flappenligs o1 a Local alld Personal Nature. --80o change in the Big Storo ad. ---Dr. W. F. Autin, dentist, will bo inl E-evy S-p0. !ist and 2d. -Bortrand K. Thornley, of Clarks. Ville, Tenn., is visiting his mother in Pickeis. -0. W. Latlm an1(md sister, Mrs. Luoy Hiolcoillb, of Clement, visited in Pickons last wook. --It. L. Hendorsonl, Wife and chil dren have returned from11 ai visit to relati4es in North Carolina. -Tho friends of Bonson B. Gil. strap will learni with regret that he is quite sick, hat hopo Ie will soon bo well agaIinl. --.1 ulgo It. 0. Purdy, Solicitor J. E. Boggs in(d ln'wyeir J. P. Carey I.)enilt last Week inl the beautiful Sap phiro country. --J. C JOnings is now in Liber. ty, clerking for his brother, J. F. Jeniings. Cal. is well plOased with hlits new locationl. --tev. J. T. Wado preached a very foicoful sormon last Sunday in the Pickons Presbyterian church on Sab bath Desecration. --W. If. Craig left Tusoday evon. ing for a fow days rest, whiict will be mostly spent on tho -banks of the limpid Kvoowco-and elsewhore. -Born to Ar, and Mis. Warren D. H endricks, jir., of Pock, on the 18th inst , it 11i1o 11 poiud boy. This is the sixth child and sixth soil ---P. D. aid A. S. Masters, who is cultivating land near Table Rock re ported oil Ilie 17th inst., 263 bols, b)lloIlls, and squares oil one stilik of cot ton. -J. Sam Wvilson ald family, of Liberty, lrs. J. 13. R.. Freelmlan 111( son), Erlest, and W. E. Griflin, loft Monday for ani outing in the famous Sapphire Country. -M11arried, on the 16th inst., at the resid(nee of David Bohling, near Shady Grovo church, Binford cren. shaw to Miss Fainie Martin, Rev. S. G. Sloan ofliciatin)g. -Mrs. Sunie Dicken and c(libiolln, Walter and Sue, who havo been with W. F', Diken, ut. it Birmiigham, Ala., for some time, are inl Pickens to the delight of their many frionas. --Aileorge McW'horter, of Nowber ry, spetit several days in Pickens last wi.ek; ho w as 1u herO for lis health anid itncideuitally to so ck a location to elbiark in the mercantile business. ----Tlhe n,any friends of Maj. James 11. Am bler, who is in his eighty-third yuear, will regret to learn that he is (ulite Sick, but hope it %%ill iiot prove serious and that ho will soon be him &elf again. --Rev. B. EA. Grianidy closed last Suniday a very successful mueeting at Cros Roiads. It is said to have been thie best in I ih history of the church. Tfhere were nline alccssions by bap. tismi aiid two by letter. -iR. C. Carteri is connected with Iw~o ot hierl very large stor'es and ihey' 11m1y their1 goods ini such quianit ies th at it (enab10les him to save y'ou mon01ey 01n mlost (everythiing you1 buy1 fromI limn. See his chiange in ad. *-Infoination r(eeivedl by Snipt. Hialloum. from Pridenl~t .Johnson, of Winthrop01, conveys thei ofieial in for mnationi that Miss lFlorenico Hendricks hias beenol a wa rdeds thue schol aiship from th)118is outy3 in that school. --While James W~iichester was cutting shingles one (day last wocok, at pico from the block of wood flow oilf anid hit him in the eye. He is uder the carO of the physician an~d is (10 ing as w~ell as could be expoeted. -N. D). Taylor, phlotographlel, will be in his studio at l'uekens, in the Carey old builing, niext Tuesday 2d. If youi want first class work call on1 him, and rest assured1 you will get it.. -Last Monday the 17th inst., as the northbountd train was passin Liberty the mail p)onch was throwai off and( sucked unditer tihe trailn and mail was scattered for' half a mile. This matter ought to be taken up with the post oflico department. -Th e Keon school is progress. ing nicely undeL the mnagoa~ment of a most complotenlt teacher, Miss Greta (Gainles, of Central. It is the largest school Keowee has had for several yeOars. There arie at present 54 (in roll and1 there are more to enroll yet. -Dr. WA. J. B3owen was called home by telegram on ac(count of the serious illnless of his little thiree-year-. oldl daughter, Eurotha, who had a very severe attack of pnieumon ia. At last accounts the little onO waIs ver'y low, but it is sincerely to be hop1ed that she will recover. --Johnl Welborn, of Toccoa, Ga., is on a visit to his brothers in Pick enis counity. He hias sold most of his pr'opc(rty there with a view (if locating ini the far westerni state of WVashiing toll, hiaviing beel) t hor'e sinC March unt1 il the 18th of July13, an d is very~ 11nuch1 plIeased with that coun iitry. 