_, _. .. . iZ A ! -~-^- , ''l|" V".1.. T-". " Q A REASON Fm ~~A?L THINGS T Q V I ...And the reason why we can serve you better on anything i; ?the... JHHR IVlaotle, Tile, Gr?te and Fireplace )Ftii?nlsl~i? Ijj?HHi' ''^Kf^K^ Ino Linc is because wc are Excellent deal? \^m^^^\ ,. . . ers and make tills; line a study. \ ^^g$ H ULMER MANTLE & TII4ECQ. fl; ??SBU?I Bleckley Building Anderdon, S. G. .4SSBw TIE TEACHER'S CLUB Nf ? FI KINO V,. -\ . Prof. W. S. Morrim of Clemson R?aww ? Very Emer?sting Talk on History Th* Teachers Club of Anderson county held a splendid meting Ent day morning io the First nanM?i j^^rch. "Mr. L.' B. Hanna, the presi dent of the club, had planned a most interesting progrnm which was thor oughly enjoyed all who attended. The programo waa opened with .de votional exercises conducted by Dr. .fohn F. Vraeg, 'Mr j. B. Watkins , made the prayer. .Pi^f. Q. W. Chambers mad? a-abort tiSk on the Field Bajfexercises. He Urged all the teachers to encourage athletic la their schools. It ls not <--e*?ary fur them to do the iti ot.mctlng ns irrof. Chamber* and his assistants will do that, but tho boys . '.Mt ?b Jo-pir interested or the ever . sea win be a failure. Air. Cham bers ?aye tho boys of Anderson coun t^"1shculd he well trained physically w*H ?it maa tait v. /.lapAaifc? ?.:Hm&. ._.i ia thoy ai-a in. thal 1 high BchoolB. If The vj ii? advantage of th? instruc tion? given by i*rof. Cham be? they WJll bo better' fitted. for the athletic Said When that wr.ro ?br.rc?igkiy \nn?i pr?fclaied by all thc teachers. ? ! The speaker of tho morning, 'Mjt> W, S. ?forrlson, professor of history atructtve talk otTsoulh Carol inp. tory. fret. Morrison baa beengtem las for forty years and has foundtha?| history has been greatly neglected, by meny teachers. He says that 'South Caro'foi? has made more history and urnserv-d fess than any State in the UntOR. Vhe children should bo uught local history. Every school library in Anderson county should hgv? a copy of thc history of Anderson coun . ty written by Col, Simpson of Pau rtlston. Prof. JNtorrlson emphasised l^aB that tbe study of history la the study of humanity, and that no teacher can make- a ?ucees' of it un ! !**?. he puts his whole heurt into hl?| ?. wwri?- ,\v ' I iifter tors. Q, W. Chambers ha? trtv r-.;i a? ?ii5?;,i?f?? vinrin snin ?B iuach I er? were 'served a hot lunch. ' The teachers, were Misses Nell Suaanarwttt, Rosamond Birdine, Tal inah , Crowther. Lillian Cllckscales, I/Wia Clinkscalcu, Jcoa Harri*. Wilson. May Russell. Evie Lowla. An nie Erskine Ruth Archer, Jessie P. ?tJli1?f|iili;ii, Ti i II Blachn?tn, Mary Ej uoagne Racla Wolf, Jiary Farmern Impulse Agnew, Gertruda Cl inks eales, [ Tied Major, Agnes Thompson, Ethel Clayton, Annie Ballcntlne, Jusephlno Jtfttson, totUe Estes, - Ix)Ia Coleman, aflrioh Lee Pt Tate. ISnilie Young, ra&le Darlington, Lillian Thomo Annie Higgins, Lula B?O*W?>. Sai lli, Thompson. Alma Cole, tfettlo Now fc?to. -aerjrud? Mahaffey Kata Shirley. tSe^lti^y, i.-- i, r?Urt i imiuiittu^, ijkr?'??M? Ola Scoggl??, Elbe) Big' by, and Mrs. Annie Dean Allen. Mc-s ?art?t! Hicks. J. B. Watkins, F. v, B. C.. Cromer. R. A Abrams. Wm. S.Morrison. Earl L. ??5 H fra ?ra ?as* f ?e?o SMT ?a Vf WfAOVO^ SJ SIFIED i Advef. ?omento ia this d?part ent wtL be classified and ruri nt t?ie following rates: 25 words or leets oi.e ton?, 25cj three Innes for 50c; eight times for $1.00. For more Iban 25 words the sam? rate will apply. WANTS GIRLS WANTED to BOW. light work. WU! pay board wbllo you aro learning. Anderson Overall Fac tory, Anderson, S. C. I2-I2*2m WASTED TO BUY-Will buy any tiree, fat cattle, hogs and calves I have customers for and contracts to furnish. I bay hider, and tallow. The TinnerB want my bides. 