^ The Abbeville Messenger. | Kutcreil at the postoNice as lintl-class matter. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1881. BUBSUKI t'TlON $2 00 "Shinny" on Your Own Side. One day last week while playing "shinny," Sam Yisanska gave N\*illi?* Mcintosh a heavy blow on the forehead. Tin: next ?lav lh? boys oigani/.ed a court with Ab. Allen, .1 ndjro, Tommic Parker, Solicitor, Hertford 1'arks. defendant's attorney, and .lituniie Cothran foreman of the jury. After a regular and formal trial the prisoner was convicted of jissault and battery. Defendant's attorney will apply for a new trial op the ground that the Solicitor "smiled at the jury," and offered to lend one of them his ''shinny'* stick. Seriously, "shinney" is a rough game, and the young gentlemen who play it at school should have more care for the safety of passers-by. We have heard complaints that they take possession of the street n their game and obstruct the passage. X uuuivM^i v 111>4 i ruy The 27th. Thursday, has boon appointed ft thanksgiving day by (lie President and the Governor. Let us observe it. It is lonjx since we had a general thanksgiving day in lhr> South. Surely now we can put asiu 'msiness for n fe"v hours, and ?=pend tuein in giving praise and thanks to Him from whom all good comes. Thanks. Wo are indebted to the committee of the Troy Social Club (bran invitation to ^ the annual ball of the Club to be held on December 4th. 1881. The cards ofj invitation are tastefully gotten up. and j trr* ilrt n't dmihl ilia! 1 ln> a flair will be I very ploasant. If possible we will be I>reseut. IjRll. The now hotel has a bountiful ball room in it. Surely our dashinjr ami accomplished jouness riorec will not let Christmas pass by without utilising it. Wo are certain that the accommodating proprietors would lend it to thom, and with Fishburn's band wo might have as pretty a ball as could bo arranged any- i where. A. F?. ICogors, Wholesale dealer in Cnm, Vlour, Menl. Meat, | Hams, Lard, Hran, Sail. Molasses, Supar, Coffee, Ricc. Soap. Ac., will deliver poods at any point on railroad nt Abbeville prices. Uelorc buying always nr.k fur prices, ss we , have advantages that. few up-country nierchants have. A. IC. HonEus. IWhilo lirothes havo now in store mr?ri? i^^' jemtuMwwmmcmmxB MESSAGES. Our >rs left on Monday for Columbia. Thorn was a heavy frost on Tuesday morning. ('b'voland's official plurality in New \ ork Is 1,077. Delinquent tax-payers may look out. for executions now. 1 Kdwin Cater caught a rabbit on Wash- ' ington street on Tuesday evening. 1 Theiv was no service in any of the churches last Sunday night. The Court Ilonso ami r.*w range wore a deserted look this week. "Turn the rascals out," seems now to be the cry more than ever. ( They are plastering tho rooms in the third story of the hotel. I'rof. Clark has made some beautiful photographs of the new hotel. ^ The sound of wedding bolls begins i already to vibrato in the air at Troy. Christmas is just one mouth oil' and ? the little people are happy i:i anticiija- ] tion thereof. : A number of apple and cabbage wagons have Imen in town this week. I Let people know what Christinas 1 goods you have got. Advertise in the 1 m f.ssknoer. * Cnpt. 0. A. MctMung is looking every dav for his celebrated .I ersey bnil, Sir Lofty. * 1 What of (lie "Homeless'' this vnnr ? Kvon they ought lo rejoice In this year . of jubilee. j Charlie Yolkening will fix up your old umbrellas for you and make them just as good as new. Uogors had a big trade on Saturday. Among other things lie sold thirty-four I barrels of Hour. There will be service at the Kjiiscopal church on Thanksgiving day at 1 1 a. tn. There was no kerosene in town on Tuesdav, asid borrowing of Ihe "wise il.n nwlnv ,\C lt?. .1-..