i^bVv^* ^; ^1 : * v'i iTiirsi Second and Last Ses Congress Convene A BRILLIANT SCENE Flowers and Fair Women Added Luster to the Ooca sion?Opening Session Very Brief. A Washington special says: With tne sonato in session thirteen minutes and tho house fifty-three minutes, the last session of tho fifty-eighth congress was assembled Monday at noon. Tho time of both bodies was dovoted entirely to tho usual formalities of opening day. There wero tho greetings between members the great floral display, and the hundreds of visitors, ' with beautifully gowned women prodominating, corridors, committed rooms wero thronged. Tho bustle ox tended oven to the floors of tho chambers. The gavels of Senator Frye, president pro tern, of the senate, and Speaker Cannon, of the house, fell exactly at 12 o'clock. Tho' opening prayers wore made by tho chaplains, Rev. Edward Everoit Halo, D. D., in the sen- | ato and Rev. II. N. Condon, in the I house. In both house and senate com- | mlttees were appointed to wait on the j president to inform him that congress : was ready to recoive any communica- i tion he had to send. Resolutions <>f respect to the memory of tho late ' Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, and ( Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania were ' adopted by both houses, and the ob- ! Joctlons taken were in further tribute I to their memory. ' Tho only business outside of tho us- : ual flrst-day routine was tho adoption ! of a resolution in tho house extending ! until January 5, 1905, the time withu ; which the merchant marine commls- I slon may mako its report. Tho opening was under the usual interesting conditions and aiuid those scenes that for years have made th?i re-assembling of congress among tho notable events of the country. Hundreds of sightseers Ihronged tho corridors and crowded into tho galleries to witness the formal proceedings From one end of the capitol building to the other busy tread of statesmen and the flutter of femininity distinguished the occasion from any other in the official or social culendar of the ?v year. ^ From the letha^j^whlch lias chpr- | acterlze<| Wasl^^jW slnco early in : the aprlug, * awakened to a new era ai in au 8UIT AGAINST TOM LAWSON. Papers 8how That His Costly Home Mas Been Attached. A Boston dispatch says: The suit against Thomas W. Lawson for $r?GO,000, brought hy Paul Fuller and I<\ It. Coudort, of Now York, was ontorcd In the Masachuaotts supremo court 1 Monday. Tho action Is said to have been 'taken In connection with strock i transactions. , ii nun ?r ILUNb Witt I! ssiori of Fifty-Eighth! :d at Washing-ton. - I greetings. Some camo in for hearty congratulations, while others received i the sincero regrets of colleagues, who on account of their misfortune at tlva polls were meeting together for possibly the Inst time. The republicans, fresh from their recont victory, gathered In groups and talked over the late campaign, while their democratic brethren irnvr* no itir.wnrfl uior? ing suffered defeat. Men c* both par- ! ties freely intermingled and dlscusscd | tho issues of the last election and Its i results, tho democrats good naturedly j taking tho thrusts and gibes heaped [ upon them in friendly conversation by I their victorious opponents. Good fol- j lowship, prevailed throughout. IN THli SENATE. Tho senate convened promptly at ! noon. The first senator in his seat | was Mr. Piatt, of New York. Long j before 12 o'clock tho galleries were ! fllloil hilt tho 1.1. ~r ? ~ X. V VW Kf UUU U?. V^UllfClOaUWII ceased abruptly when President Pro 1 Tom Frye's gaven fell. llov. Edward Everett Ilaie, D. D>, ! chaplain or the senate, offered prayer. Two seats had been vacated by death ! ?those of Senator Hour, of Massachu- | setts, and Quuy, of Pennsylvania. | Many eyes were turned sorrowfully to- . ward the desks so long occupied by these men, who had grown old In the public service. Their successors, Senators-elect 'Crane, of Massachusetts, and Knox, of Pennsylvania, attended the session, but they will not occupy the seats assigned them until they aro luimaii/ B?oru in. The Hcrai decorations wore equal to those of any session in the history of the senate. Many desks were overflowing with the offerings, and the sen- j ate force was occupied from 11 until 