The Ablcvllle Messenger. Knli-ml at the poslollico us mnik-r. M. 1.. Itonliaiii, Ji.? Thus. r. Cothrnii, Ins. S. I'orriii, Kililer.-. >iii*l I'roini.-lors. \YK1>NKSI>AY, OCTOliKK s. I SSI. < 'Ol'XTV CiaiMS AM) IIOW THKY KHOt'Iil) lilO I\YII>. A eiti/.on of thf county, hoMiug a claim against tin- County Commissioners for building n bridge, amounting to $170.00, tramped all over town one day last week offering the claim for sale. A neighbor had offered him eightv-live cents on the dollar for it. and after trying nil the "brokers" around town he failed to get an advance on this offer and carried it hack home with him. It the claim had Ixhmi less than $100 he could not have received more than eighty cents on the dollar for it. The county of Abbeville can certainly pay more than eighty-five cents on the dollar upon its indebtedness, and the pride and position of our county justifies its citizens in demanding of its financial agents that this matter be improved. Ileal I v it is not as much as 85 per cent. Kvery man who bids upon a contract for any work let out I?v the County ('ommis'sioiicrs, if he is a man of ordinary shrewdness, adds to his bid the 15 per cent, that he will have to pay to the broker w hu buys his claim at a discount, and at least 5 or 10 :?er cent, in addition Id cover all the incidental risks attaching to the collection ol" tin; amounts due. So that upon these contracts there is almost invariably a discount of at least JO per cent., and this the county must pay. It is said that few men can live under a debt drawing ten per cent., then what becomes of tin in when they pay twenty or more' In the case of whose remuneration for service* ' lo the county is regulated by laws. Trial Justices. Constables, Shcrill's, Clerks, Coroner, - etc., if they are unable to hold the accounts until taxes are collected they are obliged to pay this exhorbilaut interest imposed upon theiu by the financial policy of' the county. The law allows them t)ne hundred cents upon the dollar and yet ll: - v are compelled to accept eighty?men who are least able to bear xuch a burden. After the lirst of January the brokers pay ! m t cents on the dollar but lh<' fall in discount is equal r/.ed in their favor by the shortness of tiOn .June 15th, for instance the claim is discounted al ton per cent., ami tlio full amount is paid in four months. Tin* laborer who is worthy of his hire in this case pays interest at the rate of nearly f./iir/i/-three per vent! These things ought not so to he, ami if there is a remedy the people of this county have a right to demand it. It is a great ileal better that the county should pay its indebtedness, dollar for dollar. It would he economy and justice. If the County Commissioners would make arrangements at the beginning of each fiscal year for money during that year at seven or even ten per cent., and pay oil* very claim as it was approved they would gel better work, they would have jt done cheaper, and tin v would be deal* ing out even handed and exact justice. If the County contracts to pay a certain amount for services, it is better that the people as a whole should pay the interest upon the money necessary to meet these demands, than that the loss should be centered upon liiui who performs the services. Not that the broker is to lilamr. for ii is a 11101103* transaction wit It li i 111. sulij?.'ef to considerable risk, )mt the financial policy of the county entrusted to tlu most important olliie in tho county, should lie conducted on busis^'ss principles. Who would expect a Hank President