. :? Usual Document Read in Beth Houses ui congress BIS SUGGESTIONS ON LEGISLATION The President Make* Strong Recomm?nd(ttl?n? Concerning Capital and Laljor, Foreign Affairs, Army and Navy, Commerce and Other 8ubjectt That Will Come Before Congress. Following is the substance of the annual message of President Roosevelt, read in both Houses of Congress: 1T0 the Senate and House of Representatives: The Nation continues to enjoy noteworthy prosperity. Such prosperity is Gt cour30 urimarilv rtno ?? !?? ki?i. tn dividual average of our citizenship, tr.ken together with our great natural resources; but an Important factor therein is the working of our longcontinued covernnipntnl fw. people have emphatically expressed | their approval of the principles under- I lying these policies, and their desire that these principles be kept substantially unchanged, although of course applied in progressive spirit to meet changing conditions. CAUTION AGAINST EXTRAVAGANCE. The enlargement of scopo of the functions of the National Government I required by our development as a na- | inn 1? " mvuives, or course, increase of expense; and the period of prosperity through which the country-is passing justifies expenditures for permanent improvementmonts far greater than 'would be wise in hard times. BBttle ships and forts, public buildings, and improved waterways are investments which should be made when we havo the money; but abundant revenues and a large surplus always invite extravaBftllPft * ' auu cunsiunr. care should be taken to guard against unnecessary increase of the ordinary expenses of government. The cost of doing Government 'business should he regulated with the same rigid scrutiny as the cost of doing a private business. CAPITAL AND LABOR. In the vast and complicated mechanism of our modern civilized lite the dominant note is th*? nr\?n nf asm; and the relations of capital and labor, and especially of organized capital and organized labor, to each other and to the public at largo come second In importance only to the Intimate questions of family life. Our peculiar form of government, with its sharp division of authority between the Nation and the several States, has been on the whole far more advantageous to our development than a more strongly centralized government. But It is unrtnnlito'ii" ? * icaiMHisiuio ror much of the difficulty of meeting with adequate legislation the new problems presented toy the total change in Industrial conditions on this continent during the last half century. In actual practice it has j ?roved exceedingly difficult, and in > many cases impossble, to get unanimity j of wise action among the various States I - on these subjects. From the very nature | Sx . of the case thi?\is especially true of the l \laws affecting the employment of capi- I tal in hngo masses. PMDI AV/CDOI - - '?' * * _W > una UIMOILI I Y LAW, The subject of liability of employ- ! ers comes in for a lengthy paragraph of the message. It is argued that persons or corporations using labor nhould use every means possible to protect employees. 'PREVENTION OF RAILROAD ACCIDENTS. The ever-Increasing casualty list wyuu our linnuiuis is u matter or grave i public concern, and urgently calls for I i action by (he Congress. In tho matter | of speed and comfort of railway travel i our railroads give at least as good scr- i vice as those of any other nation, and there is no reason why this service < should not also be as safe as human ingenuity can make It. Many of our lead- 1 lng roads have been foremust in the i adoption of the most approved safe- i guards for the protection of travelers and employees, yet the lis\. of clearly avoidable accidents continues unduly largo. The passage of a law requiring tho adoption of a olockslgnal systeirf lias been proposed to the Congress. I ; earnestly concur in that recommenda- I tlon, and would also point out to the ! Congress the urgent need of legislation in the Interest of the public safety