12 o'clock in arranging them so senators could take their seats The larg- . est single tribute was placed on tho desk of Senator Tillman, of South Car- . ollna. When Senator Fairbanks, the vice ' president-elect entered the chamber he ! was groeted warmly by many of his colloagues. The visitors applauded his entrance with cheers and handclapping. After prayer the roll was called and seventy-three senators responded. Then the flowers were removed and the routine business of the session ( opened. At 12:13 the body adjourned, having been in session Just thirteen minutes. This will be the short session of tho fifty-eighth congress and a notably 'n- 1 teresting one, for with tho inaugura- ' tlon of President Roosevelt the session will go out in a blaze, of glory. Only i once in four years does congress havo ! an opportunity to wind up its affairs j under the historic condtions which wui prevail next March. | ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS. I Required for Support of Government Next Year Presented to Congress. The estimates of appropriations required for the support of the govern- i ment for the fiscal year ending June ; :><), 190U, were transmitted to congress Monday by the secretary of the treasury. Theso estimates aggregato $('.19,009,852 as against $011,518,937, amount of tho appropriations for tbo curent fiscal year. Following is the recapitulation c t tlio estimates by departments: Legislative $ 12,311.015 Executive 38...510 State 3,028,812 Treasury 170,547,000 War 109,019,3?)0 [ Navy 117,519,348 Interior 162,924,425 ! Postofllce 15,439,900 0,1i:?,8LU Commerce and labor 1 ri,79."?.98I> Justice 8.248,480 Total $<>19,(>09,85? i JAPS BOMBARD FLEET. Shelling of Shipa in Harbor at Port Arthur Proceeds Satisfactorily. ?t la reported In Toklo tliat the Jar> anese bombardment against the fleet j at Port Arthur is proceeding to tho satisfaction of the attacking forces. \ On tho evening of tho 4th instant (Sunday) two or three Russian ships were flred and burned in half an hour. Thoir names ami tho extent of tho | damage done ?ro not known rt i generally believed tlmt the Kusulau i fleet must either make nil early sortie i or suffer Irreparable damage. NEW S. A. L. ROAD OPENED. Regular Train Service Between Dir. Mingham and Atlanta. The Senboari! Air Line inaugurated | a regular train service on Its now ex- ; tension between Atlanta and Binning- | ham Monday. The first train In Blr- 1 mlngham over the new road arrived from Atlanta Monday afternoon, while the first one to depart went out in tho evening, both being freight trains. The passenger service will begin in a few weeks. CAQMEN CONTEMPLATE STRIKE, i Fifteen Hundred In New York Cast a Referendum Voto on Question. Fifteen hundred oab drivers In Now York began early Monday casting a referendum voto on the question of whether ihelr association should strike Against tho IJvory Stable Keepers' Association, which has declined to ?rnnt. $2.25 a day and one night off in six. '" .'/#' -jC? /.i. .[: f't * * ' /. \ ?? , vjr ! i ,pw??<> minnrtinnmnni ' January ltf, 1901. "Tho aggregates actually excluded from tho suffrage in each of the states mentioned are in truth larger than those used as the basis for this act. If all negro rotables ti. e., male citizens over 21) regardless of illiteracy, shoul dbe deemed to be excluded, tho reduction in representation figured from the same tables would be nearly twice as great as stated in this bill. "It requires no evidence beyond the uuiui urns iiisiuricai iact tor congress to adjudge what cannot be denied, that the class of ntgro illiterates to the extent stated, is practically excluded from the suffrage in the states mentioned In the bill, no matter what may bo normal provisions of their respective constitutions or election laws." The bill would reduce the south'a representation in the house ao follows: Alabama, from 9 to 7. Arkansas, from 7 to fi. Florida, from 3 to 2. Georgia, from 11 to 8. Louisiana, frem 7 to Mississippi, from 8 to ti. North Carolina, from 10 to 8. South Carolina, from 7 to o. Tennessee, from 10 to U. Texas, from It; to lil. Virginia, from 10 to 8. The real republican leaders, such a-i Allison, Alger and even Spooner, have assured the democrats that no such bill as I'latt'a shall have serious consideration at this session. Cabinet Nominations Confirmed. ?iit- MtMuu i" in execunvo session Wednesday confirmed all four cabinet nominations. Postmaster Wilcox, at New York an.! Indiari commissioner. Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system, 01 despondency invariably nrOCedn Slliei<1f? nnrl snmfilliU? i been found that will prevent that con- I dltlon which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction, I take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine, will strenKthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satisfacion guaranteed by Pickens Drug (Jo. ATTORNEY SULLIVAN PLEASED. Arrest of Mrs. Chadwick Brings Forth a Great Sigh of Relief. It was with a great sigh of relief that United Stales District Attorney Sullivan at Cleveland, O., received news announcing Mrs. Chadwlck's arrOflf. T [n n nnf?n?*/w1 a i? !l* ^rrvoiuu wiwi? mo waning | newspaper men a moment later witl. ; the news, and then calling them into i his private oflleo gave them the particulars of the way the easo had btvr handled for the last week. END OF BITTER FIGHT. "Two physicians had a long and Btuhborn fight with an abscess on niy right lung," writes J. P. Huglieq, of ' DuPont, CJa., "and gave mo up. Dv- I erybody thought my tlmo had como. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The ben- \ oftt I received was striking and I was on my feet in a few days. Now I've 1 ontirely regained my health." It conquers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by Pickens Dreg Co. Price, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles froo. tf SOLONS HFAR MFSSAfiF Tuesday's Sessions of Both Houses Taken Up in Reading of PresU dent's Recommendations. A Washington special says: Soon after the house met Tuesday Mr. Burton, of Ohio, chairman of the committee to notify the president that the house wa Kin session and ready for j business, reported that the president had informed him that ho would i submit a message in writing. After transaction of minor routine business, the house, at 12:10 on motion of Mr. Payne, of New York, took a *ecess until 12:30. Immediately upon reconvening Mr. Il.'l! IIOK mmlotntit ?? - - " U..U.UVUIH act lumry w 1110 president, appeared in the eenter aisle an announced that he was directed by the president to submit to the house a message in writing. The clerk at once began reading the president's annual message to congress. \ Upon the conclusion of the reading of the message, which consumed one hour and 53 minutes, there was loud applause from (he republican side. i The message, on the motion of Mr. ' Payne, was referred tc the committee of the whole house on the state of the union and ordered to b? printed, after which the house, at ":23 p. m., adjourned until Wednesday. " Immediately after the convening of the senate Messrs. Allison and cock roll, constituting the committee to wait on tho president, reported that the president had expressed his intention 'o immediately communicate with the senate through a message in writ . lug. Hefore the message arrived Mr. Penroso and Mr. Lodge presented the credentials of Messrs. Knox and Crane, the newly appointed senators from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, re sp'jctlvely, and the oath of office was administered to them. After signing the senate roll to membership the new senators were escorted to their seats on the extreme right of the chamber. There they held an Impromptu reception for a few moments and until the reading of the president's message begun. The message was delivered to the senate by Mr. Barnes, assistant secretary to the president, and its ruiuniiK immediately began. The senators were all well supplied with copies of the message in print and most of them closely followed the reading clerks as they proceeded. At 2:17 p. m. the reading of tho president's message was concluded and the senate went into executive session. ifvan* IO r-? a ? ? - ?. . ~? I m IVI IVJ r?/-*. I I W IN bl A i I'j I ICS. Less Alicrs Came Over During Past Year But Brought More Money. Immigration to the United States decreased materially during the last fiscal year, and it is a notable fact thai the moral, intellectual and physical qualifications of the immigrants DilmlUnil ->?'