or the Directors of a cotton factory to pursue u policy similar to that upon which the ('ounly is conducted ? Tim Tribute to Hampton. One of tho most beautiful episodes of the grind rally was the magnificent and soul stirring reception given to Senator I lampion as he stepped forward to make his addiess. t>eufening.cheers rent the ail and for fully live minutes the noble Carolinian stood in speechless delight at the ovation of the people that he had ledeeincd. The people ol' Abbeville will never forget jAV ado Hampton and nil that hi; lias done for them. They honor themselves in honoring him. Through the war that sacrilied the flower of our land hi; stood by th?'Ui tried and true, and through that greater, bloodloss war it was to hi* unerring judgment that they o\ve lliei^ present and everlasting redemption. It was due to this reception that the Senator made the most eloquent, ell'eet- I jve speech that he lins e\ef in;\do in this | county. His very soul was moved and juoiid telling words came pouring forth, flic spontaneous outburst of a grateful heart to the people ihut he kne\v would . he true even unto death. ADVll'H TO MO'fHKIlS. ! Arc you disturbed at nij;bt and hro- I (11 kn Tkktiun?i. Its value! is incalculable. It will relieve the poor i little suH'crer immediately. Depend up j on it, mot hers, there is no mist.ike ah.nit ; it. It cures dysenfry nnd diarrhea. ie-i >nil-ite?! the stomach nnd bowels, cur * ( wind colic. y the town council of the town of Abbeville in the state of South Carolina, and by tin* authority of the same, that at the organization of each town council now or hereafter clicte'l or at some succeeding meeting it shall he their duty to elect some suitable person cither in or out of the council, clcrk of council to serve for the full term of the council by which he is lected, unless removed for good and snllicietit cause to be deter uitied by the council. Section II. That it shall be the duty of the said clerk of council within ten days after written notice.of his appointment to tile with the intvndaiit of the town of Abbeville a bond signed by two sureties in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of all duties that are or limy hereafter be required of hi'n. The sulliciclicv of the said bond to he determined bv the town .council iij meeting .sscinbled. Si:ctio?c 111. That it .sliall bo the duty of I lit* m>iill clerk it'f poiinriLtn keep a full- record of till the' |fVocccdiitgs of the council in 11 book of minutes to be piescrvcd bv bini and turned over to bis successor in ollice. To take all returns mudc by eiti/.ens liable to taxation in the town of Abbeville, transfer tlieui alphabetically upon the tax book and to collect all taxes that ii-ay be due thereon. To collect all lilies, licenses and penalties imposed by the council. To payout the funds so received only upon the order of the town council and rcta:u vouchers for the same. To provide a book ?1? which he shall make regular entries of all cases containing the names of all offenders who shall be summoned to appear before council for the violation of any ordinance now in force >tr which may berenf- I ter be ordained bv the authority aforesaid with the specifications of the oU'once oh urged and I hi1 time and result of the trial. To submit to the liitcndaut by liiui to lie laid before tike town couucii on the fourth Tuesday in August of each year a full exhibit of the re- | ccipts and expenditure" of the year preceding. Tn turn over to the succeeding council within thirty days after the expiration of his ollice all moneys in his hands belonging to the corporation and deliver up all books papers and other records iueideiit to his ollice. Skctios IV. That for such services, the clerk of council shall receive 2'^. per cent, for receiving and 2'..j percent, for paying out the funds that tray come to his hands as said clerk. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistaut with this ordinance be and tile same are lt.-reby repealed. .1. S. IIA.MMOMt, liilemlant. 11. 1*. Moll.WAIN, .ION KS F. MIL I.Kit, T.'l\ COTHUAN. 01"(?I.A5-S, Waidoiis. Ionks F. Clerk <>f ('m'liril. mfASTKIfS SAI.K. William Anderson vs. .lolm M. I.eiili ami licurjtu M. Trcnliolni A; Son-- Foreclosure. r.v virtue of an order of sale made in I lie allow st a ted ease l'y-llie Jloii. .1. It. Kershaw, jmljre 6th circuit, on 27th day of October, !??>:>, 1 will sell at public outcry at Abbeville v. ii., s. c., <111 the ">iil day of November, 1SS-1, within the leual lu?urs of sale, the following described property, .situate in said State and countv, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, known as the Williams place and cont aiding KKJI1T IIUNDIJF.D AND TWKNTVFIVK Al'liKS, more or less, bounded by lands of William c. Barrett, (ieorge Niekles, Hubert IMiii'.i, William Dunn and others. Terms of sale?One-half cash,'balance i*i twelve months with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and inort^a^e of premises; wit'i leave to purchaser to pay all cash; purchaser to pav lor papers. M. 1.. HONIIA M, .1 it. Mastkii, A. (.'. JJASTi-.U S SAM:. Dowie ii. vs. J. \V. Calhoun. HY virtue of an Murder of sale made in the above stated ease by the T. II. I'raser, J udjre Third circuit, on day of.I one, 1N84, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville c. n. s. i'., on 3rd day of November, ItiS-l, that beill}; sale day, within llie lejial hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and county, to wit: All.that tract or parcel of land, known as A LOT IN TilK TOWN OF THOY, and coiitaiuiuir thirty feet bv one'hundred and lifty front, more or less, bounded by lands ol J. >!. Dendy, fronting; on Main street and lyiujr uii the cornet' of .Main and Augusta sts. Terms of sale?cash: purchaser to pay for j papers. M . L. HON II AM, -Jr., Maxtor. i MASTKUS SALK. .1. T. Morton vs. .1. T. 11 arris, et. al. HY virtue of an order of sale made in the above stated ease l>v the lion. .1. S. Colhran, Judge of the 8lh Circuit, on 3rd day of October, 188-1, 1 will sell at public outcry at Abbeville J. 11., S. C., on lIn* Jtrd day of November 18S-1, tliat being Sale l>ay, within the legal hours of sale, the,-f? Hewing-described property, situate in said Slate and County, to wit : All that tract or puree I of laud, known as The Homestead Tract and containing ONK 111' NI?IU: 1 > AND NINKTY ACI5KK, more or less, bounded hy lands of A T. Wideman. K. Cowan. M. A. JIaiivy an.I I. T. Ilorton. Tortus of Sale?Cash? I'urchasjr to pay lor I'upers. M. I,. HON II AM. .1 i: . Master. MAS TKlfS SAI.K. Win. 1*. innn vh. .1. T. Harris, e* al. I1Y Virtu*- of an Order of Sale made ill the above stated ease liy the lion. .1, S. Cothran, .1 r. A. T. W ideinan, W. 1'. Wideimin. .1. 'I'. . I loi' .iu<; I .state ot .\. S. M>!l''.ti l.ui. Terms .?!' Sale? C?.di ? Purchaser to j p v or !