s THE BIG EVENT Over Six HwK?lred F? pie Are Cpmjr?g tq Anderson WEDNESDAY IS OPENING DAY World's Greatest Workers Are Coming Here for the Great State Sunday School '. Association Many Anderson people have failed to ?raap any dear conception of the cnormoiiB proportions of the |hirty Heventh annunl Sunday school cbnvon tlon, which convene!; here ncr.t week, nno rit \- iiiit it means to Anderson. The incYo, Jact yUit (100 or jhis ouI, ?(J(I p'oplt! .'.'.ill he (jfoilljlif 10;'. liirr In oil'- ennse nWl with n fShmmoii under standing Ii within Itself a motif r? mniUahle focL Another rpcl Ural local people remold laKti i'wjMiizlirif' . o) |m thai Borne of the brainiest people in tho" United Stuten win he amn'nj; the visitors thif city for tf?? event. T|ic program h> splendid, Hie' ititui?c will equal anything dveV attempted in this State, ilic iipenkers; sern'rcfl, for the ne oaftfoo have' no kuporior:?, and the practical miili , on the method of : erm ine, moid effective work must prove'to l.iil'ly lutoi-es(i(i? sr. will its imtnnlIve. Some of tile tiior'e prominent f??" the Vldll'or? Io th? cltv for the eonvenlfVin ftfo! .1. Nhreve mimant, visitation : u perinteinViit < i' ihn National Sunday Nch.f what It for a town m entertain auch a eortvehtion. H bad been hoped that by this time tho c?mbiete lirai or delegates who will cniiic from the various towns of the State would be 'available, 'but this |s ?tili in the Imods. of Miss (irace \V. Vnhdlver at Rnarunburg. the Berre iary o? Die njtKoelat|on.; Miss Vnndl-j vor will probably Unfall with' the Ils.tj MMU ?iinv:uii i\\y. mtllie ?o ?TIii< !' um early' next Wt'-ok. Koine, or tin- lie't known people VU th.. Ktat.e will he found in this lint hs Qidegat.es from j t!:-.- iinii:, ehii? e.Uu.t .lii?, this i.'onven-, tlon will bring to Anderson n host ut\ 'well-known cburcb workers. Tho following is the r'ompl?te oui. dal program: Wednesday Morning "to A. M.---Soug-svrvloe. led hy .llnr iiJd <:. Lowdon, I'liUadolphin. i'a. 10:30 A. M. Opdnlng prayer. ldM" A- ?Address of welcome ; t' I A- Wlmley.' 'sccertary or th?i r of Comcuerce. A. M. Address or welcome tn or the Ministerial uuion. fir. J. es. A." M.?Tles|>o?.so. ?D A. M. 'Our Task." tho Ttov. IWt. asAldcnt-'tiaW a.::v. .-'MUoidone Thirty V. W: II. K. PelMlletoU Itlvo eommittee, S|inr : U,lie .f .: Ol i:tl : Hi. iiii> In ?.onr?. \\ it h the Word," Hamann, i>.r'?..tr tle*t.a?d d?aWiaia He Holl Po - Samuel Y\. S?rth the (.lonipntnry division, Mrx. Bry- J 11 A. M - "The t'luiUcngc or the I Adolovcenee." Prof. .1 W. Thompson, j Winthrop college, Hock Hill. 11::?ii A. .M -"Hair Hour wlili j thi' Word," Dr. William J. Williamson, j l2:lo I?. M.- "Headline Men and . V/omen." . Shrevo Durham, j 12:10 P.M. - "Tlx- llorii? Department I < '. i rons. I I'. M.*--"Tea?hirig thnflc Wi> J 1.'ni-li," .l(/lm V. Cnrmati. Denver, j Colo " thnrsdaj AHerimnn Cob(t>rdnV<|d i<> '..:i;j:, I?, M. "How to Ifclji Ilia Headier* Ken. h un- i'opp??,'1 J. Shrevo Durham. Frlilny Morning* 9:80 a. M Sonn Borvi?e, (od by Mr. I.ov.don. in A. M -Prnycr. 10: in A. M. -"Machinery and Pow er," John Ci rarmnu. Ki.io \. M?"How tn IVach tbo ??qi sun People on, tt'? om-mi.'." .1. nin< vi: Durham. M n A. M - 'H?-.H Hour vViiii the Word." l?r. W'iUUam J, \VJIIiaui.-on. i'2 .M. Mtt;[| i ' : I'l IV M Wo o /nil ion of ? Olin F? M,?y Ih um. l^illlv, filffoh PurtH. J. A. Cnx. tanViidc :v.il" ' Township i-U- W. .lohn.-.m. W !{. IbJtiel\ K Pt?r.n< 11, J. iL cWtnt'. ' l^rd?itiu Vow:.