The Court. TUKSHAY. The Court convened at the nsuol hour N ami tli*: case against .1 ??*! F. Jiihrid^c 1 was proceeded with. After tho witnesses s pro and con wore examined, and nr^n- 1 monts made by counsel, the jury rend- ' ered a verdict of not guilty. Tho grand jury returned true bills 1 against tiiu lonowing parties: Joiui \v . i ' Fell?obtaining money under faise prr- J r; dan?grand larceny. 1 >hvi?1 Gilliam and 1 J nines Gilliam?assault and battery, with j intent to kill. ?)esso \V . Mall--disposing ' of property under fatso lion. .Jerry 1 /'iniuii-rinRn ? larceny of live Ptook. " Howard 11. Morgan, abducting a maid 1 under sixteen years of ago. N > bill was found in tlir case of 1'Yed T. 1 lodges, charged with malicious inj iry to pr.ipt-rty. ; 1, The case of Jiit1 Sratf* vs. Wiley, Gray, fur stealing grain from the field, was 0 th"ii taken up. K. 1$. Gary, li-ij , n.j penred f>>r ihe defence. Mr. ti. \V. j Gromi-r wn* the nrotspcutor. and nftor j h-aring the testimony the jury returned : a verdict of j^m'ty. After rec'ss, the casi- of Granville Mnrtin, Hampton Martin, and Lymus ]\ J'luokney. jr., for retfi.oinjr an oflieor. was taken un. and the inrv found a v.-r lict r j 1 of guilty. M -ssrs. U"net. Uarv and I Crraydon, attorneys l'.?r the prisoners, L. gave notice of n amotion in arrest of / judgment Jin<1 foi a new trial, on the 1 grounds that there is no such offence -known to the laws of this h'tate, and 1 that if otFence it was, the indictment, 51 according to the facts, should have been , for an escape. The court then ad- u jourued. } w CONKS DAY. On the opening of the court the grand n jur}" uitvilo their presentment and were o . discharged. The case of tho State vs Tyler Lo ( gan, Mary Logan, and tius Lr a motion for a new irial. ; I lj ^ Jerry Zimmerman wss acquitted by j t tho jury upon a charge of lare*?ny of j livn stock. i lvlrnund Kennedy was next upon trial ; 1 for grand laroeny. lie con lucted hi* j j own detonce. *nd atfurdod murh amuse- i mcnt to the court, 11 u was of course j , found guilty. j ' ^ The court tllen adjourned until next|^ morning. i i nti DAY. j The case against John W. Fell for ! j obtaining goods under false pretenses j , waa taken up. Messrs. Hehetand Smith i .. anDcared for the defendant. After h<-nr- ! W - I v ing the testimony and arguments the jury retired and failed to agree upon a verdict, when the Judge ordered a mis 1 trial to be entered. ^ Howard II. Morgan was noxt put upon ^ his trial for abducting a maid under six- * teen years of age, and although Mr. L. 1 W. Smith defended him vigorously, the jurv found him guilty. Mr. Suiith gave t notice of a motion for a new trial, which t was heard and overruled. t The petit jurors were then discharged, I Messrs. Uenet, Gary and (Iray don d then argued their motion in arrest of judgment in the case of the Martins, for t resisting an officer. The Juuntv jail. Dock Jones, six months in peniten- ( tiary. ( John Wells, one year in peni ten tiary. Tyler Logan and Mary Logan, two 1 months in County jail, or pay a fine of 1 fifty dollar*. } The Court of General Session was I tlion adjourned sine die, and the Court \ of Common l'leas opened. ? An End to Bone Scraping. Kdward Shepherd, of Harmburg, III., says: Having received so oiuch benefit fj-om Electric Hitters, I feci it my dutv to let suffering , humanity know it. Have had a running sore on , my leg for eight year*; my doctors told me 1 , would have to have the bone sorape d or lei; , amputated/ I used, instead, three bottles of , Electric Hitters and seven boxes Buck leu's , Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and . frell." | Electric Bitters are sold fifty cent a bottle, j and Bucklcn's Arnica Salve at at 25c, per box rv ' by-Drug Store. J " : . tM'Jf-''-n -V'V -- ?