/ The Abbeville Messenger Enterod at the postofQco as 2ml-clnsH mutter WK DISKS DAY, DECKMDKK 17, 1881. SUBSCRIPTION $2 01 MARRIAGES. On last Thursday ni^ht, 11th Discemher, at the residence* of tliu bride's father, Maj. M. hosts of friends who oxtend them hearty and warm eon^ratu IUUU!1>, ilJMl irj?i|\.i; ? IVII HIV-HI III iai<; J-Ktv and happiness that lie be fori1 them. Mr. .1. L. Wardlnw end Miss Maggie 11. Smith wore united in marriage at the residence of Mr. It. F. Smith, tho bride's father, on last Thursday night. Two happy young souls bravely and trustingly start upon the journey of l:fe together. Their perfect love will sweeten its way, and friends will rejoice in their prosperity as they now rejoice in their happiness. Miss Willie Hell Douglass, daughter of Mr. John C. Douglass, was married nt the residence of h?>r father, to Mr. 1>'. .J. Warren, on Thursday night. 11 th inst. Two fair young fortunes and lives are thus made one, and set out upon their joint pilgrimage of life. To its close ma}' it he strewed with prosperity and happiness. To-night Dr. W. Addison, of Troy, >* and Miss Sallio Widenian, daughter of the Into Dr. A. T. Wideman, will bu married at the residence of the bride's brother the. lion. W. P. Wideman. Our gallant and talented young friend and his beautiful bride will allow us thus to J ,.. i . : ,t.. .1 l KOiui our ^(ingrRiHlauuiih iijiun tin* uuai exintence so soon to begin. Hon- can the fulllilment of their l>ri?*!? 1 ?*st visions fail of realization. so true. noble am! ' - accomplished, she so pure and beautiful and good. Surely il were the merest commonplace to wish them happiness. They can scarcely fail to tind its foil fruition, for Co l will surely hi ess their union. PERSONAL. Mr. D. Lucien Mabrv w.ik last week on motion in the Supreme Court, admitted to the practice of the law in tins State. Mr. Mabry will settle at AbbeTille and will occupy one of the offices formerly occupied by .lodge Thomson, lie is a young man of decided ability, and may reasonably look forward to a successful and honorable career. Messrs. Thos. Thomson, .1. S. Perrin and J. W. Thomson were yesterday admitted, 011 examination in the Supreme Court, along with others, to the practice ef law. Col. F. Ilay (Jantt, Col. Win. Elliott and "Col. (J. \V. Croft were the Examining Committee. We welcome our voutig friends into the fraternity and wish them good .speed in the race tofame and fortune kcv. Mr. Mci\av. oi lirillin, <*a., tins been on a visit of some days to Abbo .* ville, and preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning ami night. Jt is understood thai ho has under advisement a call from that congregation. Mr. C. M. Calhoun, of tireenwood. was in town Thursday, t.? ttlcnd thw wedding of hi.s son, Adger Calhoun. I)r. .1. L. Martin returned from Savannah Inst week. It is understood that he will accept or har, accepted a rail to a pastorale in that city. Dr. Martin is an indefatigahle laborer i:i his Master's vineyard, a hard student, a good scholar, and a forcible speaker. Many prayers I'roni 'icartain Abbeville will follow him whithersoever he goes. Dr. \V. M. Tag^trt was ir. town on Saturday. KoHtor of C'Ir<*nlt iliKl^cs. The Chief Justice has made the following assignments of .Judges to hold the respective Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions for the year 1>585 : ' " The first session of the respective circuits will he held by the Cireuit ?ludgos as follows: First Circuit, hy Judge Aldrich, of the Second Circuit: Second, hy Judge Fraser, of th>; Third Circuit; Third, by Judge Hudson, of tne i'ourlh Uircuil: Fourth, l?)