>.!.;|. J. T. WolUer, Ma.t,:u.?,i < . ' \V. iVulk. lier", l'iiili ' '.VjM d \ycrV.. l. .1 iJugood Du.? v ...vuM'.'?; --Mif?m l?llii?. Cedar KnriugK Tnwntiltlp?W. f. Lnhgley, f. T- Youor, lt. Cl; M.Km rtcV;TC. isV Evat?. . IE WS SP CO. The Depot ."Witli all eyes on it". ?Mtk Farmer? \y a te b y $ Grow! POULTRY RAISING ! IN THIS COUNTY Cc9.l?!? pf Anderson County Arc Awakening to Trcmenu* Profil in tij.ii Imlueiry There i.i now u stain wide nwaUcn ?;??' on tliq pari of tho popolc of South Carolina to IliO great profil to be de rived from lue poult > raising indus try and more especially Ik ibis trne til the propin of Anderson county. Throm'tiout Hit section mm h infer* est In being mntilf?kt?d in poultry day. wlii. h in to he held mi Ike I7ili in connect') li with l'armcis' Trade:-, day, l>y the Molerson C'humhe'r or t'om m er ce. One the best articles recently sub mitted to The [itfQlMgcnccr for pah (iciitlnn in connection with Ihe poul try Idoa Is that of W. K. ItfiHor rcceiv 6d yesterday. Mr. Kusor deals wo h Ihe OroWn I .eg horn und has prepared a splendid rirthdo whieh is herewith submitted to tho rentiers of iiii:; paper: llrown l*eghcrnr. .are known every where and admired for their sterling qualities and r FmiSli, grc?l foragers', conseillant|y great layers, ikmieonc lutii an id fh.u ;i "Brown Leghorn'' hi n trbold'scratch through n'n Inch plank (o get it bundle of on{ ?. Rrowp l?eg iiorn pullctn fr?q'?ciiUy begin toy lay Is four and four and n hilf month:, of nge, and h'nvp paid for their raising I., lore (nrgcr breeds reach niaturity. t.trown I-' rlior m are mm icitt rf-:,'iml im - . ... a illy .'.ill get. hro.otly after ihey |i:tV' 11-.if l|i d the ago of (Wo or more year;', and ml) sol and rahjC a l.i ..od of I hfckm. Tin- Brown LoRhorn Is tie- ro voter's le.'d factory, she transforms grain, luiiV, I I. . into eggs: ihe ts like a gOnfl 1< i-.> COU tlie-Miore feed ..he wilr cfihsurno the more profit she will ShrtW, 'lie Ilrov.-n l.'fchorn I aye. well in winter .vi.en properly housed and fed. In I he i.timnici* lime when ail the lariv r breeds are elm-king aroufld. or :,(am;inii idle in noiitel eoop lie i'.ri wo Leghorn is ns busy ns a 6eC and AS happy OS a la>ri; while pi< kifjfj Uli her. IlviiiC <>n the fhrni nilfl i>ml|i|g in r owie-r io market ev< > week wJ(U a well filled basket of eggs! It's a question with Ihe tanner if winter pggi pay even at high prices ftfie? counting the extra care and reed nfej essai y and the exposure to cold in eurlutf for Hie iloek and marketing Hie egg.-'., ^.i: any one doubts this bl.it?' 10' ni, let him take a ftp through the country mid he will find us 1 have I found, that it ta the exc eption where 1 ne rinds a farmer wh ; has taken any I thought or made any preparation to hare pletny of winter eggs lor market. I The fuel that the Drown Leghorn, hen i will produce grout quantities of hcuu tlfu? white from January to Oc ! iober with practically no attention ion the farm) accounts for her great end -universal popularity. There is fowls throughout tjui southland Where scarcely a rlock of mixed barn ynrd Drown Leghorn blood is not in evi dence. The the amateur, the breeding m exhibition Brown l.eghcrns is a pusi - |<- Tin- standnrd rit perfection re quire:; the male to be a rieh cherry foil from head to tail, with hackle (or neck? feathers striped with a do-.umt bi.u K snip running down each feather: the requirement., for back and sadie feathers to he striped the same as hackle. T?ke exhibition ti m.i!e