II . : ., ' '"'/ ^ ' " ' .' ^ " ' ''' 1 1 " ' 1 ' " 1 ^ 1 I k ch^istma! TSje Young Folks' Hap piest Hours. (iflNG TO THE COUNTRY JDANCE WITH OUR BEST GIRL BY OUR SIDE. J&ke Ruminates on the "Long Form gotten" Past?But do wo Ever W Forgot our Youthful frolics And Good Tin?c8 at i To us Oldttf Polks Each ClirlMnics tilings to Alnd Some l:urmcr One. Old Uncle Jolin, Uie weiithfr prophot of,the neighborhood, stood leaning op the bar$, und with h*ir olose'i oyes waaHoatmiivg ilm l)o?Vy bandit of groy clpuds lyin;* low on the horizcn. Slbwly atininMeninK hte long ft&unt iiamft, ami,turning up the colllr of lija shaggy -overcoat, he ritamod fib*. hands deep into its capacious poekefp, remarking with. ,i drawl in lijj Walked away : "Boy.i, look oat foifr n heavy fall of snow 'fere tomorrow. > It was not boca.neo the?Huow was good for wkerit, neither'Jjf'Caiigo thefe was nn od saying green Christmas makos a fat.^rSveyar<]," that we were iutere*|fed in t he old rqati's rcmarks^i^or in thc^e boyhood days beltk on tho farm, \vp wore not giving much th"onght to the practical or heiious a flairs oi life, and just at that time w? were ?i.j - - " ? muic juiuicmeu III a rill) tiT SlBlgUing for the'holidays, and the fun that oome with it. Tiue to jf Uncle Jolin'a prrphe6y} ; -v)"? thg storm rhL in, and <*iKf<4 j thick and fast my /spirit* r4>8y ttie (ire reading aloud to mother, who, bnsy with her knitting, whh sitting opposite, and 1.8 1 drew up to Ili#? fire I.was a till in nervous and tidgety as how I).'Sl to hro'ich tho suh ject, but fattier, glancing up from his reading, realized th?>ro wns something on my niintlL and put. tfng aside tho paper, fc.sLi- "Well, my l>pv. what n M? out with it.'' I know I tuaminen (1 and tniiuidl I I as red jifl a pe >ny, :ia I bl.iwled out; "Wtdl, futlier, 1 thought^ 1 w >u'd ask if I might h?vo the nfo of the inure and Swtdltody for CM; rial* mas." Father'* eye* twinkled us he glauced at mother, and by tin* qujet smile on Jkm face, I knew my re*qu'3tt wo ^granted, and I doubt not that thoughts of ? gone hy flitted across thwir raindn as he replied "I guejrH h >, but you must L?e v>ti your guard with lhro ran away and threw Mary iuto the A f*:, \f ? 11119 I was aroused in tho night by a poke in tho riba from brother Tom, as Jio eaid: "Zeko, iha wind is coining up, and it's drill mg htully." In tho morning wn were out of bod with a bound) at fnlber'ft call, find ran dowy htuirs to draw on our 00018 by the lire. The snow on the window hills was piled hiph against tho panes; the trees were beading with its weight; the liay slacks opi pearm^ like minature snow capped . mountains, while the funce& vero |L.y^'"^early buried from sight, fl.'Vl Plodding thr-tn?h the tnow to j the stables, we fed the Cattle and j jL j roturned to the house for breakfast, i ^tj and then omiie tho serioua business I j ol the day, 'breaking out tho roads." With our warm caps drawn t 'j ) j . ? . ?