limiting the hours of labor for railroad employees in train service upon railroads engaged in interstate commerce, and providing that only trained and experienced persons ho employed in positions of responsibility connected with the operation of trains. Of course noth- | ing can ever prevont accidents caused by humnn weakness or misconduct; 1 and there should be drastic punish- j ment for - any raliroaod employee, j .wuciiicr uiiiijui ur man, wiiu ijy i ance of wrong orders or by disobedience of orders causes disaster. The law of 1901, requiring interstate rnilroads to make monthly reports of all ; accidents to pasengers and einployeec ! on duty, should also be amended so as ] to empower the Government to make n , personal Investigation, through proper \ officers, of all accidents involving loss j of life which seem to require investigation, with a reqplrement that the result of auch Investigation be made public. UNION8 OF GOVERNMENT EM Dl over era On the subject of organized labor ' the President declaros that all people i Iiave a perfect right to organize for j their protection, but t.iat the Government cannot discriminate against non union laborers*. 1 BUREAU OF LABOR. Much can he done by the Government ; < In labor matters mereJy by giving pub- ! llclty to certain conditions. The Bureau j of Labor has done excellent work of tiiiB Kiii'i in many ainereni directions*. I shall Bhort'.y lay before you in a ?pe- 1 i ?tnl f|||| rPDOrt nf ' * * 1 ' cuuu j^uor anu cnim-iHwr in tlio several States. / CORPORATIONSWben we come to or?n{ll?v Ihnl If onuHilno wore accomplished it would be of a linrmful nature. The American people need to continue to show the very qualities that they have shown?that Is, moderation, good senss. the earnest desire to avoid doing any damage, and yet the quiet determination to proceed, otep by step, without halt and without hurry; in elimnating or at least in minimizing whatever of mischief or of evil there is to interstate commerce In the conduct of great corporations. They are acting in no spirit of hostility to wealth, either individual or corporate. They are not against the rich naan any more than against the poor man. On the contrary, tliey are friendly alike toward rich man and toward poor man, provided only that each acts In a spirit or justice and decency toward his fellows. Groat corporations are necessary, and only men of great and singular mental power ran manage such corporations successfully, and such men must have great rewards. But those corporations should he managed with due regard to the Interest of the public as a whole. Where this can be done under the present laws it must bo done. Where these laws come short others should be enacted to supplement them. AGRICULTURE. The Department of Agriculture has f,rown Into an educational Institution with a faculty of two thousand specialists making research into all the sci_ences of production. The Congress appropriates, directly and indirectly, Bix millions of dollars annually to carry on una worn. 11 readies every atate and Territory in the Union and tho islands o fthe sea lately comc under our flag. Cooperation Is had with the State experiment stations, and with many other institutions and individuals. Tho world is carefully searched for new varieties of grains, fruits, grasses, vegetables, trees, and shrubs, suitable to various localities in our country; and marked benefit to our producers has-resulted. PENSIONS. Tho veterans of the Civil War havo a claim upon the nation such us no Athai* l\r*r4 ir J*# r.?i ? XXI >< <>-?? vvmvi 1/uu/ VI uui I'm The Pension Bureau has never in its history been managed in a more satisfactory manner than is now the case. JAMESTOWN TRI CENTENNIAL. In 1907 there will be held at Hampton Roads the tricentennial celebration of the settlement at Jamestown. Virginia, with which the history of what has now become the United States really begins. I commend this to your favorable consideration. It is an event of prime historic significance in which all the people of the United States should feel, and should show, Bit.