The Abbeville Messenger.! ftiitcteri at the po.tlnfllcc ax 2inl-ol;?ss matter. ' WKDNKSDA V, NOVKMUKK i'<5. IhtM. . :V~ i BfltSCIUPTION $2 00 : CAROLINA TO CALHOUN. A MONUMKNT TO TIIM MKMOHY OK Villi; | Liuiin IU IIIC imru, IIKJ series -.terminating in n cap-stone, which niny ho host described as resembling in .fihapothe "hip roof,'", to ho soon upon ninny old-fashioned houses. 'J'ho fourth-stone, or "die block,*' as it is .railed, is six feet lon?r, twenty-throe inches wide, ami twenty-nine inches thick : thn fifth stone, therefore, projects beyond it on all sides : and the eap-stonw, being eight feet long by fortyfive inches wide and thirty inches thick, projects likewise over and beyond both, and thus serves the desirable purpone of protecting the inscriptions and polish on the inscribed block below i'. The body of the monument is of such solid and massive character as to defy the encroachments of time and of relichunters alike, no angle or projection bein;* ottered to tempt the zeal of the latter, ami no crevice or delicate traecry boin?j presented to invite Lbe mvno-i.s i?f rain and frost. As thus constituted, however, the structure would present ,t)irve to bring the general outline into proper and fair proportion. Each ohtmn is composed of a solid and hiiglily polished block, and bears for its capital a crown of acanthus leaves gracefully curved to relieve the straight lines which characterize the remainder ,of the work. The die block i.< highly polished, as to its entire surface, and bears the following inscriptions on its four faces respeotivtdy, the letters being from one and a half to three inches in height, and being brought into relief In* sinking the spare immediately surrounding each inscription to a depth of three-eights of an inch : t //. v V^i n/? nmirf.i.i. ive'y, enumerate the important public position* tilled by Mr. Calhoun in liis owrn Stall* iiml the United Slates. Tin* monument is ten feet in height, mid is a conspicuous object in the the churchyard, its general effect being considerably enhanced hy the dark, i peh foliage of the flourishing magnolia true that overshadows it, and which is I itself a living monument to the distill- I guished dead. i It will not fail to occur to the mind of; i any one who may visit the monument j| that immediate provision should he I made for its proper protection, by snr- I I rounding it with an enclosure strouir ? i puougli uiul high enough to prccliulc the ? . > . ,v, ' ' i -S".. , / . ... r ' ' possibility of injury to tlx? work by thoughtless or evil disposed persons. The simple' slab which was removed to give place to the present more costly monument itself bears silent witness to the necessity of such precaution, as it was so badly clipped and broken by relic hunters that it was found neevssa- ( ry to round tin; corners to prevent furtliera d:i...age. Kven the breaking of leaf from the capital of one of the pillars would be a matter of lasting regret, . mil ill tln? tiri'snnt oviinuml itwlilion /.Pi I" - - * I I llio work such a depredation is likely to occur at any time. It is not generally known, perhaps, that this is the third tim?* that Mr. Calhoun's remains have heen removed since they were first laid to rest in tho ' soil of the State lie loved so wu'l, hut that such is the fact appears from the following statement math* to a Reporter of Jicios (hid Canricr hy a gentleman who derived his information from Mr. Uohert X. tiourdin : In 18<'i2, or when it was known that the Federal IIt would attempt to pass the forts and capture this city, several citizens of Charleston who were friends of Mr. Calhoun during his life asked (Seueral Henuregard to notify th^m, whenever there appeared to he any serious danger of Charleston's