Fer tili z ?r THE ANDERSON PHOSPHATE 8 ffll CD. \ i Are making a Fish, Blopd and Bone goods this year that probably has no equal on the market. When all the Fertilizer is at the same pr why not get the Best? There is nothing better. Cian this i'ish, Blood and Bone goods and we are not at all sure there is any as good. . ,-. ' r. $ V! u .-t. Si wHi not pay you to take any chanc~? your Fertilizer, for by the time you find you have practically lost a crop, it is too T?te to re 'f u-'-WaW \-' r pair tne damage. When you lose a crop you lose a year's work and thai is a serious matter with all of us. ? .... i . Ofiir Fish, Blood and Bone is used in our 8-3-3 and higher grades?not in die - lower, grades Fish, Blood and Bone costs more than the lower grade sells for. No better crops were made m Anderson, Ab beville, Greenwood, Newberry, Oconee and Pickens Counties last year than whey? our goods were used. You Can Smile With Im^?ihity whro y?n"WTc^^d terth. Twt It is shrink jt tiualnoasAf your icuUrarc bad. /r ihr:?. !.. ; . . nHn? the matter with us e Kamine them 'and wo wHI nut thenr Itr proper con ditioil for ycu, . wrest decay, should there bo any, arid make yen* teeth nd healthy. Vvo are o*port Dentists, but not expert chtrgors. Our elurges arc very rca t unable. DR. H. jfc WELLS & COMPANY r- aw-riur-..-?^ ??^-va. . ^*iw.?Sil 'M&ViillK etil* TAL PARLORS Orer Para?? Ar Jimha^^oJej.^tl^og. ^ n<*? ~r .-i A**?*? AUrwOaat f?Al?l?illir5WIMi TSZJ? V^iL t?^l ??s.? T? T?i How 1 little ?h Kleetrb tilo^rt Light would cost yttwt. And what a great runt en le ure H wonld b?? Jkrtwt Wghtrt?1 Niable Light?, T?r4 Lights, A It le I.lghtt- all lightH that [are ased se.'dom rt.st little. Such ifgHiK' can v? ?ttf?aa ?a ?b*. ens of times (of a?w*r few htf?dtes ni the eost of a single copper cent. Don't you think a ?ew of these wonld be' worth walle Itf yoar Eoase ? ^^^^ .Tfi;: ?-. : : uiiimif ??ei y tJ&y New Vehicles of e very description | ke?p comiilfirl?i every ?I^W wd.'^laiA'^jr aJf^tJ^Li. tX7t^_^ _^Jli ?tobes is tire finest ever. We ?lso have some Extra Good Mules and rses on hand* come and see them. Stocks and Bondi New* York,'Feb. lS.-^There -Wae lie* tie to distinguish rodey** rtinVkot frow colorli'sB prppo'iilii*" aeHMo?fe fills wet*. The oodertotie Wo? distinctly ffrttf. Bot odfy'? coinpmVaiiteiy "few etookK mrVdo gains Of a' point or moie. T!:c teridericy upward Was challenged' ?t intervals by pressure* against' p'a'r-i tlciilar i?sii?8/*??crt'?S'^r?w*,''Havr!i, ' tfew York Contrai and the ftbck Is-I lauds. Suc Ii headway as was 'made warf due largely to tno foreign Influence; Hfgh or prices for A^Hrtrf doctes sedt over' fronr the English* market were accepted Tidro at tiie opening. " Strength' of sffcel. 1h respbhs* to. Its steady obborrH?otoV Aav* tone to the induBfrntto^ AdVaneea Ii? ?tis Warf of the* list wore influenced by accumu lating 'evidence,! of improving busl noes conditions. ' Known 'ebrr?ney tnoV?ra?htk of the week "suggestbtf atabfher strong bank statement. A' gain in cash of 34,000, oob to ?.otffl.Co? waif tor-hast. o^i.itK w"?rc ? few v.