-at and .general interest. POSTAL SERVICE. In the Post'Mlieo Department the Sf-rviro hns in^rpnoo/i in and conditions as to revenue and expenditure continue satisfactory. The increase of revenue during the year was $9,358,181.10. or i.iV per cent., the total receipts amounting to $143,382,f>24.34. The expenditures were $152,"'12.116.70, an increase of about !) per cent over the previous year, being thus $S,979,45)2.36 in excess of the current revenue, fncfuded in theso expenditures was a total appropriation of $12,956,637.35 for the continuation and extonslnn nf Iho rural frn?.rlr>ll v. ery service, wli'ch was an increase of $4,902,237.35 over the amount expended for this purpose in the preceding fiscal year. I.arge as this expenditure lias heen the beneficent reEuIts attained in extending the free distribution of mails to the residents of rural districts havo Justified '.hewisdom of the outlay. Statistics hrniitrht ?1 nwn < > r!i? lot r>r n 'tnt-or 1004. show that on that date there wero 27,138 rural routes established, serving approximately 12.000,000 of people in rural districts remote from postofflces, and that there werg pending at that time 3,8f>9 petitions for the establishment of new rural routes. Unquestionably some part of the general increase in receipts is due to the increased postal facilities which tbo rural servico has afforded. The revenues have also been aided greatly by amendments in the classification of mail matter, and the curtailment of abuses of the second-class mailing privilege. The average increase in the volume of mail matter for tbo period beginning with 1902 and ending June. 1905 (that portion for 1905 being estimated), Is 40.47 per cent, as compared with 25.46 per cent for the period Immediately precedine;, and 15.92 for the four-year period im mediately preceding that. CURRENCY. The attention of Congress should Ik especially given to the currency ques tlon. and that the standing committee-, on the matter In the two Houses charged with the duty, take tip the matter of our currency and see wheth er it ta not possible to secure an agreement in the business world for Bettering tne system; tne committees should consider the question of the retirement of the greenbacks and the problem of securing in our currency such elasticity as is consistent with Hafety. Every silver dollar should be made by law redeemable In gold at the option of the holder. MERCHANT MARINE. I especially commend to your attention tho encouragement of our raer. appropriate legislaOri orta lent lta }onbo mo arle )raicir of Jon the }ecof :tor nd v. Ids an appropriation for a commission to study tho industrial and commercial conditions in the Chinese Empire, nnd to report as to tho opportunities for and the obstacles to the enlargement of markets In China for tho raw products and manufactures of the United States. Action was not taken thereon during the last session. I cordially urge that the recommendation receive at your hands tho consideration which its importance and timeliness merit." ALASKA. The message makes a number of suggestions on Alaska, the treatment of trie natives and other matters nfTectlng the welfare of the territory. I If la o lart ronnmmnni'ioH Hint A loatr* be given a delegate in Congress. THE INDIAN8. . It is recommended that better treatment be accorded these wards of the nation, and that every encouragement possible be extended them to oecome more industrious and self-supporting. CONSULAR 8EKVICE. It is recommended that the consular service be raised to the highest degree of efficiency by selecting men who are familiar with trade conditions and who know something of the language I of tho country to which they aro ac. I credited. CITY OF WASHINGTON. The President recommends that the city he thoroughly cleaned up. so that it be made in fact a perfect American city, free from contagious, and evil influences. THE ARMY. Within the last three years the United States has set an example in disarmament where disarmament was nroner. liv inw nur Armv ?v?.i ?? a maximum of one hundred thousand and a minimum of sixty thousand men. When there was insurrection in the Philippines we kept the army at the .maximum. Peace came in the Philippines, and now our Army has been reduced to the minimum at which it is possible to keep it with due regard to its efficiency. The guns now mounted reouire twontv-nlch* .SAnoonj r.