Hamiltn8 of a LOl and Personal Nature. -Miss Esio Gillespio is toacling the Prater school. -Read the 'County Auditor's notico inl this issue. -Rev. B. E. brandy will Tweacl at Tabor next Sunday at 14 ti. im. -Fresh currants, citron and rai. sine for your fruit cako at R. it. Roark's. Geo. W. Bryant has orected a good two story dwelling at Twelve Mile church. -L. R. Dalton has remodulel lia dwelling and painted it, making it very stylish. -P. J. Mauldin, of the Mile Creek section, iW still sick from the fe'cts of a cancer on the face. -Rev. F. D. Thomas, t.he new preacher' wiil pieach in lio Preoby terian church nex, S.ind tv. -Charlus Dlton is building a noat houso on the Milo Creek and 'ickens road near Mile Orook clu: chi. --The Pickons Drug Co., has onl hand a Pu pply of "JLvo Powders." Boys, dcn't all go at once. -Jas. Ml. Porter, of the Halo Stc tion, made 500 bushels (if curn witlh two horses, besides other cropa. -Many visitors are expected to spend the Christmas holidays with friends and relatvos in Pickens --RUmenber all places of business in Pickens will be close.d on Fr-id y and Satutday, 25th and-26di inmt. -Bring your remnant seed cot. ton to ime . Will pay the highest agrktet price. J. D. Holder. -Remember the time for paying taxes expires December 31st, 1903. Penalty addcd after Jan. 1st, 1904. -There will be proaclhing at Por tor's Onipel the first Smnd.tv in Jan. uary at 11 a. in , y ILo D. (illo pio. -Everybody is hoping that the woother bureau will give us somo fine weather during the Onristinas holidays. - W. c. Harper, who lives on the Crow Cr ot bought lat, I and movm! -There has on his dogs, tlhla price in fl, hale, section, made tis year on a thbree horie farm, 700) bushels corn, besido cotton and other stuff. - -Corn ground at my null every Saturday. I als > h .vo fresh car of limo and coent, ensh&., dboors, in mid(1 ing, etc. B. E. GJranidy. - W A N TED: -Pe~rsinmon, Dog wood, IHickory and Ho~1lly Logs Freight aidl Onl car blia s. JamesO. CockshoLt, Charleston, S. C. o2hmn4 -Married, RW Twelve Mile chiiolb on Seuday aftu-rnoon, Desc. 20, 1 9.3, Mr~. Erne(st Brsoks to Miss5 Carrie Howard, Rev. 0. M..Abney ofliciat mg. --Waddy' iarrett and Bolton IDil lardl havo formed a partn. r.,hip andit crected a now store at, Prater'r, tra are fiiling it with umgoods of a general stock, ~~-NEwill niot p)ublish any papiler next week, as the force want to tako a few dlays (if ehuring the hiohda~uys. WVe wvish all a merry Christmas and a happy New Y,.' -Tihe mino T n,,. Rtiver Bapti'd t ready, and thu churches can) .. . . calling at thi - ---Six Milo 4 : location for a~ i and is' almost a villageo . would soonr be if they build amt iu.s their graded school that is beinig dis -MI arried, on the 13th inst., at the residence Of the bride's father, Jas. Massingale, Miss Nealy Massin gale to Mr. George Masters L L. Smnithl, N. P., ofticiated. All of Pick ens county. -A nico Christmas p~ro3onit. and one that would be appr. cated would besThe Sentinel-Jouirnal. Send it to sonic reilati ve or friend for a year and they wvill bo remnindeud every week that you have not forgott on them, --Inivitat ions ha~vei beeni issn Led to the mnarriamgo of Mr. Jhn It. (I. (- i r. fin, of Easley, and MIiss Carria ori trude Martin, of hiop-well TLowvnship, on Tiuesdaiy, 291.h inrst., at the home (of the bride. - AndersonI Intelligen cer. -MNesars. Mark Bo.1ing, Druff Boldinig, Henry Bldinig, Wmn. .l~ht nug, .Dyer1 13lding, Payno~t. Pilgrim, Jo Pilgrim, Jlas. Brown,, Phil lip Robertson, Carly