A Hlapepiugs of a Local an Persoli Nature. _-Have you paid your titxes? -"'The's a gude time a coiniT!' -J. E4j. Parson8s it able to bo up WnI. -A Merry Christm is and a lappy "ew Your to our readert! --Born on ths 14th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Allgood, a lite girl. --Born ont the 15th inst., lo M' .md Mrs. Jake H. Gillespie, t fit)< hov. - An intellectual main admires it foolish woman becauts site almire I hit. --Fresjh currants, citronl and rai ::ins for your fruit cake ait It. I I(oark's. -Born unto LMr. and Mis. Vadlker \V. Ytountgblood, on 11lhe 9th inst. i -A good husibandtl is it man who ib A allo0w11 to spend nti.y of his Itonll oil himielf. --In a1bont a mtonti th liishitrE ill ineet anld no Sallpox Sealro ims enl started yet. -Thoro are very fewiv f 1rmite's il is cou Lty 0ta have ot une ho. hominfy this year.. -The Pickens h1I'rg Co., ha-1 oi and ia 1upply of "L e Powder-s' >)s, doi't ill go tt, onc . -Just one more week and th< ungster8 will be hunting sto d .kin hang tu) for old Satitat Gautis to lill -F'rom what we (in leiirn there |1 be no sclieity of cutlii'lates for ( County oflico!) ill next year's Camll) --Safe crackers happed the saft of Courtenay Manuacturii Co., ah Iwry, 'Monday night and lootet out $3,000. --(orn ground at Imly itli ever. tirdliv. I il i It ve fresh car o te ad CeIent, nsh, dois, mould ,et. B. E. (bndy. -.Jake (illespi1) hulhere'l throc g.- recenitly that. netled bin :" I pounds of m11en1t. The p)ig - . rot quito twelve 1n mths ol. - The, S t inel-Jurnal approciito ight, brief, nowsy ni >c0. froum over.v . etion of th C mItv. Mail your lel 1. to relachI us nt later than 1 Mon .3' mtormnig. 188 acres ill three miles of briel rd, thirty%, acres inl cultivation ba)l we' heavily timbored. Just thin] it, $5 per laeLCe. Termsi to Suit 1). Iolder & Co. -Married, at, the residlence of th< i parent s, Miss Polly SCars tt 4r. La-vreneo IIiighes, oil thfe. 11,h ast. Rev. .1. I. Trainell oitiated 11 of Pickenls County. -Tiax pyers' shiotih beat' ini mit tat if thiriii tas arOtie not paid (dur1 hol1) comipelledl toI add1 one per eent a itlty'. the first day13 of Janu1ary. ~ Noto adu of J D). H~older & Co. iS weel. If you wanlit yourl1 1 prloperi sold, list with ithemn, and if voL >u upj -no1w is th Itimte to buy13 01 -1l. -All1 farmiters shioulI ur go chi ilrera one'. D)o not ftighten tihem aiway atiher preparet' boxes for blue10bird. A ial wrenst and1( induce them11 to ris oir' younlg ont the farm. -I have' in my13 ptossessioni one red ama * O l( brwnt colores il af. Thtey i~atit 1m13 htouse last Sturday(11. TLlII ersont thiey blonig to cani get then Spaytig fo r damtiages and( t hit :>tico. A. M. Morris. -Dr. J . L. Holt liss reftu rned fron *.onwee Liodge at bte Gr'and( L~odg( fA. F". M. IHe reports ai dolighit ii timto andi( a pr'ofitatble an-- hlirr> odge. -In the3 l lnguago ofi theo ittnria i P Van WVirrle, wirth up-l.1ifte (g last led to theo brim1 wi t. dlelightft d~ ~ o re'juv'enating bev~eraige, we renev0 >ur fatmilIy, long ma y ',oui hve am1 rosperO!" Ab hem! -T1his is by far Lthe biggest, papei vor' gotten out