- f Iter. \V. ft. Neville will preach tuorniiirr ninI ni;rht in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, HOtli November. In the absence of Gen. Hemphill, Mr. , \V. O. P.radley will have charge of the r.fclfiuii. He writes with ease, and , forcibly. The yeirs aud Courier did not conie mi Monday and there was general regret. ' for this paper has come to b? a necessity lo us. We are very much obliged to Rev. S. M. Richardson for bis interesting notes ' nf the Baptist Convention, published ' elsewhere in this issue. I>r. \V. T. lira neb dispensed drugs for [ \Y. S. Cothran ?V Co. on Tuesday. Don't Ihink any body has died yet Iroin his r ministrations. * I am overstocked on meat and must t unload at any price. Ask for price? and ^ be hst?)unded. Special prices to met? f chants in larec lots. A. K. ROfiKIiS. 1. Negotiations are ponding whereby wo hope to soi' our splendid now hotel oc- f impied by those fully competent to keep i it i?> first class stylo. "Scrap'' Oalvrt savs his gray colt ' will be a better horse than Messenger 5 himself. We believe he is a half-broth* j lt of that famous trotter. Bend the advertisement of Mr. T. L. Douglass, who is agent for bronze tnoniiiH-nts. I'nv proper respect to the lend and mark their la^t resting place with a stone. An accident on 'he main line t >n last Wednesday, caused the derail- < nent of a freight train, by which the j nails were delayed in their arrival till , ihnut eight o'clock, p. pi, f Barley ! Barley ! Barley ! Better ' ate thin never. Do not fail to sow barley. It will pay. No doubt about it. i'on can g?'t a pure article of seed barey from While Brothers. Amos Morse never will get to the j Knights of Honor meetings now. If me hoy kept him away half of the time wo*girls, exactly the same acre, at pres- r >nt one week old, will keep him away il together. The blessed rain has come at last, and ^ ivory body is busy in the gardens and "arms. It is a little lnte to sow oats, J hut the farmers are putting them in, and sowing wheat ri-rht along. ( M erit will tell. Buy the genuine arti- | rtlo and do not expend your means on ( vile trash. Shiner's Indian Vermifuge t is guaranteed if taken according to the | directions. , Peter Magliana has opened a baker's shop in Mr. Kur/.'s building. He has been here before and our people know ! him to be a first class baker. Mr. Kurz I says he can vouch for the lightness of his rolls and the quality of his bread. 1 We tr.k., will preach in the Presbytetian church at 11 a. m. on Thursday, (Thanksgiving day) 27th instant. A thank offering will be made on that day for the benefit of Domestic Missions. The Literary club meets on Friday night, December 5th, at the residence of w i **i11 ? i.v._ ?' ? ???,*. vuiiiinu. n . i #. 1U llli;i t iiM|M will read the essay. and has taken for the subject of it : "Words : Their use and abuse." Mrs. Cooglor has sold her place "Floral Hill," to Mrs. Lucy C. Thomson for .$1,700. There is on this place a well of the finest water we ever drank. Altogether it is a desirable place nnd we congratulate Mrs Thomson on securing a comfortable home at very reasonable rates. Ayer's Sarsparilla thoroughly cleanses the blood, stimulates the vital functions, and restores the health nnd strength. Xo one whose blood is impure can feel well. There is a weary languid feeling, and ofton a sense of discouragement and despondency. Persons having this feeling should take Ayer's Saraparilla to purify and vitalize the blood. Mr. Mendoza Iliggins, of Hodges, \\ married to Miss Ella M. Harrison, Greenville, by Rev. J. Furman, ou ]S vember 20th. We present our corny incuts to tin; happy young people. Th^re will be a meeting of the ci Bens of ibis community in thu Coi House on Thursday night at half-p: seven to take action in the matter building n rail road to Verdery. Evn body is asked to come and show an n< ive interest in giving Abbeville anotli railroad. The Sewing Machine Relief Spri being introduced by Mr. Littleton, giving general satisfaction. He sure jet one and have your sewing machi idjusted as Mr. Littleton is a skill! idjustcr and repairer of all sewing 111 -IlillL'S. NIXETY-SJ X PERSONALS. Miss Zelime La horde, daughter of t late Hr. La Horde of the S. C. Collej s visiting friends in Ninety-Six. Mr*. I'robst and his handsome bri ire now residents of Ninety-Six. .V Probst is the newly