HoEldoni, Alonzo' John Perry, Am roni Garrott, Davo Abercrombio, TI. W. Durham anid some others, united their teams andi money and went to Soneca a-fow days ago to buy groceries for their famnil. ie. They boutght 43 barrels of ex cellent flonr at $4.80; 14b pou~nds -good coffeei for $1 00; 20 pounds -granulated sugar for $1.00 T1his is /neighbor co operation anid beats .'the -Alliance. This is a good bjusiness example for other commnunities tn fol low. They treaded with William -Nimmnons. Duff cnd William B3.1d Ing worked up this scheme. The farmers .in the western part of the county are buiying about all of their goods at Seneca. Can't otur Pickens mjOrehan~itts noll an ebh'p u' th 1wb WG 00%4.4 Sohool Rally and Christmas Tree. '11hor0 is to be a -chool r.ily and Xmas trou at Antioch ehlurhel on the 25th inst., 'boginning at 0 a. Im. Tnm patrons of tlio sbool and the public3 are cordialiv invited to attetid. We expect Supt. I. T. Hallun to do. liver an address. Obj'ct is to give the school childreni a troat ani also to awlaken school iiterost. A Truisteo. Best Liiment. "Obamnberl iins Pain Balm is considor ed tiho e tst li'imout on tho market, writo Post & Bliss of Georgi i, Vt. No othr liniment will heal a cut -,r braiRo F0 promptly. No other afford such quick relief for rhematio pains. No oti, or is so vatiable for deep . seatod pains liko in back ind p) ins in the chest. Givo this linimenut a trial and you will never winh to be without it. Sold by Pickens Drug Co., Eat les Urug Store, Pickens ani.1 T. N. Huntor, Libouty. Appointments for Pickens Circuit for the Year 1904. First Sunday -Porter's Chapel, 11 a1. In . Pickells, 7 1). in Second Siiity-Pickeus, 11 a. Ii Belthlehiem, 3:30 p. i. Third Sitiday- Bet hloho 11 a. In.: T welvo Mile, 3:30) p. i. Fourth S *day-Tabtor, I a. mn.; l'icenis, 3:30 p. i). Fifth Sntilay--' Twelvo Mile, 11 a. I.; Pwkei, 7 p. in. Chamiberlala s Ceonh Reiedy is Pleas ant. to Take. The flnost quality of granulated lo f sugar is used ini tho maiftic .tiro of Cliainberlinus Congh R-medy, and tlio roots used in its preparation givo it a flavor similar to nirpio syrup, mauking it plealant to take. Mr. W. L. Roderick, of Poolville, Md., i,1 speaking of this remedy anys: "I havo ulsel Ch-imr laiinus Cough Remedy witi my Children for severl years and can truttifully say it is the best propar itiomi of Li kindi I ov er saw. Tim children like to t ake it and it has no haid :-fter effect. For sale by Pickens Drug Co., E arles Dirug Store, Pickens and T. N. Hunter, Liberty. From Major. MaIrried, on the 12th inst at the resuidenei of the officiating miniAtor, Rev. T. F. Nelson, Mr. J. E. Wvol. biorn to iliss T. Cautroll. All of Pickens cou-ity. Wheat sowing and hog killing will soon be a tiing of tihe past.. There will be moro wheat sown this year than lait an]1 the farmars ira preparing th .intd well. The eirly s own) whI ~l p enuirch and a kind and affectionato wife and miotheri. \We weep not forw those wvho have no hop)1) for she is safo in the Paradise of Goad, and we feet our loss is tier eternal gaini. T. F.4. N. Thio following extract from a loiter writte by (G. M. Harmoni, editor of the D)ispaitch, the pr~opriletors of the Ramons Remedies isi sel f-explanatory: "'Thoro is no pilts Ihat equal Raimon a Pills; they leave the bowels and stomach with such plIeasanht hiealthful feolings-no bid ef feet-after performing t hir work thoir oughly. I havo fried thbem and knaow whtere-of 1 speak." 25e at Earles Drug Store, ,T. D. 310cio, Craig Bros. Beverley News. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Stegall visited relatives neair Croswvell last Sundav. Coi tto)n is about all pickedl in this sectioni. S. R. Day aind family hiavo moveda to Easley andl wilt make that their hiomie nr-xt year. Wmn. Swaynagameo has got his new residence complotIOL anid will mIovo Ben Boggs is still in vory badl health. M. G. Davis lost his buggy horse -daysi ago). - et a wveil last wveek, -i..1* ''""ilthe by boid applications aus they u..; r ~eh thu d~iseased ( portion oI thle eari. TIhier' is only onie way to cuIo deaifness', anid that is by conistitut ionatl remediaes. Deafness is caused by an inflamated Sonl ditioni of the mu~lcous limnig (of tbe En shibian Tnbu. WVhen thiis t~nbo is inl flamed you hiavo au rumlnin~irg soundi~ or imp)Irfoet hearing, anrd when it is enltir - 1ly (clos(d, Doe flfess is thle result, and un Iess the inflammationi can11 b) ta'kon out and( thits tubo restored to its normal con ditioni, heasring wvill beodestroyed forever, 'n1 (incsos ouSt of tenlar c11 1IiOnst by Ca tarrhi, whichl is nothinug but i'n iniflaed conidition of tho mu iconss services. We will give Ono Hund~red D~olhars for ansy ea1o (of D~eafliess (cauised bly ea tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrhi Cure. Scnd for (circlarS, free. F. J1. (UIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all D~ruggists, 75e. Ilall's Famnily Pills are the best. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. '.t'ho firma heretofore existinig as dloing buisinecss at Norrmis, in the CJounity of PickonlS, and1( Staito (If $ thtl Ciaromlinam, is this (day3 dissolved, by~ the conisent uuid agroomaon t of all the iuartners5 ini saidi partnership Th'le sidu buiness~ wul henceforth be conduicted by3 andl inl the) namen of H-. B. Boweni, and1( all perons511 indebtod to said fir m will muoke payment to HI. B. Rioweni, and all pers5ons holdinmg claims that arme duo) against the said firm will please present the same to the said H. BI Buon. This, November 19th, A. D)., 1903. H. 11. Bowon, E. L. Hamilton, Th'Ios. J. B~owen, . WV. Tate, J. T. B~owen. Comnprising the firm "Bi-wen L W . K I' .I-i Dots From Central. iollo, Christmas is here al Old Slta Clau1 Will 01m to so 0 a al1 How 'proud we will be to sio hit, for ho0 is K goo:l old follow. J. 3roek, of this place, killel q hog 18 month old that weighed 405 pounids. 1). G. Parsons, of Norris, left last week for Texas, whero he will sieid awhile. Tho little infatnt of Mr. and Mrs. Jon(A Gillopio was& full dead in bod on the morn ing Do. 15th, and was buried the day following at Mt lotll. J. W. Hopnkins illed a Brkshire pig nixJuon hs old weighing 217 p~onIn II 11. H urr-1ah for him. Who can1 boat thtid? Johmn 'illes ad Jh.1n istrap have mnade conablderable improve 111011Is oil ti1e public roal from (Jtilip Crek church to Six Mile. The school it Norris i. in a flour. i.inii.g conditiol, with Prof. .1. P. Dunly as principal and Miss Nita Claytoin, us'istant. D. 1'. M1ontgoinery and faiily lIft last. wevec fr Aikmi.sas wiorc they will makec thevir future homio. Brown Eyes. Not. a SiCk bly Sinice. I was taken sa vor!y Fick Wilhi kidney trouble. I tried lil morts of mieslicines, none of which relieved me. One day I Haw fill ad -f y..ur E'evhrio 1ittlers I d dotermined to try that. A fler taking a fi-w doseci I felt roievod, uid moon there after wias entirely cured, and nivo iol been sick a day since. Neigibors of lino hmve beeni Cured of rhoinat ism, ueuralgui, liver and kidney troubles and geeral debility." This is what B. F. Rots of F.