*. " . -v ..j': Almost 11 Fire. On Saturday evening an alarm of fire vns given from the hnilding in which he hank is situated. Investigation ihowod that the window-facing in one of h<" roon . aLove the hank, occupied as a ihrary fur (ho Literary Club, was on lire. V crowd soon gathered and fortunately hi; il-imes had not headway iioii^'h to l)o unquenehable. Some lamage. was clone to tin* ili>nr of the noin and 11i<* faeio?r or the window, .'ho Jiro^ started from * the stove in lie drug store of Dr. \V. T. Penney. I'he walls do not seem to he solid and he fire was communicated through a ii". Its being discovered in the day ime prevented a serious conliagrutimi. n kmsauss. Solicitor Orr returned homo on Kii htv f4?S t A good many persons were in town n yesterday. The grand jury this][y<'ar is composed ntirely of white men. An unusual amount of horse-trading ook place on yesterday. We regret to cRroniele the death of Ir.<. \Y. K Blake, of Greenwood. V - \ T i.?i?;.i ?v... Kl i 4 \ 9J n ? ii ri? ii u l '"M UlIU (.lit' mi Mention far Mr. T. P. Cothr?n\s house. Very few public sales wore made on est.-rday. Pioperty as a general thing troughl low prices. Dive Steifer, the colored porter of he Now Hotel, died on last Saturday Iter n short illness. The ease af ttrownleo vs. Martin was ip in the Court of Common l'lens on 'cstcrday. Our railroad is still booming. See lotice of stockholders* meeting in anither column. 'J'ho advertisements of the School Dommis ionor will appear herea't'ir in he Mi-'.skknmjkh, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. MoGowan are tow domiciled H the Bearhem house, tn Wanllaw street. Gen. Honham acted as Solicitor in the ast three |enses that were tried in the 3ourt of General Sessions. Wo acknowledge the receipt of an in'tation to attend a calico ball on the 4th inst., at Mt. Carmel. The magazines and periodicals of the .literary Club were sold at public aucion on yesterday. They brought #22.15. Mr. W. IJ. Oilkerson, one ef the most ..r l Vhbcville yesterday on le?ral business. Wo had a pleasant call one da}* last veek from Sir. S. 1\ Marshall, of l'hamix. Io is unc of tho most substantial men if that section. The fiovi-rnor has reappointed Dr. [Vidoinan Supervisor of Registration, iinl Mr. Norris as Trial Justice fur Jokesbury township. Mrs. S. M. Calhoun and Mrs. Rueker 'Xp? c-t to leave to-morrow for Charlesoii. where they will spend some time nth Mrs. Andrew Simonds. Mr. R. S. Galloway, our enterprising nd interesting correspondent from Due Vest, honored Abbeville with his pros ucif on Monday last. There urc.' three ilrovcs of moles and :>rs*''s in town. As "competition is tho if" of trade,*! ?< suppose business in lii4 line- is pretty lively hereabouts. Married, February tfth, 1887, by Trial ostiee C. V. Martin, Mr. Samuel B. liuford, of Troy, S. 0., anil Miss Sarah ano Stewart, of Donnaldsvi'le, S. C. One of the young employees at the lepot recently fixed hiss: a trap for birds. Ire. He succeeded in trapping two of Tr. Hammond's chickens. We do not now what ho did with them. Mr. \V. I'rt Shumate, the polite book;?ep?