Guano-Distributor More of this style of Distributors ar espld than all others combined. We call attention to points ot* superiority found in the CpLE DIS TRIBUTOR. The Wheeland t?oppe^ i ly made and well braced. The wheel cross grained, cement nailed and heidi 1 Uni? ver teil lc Gutter 'S*'?: ?!9 ""i xs the many bolts. The feed knives have our peculiar pattern and arrangement for the best results. The cut-oft is of improved design and is controlled by a lev er in easy reach of the operator. This lever is in rear of hopper an$ pro tected by the handles. The gauge is rjositive accu rate and easy to set. The whole machine is a splendid example Sulliv are strong s made, of seasoned timber, two-ply, firmly by two flanges and three Oliver Chilled Plows .re the original* the genuine, and the best CHILLED PLOWS in They *fg made better, theyfwear langer, do better work ?nd more ot H-WITH LIGHTER DRAFT, thu any other plow? made. Uitt. of OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS do aol hastate to recommend them ta the nisjhnt Senas. They qpeak (rom faith bom of sspenSBC*. More good features than any other. Pressure sPT?g in fr?nt of axle prevents neck weight on horses. Spring on hitch takes jerk off the team. Spring between pole and and frame relieves jaren bf accuarte workmanship. the driver. No axle through center of reel-to wind trash. Double edge knives give twice the service o? single edge. Axle pins not part of knife head and can be replaced when worn at slight cost. Wheels have stag gard spokes and hubs have hard oil caps. STRONG-WELL MADE- HANDSOME IN APPEARANCE. ii l AndersonL S. G i- I m ? ? wSBB e Electric Cit M . Items 3f ?merest and Personal g* less On the Str M?. J. B. Hess, who was here Monday on a visit to the Columbia Tailoring Companys offices, stated that his company has recently put in about 15 additional branch bouses, j "Does advertising pay? Well, I guess lt does. Our business last! year Increased 42 per cent and we ascertain lt to advertising. I will run an advertisement in Tue Dully Intelligencer knowing that it will bring results." Mr. F. M. Unger 1B the local manager. Mr. Monroe Bannister was in the eity Monday With his hand all wrap ped up, end lu? said it was to keep the cold out of . bono felon. Monroe has some bad ~i?ropany, sure and we trust that lt will soon leave him. Mr. J. H. BrisBcy, who is in charge of the mill at High Shoals, is a good miller. How do we know? TM proof of tho budding ts chewing i ie beg, and the proof of the Hour is eating the bread. What makes Anderson county great? It la not the gre*.* crops, lt is not the great water power; lt ts not the great development of ihe mill Industry. The tiling that makes Anderson great ls the spirit of her great people. There was In Ander son Saturday a splendid type of man, one to whom kings could gracefully bow. This was Mr. Tom J. Stucky. who lives near tho Abbeville county line. ?Hts grandfather., came to this country from England, and waa mas sacred In his home by. the Tories. He had come on a furlough from the star fort ai. Cambridge (Ninety j Six) to his home!; at Duo Wost, and wss murdered the first night at home. Mr. Stucky himself fis in his 82nd year, but bis locks'are but slightly touched with gray; his carriage ls erect, bis back as straight as that of any cadet, and his eyes has a spar kle and humor of youth. He would pass- for 55 anywhere. Air. Sturt.? was in the War of Secession, in the lith regiment, commanded by Cal. J. Newton Brown ot this city, who also is tn his sand year. It makes a young man feel that South Carolina is something, to meet such a sterling, splendid man as Mr. Stucky. Mr. John T. Milford, elected super? vlaof and resigned, was in th?? city Monday -with bis face alt in smiles I am out of politics and am perfectly happy," lie "A5r conscience ii clear and i feel good all over." Mr. W? out from to attend' afield, before setting Path for Columbia nerul assembly, vail y Sparklets Mention Caught O'er the Wire? ||j ?eta of Anderson. od up Tho Intelligencer office and nf quested that tho dally paper be.8?" to him In Columbia for a week or while *ho will bo down there wat-v lng tho big BIIOW in tho Elate hou Mr. Canfield will be a candidate !fi the position of director of the neaitai tlary. _____ Koa. F. H. Shirley, member o? ?\ general assembly from Oconee ?oult ty writes from Westminster, "Gold luck to tho .dally. Pm m< down Ifpr a subscriber." PERSONALS-. J. P. Carey haa returned to lifts home In Pick en s following a anett stay In tue city with relatives. P. M. Carey spent Sunday in Si'ncfa with his family. W. T. Kay of Hones Path, among tho business visitors In :t|o city yesterday. W. F. Crowther, who has bein spending a Short timo in the with friends and relatives, has tl turned to his home In OrangeburgJ M. M. Crowther* of Darlington, wi among tho business visitors In 'tl city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. ?I. F. Halley, who have been spending several days in Anderson, have returned to Hsrt woll. Qa. _J_ri Mrs. Joe Acker ot Calhoun, ts spending a few days In the home with her., parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cheshire. Mr. and Mts. J. H. Pruitt ot Starr, passed'through the city yes terday, en route to their homo. They havo been visiting relatives in Flori da and report a delightful trip. J. E. Horton,. s> well known Rel ton cltUen, spent yesterdsy in thc city. a Ll s ?i Vera Shirley of the Robert! j rhurcb flection, waa shopping In thc city yesterday. Knox Witherspoon, who holds t responsible position with the Geae< ral Electric Company at Pittsburg bas been' visiting hs parents. l>r and Mrs. ft. G. Wtherspoon. In tin Roberts church section ot the coun ty. Oliver Casey of S-ptu*,-wan union; thc business visitors to tho etty ye* tvrday. ,Mr. sud Mrs. j. II. Taiu and Hrs. R. E. "Cochrane aro visiting friendo and relatives at Clayton, Qa. Randolph Hale, a well known jew eler of G?c?3uviiie, spent Sunday In the city-with frtendu. ff, ? ".,.'.!' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. CUnkscales of Lowndesvllle, were among th* visi tors to the city yesterday. W. D. Moore, a prominent farmer of tho Pendleton section, was among the visitors ito the city yesterday. ..Supt. Dan''Beacham of llonea Path, was in the city Monday, having-come over to attend court. ! . Ju. K. Dudley, a well known bus!-, j ness man of f?oneca, was in Anderson yeaterday. D. W. McLean of 8partanburg. has heep spending -a few days in the city. "W. H. Wood of Florence wa* among thc guests at tho .Ch?^uoia-j hotel yectorday. j Mrs. W. C. Booti ot the ?rushy t Crrek section, is in the city spending I thia, wash With her daughter. Mrs. Charley. Stevenson, on Cater street. C. *?'. Garrett. F Ti fWlnannld. Will Smith, Louis Bishop. Will Mc Elreath, are among the prominent citizens of FieCmont Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Asbcll of Town viUe, wore-in the-city shopping yes terday for a few hours on a shop \ ping tour. air. B. O. Evans left Saturday for New York and Eastern markets, 1 where he goes to buy spring goods for the well known firm or.B. O. ' Evans & Cu. Mr. Evans ls very op ; titaist!? over the outlook for buel \ ness In 1914 and says that be Intends purchasing the largest aud most up to-date Uno of clothing, furnishings, etc., ever brought to Anderson. He ti mude two trips last rall, so fine Was - hi* bueiaess, and (hat waa something notr Jo* oven '.thu hts. druj ip *?. if. if. Sf. if. ip'?A^ * CHURCH NEWS * * \ * .je ?jp rjp rj? #j4 s^ * s^j? s^ ?Y? 3^tb.4^3Pr8t Presbyterian c!;Kr ? Sunday mdrnlng lt xv aa ari..o. that there remained J\ debt ?>r ROV? rat Uu'adredi.doilarts on account'.of the addition that had- been made last year for tho Sunda? -school and for the Frazer Academy. A collection waa . taken with out previous notice bein? given, and over half ot thc d-jbt waa, liqui dated at once. There remains about | |1,!>GC to bo paid off. % .Mew Fruspeci Baptist church ls making good progress under thc pas torate cf Dov. O. LK Orr. A caTd giv ing much valuablo information con cerning the church, itB membership, o'llcers, etc., has just been issued. The membership ls now 213, and thc -<*Vf?4m is growing fast,. The ollicera aro: Deacons-B. C Creamer,; C. P. Hardin. Clarence Reynolds,*, W. W. Hale and li fP. CnnipfceB; church clerk, 0. B. Reynolds, B. C. Creamer is superintendent of tho Sunday Behool and L. \r. varapbeii, secretary and treasurer. Merahcrs of the ehaiv ity committee are Oliver Bolt. fl. C. Creamer, C. E. Reynolds, J. M. Bolt, WV W. Hale and L.. A. Olen. Tho church hc\s a Woman's Missionary So ciety that has ??one and is doing a great work. The officers of thia so-j ciety aro: President, Mrs. 8. Aj Wide-j man; vice president; - Mr?. Mind | ali? tt?a?urer;?sg?? Oi;-rr;i rd. The Intelligencer teceived too late for ita laut issue a letter from the Rev. S. W. Danner stating that the members ot Bthel church would have an old time "working" day laat Saturday. The congr?gation met at the appointed 'time and covered the church by working from 1 to 5.50. The ladies served a good supper and li ;fir reported that If the wages were commensurate with - the work the Rev. J. W. Speaks of Anderson was tho. hardest worked mun on the Job. Hofjenjoyed^ tho- slipper. -~ Thc minUtoriai union of Anderson had a line, meeting Monday noon at the V. M. 3?\'A.,. attd was addressed hy Rev. J J.?.F. Vines, pastor of the Firfct Ka pt ls: Photographer Wallaco has been! taking pictures of Ute ministers of the etty and \after a few days' rest will bs ia good condition to meet his trado again. Washington-Cokander John Fla vel Hubbard led on board the gun-1 boat . Wilmington in Hong Kong, China. ^ Washington, Jan. 14.--Forecast: -South Carolina-Cloudy Tuesday: '^eaneaday: probaba fair. When we o?er you the highest grade fuTmture and furnishings at such small prices, and such liberal terms?*. Come and inspect oar Check over your want list and see if some of the itmes named bolow are riot included. KITCHEN CABINETS DINING TABLES CHINA CLOSETS SIDE BOARDS DINING CHAIRS ROCKERS BED ROOM SUITES PARLOR SUITES ART SQUARES LIBRARY TABLES BRASS BEDS MATTRESSES i THF PFRPi FR FIIRHITIERF GO QUALITY FURNITURE