*ip- i-s. ; M. I.. liONHAM. dr.. Master. j 1AST,:,:'S SAI KP.cnseii I>. (J lymph vs. (Vlestia How- | hi., i>t. nl. , BY Virtue of an Order of .Sale made I in the above statud case by the II ni. T. I I?. Kraser, ( -I1H8I. I will sell at i public outo'rv at Abbeville II., S. v ., | on <>rd day of November, 1SS4, that !?? - j * intT Side Pay, within the lejfal hours of: sal.', the following; described property, ' situate in said State and County, to wit : All that Trael or Parcel of Band, in the Town of Hodges and containing TWO HOODS XIOIIK OK I.KSS. 1 WITH I>W K 1,1,1 X(i. STONK J llorSK AND OTIIKH , lU'Il.DINtJS Til KIJKoN, now or formerly owned l?y Huberts iV Adams, by lands now or formerly own- 1 i.'d l>v !. I,. (Mark and by the C. ?? O. It. J P.. Terms of Sale?Cash?Purchaser to puv for Papers. Al. D. HON HAM, dr., Master. j m ASTKI! K SAI.K. F. \V Wagciicr & Co. vs. T. W. Mars. 1H' virtue >(' an order of sale made in tin* above .stated case bv the Hon. T. II. Ki'iiSer, Judge Kiglith circuit, on 3rd day of June, ISS-I, I will sell .-at public outcry at At>l?eville c. it., s. r.,??n 3rd day of November, 1X8-1, that being sale da v, within the leual hours of sale. . the following described property, situate in said State and count r. to wit: All that tract < or parcel of land, containing I mnk nrxniiKi) kicjiitv-fivk AC I' ICS, more or less, boundeil by lands of estate of .losiali Weils, S. IS. Monnh.,1. I!. Caldwell and others. Also that tract or parcel of land, contain- 1 in-? tlXK ACKKS, more or less, and bounded by lauds of James Mct'aslau, said T. \V. Mars and others. Also, that tract or parcel of land,containing TWO III NDKKI) ACIIKS. more or less, and bounded by lands of J allies MeCaslan, A. 1$. I'. Lindsay and others. Terms of. sale?One-half cash, balance in twelve months, with interest, and secured by bond and mortgage of the premises; pnrclias ... .... ,.v , M. L. HON II A M, Jr., Master. WAIININU TO TItKSPASSEHS. VI,L persons arc hereby forbidden l<> enter 11 pun our several lands lor the purpose of hutilinj; frame, either by nij;lit or day, or netting partridges. The law will be enforced against all trespassers. Titos. L. .Moihik, 1 I.. M. MOOKK, t T. S. Ui.aki:, ,1. W. ForciiK, .1. I'OOI.K, iiknuv hit.:.. < II. K. Ti'iinkk, OrtK-if. Wm. Johnson. , I^XCIIANliK HOTEL, I (!iti:i:xviu.i:, S. C. THE OMiV TWO-CLASS HOTEL IX j THE WOULD. W. It. WlUTK, PKOI'ltlKTMH. rPl,K S^TATK 01' SOL'TII I' A KOI. IN A. ADttl'.VII.I.K COINTV. l'robale Court.-Citation for letters of administration. Ity ,1. Fii.i.kk I,yon. Ks?|., l'rohale .Iiidii1: WllKUK.VS, W. 1*. M. Cason. has j made suit t.i tin- In irnuil liiin I.ellers i?l" Ad- M ininistration ?it' till- estate ?n;l eUccts of .I.jJ Frank Cason, laic of Ahbcvilee county, deceased. ' These are therofore tocito and admonish all t and singular the kindred ami creditors ??t* the said.l. Frank Caaon, deceased, that thev he ami appear before me in the court <>f probate, ? to he held at Abbeville II., on Monday the i 20th (lav ol' October, 188-1, after publication J hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if a ly they have, why the said administration should not be granted. I j \ (Siveil nii-Jer my hand and seal, this t - seal -i (>th day of October, in the year of our . ) ( Lord one thousand cijrht humlred I ami eighty-four, anil in the lO'Jth year of \nier- ' ieau Independence. 1 Published on the8th dav of October. 188-1, in ' I Tuk Akkkvi i.i.k Mkssknokk and on the Court J House door for the time required hv law. < .1. FL*I.I.Kit I.VOX, I oct 8-t?