? -evillo Messenger. I ? ?vthc postofliceas 2ik1-cIiiss matter. j ^jCONKSDAV. NOVKMHKK !!?. 1881. /fll'BSCHIPTION $2 0l? HLEAClilNG Hi:i? \ OS ICS. A I'rcccss hy V/'ilch l'icry-ljookinj* Nasal Or^anN tin; Improved. From hie l'/i i/aiir/jifini I'rrx*. On Bordello street, below Washington, there is a small, dingv store, 'the window of which is filled with an incongruous collection of trusses, bottled monstrosities, hair oil, botanical specimens and colored engravings of misrepresentations of the human frame. Over the window is the proprietor's name. j James Tweed. Prominently placed in the window is a dirty placard, saying : Red Noses Blanched. No pay for failures. Failure impossible. U1 low do you blanch a nose?'' asked a news-gatherer of the; manipulator of rubicund prohoscos. ' That is my art, s:r," he replied, with a majestic sweep of the hand. '"However, I will give yon sumo insight into mv method of procedure. Yon are perhaps not aware that the rosiness of the nasal organ generally product d hy the extraordinary and long continued itnhihution of fiery alcoholic stimulants is due not to the action of the stomach and liver, as has been sometimes stated, hut to tho direct action of the heart." ' rm. him.." "Well, sir," continued tho man of noses, with a gratified air, "liquor stimulates the heart's action and drives the .1! 1 i_ ml. - 1. 1 MM . - . lliwmi Hired It) nil.' IlCaU. 1 Hill organ, In ir.g bony, cannot expand wit l? I lie* superfluity of sanguinous 1111 i< 1 injected into it ami the blood has to find an exit. Tho nose is the sorest and most elastic portion of tho head, so thy blood flies ; there. By tho continued stress, so to speak, brought to bear upon the small vessels in the nose, they become permanently stretched and lose their normal elastic condition. The blood is not } ici-sed out of them, but remains and becomes congealed. Do you comprehend ?" "Um, hum." "Tome,sir," said the doetorer, ''helongs the credit of hating discovered all this. And having discovered the cause I set to work and soon found out the remedy." "And that is ?*' "It tak cs several days, but failure is impossible. This is the operation : 1 take my patient into this back room, which I always keep dark. To his * we lied member I apply lrom four to six leaches, while at the same time 1 galvanize his nose b}r means of a sponge. The effect of the galvanism is to restore tJio normal elasticity of tlio arterial and venous fibres, while at tin: same time the con eided blood becomes once morn fluidified by the fresh blood drawn through it by the sucking leaches. You follow me ?" 4Um. hum." "At tho end of fifteen minutes I remove the leechos and sponges nnd apply instantaneously a mould of plaster of paris to the now tender member. In less than a week, by daily treatment, the nose retrains its original shape, the abnormal bloom has disappeared and my uicthv I !ns received substantial proof of its eiHcacy." "!).> you have many patients ?"' "My book will show* you the names or hundreds. My method never fails. Oh. from ij'o to $20 n nose. 1 charge according to tho amount of work I do." The of Impudence. .iay fJould, who had exhausted all his resources of bribery and corruption. and as tli" head of the Western Union Telegraph Company, had used the wires of that monopoly to disseminate false election results in the interest of Blaine, became alarmed at the indignation of the people in Xew York on Thursday and sent (irover Cleveland n telegram congratulating him upon his election. The following letter from that other great stock jobber and millionaire explains itself : To JI on. drover ('Icrelmxl : My Dkak Siu?I congratulate you and the people of the whole country upon your election to the Presidency of the United States. You owe your election, in my opinion, to the fact that ihe people believed you to be an honest man, and not to any