Electric Cit Item? m? Interest ?nd Perec .?al less OB tbe S tr AH evidence of tlio fact that An derson county ls progressing in a remarkable mannerV possibly fa;'.er than any other coun'y io the State, Ati'jprann COUQty faftWIWffl hu vp alvon ordere for r approximately $10,000 ?worth the breeding cattle within the last week. This shows that the pl?ntete of Anderson county know tit|t ., they must - adopt proSrcseife measures to keep up wkb tho now progress' and they are following the right line of endeavor in buying (Ino breeding cattle. The result of this step will be made evident within very few years in this county. It ls understood that tho confer once betweon representatives bf the cities of the Piedmont section and the various railroads, will bo held within tl e next few days, at which time lt is hoped that the cities of j this section of the State will bc able to secure booler rates than hereto-? fore. The North Carolina rate mat ter will soon be out of tho way and then will come thc consideration of South Carolina towns. < Anderson, Spartanburg, Greenville and other Piedmont titles. (Some Anderson county farmers are Interested in a'plan which has just been put Into execution in York county hy which thc bank? of cer tain towna in that county are letting farmers have money for a period of fire years, 'With the understanding that the farmers are to use the nv ..ey for making permanent improvements on their plantations. In Ave /ears there will (bo a ramarkaole change effected in York. T. 3. Harper, J. L. Teasley and A. A. MfcCurry of Hartwell, ?a., three CTClll kn/VUrn hilclnaiia SSS S? that Cit" were In Anderson yesterday looking ,?KT the field in connection with the proposed extension of the Interur ban railway to Atlanta. While here these gentlemen called at the Cham ber of Cotrtmorco au? said that they wore convinced of the probability of tibia action being taken. J. A, Brock and .Mass Alberta Bndok lett yesterday tor Beaufort: where they will spend several days. Mr. Brock hod been Ul tor oomo time and be goes to Beaufort to rest abd recuperate His friends in An derson trust that he may return to the oliy entirely recovered^ both in q tai th and In spirits. ; C. W. Norryce, city editor of the Doily Moil, ia confined to hie home on. Hampton street by illness. Mr. Norryce'a many friendo trust that bis indisposition will be of abort dura tion. J. If. Payne, who went to Columbia to attend a meeting of the asylum o?meniselon. hos returned to Ander son. ?ir. Payne anya that tho gov ernor's message relative to the asy lum matter, created great interest In] political circles ia Columbia. ' Mrs. S. dil ockley has returned froth Baltimore where she bas been lp a hospital tor some tim?. Priende of Mra. Bleckley in all parts of An derson county will be glad to learn that she is much Improved and that TW?< ? ? ...THEATRE] ..Today's Program.. A GIBX A Nil BBB MONEY-Victor j li Beel Feature with Floreare Law La wre nee TEACHING DAB A LESSON-Hester Comedy wita Ramona Langley and Bussell Bassett THE STRENGTH OF THE WEAK Powers Drama 4-Big BeeU Ever/ Day-lie mme ...THEATRE! ..Today's Program ML#P>*0 *>r,VS . Broncho f Beel Braise. HIS AWFUL VENGEANCE Reliance Comedy IT FAfS TO WAIT . American Comedy. 4 Basia Every Bay-19 c. "Malan! Morios Maka Tiate Fh y Sparklets Mention Caught Over the TTtre ce ts of Anderson. her condition now la considered en couraging. The heart of the small ibpy and idrl. and truth to tell of same cf tho "grown-ups" will soon he made gladi when Borkoot's carnival arrives in Andertop. The carnival company has secured a pefiult to enter the city and will exhibit here weok after next. MUNDAY SCHOOLS Mass Meeting to Be Held for Con? vention A meeting of the Finance com mitte? of the State Sunday school convention, was held this morning at the rooms of tho Chamber of Com merce, and a plan outlined by which a great mass gathering of the city churches of all denominations will be held at the First Baptist church, Sunday night, Fob. 1st, 8 P. M.. The commrttte? which includes B. F. .Mnurdln. M. M. Mattison, D. S. Tay lor, R. S. Ligon and J. R. 8heIor, mapped out and gave to the press yesterday the folowlng program. R. S. Ligen, Chninnan; B. F. Mautdln, Vice Chairman; D. 9. Tay lor, Vice Chairman; R. S. Shelor, Vice Chairman; F. M. Burnett, Secre tary; P. A. Whaley, Treasurer. Exorcises to be held at First Bap tist church, Anderson, 8 P. M. Feb. lat, 1914. Opening of meeting, hy chairman, R. S. Ligon; Invocation, Dr. Jno. F. Vines; State Convention, What lt moans, O. Cullen Sullivan; Spar tan burg Convention, aa I sew it. Rev. J. W. S peake; Finance plan for An tiorwa Convention, by chairman; two minute talks toy local ministers; Benediction, Dr. W. H. Fraser. "TRUTH" THE IB SLOGAN Atlanta "Ad" Men Addressed by Gov. Slatoa. Atlant?, January. 