falling into tlio hands of tho enemy, in order thatthey might take the necessary stops to protect tho remains of Mr. Caihoun Ironi dosecr.ntion. Accordingly, on Sunday, tin* 5:h of April, General Heauregard notified the gentlemen that the monitor fleet was inside the har, and that as ho could not foretell the result of the impending contest with the fort?, he thought that Charleston was seriously threatened. Tint night the genMemen went to tho Cemetery and removed the casket containing the hody of Mr. Calhoun to the church, where it imk nlnf.wl iitnli.i- ?lw? I ? ?* ,MMU? o1|,,r,.> stairs ami coucealcd under a mass of loosn material until thev could provide .1 hotter hiding-place. The next night a grave was prepared in the churchyard nearest the church, a box was provided nnd the casket was reintcrred. None of the laborers employed in tlso removal of the body in the first instance was employed in the second instance, and the place of the secret grave was only known to John X. Gregg, the colored sexton of St. Phillip's Church, the sextor, ol the Huguenot Clmreh, who was also a colored man, and to Mr. Robert VT /? 1*. - ? .\. *u)iu iiiii mm one or two oilier geiitleincn, who woreconcorncd in the matter. The colored mon proved to he worthy of the trust reposed in them, and notli-I i 11was known of the removal of the hody until it was again disinterred and replaced in its original resting place in 1871. While it was concealed in the church, an Kaster election for the vestry and wardens was held within ten or twenty feet of where the casket was lying, no one who took p;trt in the election heing aware of the fact of its presence. It is related, also, that when the body was removed in 1H71 from its secret grave near the church to its original resting place, a lady placed a laurol wreath upon the casket. When the grave was opened ngain a few days ago to allow the retrains to hi deposited where they now li<>. the wreath was found intact and in good preservation, but was destroyed hy the weight of the covering which was thrown on the casket while it remained above ground. "The Old Folks Quadrille." At the splendid Slate hall in Columbia last week? in the spacious and ele -1 gant Hall of Representees?at about 12 1 o'clock, and while Reeves's band was crashing out a new "Lancers" of bewildering beauty?we saw dozens of ladies and gentlemen rush suddenly ami frantically to the South-Hast Corner of the Hall, while clamoring voices cried out on all sides : Lets go and see the "Old Folks Quadrille." We joined in the rush and clamor promptly, and discovered these collides daneimr the Lai 1 ? Mrs. rick ens with (Jov. Hon hum ; Mrs. Allen Cireen with Slate Treasurer Richardson ; Mrs. John K. Hacon with Senator Hntler; and Miss Annie Hloekley, of Anderson, with (ieneral Humphreys. It will be seen at a glance that the grim and portentous wort Is, '"Old Folks," applied only and exclusively to the male performers in this interesting si t. Indeed pretty little blonde Annie Hleckley is handy out of the nursery. Hut interesting i'. was heyond a doubt, and to our mind fittingly illustrated the politi cal resurrection of the South. Mrs. j Pickens with her indescribably beautiful hair waved about hor fireeian brow, wore a magnificent robe, cn train, of black velvet, with diamonds in her ears and nt her throat, and a royal measure of natural white roses upon her bosom. Mrs. Allen Circuit, a daughter of the Singh-tons and a granddaughter of the Van Huron* wore a robe, an (ruin, of gorgeous garnet silk, itci'ollute and with short sleeves. I'pon her neck, bosomand arms .'hone a quaint antl magnificent set of ancestral arwt.s set in dull reddish gold. She has the bearing and manner of a marquise of the court of j I.otns Quat"r/.e. Mns, I'aeon w.ore n dress of heavy Mack satin, trimmed wiih Muck mnrnhouts and gilt pon pons, while upon Iter shoulders and bosom lay a splendid cnpo of white point laro that had figured even in grander scenes than Lhis. lYetty, roguish little Miss Illecl:ley who seemed to infinitely enjoy the iiovi-itv ?