must have a rieh goldjcih neclc sn iped in black: with back apd wltigfli q ltipht. soft, even color, nnd bfcoat Of salmon. It is impossihlo td produce liiRh quality exhibition sp cimeua -af bo|b mAlo ad female from one or n in !e mating, conseouebtly this has given tbie to what la known to the faticler ria double nmtilitr. The faneler v. Ill tuke a rich elieriy red male am! to-, him will mate the females which ntv> very mm h too dark tor stnttdiftd color of fi inale; so dirk that'In fm l aomo one' has "dubbed" tliemCrow t.eg t hnvnsj. Thrt niftle produced, from thi:; ihul ir.e; should be of that tieh. cherry fed color like the Bice at ihn bead of the pen; romale produecd f-nm Ihlrf : matin?; should b?> V?ri1 :?": :. "ii?tv i'c :ms!e2 in P"??; this rnr?inu if; known to the f?bclWr "aa'.iytrk line or mickeral mating. Pullets prodim^d irri.i the dark mating* make Rftut laying In mi and are sgjuauje m miitig to prodm e proper color ?n mal?'.s." hut pilllct'i fioiU this 'f.'i V. lu.vtin^ si?.mid never ?w ' :.. e. nipri.iiou with He light ilr puHei H.,e piillelr.. ' I,: bibitioii pull -Is are1 prodvmed from whal is known io the fapuior an the light or pa\irt line iQatiiiur made up as follows: fcelec't females with rich gold?h" i'mckji wtr-ped with tdn.-.t ?;:i< \ : .ir.d v la-Os t h id soff light . vr j; brq-.Mi coltii- wnti salmon l.reasi? llr.lit for ex should never iToa with tit The cockC never he en 't line, as . .ry and s.. ihsf w .;?is' or mating, VI cockerel Pne t> limn tie h .' . they ?ci For hotels vice watrgns with a loud WHAT 10 00 WITH CM IHllt PB! Stalk Borer Abound.; :n A;u|cr;;oii , t.'ounty,'*Accbri!iiiR to Ecpc-rt Wbq Came Here ffm)\tfg in jth? !hr.t the expert who vi. iH'd AbderK/in county Inst' weoji Kiiiil that th?'?t in lall: borer Is found mi . very hand In ill's eounty and tbd'l in ciii ally no tii iii Is free from the best, the 8tni? rm ni t mming'' fron) ciemnou CaUege relative tu the best wrf) in vvMHt tu i:< i rid of the liiae? t will be rt?u?i w iiii interest here. h) *tlnr llfjflllt!, tlx* IJ "Ml.I.-: of tin* A internen county ont raisers, rr.it A. V, Coi?i-?di, of (,'leroeon College sold! ' S 'Of the two kind (if borer? fre quo/illy found hi rori?i I lie larger] i n) a alalU bore- i tin* more common und Impori?rit. This Is I be whitish grub thai in.iy la- fou,nil in the stubble below the ground In iiuy eorn lielrij In South Carolin:: iltirjllg the winter. "A few (lays ago u farmer indeed I tlic writer whether this new insect i:: a new corporal (fin. It Ir not ; it \n one of our oldest hui::?, it doe's \- re damage- every year In ono section or the other. 1( lins had the attention of entomologists for years. It WO) lj)m: hclievcdthat Ihb sugarcane borer j and 111 ir. were jh same; but It upoar; 'from the work ni rit1, BarliO bf the I tor can of fjjDtn.inrdogy that (h?y ave I din : ni - the r.ain borer now bo_ihg| 1 known a? Dlat'-.n a : r/celu'rall:..' 'uin! roi it borer sir. i > > i-Iolla. "Ah ?nrly n:i v <> Hi iiimnnl report I ! of the iJcpftrtiiicnt of Agriculture, for I that year; Prot, comntock gave a. full acrrir.it ot tbl:> i -.r:i pe t. SnCnkftak j of control men.'ir-: lifi :.iy:,: 'A ino ? :itl:;r.-irWy rem ;. for the corn borer, rnfi probably "hi; derived from (]i? fftct Ih.-il it {i\tieVm???: m 'llie' iit-alk and ; nibble m ?|m |.;i .iiTMatc.' fie thf ii < fini/u'i'i-;''to r< l oiiMiu iid methods for tin*' drPliiiufil.of fodder and drsfrVdctiori ot rtitrrt >rmi' fiiti'd.-. in \u:.tV i; !: >",. I)r. Howard wrote circular !