appointed dej igent at this plane. Miss Mattie Calhoun has return "rom visiting friends in Pickens, Gree kiile and Spartanburg. She is n< dinning herself for a flight to the N< Orleans Exposition, Texas, and prol: >ly some other State. Mr. Robert Wablrop Moore is vis ng relations in Ninety-Six. It is reported that Mr. J. A. Moo ivill build shortly, a new brick dwelli louse near the lot where liis form louse was burnt. Rev. Mr. Carter, of Walhalla. has r cpted Ibe call of the Baptist Church bis place. He and his family expc soon to take up their abode with us. Our former genial townsman, Mr. Jt ?e Heaeham and his beautiful bride a >n a short visit to Ninety-Si v. Miss Anna Bell, of Greenwood, is or risit to Ninety-Six. The Presbyterians ars making r angements to buy a parsonage for tin Kisto*. Mr. T. C. Seal, of Abbeville, was own last week. Mr. 11. P. (inlphin is now living in 1 iew house. Mr. .1. 1). Watson's now dwellii louse is finished. I ho ( irons tins had ft big run of s lays ami nights in Xinety-Six. &. An Kdilor'R Expprionoc. After trying numerous remedies f Iheuniatism, but without permanent i ief, 1 was advised to use H. S. S., whi lad given permanent relief to others si ering from rheuinntism. After takii ialf a dozen bottles 1 found that I lisease was entirely driven out of 11 system, and n permanent cure sccurc Phis was over a year ago, anil since tlir jven during our most severe weathi villi sudden changes. T have never si ercd a return of the old attacks whi lisabled me from editorial work. It is very seldom, indeed, that I rocoi nend anything to the public, in tl nanner, but I feel it due to your vain ilo preparation, mat tins given me su on" desired and much needed relief, Unle these facts thus publicly, I am sn hat but for your specific I should ha jeen laid aside from journalistic v.'oi is the severest attack was in my ri^ irm and hand. Sidney Hkhbkrt, Atlanta, Ga. "Wntchc. Clucks ami Jewelry. Mk. 11. I). Kkkse, of Abbeville, is prcpat i> do all manner of repairing of \Vateb 'lock.s and Jewelry, and will pay all expr< rharjjes ?'? work sent lo him from station* lie and (> road. He alwaws keeps in stci i handsome line of Jewelry and I'lated \V;i it moderate pru-e.s. Send in your ordei \ddress, 11. D. Rkesk, Abbeville, S. C A IMace of Heauty. Tho Indies' furnishing store of R. ' 'addon & Go. offers unusual attractio o nil persons attending Court, who <1 iro to present their wives and daughte vith (ho latest stylos in hats, dresst Cloaks, circulars, &c. tf Chester A. Arthur, President of t Tnited States, and his Cabinet, are c looted in New Orleans at the opening he World's Fair. He has not yet de< led what rout he will take, lust it is su losed that ho will go via Piedmont A [/no to Atlanta, Georgia Paeitlc Kailw o Birmingham. and Queen and Cruse o Now Olroans, this being the now she ine, and gives him an opportunity fishing tho loading Southern cities. "White Brothers having nn immeii ,took of fall and winter jroods, arc n< prepared to supply tho wants of nil th friends and the public generally. Goc fins ctieapcr tnan tney wore over Unrr lo be, ami in tho purchase of thcni a 1 Ho money will pay for a groat ma articles. 1 -1: JCinory* Little, t-uthartie Piflu ;?r* s ciently powerful for the most robust, yet safest, for children and weak constitutio the action in any disease is uniform, cert andsafe, painless and effective. I>ruggist 16 cents. A good assortment of too followi named at tides may be had at the st< of White brothers : Table Linens. To els, Blankets, Sheetings, Hod Tickin Counterpanes, Furniture Prints. Carp and Rugs. 1-t A few dollars invested in Wind Glass and Prepared Putty will inn your house comfortable for winter, ni thing in this line can be furnish cheap, for the cash by Speed & Low A lot of new type was received 1 week at the Mk.shknoku of Ilea?now the time to send in your Job Work, will be executed with neatness and d patch. Tho MF.ssKXdr.tt office is supplied w Hill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Hoa Knvolopes, cards, etc., and is propai