Happelliings a LOx dlid Pe soll Nature. -J. E. 1irs'ns continue(s to im provo slovly. .W Tr. Princo tnid ftm11ily hav Imoved ):rck to thiri twopertv itwn. -Mrs. Lila Cox, (f Boltoi, is ont Ia visit to her sister, Mrs. . V. Earlo. If vo want Lit t_)o of the mar ke-t for 'your cotton bring it to Pick ens. Johnt [ (rifilin, who has qilo sick with fcrt r, is able to ho -Tio road from Pickens to Pmllnp. kimto.iti is reportied as being in fil' good fix. Th11k Pickens Biod has, 'rented ti slore rooml ill th0 Anthony build ing fo;r i practice roo . . - Triplels born to titt wife of Or1)antge Cole, of Lola, Via., werO naetd Alphionso, (laston and Leon1. --Remlel ullmlr J. 1). Moore is in the mtharket busintess. Call on him when in need of m11eats or a1ny other goods. -Henry Bolt, whilo playiig last vok fell and broko his arin butweern 1he elbow and wrist. He is djin~g well. --Booker Washingto'lis wife has taIght a class of colored gilla eIigh. teen dift'-rent wily of preparing cow pens. -armrs aro now busy pulling fodder, picking cotton, mowing hay and making ny their 'long rsweten. -When itn town Como in aril sire us. Wo always h bavo something new 1111d soliething that you want. Pickens-- Drug - o --.1. Wesley Curtis, of the Mile Creek sc'ctiont, is cuite sio: said to be fever. As yet he is not. dange.Vrous al his friends hope for him a specdy recovory. -When you Como to to vi, drop inl at The Sc.ntinol-Journal olico antd square your subscript ion with till printer's devil and lavoid trouble with the next.. --Lost a black capo wvith blue lin ing between McFall's storo and A. Kolley's on -the 26th tit.. Filder wil b... rewarded by leiving Same at. this ofico. -There wili be an all day singing at Geor.. e's Creek chu-ch on the thbird Manfl *day inl October. EVvry body ivl t :;l 1 1 ring i4iing )00 boo --F. 4.. i k, 'f ibAer ty, ill Picke:; Tns'lay and callel to se 11:1 anulhisu, ciim ae mid ilmi.-i': mTt 1hi nihboho''. Ilived i on. Chal Iie ~ii ureton1's p1lace, nearOl to wni, whIile out 'possumi l hnt ing l ast 'Torv iuight, dropped0( dead1(. .1earLtfailutro w'aa the cause of hiis -iM iss Entla Cox, of near' Cox Bridge, has returned home fromt ChIIaiaoegn, 'oTennt., and1( Biriing ham, Ala., where sho has been visit ing her sister and other relatives for the past several weeks. -RI. C. Carter, Liberly, has renftedl the Brown House store o m ant1dii carr'lies ai lomple te lineo of buggies, fail to1 seeO thtemt and( get his priics. 'We are i' rlably informt i th bat I ,200 cotnviets arie at work ont the Sout1herni Railroad from Knoxville -to WYalhlta. Itf is no0w anl aisured fact that this road will b)e pushed to completion." -All personsl wrho are no0w on turual routes1 are~ r(leusted to so not i iy this ((dic( so that we caln pr'opely atddress and1( get their paper to themi. RIural ro ute carrierts do no~t carry out a~ny matil Luless it is 11nariked for -O old1( friend, D. F. Suithla ltndl, of Mica, was in Pickens Tuesday Onl business and1 whtile itn town hte moved htis sitbscriipt ion up l a peg. Dan11 re por1ts every3thing in) goodi c'onditiont ut his stetion. Hie is suft'ering from Job's5 comiplaint. ' -'Untder the e-xistinlg lawvs of this State all the ntomaidio and gregarious Gy psy hor se-traders that habitually infest the country during the montey .season, may he classed as vafgrant s and- 11( punlishted. Let the law be ro mecmbered an 111 nltforced (spcilly against such as these. htount, w~as in icikets JTuiesduay on buIsinessf. While here ho( calledf onl TheI) Sen tineol-Journtal and1( mtoved( his subscrip)tion a ntotcht ahead. Ho~ ros p)orts every thing qJuiet itn his baili wick and1( says crops ar-e a littlo