7B. E (Grandy' is havmng the ma I (rm il Ig dowin pr1eparatory to goin~g auhiuad with the building of the oil nuhl; lie also has tho contract for the graded school building at 10asley, which will b)e located oin the lot whiei'e thle (o1( Clyde hotel stands: lie also has several . miti'rtcts for private resi dences iin thast thriving town. - .. (C. Iutchins, son1 (If C. TP. IHutchins, of Liberty. wa~s on a visit relat ivos in Il'ickens~ last weekc. He is a benIeiiry' of thle Citadel Acad-. emy and1 wvill get thr iough next year' and whien thle examliniation takes place to fill 1.1h( vacanicy thiere should h)0 several applicants. Let the youth of I i county study hard1( and try for the plaUce. ---James Floyd1, ani aged gentle.. maln, who resided on J. Sam3 WVilson's pl ace, below Liblerty, suddenly drop. ped dead1 last Friday evening, from something like heart failure. Uoro nor Parsons was notifled, but after mnqmriy, decided it wvas useless to hold all inquest. Heart failure was the cause of his dea1th. lie wasl an1 o1(d Con feerate solier' ad was sevenlt' , -W. B. Anthony is in Pickens hustling the boys for insuranue. --Mrs. Henderson, of Olinton, is visiting the family of H. A. Richoy. --Mr. liagwell, of An lorson, is on a visit to his son, J. Luther Bagwell, on iothilehoim ridge. -R. C. Carter, Liberty, has re ceived a lot of the celebrated "Thorn. bill" wagons which he will jell at the right price. -Rev. 0. M. Abney filled his reg ular appointment in the Mothodist church last Sabbath evening and de livered a very edifying discourso. -The road to Eastatoo, by way of John T. Lewis', to Aikon's store, is now in fine fix except in a few places whero there is rock which ought to be blastvl out. - -Give us your order for job print. ing. Our line of stationery is com pleto and we can do your work with neatness and despatch. Call and get our prices. WO Can save you money. - Mr. ---- Honderson, driver for tho Valley Lumber Co, met with a serious accident to his eye Sunday, which may destroy the sight. He had found a whip in the road and startod to pop it when the cracker flew off cutting a gash up the side of his noso and striking him in the eyo just under the sight. The doctor is treating him and says he does not know yet whether the sight can be saved or not. -This paper is published to dis seuinate the news, and we can only give the news whenever we learn of it. We want to givo you value re coived for your money and all the niews we can, so will appreciate very much anly items you will send us. While they may not bo news to you, remembor that others will appreciato reading them. Just send us the skeleton on a postal card and wo can put the clothes on it. tf. -There was a terrible storm in Pickens Sunday night which blew down the old salaboose that has stood, ever since this town was laid out, ou the southwest corner of couirt house square and been an eyo-sore for many years. Mayor McFall told Chief Griflin that he did not want to know who did it, or how many were in the crowd, but to find out and ar rest every one of them and set thom up at the soda fountain. Good for h1im. -Tom Ward, c)lored, an eight year-old boy whom 3imon and Ellen Valentine, colored, hold taken to raise was found dead, Tuesday morning about 150 yards from the house, near the spring, with every evidenco to prove iurder. Simon reported the matter to Coroner Parsons, who held an inquest. The child was bloody, with soveral contusions on head and face, and evidenco on the body to shov a terriblo boating. The skull was fractured. From all of the evi der1o~i ai verdict was rondlered that the child was killed by Ellen Valrn - Line and a warrant was issueod forg her arrest andl she was lodged in jail Mica News. lThis setion wvas blessed with a good1 rain) last wveek. W. WV. Chapmaujwas the guest at his brother's home in the Lenhardt section lost weel. J. Lucian Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hendricks, Sam Fondley, of Easley, and Miss Evie Hendricks went to North Carolina on a visit on) Aug. '7th and returned on the 10th. They reported an enjoyable time while in 01ld N. C. The pleasaint air and good( times have imp~roved thomn a great deal. Miss Rutha May Hendricks, of Asheville, N. C., is on a visit in old1 South