-jtak pc'.hti, in the bond market! Its tone id g?nerai was good. Total Sales, par value, $2. I)tt5;0v0. irnltcd State? bonds-Were uh ehanged on call. Total- sales of share-; wore 237,000. a--'""''^"aV IPS Money Market . NeW York, Feb. ll^MdnV offCdli steady', ? n-i ft 2; rifliuKW;'i 8*rt closing.' 2 1-t. Tune' fo'atts steady ; *tt&y. ?^ya-, 2 i-- <^ 3-4 : biflfety day^f 2 :i-4 ?; Blx months, 4 1-2. Mer cantile' i?p?Y. * *HC;fl??r?J?fc Ster ling cxcKaflg? ea?y.; sixty a*d Indufefry. Wit do apparent abatdnient of (he sanguine s?rftlwfent hlt!ffcrt?l ln cvid?e?b. Ad*; ttvily liuK b?ehr'chleily ni)t1cea*i'd''fd! the lhrger* ptfnhfty niarVetk, vrifeVe* goth* reports arf*?j' p;isr imsinefs have boon1 rfhtf are U?ihg donrtWnetf an'd^Mr the ranks of War i'flstrlh?torr, who1 have felt, the Sen?fiblaf cffee? dt a full wbek of cold' weather upbh retail trade fn bea-vy wearing apparel.4 "In Jrce aodVeel and in cotton and woolen nianufachirii.-. the effects Of good January order...>; arc now ylsl-, ble in large Outputs and increased cu pkcltx' ea-jfttrjfed. Then too. the ???? Wive of spring buying by interior jobbers ahd- large retailers Is noted at' tbe- larger 'markets, where, hotv ?vCr, buying is chiefly or small lots widely - dmtribet'ed. .Justness failures for'the week were 3e?;.whl8h comparen with 2*? IIW&?3. '' Wheat OTport* for til* w****? aggre gate Is 4,0ft2',4O8 bushels against 4, 354,160 last year. Hester** Statement. Now York, Feb. i?^otton 'was Wghor today on covcrTftg; trading buy ing and u moderato dclh?ltd rrbtnhbus Ch wiiij Liverpool connections, wiiicln| Was' e ?pposed to reproach t a f?rthor reduction in Urn straddle IdtoreBt;- Tvhe support was' by no riWnu* adttv? or1 . ! gTesslve, but offerings wer* comp1? r? atlvely light, and .he' market cloang rh,if> steady et a, net. advance of 5^ re il points. " ' " ' ' ?fctli lilv?ini??! and* ?eW' (oriente made a> stczMy sjiej^K^ | *! holiday; .atid?ihrsiS' p^??% herb Were steady a*Mni--a?^aae^#.dv/t6f'7>'po?^ on ' tho c it? crop >:rrts on' bew eror?; ribsnit fhliy.of-at> jjolriti '.the- w^k and evidently attrncto kbdto riVa^Tnhiji';' fih1l|i^t[t|f?' T?iiiiiiif ftt~ e^sfe^mi^htry iw con^a^ac*ilF?ev but,' en ?- e?tback of only :: t?-.4 .polet?, !tbe buying b/v.milo a littf? inor'? atittve. ISfonaofl with foreign colHiec*hi^.4'rhe?fncd orders WrdieWitmrfi?leTrt? and' InW ^rve the market a very-steady ungortbtt*;' ' *l " ' Spot bottbilf'qufett middling uptandw, 12.85 ; to g-Slf, f* 10: NO ' 'totes*. Cotton futures ol?s?d stphdy. ^ "ift* i&*7 .. New OrreaUM. Fe... 13.?S?eretary Irdster's weekly ' Bta:emerit l?suod to day showB for tfio t'.iirteen dkys of February, an Idereahc over last year 0fW25^(^a*fr>ft decrease tnid'er the same period year before last of 2?0, .{k/o. ? . ^mmm^i - . - : : v? For th/lftg d'dys or the sca\?oi' t??t have clap pod", the aggregate IS ahead W-f^fd^l??'dlryV^ last yesr.-HHi^l 'and behind the tame iloys-year before last, aaft.ooo1. The aittoutet hnrug'at into'sight'd ing the ;-paise weetc haif reed ! bates, agai?'sV^8&',ix7 m- iatf cevtm t ii?yn ending tb?s date I year, and 109^82 year' bOfore last. 1 ' The ^d'/ewiMNmce' Sdfjl^t sftbwg receipts al^'air United' state*' poYts 8i4T6i?n;. ng*lmtt' K.l7?.lW'lBlif year; overland, across the ?f.ssisslppi, Ohio atnl ?Vitnmttt- rliit^ii ..? i^j*>J.r?rh;n.1lVi? hnd C??adiV agni?st Rl?.?i? .last yeair?'4iB?JBTl?rr striSlis> ld: exbess Lof thaha rWi^Sfil? ?aogS*of the ?6n? mcrclai ytfar-f07.d7l, aglrrairtf' 'dia per led 12.27 11.97 12/22 .11.92 m October .. if.49 New Orleans Cotton 11.