to do any kind of JOB PIUNT1N Buv your Ciears and Tobacco fr< Speed iC" Lowry. To arrive this week : 2 Car Lor Corn, 2 Cnr Loads Flour, 1 CJar Lc Bran at Roger's Wholesale Store?n the cry is still they como. 51 Icod Tea at Bailey's. Call on Thomas McGettigan to pure old goods. No. 4, Washington street?the ph to buy line old whiskey, Thomas A Gettigan, Proprietor. Call at the Palmetto Saloon, the g( tlemnn's resort, where you can enjoj good quiet drink. Loafers and childi not allowed. T. McGettigan SUBSCRIBE for the MESSENGE Rofroshmenta n! Railey'a. lis IjKTTEU FROM MIC. BLAKE. of He Keplien to Clerk Zelfjlcr uiul ,|i_ tl?e "Press nml Banner." Giikknwoop, S. 0., Nov. 2<>, 18H4. (j. Editors Jfessentfv-r: irl j The publication in tlio Inst issue of ,st I the /Vow monts, the startling revelation is made that the .1 udge "Ordered the Clerk of Court to hold the pipers until the case had been heard in the Supreme Court, and the decision had been iiled." If that be so, then the .I udge issued two orders, the one to execute the law, the other to nullify it. The public has a right to th? production of this second "order" of Court, and the J'rcss and Banner will do a public service to produce it ; but ire until it is produced we are bound to asng sume that it does not exist. The statoer mcnt of the /'res* and li record, is not sufficient to brand IC_ the Court with so grave a charge as that nt of deliberately intervening to defeat the execution of the law. Such work as that is I'Mt to scheming counsel and their clients, and jnst so far as they sttcj.,. ceod, to that extent do the people lose confidence in the courts, and adopt the alternative of becoming a lav." to theinI a selves. The /'rcss anil /homer characterizes my letter to Clerk Zcigler as ir- "threatening." It was not so intended, ir nor can it be so construed by any one, without design. I was merely seeking in the information which 1 ami those who hail engaged ine to formulate the chargjjj. es upon which the indictment and conviction were based, had a right to ask of the public ollieer ; to which Clerk ZeigII ^ ler made and published his "dignified response*' that he acted "according to ix his own views.'* 1 was simple enough to think that he acted according to law, and confess to a surprise when I found out in}' mistake. or The point, of interest to the public is e_ this?the Ian* has been disregarded, and c|, the trial and conviction of a delinquent ,( _ ollieer treated as n farce, the question is. np where does the responsibility rest? Clerk Zeigler confesses that he actod 1V "according to his own views.'' The Press ton/ /innner charges it upon ,n ijll'.lgl! \KtlKMI. I>lll KlllS lO prOUUCC HIS ,r' "order" to the Clerk : The Solicitor is ,f' charged with giving his "consent," and ch even the Governor has written to the convicted oflicer, it is said, authorizing ,n_ him to proceed with his duties ; hut ,js neither the letter of the Governor, nor lfl_ t!??? evidence of the "consent" of the r], Solicitor appears. What a pretty picf0 ture nil this presents to the public ! ro while, in the meantime, the law is proV(, claiming, without efi'ect, that itsauthori ty shall he obeyed "immediately." Not "in p. hurry to get Tarrant out," as the /'reus atnl /ifinner would have the public heliove, but an unwillingness that the law should be silenced at the bidding of any man. whether .Fudge, SoI licitor, I'rct:# untl Ji'innc.r, Clerk, or nil |W combined. W. K. Hi.akk. 'SS " 1 1 1 1 _ " OBITUARY. rs- After a painful illness of nearly four weeks. Miss Motile Morton departed tliis life, lit it oVloek, P.M., November IS, 1884. Tyiiho-malarial fever was the fatal disease. The deceased was the oldest daughter of Mr. .. Win. and Mrs. Mattiu Morton, nged 17 years K months and 27 days. us Mollie bore her suffering with (Treat pale tience. She felt from the beginning1 of ncr ,|-iS sickness that she would not recover,"and cxpressed a willingness to go to the spirit land ; ' she died in the full hope of a glorious rcsur reel ion. Such whs her love fur her invalid mother j]fl thai slic would seldom leave her, except i.o go ' to church. To see one so pure Ho useful and so much of loved by those dearest to her, taken from our ci- midst in the morning of life, pgain reminds us that "death loves a shining mark." . Moll it* was loved by all who knew her, and many friends gathered at the family burying ay grounds to pay the last tribute of respect to nt her mortal remains. Orievonot, for her end jrt was peace. A Fuiksd. 