-. - - - ? n the same mission, t Vonnpr, henllhy and lull of 1 i "??, 41 we enjoyed tho work, and jokfu ' were free and bIiouIh <>l lan^ht-r! fill,' 1 till! 11 i ? MS ROD II! II II 1 lli'b V ill I'll I I jwoMld roll from tbo k'< 1 and f r the moment \va9 buri '1 in the i drift; find many i sly gljuuM' s-;i* > joast towards ihe bouees wo p:iss"d, 1 where dt 11 ?o window, bright owl, t i rosy ohoek**d lassies wcir watr! im* * | J j and laughing at, tin* Iwijn and hnps of tbo bi.yR in I in* snow. i Tho storin was over, tho roods'* liwd settled, ai.d the alternoon ol j I Dieomber -1 wnc pp^nt in "gfliing i reii ly" lor tin; CI. rist ni i.y K\" d mre 1 The nmro was well grooinml, (lie,' robes shaken and woll cleaned, iind the Ij'.'lls were given an <*xt!a rub. 1 I As 1 led Ibo frisky animal l'r..mj her stall, T putt?*<1 h<>r sleek sulci: aqdgave the bells i f-liake just ttV air nv?h crisp and < ?!?!, tin* full jfkioon shining brightly < ji tht? : crusted 8iiow and the sleighing ail that lioart could winl>; M.-iry, in my eyi.'s, whh the swctte-l and prottioat girl in all tho country round, and thoru was not a horao | n tbe county could throw thOHiOw in our t'acoa. What more c >uld a boy of sixteen dcaire? Afl I turned into the yard furioer Br wn came out on the porch and 8aid, "Zcske, hitch the nag ?nd como in.*' Hut 1 told him that nn| Hh< was a littln nnrvoim t llu?n il.f I would stay by her, and I was; mighty glad of tin excune to eicni.e tlio good natuled jollying thiit awaited me. When Mary stepped into the cutter, and I waa tucking the rot>*? i aKnimJ 1 i ! ?v?uu in;i my llfUIl JJOUnpiMJfl like* a trip-hammer, the okl man called out, "ZeUe, you yopljg rascal, keep an eye on that mare, 'cnUHO it'you Bpill that pal in the snow, you and tho nld lady will cry quits." Mary laughed, and I did not reply, but picked up the faSna n i i/l iifO nr/ ?i. 1 ol? ! ? viun ?>>u rr? nam, DIV I 111 1111) ^ IIVUT the enow, ai)d for n nulo or two I eaid navcr a word. I was tonguo tied. .Too bnppy for utterance ?or pnrhap<4 I was bnKhful. Soon we naw a rig coming down f< a crops' ioaJ, und as it turned into' TKo Q A* AAV W y Drive Home it everybody takes off his hat to if you We are not given to extravagant statute we have had selling iker Vehicles Harness t strong. That experience proves that I as Studebakcrs. We don't need to te ll ids. When you have made your puriul stay satisfied. That's the kind of diug of our business. That's why we 0? Lot us figure on It with you. prow Go,? Piickeirts? S? 9* 1 tliclr product with thi- n?itip Slnilrbnlter. ?t"j) anything in tbe country " I My pride wurt touch d, and as 1 | npp -d iIm> ih.hh'h (lunk with the! vhip 1 ?-s\?e(l upon the f-trin^H, and ' tic wuy the little bt-a^L wont after bo black hor.su Was a linij to. ilitnd ? 111 of ill v :iy of. With her .i* I a > > i) ^4 will back, the gnlluiit ; 11 le mii in nil fn tured into the spirit |" >t tin* I'ili'i-. nliii :u Mn.ru iiilit lh" niiivo'i* h -els, th'? blood a';is hoilmg 'ii my v*-ii?s and I was I t?. imined to puns Hill Young or \ i 11 dnd'a lioiHi). NuMie waVi.'i! her hand in deliu. ci* and ii s i>i i 1 wan using thd Hi Ik, ivo wim'? m ini'I. solittin^ tlio wind I'.lit tin' nine was going lovol, and iiw sl.o had th?> I'.oi hhi) goon had her ii so at ll>' ir tcM'k.--, and under i strong pull, I was watching 1'or ii ,.ln. #.?. lu v i. ...i >% vimii * '* *\r l'?|* (Hill I Ut\KJ I i I Tlu> o\ portunity soon came, and I pulled tu tint i*i{4111, and wo worn away hl/u a l?ird, passing them a? though thuy w?