IN CONNECTION VflTH BLUE UIULtS mi&wAjr. Schedul Effective 4an. 18,1>H N.,a; the tallowing achedultffignres., are published oui jr as Information and are pot guaranteed. . . j Arrival and departure oJt, tonina frouvJ Anderson, 8. C. '?^u*u& No. Asrblt?/Fnm Time 20 Greenville ana BeWpnJ?? 8?ao a. m., 22 Greenville an* i^mMlSf % *u\ 15 Charleston, Columbia and Belton, through Bleeper to Belton. ... ..11:60a.m. 12 Atlanta, Walhalla and Seneca..,..jfTfrM a.:.m. 25 Greenville and BeltOo .. 1:25 p. m. 10 Atlanta. Walhalla, and ? . Seneca.4:82 p. m. J Seneca.6;6? p. nt 1? Charleston, Columbia and Belton. Through coach from Columbia to Wal halla .6:03 p. m. Leaving For 20 Belton, Greenville .. ,.7;40 a. m. 22 Belton and Greenville. .9:20 a. m. 24 Belton and, Greenville ..2:25 p. m. IO Belton Charleston, Greenville und Columbia 4:52 pan. 12 Belton, Columbia,'Char- ~ leaton and Greenville ..8:31 a. ut 9 Seneca. Walhalla, and Al- . lantn. . 11 Seneca, Walhalla through coach from Columbia. .fi;03 p. nt No baggage will be handled on motor cars Nos 20, 24, 21, 25, 22, 28. Connection ta made at Belton ter Southern trains and; at Seneca for traine to Atlanta and beyond. Fer further information,/ apply to ticket agents or "x~ W. R, Taber P. ft T. A? Oreen ville, 8. C. '??.? W. BJ. McGee, A. J. P. A-, Columbia, 8. C. - 1 ' -Round Trip Fares -VIA-b-i - - ii Southern Railway : In. connection . Pensacola, Fla.... f}f.*> Momie. Ala .... .... ......ipi] Account Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on salo Feb. 17(5? to &3rd? wUh. retur limit March, 6th 1914. For further"information call on City Ticket Agent, or* write . i C. a ALLEN, , - , .11 ?? h; GREATLY RE I? LC ER BOUND TWIJj j FARES FROM ANDERSON, 8. C Richmond, Va, $12.70 Account ot National Education AB- I Boclation. Tickets on sale Fob. 21, 22, j 23; with roturn limit March 4th, 1014. New Oi lcan*- ls* f 1M? ) " rcMsaeola, Fla, %USb MefeBc, Ala, %V?A Aceout Ma rd Gras ceiebratlon; V ticketa on sale Feb. lift ft ^KM*!"1^ return ?mit March *t% isnte - - j Washington, D. O, ttiMrW -, >. | Account Fiftieth Anniversary.' lynghts of Pythea. -JniAeiaUTdil..Bater ?V^6"1 Rnfl pu** ?Uh retj|r^ ltmll1 Feb. 26th, 1914. For further inter mattet vail city ticket agent or write. General rasa. Agvat, If , Grcenvile. 8. C. ."II r i ~*a-T*? f --?w?Mi are te be organ i/?d into'a union ot their own and brought into afreet affil iation1 VTtth the Amrrlcaa Federation fflOM AN OLD COUNTRY UTO Our prayers ar,c a^^aya answered If wc will haye faith and bide .our time. Every eiucc 1 have known right from wrong and knew blessing? come through prayers, I haye prayed lor a reunion of the soldiers in gray in this, my home, t5wpv < mpen wanted to see thc men whom in my' ?emHuJod days L was taught to lorn ud no Jpj* only., tUe fitful, peace tba?, comp* to every, man ?wjio ls qoi'n? hls.laist apd ali that a human can*do. .With thia, determina tion th/i, ?pidiera, in g/ay ga?o to^tftair .country four lon?. year? ot faithful ser, of, t.qil and , r.?^4ahips. "Doubly, hard . because, t.eir field oAla hor lay streams,of blppd.anfl all ,tiie. ?nlsery and.sorrow that bunva^v,bc-. 