121 W. Whllner Rt. Dione ?84or 895 H. D. H EN DEWSON At Lilly -WMto Marget. The wholesale and abattoir man. it, ? ._. _ WANTED-Position by stenographer with two years' experience. Write The Intelligencer. l|p. 8ALE8M?N~WA?TED to^ook^br. ...ir lnl.tr??t lix AU^ACUB an? jinsnt cunt?a, flnl.^i M I I : IBon. T Address The Harvoy Oil Oo^ ^leveland, Q. . s l-9-4t. 'Nif' BENT-Ono ?ix room hduflo on y/elch Avet Apply to A. I*. Welch. 5-9-3t ? ??????'--'----. WANTED SO !i?ad seed ?ii?!??; old and young, within ino noxi ten days or iwp weeks. Brlng^them to The Fretwell Company's stables, G. W- TtADSn. V3-4t-weJttrl. FOR SALE FOB SALE-House and lot where. ! tow Uve and vacant lot adjoining on eut House bas sight room? and kitchen, butler's pantry, bath room, electric lights and sewerage. Price rlgifl. terms right. L. E. Nor rye?. FOU SALE-I have some nie?, large vcl&to Wyandotte* for sale. WritB fnferlces.-rW. W. Thompson, Ixrwn dcsttlle. S. C. 12-23-lmo. p. FOB S?LE-Farm, 105 acres, beauli- ? n|rwjoated, near city, good dwell ?ii?, ivur tenant nouses, tw? barns, _ Kin house, land ievf.l and easy or ?cultivation, at a price that ls a i bargain; Come to see us quick or t write, feurrlss Realty Oonpany. j HHRnBBnBnm?maHM FUBL?C SALE We will SA'I? ut public auction at tho Anderson cotiffc house cn Monday Feb ruary 2. at us?wil Oma, ?ne houne sud-lot in towi? of Belton, in estate of IMfra. M. J. Gambol I. Purchaser to nay extra for pap?n?.-H. H. Kenton and R. A. Keaton, XxiprntoTS. 1-13-Siu. NOTICE TO ( BEDITOH8 Ali persons nabing ttatma agauist , the estate of Mrs. .Amanda Cambell, , deceased, ar? hereby notised tc p?e- : ??. them properly proven to tte un- 1 derMgnet? within thc time prescribed hy law and those mee cud td ICM? ntk Usraer.L l?W3tp. J. N. GAMBtSLk. Adnu*, j Picdraoa?. S. 0.} gj-'i'.'..'.'".L_?LJLdlLj, vifs*?-.' T S ??a*~ Cash I C*^ BUSINESS LOCALS B. F. Martin will be at Anderson on 3nturdrt}!}. "When writing, address bare McCullough.' Martin and Blythe, Lawyers, Greenville, S. C. A special teachers' examination wilts bo held at the court house Saturday, Jan. 17. 1014, beginning at 0:00 a. m. All '.cachera expecting to take the teachers examination are expected to be present at thlB time. l-I-ot. J. B. PELTON, County Gi.pt. al Education. Select need Potatoe-Irish, Cobler and Red Bliss-peck 40 ' cents; par bag $8.50. V Plant aa early in January as possible FCBMAN SMITH, The Seedsman. Phone 484 SPECIAL GINNING NOTICE. Beginning January 6 th, we will run our gins only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. ., I ?-6-6L _FARMERS OIL MILL. Wftinffto nc THE Oi>E*i!K<1 ?F ???KS OF S?B?vBir???N ; , By virpa*jM '?be power given to us by u commission issued by the Sec retary of State tor South Carolina, and dated the 30th day of December, 1913,, n=?.'t y tin s op a Bean!-of Corpora-. , notice Ts hereby giveh'that on.tael day of February, 1014, at teni lovelock a. m., at the omeo ot the Cham-1 ?Mr of Commerce.. Anderson, S. Cl Books of aub3cripUoa to t?as Sap? ^*QC?? Ot thv .TOI uinc?l^r^ ' Elect ilway.will bc-opened. The Capital} Steck ls to be Ono Hundred Thousand ?Bollara, divided into One Thousand es. ot par value of One Hundred arv each. JOS. E. LEACH, W. C. SMITH. A. s: FAIM ER, J. H. ANDERSON, 8. J. WAKEFIELD. A*. M. ERWIN, J. J. ANDREWS, T. J. PRICE, W. P. CALHOUN, O. P. BRIGHT. C C. OAMBRELL, WM. N. GRAYDON. l-6-4tue Board of Corporators. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT -. l Ali persons holding claims against! ho estate of Eaekiel Harri?, deceased, { ire hereby notified to present them it once, duly attested, and also all j HUfUUH io dc nico tu said OTU? io ?iii uah please settle same Immediately with the undersigned. Notice ls also given that I will on January 27th, 1914. at U o'clock a. hu| ipply to the probate judge of A? lcrson county for a final settlement of m'ld estate and a discharge from ray >ffVce as executor. - J. C. HARRIS and J. J. MAJOR. l-2-tt - Executors. NOTICE TO DEPOSITOBS Depositor? tn the Formara Loan and 1 rruat Cr?, will oleaae present their" waa books so that their Interest may io entered and thepas* booka balanced Anderson, S. C., Dec. 31, 1013. 