shiort, and( awful (1rty. Call again, '&pitire, glad to see youl. -W. HI. Johnlson has a full line of M usical 1.istriumtentts,Clocks, Watches, Chains, P'clket Cutlerv-, Ratzors, eftc. You will also find in~ his establish ment one( of thte nicest lilies of Pie tures', FrameslO and1 E!asels, you have ever se-en in Pickenis. Whlen you wat to (decorate our,1 htomto m111 on1 him atnd profit thtereby'. bidO'4 miother', onl CrowV I ck theC ~30th tilt., Miss Laoura I.!L~ne to Mr. lolb-if L. Rledmliol, of Oco. neet, 50on of 1(lthe fa famtedt M4 :R ed moitI, whlo proved ai Ihornt o t he athal. Bob, 11nlik e Itis fathi-, is a~ thteir, lives hn long andtt happy, in the wish of their ft'iendIs. 'PThe ((~ ilrnrmy wasB performedO( by R1ev. B 1'. Muii. - AllI of our1 corso nden0t(1ts are earnostly nrtged to get their matter' to us by Saturiday's mail, sure. T1his applies, part iculahirly, to out country corr'espontdenlts, asR our correspondl( en)1s iwho reachi us8 by railr'oad mail htave the advantago of' the Sunday schetdulo to Pickensh When commu~lh nicafionis r'eachl us lator thtan 8:30 Monday(113 mornintg, wo cannotft conis~it ently hafndle them then1, and1( have to run them over to the next issue, which oftimes ennso~s thtem to be stale. P~lease beart in minid the above and ot. y'our lotters to us as5 soon na8 poat tlihlo -Crops in the rumpkintown and [ibera i tions a-0 generally good. . MIson Sinimolns, who lives on th Oolotny, aIi two eloven monti old hogs tl't Vill veigh 300 pounds - -As usual Pickols county is well rupreseited this fall at the various institutions of learning throughout thet country.. -FOR SALE:--I have a lot of pigs ready for delivery. Prico four weelks old, three dollars. Eight weeks old four dollars. ,Johni Ferguson. --RL 0. Cartor, Liberty, is receiv. in1g one of the Ilagest stocks of dry goods3 and notiols from New York .vr brought to that place, and when you want. bargains call on him and le will savo you m1oneoy. ---This paper is published to dis. siliminato tle news, and we can11 only give the news whenever we learn of it. .We want to give you value re. ceived for your money and all the news wVO call, so will appreciato very muchi any items you will send us. While they may not be news to you, remember that othors will appreciate reading them. Just send us the skeloton on a postal card and we can put tho clothes on it. tf. -Seo change in tile schedule of the Pickens Railroad. The after. noon train now leuvoa Pickens at 4:40 and arrives in Pickens at 7 p. in. Tis change is made to give closer connections with Soutiern trains. No. 11 on the limin lino does not leave Greenville until 5:18, and ar. rives at Easley at 5:33. This gives ucauly threo lioirs in Greenvillo bo tween trains and will suit the publoc better, as doos the change on the Pickens road. -We lope that all the mothers of our communitv have read the ad. vertisement of Dr. MoffeLt's teething powders, (Tecthina) that has boon appearing inl this paper, as it comes to us higzhly endorsed by the best People of the land wV'ho have use~ it. 'Peethina is not a patent medicine, but a favorite prescription of Dr. C. J1. 1.olftt, who graduated at Jeffer. 