ini Pickens5 cout *td wo hope, next Chittina ls to bn ble0 to got out a mu ich larger ott |ll issue a grealtr, bligger' antd bel r' tnumber' tnxt, timte. Itd ever'y advert itor in tis issuwe, I ptocital local noticoe, bti becautse ot Ito shot iness of help and11( sicknei ss ii hte famuilies of th ftoreoio wie have' t ')rego tis pleasanut feat ur te; suiflict (1 say, thbey are' all men1 (If inte grit md1( great business acumeni~ll, an td hatv 11001 in business for' yeats arid ari .Aell ktnowut to our1 roal'deors, andm whal lIcy say can b)0 counitted onl, tamt shtat bhey advortise wvill be fouw t uist ats r'epre'sentted. If you hay teveri trade(1d anty witht them (1o tl( tinvo any3 hesitancty about dloing 8< or they wilI tr'eat y'o' 0. K. - IRuldr, havo you pnaid you r preacher 1nd t1ho pin ter? --Thero is a (eml)antd ill town for dry pintO woo i lat good prices. -If you want to (enIj ly Christina. just 10oson the purso utrin14I a little. -This has boon a vary (Iry fall. Tle roads are jit as good as iI mid 8'. illner. -Bring your roinant seed cot ton to me. Will pay the highest market, price. J. D. 1101der. -.1,ho "aitriloly disease, as Josh Billings was accustomed to sav, is violently prevaloit in all sectio'is of the couitry, and victinm to its hlr rible ini-roadsi are being count.ed atl. muost, diily. --J. J. Chandler ha moved baso for anothor year. Hie has b0on i iin r3ing E. S. Grilin' mill for several ye.ars, but for another year he will lhve charge of Benl Kelloy's mill. Iis postoffico n ill bo Liberty. I F. D. N o. 3. ie is at splIidid miller and w0 bespeak for him a liberal pat -Pickf n had a beaut iful snowf.ill on inst Wednesday. At ono time oi Wedlesday, we begcanl to think wo w1l1d havo to shoulder our gun and hunit Illhe man that wrote "The Snow%, 1wi. BautitifIl Snow," as it looked as if it. would be impossiblo for us to get out tis issue without that liter --Maried on th I3th inst. at the 1 "Sideoce of Mi. Miles Fingleton, faither of the bride, Miss Mary Sm gi1t111, of tie Looper Section to Mr. Melell IBaker, of the Porter section, EhM J. T. Singlotoni oflici ciating. The happy young coupie hal1ve thl) bet wishes of their many ft iends for a long life of happines. -Noah I. Kennemore, of the Kings reet.io", m11et with at heavy loss Suiday about 12 im , when his crib, Conttitilng between 250 and 300 busiels of c>r wi conisu1med by fire. It stood just ttween li- ba1,ri1 alld st.ables, about fifteen feet aiay f.m each ) t Ihey wie %re Saved. The crib is supposed to have been set on fire by rats. --\k littlo airl tells what she knows abouit Kinlg Solomon in the followinig c.stv: "King'i Soloiioni wv t8 a Man1 who lived ever so many years lgo, an3d iln th country inl which lie Iroelvelned Ie wa1s the whole push. Kitig Slo1mn bilt Solomon's tem ple and was the father of all tile NI asons. lie had 700 wives and 200 lady frien ds, and that is whI V there 1r'e SO Ilaly Miasis in tho world." ---The i Graded scuhool will sispend olperat ion Wednesday Dec. 23, aid resmle work lMonday, .1ln. 3, 1904 The &chool has been dling excellent work Since the opening, an)(d 11th av