particular dibits made by any faction of either the Democratic or I Republican parties. Independent men, who care more for good government than for parties or individuals have made | you their choice because they wore convinced tliat your administration would not In; for tlic benrllt ol' any political organization or favored persons, lull for tlio interest of the whole people. This is just the result which is most desired. We have reached a time when parly fimot|!)Is to little. The country is above nil, and wants an honest government by honest nn-n. The belief that We will find it in you has led to your election. Yours very truly, \V. U. VANnEKMi/r. New York, Nov. 7, 1884. Maud K. Ijflivers her itcconl. Lkxi.niitox, Ky., November II.?Maud J>. to-day lowered her record to 2 u inUtes, seconds. Speed & fjowrv received a barrel of delightful northern apples yesterday, ('hey are good. Tiy them. Kefroahmenlu at lJoiloy'.i. r ' ' ? Jl - A DUKADI'T'Ij IMIOIMIKSY. How the Mnon >luy Iti-iiitj tin* Isarlli t?> a Standstill. The tides are caused mainly by the snoop, as it were, catching hold of the water as the earth revolves around on its axes. This must cause friction on I the earth as it revolves, and friction, as every body known, causes loss of power. There is reason to suppose that the action of the tides is slwoly but surely lessening the speed of the earth's rotalion. and consequently increasing the length of the day, and that ibis action will continue until tin.- earth revolves on its own axis in the same time that tlx? moon takes tv> revolve around the earth. Then the day, instead of being twentyfour hours as now, will be about twentyeight days, and the earth will be exposed to the full blaze of the sun for about fourteen days at a time. The change this will bring about on the face of the earth can hardly be exaggerated. All life, both animal and vegetable, will ho destroyed, all "water will ho evaporated, the solid rocks will bo scorched and cracked, and the whole world reduced to a dreary and ba-ien wilderness, it is supposed by some that the moon has already passed though this, hence its shattered and bare-looking surface. That the earth, being so much larger, has more quickly acted upon the oceans which once were upon the moon's surface ami stopped almost entirely its revolution round its own axis thus causing it to have a day equal to twenty-eight of our days, and the heat of the sun has already done to it what in future ages it will do to the earth.? //ar/icr's Wce/ch/. nisioric i lose twos. As early as 1824, in the contest between Adams and Jackson, there was a difference of only 1(H) in Maryland's vote on those two candidates in favor of Adatns. Four years later that State roted on these same candidates, and though there were nearly 25,0(>0 additional votes divided between them, Adams still led l?v 1,181. In 1H32, when Clay and .Jackson were the rival candidates, I >elaware gave Ulay but li><> more votes than Jackson got, nnd in Maryland there was an actual (liHVroncc of only four votes, Clay getting li),lbO and Jackson 10,15(5. The vote in Now Jersey that year stood : Clay 23,392, Jackson 23,83(>, a trilling, yet all important difference of 4t> l votes, In 18.'5(>, when Harrison and Van Huron were the petitioners for suffrages, there was a difference in Connecticut of only 7G8 votes, in Louisiana of 270, in Mississippi of 201, and in New Jersey of 545. In 1840. when Harrison ran against Van Union, there was ? difference in the vote in Maine of only 411, in Michigan of 1,035, in Ponnsvlvania of 1,345, in a total vote of 287,01)7, and in Virginia of 1,302. 