Carolina again. She spent last week wvith Miss Evie Hendricks, of Mica. Mrs. Sallie Hendricks and chil dIron, of Mica, are visiting in Griffin section this week. Miss Ruth Hendricks is visiting her grandmother at Pickens this week. Cannon Andrews, of Zirconia, N. C., and Miss Evie H-endricks, Sam Fendley, of Easley, with Miss Emma Andrews, of North Carolina, went to Heatherly Heights August 9, and went on the tower which was a grand sight. Heatherly Heights is a high peako near Zirconia. The tower is 100 feet high. They reported a granld time. Married, at the hume of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Looper., Aug. 6, 1903, Mr. Edward Hendricks to Miss Fanny Looper, Rev. Mr. Mullinax officiating. Their friends present were: Misses Alpha Free mnan, Maggie Chapman, Cora Chap mnan, Evie Hendricks, and Nora Looper Messrs. Fletcher Smith, Sam Fend ley, Oscar Looper, Olar Chapman, Marion Freeman, Sam Looper aind J. L. hieodricks. After the marriage the bride and groom Moent to the home of thme groom's parente, where the table was laden with the good things to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hopkins and son, and Mrs. Eva Mil. 1er and two children from Greenville, were also present. We wish the happy couple muchi joy and hiappi. ness through the journey of life. The protracted meeting will begin at Mt. Tahor the fourth Sunday with. Rev. Lem Freeman in charge. Ev erybody is invited to come andl take a part in the meeting. The health of this community is very good at present. Miss Martha Feindloy is the guost of Miss Lenora Looper this week. Mrs. S. C. Chapman and children are visiting at W. J1. B. CIhapman 's this wveek. Mr~. andl Mrs. Edward Hendricks spent Saturday night and Sunday at 8. M~ Looper's. Mr. aiid Mrs. Lewis H~opkuis visit ed Mrs. 8. M. Brown, of Field, last Sunday. Sam Fendley hias r'eturnedl home after a pleasant visit to relatives here. We are gladl to know that Mrs. Millie Hendricks Is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. LjenhqrcJ and, son were guests of J. Luciani Hen. diricks last Tuesday. lBluc 4yos. If constipated or bilious, call for RaT mon's Pills and be certain cur clerks give you the genuine hRmn' Camlplete treatmienlt 25 doses 250e. I Pickens Drug Co. Cedar Rock, News. We are having a il->uishing school conductod by Earlo Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Bowen have been visiting the former's father, Robert Steele. - Mrs. Hattie Craig has been visit. ing her old home at Contral. G. W. Bowen, of Mica, has been visiting friends inl this sectionl. We were glad to see Lim down oi this side. Crops are very ina in this section. Wo are having nico rains for tur lip --owing and the 1otato crop. J. W. 8lheriff is still sawing lum. ber on Miss Jano Duke's land. le is a g6od lumber man. Call on him whoen in need of lumber. Dr. W. .1. Bowen has bo(1u visiting his father, \V. T. Bowent. le re turned to his home at Mount Pleas a1t last weck. Miss Bello 'Fmith has been quito sick with fever but is imiiproving. Bltck iloadod Girl. Items From Sunny Dale. The protracted meeting is in prog ress at this writing. It is conducted by Rov. Frank Murphy, assisted by Rev. ,Walker, of Tryon, N. C. It is being well at tonded, and thnro is much interest manifested in the spir itual welfaro of the church. The school at this place is doing good work. The principal is Hovey Earle, of Pickons. The educational meeting 1he](d hero Friday was a decided success. The exercises consisted of songs and ad. diesses. Miss Mary Shelor entertaidi ed the audience with a nice speech on school improvement and silk culture: The next speaker was Prof. V. E. Dendy, of the Pickens Graled school. le spoke on manual training, nature study aind music. Ile handled his subject well and the peoplo of thas section would be pleased0 to have him return and address thiemn again. TI e last speaker was County Supt. of E T uication Hallumai. H1is subject was the power of iiluence. Miss Josie Earle, the teacher at Rock, grouped her school with this one, and made the day memorable. At 1 o'clock dinner was prepared m the grove nearby and every one invited to help themselves. Pipings From Oolenoy. Crops are flourishing in this sce tion of the county. The beautiful valley of Oolenoy presents an on. trancing panoraima to the beholder just at thin time. With the excep tion of a few places along the banks of the river, ti o corn is excellent. Some of our farmers claim that their cotton crops are unuisually fine- -tha best they have ever raised. ThIl( valley of the Oolenoy was for nerly known as ''Egypt," and farm era camio inl ulme froi Groonville and Anderson to buy corn. This fned Ivalley may not be '4he gran ery of the world'" as wvas ancient Egypt, bunt it is certainmly the grancry of Pickens county. Our educational rally on the 19th, was a gr-eat success. Excellent speeches were made by Miss Maryc Sheolor, Sup1t. Hallum anmd Prof. Doendy-. 