erige attLendano has beeni larger than at anly time Since the organlizal tiol of the school netarly fouilr years ago. There's just one thinig the school lacks to do .sutccessfuul work - 3n m) to-dato school buildint.. The be(st is none3 too goodi for l'ickens, am-d the building is coming. -"A tale that is soon1 told" is the 1issu3 we give you this week. It speaks lor' itself, anud if you thinik it wor'thy of anly lonlsiderationi, wo wvill than11k yoni to say a good w~ordc for it. It is in pro'per formn to he bound31( and1 may13 be of interest to you in after y'ears if you sow it together antd pre' serve it. Theli adivertisers are all good sutanBt~til bus1iness3 men03, and we hope1) tihey will be in) bus1iness for many yers to come, and1( it wvould be an I a1gr'ee 11 surpr'ise, 3as w~eli as a sat isfation 03, should( your1 chiir lon, inl aifter'3 yearst gol trad(e with them and33 say, 'the lirst ad(1ver'tisemtetf, of yourts 1 (ve saw' wa11 is itn t he hioliday11 nm serivC this copy for the plearur and311( bene~tfit of y'ourselfi and1( family3. -NIliss Nanntie Mauldin our eli, w \I ih a v'ery pa in fl acclide ( t11 last Sundi~ay ovon ing, by h1avintg a ilib br'okeni juLst above the( anklec. She had beenI oni a1 visit to thle family of her' fathor, 1R. E. MauldtIin, near11 i'h:aloy, an td r'eturin ing that. even ing~ witlih two of' Mr. A . M . Mori' chi ildren'?, KIh) horse8 ShlO was dr'iving (Il chke down and fe3(1 ll, thle veh11icle0 i eing on1 tan inc0lined place in the roadl caused it to tilt up. Miss NannI iI .1 jumpod (lut wI'ith tihe above resul3 t. Dr. Gtl Iiland was called last rep)otsi sh1e wa~s said( to be get frindst throughlout th cil ount1 ly ar Ie sorriy to hear of her' accidon t andl hopo for bior a speedy ocovery. "'Tie a1 string aro.unid youri Iiniger." (let tht bottlo.1 of Rhonman31(ideo today b)e fore your r'henmafltisml get (1 f11rm hold( and1 U9)l0 becom 11 dagons. Oyster Suepper. The ILiberty (Graded school wvil give ani oyster' suppe ne" ixt Ftiday' evening, Dae. 18, at the r'o-.vni llotel. 1'The purp'lose is torao mionecy for a school pliano. The friends oif theO schooi lt' areIcquetedi 1to 10oud theoir supp)tort ini so fari as Ithey canl. Ramons(Il E ng1lih Congh Svrup en res conighis, coals1, bronehl'tI'Iis a13nh all kidred tronbles. '25o at lre. Drui'g Storo, .J. I). ?.,foorn. Craig 1Bros. Installation of Officers. Tho following is tIh progr mll for Clihpulio Instal latiol of ollicQ1f of Keoweno [ndge, No. 71., A. F. Mi., Dec. 19, 1913: Ins8tallat i m1 of newly elvec'ted oflicers inl cOurit bionse, 8 o'cloc 1). ml. Uanifer rilm of 14 I'tler St ai )egrce il L iglo I lll 1, 9 o'clock p. m. Sulpper at 10:30 O'clock p). inl. At the Ist.iillitioi, adidrosses on some of the features of Masonry will be d( livered by A. S. itwell, 1) 1) (1. M., Ninth Masonic District, andI I. T. Jaynss, 1). 