IMPORTANT :: NOTICES :: _" IO lo 10:2.? O'clock. w**> * m w* Arithmetic Contesta-Kennedy Street FOR SALE school _ Jadgen-fiann A? FOU SALH-OIM! Lieberman plano. Miss Jessie Herron, Miss Annie lilg ?lighlly used, practically good aa ?lu?- Mian May VVIgglngton. new. Will ?eel cheap: alan aecoad M ", 1 l**B. BfatI bund ?450 Leater piano in flrat class " MR W.E. Chapman. Mia? Bthel Wll condltlon at a bargain. Willi? & u*> ?i"1..^? M*7. TS^SS'. . Spearman. Bleckloy Building. An- in??? "U? Hj:?w IM lock, deraon S. G MaD Drawlttg > contest-Kennedy _' . Street school. I AQT Judges. UkJ*j 1 Miss May Fant. Miss Lillian Cllnk - scales aud Alls Sallie, Thompson. lUDIUU \n o?uvatiuij ?v 'iws?tlon'jn^y^o^^AS' 36 j J HwllW rUlr ! IlC I DWI j*?? "mt have brought more em Good references. ComralcsYTwIUi ]__fmm 9 ?lent schools to scores of coramunU "Exp?rience", bare bf t&e*.jntelll- <* ~~- P** recant " Sutf a}2 FOR SALE * BYAJH^TVBE ; - ttJS&T2XV&TJ&> . . .? ? - - - -1--- . : tent teachers. If the people of any '^lfijiP?^^ +?rg Afc ittJUCtnt * ATTI c/,,UUBity, wi" wUh JP?H ?tow Uve and vacant lot adjoining on JD/\*V VB??Aa\J\JL, AIL? He school authorttlb??ur may easily, ssaf^ House hat ??sht rooms and v ?MS , w , secure state aid f^TTpelt?r bulldJt?jL:1 kitchen., btttlsr'e pastry, bath - room, an M-~?J I. >M R. D?LI tru TU h J00^ term and the. establli|hm>?I electric ' llghU anra???f;jhj^ ?- a ***** ?raded scbopt ; . 1^ right, terms right, uWmtTfS^^^ R?rsl Grs^etl ScKooU "An appUcstlo^ar high schWl? -j ,, ?M.,-_ > nmw waoee acaoou, | atd wHl be c . sn^erlnteudent of education. Mr. Fel- for 1913 was derived. "High .school ir_ . . ,iUIrw"! DU,r *Di' '55Awys'that ho ia much pleased with' truotees and prlncipalis ?say rel? us-. i.? aim,, ?n calves ihn ?..?roprlatloas aud Ui*t ho bo- aa'- ??ir . usaai apportlonmeai . t aEl:!^!*n?F* *aa cfnt"wsw lloved the school will be able to do heretofore. ?hi^Srn*? ?Jn? mt'h'?i^ 0*'* Pluch effcctive work-a^ the resuU oif -Stural grabed senoei appllflatlona 121 w^?tn? ??W?ft ?S "w?R- the nppropriatlone from tho general ?hall be paid without te!L Under??? 121 W WhUner^SU^Phone 694 or695 assembly. | condition would *9e...?tot**>m*b*' ki ? i.?.^?l?- M??W~? "T?? s^noral M?semi?y made iiber- ? talning a two-. or thasp-tepeher school AX LMiy yvntte marget. the letter sent out from Columbia to and asking.tor school aid be permitted ' Wten i.r '-the.varioussupsrlntondenU ot,aducii- to close for lack of funds, tho ln \n "...,, TlS uTJ*? ?J?? ?MU 1.- ^ crease from 120.000 to ?60.000^ fori hu?t on[ 5 M* n ?tJ?. SL' n,?n ^ goMro1 a*800*1* made^llbear- these ?chools guarantees the purpose wh? wLteto o?? the free public ; of the lawmakers to maintain this FM ?.Sr?lfJ? ! ?0^?o,s- TbWrre?lRmltt, .. . . . First grade-Nanie M. Caliaham. Viols CillalJSm. eBerUe AbleB. Alli Black, pydo JTranks,. .Bpaa,, JMiettirr, iAlbire 'Sheriff. ? Hubcrtr shflW Smith, f...! J ?io. B. Compton. Prln. 1 Second .grAe-j-Cgarles Maaon. : Martin a; ,:N'5 Third gra?