with less fear of burnffijftnan in any other kind, because aluminum is a better distributor of heat and retains it longer. This means a saving in fad. And it meas? a saving -in weai>a?ta?a* expense, too. .Wear-Evwr*' utensils are light to handle and easy to clean. They cannot form poisonous compounds with fruit acids or foods. hi?\ ' "Wear-Ever" utensils are made from thick, hard sheet aluminum, 99% pure, without joint, seam or solder. You can let food burn dry without injuring them. Cannot rust-cannot chip or scale-are practically m&sstructible.^ Replace utensils that wear out with Utensilsthal " Wca^Evcir" A E Wh?tnerSt. ; Anderson, S. C. IBuy it because it's a . jj j BETTER (?AR S .' . Not because it's J : ll . CHEAPER J I ARCHIE L. TODD ' jj Local Dealer | : New Vehicles of .every description keep coming un eve?y day. Robe* is Ute finest ^er. ^W. ?m have some Extra ' Gooff 5 Miil??' Md Horses-on hand, come an4 s^e theta, J. ANDERSON, : SOUTH CAROL?I?A WV HHS Hi , "SM OE RECLAIMED, Work Is Soon To Be Under j Way. THE COST !S SMALL . i ,Vi n 11, i ' .?WT A Plan? Are Now Being Firiehed by | ? I an Eng^tii^?^ Work *< Wffl Soon Start. Ia a (statement UI.H!.? lo :t ropn>rt3r Hie intelligencer fy..i ;rd:i;>. V> \. SpftK?i, ttvjl 'enKi..t-.'r. ?uid tiuji he li j ?o be able lo Mart wei !; on :hc lirata: g >f sw'a?jp -^*/cJ< on RocKv itiv>r. lox's Creeb. Pig ano Little ,t eov^rfiam cre^k^ wit. in Oie next j few ?eeks. The engineer said that -he liad practically- completed all his-' i)!ans and estimates for the work andi rurir.shfa very important hrfprma-j Lion til?i lt woyfd probably cost about ] IHM per'Tre to put tu?ls swaftp' ihj ?hnpe. f aid that this figure might j rary ? Iii in aceor'qa'nee with tho bids ol contractors, but' that he ex-j l evied lt ' to be in this immediate runge. The first step taken in this direction was nhen a meeting of those" holding pippen y in this ' nert lon was held. At tills meeting lt was determined that j some ?leo Was' necco?sary 's&? it'"Was ] decided to raise e?ough money to em-, itfoy r>n ?ngineeer to make the turvey] ot 'the sw?lup. Mr. ' SaodeTfc rVps se-l Uicfcd tot ibis important undertaking on i ho has1 been engaged th the work Pir .$ome,I,rt?i/L, Td^jidwv what a stu-, pen-dobs tihd?rtaWn'g "it was, the hi?? print'Of ' the swanlp measures '34 feet:] Something w??M have been don?] about {bis swamp long ago, bsd it Pot, been Tor the fact that South Carolian j drainage Jaw dbi I tai appiy to And,*f-J son coarity' and it was through the ef forts of Hie locul . representatives tn I the last general assembly that if was} ibaJo possible to" undertake thts worlt:} Mr: -'Siuffiors skid yesterday that he ? ba l iTactically completed bis- report! ur ?nvi^f?galJOnB' and would presen* lt- to thc inieri.'sied property holders. !(omp (jay next week, There is little! doubt but that the work of draining this swamp will Bhbxtly bo hegtin. lu connection with'the work in Ai? clerrfon .cO?listy.nha.Statement of .T: Qy Ha?6n, drainage fctglneer for South Curolirta, relative to this problem will b ' of Interest This it?tem?dt waSisr' Mied by th j engineer some Hays sgt)' and Shows why t^e drainage wdrk nas, jim been undertai?ih'ny more counties : jtirbu it has/ Mrs. Eason says: "While there scem3 to b0 an in-j jereased activity along the darinrjge Jine In this Stt?te, the prhgreSB Is nbc as ?tatid ;BS U cottf? be, esp^e***1 rfl?rig cohstrubtlbn Hiles. There seems hi. bb^nTcos?s^hn^ae amount of lh Jtetest ShOWn toito?ftf?rk, but mnercie. Examples are few. "T-l??e is due ?0 rfouhi th --'aa''&fai8U&Jsty with ?e1 ?ln> and a.l?et?eral altitude of waifing, i The peoPU in i^ffertte sections of thc' ai^'*eem*Si!