1). G. m., of Wai hallIia. The public is in vited to the instal liaion e xreises in 0te court liouse. All ladie -, eligible to the Eastern Stair Degrev, desiig to have .l 81ame1 coiferred upon theim are r) quested to bt at the entrance to the Alilsoic I lall it 1) o'clock p. Iml., th (eveiing of the 19th, w.iere tibey will be met and provided for by a com Greenville District Appointments. The following appointments wero made at the annua1i11l conference, just closed, at G reenville, for this dis trict: GinA. : Dis-rac-r. It. A. Child, presiding eldr. Anderson--St. JJhbns, N . Kel ley; Orrvillo, S. T, Creech; West E11, 1). W. Keller. lasley anl Ietheada M. L. Banks, Fountain Inn, 1). P. 1303d; Greenville - Buncombe Street, W. M. Diucan; IHampton Avemw, .J W. Speakc; St. Pauls, T. G Herburt; West Gireenviile, C. T. Harmon; Lib G3reenville Carcuit,, C. D. Mann; Greer's, 0. T. Harmon, sr.; Liberty, N. L. Prince; McClure, A. A. Mer ritt. bupply; NortLh Pickens, Chas. L. MleCainl; J. P. A Itaiwav, superiimr. ary; Pe-zor, 1. E Fl.hwards; Pende. to;, S. W. ienry; Picklens, 0. M. Abnoy; Piedmont, W. A. Betts; Ittid Ville, T. J. White; Seneca and Vail. halla, E. S. J m is, Starr and Ivia, J. W. Bailey; Townville, 1). A. L *vis, suipply; raveier's itest, Wv. L.. Gaui:. Victor a'! Batesville, A. F. D iggers: Walhalla Cicirit, .J I. Spinlks; West minster, It N1. Dubose; N. S Bdlon ger, supernumerarv; William4ton and Belton, A. J. Cauthen, jr., Williaml stoni Circu it, T. B. ltcy nolds; Wi lianiston Female College, S Lidor, president. Turkey Dots. Children's Dav at Iountain GIrove thet first Sin lav was a su:'cess anlld everybody seemed to eijoy them selves. The w\'ay the outlng lcople delivered Ilreji speelles reflected credit, u poun their tatucher. The Rev. J. P. Ata.v.iy, J. D. Eleuns and It. T IKiens made slihort siecs which were birigely enj-) ed. J. .\M. liOdlespiO met with it very sec riolus accident somaie time ag. while return inulg from Pickens his t(mll 1a11 11av dislocating his ankle and bru i iLig himi upl considerably. At pre -eil Ie is d.ing very well. There was a. wedding last Wed los day1" at the hom$ I if tihbide' p1a renits Mr antd Nrt. E. R. Porter, \I r. T1. (3. Lyn1ch was ha~ppily married to MIiss MIalissa Porter, the Rev. A. Ji MnIiily' olliciating. Simo 1 Slic5 jk. Maynard News. Weare glad to sauy I hat ..1is's 1Ros able1 to be outt again. - iThe farmers of this Ol commuillty are atlmo1(st lthrough so winig g rmain. Sloan MI iller who is ill thei emloy of the railriomad, s pent. last week withb his miot her Mrs1.. E. A. D .ivis. M Iiss Oljive NealI a charin i g youn Ilg lady fromn Greenvillo is teaching the M~aynard schooJtl. MrI . andel\ Mrs. WVal ter 1, li.4er an visi, ing the latiter's parent MiNIr. MIrs. Clarience Will iamis v isitled hiis fr-iendc Grover D)aeus latst Sat urday. Misses0 Eunitice JBright anad Clouvit Bow(en spent. last 811nday with IthIeh friend NIiss Rosai Raintes. Lawvrene, supent1 Soundayi wvithN Mi.