&4 12:26 ?VM stiaSov ** ?t . .H?Uth'?'l?Sljja?i?r centers ha. __icd dWritii mitmg oiochtf'fe? dV?r '?t porta And interior t'owds- flftisi the1 rast c*?i aiid the-number otTnalei brboght lnto sight: 'thus r?V fro*- fee heW' crop, the supply to d itb lu t#4^.083Vagaf*Bi it.792,816 Tor t?d stone period last yeay. Worths Cotton 12.26 11.75 I ?...1 New Orleans, Feb. 13.?Wille cotton ?!?vk<*? Fft?^y 'h'^* *^ fh'*^r. nnf?'g, {Hi ?- : ! ; :? ;- ft-as to wer?fe '..higher levels on more bulllah views on the s^jt1 situation, increased mill tnk inss, a? r?ltrhg dit o? ih?> tobt ehieiit 'IsV to sight, small stbe::.' in-' the- eastern bolt and rumors of bullish operations,; in the March p?s!tio?.*Ti.c- close WjSc t> t a nfet advance rif i to-:5 hibre'^oT if ' d faaes ttton? jiOTul^VkderH t- i.. i W-ceUhVil' condltl' ' wh^e m^lr^llfef Calaaced by' 'to& W?W*&?iitfbs r tftlqt,1 c?tfiHA f rVldy';' t-ftf oW Illing, IS. Sale, od tho spot. 1 .&* }; se*rt'v?; '?O0. y^Woa futeres closing: lds9rCh. .. 12 New OrteutiK. fob.1 it?Sdtrei star's" isi!?cnm?t- ' the " Wd'r >(.tun i.-,-ued to be vvebtf' Ju : -r. '" j ylhWV? i* C.l!)7,i??:agaliist 0^56^4. i??t \Veeft;, r..'<;;6,i^-mstypan tC&idvsM tb^?l 'of Aineric?n cotton la 4.4?^A?y agaiafet: 4.547,06.' Mast il> 6Bej< kinds. lAcluding cgypf.'B?? .nlla1.'etb., l.727,OC4oi, ifgainBt i. Vie. t^aT. worldja r. saov,- a last week issfilf A " the wortd'? 'tWrdii?' " 3,150.000, ? sa .912.C00 Ofk) faut year. supply of so compared .''S?f tuet case At im* ou 1 - ? how/'id^at add' ' held mm AuKUst.. October.. < .ay 6?e?.ta?-and support fif^r^' lisMlegj yirday. fbnsts. hot towArds (he 1 liiiW'ifliiri'i lif I SQbnrne'd at to ?tais Bat longs, but towards the close pn acted ellghtly with'terAV J were 4?ilw mw?r?'e? f Sales; 10,400 barrels. Prime crude, 060) sales. S0O. Prtmw y**low 7?* in ? Fehruary. tobt VU???K?USuh^[ 71-3May. 731; J : v, 751; A\igast, il I. jleiall'Wli^lf1" 11 1' nun ' Lfver? bo!. Feh: sa.?rSPet julet; higher; ntt?dlibg1 rai tond Mfc* * ?'?r. wtwhni Houses 9 Vau H?ff, 6r the ?nivbr on lh< argd* Massedomni dfoefal d?"' [of but' ?dKmrnrd a don b'.?I. efeuii^ed in not vttttnv nwfncit V. H. ( hcxblre Makes Ntateueat Reference |w His ?w?1ms.j In myself, ihe members of the ett und police omelals, I ask explalrt article appearing. Id -tWsH morning's Iritelflifeflcer' fn referheco tmy Intentions 1 nc?mplftfla WitbJ ? "olue law* to gb Into ?lSPf'ff?jrt indEy.' White' The Tht Quoted Me' cdrreetiy, I tmld'fn reply CO ? quetilCn' as' to wh?t I vrae gpittgB to do. that r expected to d? b?sftu?