^-rHSt?gh Brown. LaRiie EubankB, (Vi;-?^a# hanson, ?Marie Lon dretb. J..F. Lsndreih. i Fourth firap*ew*tter Gibson, Eva: WUlianub ?BkW' i . - Fift? grad?--Jctfce Bcarden. la?g^\^ ^' Haynes,'^ark ^t}rs? :f S~?onfl year-r-?ico?ru ' Tumok?n?. L?art Brown,: Kst?: Gambrejl. t An average ot Vii per cflnt on reci ?SU?H?B, i?efnj^^iw?jjit, STBg?natloqB and nttendanco, ls required for the honor roll. There are 280 pupils en rolled In al departments. ^ , Thn Zion Literary. Society : Had a very ? vereatf?fc meeting on the-blght of the 13ih. . .Miss Lucy Ballard la president and Mss Ethel McClain sec retary. Following ls the program rendered: - ?i&fcltation. ftdsaio .Palmer. : fcasdin* M^Moore, RcpltaUonv^aair??;Ga?:rl8on. Speech, JO^P^Strncttc,: .ftaeecb, Guy Williams. Poem, in codcert. Sixth Brads Recitation, Hunter Williams. New . England states abd capital?, Jantes Rhodes. . Jokes, Leroy S???. .Recltotlon; Marr* Mcniatn. Ninth Orada ^itlplicai*?*; .Lloyd Clark. Poem, in conWi,,Seventh Grade. Recitation, Tfliillij TTllllllilliiliii Reading. L'terte ??Htan?. Reading, Ltsgie Graham. Speech-Hoben. Cann. Question box. ."Mdflltdr'B report * */ 0NE^ (Sa^^A?.: CtiKTm^ Will bf Held s?^g^ligfer FMdsy .!SSs5^ Aspctatlon ar*. f*lr Play. ; Ebeneser, Blue Ridge, . Keowee. Oak way,. Rich, land? Seneca, Walhalla and. Westtdb) ster. TJie mcetlhg t^ twft?iftfi? W the pressas?* *?<">?. ? iafflWI'aWih ?Pt Barrett, of RiaoUttd, Th* other oAoers :ot the, ss^atUm ?td .$,.-0, Lyles, West Union, -vice president; W. C langston. .0r^w*r?. secretary and troaaur l/iriorcut. HAHU?IUJ. of tho hall wilt be reaerved? fie. t?a various sahoels. The prk^s.*fc?&M^*W *e lfi and .?6 cents. J^^^^^^j**^0^ conim aoltyv u^ Ihj?S?ttln?: dlct?tfisd, h?*?lthful work. >t.owST:MAg ajttae f. York .City, * tatt ty FMdDayR^sA and Regulation* Any J)oy who te a .pupil I? ^ jpsfdl standing in an Anderson county pub lio scbool la entitled,** cutertb* events '.aa scheduled In .thia artlolfe.1 Arrange-1 monta are belog made to accommo^t date toe contestante on the bpi! field ai J the perk where a track will be ttratMHl .and the grounds arranged for th? day. Mr. Hill assured the writer thad the field will be gladly*donated for the usc of the scheol^ extys torn tile /sith #f. .Mareil. '? lt; .t. The prelim loarle* will take place gt the ^ark ITriday; morning at ? o'clock, andi every -CtautoBiact ?....?*-' peeled to bo pteaent to draw for poei-. tl on lo Ibo finals. At this Mme those who will .bc entered in ibo Anal ere nts ' .Will bo selBotcd. - i i.