60on Mledical college, Philadelphia, .t-, and has had much expe-rience in tlhe treatment of childien, and his Teethin becoming so popular he wits forced to abanldon the general prac tice to devote his time to the manu facture of these powders that have saved the lives of thousands of chil drenl. It is claimed that nothiing iquals them for the irnitations of t ething and the summer troubles of children of any age, and no mother wiNti snmial chifldren should be with. mot thema. Hotel "Hiawatha." Last Monday night, October 5t1, tie recently erected and commodious hotel building, the product of the in lth fatitgable bubors o f the pror('ietor, Mr. T1. D). Harrni, was thbrown open to, the public and ch risten al "'Hotel H-iawaitha."' Mr i. Harris was haippily fortumnato in the selection of' this beCauIifuil name, and this enterprise helps to commend the towvn ot Pick. enis to the puLblic and gives inicrea3l assurauce to thbo traveller, and the seeker alter health and the pleasures <>f a modernly equipped hostelry, with all the necessary and proper accom modations, that his wvants, whatever they may be, may be fully satisfied in Pi ckens. F .romn eight to eleven, a reception waos held, and to this, by announce mnent publicly made, all were invited. And the people of the towvn turned ouLt to see for thecmselveP, wvliat, in many respects was a surprise, yt not not ani unmpionsan t surprise, for those w'ho know Mr. T. D. Hairris anmd his lady and their rep~uted hospitality are0 always ready' to accord to them that mrerited1 praise wvhich, to the pub~lic spirited citizeni, is often the chiet compenisationi for p~ersonal study and the expenditure of means for the pro0 mlotioni of the interests of the comi Declicious refreshmients wyoreoserved in tihe ample dining room an-1 all through the evening the guests rozamIed t hrough corridors widle inspecting the lovely apartments mindc spendinig praiso up)on the con venienco of the arranlgemnent and1( the home-likce anid inviting asp(ect of all the house, whlile that indlispensable adjunct tol every creditable unmdertak inig in Pickens of t his character Tlhe Pickens Band- discoursed swveet muii4c and( made the p)eople feel tant here indleed had some of the hops of Pickens been realized ini this time ly business venture. News From Liberty. Libert y, S. C., Se pt. 28, 1903. JLbrty is (In a bIom. Several newv lunildings are beinig Crected which will soon 1)e compi1leted an~d adld to the looks of our little town). . Well, Liherty has about got her knitting mill. Will begin to workc in the near future and If. L. Clayton will lho presidlent. Mr. and M~rs. ,John Striecland, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mr's. J. HI. Brown. Visitors at the Willard Hotel Sun (lay were: Messrs. Lucius Grant, Arthur Werner and James Brown, jm'., all from Central. There seems to te some great attractions for the young men ini Liberty. Mr. Chianey has accepted thoe posi. tionl as depot agt-nt, here for Soutth imrn Railway. We are glad to have MI r. (C.ian cy with us8. D avid Moe re, of Ph-keus, visited frienids amnd relat ivos ini Liberty Stil dany. Come again D~ave, we are ail wanys glad to see yoeu. Mrs. J ulia Chapman, of Green ville, is visiting 11er sister Mr's. W. F. Chaipman. Miss Nora Boggs, of Easley, is the gtuest of Mrs. 8. 11, Ford. Mrs. M'. J. Chapman and Miss Lila Ford returned laat, week from A tlanlta, where t hey spent a week very lelasantly. Mrs. Chapman was on busmiess, b~uy'ing her fall and win telr stock of millinery. Shle hasm so. cured for thlis season, hler trimmer, Miss May Mlurray from t.he first of Max, lKutz. & Co., of Atlanta. Miss Mturray is an extollent young lady and we assure lien we are glad to hlayo lien with nla this season. Messrs. Johnson and Whitmire, of Cateecchee, visited Liberty Friday nlight. There is quito an attraction for the yotng men hiere, especially Mr. Johnson, "Blue Eyes." Stewart Items. IVWe are having beautiful woathe: for gathering the crops, although w( had some very warm weather las wook. Rather warm to pick cotton but wo did it jnst the same. The health of our community it exceedingly good at this writing. Mrs. Lula Simmons and