THE PICKE NOW I Our Ginnery has been running Our Mill is now ready for grind Bring your SE)EDS and exchan price ]or all of your seed, just as yoi Come to us and see how well w( but will pay as nuch, or more, for y THE PC 4J .Only a Few\ lDays More .. -:o - Buy Your Presents .2 And if you have not called I on mel. Come at once. 1)0o e not wait until the goods are s SAll kinds of Presents for th e 9 Babies, Children, Sweet -heart, Wivyes, Sisters and B2Irothers. E 1 have pZuChased1 on'e of. the latest U raphophones 0anid 811 the latest pieces, 5: which will play for you 2 while you wailt. (P Come soon~ and avoid the rush. Next (1001 to Big Store. * W. H. JOHNSON. ZEADY FOR BUS on full time this season and we thai ing and you can get plenty of hulls go themi [or meal and hulls, or we N I prefer. ScaIn treat you. We ave not govern< -o0ur seeds than any otle market. KENS OIL MI PICKENS PEOPLE! Stop at the "QUICK LUNCH" Room, B. BiAU M A N, Prop., for good1 old fashion ed Eatin g. 11am and Eggs, Steak andl Eggs, Fish and Oysters. Stews, Fries, or any way you wVant them. As nice meals as you will got in the city and the pri1ces are' COME~ AND SEE~ ME. [B. P>AUMAN, Main Street, Greenville, S. C. 0 mOMPANY INESS ik our Patrons for. their P(ationage and meal after this week. vill pay you the highest market 1d or controlle( by outsid prices, LL CO. TO THlfE TRADlINGPUBLIC I OT a Closing Out Salo, but reduced P) iens il URY GOODS, N NOTIONS, S1101-S, H ATE, CA PS, IeRC., that will cause youi to wonder how su~ch goods canl he sold at such prices. We are ollfering somo G ud Eargaini s ini thlese lin s through Decemi. ber. All wo ask is for you to come and inispect our goods, get t ries8 and whent y'ou see how mnuch we can save you, it mieanus your tra II ( ) IS ! H I11( ) ELS !a Our Shoos are Now anid of the~ lest Quality over offered in th is towna for the monufey. Ebhoes for thle School Ch ild ren that will p)lease. Let us soll you your Shoes. We have some Comforts and Blankets that we are solling this mnoth at Slaughitered1 Prices. If you1 need any of them COmel early, We havye a 'ompjl ete li ne of U W)CElt IlES at prices that will pleaso. fg j ) apprciate tou)Otr t rade1 and1 will alway s trealt youl iiht. EASLEY, S. C. 'Buying Made Easy... W II Yi is it thait untder our (One Pi'zce (Ca4h Systemi, our bhusiness~ contIinues~ 1o i mpr )v? Wrr i tnot for lhe G~oo i G oods at I'4)w Priicos Our storIe wul lnt b ecrowdedl~ wih so, many~~ pleasel ctnstoim0oR. We are anioui~is to hohl( (4o all our 4( oli.tI f iends an gaini now'. 011s by3 con~timungi to OIierIn Mchiaindiso at Rock Bottom Prices. 14!re are some1 tmarvolonis vailutis: A big lot of (ino Peun TIabletsi, wvell worith 10c. to &go w hi e they l ast aut Se etach. IIlmivy K hit. Over shirts, wor th 500 for -1le (achi. I leary leeCed1 linied Untder'shirts, wor lth 60i. fri -le. A few boys $weaters to close out at 250 tach. I~aies2' lNi i tndetlhirts, wilri b 50c, tn c lose ou t a t 50 ac. Aur. ,tiher big lot of l(oose2 soda 2 boundi~s for 5 cents. Strong lino of Chibireni's llo.e frometo 10 . pi.liglto Ladi' GO Irey ll 'oso for 5 and I100 p.r pa ir. 'C()ILAs HS ! () IAA I}S ! ! Wo have 25 dlozen Linieni Collars to go for 7h oach. Thle vory latest styhis. Loo4k ing G lasses 5. 10( amdi 15',~ thiiat arfe beaiutIies. A splenid I Iorse lirush for 1Oc. 1 doz4. Iin Pea Ltirl I 11ttonsa for 5 0. .(odoz. Agate CollJar Iliu tt ons fojr 50. Neer1be" packages, cont iing I [at IPins, l lurn ing Pmi s, Sewi ug N~eedles, I huoin tg Noed les, Crochet Noedlos, &c, for l0c packalge I set Itinijo St rinigs for 5c. A very largo bottle a. chin O14 il for 50. Winidow Shaudos 25c. to) 5)0. otichl .Big jot of Flour for Xmias as cheap as any body, Al hi kd~ in f litubbers forll' n, Xm. mnen and (Childroni. (Come to see us8. 22:Craig Brothers