* .Judge Kershaw, of (he Fifth Circuit; Fifth. l>y .Judge Withcrspoon, of the Sixth Circuit; Sixth, l?y J inline Wallace of the Seventh Circuit; Seventh, by .Judge Coth'ran. of the Eighth Circuit; Eighth, by Judge Presslev, of the First Circuit. The second cession of the respective circuits will bo hold by the Circuit Judge* n* follows : First Circuit by Judge I'ressley ; Second, Judsu. Aldrich ; Third, Judge Fraser; Fourth, Judge Hudson ; Fifth, J udgo Kershaw ; Rixth, Judge AVitherspoon; Seventh, Judge Wallace ; Eighth Judge Cothran. The third session of the respective circuits will 1?o held by the Circuit Judges as follows: First Circuit, by J udgo Cothran ; Second, .Judge I'ressley; Third, Judge Aldrich ; Fourth, .Judge Fraser; Fifth, Judge Hudson; Sixth, Judge Kershaw; Seventh, .Judge Withcrspoon; Eighth, .Judge Wallace. Ninety-Six Ncwh. An Occasional correspondent from Nin?ty-Six sends us the following items : The following officers were elected in * Eureka Lodge A. F. M. : Jas. Rogers, Jr., W. M.; lie. Turner, 6. W.; L. M. Fouche, J. W.; F. M. Pope, Treasurer ; G. F. K. Wenck, Secretary ; Thos. 0. Stuart, S. D. ; A. J. 'Quittlcbaum, J. J). ; \V. T. Head, Tyler. The following otlicers were elected in Btar Fort I.odgo K. of II. : Jaa. Hogers, Jr., P. I). ; L. M. Fouche, JV; C. T. Whitten, V. 1).; T. L. Moore, A. P.; J. W. Fouclio, Hop.; O.T. Jackson, Treasurer; J. 1>. Watson. F. Hep.; It. Ii. I'ratt, Chap.; A. S. Osborne,' Guide; W. 11. Purkersonj Guardian ; .). S. King, S?ntinol ; Ci. F. K. Wenek, M?d. Ex.; K. M. Lipscomb, James II. Hine, J. J. Bozo man, Trustees. Mail Irregularities. Complaint has time and npain been made to iih from subscribers at I In liter's and Widcman's that they do not get their papers. Wo have written to the authorities at Washington and intend to have this matter corrected. We are informed ; that the carrier on this line did not call for the mail for two or three trips in succession. Such negligence is outrageous, and the carrier ought to be remove#. We intend to see where the fault lies before wo drop tho matter. I MESS AUKS. Squiro CSruydon was in tow^ on Tuesday. Mr. B. A. Doyd, of Lodimout, was in town Tuesday. , Mr. Arthur Parker is visiting friends and relatives in town. Mr. Homer, of (iroenwood, was in town yesterday. Tho most eharming Nolo Taper and cards at \Y. .S. Cothran & Co. Oysters and fresh fish are coming into our market Terv often now. lodge Lynn has b"on siek a day or ! two with eold. Tho cheapest Christmas cards at \V. j S. Cothran Co. | There has hoeii an epidemic of colds ! and sore throats nil ahont tho County. ' Satchet Powders, tho most delightful, at \Y. S. Cothran 1 rum tho Columbia Female College, to spend tho Xinas holidays. Miss ftnhinu Zeiglor who was with Ihoni came home last week to attend her sister's wedding. Tho fox hunter* liavo lieon out nearly every day for a week and have hud most despicable lurk. The grand hunt at Luther lla/ldon's resulted in a Hash and such has been generally the luck. Their persevetanec is worthy of a better cause. Head the attractive advertisement of \V. S. Cothran A* Co. Whoever is in search of Christmas gifts, cannot fail to (hid what he wants at their store on the corner. They have a lovely assort uieiil ol fancy lioods, and many yery substantial ones. "White Brothers having an immense stock of fall and winter goods, are nowprepared to supply the wants of all their friends and the public generally, (ioods are choaper than they were ever known to he, and in the purchase of them a little money will pay for a great many articles. ? 