-. ?? the coast fortifications are to be adequately manned. Relatively to the Nation, It is not now so large as the police force of New York or Chicago relatively to the population of either cloy. We need more officers; there are not enough to perform the regular army work. It is very important that the officers of the Army should be accustomed to handle their men in masses, as it is also important that the National Guard of the several StateB should be accustomed to actual field maneuvering, especially in connection with the regulars. For this reason we are to be congratulated upon the sue- j cess of the field maneuvers at Manas- | sa8 last fall, maneuvers in which a i larger number of Regulars aud National Guard took part than was ever before assembled together in time of peace. No other civilized nation has. relatively to its population, such a diminutive Army as ours; and while the army is so small we are not to be uAiunu n no mn iu Keep H at a very high grade of proficiency. It must be incessantly practiced; the standard for the enlisted men should be kept very high, while at the same time the service should be made as attractive aa possible; and the standard for the officers should be kept even higher? which, as regards the noner ranks. | can best be done by introducing some I system of selection and rejection into | the promotions. We shall be able, in I the event of some sudden emergency, to put into the field one first-class army corps, which should bo, as a wnoie, at least tne equal of any body I of troops of like number belonging lo any other nation. Great p/ogresa has been made In protecting our roasts by adequate fortifications with sufficient guns. We should, however, pay much more heed than at present to the development of an extensive system of fioating mines for use in t:!l our more Important barhnr* Thnc^ minno ? ?"*" I" I be a most formidable safeguard against > hostile fleets. THE NAVY. (>it the subject of the navy Mr. Roosevelt declares tbat it is nou-essary for us to keep our navy up to the most effective standard, and mafcea a numbet of recoramendatiams. THE PHILI PPINES. The Philippine Islands have, !?een ; brought by the fortunes of war mcder i our control, and we must rtisfhai-on ! our obligations to the inhabitant?:} in i a becoming manner. In concluding this subject the message says. Every measure taken concernja^ tho ! islands should be taken primarily with | a view to their advantage. We s-houbl cretainly give them lower tariff rates on their exports to the United States; if this is not done it will be a wrong to extend our shipping laws to them. I rnrn^tlv hnnft fnr t ho I nv?MArl , VH< ..W|#v vuv llUlllUUiniC fllactroent into law of the legislation ' now pending to encourage American 1 capita) to goek investment in the is- ! lands in railroads, in factories, in plan- \ latlons, and in lumbering and mining. ! THEODORE ROOSEVELT. ! The White Ho?se. Dec. 5. 