daughter Addio, of Eas!oy, were the guests o the formor's sister, Mrs. W. B. Maul (111). Miiss Elizabeth Crensliaw is visit ing rolatives and frieuds in this com mnunity. TLe infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. P Alexander died last Friday and wa buried the day following at Keowee Misses Mattio and Lora Craig, ol Catecohee, visited their parents, Mr and Mrs. Jno. Craig, Saturday. Miss Tina Cook, a charming young lady who has been making her hoim with Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas foi the past month has gono to Birming ham, Ala , to make her home with her parents. liss Tina is a lovabb young lady and has many friendl who regretted to have her leave. Ola Mauldin, who is attending tbc Pickens Graded school visited hi parents, Mr. and Irs. B. D. Maul din, Saturday and Sunday. Ok seems to be well pleasod with the school. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. C. R Abercrombie is quite sick. V. B. Mauldin went to Easley or business last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tollison waE the guest of the lattor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, recently. Picking cotton, making molasses and mowing hay is the order of the day in this part of the county. Miss Lucy Mauldin was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. V. M. Long, of Ca. teechee, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Plumer Hyde, of Cateechee, visited relatives in this cow munliity recently. Rev. 1). A. Lewis preached an in teresting sermon to a large and at. tc-ntive congregation at Gap Hill last Sunday afternoon. There will be preaching there next third Sunday at 11 a. in. Mrs. B. C. Manl~din who was sick at last writing, I am glad to Say has about recovered. Mtra. Minnie Craig and daught--r, Sadie, visitedl Mrs. Craig's -mother, irs. Jane Rtobbins, last week. Most everybody around here at. tended tho old folks' singing at Six Mile Sunday. The Kneowe school, taught by N' iss Greta Gaines, closed, and ilho has gotnc to her home in Central. P. J. Mauld ill, who is amiicted with a concer on his face, has gone to Vo! zer to tako treatn.et under Dr. Wideman. The nany friendsl of Mr. Mauldin hop for his speedy recov ery. HIi.s daughter, Miss Ada, hasi gone with him to he his nurse. B. D. Mauldin visited relatives and1 friends in Andlerson county laBL week. White Rose. If constipated or bilious, call for Ra mon's Pills and be certain our clerks give you the genuine Ramon's; Complete treatment 25 doses 25c. Pickens Drug Co. Dots From Calhoun. Health of this community is very good at present. Rev. J. E. Beard, wvho has been running a mee'ting at Calhoun, closed it Fridlay night. M rs. A lice Cochran bas ~just r-. turned from a visit to her- dlaugh ter, Mrs. F". 0. Mattison, at Easley. Bruce Feninel has been qjuite sick the p)ast week but his many' frionds hope for him a speedy recovery. Miss Nellie Harris left last welk for Anderson whore she goes as an assistant in the graded school at that lalle. Claude Boggs, wvho has been ffre. ing for the Southern Railway Coir pany passed through here last Thurus (lay onl hits waiy to Ho(ustoni, Texas. Mrs. Etta Dillard has been visiting relatives in our community. Norman Boggs madle a flying visit to Seneca one d1ay last week. Our Sund~ay school at this. place is ver-y goodl. TIo Oure a Cold ini One D~ay Take Latixat i v Bromo QuIinine Tiablrets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure-. E. W. Grove's signaturle is on each box. 25c, Camp Creek lIems. WVe are glad to say that the health ini this soction is very good. Mi-s. L. HI. Vaughn is improving. J. H. Vaughn, of*Gr-eenvillo coun fv is visiting