|C' to fake up projects! under the drainage law until lt has 1 been thoroughly tried out. The-Wank* u^^ftL^^^^^a^r^ drainage^ d??t^cj j Ssa any other ih this state. They' .ve. however, 'n6t yet- a Sid their hon?s br cotftmeueed ^-iiructlon. Au appeal from th? de'clsidn of *he celrfc or coori favorable th the district wai made to the erchft court, and whlW this b?s been ?fd. thc decision tia? iiotycf baen rendered tn regard to it." 1 Mr. ^soh wehla haVc the drainage law mad? fitatc-wide abd tfppllHrae to e'v'efy- ?ftnty ih the state. Wt?f? is an Important qir?stlt?n*', he says]' '-ap* ttirffig ilie past yt?hr I liave fiifd numerous cali's for assistance, from counties throughout the Btate whldh are exempt. ThlB applies especially to the Piodmoflf Beotldn, wheiW^fJBi people desire - to reohdm overffowett bottom lan^s along tho cr??ks ano Hivers. This of ' courbe; ls imp?Jyst?e, bf th? present time, as 'moat bf 'Hlfe counties are not under the workuics of'the dr?negeW.'^-e alf of the projects have been held up until tho l?w i?ott?d te made aWlcdbl? to their respective counti?s." 1 . ' Mr. Eason agys of the projects handled in tile State during the year ?'t*tt?Xky River. Anderion county-A pr el ira Janry ?xarn Ln?t?on was made of tlie overflowed lahdis '.aJohg 'Rocky river'in- Andnraon' coufaty, and itfwa? desired, to form a drainage dlV&ler on county 'being ex froin ?h? dralnhge law it?m ebnjd .not be Seine. A; kurvey of tho project is now > beliig ' rS&ile by lott's 1 enJiVheers and a drainage c?sirict will be formed Just as som as '?he law ts applicable to Anderson county." ^?O?H by ??anle Slaking, landon. Pfth...2S;-The new Wtiite Star liner Britannic was laiMfehcd to day, three y^*?rs and three roehthb having' been spent in her construction. Thfois mbre than a year longer than the nue rehuir ed for ibo building ot fKb mrnr?rlc. '. The deisy was ' .da?;' Ift?ely^to the altera?lon? m.->x?A Kocaafl "hry by ?he sinking of the Titanic, tho J chtef Improvement ts tbe inner shelf, j Three reef dfvWe'fh^ toner siss' fFomj the ontter?hell. whii*rihe plabttfofWpyJ inAsr-fl?A\^m-^???- camed, ??t?mXWi make . it: w^tartigiU. . Interh??Hy th? ^^/im^m'tm improvement oh th6 jfHympie. liKB.*????? St HOOL j Mr. ropHsi^'ft?af* ilW ?Ver gl^ae Mr. w. ii. Ctsti??^l?'?? I^ba^on, Who wan here yesterday stated ?at? no and Mr. J. R f?biQi'tn one mW?ki?Smfrr ter dapa btu! secitrcM oxter $1.800 of f? &pfo ?t?f **i*b to ralee to build a new school. Tho 'Ifibhardson broth-, era gave-'$400 and Mr. We?born $3?50. j They will ?ee every- perron in the ^ani^'Btatric't. ?l COURT PROCEDURE TO FA CIUTA1E ADMINISTRA? .H ON QF JUSTICE - '<.-., ,f:_. BY NOTED DWYERS .', ..? - . ^ ?? .fit1.? i 1. wV' ? ;? .r. Urge Passage of the Clayton Bil!, . Now Pendue in National Congress, <. ? .. "Washington, Feb. 28.-An appeal for simplification of court procedure to faci'iUte thc administration of ju;; tice trday was made .to tb,e house.Judi-, dar' committee by a delegation of hoted lawyers, headed , by former Pr?sident Taft. x Speaking ns president of the Amer ican Bar Association. Mr. Taft said lawyers of the country were practical ly a unit in o?Merlng-simple rules of practice should govern in all courts, federal and state, and bo strongly urged passkge- pf . pending bill intro duced by Representative Hart?n, chairman of the committee. The Clayton-bill woiild empower1 the supreme court of the i nked States to lay down rules for tbs conduct of common lev.' practice In federal dis trict courts, ss lt h?s already done ih eqpky prbjeedpre. The .procedure ."pf states where fihcse '?>? . "I think it is au- telfnlVaWtyk8|ri??* ne oald. "for th?se Iqdm-W ?ander statrd that they ?\r?>1??!^-*?^?!?t^?7' "" ' One of the trohple?witE Ufa ap pointments for Jut^'/aW gdiq; V?B that the tempteiion^wak -strong .?ib build up about Uibm'^?dlcial fanuties.