1-tf We advise our readers always to read the outside of the Mf.ssf.noKit. It is ''home print" and frequently contains State news of much interest. This week there will he found there accounts of the Inauguration of Gov. Thompson and Lt.-Gov. Sheppard, and sonic of the proceedings of the State Legislature. Put a table spoonful! of soda to each gallon of fat and it will make your lard beautifully white and incieaso the yield. It will consume the entire fat and leave no cracklings. We can safely recommend this recipe to those who are going to kill hogs. We hare triod it. "! .> ' . ' ' v vr'--v ' v?--v ?T ? ? ^~\ Tho following gentlemen have bco appointed a committee on behalf of th citizens of Greenwood to wait upo Capt. Knou 1, President of tho G corgi Central Railroad, and sci* if ho will giv any assistance toward building a Ron between Greenwoodand Abbeville. Di M. C. Taggatt. Dr. W. B. Mill wee, Di A. I'. I'ooaer, Messrs. T. L'\ liiley, C. A C. Waller and .1. K. I^urst. As wo hav said before the question between the tw routes proposed?Greenwood and Yei df ry?will turn on the action of Cap Itaoul. Which ever one he favors wil be ouilt. Whito Brothes havo now in stor more than one hundred cases of Boot and Slioes. Thev sell Zeigler's Laili<.^ Shoes, which are unsurpassed for lii style and durability. Thev aKo hav a large lot of Men's and Boy's Shoe* inado by the Day State Shoe and Louth er Company. Their goods have bee tested for several years and have give universal satisfaction. Any ono wh buys a pair of this make of Hoots o shoes, always gets the worth of hi money. oct J-tf "Words fail to express my gratitude, says M?r. Selhy Carter, of Xashvilh Venn., "for the benelits derived Iron i i mi- ,i_-. ..f /\ > it rs nhrm!i|).-iriuu. iinving oeen iiiiik i ed nil iny life with scrofula, my systoii seemed saturated with it. It came ou in blotches, ulcers, and mattery sores all over my hotly." Mr. Carter state that ho was entirely cured by Aycr' Sarsaqarilla, and since, discontinuin; its use, eight inonts ago, has had no ro turn of the scrofulous symptoms. 'J'he ladies of Ijowndcsvillc. will giv an entertainment on Christmas day fo the benefit of the Presbyterian Churcl at that place. There will be a dinne at two o'clock, when will be served al the substantial and toothr.omo viand; thai abound in Xnnts times. At night oysters served in any shape, togeihe with ice cream, cake and other delieacie: will be sold. We bespeak for the ladiei who have this. alTair in hand the cordia ami generous support of the entire com m unity. Mr. William Anderson had everythinj packed and ready -to strike for the far welcome (?) West last Thursday but In was taken sick with an attack of pleu I risy hitd will remain for a while at least Doubtless the thought of leaving honu and friends had a good deal to do will malting li1111 sick, and wc hope tlial when ho recovers ho will conclude t? abide with us, for it is toward eveninj with him and an old tree cannot bcai many replantin-js. Verdery had quite an air of business as wo passed through Saturday evening IJaloK of cotton wore piled up on thi platform and the hu7.7. of the saw mil and f.in near by was music in the air It t\ as suggested that evening as we won returning through the town fron an al day ride over the Liurens Fronds. tha the name of the place be changed t< ' Vcry-dry.*' Mr. Richard Sondlov has rented tin Heaver Dam place for the year 1885 I Ti.So - ....... ..r v.- i i 1 ...i. I X II10 in i\ put t VM iim; iiiiui I'tm limit >1111 i nn Sab-day Inst Rnd bought in for Mr Henry Laurens one of the heirs. Wi hope that tlio fears of some of the neighbors are .: ' - ' r, n County Officers niul thoir Bondsmen. 