* F'anntie Bowen. V .oh-t. Six Mile Locals. There wasl1 a :iico little sn >w falli Iast Wednes'day hut to) our dlisapi pomt1 ,menit it mel(ted( he'ore we got to sniow ball anly of the girls. iiterestolg sermon ait Six .M ile T1hursday 3d it. W3ad (Gart and111( 1Beltoni )iIlard have opene i a store nieart Pratorm. (Garvin schlool op) -ned up l on the 30th l t. un lder' the flicienit man111age mont of Rlobt. Craig, Born unto Mr. and1( Mrs. TI. W3. D)urham on thb 20th uilt., a (laughter. I 'erry D~~uham visited( ini AnIdersonl counlty r(cently. Joh and i 11( Claiudo 13B1ooghsF of Piaters visiitted the famtily of thetir uncle, Noah K fenieoreii Suntday. Ben Satterfield mnade tiruteeni hun-ii dred( pounds(1 of stedI cotton oin one acre. Thaltu's thi , way to farm. Prof. D)oc GI irrtlt i Lu iachinig ai singinlg sehi ol atI C.uteu chee. Cen1cy3. WAN More Ct and Moi Our bLuIIeS iS increasing to double it. You will as< By giving our customers tl mfloney. We have some ba to your interest to see us 1: ~SIHI( We have on hand a large s expecL to sell at a bargain I will pay you to examine o We have a nice line of Dr) are always ready to serve H. A.s head and with i scolf Saya something about tis poor 1m1n1 coming to churlc i 1such a garb ald 1that he had better stay ed I at loam. My God, Mr. E4aditor, thore is going to be more of those kind of cbureh members in hell than Cartor h id oats. There will not be half enough of good men in Abraham's bosom to carry the water that will be 110eded to cool these so-called church mem bo's' par'clhing tongucs. B. Six Mile Dots. Hurral for the Snow \Vednesday muorniing! Th t abbit itunters were Very Much disappointed1 the snow bo inm; very lgt Mrs.. Joh011 11 Adori Of Kingsi, visited the fautily of W. A. liondricks re. constle. Cleo .\ann, wh.) has been in Atlan fa for (lite a w.hilo returno(d horine last 8'a3tmi-day. 11 is 80110vilat im prove,1. 13mimi Smith of Anderson visited o' Hoetion recit~v. 1 b Ma1ubu lin whiVnoved to (or oria som timo ago has moved back to his Ilitive homeiv. lie can't istav away from ol South Carohina long. T. B. Loop.r of Loopera ste ti. -3n visito I rulativos and friemis in ou1r Hcti on liast Satlurdaiy and Sund'1y. Little Louis and Deina Maulin of Stew.art wee'0 ho guests of thei' C usin G -nia Mau uldin Su11 1d 'y. III reyIv to Nir. B. I will just say it l 111be a ib eatiLiful sit uaLio in for a cotton muill and also a graded school buildiIg andih for sLtres, (at.ton) gilns, fur 1um1 ier' yardslz thbey are' plenitifulh, and3( ini youri pass4inlg through 1last Tuosd8( tv 1 supp >so~ yo0 u realiizud thie Mesr. Eliz i Tro()tter has1 beeni spen43ding soveraiil daiys in the Looper 831etion13. kiv in ouseci miOl1 531 3 failed( to call Onl the.writer', so) 8he wVill have to hiack a1way~ wit h13er1 old one0. If the) readers of Ithe entLiniel - Joiurna l thik miy item~ 3as dlull as8 my1 old kniife', they sure1lv tink them dull. I thii nk I amn ent itlud to 1new kniife, 11a! ha3!. Weo are' gladt to~ know01 that the little1 sonl of Bud1( ltioe hasi much iwr1oved. M%1r. and3( .irs. Joe Finidley of New. ry passe(Ud throu03gh our1 section3 last Si turdahny on1 thieir way13 to visit, the I 1tter' m3other11, Mr's. Jan113 Roberts of Stew art . Cilstma) I is111 abost her and0 the( ii( writer h >pes to have her sh1t1 o1330f the cakesH and g. 44( hin31gsi. llev 1). A. [.ewi s of Lib( rty v'isited in 0133 sectonii h11t week. Schoo313l e- d1 up 0on the 2d inist. Wvith thati (xO -Ihlnt tea~cr Leo Gill Mr's. A.. I'. Alexanider wals 11ho gueost gues't, of her(1 daul~ghter Mr s. C. L. W ilim n his0 t 118 unda illy. in br .