>f her position, wore a charm- i i?x short dross of heliotrope satin, hand- ! tuiiiled in pansies, and trimmed with lomi'-os of gossamer gohl lace. The ad:?*s ail moved with the stateliest and iio.rin< of 1AS2 1 was attnckcd \\!'h n very bud couch, which continued to pr.iw woito until Kali, wbca I pat so wcrV that I could t>s notified that I had consumjitlon, and would probably dio. fir. Hoilov/ny finally tol.l mi! to try Hn;?v?r"* I.'.iv.jr Rostvror. They sent t.? Ward'# Store ?*nd trot a bottlo, nod I , commenccd tnkin^it vi?r!it uway After tnkinsr | two or threo dos8-?. 1 b?can to improve, nud by tint tlsiin 1 hriil inif.l up < ?.> b. I tie I was l.hh" to ( pot on my fct rvain. 1 r?n- now in erc-dl- nt | i.''- stii. I a*i consent {?..>" tbe 1 una Ho'toier ? ?r\u:l rr.w lifo, uvt.l my HflrhborH aro of tbo ea:ao opinion. It i* tho Iw.t b' Kcrncdy j, cvnr Piu'c, in my opinion. Iir. if promised me bo would wriio tr. tbc n-anufftotr.rors and trli them of tbo wonderful enro it inaduinmy ease. eg: a; > -zviz-x:ra:chi!;o. my \\ i'?? wan I a:: on wi' h a k-ii ?r?: jvain in l?*-r j.k! !, "which wa.s w'.-ot: followed t>v heniorrliHic -s from ) < ? I'.nnji and a sev?ro <*.?i;,rh. To'ior ro:j.rr.?,!.'-ii!. :irn! couM neiiN-r eat n^r slwp, and in a few we*Vn wa.? rodia n->t ( dot lento I'.o'srNlrro'-t on hor stomach. I tl-eu agrucd wish l.?r. Ji'iiii\un, my i.vniir jOiysiwinr, to call J.'r. iii.llo.T.iy in consultation. 'ib?'7 marie a final ri\u;tiii'.n(i >n of tbo vniirnt, and tiroRoniK'frl t'ao ca^ii iJr. 1 i>.i'.?Avay hen ii?^t;osto?l t!io Rrewur's< b'lj^li vr i ??s alast '.-osorf. I y-cnt. f.?r a ii'id 2^?o l.or adoro\eRieiit in lurr condition. ! I continued the n;cdieino rccu'.ni'y, aad by tho tiinwslio hnd tnk?n IwiiIkiI'Im flat wiik able to t walk 8bout tbo bouso. Mo Is new in bntter )icai!h than s';.? has enioyod for several yours. j I b?ll???"t! I iio * n;i"{ 1'ortiiiW tf'lie!-IW". j Mr. Iicarndo'i's |iv?t-oiJ:co '. < Ya'--:.'ilii.-. l't>- i son County, .roughly rolis.bly false n'l\*?'riisi*uii'iit.t. The !i ajicr.*. He is well Jiro|>are?l for full trade. T liing in llic liii? <>f Foreign and Domesti tlio host the market alibrrls. Ho has }. Rye and Con?, Irish I'cacJi, California anil Fre I' lit* onn olieorfnllv recommend his t'ooils tc lritiks with ail tho'HKI.KMOL'S ItK VKUACF >I(INKS. His specialty is 11 largo .stock of 1 Semlesaes's Kesort, He iml you will not forgot again A Good Lino of T< E???,?p5-t!S9 3Ea^a< The Ceil ten >ne of llu> best arrangcd linngcs iti the nj>-oon tin- choice*) mid lint FAMILY WINES Domestic and !rr Ues and Porter, Champagne, etc., together wit hat cannot be excelled in quality. We corilH tire ns a trial, hoping; to gum-ant ee satist'actic O'Doiell & Cam Good Billiard j n conncction with lJitr, ami will be conducted c5 -sr cs 3ESCS&.2B SEs The Furniture 1 AUD WE KEE BY r keep I'vorvihin^ it! our lino. Iicsiilus n Ili'volvinir II* ->k t'n-Jcs, Hm! I?ounjr?>s, V t'nslors, Kurt Murk's A !jnsla':!?: l j>l-!:;nr (Miairs. 1 -iv?1 I'ilinw.s &r. dire it* < ?///, or irrtfcj' mo m:<>Ai> S'I KKI nsio;; elsewhere. We keep ulways on liaml Is, Paints, Oils,' I EI) I (INKS, the best selection tides, Tooth Brushes, ht articles loo numerous to mention. which we ners if I hey will but n;ivc us 11 cull. just one ' tural Loaf ChewingTobacco, incort upon trying it. We also keep S OF CIGARS. jion" are all very fragrant. _ refully attended t". V COMl*OUXJ)i:n at all flours. el. Most Respectfully, : LOWRY. m mfgSSBBg^ UK? Than Ever. 