1 0 The following arc the amounts of the n bonds of our County officers, together a with their boiulsmen : COUNTY COM MISSION BUS. r \V. T. Co war.?K. C. Hrownlee, U. W. . Ihtddon, bondvincii. I. A. MeCord?.1. Alpheus SleCord. t, John Ij. MrOord. bondsmen. ? Win. Kiley? 1'. A. Covin, It. A. Boyd, .. bondsmen. 1 Amount of bond $2,(XX). !1 ci.kitk. M. Ci. Zoi-h-r?(}. ?. Itiley, \\\ Z. Me- ' c (ilu.'o, Ii. Smith. (J. M. Hodge's, hondss men. Amount of bond .ftiI?ro?>.fnry I'. Dul'ri'. .1. C. u Donjjlns.c, I)r. .fas. T. lhtskin, A. I**c?r'< giisoa, R. I.. Williams, bondsmen. " Amountof bond lj* 10,tHM). " school com m issn?: (*t'0 HodgOS W. Vt. (S. r M. Hodges, C. I,. Smith, bondsmen. s Amountof bond $1,(XX>. .II IKiK OK I'liOlt.VTK. .1. Fuller Lyon?J. C. Douglass, T. C. Seal. C. V. Hammond, bondsmen. ' Amount of bond $5.(XX). II cokonkh. it !as. A. Khillito?Kliza Shillilo, A. M. t Hill, \V. I,. Miller, bondsmen. Amount of bond s I'Vntivnl r.t "Wai-renton. " The ladies of the Wnrrenton I're.-diyterinu church are preparing for :? grand entertainment to commence December \ 0 '2(?th. (Friday.') at 1 o'clock and continue ^ ?' till lato at night. r Wntclics Clucks and Jrwoirj. 1 Mr. II. f>. Rf.khk, of Abbeville, is prepared S to do fill manner of repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and will pay all express * charges on work sent to him from stations on the C. and (1 road. Ilealwavs keeps in stock s a handsome line of Jewelry and I'laled Ware I < at moderate prices. Send in your orders. | Address, II. I). ItKKSK, Abbeville. S. C. A Placc of Beauty. ' The ladies' furnishing store of 1 {. M. 1 ' lladdon ?& Co. oilers unusual attractions J ? .. 11 . _.J - /' ' - t in imvimiii^ v miri, wrio lie- j sire to present their wivs and daughter* with the latest styles in hats, dresses, ! Cloaks, circulars, Ac. tf i j Public Speaking. ; Lawyers, Ministers and Politicians r before addressing nn Audience, shonhl . take two good doses of Brewer's Lung { ^ Restorer nnd they will find that their throat; will not become parehdd and voice husky. ' A. K. ltoKors, ' Wholesale denier in Corn, Flour, Meal, Mea., ' Hams, Kurd, ltran, Salt, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Soap, Ac., will deliver goods ut t any point on railroad at Abbeville prices. 3 Jletore buying always ask fur oricea, us we have advantages that few up-country merchants have. A. E. Hoorns. s C'ull at the I'nlmetto Saloon to Get. , 1 Pure (ioods for Christmas. Christmas is coining, it comes ones a year, " I have got the pure goods that brings right good cheer. I Wliihkoy tVoin Ireland, the best of its kind, > Aud Scoteli Whfskej punch, made ju.st Jo | your iimuu. I j It it m from Jamaica, anil Umn from the North. . Take some home for Eggtmg, and sec wliut its , worth, J ' I have (tin conic from Holland, and tho finest , old Tom, . It's Iliu best iu the market ami sells to and front. Hrandy front France, the best can be bought, i Apple ami Poach, the kiml that's sttll sought. Stone Mountain Corn, the best 1 can buy, A good line of brands of the purest old live. i r A full line of Wines, vintage of ?ightr-one, 5 liill'crent grades, that fails to suit none. r Imperial Champagne, and Warner's dry, i' Masson's and Miiiuiu'b, brands von should try, -j The finest Pale Ale, from England shipped o'er . And Hnrka double Stout, from the Irish shore, J Fresh Tivoli Beer, the bes.' you all know, - And''Milwaukee Export, front A. OuntherA Co. A good line of Tobacco, old brand, Hlue Jenus, j i Smoke "Hlue Wood," you know what it menus, t, When buying for Christinas, call in rijrlit soon , You will i:nd what you want?Palmetto Saloon. i And don't you forgot again Titos. McUettigan. 