\1VMr0. SiIhldon of (Greenville Wak up 1B.3301hy, Maid ('311 and (Oa)' Ey'es fiar Chriistmaizs is ablo~ost hero b( (o do n.st be silentL 8'> song, so long. I en1j Iy read(ing the itemse oif all the~ O ioresp131 ondens. W ih inrg te Selntii inol-JournaIl and 13 ( r'eaders a Merry'1 CJlaiustmas31. Old 1[iddle. Liver Pills That's wvhat you need; some thing to cure your bilious ness and givc you a good digestion. Ayer's Pills arc liver' pills. T1hey curc con stlipation and biliousness. Gently41 laxative. AlldugTst.e. 3r w o .1' r 33I ib b .k 'i'TI,'n u1. BUCKINGH AM'S !DYEi%*.r. (I e,' nv ) e n ..... n, 3 4 4 '. - A o Nas a'. . N. H. From Cateechee. Again, Mr. Ilitor, wo resuml1e Onr11 sont to give yoll it few do(s, though no don't kmvw whether Tho 8ntinl Joirial iS lt.ill bilg publialho( Orl not, as we haven't received at copy of the paper. thsR month,1. Smith lb1ollins requlests (lhe writer to 1Ay that 110 thiinks it wouhl be a good thing to chango The Seitiucl .Iouri'nal from a weely to a monthly paper, as hie doesi't, re-ceive his paper bist lbout onlce a month. SIto says he was at 1InIz.1I psto.li * last week aini tihe subscribers to The Selntinil Jorin up1111) thero rce.ive thei plaper everyv wcok lot la1tor than) Tuirsdiaty. '1 heir minail fac.'ilities aM not is good Is oirs. They have at da1ily na'.il of about sievent-enl ml les distaneo fromi PiCkIns, while WO hav-1 two mails a day of about nineatee'nu m.1iles d1-istance, U1aking it by, rinvav. Now, Mr. 1' lor, We(l don't think it i3 you r fault, as wo beliovo th1i papers are put in the olflito at. Poltk. ells oil %vediesday eveliilig hk yAo st, but ter1e is at dte11lli, [ .)'y som'.e where- Wno kno no V 1t where(. W\o oughrlt to r! cuive milr papers befor., the news b., ('18st s ialo. hi.Ister Delnnisi Crai.g, son)0 of John cratig, i4 Cl.1ekiln in the Comay Store ait this phitce. IHouitonl Cril, hlis brother, who for-nojrly lire. t thi plave, is now Cecii i ii > r F. 1. folgn & Bir"., lit C -ntal. .IMrs. .1 F. Ballister went to reel ville to visit. r-Ittives4 and friow1s. J. Luither K.'lley has movcl I fromi his fither's m1:11 ,leir. this placa, to his fXtherii-law's, N. 1. UIi11'4, niear Mitad-leni's bridge. Luthier ex pects- to follow the s til ill business this winlter. \Vhen L. A. Brown dmg his sweet potatoes thii fall he still had potatioes grown ill the ,year 1902 as soiud as a dollar. Whi > ctin beat that! On last Ttiesid'iy A. A. Piitrjjij killed a hog, C. I C. stock, 274 days obl, that weighied 2%30 potimdd.% MIr. Pilgrim s.tys lie never fed it but three busle's of Cort ill all. H1e raised it In sweet potatoei d1111 uilt termilk.I D. L. K ty, onl list NIotd'iy killed two Ilogs of tile sam1o siock, fifteen and ai halt f limlths oldi, (1eh, that weighed 2710 aind 329, s1)iCLively. D. A. Perritt. kil'ed ai hog solo timie ag t hat weighed 292 pountds, at ifteen 11101nth.s old. Thiis was the same 11g that NIr. Perritt proiniold tle olitor of this paper ia mw!-ss of ibs w'.hen he kill ed it. Mr. PUriit thought his hog would tip the wale at 400 1 mdIldi, but aias .