-rniont, N. C. writes. Only 50k at Pickens Drug Co. Mica Locals. Tle health of this co munity is very good it preseint. Sclool at Mica is getting along flue wit.h W illie Jones as tocher. Alibs AUpha Froemniu spent las4 Sunday with Mrs. Fanny LHendricks, and reporto-l a nic time. Aissies L nora Looper uid Thllie F'rcemn, :an MeEas Oscar Looper an 1 Grover Freeianl were tle guests of Miss Emtuma and Jerrel MeCombs l:st Stind adal an njyable time Wa11 reiP~rted. ill i trot) a! NI t.. Tabor 1 hirhI on Christ mas diy. Everybody .iiviitdi to como. M'aisa Gora (Chapmnil visited her brother in the Lonhardt, section last Miss Evio H-endricks was the guest of Mrs. Lewis IIop~kins last week. Misses Cora Chapman an.I Evie Hendricks speunt one night last week with Miss Anna Hu~ghies, of Loper. Blue Eyes. only3 Makes a Bad Matter Worse Pcirhaps you have never thought of it but thel fact muist be alpparentt to every 0220 thait const jition is c3anse5d by a htick of water oni the syistoni, anid the usie of dlrastic caithiartics Ii ke the old fashioned pila miakes a badic mat11ter- wvore. Chamn b~erbrin's Stomachl and Liver Tablets are miuchi ni.oe milId and gentle iln t heir ef /et-, andl whlen the prioper dlose is taik on the11 r i .n is so untural. that one 01an hardly realizo it is the effect of med icine. Try a 25c01 ttle of t hem at Pick ens Dr-ug Co., Earle's Drug Store, Pick ensi, and 12. N. HIunter, Liberty. Liberty R. F. D. No. 3. TLheo whooping cough anud mum pu is raging 111o1und here just now. Soveral of Ciayton Smiithi's children haIv. wvhoopin ti' ough. Jaun 5 Clayiton's younmgest children have the mllumps. Miss-~ Cora (uin, ii of Ge-orciai, is ni- rster, Mrs. O ayt1on 300 p)ounfds hefore .. T1heo newu yecar is ahn111 )t lierO, na we are one0 year nearor oternitLy,(et.or~ nity, eternity. Where will you spenid it? Thel~re is b)ut, t wo p)lacOs, Heaven anud hellI. It. is im possiblo to servi' bo born again,"' then live a putre, holy, huiimbl e, loviing, for'gjv ing, chrmis tian Itfe, to (ever eter t.1Hlaveni'H dloors Lot somei( 0110 whol hais lived for Satsu all thelir past Ii fe go to . osus. For therci is p)ioer iln Joiiis' blood to wa1sh you white as anew. The blood of Jesus Christ, His son, cleansuth from all sin1. L40t some one begin a new yoair, and1( livo thle rest of their life for Josusf. Jesus sai-1i he ready3, for in suhan lhour that ye kniow not, I lie Son of mani comuoth; yes, Oeen now, the timo of hia coming dratweth nigh. And who will bo roadv? The Ring. Sick H eadache ? Food docsn't digest wvell? Appetitc poor? Bowels constipated? Tonguec coated? It's your liver! Axyer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 2'c. Alt drugglsts. Waint y~imr imoutaclsho or b oaird a beautiful brow or rcch hinidj~ 'lwn,, hAl BUOKINOH AM'S DYE MA*.r Aor n, fl os r.kL.AC a c-,, JAssu, .H Tresp'ans Notice. AlY persoiini a0 hereby warnei~d not to hunt or tresipass in anly w my upon my Liberty Locas. This winter st in till tsually early and we have hiad.winer straigbt o., tho past month. Snow has fallon four tiesti already. Owing to contmim cald wheat is not oniing up lu:ii. Cotton crop hiug short and wotither favorable, a fair crop of whut has been sown11 witi utisial caro and good prepara tion of land. Cotion picking contillues and will soon bo all picked out, With favorablo we'ather. Yollow tas it is. it is bring. ing a better price than th first good whito cotton sold this season. Wood has gone up to $2.00 a cord and is mluchl in demland.. Thoro is a groat rush hero for cot ton aeed meal and 11ulls. Building ma~trial. is hard to got hero these days and comes high. Muilms anid whooping cough is nich in ovidoico in t0i4 section at present, besid,,s lageripipo, pauumonia, et'. Good .ny peoplo moving. Some from tho factory to the farms. Good. The horso swappers' oonvotilion was held hero last Tursday, Friday tad Saturdav. 