*ro standing still, hut not taking tho track quite quick enough I ran onto a bank, the cutter cargoued, slid :i\vuvh on oho runner, and Mary, followed hy the rohes and blanket?, took a fly iny jjlungu at a snow drift, whilo I, fnco ilownward-, wtiH ploughing the Bnow behind n thoroughly frightened hor.ht). Ah wo wont over 1 lost my hold on one of tlie ruins, hut hanging to I ho (dlnsr my weiaht hooh brought the mare to ft atand til) in the corner cl'the fence. I was on my foot and had thp cnttor righted when Bill drove up with my girl, and I think I acted a litjlo ohoepinh us I asked hor if she wuh hurt. Ar ?he nhook the snow from her clothing, she li ughingly replied, it9fM c . 1,: _ u _ 1. IIII'IU Io IIU Mill 111 H ri.ie without a tip-over.'' We arrived a littlo late at the dance, and as wo drove to the door, tibove the music of tho flddlep, wo hoard l<]$alunce to your parduern," "'Swing at the comers," Everybody swing/" The Chri?tniaa fun had utarted, and Well, I wifeh I wa? a boy agaiu at Christum time. ' % ,.v ,'... f ^1 T1\T>*? 1 UiltDi I .Wins I Ovrvr ill I i !v/ f V 1 II I L 1 W orld At % I Enough S Another G I DON'T FA: ? CARRIAGES v nt uce=Mo: iTh? Leaders i A POPULAR PASTOR. Tho Work Rey. 0. W. Hioti is Doing ^ at Mt. Pisgah. Rov. 1). W. ITiott is ono <>'l ilin! i l>estkuv>wii ami <>n<> <>(' tin* m I .V I popular I'mpiiHi iiiinis(?,is m iho'; count v . His i?i:?r. y friopds will rt'M.l i111 inlcrfbt tin* followilit; fr<>m h late i-suo <>t iim iwipii-i Connor: Roar Courier: 1 w <. u I?1 ho 1 pleased to wiite you concdnio^ j abortion of th? working of our' church, Mt. pMgnh, wliil undor( tin* ltnuloifihip ol Rev. I). Wintonj iliott. It was, 1 l.elicvo, in May, l^TtJi thiit Kcv. I). Wi>htoii ]Jiott, who] 1)U(1 just finished his rourso iltl Pur man I'niversitv, Nvas eulh (I as co-pastor to assist Rev'. 10. Z. Lon^, who Was pastor at that time. l?ro. Lour, who h?s in the h>ni? n?;f?j passed to his reward, ufter having 8(3rved the church in a most, Kit isfactory and RiiccepnfuU manner lor a number of yonr-?, l>v consent of, the brethren, turned over tin* pastorate of tho church to the ant, young and inexperienced hh he was.' Tho older head* of Mt. 1'ingah saw mo < in hi.n than the manly looking hoy that ho wan. Hro. liiott w?8 then called t<> the pfihtorato of tho church and filled tliut position (or two yenr?, to the joy and nptislaction c>i the out ire membership. During theay two ypftrg, through the continued, enrnout arid untiring eft'orts of the pun tor, gr?at pprirituai progress was made in the el.urcli ond lusting good ncConiplishefl. This, I think, was tiro. Hiott's hrst pawtoral work. Enrly to decide in life that ho hud been called to preach the go*, pel, ho went shoot his work with nn eornftBtneas and devotion which have ever proved his calling and his suecesH as a winner of aonla to Curist. During these two years of his gospel ministry at Pisgah tln ro were many accessions to tho chnroh, forty-tive having been baptised nt one timo. Bro. Htott'a power and inTluonce hh nn ttrabfcsa&dor for Christ spread abroad, and, Itko a great many other young tuen, !?o waft d ^iroug to see jiiore of the AlfFD 1 H *r>b. ?d ( ne i jo hi other Wagoi \ . 