1-2-St SOTOOS OF FINAL 5?TlX,ini[E?$ All perseas holding .claims against rOI?S?G Ol Every Particle of Gt the estate ol Li. A. Hunnicutt, deceased, are hereby notified to present them at once du!'" attested end ais?'1 all persons indebted to said estate? wilt also pleas? settle same immediately with the undersigned. t Notice Is also given that-I will on January 30th, 1914, at ll o'clock a. m. apply to' tho probate judge for An Iderson county for a final scttleppnt ot said, estate end a discharge from my office as executor. l-2-4t. M. A. HUNNICUTT, fcpar. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETjiiG OP BOARD OF COUNT* COMMISSIONERS. ? J The annunl mnoMnir nf *h* tjBcari of County Commissioners for "Ander son county will be held in thc Su pervisor's office at the Court i House on Thursday the 8th day of January, 1014. All persons holding ?(Sunanda against the County not i previously presented-to the. Board are Required to fllo the same with the Cferk of thc Board on or before the ist day of January, so that they may ; bf exam ined and ordored paid st tbs annual meeting. y I J. S. ACMER. Clerk County Commissioners. 12-19-tol-S, i y!:.: Onion Sets-Whito Pearls, Yellow Danvers n?d'Reds. 1$ cents a quart: i by the hi???l, $3.00. Our stock ia select quality! "?"/ FUBJJAN SMITH/ The Seedsman. . Flume 404 ??S?NESS ; LICENSES NUW DUE. Time for. paying business licenses* expires with next Saturday,, and ac cording to thc city cleft,??e vOT[ Be .a great"rush luring 'thinest sev eral days, aa only a comparatively few of those who must pay have as jil visiiec? t?i? cit> nalt ?o? tuc re ceipts. EBBB^R T& TUE C0MaOTTE)|S. For Preparations for sine Senday School Conv?ntle?. The following comlmttcrs chairmen have been appointed by $lr. Burnett, chairman of the general eomlmttee to entertain the State Sunday ' School convention: Reception- a. W. Brown. Entertainment-Dr. A. jU Emethers.j Finance-Porter A. WBaley. Registration-L. L; Rice. '^Presa and ^gram-V/iiii ?ks. Exhlbit-Jp. IL Mirna Badges-R. R. King. Decorations- Mrs. lt Wfuatc-Mm. W< j* Roanoke, Va.-^Fnintly of Karn' Roseufteld worried over his dl&ap p?>aran?;r. Charlottesville. Va --ftettlgru: Wool folk ot Richmond, elected captain o? the University of Vlrslnia football squad for l&vt. ' Washington-'Anti-trust ano rural cr?dit legislation J ri, considered of apramouut importance ty thc pr?si dent Hr. H. A. SircpsS?W stopped In An derson on his way h'^me from Colum bia, where he went itf aid in carrying the ?our year e!d daughter of Mr. J F. McCullough to Of* Pasteur Insti tut!) to be trotted fa* rabies or hydra phobia. . -One tratnlocd BUICK CARS Just arrived in Charlotta! Buick won ?rst piace la Endurance. ?tHn tn New Ywk. Beet ignition, ana tearttnr system itt oxtstonce. See ?Ub&NB T. ANDER DON. Local Buick ^ ?ods Milt be Sold I if, if if ff if Sf if iff. ff. Sf rf, Sf if * 4k : ._ _ * * WILLIAMS i ON NEWS * .WlUiamston, Jan. 12.--Special.-R. K. Trlbble, who has been agent for the Southern Railway at thia point for several years, has resigned his position and has beenx succeeded by H. A/Harris ot Bowman, Ga. Raiph Gossett entertained a num ber bf delightful people from An derson nt his home last Bundey. Among those who composed the par ty W?7TTJ: Bf?TJBes Liu rem* ' suu mim Mac Cummings, Linda Thompson, Elizabeth Van Wyck and Miss Brown. Messrs. Keese Gilmer, ?