8*f ,;w?r/? exer.^alipfl unpu. Ut.endure. f .pt, ?il. this iievcr^/pr a, moment daunted thu brave, fearless, men, .wlio .wore, thc.g.ra;'. Thought, of-ae'f waa a jfeclijig left behind when those. iioUlu patriota donned tUeir" uniform? and marched a.wgy, to,fightfor, their coup iry.. Their-one. 'mo.tiyo.v.aa to ITaql rajt|iful and .with .this iiea,\ci( . ..hor^ glory they, sept up'4> prayer, for. imqtoc* ?on for their famille? and then c.r?tcroft upon a life.that.hiatliry Uas.ncver y,et founu,,an .aiuaj. . Trujhtully, eau., Jt. bc said .of. thc. sputhenu. soldiers, that their, acts of bravery .and devoUoiv during- the civil war. were ..the most powerful ever known.*lp?e,ino life Ot? "The Twelv.c,". who, followed Ute Na??? arene through thc wilderness and at Hla| word were .willing Jtq iry the waves. . Methinks aB monicry car rt?a me back to the sixties, that sure ly during these day?, that tried men's souls. God must have been nearer than over berore or since. It seems so very wonderful that .the. hundreds and thousands of men .-who fciight like .tigers, for four Jong years, were in all tliis time God loving and God reanng .wen. They were solders' of. thc cross aa well ,a? soldiers . "ftt arme.",' Their religion. . was.ttooirj shlqld and in tho batUcs jt br^-sh*. them peace and a feoljjus of safety. Many, times while, shot and sholl filled thc ? air . with, their hissing noise on tt\e boom pf tho cannons.^liooH tho ele ment::, above it ali could bo heard a . ?ong of praise or a. prayer, for help -they -were always ready in case of victory, to give God the glory . jon should it be ono bf d?toat thoy,.asked four .strength and more faith. God waa always first. If they had cause to rejoice they did vit wjth reverence to (Sod. fr they must !w??. be-,, causo,Jesus was u yuu of' Boorowa.' All ?.vas well lot' it b? at the point of tho bayonet,.or at a pleasant noonday nu M. .' L**a?a*^.fl*|????^^ men with conjri,en,cc,..aud hav^ Uoeu, to the. ^Twr?d Um nan ot, inc cortil. And well may .wc rejoice that in a few wooka] wo are tq. haye theso .grand pld men hero in our city-hore' ai 'our' ver*y., door?, .where we can begr^ho ..tramp of their fqct which were opeo bx-UUmd, ami bleeding. cXuscd froth long 'weary, trampa. o.ver. frozen grjouuuV-uiarcuoii. made with aU qdda against thom. Truly our men hud( nothing coming their way but trials cf *h? vjary ut terest kind-clothed in raga and liv ing on half^ratlonf\ wjj-? three iocs to. each man, ?uroly was a totba^cd to bear und indeed ,Uie condition? were j snough to paralyse ?he strongest h?art and. make .tjie ,^r%??^(4, " niau trembla with, .fea^ But , fear and; trcmbjjug were, fip?otlona unknown to tho menywho wore the gray. They were born. anderea red H. soHt&?rn'. homes and the7 meaning, of "thia, ,'was that, they wore far above ;jtbe. average American, and tho outcome they -.'ere willing-.^ Wt tlie^elvee 'aftaWBt any and every trial which fate could hand rot .to^fim. ,.,T?ls wiijhigmjas and" su?pp.ssbp,, ba?,*lv,en to .the"World, th? grandest bPWfts history ha? yet recorded, TI|Q jrgen .in gray opened . the eyles br oMr.joajjyn, to the, raet that , braveryt pas. jm.c^OundB. .Tr,ue. In our., civil' war bravery f^Ued. .to"hilng re-, ward, but sJ[d.o^ljy..aido *Ofr*Jbe ?Io?b atuao** atodj a'.handftll ot ,menf..wlv.