'O. 7 S'ff) Via-tim s and l'ij)c LKTK for >, anil a slill hotter No. 7, I eh'. iteil to ^ivc satisfaction. fiivo us a call. ffSOI & GO. SALOON ! () the u;>-connlrv, *t intend to dupe It is o.isi:?If is not mentioned in the throe Abbeville he I'ulinelto House is well stocked with everv ic Wines and Liquors, jot Liquors nine years old. Good old aacl Scotch Whiskies, ueh ]iranbacco and Cigars. _ 1 Ci _ 1 - LUliU ^moon, ntrv. proposes to keep in stock for fall trade st popular grades of ! AND LIQUORS, >portod Brandies, li n fine stock of CIGAK8 and TOBACCOS, illy invite people who appreciate pood goods to hi in any poods we soil. lilli, Fir's, lietween Russell's and Douglas*. ind Pool Room properly at whatever cost. 1-tf lome ksmess Augusta, :p it moving is simply inn ense. We lead the I'urniy competition from every quarter. We II the novelties, such ns Folding Hods, ienna Mont wood (-hairs, Bal?y Cnrrimres, timro Polish, Patent Desks of all kii ds. id Chairs. Feathers, Mattresses, Springs. nr cnfiilot/iic and price list. ihazesss cfe co, k'l Al'HlKTA, OA. -A.T GOOI (J a r r i a g c /1AX HE FOrXI) TI1K LAU(?KST STOC 1 / !? 1 /?.. ... . ? -.? ? * < .in?,, i laniauon iims l all si/. Saddle*. i:> 1;i 11 jr. Leather of all kinds. Wilful will OFFER SI'K('IA I. ItAROAINS IN A I. than Mnnuiact titers' I'rires. These liwfl^ie: which I will guarantee ei|iial t > the fi that they are absolute bargains. A. U ( Sucressor to It. H. May A Co.,) < SALESROOMS, I T T p I T Qr 11 A 7(U I'.road Mvccl, j l\ vJ vJ L' O 1 il j Oct S-lini. rr Csrrisiio EieoiIi Establisl Day & 733 and 735 SROAD STRES ftlamifac !urers and Df ( 1 1> ? Ml a VmIJ nllU l>(i^^l?'?. I HI II ufacturers' Ajronls for the* Sale i>j Tin; (! i\X L" IX I'j and only I load Cart ?Ii v> I'iice -r I") ai WILSON, GUILDS & C(VS, Packing. Also (Mk ami Hemlock Sole Kid SVmis. A full Stock of Shoo Lasts. YolTH nunilllf', OK CALL AND SKK T<>M I'KICKS. Kcnnn n? m n)Br?cnc?icg3BgwpaaB?? Bead! Demc FLVK MONTHS FOIl THE NATIONALI) WASHIIsTG A larpru 'jtf column DAII.V 1> Washington Invents, Local, (t'oneral, For to any address From now until Nov. JJOtl Wo wish t<> place the Xationai. I member <>f our party, and to accomplish prim to more cost of blank papor. i srnsemmox fkkk to any imWAXTKl)?(?OIU* KSI'ON !>KXT?\Y tion to whom a fair price will In* paid, inclose i for subscription. in order will b<> credited as soon as idrntitv is est Address A. GORDO! Publisher of DAI Editorial Rooms 2 Congress S LmUlUS L Are tin? ISKST KVKI H l to be llie best I'ill ever i yi/ \V. II. (Solicit, Ilnnnoir W are (lie must popular nf EMORY'S LITTLE i'.Wr.u, I.ojust (Srove, <>l CATHARTIO PILLS ? AM ctls. Texas.~T arMPAYPAPPI^m ??Thev are unexcelled. AT A I A 1) ] A In all its farms positive iVJ. IjiA. XV J. i\ IMlIs, a nevcr-failinir i poison of any kind. Endorsed by physicians iJi> t'ori In it liox. MAHM.K rcniiy for Ij iron ESTABLIS Watches, Dlara Sterling Silver & 1 CLOCKS, BRONZES AM 70i DJLRCMIQ'i I flllUUIlU? And will completely change the blood In person 'who will take 1 Fill each night froi health, If anch a thing bo possiblo. For Fein Physicians uso them for tho cure of LIVUli or sent by mall for 25c. in clamps. Clrcola: iprriEsi JOHNSON'S ANODYN3 LINIMEN1 mil. Hacking . oukTi, l Chronic I>i?rrn < ' Sp'nc. 8?IJ ov?.r?**!?'?re. Clrcola'i frto. 1* .4 s vroll-known fart tli it inmi nf tk.D H3 S3 Ct DoriB and est (la Imvilor nuld ii; i!i.