*r and salesman of Messrs. H. M. Iaddon Ss Co.. has been quite indisposed or tho "past week. His many friends vi 11 be glad to see him out again. Very considerable complaint is being uade against the mail rider between lore ami Edgelleld. It is said that he loes not carry the mail more than half he time. This matter should be looked n to. Dr. W. Ij. Pressley, the beloved pasor of the Associated ltefoiuied I'resbyerian church, at Due WVst, preached wo very acceptable sermons to the *resbyterians of this place on last Sunlay. we wero glail to see Unpt. (J. M. Matison upon the streets on yesterday. I'liu Captain is showing the effects of his ccent illness, hut hopes soon to ho all ight again. and in tliis his man}' friends oiu him. The Litersry Club will positively ueut on .,ext Friiiay night at the resiLenee of Maj. A. B. W.inllaw. All of he members of the club are requested o l>u present, as business of importance s to be transacted. We congratulate the colleges at Due iVest upon obtaining the Rev. Charles V. Stakeley, of Charleston, to preach lie baccalaureate sennort for them at ,he next commencement* This eminent roung divine has a wide reputation for lis eloquence and his earnestness. Mr. T. B. Clinkscales, of Lowndesville. >ns of the most progressive young farmers of that section, was in town ycster la}', lie had for sale a fine young mule >f his own raising. It is a wonder to us .hat so progressive a young man as Mr. .'/linkscales should be yet lacking in tho >ne thing needful?a wife. Mr. John Allen Martin, an old and lighly respectable citizen of Lowndesrilie, died on last Friday in the eightieth year of his age. He was buried at the amily burying ground on the l'owcr ilaee. His atred wife is also verv ?i?'k. md it is thought she will not survive lim long. Saved His Lifo. Mr. P. L. Wilcoxson, of Horse Care. Ky., i?T8 he whh, for many vears, badly afflicted ivith Phthisic, also Diabetes; Ihe pains wore ilmost unendurable and would somotimei ilmost throw him convulsions. Ho tried Electric Bitters and got relief fiom first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cured ?nd had gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Sayt be positively believes he would have died ha-oi has bought him u few acres of ground and erected u itvat and commodious frame dwelling upon it. We think h ! Miss Jennie A'hite received a ioi?gr:im j announcing the serious illness <>f tluir : mother, Mrs. White, of Chester, ami i asking thom to come homo iuimediatly. j This was a sad ami sudden surprise. Our friend and fellow-citizen, Dr. j Mo David, speaks of going to Texas. J We hope he will decide not to g<>. The young men of Krskine have been | fortunate in their selection of Kov. C. A. j Stakeley to preach the Baccalaureate for : Commencement Sabbath. Mr. A. D. Kennedy traded with n horse-drover .for two horses. They proved to be unsound, after being gnaranteed. 1!" overhauled him at Anderson, and after having three of the drover's lmrses levied upon by the SheriSi", he succeeded in getting brick his own i stock. Mr. .1. 1'. Darkness is getting to be a champion rider as Weil as base ball (player, lie rode sixty miles in a day i I and night last week. j Through the kindness of Mr. J. 1?. j Knox we enjoyed the pleasure of ruad ing a cojiy of the (Charlotte ('/i-u'icfe The Knphenitan Semi-Annual Cele! hration comes oil* next Friday mirht. ' ! We extend a Vordial invitation to the ! editor of the Mkssknukk to be there. het the M KssKXitKU call on our representatives individually f?>r their stewardship. V.'.