1004. CARNEGIt Mfc.iTtHATliS* DL.NiAL. Stoei King Emphatically Dcclarea that He Never Knew ivlra. Chadwck. ? j Andrew Carnegie's secretary was asked Thursday whether Mr Carnegie j would make public hiti reply to an inquiry from County Prosecutor Keeler, of Cleveland, asking formally if AV Carnegie had signed his name to notes | for $1,250,000. Mr. Carnegie's secretary said Mr. Carnegie would not make public his reply. "Mr. Carnegie can only nay what ha said at first," said the aeeretary, "that | ho does noi know Mrs. Chadwlck; that ( ha has ha<4 no dealings with her. and | that tho connection of hi* name with i the CP.8? Is absurd." Comity Prosecutor Keeler. at Clove- . lfinrV PftAoltrt ^ - Vl v ... , iiv.i vtiv ivuuvtiug it'ie- 1 pram Thursday froin Andrew Carne- | gie, a? New York, in reply to an In* j qulry as to tlu> genuinenesj of the sig ( natures: / "Never signed such notes; have no notes out now: have not iaaued a note for many years. Yon can arrange to have any necessary affidavits executed nv;re. ANOKBW CARNBGIK." MEETING OF EDUCATORS. Southern Association to Gather In Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 29-31. Tho Southern Educational AssoctaI tlon of which Chancellor Walter B. Hill, of tho University of aHnnrin tho ptesldont, will moet In Jacksonvino, Fla., Doccmher 29, 30 fifed 31. An elaborate and Interesting program haa boon arranged and a largo attondance of tcaehers is ?xpcctod. r" y *' . ' ... ; {\ " WIT and HUMOR of THE DAY A irrtfcvity. There lived in tho city ot "Worcester, A man who could crow like a rooecstcr, But, oa he grew old He often caught cold. And then couldn't crow ah he urwstcr. -Pick-Mr. Up. MI?unrter?toml. "Is he a union man?" "No; he's a bachelor.?New York Her> aid. Club Qoanlp. Geot-ge?"Do you repeat all you ; hear?" Grace?"Oh, no., I telf only what's implied."?Pjtck. Until uirt*. "Poetry Is something that Is born. It cannot be acquired. The making of it is a gift." i "So Is the disposing oC it?as I hnvo found."?Ally Sloper. i Kt.iioM Plenty ns Ulitckborrlen. "There are at least 1000 reasons why I should marry her." "Well, what are they?" "FirsV. because I want to, and she herself in tlie othet 009."?Town Toy ics. Obeying Ord??. "The doctors have ordered Bilking to l?e qulot, and under no circumstances J lo use his brain." j "But how does he pass the time?" I "I believe lie is writing a novel."? ' | Life. . j IIIn Inference, Tom?"My grandfather must hurt* 6een A verj thin man." Dick?"What makes you think so?" j Tom?"Beenuso he's always referred J to :-.s the skeleton in the family closet." -Detiolt Free Press. Crnslicili lie (after the show)?'"I gubss tin curtain must have fallen too hard on tl:c first act." She?"Why, what do you mean?" Ke?"That might fccount for tlif j h>v linli> f "?!?.. a building. Is there any foundation for it'r" , "There may bo a foundation for the , story, but so fur there's none for tho . building."?-Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sturtnri Trouble. "Breathhig coal dust," asserted smart Joljr.ny Koofadd, "1;j a sure preventive of consumption and lung diseases." I "Is that no'!" said his father. "Well, ( now. Johnny, you can just 'ten to- tiie ! furnace lliU winter."?Pittsburg Post. J A (IroMiitllcn* CIhIiii. "Slie claims she's a line singer. Du i you think she ought to spo a vocaJ ! teacher?" "No." . "Who, then"" "A claim adjuster."?Clew:,in ' 1:/ Dealer. A Lung Do . "Pardon nuv hut did yo i st>e a ; dachshund near liere?" . "i'es." * "Where was he?" "Partly on Euclid uremic niu! partly j an Erie Cleveland Piaiu . Dealer. Runt Lurk. Mrs. Hysiylo?'"Poor l'Ofcy had a sad j experience ou Lis last trip to Phlia- j dolphin." Mr. Hj-style?"AwJdonl-?" Mrs. Hystyle?"Yes, lie lost the London and Paris Labels olT his grip."-# t Uoston Ulobe.. i ( i A Shrvwil, i noosttM*?'"Don't you know you're sit- ' j ting on a Utter of glass eggs'/"' ^ JJ.1-1I- - .-;i. UUIl I. I lit'11IIUII II. /is , j long as tin- lifted man takes me for v j foul he'll briny mo my iuen Is, anil I ^ won't havo to grub for a living." L)o? (1 troit Free Press. j j At the Night Sclionl. "Is there anything on the other s>i(le : ( of space?'' asked tiie Instructor, to puzzle his pupils. "Yes, sir," answered the shaggy haired hoy, who had begun *' > learn the printer's trade. "The lower <-use . J; 'u' box."?Chicago Tribune. j lIllHIIIIterlHliVP, ^ "Your youngest daughter having 1 A her voice cultivated?" ; 1 "Well," answered Mr. f.'uinrox, ; "that's the way mother ami tin* girls ' express it. But between you ami mc, * I hired tlie professor In the hope of * getting It cured."