}. . There aro five running events whieh will, be held oa .a 220 yardvlraek, be-1 ginning efl th the lop yard danit these ? races wilt conclude with a mile tace. I Thc running high jump, the.running .broad;jump a?Lithe pole vault witt b I contested at U i skle.of the field, witera ra sand "and sawdust .oed -witt be ar ranged to pre yent injury to,the? boys. The shot put and the discus throw take place at a 'seven foot circle divid ed by.AceapraM lue* . w -, These simple rules will he enforced! 1. Contestants will draw for'position in each ?yent t -i.- . a t';- V" 2. In the running evented nneoatest* ant shall pass another to tho left, If be should pass to-the deft, he ?hall for feit his place in tbfccootoat ?od ?hall not bo counted at a?Tin thaVereat . 3. Any contestant who starts bnkore the platel shot, ?hall he handicapped thfpa Ul teot by .the starter... ; 4. In thc 100 yard and in the 310; yard dashes the start shall be made (rpm. thc Qrouohing . position, ...?with' throot PiearsjrrOaijydttr^idaialii^ ''Get act. "Go," (given with the pist?! .ehot)' G. in tbef running high jump dud the. ?ole . vault ina;, winner .shall -bd chosen by cleinlnatiom. In case of a tlci the flret Vt fa? shall bo taeJaser C. An, attarnot shall be caflod a balk. Three balks aimil> bo oohBldcr.-: ed one trial. ' ? tm, pole vault. ' . .. ?,,<> . tt, : The, , flrat : place shall count 5 .points fdr tba school of tho contestant; second placer 3 points; third place, 1 point . . Order-of-preliminaries: . . . . 1. . 100 yard: dash.' 2. Running high jump. 3. 22*0 yard dash. 4. Discus1 throw. 6. Pole vault 6. Shot pat* S ??sjr:S'??s hr??d lT?mp. S. No pre D?innnariea will be hold for the 440 ivard atid the 8SO rard runB abd tho ? Lille ries ~Ord?7olr. the Bhatevahta. . i HW -vard-?ftaft-. 2-. Sstn?s!.r,s hfsh jump. 3. " 880 yard rna- 4.; Discus throw. .5.. 220 yard daah. ?ole jvault 7. Runntoat.ernad jttep. 8. 440 yard-ma.. ,alHfc?o?i>dtt-,'"i'-^^K will, h* anaen&ea .to.,tlt?,tie?'?^lolei rio#,-.tlia.jhftn?e>i HJteaa?t?'aiftl'a ?wj i as **- "ill s** a?s?ar agata.1 Any <|dea4 ! tie** about the field meet ?Ul be an-: aw?red cheerfully by fte ??turi . ?:> * -.?.. w& Oba?bar8. : -**.*??? -H~K<-'.. '. * \ : * NO tos? -t? YOU *| * tJt is not an ^aSy H * ??iatt?r to s?p?f?te * \ stibscril^rs' io The *i * the b?sine?^ ii?t^a* *l ! ger .of this pap?f??- * tack to, us, atld 4fe *\ * titdrtuf?i?*" ^ur? * * subscrita f Or * * tire $einj-vr*ekly * M* and happeh i to ]g?i * > * th?. dali j ' ?tSitrfttty T I * wilLnoth?w to pay * i* for the#fclt)fc Take * I * it and read? -?t >%ith * un?f c?m jg?i the j - stv?igh??ine? * out, ;* milich *#\\ be in a j* feV &&: 4 ? - . .. - ; : 'Vt^". 'J' "t.'Mi.y "V ?rl,i "l"af Dm lug the- ?ti??? of rx)ul* Kin,, j XIV and XV. og JKrbnee dii?4|u>'&e* Ry prevolcui? at nyc tljiif? ?t failli (0 iipptjur^tbat H^: ieet|?p?vent wea Ito France wcitld lue kllf&r. " '.Vltfie 'WiMfia XV, was on the ;lirp.lie Vyoupjt^rmlu ?rte of the1 t?hlkw ur New /ferWy wellt Abroad for the piif|>oj> , ,, *?