\m , thc. God or.heasen.' Ijgd ^oj-?h?d..well in tin?, balance 'and ??ore.liviS^^ ask.yad, tliey hc.m found wanting, I,would, heat tho gl?d cry from the seaboard . to.mountain top. 'Uho.aaon jp.ggay.are;1 thc grandest men ja .aR thc world and never on land or sea or jn peace'and" way-.were thpy found wanting." Let th? youths, of pur country .beor th'3 ??^nlnd. t . i 1S?ay tbp,,l.or4,(help them ia rcaUxe Liic worth of tlyr?o m^n. . J> Jttst^jSaV1 in this coming reunion thc youtha and ? lads of tho county and city should bind thomaclvcs together In a 'sol emn vow to do all in their power tor th? dear old men and and 1 earnestly pray thal every man and woman will do their best to make Anderson a 'no ven of rest during their stay with us. With many of those old men who once Wore thc gray this will bc their last meeting and wc do hone lt will be the boat, they, have ever had We want . them to foci their, waicomo. . Their deeds of valor on a hundred Holds of: "dttle ta today ana ?viii for ^aser|i? IteartM We w ole?me " you. Wo^ trust ' your ?tay among n? may bc ulaajKnt; ; and the memory or your visit remain Iii Sweet Incense to your -declining daya^, . Wb will, never forget, your iiouic-coin'.ng very nearly fifty year? whipped. Do you knew tho few who came home alive were haup^ Jiua^ they had done their duty und, their r.taar ennraeience ma.. Last summer I found a copy of the t>!d. ''Anderson^Appeal" printed In 1867. It tell? of Hunkadora Conner, la thia etty, which-waa a very .mail town nt'that.time, hut I will Ki what this otu .pepee o^id ur Hupka dur? Corner. "Mr. /. B, Mc Ut e at Hupkadora Corner will accept' eur thanks for a plug of tine chcwjpg to baoco .which wc pronounce superior to,any we have seen in thia latitude' 1 would like, so much tu know where in ?lilla town waa. HtPikadoiu Corner but wo. bqljuvt. tho. whole town wa: luinkftdora. We were happy beca utji had. lived- through. Ute wai;, reit all hupp?av*3r|fc^^jg*rc*b?ppy bec?usi we were Jibing, Wa 'everybody wjw han enough talk felt hunk -Adara, of coursrt.-jjfhay ;vdld-- !?A Jo! couldn't walk the* had loft a leg ant foot back wjth fluVW* in^ue a* souvenirs of^.^qq Itttle.paine t^iey bajt played for four years, .but giving u? t!je*e little koepa.a^es didn't kill tb? joy that bubbled up jfjqbni the bl? heurts of the hftir-nAk,Qd, hjalf-aiaxye' South 'aroliniuus. They were above their surroundings, they bad Tivei above it through shot and abell, am ihey had not come homo to ?ink be ow its level. They.had como to agalt take up their, duty as husband ant lather, and as in war all odds wer against them', for home was home h name only-war had laid to waste am ruin all they had. Tho man in gra: thad nothing left him. but a will pow er-a power, bc turned Into, might J pow. er that turned thc waste , place into beautiful gardens of Eden-turu ed the hamlet Into.a-city; hovels int mansions, nov?rty into