?Washington Star. J J l.iit k. | ^ Ida?"Weddings should nlwaj's he on ! < clear days." j * May?"Oh, I don'*, know. 1 hope ( there will he showers on mv wortdinir t day." 1 Ida?"You do?" < Mny?"Yes. showers of rice."?('Idea go News. How Clinngrd. Banks?"You way your daughter ; .Mamie lias changed wonderfully. In I 1 what way?" Janks- "When she was little she j wouldn't go Into the parlor fur fear j there was a man there, and now she won't co in thn narlni* unless them Is . ono tbcro."- Chicago Journal, Ifmd I'r#u*il For I'und*. "Oli, Henry," exclaimed his wife, as she threw her arms rapturously about his neck, "I do lovo you ho! Don't forget to leave me $10 when you go to town tills morning, will you, dear?" "And this," muttered Henry, softly, disengaging himself from her fond embrace, "this Is what you might call boing hnrd pressed for money.'Cul? ' cngo Journal. Ifor Kx~3on,1 Mrs. Wfbash?-"There gqos >{r*. Mm*riinore with iier stepson. Whnt a i i i . ?__ itojiiciy ?oy no isrMrs. Do Vomo-j-"yos, nnd yet I remember BevTrnl years ago I thought him quite pretty." M^b. Wabaio Vofse?-"Why, yea, I bolieTf i was."?Philadelphia I'm*. X ' ; . ' x ni "J -Ll.?.j!!'L"!llll>l,!li' "..Jl!!gJg??IP ^ THE C HAREMS Ar.OXii TUM If 0110 lias lived in Syrli ots of Hnnin that hold the gaze, of many that claim to guard the t and interesting nhovc all is the < through the great city, bringing health. One sees few rivers in tl so fertile, Abana and Pharpar ar? that parts of Lebanon fairly swei coast as more than utony wadls south, the Leontes, emptying bet> north?these complete the tale 01 Eastern city that I have seen in v or a mm Rising from the snow sp through the Entering in of Hai lllltltes, growing slowly jih ft pa Antioch it Is almost deep enougl three of the great cities of the wo It winds and twists througl of the street. We crossed no less scene, yet always the scenery o latticed windows mark the liarei little company of women are win press trees; yonder a weary trnl cool water, while n crowd of nal nfiiu no iiiiiutj t'iitlK/ UUU Kl'Sl ner's Magazine. A FAMOUS OLD PULPIT. First Used by Robert Strawbrh In a Maryland Farmhouse. One of the newly-elected lMshopy tlio Methodist Episcopal Church the United States recently prcae! From n pulpit which is perhaps luu.-il iiiuaim' in Aiuencn. us (engui service comprises ns many years' ~ I ? UliPIT U8RI> BT ROBERT STRAWRRirOR he life of the Methodlct Episcopal Church, for It wns llrst occupied vhen this grout religious organization I nine Into being In the State of Mwryancl. The ?>rre who llrst discoursed j rom it was the famous Robert Straw- j nidge, who has been credited with beng the organiser of the church re-1 erred to, for when he preached the loctrlne of John Wesley in the little Maryland farmhouse he used the pol-1 it which had been made for this or-' nslon. A narrow strip of hoard i astencd to the pulpit pillars formed ; he reading desk on which was spread I be llible. from which camo his Insplra-' Ion. The memorable sermon was ! reached to a lit Hp Immi nr wenty people, but such was its cf- J eot tlint thou mid there was created j he nucleus of a religious- body which vas destined to become one of the nost powerful lu the world. It is indeed a crude affair?the Jtrawhrldgo pulpit, as It is termed? ?ut It has had a most Interesting hlsory. For a quarter of a century It was itllized by ninny ministers and carried rom place to place In Maryland where it-rviiTs were new. Among those who coupled It was the famous Illshop Vshlniry, another pioneer of American Methodism. The little pnlplt wns nken to the dwelling of John Evans, ivlicrte It was llrst utilized, and stored iway to he forgotten for nearly a half lentury. A few years ago It was accidentally discovered l>y a clergyman IVllO WnS VlKlt i 11 If In the U'nulnrii I >f Mtirylnml nnd who wiir fnmlllur rvitli it? history. IIo cnrrlort It to BnlImorp, where It was given thy plncp of MOUNT RAINIER, TUB IIKMF.ST M ALTITUDE ABOVE Sf View From Spray Park, on the 1 - > nr- I >ne I ful | ne | uti ne lie J he | ?! "1 1 ril i >!