\v Jud^e Probate Court. i Annual Meeting.; I i NOTIt'K is lierebv given that the annual meeting of the Hoard of County Coin- .1 missioners for Abbeville County, will be held s on Tuesday, November -1th, 188-1. All persons holding bills, account s or demands of an v 1 L'ili.l -ol.l I'... I t ....... omu vuiiiii * IlilU' II'U Ut't'U C Iti-fiire presented to tlio iloaniot' f.'miiil.v Commissioners at special meetings held during the vear, arc hereby required to deposit the same, duly sworn to, with the Clerk of the j Hoard, on or before the first day of November, so that tlu-y may be examined nud ordered to be paid al the annual meeting. ' JAMES C. KLUGH, Clerk B. C. C. i | oot lot rjp K. 11 KAN MAN'S ? sample room, ' Mail; street, Columbia; 5. C., Opposite Hotel ltlock. [winks, I.iguons AND CMAKS. | Tllli best lmrids of domestic and imported whiskies, wines a-ul 'champagnes always in stock. Orders by mail promptly lilted with first- I cImss goods at reasonable prices; address T. K ItH.WIKAN, Columbia. S. C. I j EE BAILE Y, I Deah-rs in j /'iirr Drift/.* ami Motficfuct, Uttrrten ' Seeds, Fruity, Tobacco, Cir/ars, 1 a nil ('itfttroffes, i I i (i It K i*. N W () O I). S. CARPETS. CAHI'I.TS and House Furnishing I (Sou-is, ih<- I.sugest Stock South of I?alti- * I mure, Munm't. BrussH*. 8 1*1 v imd Ingrniu v/?rpt't8. IIu.?s, * ?ud ."rninb i/iouis. window niia.lcs, \% all i'.i|>cr8, liiinlcrs, Law Curtains, Cornices ci.d 1'olis, Cocoa and Canton Multings, tj?holstiTV, Kn^ravin^s ('minus, Picture Kianics. Write for sauij lex and |>iietts."" li.ULIK Ac CaSKKK V, Augusta. .Cia. > . '"s: DRY GOODS, ^ 11.KS, Siiiniv, Yci\i>i>. 'I'ltiniiiiinrs. Iliis^7 *iun ' 'irciihtrs, N? ? M.ivk/'s, Jerseys, ^c., A < . i:. M. HAHimN A- < n _ Fox* SESseJU^s, MY clilil't' cnllci'linll ill' Hot iiitlisc Dalits. iiIsk six Milfli Cows with Jersey L'alws. Hargaiiis van bo 11a>1 by apjib inn al once to .1. II. OI.DIIA.M. A sroiil. sop 4-2iii Millinery! Millinery! ''I'^lIK must extensive stock of Millinery can .JL. now be found al I!. M. IIADDON & CU.S. French Candies, Fresh! I.K1I0N C1JACKKIJS. KlIKSII ! SODA CKACKKKS, IMiKSII ! (ilNDKK SNAPS. KKKSI! ! ASSOI5TKD .Jl'MliLKS. l-'KKSlI ! Just Kccoivod. 1 If QI AULKS .1 TIIOM VS._ FROM THIS DATE rmi i die tiolliiiiir thti l luG ! HjC ! Iu.'tidily Ice piirfcfil just Imlfati hour Wet'oro In; depafI tire of train*. Write us fur prices; ?al isfacfion giiarantoctl. LKK & HA I IjKV, Aug. I!U>. rii?? groat Artists of tho world arknowl. oilgo tho Superiority of the Pianos :iik1 Organs solil hy C. O. ROBINSON & CO. I'lioy ar<* soloetotl from Ton of tho host makers, ami aro so much superior to othors at prices so much loss that purchasers save from CD: -1 r~\ m t ^ ct- -i e~*\ r~\ Vjj -I- -JL. V / -L- W 1 iv visiting or writing to C. O. ROBINSON & CO. K. T. O. M.t L. 1\ Q. S (J. O. IJOlUXSf )N iK: CO. />?/// "// >'r<'i;//ifs ami sure :-n>)iri/ hi ervry />/// It user. S111-!KT Ml'KI the latest puhlirn ions, music hooks of ovovv tlosniption lie- host Italian sonirs. The latest ami most popular Snmla> ?cliool hook, 'Love and .Praise." Lowest prices at tJKO. <). UOIUXSON A CO.'S, s:M lit'iiatl -I.. Aiiirustn. (5a. Removal. fhimilno CI Wlimrinn UMllGoaiMMD uavi: ui:muvi:i? to thk' New Store on the Corner inder the now hotel. WIioii yon come to own call in to sec* them. Sepl.M.'st. gi'AKI.KS \ THOMAS. FURNITURE. PAIlLOIi Suits ir? I'lnsh ami Mohair, Walnnt Chamber Suits, latest styles, lamlsome Painted Suits, low prices, Fine hValnut Side Hoards. and Chi It'oiiics, Fine kValttul Wardrobes ami Hall Stands, Fine 'berry and Oak Suits, Walnut,Oak ami Cane >eat Chairs. Library Chairs, Hed Room 'hairs, Ditiinjr aird other ('hairs in Leather, Yrforaied ('hair Seat and Hack, also I'erl'o atcd Seals for rc-scatinir old chairs, 4ll Hu eau.x at prices from $8 to $20 with jrood lasses. Looking Classes ami Looting (Mass Mates to re-fill old frames, all bos', quality. Safes, Tables and Mattresses of every tlo riplion and Prices, SOI.I) AT llOTTOM 'Kil'UKS. OI K CiOODK AllU ItorcilT DIKKCf\* I'mwf xv i vi'i.i i / i 4 I r ivv/.u iu.t^ liTiim aiKl oiil* >rices n?