? ? . k...r. VVIUI1U/ Will IUK ll!U past year aro higher than ever heretofore have been chronicl ?d. These are two salient features of the annual report of Frank P. Sargent, commissioner general of imigration at Washington, jti?;t made public. The roport says that during the past fi scal year S12.ST0 aliens arrived in the country, of whom 54'.?,700 were male iw leuiuius, an increase in the females as compared with last year of 10.S70, and a decrease in the males of 01,040. As respects age. 109,150 were under fourteen years, (>57,155 wore bet won fourteen and forty-live, and 40,501 were forty-live or over. Of the total number of admitted immigrants could read hut not write, 108,003 could neither read nor write, and it is presumed the remainder, 004.01 t, could both read and ; write. It also appears that 103.7rft of t'.iofip aliens had already been to this country: Of),757 brought with thorn $.")0 or morn o?ch, and 501 .."liO brought pach loss than $50. The total amount of money shown to officers by those S12.ST0 aliens was $20,S91,08:5. No Bid Made for Railroad. No bid was made at Mt. Marshall, Texas. Tuesday, for the Texas South ern railroad, offered for sale by the receiver. One off.'r of $">00,000 was made by Jobn Copoland. but with* J drawn oeioro a salt* was offectod. SENATE DOWN TO BUSINESS. At Wednesday's Session First Regular Call for Bills, Etc., Was Made. Whon the senato convened Wednesday the regular call for business was made for the llrst time In the session and a large number of petitions, bills ! ana joint resolutions were introduced, j Mr. Dillingham presented the creden- j tials of his colleague. Mr. Proctor, | for the term beginning March 4th, > next. Among the hills introduced was one I l>y Mr. Plntt, of New York, reducing I the apportionment of congressional | i u)ii uauuiuiiun. LOCK OF THACKEHY'S HAIR. Sold at New York for Sum of Sixteen and a Half Plunks. At a sale in New York Thursday r.f Thackeray lirst editions and oilier literature pertaining to the lit'e of tho lOnglisli novelist, a book of poems by Charles Tennyson, nephew of Lord Tennyson, brought$000. Not the least interesting, although not the most expensive, Thackeray item was a lock of hlr hntr for $10.r>0. TAFT'3 REPORT RECEIVED. HI* Negotiations With Panama Fully Approved By President. Tho report of Secretary Taft. special envoy of tho United Stales to l'finama, or his negotiations with that government, was received in Washington Saturday. After careful consideration tho president gave his.entire approval of the samo and has' advised Secretary Taft by cable to this effeo* ' I ' ! ? " in i un m i ii wwmppfn mimammwvmtmmmmmrmmm* tllHRII A II II TftnuaPiA i VVUIVIAN IN lUUIVIbiS % Mrs. ChaJwick is Unable to Secure Bail of $15,000. iN MOST PITIABLE PLIGHT n her bond, and the marshal had, out of sympathy n>r me woman, i;op nor jti nis office hours after she could haw been removed. The endeavors oi the lawyers were unsuccessful, rendering hor imprisonment neccssai y. To add to her cup of woo, It was learned that a charge of forgery would very likely h<; n::-de against the woman in Ohio, ba-e.l on the Carnegie notes and other paper., given as securities for loans Thursday nighi .\lrs. Chadwick occupied one ol the scant:!-, fnrnishf'd colls in the Tombs. After a iruitless search all day for bail, her attorneys gave up the IH'ht. Mrs. Chadwiclt was wan, tired and almost fainting They were it riven directly to the Toombs. Arriving there Mrs. Chadwk-k was half carried up the steps into the building. Warden Flynn met tin parly, and after the usual preliminaries had been attended to, the woman a she i permission to have Iter nurse remain with her. This was denied, the warden saying that she should have no privileges nuL al lowed other prisoner;'.. Already the country has been startled by the disclosures which have followed one another in quick succession since Mrs. C'hadwick's affa'rs were brought before the public .Mew, less than two weeks ago. Since that time, Mrs. C'hadwick's known indebtedness has grown from less than $200,000 to more than $1,000,000, and nrr counsel has said that claims against her may amount to $20,000,000. for all he knows. The validity of aorai; of tlx- claims, however, said tho attorney, was another matter. The strangest feature of the mystery ha-; been the ti.se of the nanu; of .Mr. Carnegie. What reason was offered ?'