riches, and cr tile days ba gone into years the worl ! was running over with joy. . ,Ah, the soldiers in gray, .have mad our world beautiful, ano i:iey huv ? made., our. world good. lt is the sol idlers-'tb. gray who laid the found; Bin for churches and .schools. It i cse dear old men. wno will soo .make us a vlsU who made us, wqt fWc are. abd what we, have-all hone is duo them for our beautiful south. ] was (hoir -energy and heroism, tia has* inspired tb0 men of'"today, t make the best of Ufe, and their wot Mortui, cheerful.qess.that set. our equi try once more "ag?iug." T'.my can home with a hucitadora ip the hearts-and, they^urned^-grief Into" Jt and sorow iiUu"gladness, ai|il now. thj tiley are . so soon to be amon? , ns. ii us out, .fort b ? jory effort to inpkc tKe happy. Yea, you dear "old men yjc ?hall find a wejm wclcqmq.. Als, # dear qld, eqldiflra in gray. You'wi .huVp a smile and a .good word fro qvjpry niau, woman and child. Yea, ye Shall hud every .?orncr,in Anderson "Uunkadbra CqnieV,'' Wo wpTgiyq.yc our cit? while every I'nan, ?ball" ?tai in his stirrup and gi\'e yhoul af! shout, fpr'tiie men who once wore tl ?ray. . : ? ., . in-thom some little,'.W incidents, and. with i't/thqlr re^mc ^di company. Tbl* motive bu] promoted by. tiicj; kindness of thq.qi ^or of'The 'Ii{toll]Kciicpr. wjio.saystl; ^?'OOlc<^^xaj2n.'..lK. tp be U)v towu" tjie. week,of. tho reunion, JL fl^iP; luteUj^eiicfer I? tq, be. w liol I y th i ipa^M^d^ring Uu^'^Uy hjere, taj 4*>n(^-"^^e 1 t!iq'r;M or making it a^pmiBuu ff fond whj ejrery aoj^t?r^?w^fid^ ihis'inamc, a above. It-.'a few ^rciuurks qn bis v, Ure. Those iUUo ^inanejotH will ' in.Jbc form qfrqcyry,day\ta^ for ipa Of .the oldi horo?svlui.vo t?j?o\tei\. I .graud tilings l&?y, jflu durang,'tiio ? and only,.too y.njipVe t;iujgs broyu to mind >?y every, day's,.acts arc n .easiest told. Many of them, i f are ?ilkajSjJjsps old sgldjq.- I .visi last, w hoa a^k.ed .what cpujd 4ie, I -to say: I lia ve n't much to tell pul .staid. at my post and done my pei ,?H,th?3 record not enough to cover wcjiUiet'b?ajten budy" "^ith picda What wore.,could,.the mutt in ?^ aj^d. a.v U'is JBQst and. be M W ^M^Mf^i?x??fi^ 'IfftUhruine w^iB the pass word w|th tho, men v wore tJae/Sfjay-faithfulness was. "ti standard, anti they fiting'to it, tjyoi thick and thin. My desire U> ni >w?th every .soldier .In tlic qouQtjf purely a fool jpg, ot lovq. upd, eyjery, fort, to carry, out thi?. plan Ia. ^% pf Iqve. if nocible, I acq, cry oi\e of.t^om, ?lQse.w^hoiarq um to meet ,mc. at qfygci^ht. pqiptB, I si vJ>U tfceoY in , tjhoir .h,oniq. ?y,., ppln tinenta w.ill be published in abai I hav^?A^fi^nUUit, ?t a lieaxt tiilk w.ltb e.verv maa in.tlin.c* ty who once wore the gray. Wh heart full of love a. auillarwayi?>yi jsmeerely, .?..rr-' !An Old Country l^H iw ..ii i. , . -fr,-J -.' "<>?. If^w^^ Your sim By JViQSi, Am^ H/AKBup! ifln Tf Hub you y^lM?#^St Open them wide .4 vWV ^ R.uccess ls base I is ono bi-your mos 1 ^acdKppdM^th^nji. .U'ftn't wast ? ' Wrff tceMs with your ey< \ Sra*' -i ^^^g^^^d^^b*jn ac t^s^y^S neaV~ naen ?f"?hfeomro?mtyT" KEEP YO?lt RYES OPEN! . i, i i, n,,~ ' ?.