**m*the liraiSir of -a *hiilleua$,& yeti frem.Count Glisten VariHHnln. you having tl u ri rut the? fvenluir brushed0 ."'M?N* u-VK'?ttl^sWW5*-'*'- .* >'.'*? ^ ' vlgflSg^*?** xm- wiii.:tb?;j|^||?| enirrge wa? but a |?reteit for the el$a,|-j -iejige abd coucerned himself only about ^fctfctlte Moreover. he fche* that, he .,?lie*ayith*r accept, i t MK- Hm v?.'Part?.: ?followed by the' eCbteuipt of air who! .liad favored him; yr, .?their. good --wiri. tSsV^iHiatWie^ti ??b,t t >? lio trTnV r^tw?!^ for b?lttu coiled uirtUva?,t??f Phhirtdiwld mr*?*yu^xam.w;m^<4* p?x?r. ?> rtthlM by r?t?rln? the, ofijeer^ to, a friend, ibeb, hi* npmlmiints. ?Che friend Joined, lil m soon after, nmf jtpon (cr^i?tntr*ti-;it wai? dpttotfned to ,put otT-tbe ^pettha so long 'ead**-: ? piule In order that the American might ..H^risre hi?sse?f by pr.-, ci'.cc, fov'hc h??3 no. skill whatever with any weapon. The h?at^- boweraV. that could be ?loue waa to defer the encounter-for ten day*. Then Mnflfewjiin bewp to(pnu>. tlco -MtootiuK wlth ti Piniol. . Thft.jiu^?^?ik? aYtor fli? liol! wjh,^? 'Inga v^ ihe.^uwt'?? ^?^^^^^^1 cort, and the veiled, womaii at ouce.?r ' tested'the ?tteDtiou o? every nue?rife eut. Presently she spoke m nu indigo na ht t*im to riuaaiats. acctisJug hitn .'?fcktarinyrwt-her: thrgw.-w-eiVrd -on hi? lijj Vd&ie^^^stoii Whj^j .h|ei?ed, pp-iW ? card, supposing it jo fear tile name ot the Islay's. basUad: f?lhetl Ita bclbg given' him waa ^dtairtottut to a ebal klcnge. he walt^Jfor ? friend of the . g?ulU?lwn^to.lw?,!^ I'rcKeutly j entered . nud ati;W that ho' jrepreseutoa I Du PleiSkls uud made arraugetu?bt? for* the duel to tuke PUM the next morning I a?,?*urlse. i ...^,..**M^.;.,?i.;t ? Vnudehib\ ?tow rhad two iftdels ou his I I banda nu- ?u?rons?r? ?uirnincr^. T'?** j j di,! mit irot.'w'v hlr.r. ,'fc.i; not a year' I pa?aed that be fought ftfwef thad b^lfta I ?oteo. Hut ti? uiq jK)ivita>'iBBntiaTyi tho. .husband of./ii wo mann ou a charge 'niau beiiwlf. Mince she haatf^n "in n .'pph?fe cafe; tit?attended. ..?le* belonged to ?fe? Chun ctrcie and $?n?&t.*nr; one except a geotlemap ^puidTwtVacT .froniJB*??^ ored tq dhu^ovet :wftp..yras. ^du.,Ple> km" but found n?^Pbe, wbo. bad ever be?W of-bim, l|^^*jK.t^n^lu? 8ttB*?^Wss-lijr rytWiwt JHbur? jot the 04>?pl* than by deeilniug to fight, be cbdehided. so 'lu** ?a th? ?itfa?r would not - Interfere with hU meeting with MathftW?PP, Xq letilt.|rroceed. . , sHe JM? on tl* groubd, ?t?e?. M?. aporuiug wuitiug ?or!(M. du PI?M!S. ?who bad uot arrived, whan n carriage drove ?.ip. i?o_d, ont nf imped.? lady at tended by . n tnnld. J!, ?be drew aside hfir v?il and healed tbs features ,6r Mlle de Boyer. Vaudelals was thu?