamocr ol com moree, id be held tonight at 7:8( o'clock iatijAha roomn Ot the tocsJ ' chsfsbir ?)i 'i'_'Hirn*rU SHnlmn ^ M^<>* ^M?^*0?'? .fMBSlBIP^t \\\\\ mm.,,,n!l?lll?Sl^ liilllM FLASHES IdT.'Sud ??fu. A. a. runner wii? have a party at tho Fose HUI Club House Ulis bvenlnci Alt- .members of tba club are invited. The trolley return ing to tbe-tfty will be held until 11:30 o'clock. The Commercial club of this city bas decided torlos j out Its affairs and to sell ita furniture. This club ha figured tn the progress of Anderson ra th? years gone by. 1). P. McBrayer, who recently sold his home thfea ^mfles from the city to R. 8. .McCulIy, haa announced bia intention to locate in New Orleans. Mr. McBrayar 1? one of the best poat?d cotton men In the south. - Col. Wilie S. Killingsworth, membor of the sta?'senate in California, who visited relatives here Isst summer, writes that ba waa on the train near San Josa that was held un by ban? t dits. Ho baya, "i waa silting wit nm 1 io feet ot tue mun who climbed on the ? itr*'? ??v?T hid I5W0 fa my no*ke?, f and when tho excitement was ovar the t money feil as big as a million dollars." Prof. W. H. Hicks, the weather ot server, dropped into this office ode day this wo3k und gave us tho news that there will be no fruit 'Iii year He says that th ire will be cold weather to. the first ot June. He stv ?3S lt out in the stars. Thc prof? ??orno tim?* ago predicted conti winter, and soon thereafter it snow ed. . Work on the bridge is being rush ed. Thc forms are all made and the pouring of concrete will not take long. And, gre, won't it look doe and da~ dy when lt is done. Dr. Vari in D. Osslgan says that ttMfi Busy Bt-.? cafe was not interested ?mm any injune! 1er. proceedings to cause tho Biuc'Ridge to keep open the oMey along ride the cut. Dr. Osslgan says that be^ sea th* work go on and the Sonto ern get a fine station. "As I Kee lt," says Frau* Alexan der,'4he land selling man, "there ls the .Vest of feeling In Anderson now.1 No knocking- except possibly a few chronic ?ases. New houses in all p;iri: ? vue city. I think the most conservative will say that Anderson has thc brightest prospec ts In -ber ?hole. history. Store rooms all oc cupied. Waases foi rent Hotels and boarding houses running over. Let everybody get busy, and build some more houses. < _ ... _.. W. S. Ram&ej, tj'? man who putQ. O ?). In the cash grocery business, ls much pleased with the cuece*: of his adverl Ising campaign '.n Tba Inulll goneer. His first ad crtisement waa. a suggestion to the house wives to I call np thc Anderdon Cash Grocery n thct morning and get early deliveries ! of fresh vegetables, etc. The call waa Soajjad ?!>d i*?0 <\*Aae? V?d. ' The'"'l^PBfl* trustees of the city schools ts scheduled to bare a meet ing this afternoon and o lose some mat ters wRh reference ti? Ute new school hi:lllllBni " 'fSSBBBBBeBBBBeSBSBBBBBBBBBBBl ? ?ii? awi <7 tun Vm*Kf ?wwS?ug ?vf a iv- i ..?Lien of ?w? aationat highway under the patronage of the Veiled States gorernueaf Has been in Columbia and Augusta and will be l? .Atlanta to day. Commissioner S. J. Watson ai , first would not bear to the return trip thy way Of! Anderson, lint it now ap-| {peart that 1" wi!! come bera from 'Atlanta, arco.ding to Information re ^tiSratary Wbaley. SBEan?naSBSsVsSBBBBBBBSSBH I ?I sr s i! I! The Improved "CIRCLE BRACED" DIVERSE CULTIVATOR To be sure, that you get rthe Cultivator that will do your work best, run lightest, last longest and work easiest see that it is the Improved "Circle Brace" m m Four I ri of these famous Cultivators now? on sale, "Circle Brace" Lever Di verse.Plain Tongue, and Detach able Shovel Points. The best Cul tivator in the world. Come to See Us ERSON HARDWARE GO. I j S.Whinier St.t , Anderson, S. C. jj .?.Winthrop College,.. ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA. t_. a ci- o/? % txt M j ?Ulis av kW wiu/ ?.-?j aw*-?. COURPES OF 8l'UDY-Full coarses of study will be provided lo meet the needs of: 1. Superintendents and principals. 2. High School teaeh .mm n primary and ? rad ft teacher.. *. Rural school teachers. .' FACU?L.TY--A ?arKC* ??C?itjT ??iS irc?? SvCUr?u, C??BpOS?i? >?? - ?, . I?????M I and leaders of education. SPECIAlv IBAT?RB&-Hodel school through first six gradee, special coiirse in rural achoo', problems. Kindergarden practice and lecture? oh Montessori methods. E-n?Tcounty Boards af Education are authorised to reu? w certificates still In force for all teachers who do satis factory work In this summer school I and take the final examination. For ritss zzi fsrtjwr iaformatou. 'vritc for gumster SeZtool Bulletin D. B. JOHNSON, Pres. ROCK HILL, S. C.