1 1 1 Mr. Krattk Henry ha? purchased the eleven acres belonging to U?.*v. Mr. Mar-" , t n a mile a ?d a quarter front the Court * House. Farmers?Mr. Rogers w?ll deliver 1 f you corn in car-load lots at any depot i in the up-country. Club together and ' - get him to order you a car while it is 1 cheap. liuv your Holiday Hoods from Speed J i\c Lowry. Call at the Palmetto Saloon,-the gen1 tleman's resort, where you can enjoy a u good quiet drink. LoalVrs and children . not allowed. T. McGettigan. Prepared l'utty! Prepared Putty ! ! at " - Speed & l-owry'H. i \o. 4, Washington streot?the place < to buy line old whiskey, Thomas Mc(ietti^an, Proprietor. i Huy your Fruits and Confectioneries from Speed ?.V Lowry. Call and see our beautiful stock of . it Holiday Goods. Speed & Howry. ' u \V. S. Cothran & Co.'s stock of Cigars I and Tobacco can not be surpassed in 1 4 Abbeville. c Handsome Picture Frames and Photograph Albums (some very line) at W. | = S. Cothran & Co. L' Fine Table and Hall Lamps at W. S. Cothran & Co. h A handsome lot of Pocket Knives for ladies and gentlemen at W. S. Cothran . & Co. L? ,i The largest and most beautiful assortment of Christinas cards at \V. S. Cothran & Co. r The New'Hotel is heinz finished off J nicely inside. Jt will l>o a beautiful ' . place for the boll. The Sheriff has s number of sales ad- , 5 vortiscJ for Siileday in January. r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' r -yyK OFFF.lt FOU RF.NT TII08E TWO | ? HAMDSOME NEW STORES, | I. under Ilia New Hotel, in'llio town of Abliuville. e TliO)' nro 25x85 feet, Intro polinhcd French S plate {?]?*? fronts, and situated ?n the I'ublic riN IIA M, .IK SEAL & BOM LAM, Real Estate Agents. WK offer our services to the public in the Hale. Purchase aud Keutiu^ of Kc.il Estate. Town Lots, Farm Property and all REAL ESTATE lought and sold on liberal terms. Particular attention paid to Kcuting aud ., ISHt. ) I M. (J. ZeiL'ler, C. C. 1\ > aeal < ' Benot, lticu A Smith, I ( Perrin A Cothrnn, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the defendant Julia E. Carter: You will take-notice that the summons herein of which tlio altovo is a copy has this day been filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Picas for this county. BENKT, HICK k SMITH, December lT-tf PERRIN A COTIIRAN. r?i I'n.yi tmJLim ????a?on Sheriff's Sale. Uicliartl l,?3'ton> Assignee of J. J. lloxoman, r ngaiitst Lewis Itntler. Mortgage. BY virtue <>f a in?>rtt'? nu ilirccli'd, in the above sliiloil ca.si', 1 will sell to tlic J j highest bidder, at I'uhlie Auction. within I lit; legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Court House, on Monday, the 5th day of January, A. I). the following described property, t to wit : One lot of land in the town o| Nine- i ty-Si.x, in the (Iminlv of Abbeville, South ( Carolina, and containing t ONI'j AC UK, " more or loss, and bounded by lands of J. H. | Tolbert, Jell' Floyd. William Sanders and others. Levied on and to be sold us the properly of Lewis Itntler, to satisfy the aforesaid execution and costs. i Terms (/'ash. j J. F. C. Di I'UK, Shcrilf, as Agent. Dee. 5>, I SSI. i SherilV's OHiee, Abbeville (J. II., S. C. 1 Dec 17-1 f t Sheriff's Sale. ' Mcdheo .V llodges a. d others against Jtio. It. 