0f ?? ? ^ ENDORSED BY v||l BETTER AND [j'? SCIENTISTS as cheaper tha rny PRACTICALLY^^^^^ ANY I il?. Mestrnctibto ||l stone. S? Over BOO J||j^ | gM 8ond foi Beautiful Prloo List ing Designs. Circulars | 5 IhBpI 10(1 "aiassaus?-rv MANUPACTt'RRD BY r>- MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, t BRIDGEPORT, CONN. is T. I,. DOUGLASS, Xl Nov. 20, 1884.?1 yr. Agent. I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, id County of Abbeville. (',. am IN THE PROIJATE COURT. In the matter of tho Estate of Joel S. Perrin, l(js deceased, I,. \V. Perrin, Administrator j Petitioner. nd Petition for Settlement and Discbarge. / NOTICE is hereby given that L. W. l'errin as Administrator, of said K.state has applied for settlement and discharge. It is ordered that Friday the liMhof Oecemo* ber next be fixed for settling said estate and grantiht; the discharge prayed for. iCe J. FULLER LYON, jc_ Nov. 1f Judge Probate Court. ~ FOR SALE. f ft QEVERAL Pairs of beautiful Pips?Half O Hcd Joricy and half Essex. Apply at this office. * It ! A variety of Fancy and Toilet goods at Speed & Lowry'u. ,** ? * USD FBSSffi' "\\7"k bit authorized In sell the .ollowin;; j, >> Lands: ly Tract, 228 Acres, j>; * 'th Near I'hn-nix, known asChijdev lands, bound- v!l ed l?v hi mis ol' Chiploy, Tolbert, Ktdate llntchiuson ami others. ^ Also Tract 120 Acres, in Part of America Market Tract, ImmiikIimI hv lands of S. H, Itrooks, Tolbert, J. S. Cliiplcy, an sr., ami ol Iters. ALSO lot in the town of Troy, known as ii! Lot 6, Block B. Also flic SiiiiinoiiH lot near Motives, "j 33"-' Acres, Mnre or Less in Hounded bj T. J. Kills, W. C. Norwood and others Also Store House and L-ot, ;;; li, iti tin; Town of Hritdley, on Main and (Jrillln Streets, latelv owned bv Tims. 11. Walker. PA UK kit k McCOWAN, Atty for K. \V. \Vii(.'cncr & Co. Nov 10-tf " in tfcvi a n-; or isoutii cauouna, " AltHKVILIt> MEssKNc;Kit, and on (lie Court House door for the t ime re<|tiired bv law. .1. RJLIiKU I.VON, .ludjre Frobale. in V rj^MK STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ^ AURKVtl.l.K COrSTT. I'robate Court.?Citation for letters of ad- ij( ministration. By J. Fvi.i.i:n Lvon. Esq., |0 1'robiite .luil^i1: Jv Wiikukas, W. 1'. M. Cason, lias y. inado suit to nic l? craiii him Lei tern of Administration of the es..iti? and ell'eets of J. . Frank Ca.son, late of Abhcvilee county, de- r' ceased. These are thorofore to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors ?f the _ said J. Frank Cason, deceased, that thev be and appear before me in the court of probate, to b? held at Abbeville ('. II., on Monday the 11 20th day of October, 188-1, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if a.iy they have, why the said administration should not be granted. | t (iiven under my hand and seal, this - seal < 6th day of October, in the year of our ) t Lord one thousnud eight li'iudred 'J and eighty-four, and in the 10'Jth year of Ainer- ' 1 ican Independence. i uiiii iu-ii mi me 01 u uav in wcioucr, isf?i. in I ' 1 Tiik Ani:i:vn.i.R Muss km; tit mnlon tlic Com t ?'s House door for the time re?|uirev law. J. Ft'I.I.KK I.VOX, 1" oct S-Cw Judco I'mbttc Court. tit WASTKlfS SALE. " * ! it. ' "i A. F. Calvert ns Administrator, etc.. against Martha Ilagan, et. al. <" lj ( 11V virtue of an order of sale made in ,l) the above stated case by the Hon. A. P. * | Aldrich, .Fudge, Second Circuit, on the Md day of October. 