611/1 17AI? a! am Lui IJLUU iii' to Arrive IL TO SEE rl >, BUGGIES 1 rrow C< n Low Prices.) wni 1<1; therefore, he ay nop tod a call ' in another finld, mid his ?ib?( n.co tor ill'* period of nineteen \ curs at | Mt. 1 *iHi?jjt" was notably coospicu-1 rum. Wliiln Hm ??? ' /- *? . M puoiuinr '.?i tliH church wns tondtwd him 111 other denominations hail id his exiling with equal doi^h'His return to'the church of hi a* lirnt gospel work was the signal lor :i forward move. It n oecdlon to say that his return wan welcomed. This vvsih indeed cheering niul caused his heart to rejoice, and gave him strength and stimulation, two factors i?i the make-up of a successful gospel minister. lint with all tins*, it soon dawned upon thfi new pitfttor that a difficult and laborious task was before him. The learruJand deplorable condition id which bo found the church made bin heart Had. lie fouud that prejudice, strife, dirterenoes and bickerings were prevalent in the church. As a matter of fact, this ataie of jiffa!ra would have to be changed, and with that-spiritual energy and valor f>o characterise of the man, bo sot himself to the task of eradicating those destructive evils.! This ho did in such an effectual way and with such little fricti n that even the most disinterested spoke his prnisos, to say nothing of the kindly manr.?Mrin which ho is treated by the members of the church. Our church is constantly increasing in numbers and usefulness for ' the Mauler. Upward# of Otie hun-J drod and lifty moinbera have bueu' ..._ tTAnniv " IIVVII )Ie Grant * ?Sf T?r" II i Mamifaetii: m sliXiiDsition. r el>ultto Wagi # ' mi tit i i ins wveeR. m FHEMt VND HARM jjF nirriBciti^ ' 'i " " ^ JjjL. GuiiiUcr (o Particular People. Younq; MensXlothino-i . ^ ! i fo.it me wit It im W. st II t> ?> CORRECT CLOTHES ! uiul tniloiril l?v Koumiss Hkos. & ?Hhltiivioro \*?> 111;?j men ilor JhiIjh." doesn't.know ivhnt lie N tni*siii(j in m>-to ?'yle, ?ii^ite \vt rktnxiiKhip, Mipiirioy ! Ol>il!i'\ ill" miifnrinlM. fun' tSi, ]? I'.is.ul i rninMiiy, if ho un? never iiivc.ilijjutetl Sciri/Oan ! clothoM. ' Av TIim huit .shown in tho pic.t witli yimiig tiftRn who otsriv* mitisfi Hiwrh u'snit wonM riosVjfarobfil ho an good. \Vc hftvo yoirr ?ixact 1 FROM Droo in rind If ENDEii'l baptized during Bro. Biott'a pas- j iorntiH ??f the church. At the last election for pnstor.| ii_,i u./.?? ...A? ? i niw. Jiiwu *>nci ???> c% III uiuuniy ?<1 l>y a rising vcte, thora being 110 i opposition. The members* subscribo 1 il>r?ral 1 y t) pastor's salary. The cutiro amount of paetor'a salary i* dopoolted iu a bfl)tk at the Itaglnnnig of the year, and at the end of each month one-twelfth of this amount i? chocked out and paid to the pus tor In addition to other laudable utnler takings pf the church, a suo o.jeeiuny coiKiiiowa mission wovk under the auspicea of thy )a*. .nvif im n particularly popular f>vorite *r .w? ..V,... III'I'IUCI. ?ly 850 lit a merchant tailoi'b nml not lit hero nt $15 up. i st us talk it over. .H l'iSO S. MAIN ST., ~ find mo receiving the encourage" ment of tho entire church. The church, under the wiso lenderphi|) of our pustor, is thoroughly aroused, wideawake, progressive and do voted to the work of tho Master. A Member. A husband has often passed hist companions in