* Lawyers k?ew, that it was offen' a dangerous tbing to make charges against a court clerk before th? Judge who appointed ftlttjl' This temptation ootiiu be removed by coner?**, and-the euiiris a? iftey are. now constituted Could be vindicated without resort io the recall measure, which ho believed harmful. Judge Taft said be would have this extend even to appointnlenT of receivers by federal Judges; requir ing th v. court'to them from aUlstfiir nlahed toy the interstate commerce Commission. Judge Tuft urged, passage of Un pending bill in the name of the Amer ican Bar Association, adding that later Jt^would oe advisable' to provide for examination of-the "rules of proc-edure 1?y a com mission with a vlew'ltd^is*-1 monjzin?: andr administering together .with tho'tvro'sr'n'?s of the federal court work. For the present, he thought fbe authorization contained vlln tub tolirwas all' that should' be attempted.' ?t?tlho speakers included in the list were -Judge Aiton B. Parker,1 'Senator Roet^Louls Brandeis. Frank A Kel log and Th'ot?t? W. Sholtan.^cbair-. min of the Uniform Judicial Proce dure committee' of the American Bar Association. . jMge''IWk?r atad dwelt updh ihe g: or uniformity. He Bald there s^ldi^U^^^d^w^as sue^^? by lurts and perhaps!even the state? courts. ' _ '. Senator Root tfeelared lettolstbrs had built up under tbe pressnro of individual interests, bode* of proc dure Which prevented thc coutts from administering Justice. In his own Itttitf, hz said, b -than might be conv polled to try twenty suits to reach M decision on a simple claim. "Corpa of acute,. adroit code law yers had grown AID under this-gibase," lo ?-aid, .'who'NJwre ?tilV lo'cM* the .wheels of Justice with iee Imbat evas ions. The men of small means soon became dsconraged or even ruined, he M0q, wiiilo nu n of wealth secured im rnUnity "from bemg brought tb justice. tum*- W ?. WUIfiHT. ?I?;ChwrJlf?r-?r?ear Ate Very Babtlst c^r^er^,,,,t, . We were honored wlUi a v'Blt from C&VI?r N. Q. Wright, of Belton, on Monday of thia we^. Brother Wgfeht ls pastor of two of our good country churches, siloam in the Sslate*AjM* dation and Friendship In lie Pled jjgt.^ At Sl^gfe'^ ^r^^?^^l^r^br churew?s c pons-.-to Belton. He ip entirely too good ovMiats ^feaeW brid i&imr? ?ie it?icwed any regular rest'Sundays, < mmmmm^mmmmmmmmm.ii. Old Houses For Sale J The Charleston 6? Western Carolina Railway Company ? authorizes us to or?er for sale , the following houses: r**^*^ CHE N A U LT rfp'U SES. I Fpyfe ROOM COTT7lGE~l? Sj REAlv 1 TW??STORY HOUSE REAR : ! ; ?NO; ll? W MARKET STREET NO, m W MARKET STREET N?, ia7WM^iK?t STREET ?"V :>v '-? 33.-=-_ ; . NO. J8S W MARKET STREET Mfo 409 SOUTH ' I^Qfc?S THR?E CABINS ON S. TOW if Ei#ltREET IN REAR Of I 2? W. MARKET STREET. f WE ?WILL SELL THESE ll HOUSES AT PUBLIC AUC j ?I TiQN ON THE PREMISES at I I ll:a: m., SATURDAY; MARCH ^r-4M r FOR DELIVERY APRIL 1; "?--' . 5 -~v^.",-JR - ' r * ' ? FRANK & DeCAMfS REALTY CO. | . ?.; Bl ft 1 M,:,.l, ?(?vernor's - Friends' f jfc*' fc?gCsiatare I Fern? Mean -Kotier .. -J i . -1 * Columbia, F?h. 28.- Il is Bald on good authority that 38 members of-the ?ouse and tonie senators hove formed sa . cabens and bave' agreed : to atandbjr ey^'f? 1, 1?14, thoBe had "grown lo $T,f>0T,- [ Ural ? j " i ? - ; . r Ben on Bfebloride. New York. Feb. 2tl.-After ?lgatlon of tbe epidemic iy bichloride of mercury} health has adopted the fo Ititian, which will be enf?r mdrroV; . i <'|7A. fcicAlorld0 of mercury, tttbe'r Mris? y^?f?t as . eoriroslve . snot shall norw Uti rbr tifle ht relaU Irt?he dry IfyHt cept In' bolbred if?k\* 'ft??iy fed' containers of glass, consplclously j (labeled 'poison* In red letters."1 -1, (?Li n. PREMIO *f '?F?ifi^-^ny one who, will ?and^Cbr?ey?^fly subscribers' J?t fl?0 '