1881, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville. C. 11., S. <>l C., on 1st day of December, 1881, that * being Saleday, within the legal hours of ' sale, the following described property, situate in said State and County, being ? j of the Kstate of Ucorge Nickles, to wit: THE TWO STORY HUILDIXG IN 3 THE TOWN OK HODGES, N With the lot on which it stands, containing Three-Fourths of an Acre, more or less bounded by lands of (J. M. ^ Hodges ami \V. A. Moore and by the A Public Street. ALSO, that tract or parcel of land P coiUaintn? 1) TWO HUXDHKI) ACUKS, ol inoro of less, and bounded by lauds of :* J. A. Kllis, J. l'\ Keller aud others. 1 Terms of sale?Or.o-balf cash, balance in twclvo months with interest a? from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises. With leave to purchaser to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. HONIIAM, Jr., Master. V' i jUTASTKtt'S SALE. u 0 in Nelson T. Sassard and others against Susan Sassard and othurs. lly virtue of an order of sale made in the ~ above stated case by the Hon. A. 1'. Alilrich, p judge 2d eircuit, on 1st day of November, ISSi, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville jj o. n., a. o., on the 1st day of December, 1SS1, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and tli cnuni;, ueinj; oi (lit' ileal instate ol Henrietta s( Sassard, deceased, to-wit : of All that tract or parcel of land containing A hi TWO AUUKS. z> I" more or less, bouadcd bv lands of Margaret Kassard, W. A. Clark, R. H. Wardlaw and " others. 1' Terms of Sale?One-half the purchase money '.cash, and the remainder in twelve months secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises; with leave to pur- j)( chaser to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for titles. M. L. BONIIAM, Jit. M ASTKK, A. O. p, UJASTKlfS SALE. J SI. E. Brown and o'.hors, against John S. Brown as Executor, nnd ntliflra. t HY virtue of an order of salu made in the above stated case by the Hon. A. 1'. Alririch, . Judge Second circuit, on Hist day of October, , 1KS4, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville ' Court Hou?c, S. C., on the tirst day of-De- I ceinb-r, ISS-I, witbin the legal hours of sale, V' the following described property, situate in ' said Stato and county, being of the real es- J1' tato of Rebecca K. Hrown, deceased, to-wit: ' All that tract or parcel of land, containing " ONK IIUNDRKI) AND THIRTY-TWO ACRES, ni more or less, bounded by lands of J. E. Cal- <1 houn, M.J. McCclvoj, C. A. White and others. m Terms of Sale?One-half cash, balanco on ni a crodit of twelvemonths, aecured by mort- ni Uigp. Purchaser to pay for titles. pi M. L. DONilAM, Jr., M-ster. I AKTKKS SAIjK. F. \V \Vlivelier Cf June, s iSI, I will sell at public outcry u( Aliliovilli*} ii., s. mi 1m( day <>t December, ISSl, tli.it i 11 sail-(lav, within the lejjal hours of sale, e following ilv.ivrilivtl property, situate in ill Stale ami county. t? wit: All that tract parcel of land, containing N!0 111; v* UK I) & K1U1ITY-FIVK ACIJKS. ore or less, hounded tiv lands of estate of (.siiilt Weils, S. Ii. Mori ah, .1. 1^. Caldwell id others. Also that tract or parcel of land, oeiitaiiiOXK IHJNPHKD ACRKS, ore or less, and bounded by lauds of .lames et-'aslan, said T. \V. Mars and others. Als< > XII AM, Jr., Master. J A ST KITS SALK. artha I. Wnr.h v.- against W. 1'. Wardlaw a*''1 't. II. Wardlaw. I!V virtue of an order of sale made in the n?ve stated ease by the Hon. A. I*. Aldrirh, idgo Second Circuit, on the Hist day of Oc .M l. 11'"'ij I Mill >cn HI pnoiic (IIIICI'V ill ADiville court house, S. on the first day of ecember, 188-1, within the le^al hours of ile. the following described proper! v, situate said State and county, 1 >oi11tr of the teal it ate of \V. 1*. Wardlaw, to-wit : All that tractor parcel of land in the town Abbeville, containing FOUR ACRES, ore or les.i, bounded bv lar.ds of \V. T. Mcouald. It. I'!. Hill aud Magazine and Hueim i.?ta streets. The saiil land will be sold in two lots, as folws : I.ot No. 1, with the ltnildinj^s thereon, fintiiifr on Magazine Street, and I.ot No. U, so t'r.intiiiir o-i Magazine St., the dividing le to run troin said street to the rear of the t,so as to mako each lot equal in area, neb lot will have a frontage of about 60 irds. Terms of Sal??.