-e as low ns city prices n?d sill poods iold just as they arc, upon their merits. We can make your houses more comfortable, more enjoyuldu and lovely if you will all on us for wlia?. you all need. Kesjieeifiill v, I. D. CHALMERS & CO. i-tf. Phe Place to get What You Want TH0S. M. CHRISTIAN, HA VINO houjrlit t lie interest of Mr. JOHN WILSON in the business formerly :ondiietcd by Ibpm jointly, will keep'always n store a complete stock of Fancy Groceries, CANNED GOODS ? ANJ>? DON SECTION YAIIE.S \ of ull kinds. The Best and Cheapest Cigars and Tobacco, TIIK FINKST WINKS and LIQUORS. SWKKT MASH CORN WIIFSKKV for meticinal purposes, s sjwcially. Also clioice LHJl'OHS of any kind for medicinal purposes, [iive him a cull. Satisfaction guaranteed. All persons indebted to the firm of Chrislian .V Wilson must make immeiliute im TUGS. M. CHRISTIAN*, l-3m - Abbeville. S. 0. FOUTZ' S CATTLE POWDERS No Hokbk will ?tlc of Colic. Dot* or Lvno F*tk?. If Fontt's Powder* are nsed In Ume. Fouu*s Fowdors will euro and proventHooCnout**. Pouts'* Powders will prevent Oamk in FowlA Pouts'* Powder* will Increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent., and make the butter firm and sweet. FouU*8 Powder* will cure or prevent almost: study Disease to which Horses and Cattle are snbjeol. FotTTX'8 PowniM WILL OITI SATIBKaCTIOX. Bold everywhere. DAVID X. POUTZ, Proprietor. SALTIKO&E.HD. * I W. I. I \Y IIOLKSA 1,K .NND Cookiii Stoves, | GRATES AM ! I Buy the u "Excel*: / SKVKXTKKN dilVrrtiil sizes in stock. 11? Liirgrc ?|?itiniitivs <>l"TFNWAKK. Vorv W. I 2-:\m H:\\ _A_T GOO ( 1 A It HI V (i K I l^iWr ' r11 -T- * * - - AN r.K For N!) THK LAItO.KST STO Uiiiul farts. I'luntntidii Wagons ( all si Saddles, Heltiiijr, Leather of all kinds, Wajji will OKKKR SI'KCIAI- HAKOAINS IN A than Mamiiaeturers' I'riees. These liiijrp which I will ?iiarautec equal to the best." V that they are absolute haijrains. A. 1 ( Sucressnr to U. 11. May fi SAI.KS ROOMS, I AlTPTTCr\ j 7(11 Hroad Struct. | AUUtul A, j Oet S-tirn. ! n T TUTMTTVTh T T AM UUIM1MM1 HA VK IJIII I'll R I.A1U!AND WKl.I, SULK Fall and W CONSISTING IN PAllT OF Foreign aiul Don MOT! BOOTS AND SHOKS, HATS, HATS, HATS, IIAIinWAHK, HAW (; I ci At Lower Trices than they were Kvor ( R. W. CANNON, ahu.n i fiik MACHINERY! ABUKVIfiliK, R. C. I AM bettor prepared than over before fi offer to farmers and others needing then Steam Engines, COTTON GINS. Cotton Presses, Saw Mills C5UIST M1 LIjS, CAXK MILLS, Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills, and all kinds of imttrored Agricultural lm plententh. Also a full and complete stock o Groceries & Provisions Fill" ITS, ft >N FKCTIONK1IY. CMi A US, TOBACCO, Kit. at exceedinirly low prices for cash. I'ric< my (i,'?icerie? bt fore you bay. I have citrhf years' cxin'ricnce in the rnn Ichinery trade and can iiliur ruii itMla.tveiii^iii> Imtii in quality, prico and terms. Call 01 in? hi wrile (or any iiifo. uialimi u? to price* terms, Ae. l it' A I.Ij the now shapes in If. \ i ) E L P H, ! 1 i, I KK'I'AII. DKAI.KK IN Healii Stoves, D TINWARE. nor Cook Stove!" .'atinii Stoves in groat variety l?or\\oo ! ' i.t^r or tii'kn ami Tin' i!i irs arc all Kiiic Northern ami Kastcm makes,; 'all mid examine tliein and coiivince vour.