1 Jo? tweun Clay nml Polk in 18-14, there wore differences in Louisiana of 701 votes, in New Jersey 823, and in Tennessee, Polk's home, Clav led him by just 113 votes. In 1848, between Taylor and Cass, the difference between votes for the two was: In Alabama 081, in Delaware 523, in Iowa 1.000, in Mississippi 015, and in Virginia, 1,4(12. The race of Pierce against Scott in 1852 was correspondingly close in some States, the advantage being in Delaware only 25 votes, in Louisiana 1,302, in North Carolina 0S15 and in Tennessee l,8i-'0. In the memorable and remarkable contest of 18(50 Lincoln only had 155(1 vot'.) of ouch other. In 1^72 lion. Thomas A. Hendricks was elected Governor of Indiana l?y 1,1 IS majority.?(JhidKjo ln(cr(Jccan. A Dead <*lve A way* Mosos?"Veil, vat you dink ? I hafe gif ourstdfs dedt avay <1 is niornin' !" Isaacs?"How vos dot ?*' "Yy, dere vas a man's come hy dor sthorc in und I knows dot enslioranco agent, und veil he makes qtieschin 'bout dem shtock vat wo pot, I shustdell liim dot vi! sh'.tst doobled dot sthock und id now sex tousand toilar?veil ve only got enshored vor tree tousand !"' Isaacs?"Yah?de shtock is vort 'bout tree tousand !" Moses?4>Hut, tatninit. who you tink dot ve'.ler vd.s ?" Isaacs?'*l>er agint ?" Moses?".\gint like? hale ! He vos do tax assozzor !!' And that evening the firm of Moses & Isaacs made u regular cyclone assignment. Remarkable Killing. One of the most remarkable accidert::l deaths which 1ms perhaps ever occurred, took place in this district Saturday last. It happened in this way, two brothers Charlie and Yancy Floyd wore out hunting, and while in a cane brake, Mr. Yancy Floyd fired at a bird, and one of the shot a number seven bird j shot, penetrated the eye of his brother i/iiai tie. causing dentil in a short time. Not.in our knowledge has a death of so I tnourn.ill. so singular a chnracter ever before occurred. The brother who thus unfortunately deprived, the other of life has the heartfelt sympathy of the ensire community.? Xarbrrri/ Herald. The only vote probably cast for Mrs lielva I .nek wood in Indiana was east at the sixth ward p?dU in Viucennes Tuesday by Mrs. l)r. Mason. Mrs. Mason is an old and respcctcd citizen of Yincciim-s, and, determined to vote for Mrs. Look \vo?.d, slit; wail e l up to the sixth ward polls Tuesday. The crowd standing around made v.r.y for her. When one of the challengers asked what she v an'ed. she replied : "I want to vote.' Republicans and Democrats smiled knowie.g'y. The Inspector looked inquisitive, and Mrs. Mason politely handed him h r bull:?!, on which wan vriti ten, For President, Mrs. Lielva Lock/ ^ ' 4 * . ? . 'J ..." . V wood.** The Insprctoi eourtenosly look the ballot and Mrs. Mason withdrew much gra tilled. The vote was counted. Kicking its CuiuIldiKc. From tftt' St. Louis Globe-Democrat, ( AV/?.) 1'ltOV1S1I A I'KA IMtK.V l>. lie proved a deadhead in the enterprise of carrying the country. F.Ott I'HKSI I?KNT, 1888. For President, in 1888?Some Man Who Hasn't Written Any Letters. SlloCl.lt HAVK milNKl) TI1EM llIMsr.l.K. Mr. illainc should have hurned those letters himself, instead of asking another fellow to do it. CONKI.IXO NOT A (iORnr.KR. The trouble began by Blaine's designation of Conkling as a turkey gobbler twenty years ago. We presume thereturns mean that Conkling is not a turkey gobbler. fMIOl'l.n HAVE TAKEN* A WA1.K. We believe it was Martin Van- Huron who said he would rather walk twenty miles than write a letter. If Mr. lilainc had taken more walks and A'ritton fewer letters he might have been elected. VKKMCT FOK 1'I. AI NT IKK. I}) re '"Toll the Truth," v.t. "Hum this Letter." Verdict for Plaint:!!'