* have heard of those who say they v,ilt embrace such an opporlu. nity to tell just how tin- thing is. (Int man should not be more powerful in ap | poiutments than live. j The warm weather reveals the fact that oats are about killed out, and our farmers will have to sow over or do without. The little people had a most enjoyable pound party at Mr. John F. Caihcun's last Friday night. Mr. John F. Calhoun has the most forward garden we have suen. Mr. Kdwin Calhoun, one of the most worthy at.d leading citizen* of M?m- j terey. has been visiting his brother, Mr. I John K. Calhoun. We learn that K??v. Calvin 1'ressley i lias a invge ami nourishing school at I ("ienerositeo. It numbers some sixty j oil'! scunlars. Miss Lulu Sherard is liis I accomplished assistant. Tho friends of Mr. JYinglo Cook will \ he glad to know that he is tlie it'.icient nmi energetic depot agent at t'ooke's Station on tho Savannah Valley Kail road. A worthy and courteous old colored man, Isaac Winostock, died at 1'refosKnr Hood's last week of pneumonia. lie was a faithful old man and we pay him this humble tribute. Mrs. K. l\ Blake of Greenwood, has been spending some time in the sweet society of her bereaved sister, Mrs. Dr. Williams. The Literary Club enjoyed quite a treat at their last meeting. Mr. II. P. McGee treated the club to a variety of n iiKii were uuieii enjoyed. Some of the delinquent members regretted their absence. II. 8. G. Lowndes villi* Locals. Mr. 1). L. Hurnes has just treated himself to ti nice pair of horses. lie bought theuj of Mr. .1. S. Fowler, of Anderson. Quite a number of hands are now rebuilding the depot here. They are pushing the work foward rapidly. An unusually large flock of wild geese passed over this place last Tuesday evening about sunset, holding northeast. What was the matter with the Messenoek this week? It did not r-ach hero until yesterday (Thursday). During Mr. J. B Frank's absence in Abbeville, l.)r. B. A. Henry filled his place. As teacher, I mean. The Dr. likes to teach very much?"over the left." Quite a number of drummers here since inv last. If they all . effect sales, this part of the country will bo well supplied with almost everything needed. This week so far has been warm and rainy, so much so as to cause the planters to think about planting corn, the good women to commence gardening, and the lizards to seek the sunny side of a fence-rail. * Last night a number of our young people went to the Methodist churchy and had a "singing." A step in the right direction. Mrs. iMilah Jsrown, o! Anderson U. II., with .her children, has just spent a week 1 at her father's, Mr. J. P. Young, in the Fork. The first quarterly Conference for | Smyrna church for thiR year will com-j | mence here on to-morrow. Rev. K. D. , Smart, the presiding older, is oxpected to be present. 1 There aro somo bad ca6es of measles | hereabouts. Many of thoso who have I had it once arc now getting another hen> eflt.* Rather "too much of a good thing." f In somo places, particularly on sandy land, the fall oats are badly killed. Th last few warm days have started tli wheat to growing rapidly. Miss Wi He Trihble, of Honea Patl has removed to her son's, J. \V. Iluek a hoe's. Some of our folk wer?