'J'olhctl? Execution. l>y virluo of an Execution to nic directed, in I tlio al'iivii stated caxe. I will sell to the I I bidder, at Public Auction, within tho lejjal | * hours of sale, nt Abbeville courthouse. on Mon- " I day, tlic fifth day of January A. 1> 1S.S5 in the * foilonit>g described property, all the light, titicand interest of J. It. i'olbert, tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying utul being in tho County of Abbeville, South Carolina, 0110 trnct containing > One Thousand Acres, moro or les.s, bounded by laiius of Wnt. llarrolhon. Henry Spikes mid others. Abo, (he llroolt.i Place, containing i Three Hundred Acres, more or Ic-sn, bounded by landri of P. I). Brooks, j S. P. 1'.looks and ot^ei'H. Also, tho Harris tract containing , Eleven Hundred Acres, ! more of less, bounded by lands of S. P. Brooks Daniel Thomas, iho Boyd plnoo and others. Levied on and to bo sold as tho property of I Jno. It. Tolbert to mitinfy the uforesaid Lxecu | tions nr.d test*. I Terms?cash. J. F. (,J. Dul'RK, 1 ?S. A. C. ; "jsj S^alo- i i The Aulhn&n A c;o. nghinst J. P. Calwell, J. II. McXiuch el al. ?Execution. By virtue of an Execution to uto directed, in ! the above, xtated ovu, 1 will sell to tho lii^;lict>t ( j bidder, nt Public Auction, within the leyal liiiurs in mil!, ai addcviiio court Hou?c, on I Mondav, the iifth day of .Jjvnunry A. i#35, | the following described properly, to wit : , The Equity of redemption of J. It. McNinch in ull thai tract or paicol of land, .situate, lying and being in the County of Abbeville, booth Carolina, and containing """Two Hundred Acres, I more or lent*, and bounded by land.s of A. C. | Metieo, 8." II. Mctii'O, L. J. llarok and othcra. I Levied on and to be Hold art tho property of J. | It. McNinch, to aatinfy the aforcHaid Execution and costa. { Terms canli. ' J. b\ C. I)l)PRE, iSheiilf, A C. ! SHERIFF'S SALE. J. (I. Boozer, Survivor etc., against lHaac Logan.?Sundry Executions. j By virtue of Sundry Execution to inc directed ' in th<> above htnted ca^u, I will kc!1 to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, within I ho legal hourri of nate, at Abbeville (Jonrthoune, on lion- i 1 day. the lifth day of Jnuuary A. 1> 1365, ttie following dei-ci ibed property, to wit : All that tract or | arcel of hind, hitnnto, lying ! ! and being in the c?ur.ty of Abbeville, South j Carolina, and containing Two Hundred Acres, i uioro or icsm, and bounded by Itiulw of Klugli \ Brothers, Jos-Lma Turner, Haniuel Benjamin j I anil others i Levied on and to l>o sold an tho prttperty of J Isaac 1 oj?au to, satisfy tho aforesaid Execution and costs Terms?Cash. J. P. C DuPltE, , Hlieritt*. Sheriff's Sale. Jno. ?il. Cochran and others against A. 1'. Connor-?Exeeuti 'Kim. By virtue of Hundry Executions to mo" diroctcd iu tlio above stated case, I will hell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, within the legal hours of sale, at Ab- , beville courthouse, on Monday, the fifth day of January A. D. 1885, the following dei-cribed property to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county or Abbeville, fcouth Carolina, and known a* the Kennedy tract and pattof the lloino tract aud containing Seven Hundred (700) Acreu more or lean, anil bounded by lands of John Lyon J. L. Drennan, the Laurens Lands, Nancy Kennedy aud others. Levied on and to be Mild as tlio property of A. I\ Connor to satisly iho aforesaid Executions and costs. T^rius caob. J. P. C. DuPKE, Sherill, A. O. feheriir's Sale. Edwiu Bates ?t Co. aud others againnt A. M. Ajjnew.?Execution. By virtue of Hundry P'xi cutions to mo directed, in tho above stated csho. I will Hell to tbo higbont biddor. at Public Auction, v, it bin tbo legal hours of sain, at Abbeville Courthouse, on Monday, the lUtb day of January A. D. 