**H ri?xf SMdday. but did not want any thing publicly said about it HoweverH in giving in change of adv., I statedH IW Oils adV. that I Would be opon rbr business next Sunday. .My, reasor for this Was that I Wanted those wht usually partrorilze m? on SundhysB to know that they could get turnoutsB ^auittaj!; 'While 1 know that' thefl article was Hot'intended, it Wbufd lead the public to believe that I intend W'tibcUr the city' officials and' ?iai I proposed t6 g?'tb wttr* With' them] Such IS not the Case. I' am friendty to eVery membo>: of council, as. well as the mayor and poiicettjen and at far as I know they arc all friends ol mine. Two of fie best friends I hav< . are members'?f council and tbe ma I Jority of the' police force are1 ward I friends of mlrie ahdhu veV been '"foifl years While VM whole fdrceis-'friehd-B l'y to me. Recorder Russell add my 'self worked together on Urfr same newspaper for" several years and have 'always been' and are how personal friends: fn other words the City bffl 'cAAt? and'myself are oh the ve-y best of terms and. I hope and believe these relations will continue.' I h?ve nev er hud anything but words of praise for the present "council and'$hue ?di ter of Th?' Intelligencer, I'sfitd editor rally; ? auhib?r' of' times' tfial' ft waji the most progressive cbun??l th?t fiai] be?h! elected within thy mei?ory aat failli aa/ so. To show rn> appt-e cfotlpn of their good wora amf my bo iter in their ability ta .V handle the prttnos?fihn with credit lo thems'c?ve? and ; th*' ?ity,' I vdfcd for". the recent bond issue that was' lost. I ddn'i think - that-the present council fee: th?tr authority any tod strong or1 gel chesty like, some of those In the past but that each and every member hon estly trie's^ to do what fie thinks best for-the1' cilyJ They : have', oh' sover?; occasions taken tlie people into theii ooMfidenc'e and asked them to meet with theni and give'' advie? on public matters in which'taxpayers are in torcstedv I'have dcVer known; a pr ftWcounclt to do this. K j \?: wfitiag these few words' of com mendation. I am not' attempting sw*BOOp' the city officials as they ?mc the public know that I am only reit crating what I havo said la the past l am never on the fence and the'pab" 'He. always knows Whore I can .found on any question. I paid'"that the rich 'man did nc m to fill* arlbrnOkt- orf Sunday " W give his* famtly aii'ot " ' '''-fWiiare-'-or'ft.., bhr-tb^'tw be? no partiality ehdv , tlip ihOst of mVr business. Is] done on>Sunilbya. lPT Was, forc??ffil ciciao on Sundays," I would * out or livery qh' wee t rs?si ai' f?ltjy nett' of :?i .. J only oH?'ro in tfie wet dtid? that day Is Sunday Words if t km forced to* cfose dh ?tn days 2 W1?? hav? to go* Orit of bus Ines* as I would not"-uWdkc enough i feed my horses to say nothing, of pa: ing stable hande; nt and rhany ?tl cr expense1^ 1 ht&Ve In "V" about iwcnty-ftv? hOr?es s?hd th? fe bil 1 1s? H?fcvy,. averagtofc.HB. * JaMil per mWhtb. - 1 ' ^'"^^Zr^Sl l hdp? t1 wHl" rit* b? ?oi'c?d to bai nhythmg t?xM^ ox? this ' mattet U m case I do; I att goffft^td^fes^mUsa personal with thoso Who shoved t " If matte.' on council. Respectfully, , V. B. Cheshire. tcentle VatA. (ifil soi Ur?4 >.;r7T*sMM*?.h' HjrsumwM Not Ihm t?te 'SpwnlHtl MvreHAt| of Chlliuaiiua. ' ;Ju^rcf... Mox..: Keb. M. -An ;?A?jecl )ia?b|i which Oc^TCTuociBOp^ slroa^ll his oW^1 Wli?