fiencds and relatives in this section. The baptizing at Camp Creek the fou rthl Sun day in September passed off cluietly. Walvy and illie Craig were with their best gir-ls Sunday Waddy Collins and Pickens Ahor. crombhie, of Oconee, wvere in our see tion recently. Rev. B. E. Grandy wvill preach at Camp Cr-eekc church the four-thi Sun dlay. We hope everybody wvill come ont to hear- Bro. Girandy as lie is one of our best p~reachiers. Prayer meeting every Sunday night at Camp Creek church. Come one and all and workl for the Lorwd. R. W. Va ughn is spending a fewv days with his uncle, J. B. Trammel. -' J. 1B. T. ias Meld a Plhie of ChjamberJlain's C'ongh Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy3 for mor-e than twenty years and it has always given satisfaction. ] have solud a piile of it and can recoim. miendl it highly..-Joseph McElhiney, Linton, Iowa. You wvill find this reme (y a' good friend when troubled witl1 coughl or cold. It always afforda quiclk relief and is l,leasanit to take. For sak by Pickens Drug CJo., Earle's Dr-up Store. TI. N. Hunter, Liberty. I.OOKI WEt HAVE- IT NOWV. After people visit larger cities they always tell of the great 5 and 1( cent stores they have visited, and the bargains oflered. So to fill thiu much needed want, I have establish ed a 5 and 10 cent department, ushere you can get the same big values found in larger cities.' Come and sep you will be surprised what 6 and ''N cents will buy. WV. fi. Johnson. : We Want Your Trade Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes And All Kinds Of HARDWARE, TINWARE, STAPLE AND FANCY CROCERIES. We have just Received from New York the largest line of Dry Goods and Notions ever brought to this place. We get our buggies and wagons at car-load prices. We will save you money on anything you want to buy. Call and Y seet me and bring your butter, chickens and eggs. Yours for Business, R. C. CARTER, LIBERTY, S. C. fGrand Millinery Opening Heath=.Bruce=1orrow Company Friday & Saturday Oct. 2nd & 3rd. Jon't fail to attend. A grand display of -ats and Dress Goods. The largest and miost varied selec- $ tion we have ever shown and the prices are right. 0 Watch this space. for add. $ TOre Grip e To ure a Cold in One Day cuos. TakeLaxative Bromo QO inine Tabets. On every Seven Mllion boxes sold In past 12 months. This signature, - box. 25c. UH RLEB D M RUNNNG T S ED ixT POR MLESAN thtto oouh C roiat Au-4 - -- - -' - an Nvmbr18h1N a one cent)4YFU NIE A 1u a mle lustwety ive GC cents th0nw to YYO U-. Her watst' tl Excursion Ratmes o Augusta,Ga., yuto reparefor th winterd~ysb Nov. 9thn 10 lwah, and p oil wiohn 1th ,i nd f o t inssc eulied to ar. St ve or C ok n rive, in. ga, Garetr non or urNovehm te 1 t Nov. 1t. 0cnt84 Fiksor full parmpts)0ticularsappu to anyrHeates for heaitr dasb aent of 100 company o Auto,(n,~ No..t W.d Hnt, d. Pi. A.,h ~ brteyingarin radius of 100 rle stNov ,. 10ha. 11th, an for tratAslstouluroduceiigoodSovesefo n 1 e2th, ennaren0 t ro Noev. H w nt1t8sy1o ou Mothr frnyl gSwtllr nPo lyt ai H ters for Heatiren, vgenstie of t e StomnI ach troul, Crae'orWar in R.d eV R unt N . P. CharlesHetnw invieAYO to visitegod her IliySheriff1111tl11 Sa le j. Y ur'tu Inw Y c ommon Plea, o1 s c24Iourt. NorHthU i St.