-, ??i'77T i i i IM p? Washington, Feb. 27.-If a farmer] is so fortunato a? to have income] pf over ?3,00? a year lt? cage .he, la a breh?tor or. r4,VC0< . .?i*'iW>. ,whi.c'a"?he income t?x ha rJrqady been doduqted (iL .tlic ^our^i jip. for.Jiv*Mw?. t?ivid.cuul^ ?o the atoe of a corpqrallaii wJiicui (ms airead jujJd thc tax on,lto earnings:: .. Thc provlHlons regarding pot ii comes ot $3,000 apply only, tumuhuial lied persons, or to married person not living with w.lte or hupbaud. . .husband and asjfq ?y$&f?iif?r at {Entitled to an exemption* ot^f^vOO c .their aggregate ^como:-. .Thia- qi cai ;tjbat, In^qaaoJJic wlfo lids .a 'S8riara f:0:14c, ir this added to thc husband :()tnc an^pto,^. ?4,tH't) ,?'?jto4 Aubjcct io the las'; or, irTO^f ?. bb separate inc.o^uo; f?ajf^^H ?nib is uvxalilejpnly lix .civsc ?eae*:e? ?4,OOO. ?ut a,, reiurjoy ?ail ho. made if thc aggregate income' .both is $2,."?00 tor tho.year lOl^vT) joint exemption, however, would 1 ?3,333.33. . . . , His tooan Intone. In arriving at bia not. Income t .farmer should, start with, his, np .income. This 'would copetot .of/.a: items of, tho kjnd abov/c cnu*u*%rslf 'and esuecially -all. recal?te from it jSBle or products ot every dcscriptl from ? .>*? "?Vm. ''H:'" "onf? iaajg all money .received., tor produce a animals sold* and for. tho. wool .hides of animals slaughtered,. if.' t wool* and hides aro.sold, but he m deduct from these, items tho amoui actually ' paid aa purchase rnqney, 1 Aha animals sold or slaughtered di Jog the year. When tho antmt raised by the owner arc Hold slaughtered, however, their val should not bu deducted. ...From tho groas'J'?.? mc ther? shot bc deducted amounts of money agtu .ly paid aa expenses o?r operating I ?Arm. and producing' the farm prcidur ?tro; stock, otc. T?is would-intfB C?redv^arJn labor, farm supplies^ Limascd that are necessary to carrji {.tho , business .ann not an. toveajm tliab represents principal, etc. j henees for repairs. on farm . Pippa may bo . deducted, provided amount deducted doc? uot exceed 'ajuouni spent for such repair:? dur ^?t^e^co^^the^ew 'articles'd net. crecer the value of the old. r' deduction may be made for tho < M additional farm machinery, dif?dit may. bc allowed for tho. ans imprecation jn tb0 falue or *?ch 1 idlpnenr. For example, if, a, 111:1c: Aoo.and la regarded, aa,good tim years of service, thc annual predation would bo 10 per cent, an jmttoWLpn oLJ^,each, year could tiiIa^ff?&L?^a.part oft Tho expenso or supporting tho fi Hy, however, cab not bo deducted f the gross receipts. Among items, which credit ta< not allowed are pense for medical attendance, life miranee, insurance on dwelling, ei accaounte, family supplies, wagei ?omo?iUc Kcrvants^'und coat of Jp jijopm or hquse.rjni tor family orj to?9wHMif(*W* ea .iadlvji owns .'his .residence, ho cannot dei kibe, Mihnajied vista wt. M a tenant operating a rented fara WOflrietor laogy - deduct tho rent of farm aa a part of the expense of bu sh: i r-s. , Fanner? are not required to inc in their income tho produce U from thc farm ?nd consumed by f?jabor, orator expense of feeding. ! Stock. Ke torny,.bowe ver, dedupi 1 ' item? aa eost of fertiliser fm fl 0 I r*t%e Uw provide, ^that for t^e, 1913 the tax ?hall,ha.