1hore was it good turn out and consideraflo intere..st manifesited in the "RUff Rips," atid mnimy of themn were turned "r some thing of t.he kind they callAit C-11* Venltionil term with which we are not yet sufficiently familiar to. givo its full lsigiliennalee. C. Dte. 19, 1903. Disastrous Wrecks. Careletsuess is responsible for many ,t railway wreck and the same causes are makiig huitiman wrooklv of stifferers from thIlroat and lit trotibles. But sinco the .dvt nit of Dr. Kings Now D;scovo-y for 1ou31ghMs, (ousmtion , colds, 11d even1 AwNthewrs. va-es o tit bo enrid, and hiopo less resigi .1ion ik no longer niecessairy. Mrs. Lois Uiteg --f Dorcliester, Mass., is one of many whoso life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great imedy is guaraniteed for all"throat and Ing di.eases by Pekons Drug 0., 50o imd S1.00. Trial bottles free. A IUSINE4i COLL '0 OF RUP OF IMFPUTATION. Theo Southleru shotcrthkasdver 500 situden ts. It plac1.-si its graduts ill p .sitionis sceiving from lifty to stay apphes .eatin mon811411thly~ from buineI IOF i 9Au1 for bookklieeyrs an11l stougraiher(. Wtrite for~ a'itailoigu. AdldressH A U. Brisec, President or. L WV. IXr bold, Vico ~ P iien I, Atlant a, U 1. D~oesn't Respect Old Age. It's atueful wvheni youth fa to showv I (pelr reepe)u for uold ag., buat just t he sonlt rary in the case of Dr,. King,'s New Life Pills. iThey cut oll' majladios no( natt'r how severe an 1 irrui,pwcive (of >1(d ano. D~yspopsi , Jaunn 1ido, Fe ver, Joipa4i)tion all yiehld to thisl perfect Pill. 5o at Pickoens Drug (Jo. WVA11NING NOTIloE. All perslonls are, forbiddlei to hire~ 3d harbor~~l my1~ nep1h44w, WVili We'ollhy, 3.)lore.d, who is abiout 12 ' ears old Sld hast left homo11 without my con eut and1( withIouit niov provocation. 8dee3t. Zip Mansion, Central, S. <'. Chamber.tam1S Stomach anid Liver l'ablots are buecoming a faivo rite for it. mach trouble anu consiltipaion01. For tale by Piekuen< Denug Co., Earles Drug 3tora and T. N. 11laniter, Liberty. LI Have Had a I glatity And sr..1lo atL toil and pa. I (10 not sell on er1 (li t or''time, Ruit sell for pIroli t and gaini, Don't thIin k by that I moan to get fat, AlI otif of one( thing, But soil 'emil fast so at last, I ha vo some1( money0 in chiange, La1st HRut tonl Shioi's, 75e andl( $1. Alons Brogans, $1 to $1,10o. S,,t thlem boforo you buy, Chaw my baclier bofore you ery, J. D. MOORE. Pl Fe!ish or Oysters Plco0ur~ orders for Oysterst land :Fish with COLUMIIA 1'1521 AND) IUE CO., Si.tisfactory p1ilees, quic0k service. You canl maka mioneQy nOwY selling ouri largo Souath 1Alullet while eggs etc., are so very high. CASTOR IA -For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tile - Signature of A, B. WARDLAW, ..bEHITIST.. SCRUGGS* SIEGE OF NECKTIEPHOID 0IIOMAS SCRUGGS, on Christmas day, Got packages galore, Until he wondered if there could Uy chance be any more. He opened each one when it came And slowly grow enraged, And not a packago held a thing That his great wrath assuaged. Fer each one, be it long or short Or slim or thick and fat, Contained, in varied shape and form, A gaudy new