--Otie-U. cash, and the ilance in twelve months . ??ured by mortice. Purchaser to pay for titles. M. L. RON HAM, Jr., Master. MASTER'S SALE. harles 1'. Roberts as Adtuinistrator, against Lulu H. Wakefield and others. IiV virtue of an order of sab: made in the >ove stated case by the Hon. A. P. Aldrich. ubfe Seconu Circuit, on :ilst dav of Oeto>r, I8S4, I will sell at public outcry at AbbeHe court house, S. C.. on the 1st dav of Dc tuber, ISji'I, that beinn saleday, within the ^al hours of sale, the following described opertv, situate in said State ami county, . ins; of the real estate of \V. M. Wakelield, ceascd, to-wit : All that lot or parcel of lain! in the town of inety Sit, having a dentil of nirctv-four irds and a width of lifly yards, hounded by Is of \V. II. I'erkerson, .1. A. Moore and hers. Also that lot or parcel of land, containing ic twentieth of an acre, more or less, and Minded by lands of \V. II. l'erkerson, the Jove described lot. J. A. Moore, and by ambridjje street. Terms of Sale.?One-half ?f the first lot ish, the balance in twelve months secured by ortjiaije. The whole of the purchase money * the second lot to be paid in cash, with leave i purchaser to pay all cash on both lots, urchaser to pav for papers. " M. L. BOXUAM, .IHm Master. RASTER'S SALE. [. L. Honlmtn jr., Master, against Clara C. Miultlox and W. M. Iliggins. HY virtue of an order of sale made in te above stated ease by the lion. A. 1'. Iririeh, Judge of 2d Circuit, on the i nn any 01 wioolt, mn-i, i win sou ai uhlic outcry at Abbeville C. If., S. C., 11 the 1st day of December, 1881, that eing Sale Day, within the legal hours I sale, the following described proporr% situate in said State and County, be- i ig of the Ileal Estate of Win. Maddox, L'ccased, to wit : All that tract or parcel of land known i the Maddox Mills and containing TWENTY ACKICS, ioro or less, bounded by lands of esite of William Maddox and by Saluda iver. Terms of Sale. Sold at the risk of le former purchaser, Clara C. Maddox. ue-half Cash, the balance in twelve onths, secured by mortgage, with interit. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. HONIIAM, dr., Master. RASTER'S SALE. L-iison I). Glvin,ih vs. Coles tin Rowlottct al. HY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale innde in | 10 above stated ease by the lion T. It. Fra- j !r, Judge of tho Xd Circuit, on the 1st day 'Juno, IStf-l, I will sell at public outcry ut bbcville, C. II. S C., on the 1st day ofDccom* :r, 188-1, that being Sale Day, within the Ic-1 11 hours of sale, the following described roporty, situate in said State nnd County, to it : All that Tract or Parcel of Land, in to Town of Hodges and containing WO ROODS MORE OR LESS, WITH DWELLING, STONK HOUSE AND I OTHKH JiL'l LDINOS TIIEKEON, iiuuk'd by lands now or formerly owned by oberis A AUuins, bv J. L. Clark and bv tlio A G It It. Sold at tlio risk of forninr purchaser. Terms of Sale, Cash?Purchaser to pay for ipers. SI I. HO Nil AM, Jr., Mastor. J A ST ICR'S SALE. nscph Ellis and others against Margaret McAdama and others. By virtue of an order of sale made in the uovo stated case by the Hon. A. 1\ Aldrich, ndge 2r 1SH4, I will sell ut Public outcry at Abbeillo 0. II., S. C., on the 1st day of December, ?81, that being Snleday, within the legal Durrt of sale, the following described propersituate in said Stato and County being the cal Estate of Robert Ellis, deceased; to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, containing SEVENTY ACCRES, iorc or less, bounded by lands ef II. P. Mcc<>, Robert l'ratt, estate of Jcnies Todil. TERMS OF SALE?One-half the purchase ioiicv to be paid in cash, balanco in twelve lontlis secured by bond of purchaser and lortgago of premises. Purchaser to pay for spcrs. M. L. 130NKAM, Jn., Master. SS^LXjES OF TM 10 Laurens Lands OTATK.OK HOUTll CAROLINA. C11A It 1 i KHTON CO I' NT Y, COUIIT OK COMMON I'LEAS. Leonora <1. Adams, Administratrix. with Wil! uutioxed of W. C. Uateivoud vh. Harriet II. I., fngraluun ct k1 : 1 ty virtue ar&to parcels or divisions : No. 1. Containing llirco hundred and twcnlylivi; (.'