-, deratritcfc. fyW^ ' "How .lahg. Ik. lc Ceuet,4''.she -s.iiil. 'cinlnce yon instituted ^?^ti^ t?^r. ^ruardhin, with th? ..tight to a?J? wbo Khali .iud wbo ?huJI\juot pay me nt t?ot??iit' : -?Hdltths?s, wb?? .:d^ ^ .-?>nMa.!by. adcWord??"'.- .* ?, ;t m?nii lbatll have beard th^ypu* whose hr*lu? a%e tbv^u?[iM?iiSi fta?e. rtuid?r p?ete*!.. chiili?ngM a'-t|wwt hedarced wilf^Jer^Fiime? at a ? recent ball. 4 pnipose that .you shrtl! drat settle with thu for accepting bis Invitations, after which you may aet . I lr arith him-for-giri n tr them," . .^rowing ?gia>lei?g cloak- she fe ' vented ti fediiUK costume, -?i'andehiis idkt ail Jn eto;p*wer to arold fighting "fi M:iNttfjpato ji^^^^e^ccee^e^^o^jy. . bjr. chalienge to > Mathe?ri?oav admitting the fop kitson' for bavin* given ii. :'w4tb ,np >iOje)e? apology.. Mr;Hi?w*rtu was* I?, a xhootlug jgaV I .hp-ar- r?yjtt h^ c racef ved Ihe ^coant'?;' j ; wltlulrawa?. tie, ?Udea vored to dla i rtfiv*r ?ue rcw^Wb.fee lia ranapPoc. bot [ -Mlia> do Bo^tt.bad p??dg?dt.aierJF one. J ;/jneerrted hot .to r?r?.i?, 4hi? tnivh. j -w bea - mi?vrK^ou^^ ^ 1,4.. '?W.K?^MI.?1- -r..-t? ???.'''2 I Uv I the Lariat . BY DWIGHT NORWOOD : Whim Iioyj? Brayton was graduated Jropi.i-olloge. having means, he thought hy, wonjil .like tu jgo wiatt awl become 1 u runt-hpr. Mo ,h*. nought a shc/p Mp *v?A.u ?WMi M?'iw*#\o? it ?mi WifH ?lux*?, Tlien he settled himself 10 yalt'jror bis .*heep to ?row audthpir wool to stand out thick ou their Bide?. .'.Jb'br. utvhiie riding over lils broad Here* mid doing n little lessing morn ings .hvi'i .bim contented. Hut .lt wdsli't long before,he liegiiU to plho ?u? something i???"? exciting. . An op port nulty ?Us afforded him by Hoeing WM? .'!*?*.. ??. isl ?:?. chu ai ng: a? ?teer. The fe Was something picturesque tu her gal loping ,??ver ,the. ?round., her di pine broiid brint hanging U? lier neck by lu ribbon* mid her hair (dreaming behlud :*.#*?>.-VWtVV' W.lM? i?y^M? #>U hotHebacjc. put ?puis to bu ? ni timi td help ber. But.Hbo didn't need him. for heroic he rcucbMfr her she drew n lariat, caught the Kterir by the horns and' held du to uinj till) ?OHIO imuchut'K caine. Up aud '{roe..(Kiri; won.^he : daughter df a nftlgbboriug riim-lier, fcvmi MacDougnil. a Peotciiinuii. Who had recently como to America for the purpose of cttttlo rnlsli,-. ' * ' ?" ' Brayton (VumiH.i.mcntod the.girl on her esploft.' dud then ami there'bugnii an ?ir?|tiulutuuw that ?ave the* yoiuig easterner something to occupy. his mind. He sjumt many of hM mornings rhmig xrith uer.and most of his even inga at her ?nther'a ni neb. Piog??oiiir jtffl's In fasbiou'ot tb# time, mid.; the MncXtyugalls having n .good tableur the ;p?rpoi?e. dennie und Loyd ?peut a lot of time batting the tiny ball. hV tween.them. But the celluloid sphere was oiily typical of the love taps that were passing between them.., Wheo Jennie sent lt lt WIIR to 8iiy. "I don't love. ,you." nod .when lt went buck it seemed., to, carry the message. "Vos; you do; yon know you th>." And so the ball kept flying.' ^ Jb.