. Involution in MisKinstppi. In tin; Mississippi Synod, hold last week in Crystal Spring, the question of Involution coming up, the Rev. J. I). West spoke for an hour in favor of Dr. Wood row and his theory as to the origin oF man. Hut little was said on the other side, members having made up (heir minds that such discussions do 110 good. After Mr. West had spoken, Dr. ft. M. I'almer, of New Orleans, stated that he had no desire to prevent any 0110 from studying and favoring Involution, but oojecieu u> having it taught in the theological seminaries and in churches. As for lite manner in which A'lam was created, l>r. Palmer said : Man knows nothing about (tod's creative power bcj*ond what the Bible furnishes us, and never can know such things. It is beyond the reach of men of science. The final vote on the resolution ofler ed in the morning by l>r. Pal:iut relative to evolution and condemning the teaching of it in seminaries stood 42 ayes to 8 noes. ThanUs^iviii^ I'roolanutlIon. Washington, Nov. 7.? I5y the President of the United Stales of America : A proclamation : The season is nigh when it is yearly the wont of this people to observe a day appointed for that purpose by the President as an especial occasion for thanksgiving unto Ciod. Xow therefore, in recognition of this hallowed custom, 1, Chester A. Arthur, President of the United States, do hereby designate as such day of general thauksjrivinjr, Thursday. the 27th dav of this present November; ami I do recommend that throughout, tho laud the people, ceasing from their accustomed occupations, do then keep holiday at their several homes and their several places of worship, and, with heart and voice, pay reverent acknowledgments to the (liver of all Good for the countless blessings wherewith Ho hath visited this nation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set mv hand and caused the seal of the United States to he ailixed. Done at the city of Washington this seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eightyfour, and the independence of the Unit, d States the one hundred and ninth. (Signed) Ciii:srnn A. Ahtiiith. Hy the President: Frederick T. Frelighuysen, Secretary of State. A Marvelous Story TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. CDMI Tiir OHM . "28 Cedar St., New rilUlfl int. OUIli York,Oct.28,1882. "Gentlemen: My fathor resides at Glover, Vt. Ho has bocn a great sufferer from Scrofula, and the inclosod lottor will tell you what a marvelous etfoct Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had In his caso. I tlilnk his blood must havo contained tlio lmmor for at least ton years; but It did not show, except in tlio form of a scrofulous soro on the wrist, until about five years ago. Krom a few spots which appeared at that tlino, it gradually spread so as to cover his entlro body. I assuro you he was terribly aftlictod, and an object of pity, whon ho began using your modlclno. Now, thoro are few mon of his ago who enjoy as good health as he has. 1 oould easily name fifty persona who would testify to tho facts In his case. Yours truly, W. M. Fwllwb." FROM THE FATHER: a duty for mo to stato to you tho bonofit I have derived from tho use of , \ Ayer's Sarsaparilla; Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an Incessant and Intolerable itching, and the skiu cracked so aa to causa tho blood to flow in many placos whenevor 1 moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of tho SAR3A.rAKiiJ*A In April last, and hare used it regularly slnco that timo. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healod, and 1 fool perfoctly well in ovory respect?being now ablo to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire what ha3 wrought snob a cure In my caso, and I tell tbein, ai I b.vro hero tried tu loll you, Ayxu's S.wixvrakiu-a. Clorur, Vt., Oct. 21,1832. Yours gratefully, IliBAU Puilltps." Arm's S.'.R*atarit.t.i euros Scrofula and nil ft?.rofulo*.in (.''>mp!iilnt*, Erysipelas, EaKnia, Ictnr.-worin. litoLclies. Sorrr. BollH, Tumors, und Eruptions of the yUlu. It ulcura tUo blood of all Impurities, aids digestion, stimulates Uie action of the borrels, and thru restores vitality and strengthens tho wbolo system. PQKPAHED BT Dp. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist*; 91, tlx bottles for $0. x - . < 4 ' . ' v - v. . : v ' i . ' 4; ^ DON'T forpet to cull on us before purcliiu well selected stock of Grip; Cbemical PATENT M A I:\rijje stock of i\ Fancy and Toilet Ari Stationery, I'oeins, Pens, Ink. and various otbe will take jrreat plriiMirc in showing our custoine Don't forget, wlion you coiue to town, to try j< PlugofOurLog Cabin or Nati best in town, and you will be convin A GOOD LINE "Our Team," "Collier's Favorite" and "Red Li< All orders by band or mail promptly and care rit kscis rr rioxs ca it kful l i (Jive us a call?first door above Central Hotel SPEED & ?Alt h e a p e r " K now selling a first rato JV( Complete, for $ 1.3.00. A liKTTKIl GHADK No. 7, COMI'L Comti.ktk, for $ir?.5(>. Xo. Hs .it $17, if 18.50 and .$20, cample These arc all irood stoves and warrant H. W. Lffl palmetto" o3S?eI?3 PKOI'UIKTOR of the larsrost SALOON in tl lomers by false advertisements. The h:i papers. lie is well prepared for fall trade. Th thing in the line of Foreign and Doiucstii this best the market affords. He has gn Eys anil Cora, Irish i Ajn>let J'cach, California antl Fren 1'c He can cheerfully recommend his poods tc t drinks with all the DELICIOUS lilvVKKAtil1): DRINKS. His specialty is a large stock of 1' Ses'ilemen's lesort, No " n?l to. ' COM 1*0 X7X.DKJ) at all Hours. I. Most llcspoctfully, LOWRY. Maccqaaia ?appmn?cii wauaaaaam K? Than Ever. ). 7 HTOYE. f'ijrttires and Pii-e KTK for .fir,an-.l a still belter No. 7, tc. e of the season. Also ('Ol)L, TEMI'EKATE l. UE liOODS. Call at Hit . 4 Washington Street, THOMAS M W iusinsss Augusta, P IT MOVINS s simply immense. We I?n?l the l*'urni' competition from every quarter. We I tlie novelties, such us Folding P.eils, >nna Hi?ntwood Chairs, 15al>v Ctirriairfs. I it lire J'olish, 1'atont Desks of :il! kit GO, ;TAUGUSTA, OA. ' ' * - - - . y". T GOOI C a r r i a g c (J||i f "ian* r.V. fol'nh Tin: i.awjkst stoc vV Roail '"arts, Plantation Wilsons ( all .si/.i Saddles, ltellinir, I.rather nf nil kinds, Wnjjou ivill OITKU M'KCIAI, ItAliCAINS IN A l.< lliau Maauiacl lit ers' 1'iieos. These llit^jjir.ivliich I will ^rnaranlee ei|iial t<> the bust. I'n Iliat til try are absolute bargains. A. Ti (Sucrossor to It. II. May it Co.,) C SAI,KS UOOMS, I A lTp I TO'l1 \ 70 1 Mroad Street, | 1\ IJ V I IJ O 1. J\ ( Oct S-Oui. TI ^ Establisf Bay & 733 and7C5 BROAD STRE! Manufacturers aM Be - 1 *> = --- " noMMiniinti dh^ucs. nan ufaoturors* Ajirnts for tin? Saleoi The CI i-IN L" 1X K and only Iloaul OnrL A1I.Y 1> Washington Kver.ts, Local, (IimxtjiI, For Lo any address from now nnti) Nov. IK it I Wo wi^11 t<> jdui'o the Xat'ojcai. ! member rice to inert' cost of IViank paper. i siiiiscuiiTioN i- in;i: to any l'k w a xt k i >?r () ii 111: s ro x i) k xt-w tion to whom a fair price \vi!l he paid. I inclose "f'J.OU for subscription, in order w ill lie credited as soon as identity is est Address A. G0RD01 Publisher of DAIi Editorial Rooms 2 Congress S EMORY'S I Arc the UICST DMA llosuliiche. One i??- ..... man uiiiHtiiici v run its i T a ml | m 1 now lifo ill a hru! ' ^Van1 **!i| > s< 'i-1i U' t^AlrfyuVbtii* Kmory's IjiitU* Ca VJ^J to Iio tlio host I'ill ever i }SLr \V. II. (JoiiKii, Harmon* $ arc tlie most popular of ? N". C. ilv aged moth, EMORY'S LITTLB Hakkk, Locust Ci-ove, O OATHARTIO PILLS j) Athens, Texas. T ?'*IAYPArpPl!^m ?Tli,-v are unexcelled. Vf A I A 13 T \ In all its forms posilivi IVIAlvAXV 1 A fills, a never-failing poison of any kinil. Kndorsed by physicians Cen Is a (io.v. "Txin T?Crn A T> T TO PJO l lV OiJlO Watches, Dian Sterling Silver & ri CLOCKS, BFJNZES M 70 And will completely change the blootl In person who will take 1 Pill oacli night fro DOMiiiii ii Buna u mm & rur run Physicians *180 them for Use euro of LIVES or sent by mail for 23c. la cturnpa. CIrcalo r ' i ^ ne*s, Harking ..ouifh, Whoorir.?f ( u;'i, Chronic Dlarrti l>lMa*c* < ' ..io Spine. 