1BMT? tbo following; described property, to wit: Tne Equity of liedi-mption of A. At. Aguow, iu all tlmt tract or parcel of laud, situate, lying and being m tbo uuiinly of Abbeville Bouili Carolina, uud known as tbo Bwain placo, and containing Two Hundred and thirty-live acres. more or lose, and bounded l>y landrf of M. 1). McQbo, Kiidiin ltiloy and others. Levied 011 uud to bo Hold iw tlio property of A. M. Aguow to satisfy tbo aforesaid E&cciitiou and c->ktH. TEItMtf? cash. J. V. C. DiiPRE, HlieriH' AC. Sheriff's Sale. William P. Connor, Assignee, against A. I\ Connor.?Order of Foreclosure. By virtue of an order of Judge Prossley to ine directed, in the above statrd onse, I will sell to tbo highest bidder, at Public Auction, within the legal bourn of salo. Abbeville courtbouse, on Monday, the iiftb da? of January A. D. 1885, the following described .property to wit: All that tract or paroel of land, situate, lying and being iu the county of Abbevillo nwuiu lymuiiiia, unu Known a* 1110 Kennedy plaoo ami part of tho Uoruo place and containing Seven Hundred [700] Acres nioro or Ichh, and bounded by laud* of John I?yoa. J. L. Drennan, Naucy Kennedy and otherH. Levied on and to be Hold eh tbo pro|,orty of A. P. Ooiinor to ?atiafy tbo aforesaid Execution and comk. Turin*?Olio-lialf of tbo puichacn njonoy in canb, and llio ba'nnco on twolve month* credit witb morigngo of tbo promise*. l'uroba*er to pay for paper*. J. P. C. DuPRE, - B. A. C\ TOFsale! SEVERAL Pairs of beautiful Pigg?Half Red Jersey aud half Essex. Apply at tliisolBco. * . \ -I) i ?1 MASTER'S SALES. V J1IIK STATIC OK SOUTH CAROLINA, ^ COTNTY OK A Itll K V11,1. K. ^ I. AV. Thomson, ajjainst Mitry T. (Junrlcs, *t. al. Partition. IIV. virtue of t lie order of Judf^o /Otlirmi in tlic above stilted ease, to nodirected, I will oiler for siilo at Abbeville II., S. on the 5ili day of January, ISS.i, lull beini; Salesilii v, w it Iiiii t hit lejral hour:* of .ale. the following described property, to wit : VII that tract or fiat eel of land, situate in laid State mul County, and known as the Fair 'lace or Utile Kiver I'lmitutimi, containing. K. I1VKN II irN !?1?i!!? A('1!K , nore or less, bounded by lands of Kobt I'ratt, I oil it I'ratt, U \V Crawford and others, to bo iividi'd and sold ill such parcels and with such ncte.s and bounds as will appear by plats on ile in the Master's ollice, iiuil which will bo -xliibitcd on dav of sale. Al so, that tract or parcel of laud known as lie Plantation Trr.et, i,r the Obi Home l'lacu, lontainii:^ OXK THOUSAND ACHES, .lore or less, bounded by lauds of A K \Vi?tion. I'.st l?r .1 S Iteeil, W A Hunter, .1 C l.ites and others. To be divided and sold in licit parcels anil with such motes and bounds is appear on plats, in Master's oilier, uud \lticn will be exhibited on day of sale. Also, the I'iiniioii Lands, containing about TWO IIL'NDIIKD ACIIKS, m>re or less, bounded 1>%- lands of Knoch Xelioii, [?r Dreiiuaii and others. Also, the I,idle Mountain Tract, containing TWO IirNUUKl) ACRKS, nore or loss, hounded by Knocli Xulson, Dr II Drennan and others. Also, the Richard Ihivis Truct, containing FIFTY AC It S, nore or less, hounded by lands formerly iiiown as Davis Lands, now owned by A C Stockman, by the Chiplev lands and others. Also, the Rogers Tract, containing FORTY ACRKJj, nore or less, near Callionn's Mills, bounded liy lands of Cade and others. Also, the Cabb l.ot, on the Hlue Ilill, containing FOUR ACRKS, more or less, with building thereon, hounded by lands of I). 