{'25) acres, mun: or less, bounded by lands of Mrs. Scott, \V. It Jliltwoo, Nathaniel AnderK'in and the DiviKionH No. 'J and No. 3 of said Tract. No. 2. Containing Tlirco hundred and tvventy-t'onr (821) acres, more or Ichh. bouuded by lands of William Boozer, Jeff Davis, T. W. Nichols and thu Divisions No. 1 and No. 4 of t.aid T ract. No. 3. Containing Two hundred and ninetytwo and three quarters (2!?2%) acre.H, more or less, bounded by lands of W . 1>. Millwce, Pick 1'iiison and Divisions No. 5, No. 4 and No. 1 of said Tract. No. 4. Containing Fivo hundred and fifty (r.S'J) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of iistato of Henry Watson, Lcroy Leo, William boozer, and Divisions No. 2, No. 3 aud No. G of said Tract. Vn ri f'niitniiiincr Tivn ?iiit um'onlv. live ami three quarters (27590 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of l'ick l'iuson. Kboclrack, Edward OreKWell, 1*. Burnett and Division* No. ti, and No. 3 of said Tract. No. fi. Containing Three hundred and r-igbt (30H) acres, more or Iohh, bounded by lands of ! l'ick Burnett, es*tato of Dr. Henry Watson and Divisions No. 1 and No. 5 of said' Tract. Second?The Beaver Dam Tract to bo acid in tlio following soparato poroola or Divisions : No. 1. Containing Ono hundred and Ninetynine (10!)) acres, inoro or less, bound?* U A UU iiWUM VUUU 1 IllVI' 0 / to bo Hold in tbo followiug noparato parcels or Divisions. No.l. Containing Four hundred and thhucn (413) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of II. T. Sloan, II. Dronnan and Divisions No. 7, No. 2 and No. 6 of said Tract. No. 2. Containing Throe hundred and thirtynix (!):!(>) acres, moro or less, bounded by lends of uitato of Mrs Morris,E.Cowau and Divisions No. 3, No. 7 and No. 1 of said Tract. No. 3. Containing Threo hnudrtd and ei^htytlve (385) acroH, moro or less, bounded by lands of E. Cowau, A. 1'. Couuor, Jauies Btoilte, Dr. A. T. Wideiuan aud Divisions No. 4, No. C and No. 2 of said Tract. No. 4. Coutainiug Two bundled and Heventy/ora\ ? i.??. i-~ i-.-i ?? myiu v?i tun.i, UUUllUCU UJ lands of l)r. A. T. Widenmn, estate of John L. Dovlin and Divisions No. 5 and No. 3, of said Tract. No. 5. Containing Two huudrc, bounded bv lands of JK. Cowan, A. P. Connor, Nancy Kennedy, Dr H. Drennan. Mrs Mary Watson, Long Cano Creek and Divisions No. 2 and No. 8 of caid Tract. Each of which soparato pai ?1h, divisions or tracts of land, to bo separately sold baa such form, marks, motes and bonndiiigs, as aro respectively represented on plats of each made by J. 11. Chiles, Surveyor, dated Jane Ctb, 1883. T itUogranbic copies of these plats will be exhibited at the salo ; and a plat of each separato parcel or tract of land sold will be delivered to the purchaser of such parcel or parcels, tractor tracts, at such salo. In the meantimo thoso wishing to pnrchaxo may obtain copies of ono or more of Lheno plats by applying to Messrs. Perrlu it Cothran, Counsellors at Law who liavo acertain number in their possesion for tho purpose of giving information. TERMS OP SALE?One thiid oaab, and tho balanoe in ono and two years from tho di y of salo, to bo secured bv the bond or bonds of the purchasers, respectively payable in two tqunl Hiiivvuisivn unmiril inut ftl!ni?? nf tho rato of bovoii percent. per annum from tho day of nalo pavable annually ; tho payment of such bond or bond* to bo secured by mortgages respectively of tho premises purchased. Tho purchaser or purchasers to liavo tho right to pay all o&nh at his or thoir option, and tho purchasers respectively to pay tho Master fur paper*!. N. B. In cane any of tho nrosont tenants of any of vaid land* to* bo bo sold, shall liavo wurn grain on tho same, they shall have tho right t?> enter upon such lands for tho purposo of gathering such crop of gi ainwhen tho same in ready to be harvested, paying tho purchaser of tho land ono fourth of the grain ho harvostod, &d rent T. M. HANOKEL, 068-073 Master.