~Jh~JII~li E S E, I.IC Fani, c Hniopleb ua et al. Defendats.9U Iooao Jae Aldrich pr sidingivie Y Utovsi Sugo her20fh a fly, 1o03,ruly i om onth hPes idd. othMi t ES in frnto thy cour thue o oor fo foalyonon CNo- J J i J J.L muhloi th fbOvloin sribed r)l(e Iloeramle.JaosAldich prsidng an~d ,see us before buyinig D.ry Goods andl Grocories. WVo have jude, n tle20t da ofJuy, 903 1 julst opene)d up t.sew goods and lots of 'em. WeT havn't t he ~vi1 o~ltothe1i~h~t uddr i) rot. l spaco to quoto prco but com-'. and see Cus. Our' prices are rih.Bargainus in our DyGosta ilsrrs o n suc sac, he ollwig dS~rhi~ 1011 our notions aro new and( at variety 0of theml. Pri3es are down estate, to wit: - ant the0 bottom. All that ciertalin piece, parcel, (or tratt ~ aeo11C110o onfreadBakt htw a of land, situate, being and hying in tIAe, pl ~ ieprt~i O ~ooe ~lw ~~o o county and stato aforosaid1, and( bounded ctlrpilrol$.0prpa. by. lands of WVhit A. Ifamilton, James Orgoeisaca vy ohadpie iht. *ht I Johnson, H~enry' White, mind others, con. )fq~(1 lycm n ieu tlo. Cuty p'de tining one hundred and fifteen (i115) 1)nlt id8hd aorns, more or 1es8. tushvyoriuniy. ClasIech iA hrst. Terms Cash. Purohaser to pay for all ea rthnay0101). odIorgu ate. papers anld for recording the same. If tho purchaser does not comply with Yusfrtae the terms thereof on the (lay of sale, it will be resold on some subsequent salo day at the risk of the former p~urebaser, WA T & G I F N and so on from time to time uintil a res ponsiblo bidder ho found. J. . . MoD)AN-I,EA L Y SC Ou gocriskreawassreh ndirct igt. .W eni nedofayco oad ieusalok outyprdc Ji.~ Watch this space. Folger & Thornley Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing A Specialty. W. T. McFALL, J. McD. BRUCE, Pretilont. JMORihiOr. SPICKENS BANK, OF PICKENS, S. C. CAPiTAL, - - $ 20,500.00. PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09. DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29. Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management, Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers. WE MAKE A SPElIA UTY OF SMALL LOANS TO FARMERS. e'DIRICTR5-,e .I. 1E. U.\GOOD), .l. c I.n % y.l((t W. M. 11AG001). W . T - . % T. \. 1W Tp fl. A. RICII FY, .1.. T i'iW .\ lT Too <' Small. OR the last two months we have hardly had time to get a long breath tryng to handle so many chickens and we wish to say to the poultry raisers for their good and ours5 to stOp) selling -your chickens so small as they arec not wvan ~~ ted anywhere at any priice. Large chickens will bring a much better price and are al w ~ ays wvanted. H-ens are in good dlemand. WeV wvant all the eggs we can get and will give the~ highest market price for them. Call on us for all kinds of merchandise at the loweat cash price. *CRAIG BROS. One-Price Cash Store J1. L. BOlli, M. D-. J. N. HiA L LUM, Ph G. Pickens & Drug ?Company. Don't Think~~ of going to Greenville this Fall to buy your CH-RISTMAS GOO.DS. Just bear in mind that we are going to have a full and complete line right here in Pickens. T1hey wvill b~e nice, choicey and strictly up1-to-date. You know we always treat you right. Pickenis Drug Co. Another Shipment of that ex\cellent Flouri to arrive this week, also * a lot of wheat b)ran andl shor ts. Good feed for any kind of stock. I lomemadle Apple Vinegar and spices for pickling, New Olothi lIg, New Shoes, New Dress Goods, New Hats, NEW EVER~YTIHNG. Furnitur e, Stoves, Trutnks, Ir on Beds and Sp~i ngs, Cots and Mattresses. We Are Fixed For You. Come anid see us. FR ESIH...and...R ELIA BLE The Groeorie4 you buy', at miy store will ahvays be the best. I keepj them going and( see that they neer get stale'. You Will Be DelghtedM~ wvith the class of Goods f sell and pleasedl with tho attention I give to your interests. It will be worth your Limo to comoi andl soo me whein in town. My Aim Is to Please=:=::: my customers and if at any limo your pure chase is no~t satisfactory bring it backc and I will anid I will not omnly make it satisfacetory but thank you for your trouble. Very 1e.4pectfuilly, R. R. RO ARK. Freshchoclates just~ ar rived.