\Mr. Purritt is short 108 pounds of miet. So NIr. Editor if you didn 't get yoir ribs donl't thinik hard11 Of him1. [We hav1\e not 118 yet, received the ribS I lt Still living inl hos E Iit )r Last Thluirsdav' the 11t1 inst , will be a day long to bo reimembered, tho occasion being th h in 1t of le 'r ner 'Stonle ait, the Nrri inill. AVter a sumfllptuous (l dineir was sorvetd it the 110tel to 1,he tfni31rW' of the Mih and the invite.d geits. The core Ilolliesl wer' carrield miut inl 't slcces fuil way. Trhe miill being closedt d IIi for ashort whilo on thei a11.o mIu of that occasioni. ITid p)Jople aniom~ bled in ai part of the extLensi n, not yet tilda with miachiiner an.) 111 after sion1 by Cil. D). K. Norrisd, he0 intro.i dIuced( Judge~( J. N. H ook, of Clemsoni Co)Illege, whot deli vere I a hii gly intera esting add((ross After the cluo of Lis part of thle cerema ilnlS, LtIhe stone1 w..as formially placo I by J. 8. 1 I..l, buiildhing inspenctor for the c> I pani~y. Thiis st~i~o ni tains mU~my v dut Iblel l1pper pertaiin lg to is mI ii l's his8 tory, tila cotton anIIld mi 11 fufnLt ii ngI initerests andti othier'subj cts r08 elating to) thel businel(ss Thatl~ jul'i ) o fellow, W. l; An lst, week. . tr. An t honly is repr10 sentlingi thei Tr'lave'llr's Ins'l~uancu CJomnpany. and1( saliie it, to say thatL he mleet s withI snecess a8 t neiarly evr pIlace hle gioes. L~j Wi. II ill, of 1'0sley, is mvin~ g to Reuv. M.f P. NI atheney". has ju t closedl ai seris of ILc. ting-I IlL (Camp Creek chiurch. W\e arie Ltoi I tt Mrii. lI'litur, youlH sirinek thle key headed " ('bo Poor N li n 1 an i th Churchi.'' Oiie cant hiardly ait tend( chiorebh ill the e) >nn1'ry as1 well ias in Lowlis, blt whlat ali e.N ao facbillii o or that11 editorid l meets ones1 eyets. Let Mr'. C., whlo mayk bei hasi b. on1 blessed withI this wi rbl's goiods a little abIIo hisi lieighibor, atni who is aible to wearl1 a go.i s'it of che hi is, hiis eye caitches0 ansohe 11 mo1 orla1 two that hue t hiinks is his equijal, or' a little aliikes hillid with Ltest 111en and1 may~ be at, t he( .same1 ti1)no H noni 1)oor hlonIest. Inan~l, butI who is noi t able to dress ini a stylishi mnner~i, is stand. ing by the conseqjuue is If that 1)oor1 Il'til 11 ('Ver cogiz/ 'd at al', it is j it byV a sl iglit bow.I ani thiesei we''tll dos(sed1 11(1 Len turn Lhir bac I11(k on1 himI) and bi e isi 3V1 never nticed anly moreI'l. chiurchel thi poor101 man is ne0ver' Vivted inI and1( mide Li) f'eel at hi >m:l, nai not (ve be01 thIle pr'e relier, butI if hii goos in hliha tot taiL~ke a bac(k Heat, so humlible andli elramped hie feels, andh man:11, on11( who wanits to bie ntidiced ont the necoun I)t of her1 I liat' no-n rii heu' rED! istomers -e Trade every day, and we expect how we expect to do it? ie best goods for the least rgains in flour. It will be 'efore you buy tock of shoes, which w e or a short time only. It ir line before buying. Goods anid Notions. We you. ICHEY. Bank of Central. An inltitution that melanls much for. tho gromwth an1d developinout of Contral i th establishment of Aln u). toiate b. mking ente prise Thw bank of Central ii Capitalized at, $20,000, and will open dooni for businees about Jan11. 