cravat. "'Tis everl thus!" mioaned Thomas "In every Chrilstmlas wreeck I am the sut'erer Who gets It always InI thle treek." The tli%: wer-e ar~een and( reil and I And blaick and pink and blue, With strip(-\ and dlots and Wiunny Of truly awfu~ll hute. At last he fretted -!o abhout TLe thind. that hie fell III, And then, to aid to aill is woes, Thiere was a doctor's 61ll, - .,. m n ap u t w ll asked for somne reininiseenees. "it hatS been at ]lng time atgo, amid I cannot re memb111er inuchel of those Chri-stmlas ties 6W ofth am4 lidote tug toocp*u atnin u Chritnni wa oneday n wich her waColgtig h enrcie m'sage an oe ro oe n cam liegtanisiaio nta tle ensue. l.'or lgtimeth" cn es raged Tines enred Tnd wer broken, foredagin anendavre texte sraeie il moe et. a lesorn becam soextngan s irte that twoi' en hd their arms andlc blckie ain aruc."-ashigto h ristm asnd lothe unfnns 01' toray;i liherChstm fnd the flrd frozen " ad thwoecun tye tiht inl t gras f th ethr Ane tmanyi tluaddnt all retty Cristma csdtos l'0rhap heil mosit~cl8 Intesn bef a are tie netng and( feeding of tihebs. Ae fw tasboe Chrism thes new~g~ stoa ondhy are putet ino every nest that enn 01e foind oinwi theholow of stees and te care fofu house, and harn11. land sotraw tsenrtteredil tabout overO th ie htonoeChit Thefs zie agd ivi~ ve 1 ie try eisid.io'tbgtiietecO ga iteri - ui I o li'limu er tuim of cerel s iiOhe 11n~m try Ihtgit iiIlegapo loie le~ Aew strawai ii tehl 11 vr its~l peo the tery grit i "iolds 0 try isbI thor as'ui tree- ii them;v gther Blars ltho It is Predicted That the cominig v iter will bo the coidot ever expor enced in t)i,8 cuuII ry. 1t lus taken a goodstart and un.' Ies all Isigns fail ti winter will be a ''ubiIM1tQ' Prepare for War in Time of Peace... 'his is an ld -avi-g and ft true one, b.y your OVER. COA 8, (01 1 iN<, SHOES, JEAN,4!LANNELS and )R s8 G00)l bet'o1r it gets too cold to Comne to town fr tihei. Nev.,r be-ore havo we had such a stock as we >w have on ln . Ne)v goods coming in evory day. ihte Ju-t r c4ived the third big shipnent of Jackets lj(l Skirts 8ineo hupng our first lot. Soo the new Ones ne haVo jusit rctCii ed. Shoes I Shoes ! Shoes ! Our Shoo trnad is doublo what it ever has bcon, the only trtuble wo lu4,s gutLig tho'n bro as fast as WO n143(d theim. The r'ansoii of this is we sell tho boat on earth the " AXE'' We do not hesitato to say that we have Ili best stock (if Clothing and Ovreats in the county, and wo have sumo bargail:s to offer botWfoi loW and January 1st. Furniture - Wagons - Buggles. We have at complete and well sulected stcck of Furniture. as good buggies as you will ((d anywhere and overy One knows dhat we se'l the best wvago on Earth, "ImUE Don't fail to . ' w, welcome and CI O1TI I NG, 811Ol0S, I 'Il'S AN D G ICNTS FURNISHING :GOODS A SI'ACCA.LTY. WR HAVE LEARNED....S s something each clay. We have s a lot of differen, e in goods, and >w to select the best of everythin-r Take. for inC - WE SLHL NOTHING BUT TI IE FINEST. People who buy a dollar's worth of groceries here had better have two market b~askets. WVe don't give groceries away, oh, no, but we have a wvay of' stretch ing dollars that is appreciated by our customers. SA-NT1. C LAIS AT OUR STORE. wye invite the Ipeople to call and inspect our line of Buy nowv and let us put your goodsaway for you until you needl them. Anything and everything for young and old.--children and growvn folks-father, mother, sister, broth- r, husband, wife or sweetheart. Goods nowv on display. Call and see them. IM'I at ; a