-Ope^utod*Qul lae net Income for soe tne mo .tiaia March ut to JOacsmber 3ist. ?lint rptlirna ?h?.*! ?TV-i'-C OH tb? IB of flvc-slxthu of the yoar. There fore, if the not Incwne for tUe, last, len inontliB of 1913 amounts to $2.-. .'.('0 ur nuil i' u rciuru on lorin iiii? in 'rap* in? d'. .' For the ton. inonth.ii of 1313 c>ery gingie person .ls aliovaod $2.?0?, exempUon and |n the-case'of husband, and irlfe. Uvl?s together. $3,3*3.33 ox empiton. In ! commiting the net In come for this ,. norold deductions ? mnde for only, live-sixths ot thc i amounis-' properly > allowable . for the whole .year.Returns tor 1013 inust bc uinilo by.March 1st, '101i. HJauks for .'making. returns for tim income tax may be obtained tomi the collectors . pf .internai revenue throughout the country, or from thc bureau of internal revenue of thc treasury department at Washington. D. C. In case of failure, o . l?i? part of any one who la aubier to .the tax to Alf the. ,r.etur.n .liy the ..'first or Mareil, .the law'axe's a .penalty of ."io per ip?bt of tho aruount pf. tho tax'aa see?ed,and HO to^tl.?.W flnq. Jp,.caj?p of false,'' fraudulent return theresa a penult jf loO per cent and $20 to '$a,?OO'fl..a und ono yoar'r, Imprlaoo ,mpnt qr both. vljlip bureau of,-ipicrnal .revanuo ls preparing regulg^opa \Yhioh..may bo obtained by Interested persona oh ap plication to collector of internal reve nue for the applicant's district. Iv \ TUE LEVER Ii J 1,1.. L'. . , ^? Tho. Washington Time.;. lt . is curious that so much bf tho comment, lu northern arid Western Uew^paper,8, on ,*Jm.jLe,ver ,mcaapre ipr. agricjiitural. cxlenpion.- Work has In-. dlcatcd a lack or understanding ot tho attitude of tlie dlfforent section? to ward botter agriculture. lt ia tr.uc that aerlr.iiUilrn In.^rtim? in?riK ?nf thc north .is..more., jwt^'rcssivo'tfujua ?n, Um south. Bui the, itlswUcnce .of farm ing ?.i many'*&?t?m* ofthcaprtji, par ticularly jq -Nqw .Xork. and ripw..ij?nig lnud, has been such as to make very plain that other sections or the coun try have tholr trmiblos . in .thia ,.'xpV; fard.;. .. ]'...,. X .- . c \... .j".. I Thc iAiYcr, mmWK. ?WK*. & JMfcpiF. crot.lon beiwe.t\ tb,c, states and. thc na tion, inthe^recat w,o^pf;ca^^p.g U?t {*r ;i?TOLnK . uvc?io?H, directly to;, i'm farm.. TJiat thcr.q tnay, ba^fio ?inmnsjupu. an Uip,fj^crnL,^ye^ment it pr?vidas Uwt every, 4r4$? ot federal. mon9y.Hrqvide.dTfoJr thia purdiejiba)|. he,matched by another appropriated by l?p ?tato. . Moreover',' the m,4hey thus provided is . to bo handled . Iq .keap)i. stato, through the agricultural ojEM lege?, tv h Ich. uro maintained jointly ?HT,...state an dnatloual funds.. No ?tate will bc ublo to draw Ila allob mont of thc uatlouai rooney until lt shall..h)^;e..n^do.i?r^islo|??^^ ow^^ ?hare. ' .-.>. ,i ... s:r,d with. ^?^K-r9tKt^WSS?