* som??whn startled on last. Monday, uhoti 12 o'cloeli hy the ringing ?!;tin. Wo hi ljcvr in /'taking" things almost "till "foi nearanco ceases to no :i virtue.'' It i u >\v about time t<>nic Orchard, our Souther artist. of Columbia, is a guest of her si:; tur. Mrs. T. (3. Lipscomb. Nti\ John A. Moore was on a trip t Augusta last week with cattle, Hero turned with four Texas ponies, a ligh heart, doubtful 'conscience, and a ful purse. Miss H'-nie Orchard presented jth Palmetto Guards of Columbia with ai i oil painting of Inr studio, (Jon. K. h Loo. Tin.' execution of the portrait i as well done as the way in which th jrcnui'il loll his bravo Souther: soldiers to victory. .]Nines S*t*ifc?T, of Bradley, our frien of "ould,*' was m town last week, bii stayed two short a time to pay us a visii as wo desired. One or some miscreants on Frida night last throw a railroad spike agains one of the large door-glass panes of l)i Wenek's drugstore and l?roke it to atom: If anyone has a spite nt him, let hit come up square, hut not do or hire h. Hott.s is' getting tir?*d ?>! liaHu-lor-doin, and will t> soon loud one ol' Abbe\ilb?'K lair dunght- J il ors to the hytnunial ?H:ir. i no ln>v who has not roan Cmismo" w ill tu-vtr ^a.\'v r to r??;?vet sjM-tulin^ a fyw iJ1; limit's i> thctn. I . s. l'hw man who habitually us^s j*wh j <*xj?r< ssii?!i> as ihis: "I don': say it ho.-iHtingly, or attempt t<> make it npjtuar that r j ! am better than anyone else, otr.," ran - : *!??. right! v considered a first-class ugotiat. -j Miss M.?ry Mahry has a flourishing s j sehoid urai* h< ! homo. Sho is a good t -a.-hi r and has the confidence of" her y natrons. Mr. and Mrs. John (.filmor had tho misfortune '\v fade. I loath came with l'rioii _> c^ru; Tlii- ujicniiiir hmls so heaven convevod, V ...1 I 1 1.1 ? ? ?' UtIMC UK'ill UlU.^MIIIl 15IXIK. I.OYfl Lund Locals, ti Measles art* still on tin.- increase. Pr. Robinson is kepi busy practising i his profession, as there is considerable t> ; sickness. - I . Mr. .John A. Ilagati has moved upon I 1 the old homestead of .luhn F. Clink' seales. We welcome hiin. We are having very warm weather for c the season. Look out for cyclones and II submersions. Constable 14. II. Shannon has been 's scouring Level Land generally, looking c up old guano debts. Henry Brooks has erected a handsome I .'cottage or two ut>on his plantation for ' i the convenience of tenants. t ' T;ir.l .Justice Robinson, we learn, h?s ' erected a calaboose for the safe-keeping of prisoners convicted before his court. | Farm work has commenced at last nti'l there is much to do, as mueh time ! has been lost owing to had weatleT. n It is with profound rnjret that wo .i have thi> week to chronicle the ilenth of t- Mrs. Noble Boll. consort of Mr. Noble Bill, who departed this life on Feb. 3, it 1887. She whs a most estimable lady ft'ni was ever foreifiost in al! the Christj inn enterprises of her community. We . extend t<> the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathies. Ciniuciikm.a. gos3~Mfcvj?y "ninvn-ic: J- sva.u-am.fcaBea? pillDMONT AIU-lifNM. i nruiiMoxi) & danvillk it. r. I COLUMBIA fc p m * Ninety-Six 1 41 p in : Now berry 3 07 p in II | Arrive Columbia 5 15pm f Augusta 0 20 p in !? Northbound. No. 53. 11 Leave Columbia 11 00 a m 1 Ncwberrv 1 03 p m Ninety-Six 2 30 p in 0 tireemvood 2 52 p in ! Arrive Greenville 5 W p in . Laurens 5 55 p in ' Abbeville 4 35 p in Spartanburg 3 30 p in r Seiu t*a 0 02 p in \Vn1hnlla. 0 35 p in Atlanta 10 40 p in No. 5:5 makes close connection for Atlanta. ' No. fii- makes close connec'.ioii for Augusta ^ nnd (Ihiirlitstim ul Cnliiinliitt o "" ~ J AS" "L. TAYLOR, (Jkii'I I'ass. A^cnt. D. C A It DWELL, * Ass't Pass. Agl Columbia, S. C. SOL. IIASS, e Traffic Manager. 0 AUGUSTA ash KNOXVILLfi and s 1\ OHKKNWODI), LAURENS and SPA KT AN BURG RAILROADS. Schedule in effocton anil after Sunday, December 2<3, 1886. s Passenger and Mail?Augusta to Sparer tanburg?Daily. Lcarc Augusta 7 50 a n> Arrive at McCormick 10 05 a in Troy 10 24 a in Greenwood 11 20 a n> Coronaca 11 40 a m Snartftiibnrir. 