> explain why Mr. Ca n"gk\ who has an income <>t* more than $10,000,000 a year from United States Steel bonds alone, should be giving notes has not been brought cut. Probably not. in tii 1 history of the united States has there been anything similar in the unusual cii- umstances and magnitude to the Chadwick borrowings. It is known by the statement of President lieckwith, of the failed Citizens' national bank, of Oberlin, Ohio, that notes for at le;u;t $1,250,000, indorsed by Mrs. Chadwick, are outstanding; the securities ..suid to be hold by Iri Reynolds, of ''l.nc-land, | fl miw. >.- . . - - iu uif t>x(' ni o! on; Merbon Newton, of Boston, has claims for $100,800, in.'I Tiu::-. lay i'. was asserted by those conversant with the strange case that n::mber of banks not yet ni ntiono.i in public made large loans to Mrs. Cluniwic!. NO JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Proposition Doer. Net Meet ths Ap- J prova! o<" Co.'irjrcsii. The house comr.jifon industrial ' arts and expo iiiov. . al its meeting | Thursday, decide 1 no' to recommend i to tlie house i!-. a;.'horizsit!!;n of an indusiriai exposition to be held at .)unu?to\vn. Va.. in mmnii'tnoration of the lirsi iCiiKliah . < tt' :*:<-11 < t!i? ro or .v, i i?uii. i?ii> ""] a;tM ?rii>ing ihi* ap-i propriation of money for ?a Indus- . trial exposition there. j, FEUDIST HARGtS A SICK MAN. Carried to Court on a Cot to Answor i in Suit of Mrs. Marcum. At Win Ix'st.-r. Ky.. Thursday morn- i ing, Judgo Hargis. noted feudist lead- 1 er, was carric.l to court on a cot for 1 the trial of the case of Mrs. J. B. Marcum against Hargis and others, in wmcn ^lie asKs $100,000 damages. Harris was too ill to be brought into ( court, otherwise, and there was much , delay while his attorneys held a con- ^ ference with him in his room at the hotel. After the conference, Judge Denton began empaneling the jury for the trial of the case. Cholerfc Infantum. mis disease has lost Its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 'Remedy came into general use. Tho uniform success which attends tho uso of this remedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children lias made it a favorito wherever Its value has become known. For sale by Pickons Drug Store, Earle'9 Drug Store, T N. Hunter, Liberty. tf PRESIDENT CANNOT INTERFERE. He Was Asked to Stop Strike of Carnegie Steel Company Employes. President Itoosovelt Informed a delegation of men representing the Amaltrnmnforl Irnn nnrl Stool Pinto Work er? that ho seen no way by which he | could properly or legally interfere to bring about a settlement of t^u- strike of thu union employes of the Carneglo Steel Company, of Voungstown and Glrard, O. I < i . ' The Kind You Have Always Bo in use for over IJO years, lia , /? ?- and lias 7ZIZ All Counterfeits, Imitations an ,?A|>c>uut;iii? i/iiiib vrme wiiu a Infants and Children?Experic What is CI Gastoria is a harmless substH goric, Drops and Soothing Sy contains neither Opium, Mori ?ubstance. Its ago is its guan And allays Feverishness. Ic e Colic. It relieves Teething' Tr and Flatulency. It assimilate Stomach and Bowels, giving 1 The Children's Panacea?The ! CENUINI; A C'Ti ^ Bears the Si Thft Vnn Hi I Ti Jl 11U AYII1U II/U JJLCtK I In Use For Ove THE CCNTAUI2 COiAW.IVY# 77 MUnnj MONEY FOR THE SOUTH. ! ? , i Items for Georgia, Florida, Alabama j and South Carolina as Appears on Secretary Shaw's List. Secretary Shaw Monday submitted ! to congress his annual budget ot est!- i mates for the next fiscal year. Tho | items of interest to Georgia, South ! Carolina and Florida arc as follows: (VimnluM/in t ..?luuiiuu nuspnai auvaunab, $80,000. To complete postoffice and court liouse At nuns, $20,000. Continuation of extension of court house and poslollico Macon, $50,000. Beacon lights in the inside passage from Savannah to Fcrnandina, $1,200. Building for keepers oI Gockspur and Oyster beds range lights, $4,000. Lisht VL'SSGl i'or Rninoivlcli I-" Btructlug and equipping with steam log signal, $90,000. Land for enlargement military post Fort Screven, G:i., for Uie purchas of about fourteen acres of land for which negotiations have been in progress for several years, adjacent to Fort Screven, cJa., military reservation, required for the reconstruction and enlargement of the post, and to round out and complete the reservation boundaries, $38,800. Improving Cumberland sound, $40, uuu. Complete postofllce and custom house, Georgetown, S. C., $20,000. Completion of postofllce Rock Hill, $16,250. Charleston navy yard, $$07,000. Establish range\light station on St. Phihlllps island entrance to Port Royal harbor, $18,000. Improving Charleston harbor. 