11. Smith, 11. S. Haruwell. ami M rs. S. M. ('alhonn. Also, un into lost nt" TIIKKE FICKT, in the Allwy between the Coot nil Hotel and the store lit' ('i?iiiiiu>;liam iV Templeton, on the side of said store. Terms of Sale?One-half Cash, and the lialancc in twelve months, secured hy bond of . iiupchnser and mortjjj'^e of the premises. Purchaser to pav for papers. M." I,. HON 11 AM, Jr., Master. JjfASTF.US SALK. F. W. Wagoner & Co., vs. T. W. Mara BY virtue of an order of sale made in the above stated case by the lion. T. B. Fraser, Judge Eighth circuit, on thy 3d day of June, 1884, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville C. II., S. C? on 3th day of January, 1885, that being Sab-day, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, situute in said State and county, to wit : All that lract or parcel of land, containing UNH HUNDRED &- EKiHTY-FIVE _ AC 11ES, 1 1 11 1 -- 1 - i " iiiuiv.-1'i n;.?, iKMiiiiirii ny tanas or cs'ate of Josiah Wo I Is, S. B. Morrah, J. li. Cahfwell and others. Also that tract or pared of land, containing. ON"K IIUXI)UK!> ACHES, more or less, and bounded by lands of lames McCaslan, said T. \V. Mars ami others. Also, that tract or parcel of land, containing TWO lirXDKKD A CUES, , *iorc or less. known as the McCelvy tract, and bounded by lands of James McCaslan, A. B. C. Lindsay and others. Terms of sale?One-half cash, balmee in twelve months, with interest, .ind secured by bond and mortgage of the premises ; purchaser t? pay for pa|>ers. Sold at risk of foruier purchaser, Mrs. Lucv ?l. Mars. M. L. BOX1IAM, Jr., Master. gJASTKKS SALE. V li1. fnlverf nc A ?1 m i n J v**.., against Martha I lagan, et. al. HY virtue of an order of sale made in tlie above stated case by the lion. A. P, Aldricli, Judge Second Circuit, on the Urd day of October, 1H84, I will sell at Public Outcry at Abbeville* C'. IT., S. C., on the oth r parcel of Land containing TWO 11IJXI>11KI) AC11ES, nmre oi less, and bounded by lands of J. A. l'Hlis, .J. F. Keller and others. Verms of Sale?One-half ('ash, balance ii: twelve months with interest from tiny of sal", secured by bond of liurebaser and inortiraire of nreinisps. willi leave to purchaser to pay all cash. I'urchnsor to pnv for papers M. I. I50XHAM, Jr., Master. ASTKU'S SAI.H, J i. Thomas Young Administrator, I'laiutift", vs. i.uciiida Tate and J. C. Milford. Foreclosure. HV virtue of an order of sal# made in tlio above slated case by tlie Hon. A. 1'. Atdrich, Judge 2nd Circuit, on 31st day of October 1S8-I, I will .sell at public outcry at Abbeville ('. 11., S. C., on Stli day of January, 1HH5, that being Salesday, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and County, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land containing TWO UUXDHKD AND TWKNTY-SEVEN ACRES, moro or less bounded by lands of Richard Hill, II H. Ilarpur, Josiah Burton, and by the Shaw place. Terms of Sale, Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. I,, Bonham, Jr., Master. A ST KU'S SALE. F. W. Wegener A Co., against W. M. Hie giim. Foreclosure. HY virtue of nn order of sale made in tho above stated case by the Hon. A. P. Aldrioh, Judge 2nd Circuit, on Slat day of October, 188-1, 1 will Hell nt public outcry at Abbeville C. 1!., S. C.,on 5th dny of January 18&5 that being Sulesdny, witlun tho legal hours of snle, the following described property, situate in xitid Statu anil County, to wit : All that tract or parcel of land, containing ONE ACUH, more or less, bounded by lands of A. 11. DodSon, W. W. Rowland, O. II. Kcid and others. Terms Cash?Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BONIIAM, Jr., Master. V ' . . - Is. if* j k..;,-J ? ' }'*' ' 'JS v.- _ . . I:!,'- v:.