} ?'otvler, Jr., J. H. Lyon and Xlser. Mayor H. G. B. Cooley a membef of the grand jury, is spending ibis week in Anderson, attending to his duties in that capacity. Mrs- l^ee of Greenwood, . has been spending several -days, in tho city as tba;fuest ot Mrs. R. P. Ransom. George M. Sullivan of Hodges, agent at that point for'the G. S. & A. Railway, spent Sunday in WfUiam stan as th* guest of his parents) Capt. ajtiU'tfrs. George W. Sullivan. or. H. P. BuchuB of Greenville, s j) ont today in WllHamaton looking I after bia numerous business Inter ests. \ihrts Suber ls spending todoy In Greenville on business. J*?-i??ii -*J- -a rt. .... ^lu. . - . sunday m W?lliamston with friends and relatives. ififcear' D. Gray of Willlamsten,?:? member of the house of representa-j tiefe left today for Columbia to ns-i sum? tim law-makers .solemnity inj A number of Willlamaion people aro planning to go to Greenville to* night to witness the production of "Within the Law" at the Greenville theatre. Among those wbi> will com pose the party are: Mr. and Mrs. ?leary C. Crlgiey. Mr. aud. ?Trs. ?s=\ss* Gasset!, Miss Kdith Cosset!, Kisses Kathleen Griffin, Evelyn Free, Mes srs. lt. Roy Griffin. Clyde Stone, J. C. Duckworth, C. E. Shockley. i no Southern Spice & Extract Co., a concern which has ha?) its plant located at this point, was moved yes terday frc ai WlKiaraslon to Polier, The movo was doubtless due to tho fact that some of the l.igh officials of tSj? company make their home in Pe?aer and desire t? have the busi ness whore lt can receive their per*-' syaa: attntlon. TURKEY BIN5ER >EXT WEEK, -On Wednesday of court week, the ladies of St. Joseph's Catholic church wi?i Barro a turkey dinner ?? the va cant store room on East Whitncr st7?ot. AH the Christmas things will be included in the mpxn and the price will be moderate-leni ty centa for dinner with desert, thir ty-five cents fer dinner without. Tho following is The tempting menu: Turkey Han? Giblet Sauce. Race Macaroni Cranberry Jelly. A Cold Slaw - - . Biscuits Pickles. Desert. P?tim Pudding.Charlotta Russo Wine Sauce Cake Surau^t mm wm By Having Ito Kima o?\ &x? j ? ?lope ot* Every fatter Yon ilcvd. 1 Lc* Us Qrioie Prices Fori I grating ac otir Stationer/, j >y sTANU?KY S? Abider lift, . - (?3 DE ll S TAKEN NOW FOR THE j FOLLOWING ? and day old chickp. ttdt Plymouth Rock-Prize winning . {?tock in Augusta. Atlanta., etc. iMft Indian Runner Ducks (winners lt Belton ?iud other, fairs. ) DucXa-From prize winners, o Turkeya-^-Pure or also crossed Virginia wild turkeys, hg Cockerels Caploned so can car all chicks given them. - gladly answer all inqulreys. - n IL C. HOLLAND? rson, S. C. * ft * # * ? * * ? * # # * * I PENDLETON !? * ff* *'* * * ? * * * * # litton seems to be on a boom as ?Hld aa good brick buildings. Some BixUplendld Iron and glass front brioR stores have been built here it st eighteen months and they 1 occupied. ?ott?n gin and on mill las Wall business . men of tu is place, c a rushing business. This, e. could not have been done the good .work and assistance farmer's, v umber ot bales or cotton gin re will reach five thousand, record breaker for thia place, buyers have bought several thousand more pales here this season thao pat. A#. crops w?re never bet ter, mr better prlcoa paid, everybody hua t? otui? old. hn?est Wilson .?mile on hil ?acc. the are as h ?U' or with of Th ned A bi Cotti CJffiRIED TO BALTIHORE. V. li.stringer at Johns Hopkins For V- ?all %?iB?eu V' S Beltto.-^Mr. Vf. K. Stringer waa carrie^to Baltimore Tuesday for crcaiuijnt; very ; probably, mi opera tion faf gall ?toaes will be neces sary., jne v.?s accompanied by Mrs. tsrin*?r irzi tte. K-ayntC, .and ? "airs, ^r^ser's, father, Ju ORO N*W man j^ged theta at O reen ville. J m CjpME?NDSEE US ?BESTOFEVEF in t STYLE Spacial Order* a Sp Our I ir?.* * ? ? jiia.iinimi ii >.n ii i iuww?ijj^?iii?ii ijiMtOli ?f Palmetto When yjai think of Pal metto Biock : : Thinkiof Sloan Wile nyb? think of Si??n i ilium vi, J. nunc .YTHlftO 1 ! lt?