22-As the guest of honor* and principal speakor at a luncheon of the Atlanta Ad men's cWbtw?Syir&oveflto?r John M, Sistoni congratulated the Ad MM on their adoption of '-Truth" ad their national xnja&to and slogan. It waa ono of the largest meetings the Atlanta Ad Men nave' ever held and the governor talked to a represen? tative gathorlug of Athvntans. Mer chants and ' toa Incas ; men who use advertising, ms wall aa the mon who write an'i place the ads, are mem bers of the dub. Governor Sutton's subject waa The Dcctime of Publicity, and he dealt witu R tn a broad and economic way. Tho volta light of the proper kind of publicity, he said, waa one of the gr and eat safeguards of the nation. SITLZEB ON THE STAND Talla of beginning of War with Mar-1 t*y. Albany. N. Y. Jan. 22-^Jov. Wil liam Sui ser, appeared aa a witness j in District Attorney Whitman's John Doe inquiry tinto state highway i graft. He waa called to explain why aa governor-elect he bad sent a tele-| graml to the State canal board re questing ft to defer action on n 83 000,000 oanul contract upon which Stwart ?T^i?t bidder failed to get the "work, testified at a previous nearing 'that a huuv named Gaffney had asked him tor a contribution of j S per cent of tho contract. Suiter saM that he had sent the'1 telegram because there was danger that Stewart's bids would he thrown ont and thia woold be a great in Jus-? otee to Stewart and the state of New j York. For having requested th? canal 'hoard to defer, action hi the matter. Murphy summoned hun, Sui re r said, and told him he waa but ting in whare he did nat belong,*' and that ha waa "not going right aa gover nor.'* When Butter resented this and told the Tammany chief he intended to be bia ?wa governor, he a wo re that Mur phy replied," ; -Uko hell mn arm. UH sec whore youl end up, damned quick " ?aaa?: anid^that .when he hcame ^^^MS$m ***** Attorney ? Genera* Carmody. a.jnatnfrK of ?be canal hoard, that Stewart ought to get the contract and had nought to gat him Justice. The former governor testified that shortly before he sent the telegram to tho board he received one from G, M. MteGofre wMeh said that Stewart's bid waa thousands ot dollar?, lower than any o*b*r. Suiser sent the telegram on Deo, 19 and on the next day, he ?aid John Delaney, now commissioner ot th? bureau of efficiency et Albany came to nee him at bis office and said: "My God, what have you done? You lia ve opined the beans . The rblef le all worked up about it." Sulzer said he asked what he bad done and Delaney replied. "You sent u. telegram yesterday and lt has an gered the chief. Now he wants to see you. Sulser ?nid that Senator O'Gorman had told him later that Gaffney was "Murphy's chief bagman." and that GafTney had held up Stewart for 1100, OOO. O'Gorman told him thia, be said, ?when he informed thc senator that Murphy wanted to appolntGaffney State highway comtaissdoner. . "There were several oth?r demo crats there," he said "and I h"gtM/|tr ! 1 . asi ' 1 vii Soirs k__saflBr/ !.".. ? : .. :\ 1 .;. .-\. . - ; v ,. ? ; ?. f; 8pf f'<{ . ?a. PHR, commsadiug the eeoond divido: on the eastern coast of Mexico froi flchlean. alao uad*r hi? ?mm?!M?.. . ala, Qhaatae and Tacoma. Ben tor. She inarrcid liba shortly before his death and Inherited his large estate. The heirs at law have, attacked Mrs. Crawford In tho civil ? court, and at Ute Hame time started an action against her under a crim inal warrant charging that she hud poisoned her? husband. She and her lawyers declared at the time that it was an outrageous attempt to pre judice the civil case, and for some time peet she has been demanding that the grand jury take action on IL' The no bill by tho grand jury yes terday afternoon clears Mrs. Craw ford of al suspicion of poisoning. It ends tlie murder cbar,lo entirely, and leaves only the civil litigation to be settled. JUDGE SPEER. "BOASTED* In Accused of Unprofessional Con? dnrt. Macon, Ca., Jan. 22.