9oM vi rvT\ n?v o. CireuliM trx If a a welt-known Met ?!iM mIJ ir; ilil? ;uuii< [A yi try is worthies*; dim siuThlsn ? C?t'dl?tMt J5a PowJcrli ahioliitolynur^ nml viT> valuaI'IV' irijH KjJ Nothlnc on Earth will nmkfl ln-im i|9>1 Ef My Ilk n Hhcrlduu'* Condition pnw- riUDI uer. ono toasponnfnl to eaoli pint of ' /tod. It-.till alio poiitlTclv prevent and enrol Hoi CHICKEN CHOLERA,Id ^YEAR'S ' Repository. K OF CAimiACKS. MTOOIKS, HLF.TOXS, l's, I Io (i > Single ami lluulilt' Harness, Material, Y K A I i, A sen t: ipp. (jkokoiv uvu.itoAD uaxk. GEORGIA. I l'ArrTl),i!L7S:!'rett. UK mi nf ilip ?nT!ih .ill li! I tin iiisimi. V ? v ?V tJ V* ied !8 Taimahill. IT - - - - AUGUSTA, GA. ia!ers In Ail Kinds 01 Ir.tion niul I'oad Wagons, ('arts, A-c. Mnn' the Fra/.ior's 1 Koad ('arts. stffl of nil Sulky Motion. i on Patents, ul upwards. PHILADELPHIA \V \LI>. Also a full stock of Sjnhilerv and Ilarness, i?ii 11--s. Collar.-:. Whips, buggy I 'inhreUas. Trunks, Coach Material of I'-very Description, Cloths, Paints. Coach Varnishes. Also Leather ami (inin Pelting. Packing, Rivets ami Lacing Hooks mil Punch's, Italian llcsnp r.ml Sonpstone Leather, French ami American Calf and Latest Slyios .lust !! ? < iv tl. SKND IX l"S. Our l iici'S will at all times be HOTiCrHs Head I ONLY TWO DOLLARS. AILY DEMOCRAT, hTCK', ID. O. MMOCiJATlC ! ; w j r r roi t.vininp: all eign ami Po'iiic.i' News. Will be* mailed ? for ON LY 'i'W< > LLA IIS. M- at i-i the Sk-mi's of every irood tlnst en?l lutvi; reTDS1NTS. o ?liru :i pood correspondent in this scrIVrsons applying 'or saiu position must t<> obtain creilentiais. Amount Imwevcr nblislicd. s LEWIS, LY NATIONAL CEEttCCRAT, t. WASHINGTON, D. C. ? ?g*CBBi3gyxBgaw*?aBaouacimm?eg :ITTLS CATHARTIC PILLS > MAitlO for ('osliveiiCKs, Indigestion, d?>se of three or tour Kinorv's l.ittle Cathartic il every for a week <>r two, makes the ln:I'jrul:*r sis clock work: they purify I lie !>!?#y mn!!. CO., Proprietors, til" Pearl SiX. V. (Iiarlic: sire more limit is claimed: tIk*v prove is? d Here. Worth twice liie money asked -W. v (Srove, Oil. KmoryVs [ilttli! Cutlinrtic sill tiie Cathartics ?\Vm. Hisiioi-, Mills Stiver, >r used one liox with wonderful results?N. \V. hio. 1 recoiniuend tliein.?John Coi.i.ins. 1!. hey are excellent.?1? Uunsox, Jackson, Miss ?Mas. Ki.izaukth Kevsuh, Mobetlv, Mo. t-lv cured wills I'morv's Stanilarcl Cure remedy; they contain no Quinine, Mercurv, or and sold bv drii^fiists everywhere. or br mail, STAND A UP CU'UK CO., New York. 9 gLU'Jiwa;.tapiammu M i-gcwgaai iiiw?nm >. HARK WALTER'S ant Jforfile and Granite 1i "?;7r.v. T., N K A K LOWliU MA UK KT, Augusta, (la. WOllK, l>ontPstic and Imported. Ail istcrii and Scoti-'i Oranitf\ a* Low I'ricos. AN!) SOUTH CAROLINA MOXUIai?k a Si'i:ct.\i.tv. A lnrjro selection of and (ilJANITK WOIIK :i!\vavs on hand, .KTTKRINfi and I>Lid VKKY". STTeT~ IIK I) 1842. lands, Jewelry, triple Plated Ware, !D FINE FANCY GOODS 2 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. PURGATIVE p| | | ^ the entire 6r*t?m in thrco months. Any m 1 to 13 vreilts, nmy be restored to sound nale Complaint* those Pills have no equal* I and K1DNEV dlsoascg. 8old everywhere, >ra trao. 1. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston. Mass. a Croup, Asthma, r*ro?ichltla, NcnralKl?, Khoumatletn. JOHNSON'S ANOliVSE LINIMENT (for Internal and External Ute) will Instantaneously relievo these torrtble diseases, and will positively cure nine cases out of ten. Information that will save many lives oent free by mull. Don't delay s mowcoi. Prevention U better than ouro t f'lTRF.a Influents, nieedlnu at the I.nnjr*. TToarseiisi, Hyaentrrv, (bolero Motbua, Kidney Troubles, and !. i. 8. JOHNSON & CO.. Boston, Mass. IE HENS LAY' i Cholera, Ac. Sold everywhere, or sent by matt for 15c. la tens. Furnished In large ennt, price $1.00; by mall, ILlQk MiUrtftoo. I. 8. rJUNSOa A CO., Boston, lUu,