^ iiifrtlr weut on U|l Brayton lom; 11 luto bb? head that he: wofitd go eust. Hla uffnlr with the ni ntl? girl he rv toM^?yj ???'/jk-.tM^?tj?Mt- ....?I ll... [dnn i.f breuUlu? with hen diiiu't Iromih?, him ut ty. lt bis going ufifectcd her she MpCf&> proud , to show It. He tried jnara' t? make her show her colors on i jibe separation, but abe resolutely kept 8J furled. >(It-|K.W|ngularhow a mun /consider a woman ..pot for him at th? same time try to moko her ?bow.lbat.-aiteVwls'-r ? bo his.' :Thft ?lay be??re he^va* 'lp .take'bb departure he,.,was but.. on' hi? horse, souie aistsnc'erfJPW .hlB ranch. Jt twp b?6?a' tbut .lonpie . MucDoUjjnll bad l?sfc ttj-'iiet .irute'lop?.j add she.: too. had rtdd?p n?e^tjL locking "for. ii. She knew /avery foot of tho couiitry, and Bray ton ktiew very little .ul/out it. ? .Bein* lng up ??r? rise rp-the ?round, .ienulo aa? Loyd half n mil?,?way riding to ward it da u-ferou^ quicksand', i "Great; btsaren<;../die 1 exclu hued.' f'?upiioae be doesn't kiiow lt's tberoT , The yoong muu rode on ns lightly. trending on flowers.- .tonnie's cheek .uiuneue?. fie was Wi??iu ??o ir<-? ._.r ?be . quicksand, wbihr.Hho was huir n . ' sight?* Then suddenly bj? horse began to flounder,. His ri??r ?ave him tba. ?pur, hut lo uo puni?se. Dowu came JCnnlea quirt on lier bor?e> flank. jind.Jlke a Hush he tlart eii Ji? Hie rfl?;ue. But hly- rlder lnul po hope. Sil? kiH^W tlie suckln? prop ertl?* of the ?reiid?d quicksand and that before sb? ?olild reach the man A v.'h" arnfi^fing w\
  • ?.??mid 'n .?mud nfc. lob. would bedi-iwii in. Tln?^h HhediSivi- lier iior. the quiekend |but MI^? ?rt? pldig|>|l io pilli, her borne back, on hiA lonmcilu.? to nave .Mf?W^frowi ^pab??. into At. HtlnctlVely her Jltu?ers i-InaiwHl lier tar lat ofdled t? lier nmJ??e. IL3collinK j* she begHn ito swing it lu the ?lr. her pye Ks ed on her ohh-ct: iJceii lt h.ft ber w?*l fell ?round Hmytou. .Tvm?.ig her horm.^ head. ?lu> iiivetl Ililli slowly ??wb Tomi tightened without .bretia?tjg^^??d encircled .the. sinking body iMWint ttap chest. :., k u- a question whether the "??iv. the girl and the horst?.'' were stroug MJiHi^h to-drag the iilaii from tb* quicksand, tleiiu?e ll\ed dne end pf theJ.Jarlas, fjru.iy to the ?addle nod. reUfsiping, hpr borae av .f? vi a? \yotfri ? bm from >.k)ng. let him o#U br de -irrees. A biri??t te \y?aki>- m-tl C?e;*,aud Jannie's stoo?! the tet.t. - ? . -IVA.'.- J? ...... that vf?t?t ?mn io t?a d?tbVrtftaaclJH lote hurd ?round, he ^nutg to tii? ilrl who was reeling (? her puddle -iud soo fell into his grmk^ i... ?0f*3f ?.Jeli him HHawto^ii it ! !k?ted