1 SO r? m t " ' " r ? Passenger and Mail?Spartanburg to j Augusta?Daily. Leave Spartanburjj 11 25 a ui 11 Arrive at Coronaca 2 15 p m Y Greenwood 2 .15 p ui Troy ill p m Augusta 6 15 p in Freight and Passenger?Augusta to (t Spartanburg?Daily, except Sum1\v. . Leave Augusta 8 30 a m 0 Arrive at Troy 12 52 p in Greenwood 2 25 j> m ? Coronaca 3 17 p m s Spartanburg 8 15 p n> ? Frioght and Passenger?Spartanburg * to Augusta?Daily, except Sunday. Leave Spartanburg 5 80 a m s Arrive at Coronaca 10 23 a in c Greenwood.. 11 00 a in :r Troy 12 55 n m Augusta 6 60 i> in 0 Through Freight and Passenger?Augusta to Greenwood?Daily, except Sun&T ilay. Leave Augusta 12 IS j> m (1 Arrive at Troy 4 IV p in Greenwood...' 5 30 p in s Through Freight and PaHsa.iger? Greenwood to Augusta?Daily, except Sunday. Leave CS rem wood 6 00 a m " Arrive at Troy C 15 a m H Mr(!nrniirlr A 40 a. in II Plum Hranch 7 08 a m Augusta 10 30 h m ,r gfiajfCon auctions made at Greenwood 8 with up nnd down trains on Columbia , and Greenville Uailread. E. T CHARLTON, ' General Passenger A gout. o W. W. STARR. is SupvrinU ndent. MARKET ItKl'ORT. Corrected weekly l>y Messrs. I'arkcr & imi. COTTON?Market finn. Good demand. Rt r.-ipts to (lute, G,7(M) bales. Stained >5 5,?>w Middling H}^ Middling K% ( iiiid .Middling *SJh 9 I'UOVlKtONH. 'urn, per bushel . 7.f> cell's Outs, " 70 Wheat, " 1 5'l * Meat S Lard ...... ... U Collet! ... 1(1 In Yellow , :... 7 7'.j W'hite Uninitiated 7K.i H Salt, line, per sack 7f> Hit l.i vortmol, 200 lb. sacks I - '? Nails ... ... 4 llice ... 7 8 Tobacco ... 40 f>0 Molasses HO 40 Svni|i . . ...... '25 5tl M -ai ... 0a 75 DUY iit?o>s. I'rints 5 7 lilenched C'ltton- . ... Shirt inijs 6Vj (>'<5 ?> Sliirli?l?, er in anywise trespass upon tin- lands of the undersigned. The (nil penalty of tin' law will be enforced ajjainst all . ucu. .1. il. J.A J l.Mhll. 3t J. \V. \\\ MAttSilALL. DP O "CT 17 55 ? s HQE2SE AWW CATTLE P CODERS itihrr-w rz JI .& f f ( s-Jjyr &.-js xxrr&'fpv.hf C^Sk:4!^ >:o lions* will flic of roue. Hot* or J.rxo F& 7K'!, II KoisWi; I'ow.'orj n:? i:*r>! Intiti'T. l oiiLz's Powders w ill cure nnil pre\ r?t i lofl <* Fotit/.'s I'DiV'Irrs * 1 i .v-t al'r/vf ?.xv.kt I>i?vask to >vt:teli Jiorscst an 1? uUJearv i- .'-.Vet. I'nvrz'8 I'ov.-ix u* wm ?ivk fcATihyAirvtox. Bold everywhere. DAVID E. rOTTTZ, Proprietor, EAI.TIiZOiiU. UD. ft>r sale livSpred A* Xcufler. Abliovllli< S. ('. Schools May Open. Ol'PJCE OK SCIIOOI. C'OMMKS OM'.K.) Aiiiikvii.i.k t'orsTv. > ARDKVI I.I.K, S. C.t Jail. V Teachers ??f Public Schools are at liberty to open their schools and teach with their precept certificates until the examination of teuclieiA in April next. Subject to tlie rates of salaries agreed upon hereafter. t'j. v;u ? A a, Soliool Commission-r A. 0. L'fH-S rJ ? % a bo mis SJIig ' slrt woijirl i? ?? 2- V? .O ?? I ? V4 Nov. .'JO, "8t'?-]y FURNITURE If?/\ BEDSTEADS at prices from $2.50 O" J to $15, onsh 500 Chair* at prices from 50 centa lo $1,00 cash Washstands at " " $1.00 to $12 00 Bureaus from $<>. to $25. ca.vh (U1AMDER Suit stun pieces at prices from J $20 tn$S.r>. WARDROBES, solid walnut and paintod at low prices .1/attrusHcs at prices from $2.50 to $0 cash Marble top tnbles 1 ?} DIN'INu Extension Tables, 6, 8 and 10 I O feet lone, nt prices from 80 cents to $1.50 per foot All of best quality. Full line of all other poods kept in stock, at low prices. Respectfully, J. 1). CHALMERS & CO. Job Printing OF ALL KINDS NEATLY and PROMPTLY EXECUTED ?AT THE? ; "'..* ?? i i \'X.- * tv.' ? *{ Me ssenger Office. v"