'I heir a~ddresOs w( reprc tical and up to-daato and will act as a stimulus inm progressive ednelation dtmong uIs. The meetting 'vas pr-esi ded over by Trustee J1. D. M. Keith. Riepresentativo Ma tthow H end ricks openied the meieting with prayer. Miss Halrris p)resided at the organ. Th, re ,vas an abundance of ovtryv thing goodl to eat, all partook to t'ueir full satisfaction and went away re freshod mnontally and p)hysically. News From Stewart. Having sceen nothinig inI your ne wsy* paper from t his commnity ini cuite awhile, I take p)laure in giving you ai few dlots. We are having plenhy of rain this necok. On last Tuesday even ing, Aug. 11, thme death angel visited thme home of Mr. and Mrs. B3. D. Mauldin aand claimed as its victim their hattle in. fant, Mittie. She was a bright littIc babe and the light (If the home, yet God saw fit in His~all-wise Providence to take her home. She was buried the day folloing at Gap Hill church. Mayv God comfort the boereaved f am ily in this their hour of grief and sor row. Miss Grota Gaines, of Central, and Mist Mattle Stewart, of Alexander, were tbe guests of Miss Lucy Mauldin last TVhuray. Thpps M auldina, of Piedmont, visit ed relativos in our section this week. Quuite a numbher of ppl)o from this community wvent to Pickens to (lay to hear tihe "lBig Three" spt-ak. Mr-s. Alice Herd, of Piedir ont, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jano Rob bins. Mrs. .Belle Finley, (of Newry, is the guest of her mothoer, Mrs. Jane Rob bins this week. Ma-s. Rosa Mitchell and chaildren visIted relatives in Easley last week. Mi. and Mrs. B. C. Mauldin visit ed the latter's parents, Mr'. and Mras. McHugh, of Penadleton last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson re tiurnied home with them mind will visit in this community and Six Mile be fore they return home. Th'e cories of meetings at Gap Hill will begin tomorroew. The meeting will be c.mnducted by- the pastor, Rev. D. A. Lewis. B. 1). Mauldlin hast been on the sick list for a few days, but glad to say lhe is much improved. Miss Mary lTrotter, of Meet, paid 1h0r friend, Miss Lucy Mauldin, a visit last Sundlay. Mrlt. nnd( ~Mras. John Holdon, of Kings, ar-e visiting in our section this wee k. issj A dan Miauldin has retur-ned from a very p)lenanat visit among r-elatives and friends in Ander-son counity. Weoll, if this loes not find its way to the waste basket I will prob01ably appear again. Snces to you), Mr. Editor, andl all the roadr-s of yeou' papers. Sun Flower. Aug. 15, 190O3. To iMotheors in 'fTnwn,. (ChI1 tibi wh Fre del ete-, fe'verIih ant oross vwcot PowderN for 1h, t'reii. Tmhaey clemamio the Ist4mnoh, eti 1Ott (ho liver. mankiig ma sh-kly alhikI stu on i udt heal thy. A certain estre for worms. Suoh)li' all <1rinigit X saiple free, A~d dress, . 1lenuS. O mtue'l tIohny, N, ky Reduction Sale tions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies, larness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes - And All Kinds Of 'INWARE, STAPLE AND FANCY CROCERIES. I leave for New York about Aug. 28th to buy one of mes of General Merchandise ever kept in this country ie right price. I AM AGENT FOR Ti'iE CE1LRBlTATEID PLANO MOWERS and RAKES. . They are the most simple in con struction and lighest running and most lasting mowers ever made. COM AND LET ME TLL YOU ABOUT THMOS, are THE CASH MERCHANT, Liberty, S. C. tw Grip ire a Cold in One Day I Days. no Quinine Tabiets. . o every months. 