^m^. Of.'modern and se U?Ijti&Q f&Tpi .ffftjjuo'ja Into Uio Heidi to Amt^Xn'eMifoa a ntl Help tiu).far^ipr?Tn>i|rAVo tFpTf; 'i^b ?kls. .,Th/? whoWoad, ot #sp rotation, handling of stock, usc or fer tilizers, and tho thousands, of eUicr-in tonsely practical sujojcqta' on.,,. wipqh ?qlontillc/a^d praqt.i?aj ojcD^rlurnnta Hoc- 'h^vc gathered Infcrii'.i'-?'c-n-. jr5'"3 fte-carrier* right, out to tuc farmer bu hfciarav . ii,^ hsm ?Qup? ?.at. nether t}ic publ)ca?k>n, oj bulletins, qpr tho work .qf tho^fa/mprs' institu?e.r 'raachcK t in the Mouth. IndccdKU>UB far tho south ?is. bean vastly .Uie most appreciative Upwarer. of Otc dqpattauwt.or a&T?-; cnlturq'a program fofrUnnr^em^pjt fartniag. Pcrhapa, agWculluxe in the -wast has beca so ' flrraly eatapl^ied, tmd,jwjp*nornua Umt it h4sjSgagi g,|& lofty .In. ita attitude - toward ' bOOK iteming" while tho, eolith-.?as..-tm willing to recognise frankly that it ." cds to learn much. At aby rate tiio Soqth has absorbed more titan UK sjtaro or the.Waqftt^of dimarliujcya^c . ., ' There ls no section that cannot south's attftudo of open-mindedness on ihce?, .sublets. " Ksnse^a^, IsJDUg' true of tjic J^iott^aitf 01 Wk . ?JSbV ghahlps aj?d uort^of Xfip Poto?fec i?ff?, cotjifiCy.,-Wborq, d^spltq prdjOBlty^ ttgrlculturo has made Uio poorest showing lb tho last half century. Tb* ita possibilities for them, than a# otapr. : .*?->. i. u,. ^i>$H ?Et TBE HOjiK. Dohaldobii Al^ula, Fob. 27.-3B!blU Iba DpjmjbL sons have got thc book and thc Ful ton, county convict camps ajo to, Im toorah i x.< d under tho dlfcctloii of?ie newly appointed warden, ('barloa. H. discharge' of Cap lift.- brother, ls, io OM luiciulatioha m convict cjtjttjfpg^ndi-r .^?a remate.' A minority of thc county coimnlSt-' slonen; wanted Donaldapn lo be glv wt Undent of county works, whilo losing I os three^ffiiy suhscribera , each will receive a yetar's riptton free to THE PIEDMONT ...FOR SALE... AT A" NT * -, . . ,r i}"* N $100 Victrola, Quarter sawed. English oak. Price the same everywhere,. If taken ?before^ Tuesday, the third, can be bought for $75. See it at Willie & Spearman's K> .''.V gt if! Music Store. A GR?N^?FP<)RTONITT FOR SOMEONE TO GET ON THE SQUAREA m WE HAVE FOR RENT THE ROOM FORMERLY'OCCUPIED BY THE CITIZENS'-NATI ON AL BANK AT A LOW PRICE. HOW LONG H AVK YOU BEEN WAH il^G FOR THIS CHANCE ? AN DERSOH RE?L ESTATE & litSIE?l? GO. ... j r$m&,-F, CARTWRIGHT Manager Renting Department New Vehicles of fcvery description keep coming in every day. Om stock of Harness "7Ki ps aad Eobes ls tile Sliest ^eiw, Ms . also l^ve some %tra <|e^^^$^ kn?fl Horses on hand, come and see them. J. ? RJWLCR 'UMKpr. Savers Whether you employservant or not, labor-aaving de? vicea in the hojna will :$*y. ,--.-..v. * ! Houcehold offuirs ,*Tin nw? smoothly-more"wf?di can bo done. S?J^t^ in su?h houses are more sought after ?nd more pers?sten?y he'd on to. Labor Saving, Time saving, Comfort saving devices pay m thc and. =v> YOU KNO)y THE KIND WE^AN Vacuum ;?|tWrs, Lho?^ ?WAA? Ma chine Motors, Flre?egs Cookers, ?r. " ?j?"1'1 BQ?THERN PUBLIC WSE ? YOUTH AJ$;8Li> A?K .'M.iaH .u- , ara. alike subject tc detective ?Ig?rt. My ?cabial examination will determino tii to $5.00" and ; up ward. Repairs on frames and parts xv ???c? i?u upTrsrd. Dr. M. B. ?^Wl