225. DUO. NVlnyah hay, $75,00i>. Marino hospital. Key West, improving breakwater and building surgeon's Quarters, $13,000. Quarantine station Bocka Grande, huipineiH of station, $15,000. Naval station, Key West, $49,000. Navy yard ronsacola, $293,000. .... .?I uuniii.iti, I (.USilLUlU, }3K,WV. Symptoms of Liver Disease. Sick headache, constipation, biliousness, melancholia, dizziness, dullness and drowsiness, coated tongue, slimy teeth, bad breath. Rydale's Liver . Tablets will relieve any of these symptoms in a few hours and speedily correct the trouble. They act upon the ( iiver, duo, bladder and duct, intestines r and bowels as a stimulant and tonic ! t Those who use these tablets lind their net ion perfect and results satisfactory, j Fifty chocolate coated tablets in eacu 1 box. Price, 25 cents. tf I find nothing better for liver do- '1 rangement and constipation than s Chamberlain's Stomach a?d Liver s T m A 1-. ^ *' ' 1 * inuKiB, u. r. AIlurtJWH, ues JMOlIM!S, jl [own. For sale by Pickens Drug Co. HALL'S A high-class preparation for the glossy and prevents splitting at I always restores color to gray hi 5bIs?? agr SiSv r Ijjfc ytmsmii | BwwwwwwiM ! Jl Cut thi* out anJ return \r> ut Inside ft? th'Mydays and name and Stt Watch handsomely e '. ived. The case* arc made o! 14! niriAlN and will wtit ? lifetime rnr movement is >"< oi lh* 1 Clock Affair, hut in\l?.v! will ift-rpire with ." I Whether you desire th.? ? uM proof o? I.nl.cs' or (tents' Hunting. Okken* Clialn, One Intaglio Cftnrm. Ore I'nlr l^vrr Sle?v? Hut Ptarl Back C??!lar fliittoni On? Tcpai Ol.i>nonJ 5t.id. (ail the l< Teaipeoftt. AH the above sent Vrt* provided you j!!ow cn to ?cr #4 q> We .ir" wiring to 4hl? Ihe entur ouffit a* dr*? ribed <..<). (1 not the bluett bargain you ever r? *e;vfd from any firm, the k?< cent II you will remit $4 94 with order wr will forward all t'.w f l*re>ent confuting of One Hollow a found I- ?tra H? $1 Ml Keen an offer to Introduce thelf*Cl?ars, and remember U you are noif !< HE inc?rpo'lt?d C?plUI, 928,000.00. OLIUX HIEi! > light, and which has been. , s borne tho Big-nature of been made under bis perpervision since its iniHncy. > 0110 to deceive yon in this, d " Just-as-good" are but ltd endanger tho health o /m;u iiguiunii mj[IUriUlUlh VSTORIA tutc for Castor Oil, Parerups. It is Pleasant. It [>liine nor other Nurcotic mtee. It destroys Worms ures Diarrhoea antl "Wind oubles, cures Constipation :s the Food, regulates tho liealthy and natural sleep* Mother's Friend. oria always gnature of _ 'Z4eJlzAi b Alwajs Bought ^ an KV SiRc.C?, NEW YORK CITV. CHJIMSVER'S EWIiUSF FE&5NYR0YAI PILLS GOV>' I e* fcf *?. aiV. \!'.vavs r.'liublf. l-.-cilon. nsk for i kuniKvn irs ?a auxt Uoltl .ijrtr.llir hox**s, * .?: UmI with hluo ntoon. raJie iiooffior. itofuNc Uun^oroiiN Mil tons an ii lsnilalloii?. Kiivolyour I>rtijj?iHC, r mtxI \v. in s!'.ih|>> lor <*Ak'tli iilurn, Ve*Mh niODinls aiul " iCollcf for IjSmIie*." in by return l^ah, *<>,<> T<\-utnoui;iLs. Sold by til I^ni^ists. OHIO CI !S S TBI* CHEMICAL CO. 7100 .Hudif*on M?jnare? VllIU , Af.ontlon thl: nrvcr. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM 7fvLpitiyC"^ illMClfomi'< ami beautifit:3 the bfltr. Ir/flPSMS?"' a luxuriant pt Machinery People*" will he R!a J JO VWf R? ' - I 7 " I 0?>i? t? Tmi: 1 ma .At .? ? It** it* 1*0 < .C Ml*S Open J- l ire . ftf.v ??* nrvl <1 ,t ? r V f. St It/. Iju i 1 h? oxh'.'t > Vrtt ar:i frt .< One I'. ll-.d IDW PU'eJ Hp, lon?. One Hull lop Collar i'uh"?, One Ne.ktio iloJd.T. Tv1?ted H I you In an,- p.* i .^r, sOli.M .f, j >4it.?n. II Attw be feturnril wt . Mf c*' >' i not he rut |n? &n [wil menSK-ffiJ In tt.h A V i-r?* .1 k, imJ f;xtf ly Cutting I??/or Na thci 171. 1 1i V,t . e .r : ,*df ?oih. K ln^d, vt. ( stan/* re&ly I ri f > ;? 1 ..r M ?>j SON COMk^AY, M ' M, W. C.* H A wmmmemmm* mmta ' 1