e Piedmont Insurance Agency* Is a consolidation of the firms of Tribble & Mattison and Farmer & Linley. MME on as thc building ha:* been completad and the transfer pl the exchange made from the present quarters. This will come along aboui the middle of May, according to the statement of the contractors, who ex pect to have the building finished by that time. The moving from one building to another will be done very largely at night, and it was statec the manager today that there will be the slightest interference to the service "while this ls being done The cut-over will be at night, and In such a manner as not to interrupt the service in any way. . p I PO>REVJ^*^ CREATION. ANNAPOLIS EXAMINATION. An examination will bo held in the courthouse at Anderson ? Saturday, January 24, 1914, to select nominees to two vacancies In the 1'nl.ted States Military academy at Annapolis. Applicants must reside in tho Third Congressional district roust be be tween thc ages of sixteen and twenty years and must be free from serious physical dofoots,, Applicants wlfl be examined men tally on arithmetic, algebra, goorne irv th rr. ii i* ?? ni?nxy "'?oruetry, geeg'ra ,ph>; English grammar, Haltedfitzes hl?*3ry. ?nd. fenersl history. Wyatt Alkon. M. C. "ORDER" THAT JOB PRINTING TODAY And Give Us the Time to* Take Pain? With the Work S Til'?FED THE SPrUERS. -? - ? On? 8'mple Litt I* Wore Vanquished tho Entire Schoo.. The following story is roached for by A. J. Carter of Curbur, Center. Pa., b's griiuduuut having been a wltuesa of tia* lucldeut, say? thu Philadelphia Record. lu Armstrong county, Pa., in thc year of ISSO'or therciibout. wheneducational facilities lu the rural districts were de ctdedly crude, and tho burdon of the currici/luui lu tim old lug "tkulehouse" was Involved lt spelliu' 'rltlu' and 'rlthmctic, with considerable high pressure on the Bpallin*, ai exploited lo periodical spelling -ttauuaa--Uaiween rival neighboring school*, a "skule .niisler," with nil Iii? proverbially .plaint attributes of his tim? and call ing-long, lank, cadaverous, spectacled, prominent nose and Henry Clay looks, even down to, tho threadbare frock coat, broad brimmed bat and blue cot tou umbrella-piloted lils flock of llnsey clouted ami skirted "sebolars" to a neighboring *. his next sermon that he atv*** I tjnifm, ?w; ~...<~.. -? -jdtT? clrCUIU smncT* ~~?7YneJ?fia?TF4vellng be tween Bnngor^OTiiHtoti. *? ',M> COD' AUVU?TJ****T train, ptuwlog through tju>Rer." hi? answered, "ami I knew he would xsk mr the first thing how much . ?moked and tell me to go rt little slow .'..smoke about twenty cigars a iii and, when he asked me bow many consumed, t told bira en aa are; ar of forty. That's too many.' be asl 'Just cut-'the number In half.' 1 cow smoking ont twenty." Ll HEH TUE HOME Andersen County Veteran Says There is Good .Management Editor of The Intelligencer: I have t>een au inmate of the Con federate Home for four years, and willie ?>f ru short while I may li ava had some little ill feeling to the man agement I will say it wau due to out side Influence, and I will now say that I heartilly regret such a feeling, as all of the - 'trw 'als conected with the Home have done us much for mo aa WUK In their power, 1 say thia not only for no'self. but for the majority " of tito inmuten, und all that you see In the papers ure from people who have noth ing to do with the Home and I doubt if tiley ever have seen the iuB'do of our home. I am thankful for all that. 1 have received from the home, and I assure the public und all interested tn UH that there is nothing but happimum here and only outside BUSY UUUIES are creating all the talk, and not tito old roldiera in tho Ironie. Asking you to publish this for the gooo of the home end the Veteruna in the home. tashrd ,nt. .0 Hie home, I am, Yours truly, C. B. GILMER, Inmato. Columbia. S C., Jan. 8th, 1?14. WEST POINT APPOINTMENT. In addition to the vacancies in An napolis there ls also a vacancy lu West Point .Military Academy. I have set January 2i, 1011, at An- . derson in' the -courthouse to select ' nomin?os for the Annnapolis appoint ments, and applicants for West Polbt will bo selected ut tho saino timo und place.. AU applicants must reside in the Third Congressional diatrict/ Applicants for Annapolis must be between the ages of l<; and 80 years. Applicant? for West Poin? .mu-'t ho bot'.vecn the ages of 17 ami ?II, yeats. Appllcnnts can select either placo by notifying the examining hoard on me day of the examination, prior tb taking thc examination. The same questions will bo givon applicants for both potations. AU applicants must he free from serious physical defects. The mental examination will em brace arithmetic, algebra, geometry through plane geometry, geography, EngllBb grnmmer. United States his- . tory and general history. Persons destrtug to take thiB exam ination sh?'Jld prepare themselves thoroughly for the successful candi dates will huv^ lesB than two months in which io prepare to enter the Insti tutions named. Wyatt Aiken, M. C. SEED POTATOES Our stock ls select seed stock us eariy in jan. as posaussassHSsna V.r-d B11S3 and'Cobblers 40 peck-$3.50 per bag. _ _?M-- a-ij^^^HS^H5 ru: Minn r-mnn--mn?: u-JlUoUHW, PHONE 4C4. /' nuns HAMS T" ' "' ' V ? ; ? / Nene emiline without tbe ? * ' Beaver trade-mark. Crippled with Rheumatism Anothe r Badi Case Cured "My wife was crippled , and unable te walk ss the result of rheumatism. Hbo fell og in weight from. 100 to 113 pounds. .Doctors and various remedios failing to help her, we lost all hopo of har recovery. Dr. Junes' Liniment having been highly recommended, we tried it as a laut resource. Kine bottles entirely c?red her.** W. H. KMILEB, - ' 333 Woodward Ave., ktijuty?**^ ? r-****^*est remedy made for Lura* >4Sgo, Neuralgia, Lameness, or any I pain that can bc reached by external application. Mc. per bottle. Trial Sold by Evans Pharmacy Co., Frier son's Pharmacy, Belton and all drug gists. Statement showing evictence of growth ot The Batik of Anderson token from the books of the bank on Oct. 21st, of each year. Oct. 21ft, 1003 Deposits |S?M?7.49 . " 2lat. JWS t36i?,4i?t.40 (."? yrs lalor) 1 " 21st. t008 " ?...,0.714.61 " ?l*t. V". " |?7?.807.*1 ii-r .ni - ff. 13,896.82 '.' Jl-.l. 11M2 *' $<520^49v7l " 2 te' J " $S^t?.t41.09 The ability and willing ness of this Bank to take care of its customers is shown by its growth. D. F. Mnuldln.President, ?. E. Clinkscalef, ... .Cashier. J. A. Brock . ;.Vic? President, A ML Sharpe, ...