'his signature, .ox 2 7P56 bu, O 5C. CUT PRICES --AT TeBig Store. TO MAKE ROOM For FALL GOODS. Our buyer is now in the Eastern markets to buy one o the largest stocks ever brought to this part of the state and ir ordcr to make room for new goods we are offering Big Reductioins in Many Lines. We have just receivedl a fresh car of "STUDEB3AKEF WVAG ONS." Everybody knows what the Studebaker is, anc the price is right. Watch this space and come and see us. Preill-nt.10 -(O'O 00,le * PICKENS BANK,.e OF PICKENS, S. C. CA PIT AL, - - $ 20, 500.00. PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09. D EPOSIT S, - - $ 100,055.29. Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management. Liberal Treatment to all it's Custome'rs. WVE Malm A SPECIATY OF SMALL LOANS TO FARM I'RS. er'-.DtREcroRnan OXFRDs AND -S~LI PPERS THEY MUST GO W'e are now offering our entire stock of Low Cut Shoes at G 0 - Q U I C K prices, Take a look at our Bargain Tables. PRIDE e& P ATTON Greenville, S. (I. Too a Sm all. OR the last two months we have jhardly had time to get a long breath trying to handle so many chickens and eish to say to the p~ouhlry ralisers for tergoodl and ours to stop selling your chickens so small as they are not wan ~~ ted anywhere at any price. Large chiickcens will bring a much better price and are al.. ways wanted, Vlena are in good demand. We want all the eggs we can get and wvill give the highest market price for them, Call on ias for all kinds of merchandise at the lowest cash price, CRAIG BROS. SE Bigi .Dry Goods, N Wagons, I HARDWARE, T My buyer wil the most complete 1i1 and will be sokl at tl To&A Tae Laxative Bro Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 Fortner Dots. J. M. Pt riner, who is teachi'g the Girove school, mado an average of 76 pupils last m ith. This is the largest school ever taught here. The good neighbors turned out and heat d cur groat lady e Iucator lecture August 20th. The saw mills are on a I oom iN this section. Crops aro lookidng woll at, this writ IlIg. We hope to see Mis. J. M. Rig. donl, who has beon qiite sick, out in a few days. J. D. Fortner and family, of Green villo, is visiting friends and rolativo4 in this section. 'I ho singing and Sunday school at Grove is still on a boom). The protracted meetiig at Plon . alt Grove huil 6l start the lilt h Sundaly inl this month. Ed~die Rhodes, of Pelzter, is visiting J. R1. Duncan. Tihe boys are' taking their mnout taia hunts, but report, gamte scaree. From Vistamnont. Having seeni nothing from this, par't of the county lately, will say a few words. Laying-by time has coim; we areT all through wvork and1 are enjoying a1 rest. Have had1 some fine rains 1lately. Hfealthi of this commu~ ini ty is good at p~resent. WVe are enjoying our-solf ealtin) melon~s and going to mneeting this~ week, alithough we) have t.0 waulk, as~ the roads are so bad we cann ot ride., Mr. Edhitor: WV here is Old hmui Noah ? Has his Arik sun1k, or' not?1 We tulposed it hadl as we do not hear anything of it. WVe wvant to sec Nnh - we do0 not enre anyvthing about his sonts-we live in lhis beat. T[here has been nothling done1 to anty of our roads this year and( n2ow haven't any roads, but have plenty of gullies. If somnethlinig is 110t done at once we are0 going' to kntow why. ff we can't get thle roads1 worked they should pay3 us back our dollar11 con11tuuationi lax; then if there wasF all Oorsoor' appointled we Would w~orkl 01ur gullies. For us to go ahead and do the work is about t~he only way our roa~ds will ever be p)ut inl pafssale lix. Another goodl plan is to chaunge hands occasiolhly', and I, for one, am in favor of changing inl tile com-I miiiones3's o0lice next year. I hope) that thbe ark will light about M (I. Winchester's mill al once and( (10 what ought to have been (done a year ago. A u . 8h 103.Keen Klipper. Death at Easley Cotton Mill. After an illness of about thmree weeks, Maggie, the 14 year-old dlaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. D~rako left this world for her home on the Throne in Heaven. Maggie was ai faithful attendant at Sabbath school also a good worker for the Master's cause. The last work of hers was to 1il1 a collection album for the or. phans. In this she fulfilled the comn mand(: "It you love mno food miy lambs." "There is a Home on High, The Home wye love so well In the land beyond the sky, Thioi Maggie has gone to dwell. Herot body sleteps in thle tomb, Ini the coldi andl silet tomlb, Ihnt her spirit is up~ on High And she calls miotacr, father como1. A F'riend. Violent Atftack of Ilarr'hoea Curedl by Cha~mberlm' Colle, Cholera and1( Dlarlrhoen ltemed'uy