1st 1904. The btilhding 13 a substantial brick structiro 20x40, ceintra!ly located. The fixtures have been ordered and will bo iu plice for Iusiness by the beginning of the Nuw Ye'ar. The directors, arc: F. B. Morgan, J. N. Morgan, lIlinrv Bowen, B. J. John1111n, i. . Shirliy, J. McD. BrLLue, W. L. Gassowny and T. M. Norris. Olicri, F. B. Morgan, Pr esident, J. N. Morgan, Cashier. Resolutions of Respect. WhlTereas, it hiasI pleased Go.1 in Hit alhViso Providonueo to renovo frol our miidt our lielovOd sister, PaIlulin(o leDaniel, be it ItRsolved, 1-t That wo are deep IY grivel by our hss, but bow in 8limission to H~im will. 2 1. Tbat, a biank page in our min. utle bootik 1hc iscribed n ith her name. 3d. Thiat, the Pickens Chapter ex t md I Iir sinccro 3111datly to tie be1'0aved fimily in their 1 anlictioni. 4th. 1 hat a co)y of thse reisolu Ii is 0 preserved )y tho Chapter, an1nl to the fam111ily and also to the c.tim pater for puiblicatioi. Signed, 2irs. 1. A. Gilranth, Alrs. 0. E Rfobinson, Nlias Marie Folgr. Commnitte . 'Isaqeena Cotton Mills. Laiot Wednonuday waIs a big deay in the history of tho growmjg fown of ( ontraliI. T1'ie occasionl wasl the Icy. mg,. of tho cornorstonIe of the Isa. geena Cottn ills with appropriate Theii pilatt is a model onlO through-i out, and means mnuch~l for the materi ali prosperity of the towni of Central atal addsI to the growth of the conitly at largo. Hion. .Juilius E. Boggsu wais the oraitor of thle d ty, and viuddly tohul the 8t.ory' of Iwequeenau the heoroinio for wich the big mtuill is nam uted. Th speaker relatest a great deal of local history cilustoring around this I hrillinig Indian legend, andu conl grait ulated tihe managemntI on the s'eection1 of so Ibeaut1 ifl a name113 Mir. Boggs soc gave a resume of tue growth andi deovelopmenoit of tihe co)tto mi Iill ind(ustry) II in ouih Carouli. 11a iln and Pickens county in) particlI TIhen folioowedx ~he d 1epositL of im. the corner~ stone. Am~ m1) the (depos its, were copies of the state papers, couty apers101, ai lista of the state0 (f fleers and11 (countiy V~otor. Th'lo miilt is caphiLze/.d at. $200,000. Theiu di r et ctor areo: O. A. Rt bbins, Chaurlotte, J. J. Fretwll , Anders01uon, J. F.. O.,. t rl, D). K(. Norris, Ce3I ntl. a O)Ielers, D). K. Norr'is,Pr.an Treas$., 1L. I. (hunios Socrotary. Notice. Notice i.i boreby given that the Il(ooks~ of ilubscri1ptionl to the catpitu stock of the Caluumet Mannfactu ring C'o., ill bo opened Saturday Dec. 2(i, 190:3, tt the Li berty flank, in the towni of Libe'rty', S. C., at 10 o'clock. H. L. Clayton, WV. i f. Chapman, H. C. Shirley, Rt. F. Smzith, BI. I. (Callahamn Board Clorporators. D~oesna'h t Rsp)ect Old Age. It's shameiful whenou youth fails to showv F 1oper respec)t for o)hl ngo", but1 jus~t tile contrarvlI'~ inl th1e oase of 1 a. King's New 1Li10 PitllS. TIhey3 cutL off' myaladioq tno mauttt'r how severo an i irrespective of (11h iago. D yspaplSi - , .Janitico, J"r ver, Conlstipaltioln all yield tothis perfect Pill, '25o at Pickenus Drug (Jo.