*rv. Vi ( '.( *; Bureau of Un bitpojrtgy '(a tl'ii: riihjert. He gav? n I liie lii.-:|Viry nbiiig t wo generations ami .. tini'.itoil He- d.im.igo during abundant se?noT:. al m ? Into, effect the ro ( omiuendutious' iope;itedly made. The suhject has ber-p discuwl^^t fhTmcrs' 'nie?tlpgs, aTad' considerable progress has btjen made through'the efforts of dcffibhstfaWon who are con tib?lttg tlie work. "Co-opcrntitth In the community ir. mo:;t important, ?nibble may be bib wed under If'carefully done, ir corn is hnrvci ted late, it Interoferea with the ebver crops; so every effort should be hihUc to harvest the corn early. Our bS <( lU V bas been to break ont the fctilks, root and atl, rake ibeni Into heaps.' !*ivd burn thorn when dry. This semi* very tuxtbfactory fqr iho roiigli destruction, and produces koo?" rcrulta, " cspechj?W when far mers of the. eoniiuu.-.u^ act i?gcth?r. Tin brut result.' liavc' been 'obl?(ii?a iw sections (if i lie. stale where 't he' be?< be: t rcsultfl Imve 'b.e-'-n obtained ?ii prncttred. \t w l? niich' secmna 'that the effect ot this pest lit felt leaetL ND ^ Rates To Appear Before Tariff Aeeoci a?on \n AwdjeHon's ?fchaU ncebld ol Ander.' nn and <>r tills en tire fa-ctton are mncii interested in the conference wlifoh is (o Ud?' place lu ^?Kati-ta nexi A?onriay. i'eb. ^, qe tw en i fbcials of the \ario.ir. rallr(i:uV-t operating in soullicj?.t Sniith Carolina, the representatfvn? of ^pnrttiubufK, 1. ,,!,,, ; i,,, ;,,,,( n,? iii"in- taiein j jirtn A-'.^ociation. 'yn* I'lednuii'l lov. i.:-. 'will' ask for neu v...-. mi 11 on, to be imdMj upon tac rat. ? ?piv tiding In Nortli Carolina from uu?n river'points' .?p? mrtti. Tlo >r North C:\rolth'( ' to 'by lb fa the Xortu alcd to the inter*tnt( : ranted it elves the' Noritft Carolina lov. a-, li 'HebiAc/i ndnvntdgo lover the cltbn:o^?'Jilf Ruction. 1?. A. Uenn^. truffle managet- of tiie And?v??on Catatnfcer cf Commerce, K?W be ol'v ol tUO.M' to ntti'tlll the < on fcri^nce, go'ini; in the interetiti; ot Cao ; clly Of And. r ?m. It i i generally nr? :';uno-i tii.ii . . t4t,o'. will be"** .ii- d I'.i, ,in y. ..ittce it, would cb-Wrlv b'r ? ra2C|9-di--rr;inbi:ai} til the. local piHUo<|leo some uiornlhK :iii> rather' than in th? h. iiiil position.' Th? p.overiinn-iit la nald lu ha cru ii-mpiat'im; (Hitting foil vt t?U?to8 Into use In Hi'- pt^btllfli s throughout. ' the country, taking |he View th:tl lh*? clcrlc? eaVl mound m ma h shorter length'of lime mid too. rave mu?h fAliguo b> reason of i lie innovation. 'PM-i v... Lum bean. t?-.- tt ?I ?ml Im (lie Chicago po.iloHilci\ with the re Hull that tin- l:nit? argue' that 'Greenwood needs :i baseball asj?oclht ii)u ln'c iir'e Ih? < ity Is mg^t cprtajnl/' ;golp:n t d tod.'.v. 'The c.bnh Abh' ft. Thcmp?on, Rer?eant. y." S. A.^- hau he?rivdotai!ed hy tb" <\.-parti..- M to make the regular trir.petrthYrrs. >t ordinary tabd effort for ."'a rcC lac'k of fertiliser tftat Of~*&. ,';,:: . fe'wae W.??, apd |he fodder, count Wshel. ws been Invented a mlnlatnre a dir?i?n >.y flectriil^- a., ta teed wire will permit it to g M?DE UST YEAR of Y. M, C. A. SSows f-j*! r^ucij Has Been, Ac?ot? *Thc year 1918 bas 0'10 ?