- c-flu- H m K3 try I* worthiest; thai Slicrldnn s Cvitld.? MlSj BM Pmr>rl? abnoliitelj ptiri? mid viTvrdiualitj- BUn Hi Nothing on Karth w! 11 make li'-ns Imh MB fay like Sheridan's Condition l'ow der. I>o?a, one teaapoonful to each pint of " ? " toad. It will tlw posiUvaiT n^vtint and enra 1 Hoe CHICKEN CHOLERA, ISS ^YEAR'S ^ s Repository. ! K OF CAUKIAOKS, IirOfMF.S. I'M/KTONtf, . .? > inn ) i-uij; ic unit i/imuir uiiriiL'AH, i Mutcrinl. At?., Ac. For I lie next thirty diVH I OT OF OI'KN AND TOP BlMililKS nt less s are nil Fine Northern ami Kitstern tnakt'fl, ill ami exuiiiiue tlieni convince yournelves GOODYEAR, A^cnt: )l'l\ OEOUOlv UAU-KOAl) HANK. GEOHGIA.rArTTO&7^. 11K ? 1 Of {lis So?. I icc! 13(3. 1 Taimaltill. I ~T - - - - AUGUSTA, OA. I T? Mil T7 3- r ;iUwi? Sil i>ll JrUiilUS UI tation and Uoad Wagons, Carts, &c. it*r?- B f the Kra Kiev's 1 *?*?':iI Uoad ('arts. m usted of :i!l Sulky Motion. Ton l'atonts. I id UpW. ntls. . 1*11I LA I > KLPII [A AV UJON. g have added to our stock a finn lino H ofCIIKAl'TUADK lU'CiCIKH and B liOCK A WAYS made to our own order, H wit!; special regard to the Quality of tho Winds, Axles and Springs, which wandl I l.-wer thai! nnv house this side of Cinciti- H itiiti. NO ClIKAl' AUCTION' WOKK SOLD. Also a full stock of Saddlery and H Ilarne:;.-, Mri.iles, Collars, Whips, Utiegy H I'tohrel!as. Trunks, Coach Material of ^3 l'v M*y I inscription, Cloths, Paints, Couch M VarnishuM. Also Leather and (Juni Belt- MM ing. Packing, Rivets and Lacing Hooks |H and Punches, Italian llctnp and Soupstoi.e Leather, French and American Calf ami Latest Styles-Just Received. SKN1) IN US. Our Prices will at all times he HOT kWIs Mead! I ONIA' TWO DOLL A HS. H HILT DEMOCRAT, I i-TOUST, ID. o. 9 KMOCltATIC newspaper containing fill I vi-/n ami l\ditic:il N*?'\vs. Will he mailed > H i for ONLY '! WO DOLLAR.*-'. " M )r.:.nn,H.\T in the hands of every good H tlmf end have reduced the subscription H :i;S(iX SKNDINCJ US iJSlMJSCUIRKR?. 9 OnsnDHHSTTS. I e desire a good correspondent in this seo- B iVrsons applying for said position must H to obtain creuvntiais. Amount however H :ablishod. H s LEWIS, H 3 BiS A ^P" ( iT\ K.I ?L M B0 ^ m. mmm HI L.T IMaiiUnAL UtMUUKA I , t. WASHINGTON, D. C. n i i in i im ii mi h > mar mm tint iimh m iihmm in ITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS i MAIH'J fur <\?si i vciipks, I ml ip^est ion, dose: of thne or four Kinorv's Little Cathartic II every ni?ht for a week or two, makes the buL-frnlar an cluck work: tliev purify t lie blood ;>.!>-ito\v:i body. Purely Vo^ctsblo, liarmii)l?', I lie yauar;i!-?tji,lii!eaiers at ;i Itov, or l?v mail. CO., I'l-npriet ors, 11)7 1'earl St., N. Y. thin-tic are more than is claimed; tlu-v j>roro ised Here. Worth twice the money asked -W. i' (Srure, k a Si' A l:trj;o selection of mm md (ilIANITK W'OIIK ahvavs on hand, BB HTTKIHN'O and DKLIVKIlV. H OTTeT I IIE3) 1842. I loads, Jewelry, -I riple Plated Ware, Sj JJ t'lKE t'AKUY UUU1J5 3 Broad Street, Augusta, G-a. H 'URGATIVE H? 11 I ?Mi/nLLo I the ontlro system In three months. Any H a 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to sound SjS ale Complaints these Pills have no cqub 9H and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere* |H rs free. I. S. JOHNSON A CO., Boston. Mm*. HH ACroap, Asthma, Bronchitis, Kennl* ISM Kla, lthenraatlsm. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT (Jor Jntfrnaland External HH Vir) will instantaneously rcllova theie terrlbW DH dtto?3C(, and will positively curs nine cum 9BI out of ten. Information thnt will tare many live* sent free fcy mail. Don't delay a moment. jj^H Prevention It better than cur* 9H| p CURES lnnoftixa, Blftedlnu st the t.nnff*. Iloans- 3HM aa. Byaentorv, Cholera Morbus, Kidney Trouble*, and D^H . I. B- JOIlSaON A CO.. Boaton. Mm. fflR KE HENS LAY I Cholera, Ac. Sold everywhere. orient by mall for Me. la MSI aps. Fnrniihed Injareo canspctoe $1.00; by mail. W-I"X MH ulsrtfrco. 1. 9. . JllNSON * CO., Boston, MIN, A *H| 'm