<\ ; at ilo I rn >:it ]y i . a cytbe nm ! lb- | ic? .OP- j 111(1 red i .1011 ) ?.i?. 1 uy | ?et 1th ! )in 111 lav. ..... ...... . . ...w to , the routine of life with the one harmonious purpose of building up n comfortable and happy home. Instead of "spooning" around over the coun- 1 try, ntiructlng the attention of every- : body, looking slelrlngly lovable and ; [ calling each other all kinds of sweet mu? -cnestnms," tlio newly married may bo fouiul at work the next day following tlie nuptials. It inny be the bride will put out a big washing, while '.ho olhor half will be found plowing (corn and carrying water simultaneously.?Mutual (Ok'a.) Enterprise. CRIMEAN VETERAN WHO LEADS ' IITH REGIMENT INTO ACTION. ?Collier's The f. lUloo'n (treat ? N?rveKo9to?ir,*!ottlnsad i;r.-.yI ' '%:?l PIko's Cure Is tho boat medicine we over used for all affections of throat and luuspf.i-WM. O. kndhlb*. Vanburoh, lud., j'eb. xo, iUOO. There is said to be a shortuxc in the world's supply of wool. Itch cured in 30 minutes by WooUord's Sanitary Lotion. Never fail*. Sbld by all druggist#, $1. Mail orders promptly tilled by Dr. K. Detchon, C.'rawford*vi!le, lnd. There are 30,000 dry godi)* stores in the United States. of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member of W.C.T.U., tells how she recovered by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* ' Diar Mb?. Pinkuam:?I am on? of (hn muni' J_ j jvui uxuiiviuL lncnus who have been cured through the use of I^ydla E. Plnkbatu's Vegetable Compound* and who can to-day thank you for the fino health I enjoy. When I was thirty-flvo years old. I suffered severe baokaclio and frequent bearing-down pains; In fact, I had. womb trouble. I was very anxious toget well, and reading of theeures vour Compound had made. I decided to try ft* I took only six bottles,but it built ma up andcurod me eutlrelyof my troubles* 4* My family and relatives wet-? naturally as gratified as I was. Ky niece had heart trouble and nervous prostration, and was conRidered infcur*able. She took wnr me, ind itsby. 'ho i of hat ine H. Wot gBriuinejiew cannot oo pruauceu. U1& JLIUi &U1U To bettor advertlie thfi South'* I.ewllnj DnilaMi College, four ?iil&r?hips aro offered young person# of this county at 1m* the cost. WP.'TE TODAY. ~ ^ GA-ALL BUSINESS (lOLLEGF,, Macon, Ik *.N(UV.V Vut-CA'.3KE.T. An Innovation Which Does Away With the Uncomfortable-Appearing Coffin. It is not so much what you pay for, nor what you pay. but what you got that needs your attention. In the selection of a casket, for the genius of the twentieth century has been Just aa uuoy in mo way or funeral furnishings aa in other line, until' today tno styleB of caskets are quite different from what they were fifty years ago and changing every day. This is especially true in Metallic Caskets, the old style heavy cast iron goods having given away to the more up-to-date copper linif.?? which are neatly titled into the best grades of varnished or cloth covered work. Ono Of lllo Intone ilool""- "" - .M.WMV MVOIhU3 (V IVCtJULiy brought out by tho National Casket Co., ig what 1b designated as a Couch Caakot, which has tho appearance of a comfortable couch when open, yet retains all the requlslto outlines of the be~t styles in regular casket work when closed. uch hat her ? of amQ9t tne the can uao l?uthe z iik up .Ice, :h?t I :.y tho best class of peoplo ovcrywhcn. I RiiSWri mm I CONTAINS 23,000 NE/W WORDS, Rto. 1 New Gmltoer of th? World I 1N?w Biographical Dictionary I ?8?0 I5imrl? rn?M., . ? 3 N??PI?U?. _ jooo HlWMMloM. | Should ho in Every I Homo, School, an<^_ I I5?v. Kvmnn AM>ott, KdKor of I TUn Outlook, eayn: WcbUcr Jw? olwayi I txen thtUtVflli id ottr l"OUW!h<>!<', ??>? * >?*?? nr.cn no KMC* to IraMfc*