* marked nroifross." snvs the lingual report received In Auderson yester day, at Iba Interstate executive com-., imit?e. Youhg Men's Christian Asso ciations of North and South Carolina, ".Per Impf, thf rno?t Import au? devcl opinant,' fi?y? tho report, "hat* been tno inauguration of ?onimuulty boys' (fork in fjpck I(ffi and M? Sa,i|sbiuy. Tili, aim ot' this type of nsmelntloii v..?l. is to conserve and develop the boy life of the c?garaunMy; Us method Is to federate those agencies thai touch hoy life in its tanking. viz. Tim home, the school, the church and the municipality ? in an ag?esojVe campaign tor the development of l>oy life under the leadership of n boy'n work specialist. The work is done by using the equipment at hand* such as the churches, school buildings and playgrounds, rather than by providing tlie usual association cuuipmeot. By directing the pLiy, life or the boyu of tin school and of the city by organiz ing mill promoting ?anm'?lgnfl losing io the eruidUueiH of bays in Sunday schools; by cojiductin;; classes for parents-lu the'study of hoy life; by ^ervhig ad probation mid truancy or ricer where the need may require; b> promoting boys' clubs In needy- sec tion:; of fbd city and by other sitttlla nvHhodr; the. community boys' work become:, a vital'lorce in the commun ity; ; ,..'<<.. ( .mimnwily Work. "Special. Kignjffcnncc is attached to the inauguration of this work: "First. jBeoausb ii marks the bo ghtnlug of anew type of association v.ork iu tho Carolinas. _? '" ,riSeci?nd. Because It Is the first step in pic pcupaucy of that largo |?ortlori of our Held - the smaller cities. Third. Because It serves as a < ou nce! irtff Hnk'?K.crshlp of our brotherhood. ''Subscriptions .ggregatrofc' $ip?,Q00 were secure:* far n i.e.v biilldlng in tparlujOurg and what pio.nirc.-i (o b? a most complete association build Ing is tioxy in course or construction there. The Grecian of this building most encouraging, development in all modern association POpipm'oHt. "The reports limn OUT elty associa tfrt?tv s how not only ? sub.- latiiiai in crease hi membership, but also '? mnSf .-Miir.<-,iiiK development In nil departments of tho work; it in bJh< gratifying to be able to report that all of tb>' various activities of fb**? r.-..v. , eiatious are. being e- .itr?il upon the otic end uf making Christian men aim that the work or the rtripns liep?rt m^ui?. physical, social. edimatlr.n3| and nuligi'nn?.'ts ntihg developed tyto a unified and comprehensive scheme < largest oner, ytftt Ivnve. -Mrs. Kufus Fant. Anderson, S. O. 2-5-.tt. 0BDEBH TAliEN NOW FOB THE FOLLOWING: Egss. and day old chicks Buff Plymouth Bock?Friso winning stack in Auen..!a. Atlanta, etc. Pawn Indian ltunuor Dttcku (winhera at Helton, and other fails.) Pe.kin lsueks? From prbto winners. Qicopxp Turkeys?I'uro or also crossed with Virginia wild turkeyo. Vouhg Cockerels Capronod bo can car ry nil chicks giv^a thG>h. Will gladly answer nil luuuiroys. 1?. F. 00*,LA NO, Anderson., - -.8. C. I'.f'UiUliailiyffg^gBB^^ We grind into naeal any kind of grains.^?italks* ?obs, corn shucks, hay and fodder. Work done while you w*ft< Bring a load when you come to own. & Spring Bed Co* . .. .. * 4/ . Two Horse Farm . /To Rent See EUGENE ANDERSON at jgank Ollice, over Walter Key's Store. W. J. Manas* THE0YgT?R Kim When you want Fish or ? Oysters Gall 292. MAN^S^MARKET Voan failure to trade with mc e^fJtea ?g htfih to lose.. ? W. A. P0WER -TOY AHL BUSY BEE CAFE M EXT TO RATLRQAO BRIDGE rythW New and L ?CJJiANLLNESS O?R Business Men's L\ Give m s* Eagle Barber Shop i. uiid?re?! towels, high gr tonics cod experlencf-d barbern. tntfftO la if* pleart* . our cufrtofnerfc can'"and keo us. C. E. Hc*welf, iV?ana??v. -VISIT THE l?RBILtt SI r> P4ar' used i. <:. A. McGialti, .. SampsyV ; ' 1 ?.-47-lrao.