-cl* es j GOODY EA li, AkcmiI: ()1'1\ CKOUCly UAIl.KOAD HANK. 1 GEORGIA. rA,TT,,K J &TEMPLETON j in sTonr: i i ! :ctki> stock ok , i i I I inter Goods, i uestic Dry Goods, I [ONS, >\VAKK, HAKI>\\'Ai!K, IK)('KIM KS, CHOCKIMKK, C! HOCK 1.1 KS. , JOCKKKY, CltoCKKKY. CROCK Kit V, >flfVrc?l licforo. 1-If IWIIIIU M I IMW? 1 11 ?1 I &dm)iiich<<)tAr'c ftlntlnn aummwu ami a 11 uuvc. A LI. persons indebted to the estate of Miss Kosn 10. Mi.sely, deceased, must make | immediate payment to the undersigned and all holding claims against said estate are hereby notified that settlement <>1? the same will lie made in probate judge's ollice i;ii Saturday, October IS1J1, I S3 J. , " M. (J. ZKICJ.KK, Adm'r. I sept 18-.'U ' Bridges to be Let. milK contract to ri-huild I'ATTKI!A SOX'S UUIDOlv will lie let to the ? | lowest responsible bidder at the bridge II site on Monday, September 'JOth 1881, I nt VI o'clock, m. I Also tho contract to rebuild j SKAIil.KS' lMMlXiF. will be let to the ' I lowest responsible bidder at the bridge site on Tuesday, September .'loth, 1884, at 10 o'clock, a. in. Specifications of each bridge w ill be furnished on day of letting. Ilond , with two approved sureties will be required in each ease, to be given on the spot. The right is reserved to reject any or all bidgs. lb I IN' R HI!. LOCK. sep ;S It County Commissioner. ' DL'i: WKST ; female college.; f "VJTXT session Logins Monday. OctoL* ber (>th 188L Number of pupils In.-.I year. 187. Number of Teachers, j 1"J. Facilities in Ml. Mi;, I'KI'iM II AM) I'AIMIMi UNSU IvI'ASSKD. C'o^t of Boanl ;in<1 regular Tuition ' for Colic.'":*' year -f 105. . l'or C?Hnlosue, apj.iy to tlio l'resi- , ' i ' J. P. KKXNT.DY. ; ' julylO-rni j 1"> WI l.l IA MS, i. 1 Sl'HOBON DFNTIST, . I I.J 1ST taL?5?Jo \l'I'I. IC AT I ON will In' made I tin- lien er.ll Assembly ill South (*.i ">>1 iII.1 ill iIn next session for a charter for :i li.'ili. ait tVi-tu l.ii fiiwnnil liv I'lnenix ami IM?i ln-M II t ? Aiken mi I In- S. '.. I!. I". .- )> I i ' in Soda Water. \\^ li ii??-.v have in full operatinn one i.f .1 V \V. ti i t's (Vlcbriilnl Ai'ciic Soda Apparatus', ami propose tn;ri\c \,.ii as title Soda Water as v<>ii call }jr! ill am < it\ Spcia I a It cti t inn naiil I? ladies. fall ui'l sr.- n> i.i.i: \ isaii.i-:\. STORE HOUSE AND g LOT FOR SALE. j Iwii.i. st'll otic store house I'.ii.x'JO feet uitli r tot fed in tin? town of Uratllcv. The store is a ?rond one story frame l>iiil/!<>/.'! "S Kxtraels. These extracts arc aeknow ledjjcd to be the he-t ot their kind. For sale by (' A l.tlot' N, ill'iillKY iV llnl.l.iiWA V m IIflTl-V1/1? W i in V I B* V =B niiENin * HE3EEE8KSH9BDBI - ^ No Moit Terror ! j Tbis i n v a 1 u a li i e j |it'o|>:iratioii i.s truly a No Mori' I'ilill! I tiiniiipli of sciontitic { skill, alul in# iiiiiiv inNo More Haulier! : u-,im:,l\,c ,,0,,e|i,t w-'I'Vl'V Ill's! 11VV Oil I'll | I ho mnllicrs lit' tin: To j ! I. tf 11 n?t oulv slum J oils I In- t inn: ?.t" Isilinr Mother or Child ! ami los.^ms till- inton_ . ? j silv i.C pain, Sut. bot Till' htVii.l of Mor tbaii all. it greatly j iliiuiuislios I il:iii*r??iMotherhood ! i4;i"Un.r ' t ho unit lior i 11 :i cm 'I'raiislornii'il to j tlitioii highly tavniuj lilo tn speedy roonv! orv. si ml far loss liable r I / \ 1 ) 1 | i(i tliMtilin?r, ouiiviil1 1 v / 1 1 u i simis. a n il i> I li o r i alaviiiing sviii]>tiinis I iuoiili'iit tn lingering :'1"' | ami !>aii'ful labor - ^ j lis 1 l-iilv wonderful J J |\ ; i tlii-i'-y in ibis otl'ooi V P 1. j ,.tiiitlo> tin- Moi iiki'.s' " T ; bo ranked Safety and t.tisc | a, ?i my:'.iv'n?