-Witnesses be fore the subcommittee of Die house Judiciary committee ihveti;igating charges of official misconduct against United States District "Judge Speer, accused the jurist of permitting the dissipation for a bankrupt estate, of highhanded and tryannical methods of favoritism, of a tree UBe of con tempt cltattions, of discourtesy to members of the bar; aud of having a reputation for being approachable by "underground,, wireless" routes. Col. W. A. Huff, an octogenarian, testified that his estate had been thrown into bankruptcy in Judge Speer's court room more than four teen years ago ; that excessive fees had been allowed to various special masters and others; that a sum In excess of $90,000 derived from the sale of certain parts of his estate had been placed without Interest In a bank of which Judge Speer's busi ness partner was president and his brother In law vice president, where, it had remainpd for more than three years, that he had been citer for con tempt for addressing a letter to Judge Speer in which he complained of the bankruptcy proceedings and that what he claimed was a solvent estate had been wasted by long bankruptcy litigation. V. C. Snodgrass, an attorney , of Thomasville, Ga., testified that Judge Speer was arbitrary and tyrannical, that litigants were slow- to file suits in his court, fearing that they could not get justice. Maj. W. E. Simmons, an attorney o' Lawrenceville, Gai, testified that he had withdrawn ali litigation lu which he appeared as,counsel from Judge Speer'i court because he feared he could not get fair treatment from Judge Spear, ns the result of a per sonal antao lism growitg out of a political is*.rangement. He also teat? ifed that :n every suit Drought hy him heifore Jut?vv Speer foll?.wine thia estrangement, an advera-? decision had beau gi?ru, and th.it un appeal Judge 8p v r had in e^ch case been reversed., During the day's proceedings the committee again ruled that the hear ing was of an inquistorlal nautro, and that counsel for the defense were pre sent by courtesy. 1 he underdog gets a iot of sympa thy, bin Y hat he want J is help. His Warships. mm i cf the Atlantic fleet, directed the n hts fls^-***1:- Louttlsns,'shown at Other ?hips 35i?r u??s ara UKI Haw Friday and ?Saturday ...Specials... Infant's Soft sole Shoes, ] PILLOW CASES Button or Lace, usually sold Good quality hemmed PIL for 25c Special for Friday Cases, large size. Special and Saturday Friday and Saturday 10c Pair. \ Odd ?ot of Ladies' $1.00, $!.. ?jG mau ?p2.uG Corsets.. . Special for Friday and Satur day. 69c Ladies' Regular 25c black ard tan Stocking Special for Friday and Sat day 14c Pair. PILLOW CASES Good quality hemmed P'.UJ*. Cases, large size. Special for Friday and Saturday 9c Encl?. Yard wide brown and colored j| DICM Lilt cu, CAU? g mm quoit* ~ ty...Special for Friday .and Saturday 9c Yard. Be FLEISHM Up-To-Date Dept Store \ Women'? House Dresses, ? made of good quality stripes g Percale, $1.00 value. Spec- jg ?al for Friday and Saturday 59c I AN & BROS. I : : Anderson, S. C. 1 sanaMflraMraWHP raw1 rar^CTsirS .ON CASH TRANSACTIONS. FOR NEXT 30 DAYS -"SPECIAL BARGAINS" On remainder of our Shipment of Horses and Mules. They are goinf?iastSee them at once. j. s. FOWLER M ^MiJU^riM JUA, Uotxkr To fill a prescription rights drug store must first have the RIGHT KIND of prepa??tiotisJws are pure and TESTED. Then knowledge and care must he fflSa. Strychnine and Quinine [LOOK alika, bot don'tACT alike. Our registered pharmacists LOOK ALIKE, but don't act ali and we VERIFY r voryene Se ! fore we send it out. THk. is why we DESERVE your drug business. - Evan's Pharmacy Three Stores Thc prope- lighting of show wi.idows hui, been a great problem with most merchants, i. e., lighting ihriu ! in a wav which viii display the MERCHANDISE anet not his LIGHTING FIXTURES. While the lighting fixtures are absolutely neees5.uy for the .propel* lighting of thc display they should be designed to place the light on the 5cods and not in the eyes of persons looking in the win? ?ws. National X-Ray reflectors are designed exclusively "*~f?t window lighting, and thc merchant will have tie dif ficulty in selecting one which wiil correctly and "economi cally illuminate his windows. F". S. pVimilcliix, \0fmM\wk}??~? - 311 Nrt,lAh. Mair. Street ElectricajKontractor. I