* fflM?rort,ires1dcn .. a1 ^p?n?s? Mo^terV.' a Og*atq ??lialf of tM.ffed?ra> gftj hoc eh -ptTorts have meto ~ its ' agents - ht Washington to gtWe i interpretation, to hie . .utter i?rpg*r?eo:^b stfe t oi the fact vFjtut x?ii s cot-eg\< you wantfVniqttired Qen Tla#>ftr.,,,'?wl drM t!? our hdmei . mlsiachk ?vtlt?'as fcpokeama?. ' yem both ?oaranw?S . l^uaMerstaceV that yoi Spatn .however, that'Wv. stiMtoes to ydur pta< imposing t m we lea v?brs'hstV rap: ?Round Xw Fare*? -,-,yiit-1 n Southern Railway s: ' ta connection with Blue Rid?e, Premier carrier of the &.-th* from JUMterson, S. C. $lk2a New Orleans, La. and rt-ttoh aecodnf of M?rdf ffraa j&lebrhtfcm Tickets ou ?a'? Fe*,MStf to 23rd with return limit "March 6tb RSMf 14,55 , Fensacola? Ft'a^ land return account df Mardi Gras Celebration. Tfckcfs on sale Feb. ?f to 23rd. with return limit March Cth. $15.00 Mobile, Ala., and 'return accduttt df Mardi' Gras Celebration* Ticket?' on sate Feb. 17 to 23rd. with return limit March . Cth. $12.75 Ricl^.cni V?. and return, o-cotmr of National ?d?> catlonal Afcfcodlatton. Tlc.etiJ on ?b\6 Feb. 21'. 22, and 23rd, with return' limit March 4th, 1D14. For wuipi ste infor mation, ticket*, etc., call on ticket agent, or, if. IL TARER, PtTA. fireeaVille, S. C. W; E. WcGEE. A CPA, t'olarabla, 8* C General Paaabng?r Agent, = f" " = G>eenvTtte,S.' c. ..Reduced ;j8$ajff TOg- Pare? from ?mter Heu, a. C mcHK0M>, va. ... .. Account of National Education Asso ciation1. Tickets ton shite Feb. 21, 22. ?3\ with return limit March, 4tb; 1914. NeW Orleans, I*. . $19165 t turo>;uio, * m ..... Mobile, Ala.$15.45 ' Account Mardi Grasr Olebratlon. Tickets on sale Feb. 17th to 23rd, with retur limit March, 6th 1914. For further information call oa City Ticket Agent, or write 0i ? A5?LBN,' v tfiajiSu4^^tiLw:.Ji-L).t.jaim'. 'i. i1 ?' greatly^ m wem* isimm trip VARE?iROJK ANDERSON, S.U. Rtefettawd* taw tMWS- ? . Account .ci National, iwucEiico As-j sootatlo?. TieteatBi ?jnttialwJ(^-3li,v^J l ;?ft?wlfii rcture limit ?a^^ !?h/^l .1914/ r . l u, ^.SS^'V i'1'5 Sew Ateno^ l^?*!^ Fensaeolu, fta^?1^00 Mobile, Ala* Accout Mar d G ras , eel cbratloa ; ; acheta on sale Feb. 17 th to* 23rd?- wlth| return, limit March ?th, 1014. Washington, J}? C* $1635 Account Fiftieth 1 Anniversary, B^5?t*r' of pythas. Tickets ou sale ?in.-? TT. VI. IO.UIU llllll. -iClU 111 ail- auvi. mm :*.?,?., Feb. 2Wby iWA. m Far further information call city j ticket agent or write, C. 8. AULSN, General Pass. Agent, !-B^Vi-?.?-?*--:?-.,?*mu m<-..i4teaaasrSa/&?,.] . iWll'llllI ! 11111^11.1^11 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Prwteler ?iM^^MMi IN COIffll^trar VtrTH Jli,UR RlHilB| RAILWAY, . Hcb?uul Effectue Joe. IB, /Wl I; !N.- B.: the fo!i6w>n? schedule dgorea ; f*re. published orily as information and 1 ml*, ant ninniniMa . vvaraWawHlSlii |H Arrival and departure pf trains from Anderson, S. c. iP^ii^^S. jfffel^fnfe-' yronj " Tl riVo .2d Oreenvilfo atid Bdlton.. 8:31 a. ?n.1 IS ?reehvrtf? ana"licn'6n:,.li:50 a. m. 15 Charleston, Columbia and thi-bugh sleeper to ... V^;".'.V.n:60a. m, / vWEalia atttrT 5 Kf^sentjca .".V.*.. 7...,*:? a. m. JwClre^miille'ifttf BlrttofiT.". 1:26 p. m. 'lO Walhalla; and^ ^ g-^ legten, CoinmWkand ' Tares Coluobls coach Sfeitos. Oreetf-'i Be) ton I 24 Beltoa 1* m* Keats or W. R. Tabor P. a W. a. HeOaa, 4L I 1 ?in11 "HMMffl ? '',r 7?jl DO YOU What You '"ML j?I: . Im im . si Waiit ?? ; in* ?t^l???^