ai l'erhuitps Saved0( a LIfe, '"A .sI.ort time ago I wa'us taken with at violent attack of Diarrhtoea and believo I would have dlied if I had not gotten relief," says Johni JT. Patton, a leading citizen of Patton, Ala. "'A friend ree Ommendedl~C~ Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and11 Diarrhoea RemedC~y, I bouight a twenty-five cent bottle andl after taking three (doses of it w~as entirely cured.I coniderr it thei best remeldy in the world for bowe'(l comiplainits. For' sale by~ Plchen. Drug Co. andI E rIe's 1Drug Store, Piplker.s and( 'T. N. Ilunter, Liber Talk About Your "MiII End Slos" an0yor "Wrd.kyo but they are nbt "In it" with our "Knock Down", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for t h MONTH OF AUCUST. Big lot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, lots and Gents Furrt xi ishing Goods to go at and and below Now York cost. Over 800 p irs of mens and boys paints il sizes and colors to go at p:icos never be fore beard of in the State of lIckens. Big lot of Clothing, come and select your suit name the price and take it. This is no fairy tale but plain facts we are talking . We would rather have cost for every suit in the house than to tho timo and trouble to move and rearrange them in our now store. We hopo to be in our new -uiarters by Sept. 1, and we (contem plate buying the largest stock of Genoral Merchandise, consisting of Clothing, l)ry Goode, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishings, Groceries, Hard ware Furniture, Buggips and Wagons ever brought to this part of the country. We will convert our old store into a wpgon and Buggy and Furnture Depository and by Sept 15th we will he prepared to show you a eomplete and well selected stock. Have just ordered a oar of Mitchell & Lewis wagons which are the best on the market. Romember: For the next :30 days we will offer soine of the greatest bargains ever offered in Pickens. Folger & Thornley Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing A Specialty. J. L. Bolt, M. 1). J. N. Ianlum, Ph. G. Pickens Drug Company. We Have Just Received A Nice Line Tablets, Box Paper SVisiting Cards. and everthing in the line of Staple Station ery. Tablets from 5 cents up. lleautiful Vriting Papers. Come and see. An Invitaton iextended to the trading putblic to call and see the line of goods I carry. If either the goods or- the pri ces don't suit you don't have to buy ! I want your p~rodutce, eggs. chickens, etc., and wvill pay the highest market prices for same, either in cash or trade--Give me a trial and you will never regret it.. Yours for trade, John F. Harris. SPECIAL: The best parchedI and green coffees I can buy. For The Past Few Weeks Our store rooms have had somewhat the appearance of this: W P9J n o i Everything topsy, turvy, upsideC down, m)ixed1 up, ai regular toar down, change about, remodel. Making more room-bet ter room. ~OON FOR NORE DUJIEJJ . and while at this w(3 found a lot of useful articles that we don't Particularly naeod anad which you can have powerful cheap. Wehave no0w ablout compilleted all thuis dusty work au.(d will bo glad to have all our friends call inl andi see us-hut don't all come at once, You and Your F'olks Come TO-DAY Your Neighbor and his Felks TOMOllROW. Bargains on all the shelves. Tell1 thomn a bout it. ANYTIIING ! EVERYTHIING ! No trouble now to find what You want. New crop of turnip seed just in-Doni't neglect the turnip patch. Yours truly, W. T. McFALL. Do You Know Wbu1 Tlls is P4lstei? W~o are having this printed to call your attention to our August Bargain Sales in Stoves and Chinaa. A No. '7 Cook Stove 22 pieces waro at $7.fi0 each. A large Box Oven Patent bottom Stovo, 2(i pieces $18.ii0 each. (Oe lot No. 8 "Iron King" Stovos, 26 pieces at $'21.50. each. We are hueadquartoe for Stoves and Ranges amd fulfill to t ho lot ter every promise made in our ads. 75c. ON T HE 1 Will buy anay article ini a lot of ton dilferenat patternus of high grade China. Those goods at thns price aro cheaper thantu plain white goods of the same gradle. We want this sale t~o close b~y (,SEPTEMBER THE FiRST.4M WVo are therefore making these Sweoping reductions in prices that it may do so. Right now lot us say, you will loso money if y'ou buy after thia sailo closes, TERMS CARH on everything. W. H. PICKENS' SONS. North Main St. *RASLEY,'V. RC.