* ' ' ' ; JJIVOII I II 1 111" Will III Ijv tin* ilisroverios of StlllVrillK Women, nmil.-ni siu-ni'i'. From tin' nature of tin- riist? it will of Minrsc In* iiiiilorstooil ih.ii wo cannot publish ei rtiliratcs conoerniii}; this Ri:\u;i>v without womuliiijr Hie tlelioacy ?tt* tin- writers. Vol wo lia vc huuilrctls of such testimonials on tile, ami tin mill lior who ha.-unci n.-otl it will ever attain lie without it in her t ii>11> of trouble. A |iiiiiiiiiU'iit physician lately reiunrkcil to the proprit tor, that if it were admissible to inak.- public t lie lot let's w o roeei v<>. tlio "Miitliit-.' Friiml wimlil mil-.-oil at:\ tiiinjr tut the market I most earnest I %* entreat ever\ female expect tnir to In- I'liutini'il, tu use Miiilior's lit I iff. Cnupleil willi this entreatv I will ail'. f.miisitiiiii. . I I'/i'lllisifs. V iv'll.v ('III/ tin. M rst Hill/ W...I I i Thy favorite routo T< > Till) \Y< > I.' I.I >'S FAII5, XKW OKLKANS. I.A. ttOMM KXCIXC! December 1st, ISSl. ^ Double Daily Trains, with elegant Sleeping Curs attached, for which the low rate of > 1 for each section is rharired?the lowest sleeping car rates in the I'nited States. Iterth.s secured ten ilays in advance. Ji-Jf SK.i that your Tickets jBHVliead" FUOM?tfrff ATLANTA, ^ t?, fiKOKCIA 1'ACIKIC I!A I,WAV am. Ill KM IXli I! A .M. A LA. For further information write to or t*all on L. S. BIIOWX, i km i n (. 11a m, At.a. A. S. THWKATT, Trav. Pass. Agt.. Ati.anta, son County, lieor&ln. The following is Mr. John Pearson s Statement. In tho-Spring of ISfti f wtis attacked with n. very bail conch, which continued to crow worse until Fall, when I cot. so weak that I could not Ret. ut>out. i trit-d a great rnany kinds of medlrlne, but. continued to grow worse. I was notified that I had consumption. ana would |>r<>iiai>iy oio. nr. uoiioway nnany told me to try Brewer's Lunjr Restorer. They sent to \N'ard\ Store tmd jr?'t a bottle, and I Commenced taking it ri^lit away After taking two or three doses, 1 licgnn to Improve, and by tho time I had used up one bottle I was able to K'Jt on mv fiot ami in. I am now tn excellent health. I am confident that f he I.uiu* Restorer s.ived my life, and uiy neighbors aro of tho sumo opinion. It in the host Lung Remedy ever made, in my opinion. I)r. n. promised mo that he would wrlto lev tho manufacturers und tell theui of the wondorlui curc it mailt) in my ease. Statement of Mr.Beni.F.Hearndon: Karly in November. IftNt while sewing on tho machine. my v.ifo was taken with a i?e\ero pain In her sido. which was soon followed by hemorrhage* from her lung* and a fevero cough. I'ever commenced, she could neither eat nor sleep, mid in a few weeks she was re ined fo a living skeleton. Tho attending physician told mo thai ho thought one of her liiugs v.?s en:!r:'ly (rone, she could not retain the most delicate iioi;rKh'nont on her Riomach. I then agreed with Dr. Sullivan, mv family pliysu-ian, to call Dr. Holloway in c iiMilt.,tion. They made a fiTinl < .aintnution i-t' the patient, and pronounced the eiu-e li ?.iele. s. Dr. llollr.v.i./ then suggested i!it? Ilrcwor's t ?ng Postcrer as a last reo.'-t. I !< !* f-?r a ho' . . and g.tvo her ado?ft. I foiin I that shocou! ! i ' iin It on her stomach, an 1 after tVeth!: ; 'ore I b*san in nojn i) w."o i.i'.'imm1":!'.!! ?>i r. r n. 1 cnntlTiu^l 11 - ?! ??-. 1 }? .?.< >cni!,irl> ami l?y tint tirnush lindtiiHvn w.t n . co Is Tti>pon Coivi?y. i'? U a thoroughly iSfi:r*Llo nmntiib.uV. j.. LAMAR, RAttft-N, \ LAKAR, MACO'm OA. Forsale.l* f'.tlliiutii, lln^lioy A 1 Tulli.n r.y, na 1